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Method Statement
for Installation of Doors
and Windows

页 Page

1. General Objective 总体目标 ………………………

1.1 Scope of Work 工作范围 …………………..

2. Shop drawing 店铺图纸

3. Work Procedure 工作程序

3.1. Detailed Procedure 详细程序

3.1.1. Approval of materials and shop drawings 的材料和装配图批准

3.1.2. Fabrication 制造 Fabrication in Factory 工厂制造 Protection 保护 Labeling 标签

3.1.3. Fabrication Inspection 制造检验

3.1.4. Delivery and Storage 交付和存储 Delivery 交货 Storage 存储

3.1.5. Preparation of Work 工作的筹备

3.1.6. Marking 打标

3.1.7. Confirm Opening Dimensions 确认开口尺寸

3.1.8. Installation 安装 Installation of frame to concrete wall 框架的安装到混凝土墙 Installation of Finish Hardware 安装完成硬件

3.1.9. Glazing and Sealing 上光和密封 Sealing 密封 Glazing 上釉

3.1.10 Protection and Cleaning 保护和清洁

4. Quality Control 质量控制

4.1 Inspection and Testing Plan 检验检测计划

4.2 Fabrication and Installation Inspection 制造和安装检查

5. Safety Control 安全控制

5.1 Fundamental Policy 基本方针

5.2 Key Activities 主要活动

5.3 Development and Implementation Activity 开发和实施活动

5.4 Others 其他

1. General Objective 总体目标

The purpose of this Method Statement is to describe the process of

Aluminum door and window works in compliance with all the required
specifications, standards, and proper construction procedures for the
building finishing works of the project. 本方法说明的目的是描述铝门窗工程符

1.1 Scope of work 工作范围

The scope of work are including the fabrication, delivery, and

complete installation of Aluminum doors and windows, including glazing
and finishing hardware for the buildings. 工作范围包括铝门窗的制造、交付和

2. Shop Drawing 店铺图纸

Shop drawings shall be submitted to the management for approval

of the owner by separated document for review and approval before
carrying out the works. 施工图应在施工前以单独的文件形式提交业主管理部门

3. Work Procedure 工作程序
Approval of Materials and Shop
drawings 材料和施工图审批

Fabrication 制造

Inspection 制造检

Transportation Preparation Work

of Materials 材料 准备工作

Marking 打标

Confirm Opening
Measurements 确认开口测量

Installation 安装

Glazing and
Sealing 上光和密封

Protection and
Cleaning 保护和清

3.1 Detailed Procedure 详细程序

3.1.1 Approval of Materials and Shop Drawings 材料和施工图审批

 The proposal of each materials shall be submitted to the

management for approval of the owner. 每个材料的提案应提交管理为业

 The Shop drawing for Aluminum Doors and Windows shall be

submitted to the management for approval of the owner. 铝门窗施工

3.1.2. Fabrication 制造 Fabrication in Factory 工厂制造

 High quality windows can be effectively achieved by fabricating

and assembling as many as components and possible in the factory.
This helps to minimize site assembly where quality control is more
difficult. 高质量窗口可以通过制造和组装多达组分和可能的在工厂中有效地实
现。 这有助于最大限度地减少质量控制更困难的现场组装。

 The use of mechanical tools are useful in achieving the required

fabrication tolerances. 使用机械工具是实现所需的制造公差是有用的。

 Assembly of window main frame and sash inner frame using a

crimping machine produces strong and quality joints. Sealant should
be applied to the joining edges prior to assembly for enhanced water
tightness performance. 装配窗口主框架和窗框内框架的使用压接机产生强
和质量关节。 密封剂应该组件,用于增强的水气密性能被施加到接合边缘之
前。 Protection 保护

 All exposed parts of the aluminum frame/sections must be

protected with suitable protective tapes. The tapes used should not
leave stains on the surface of the frames nor damage the frame
finishes during removal. Corrugated cardboard may be used beneath
the protective tape to give additional protection to the frame. 铝制框
架/部分的所有暴露部分必须用合适的保护胶带保护。 使用的胶带不应在框架

表面留下污渍,也不应在拆卸过程中损坏框架饰面。 可在保护胶带下方使用
瓦楞纸板为框架提供额外保护。 Labeling 标签

 All fabricated frames window sashes and glass panels should be

properly labeled for ease of identification. The frames should be
arranged in batches for delivery to site. Plant fabrication should plan
the delivery of windows in accordance with the installation schedule
to minimize storage and handling on site. 所有装配式框架窗扇和玻璃面板
都应贴上适当的标签,以便于识别。 框架应分批安排运送到现场。 工厂制造

3.1.3. Fabrication Inspection 制造检验

Before delivery, frames and leaves need to be inspected to make

sure material verification as per submitted approved sample, correct
dimension, good aluminum surface condition, etc., with ins inspection
checklist. 交货前,需要对框架和叶子进行检查,以确保材料验证符合提交的批准
样品、尺寸正确、铝表面状况良好等,并附有 ins 检验清单。

3.1.4 Delivery and Storage 交付和存储 Delivery 交货

 Before delivery, windows and their various components should be

fully protected to ensure the components remain in good condition
until they are ready for installation. 交付前,应充分保护窗户及其各种组件,

 All materials for delivery should be verified against the quantity and
batch number stated in the delivery order. All required accessories,
including friction stays, locking devices, fixing, etc., should be
delivered together with the main components. 应根据交货单中规定的数
量和批号验证所有交货材料。 所有必需的附件,包括摩擦撑杆、锁定装置、
固定装置等,应与主要部件一起交付。 Storage 存储

 Delivery materials should be carefully planned according to the

installation schedules on that only the required quantity of materials
are stored on site, where the possibility of damage is higher. 应根据安

 Components should be placed on timber bases to avoid direct
contact with the floor. Glass panels should be stored in pallets with
individual glass panel separated from one another by protective
sheets to avoid scratches and other damages. The glass panels should
also be protected from exposure to water which may result in
“rainbow” effect and jeopardize the visual properties of the glass. 组件
应放置在木材底座上,以避免与地板直接接触。 玻璃面板应存放在托盘中,
单个玻璃面板通过保护片相互隔开,以避免划伤和其他损坏。 还应防止玻璃

 In addition, the various components should be arranged according to

the installation sequence to facilitate ease of retrieval, i.e. to minimize
searching and unnecessary shifting of materials that may lead to
damages. 此外,各种部件应根据安装顺序,以便容易检索,即以最小化的

3.1.5. Preparation of work 工作的筹备

 Proper dimensional control and setting out of the wall opening are
critical in ensuring the quality of window installation. 适当的尺寸控制,

 The use of cement grout to fill up the large gaps should be avoided as
this may lead to cracks on the grout which would lead to another
seepage through the building. 应避免使用水泥浆填充大缝隙,因为这可能

3.1.6. Marking 打标

 Reference line should be set up at appropriate location to facilitate

proper alignment of the wall openings and installation of the window
frames. 参考线应设置在适当的位置,以利于墙洞的正确对齐和窗框的安装。

3.1.7. Confirm Opening Dimensions 确认开口尺寸

 Close dimensional control on wall opening should be exercised to

ensure the gap between the wall and window frame is within 5-15mm
wide. 对墙洞进行严格的尺寸控制,保证墙与窗框之间的间隙在 5-15mm 宽。

3.1.8. Installation 安装

 Window installation involves the fixing of window frame at an earlier

construction stage and subsequent installation of window sashes. This
is highly workmanship dependent process. Only trained and approved

contractors can carry out installation and retrofitting of windows. 窗口
安装涉及窗户框架的在较早的施工期和窗扇的后续安装的固定。 这是高度依
赖工艺的过程。 只有经过培训和批准的承包商才能进行窗户的安装和改造。 Installation of frame on concrete wall 帧的上混凝土墙安装

Before installation of the window frame, the following checks should be

carried out: 安装窗框前,应进行以下检查:

 Wall opening should be checked for any physical defects. Any

defects should be rectified before installation proceeds. 应检查墙壁开
口是否有任何物理缺陷。 任何缺陷都应在安装前纠正。

 Window frames should be checked for any damages. Defective

frames should be repaired or replaced prior installation. 应检查窗框是否
有任何损坏。 安装前应修理或更换有缺陷的框架。

 The window frame should be checked for plumb, levelness and

alignment. 窗框应检查垂直,水平度和对准。 Installation of Finish Hardware 安装完成硬件

 All hardware shall be installed in strict accordance with the

manufacturer’s directions. 所有硬件都应严格按照制造商的说明进行安装。

 All works shall be installed plumb and true secured with proper
fastenings so as to make all work rigid and firm. 所有的作品应安装垂直和

 After installation, all finishing hardware shall operate and function

smoothly and efficiently in strict accord with their respective expected
operating performance. 安装完成后,所有精加工硬件应严格按照各自预期

 After has been properly fitted, all exposed items such as knobs, plates,
pulls, locks, etc., shall be removed until final coat of finish has been
applied and then hardware installed. 正确安装后,所有暴露的物品,如

3.1.9. Glazing and Sealing 上光和密封

 For better quality, glazing work should, as far a possible, be carried out
by skilled installers in the factory. The gasket used should be of a
continuous length with splices made at appropriate locations for good
fitting around the corners of the glass panel. 为了获得更好的质量,上釉

工作应尽可能由熟练的工厂安装人员进行。 使用的垫圈应具有连续长度,并

 When assembling frames, ensure that gasket fits properly to the

glazing and the frames are properly aligned. 组装框架时,确保垫圈正确

 The gaps between the window frame and wall must be properly
sealed to prevent water seepage at these locations. Depending on
the size of the gap, waterproof can be used. 窗框与墙壁之间的缝隙必须
适当密封,以防止这些位置渗水。 取决于间隙的大小,防水都可以使用。 Sealant Application 密封胶应用

 Sealant could be used to seal the gap between wall and window
frame if the gap size is between 5mm-10mm. 墙体与窗框的缝隙在 5mm-
10mm 之间可用密封胶密封。

 Before the application of sealant, clean the aluminum window frame

using clean rag. The frame and wall surfaces around the gap should
be protected with masking tape to prevent the sealant from staining
these surfaces and to obtain a neat sealant joint. 使用密封胶前,用干净
的抹布清洁铝窗框。 间隙周围的框架和墙壁表面应使用遮蔽胶带保护,以防

 Backer rod should be used to achieve better compactness of the

applied sealant, to obtain a complete seal, apply sealant by pushing
the bead forward into the joint cavity. 应使用支撑杆使涂抹的密封剂更紧

 Remove the excess sealant and tool joint to achieve a smooth surface.
去除多余的密封剂和工具接头以获得光滑的表面。 Glazing 上釉

 It is recommended that glazing work for inner glass panels to be

carried out in factory, where the higher work quality can be achieved.
Where there is not possible, glazing work must be carried out on site
with proper handling and good workmanship. For fixed glass panels,
glazing usually done at site. 建议将用于内玻璃面板玻璃工作在工厂,在那
里可实现更高的工作质量来进行。 哪里有是不可能的,施釉工作一定要在现
场用正确操作和良好的做工进行。 对于固定玻璃面板,通常在现场进行上釉。

3.1.10 Protection and Cleaning 保护和清洁

 Protection should be provided top all vulnerable surfaces such as the

frames, glass panels, handles, etc. Protection of the windows starts in
the factory and should remain intact throughout the construction
process until the windows are scheduled for final cleaning and
handling over. 应在所有易受伤害的表面(例如框架、玻璃面板、把手等)

4. Quality Control 质量控制

4.1. Inspection and Testing Plan 检验检测计划

 Before start fabrication and installation, inspection and testing plan

shall be established to keep proper quality of the work in accordance
with specification and standard. ITP shall be submitted to the Engineer
for approval. 在开始制造和安装之前,应制定检查和测试计划,以保持符合
规范和标准的工作质量。 ITP 应提交工程师批准。

4.2 Fabrication and Installation Inspection 制造和安装检查

 Before deliver the materials to the site, fabrications inspection shall

be conducted and after finished installation, installation inspection
shall be conducted with witnessed by the Engineer. 之前运送物资到现场,

 Sampling and Testing. 抽样和测试。

5. Safety Control 安全控制

3.1. Fundamental Policy 基本方针

“Safety of the First Priority” “安全第一”

5.2 Key Activities 主要活动

 Implementation of Safety and Health Education. 安全与健康教育的实施。

 Prevention of Human Error and Machinery Accidents 预防人为错误和机


5.3 Development and implementation Activity 开发和实施活动

 Implementation of Safety and Health Education 安全与健康教育的实施

 Pick up hazardous factors of each work activity and always reflect
them at safety meetings. 拿起每个工作活动的危险因素,并总是反映他们

 Point out them every day at the meetings in order to let individual
worker to renovate this safety consciousness 每天在会议上指出他们,让

 Prevention of Human Error and Machinery Accidents 预防人为错误和机


 Be consistent with inspection at beginning of works, regular

maintenance of working platform, machinery tools designation of
working area. 与开工检查、工作平台的定期维护、工作区域的机械工具指定

5.4 Others 其他

 Safety signboards and barricades shall be installed around working

area if necessary. 安全标志牌和路障应安装周围如有必要,工作区。

 Security Guard should observe all passengers around the site. 保安员应


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