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Be Excellent
Party On
Don’t Forget to
Wind Your Watch

The year is 1988 and our heroes are none

other than the amazing, But thus far
unknown, [Your Band Name Here]. They aren’t
skilled, they don’t have much talent but their
music will someday save the world.

Unfortunately our heroes are about to face

one of the most challenging episodes in their
pubescent lives; passing High School History.

Their only hope is to travel back in time and

meet the very people that once made that
history come into being. With the help of a
mysterious Car Phone, they just might be able
to save their band… and someday… THE WORLD.

Game Details:

● 2-5 Players
● Time Travel and Suburbia
● All Ages
Welcome to:
San Rufus, CA

It’s 1988 and San Rufus, California is one of the

greatest places in the entire world. There’s
the mall, the Arcade and America’s favorite
waterpark, WATERLUBE!

San Rufus is more than just a suburb of Los

Angeles and Pasadena. It’s the America that
the people freezing their butts off in
Kingsland Ohio or Clearfield Delaware can
only dream of.

The homes of San Rufus are not as big as

those in the more affluent areas, but the
closer you get to the National Forest the
bigger they get.

Jedediah Smith high is one of the biggest

regional schools in the area, drawing
children from Claremont to Azusa. There is a
healthy mix of diversitiy and culture which
makes San Rufus a pretty great place to be.

Most of the parents work in one of the

neighboring cities, and most of the teens
spend their free time at the mall. It’s life, as
the Late 80’s intended.
“Beat Steady” Pic

PLAYER NAME: ______________________________________________

CHARACTER NAME: ________________________________________

AGE: _______________ HT: ________________ WT: ________________

Type: Big-Hearted Athlete_____________ A:___ P:___

Training: Sports ARe LIFE _______________ A:___ P:___

Talent: Shake the Ground_____________ A:___ P:___




“odd-Ball” Pic
Bass Guitar

PLAYER NAME: ______________________________________________

CHARACTER NAME: ________________________________________

AGE: _______________ HT: ________________ WT: ________________

Type: Misunderstood Basket Case__ A:___ P:___

Training: Lyrics are my life____________ A:___ P:___

Talent: Stick it to the man____________ A:___ P:___




“Game Master” Pic

PLAYER NAME: ______________________________________________

CHARACTER NAME: ________________________________________

AGE: _______________ HT: ________________ WT: ________________

Type: Game Oriented Brain____________ A:___ P:___

Training: Weekly D&D Game__________ A:___ P:___

Talent: Reverse Athleticism__________ A:___ P:___




“Wasted Youth” Pic
Lead Guitar

PLAYER NAME: ______________________________________________

CHARACTER NAME: ________________________________________

AGE: _______________ HT: ________________ WT: ________________

Type: Urban Legend Criminal__________ A:___ P:___

Training: Ditching Class________________ A:___ P:___

Talent: Mom’s Worst Nightmare_____ A:___ P:___




“Your Highness” Pic

PLAYER NAME: ______________________________________________

CHARACTER NAME: ________________________________________

AGE: _______________ HT: ________________ WT: ________________

Type: Diva Prince/Princess_____________ A:___ P:___

Training: Runway Ready_______________ A:___ P:___

Talent: Daddy’s Credit’s Good________ A:___ P:___





Have each pairing of players roll

1d6 together. The first number will
determine which table the second
die is applied to.

Relationship Group:
1. Familial
2. Scholastic
3. Romantic
4. Extra Curricular
5. Criminal
6. Professional
Tables - 2


1. Dude! You’re totally twins!

2. You’ve got a crush on his/her sister/brother
3. What’s up, cuz?
4. His/her sibling has a crush on you
5. Your parent’s got hitched… weird.
6. You’ve got a crush on his/her mom/dad


1. Detention makes the best friends

2. Known one another since elementary school
3. Bullied in gym class
4. Tutor/tutee
5. But you both totally passed art!
6. Always in the nurse’s office
Tables - 3


1. One of you has a crush on the other

2. You’re like, totally dating
3. You guys recently broke up… bummer
4. Mutual crush
5. Drunken hookup
6. You’ve got a crush on his/her mom/dad

Extra Curricular

1. You like… played tee-ball maybe

2. Rivals at the local arcade
3. You get high together
4. Met at the mall
5. Skateboarders
6. Parents carpooled
Tables - 4


1. One sells the other weed

2. Cutting class to smoke cigarettes
3. One of you got the other a keg for a party
4. You get high together
5. You were both arrested for something
6. Both had to go to juvie, bummer


1. Work at the movie theatre together

2. You scam middle schoolers for their money
3. One of you sold the other their old car
4. Paperboys (or girls)
5. One of you got the other fired from their job
6. Work at Orange Julius together
Message to the

Pssst! It’s not a secret, you are running a Bill

and Ted’s Excellent Adventure Game. Your
setup is the same as the movie but the
execution is up to yourself and your players.
Change the heroes, change the historical
figures and it’s a whole new Adventure!

Let your players take it where they will. Let

them bend the rules but don’t let them break
them. If they don’t pull together a killer
presentation by the end of your campaign,
they fail and the Future… is History.

we’ve included a Dial-a-time directory below

for your players to use. They may not know
who they are looking for when they go back
in time. They will only know where they are
going and when.

There is a quickstart block of text for each

location with a full scene write up later in
the module. If you don’t know a lot about
history, relax. Remind your players that their
characters don’t know that much either so
anything you get wrong is just the way
history is in this game.
Act 1: George!

Meet the band - First of all: name the band.

Once the PCs name the band Have them all
roll their lowest actives as they go through
their first practice.

Discuss the dilemma - A letter went home

to each of their parents that they are failing
history and will be held back unless they
pass. Each character’s relationship at home is
different and each parenting situation is
Unique. Not everyone is threatened with
Military School and not everyone’s stepmom
is the MILF that only graduated last year.

Meet George- A man steps out of a Delorean

complete with a time traveling Car Phone
with a unique offer.

Making a Call - You’re the GM, you choose

the first trip through time.

Don’t forget to Wind Your Watch! - The

players will only have so much time to go
back in time and pass their test. Remind them
that the game clock is always ticking and 15
minutes before game end they must present.
Act 2: Time to Go

The bulk of Act 2 will involve the players

choosing their own destinations in time and
recruiting historical figures to accompany
them on their journey.

Depending on the number of players, try to

allow them to collect at least as many
historical figures as players so that each
player can narrate their figure’s segment of
the final presentation.

The Car Phone CAN be damaged. At your

discretion, the Delorean can wind up going to
the wrong place and time, even to San Rufus,

Just as the players need to watch the clock,

so do you. Try to have the players back in
their own time with at least an hour to spare
for the 3rd act.
Act 3: Save the

Historical Figures in Modern Age - The

heroes need to keep their historical figures
under wraps until the presentation. I’m sure
nobody will suggest taking them to the mall
but almost nowhere is truly safe.

Problematic Behavior - Wherever the

heroes stash their historical figures,
something will go terribly wrong. Each
player is given a historic figure and must
achieve 1-3 of their goals.

Saving the Saviors - Our heroes will need to

extricate the historical figures

Presentation Montage - The PCs will need

to narrate a montage. Each PC will describe
the segment of the presentation by one of
the historical figures and then at the end
each will get to say a few words.

The Band’s BAck Together - End Credits sees

the band members given some rewards and
having George and potentially others join
them. They still roll their lowest Active. They
do get better… eventually.

Our heroes are about to fail their history finals

and the band might very well never make the
music that unites the world. Each hero’s parent
has a different relationship with their children.

“Beat Steady” - Your mother has been raising you

on her own for five years since your father left
and if you get left back your dad is going to sue
her for custody.

“Odd-Ball” - Your father can’t stand your

lifestyle and has long been looking for an
excuse to send your ass to Military School.

“Game Master” - Your parents are very serious

about education and you will have no time for
Rock and Roll if you fail a class. Expect lots of
private tutors.

“Wasted Youth” - You are practically begging for

an excuse for your foster parents to send you
to juvie.

“Your Highness” - Your parents won’t care if you

fail, but all your friends will be gone. It’s kinda
worse that they won’t care, anyway.
Out of Time

Rufus has come from the future to keep the

band together but if you were wondering

You see, eventually your music will help put

an end to war and poverty. It will align the
planets and bring them into universal
harmony, allowing meaningful contact with
all forms of life, from extraterrestrial beings
to common household pets. And... it's
excellent for dancing.

To help you he’s brought a Delorean with a

time traveling Car Phone that will allow our
heroes to dial anywhere in time. The
important thing to remember is that the clock
in San Rufus, there San Rufus, is always
ticking and they only have three days to get
ready for their presentation.

● Numbers Can Only be dialed once

● The Car Phone must be protected/Fixed
● Not everyone wants to be kidnapped
Dial - a - Time

● 01-225-1187 ● 01-376-9085
(Greece/1133 BC) (S. Carolina/1718)
● 00-116-6586 ● 21-699-8875
(China/495 BC) (Russia/1762)
● 96-112-6782 ● 40-836-7412
(Egypt/49 BC) (Germany/1773)
● 71-420-8007 ● 76-809-1697
(Iraq/876) (France/1777)
● 31-376-4455 ● 98-333-7539
(France/1152) (China/1808)
● 01-376-9085 ● 42-666-1198
(Mali/1324) (Maryland/1849)
● 77-447-8743 ● 47-886-4942
(România/1460) (France/1898)
● 33-135-7111 ● 08-457-1182
(France/1516) (New Jersey/1939)
● 11-657-0090 ● 14-331-9758
(England/1550) (New York/1945)
● 61-558-0023 ● 06-404-9866
(Holland/1639) (Iowa/1959)
Phone book

01-225-1187 (Greece/1133 BC)

You were expecting like… pillars and all sorts of

like… Zeus and stuff. Not a little fishing shack on
the mediterranean.

Who is this Homer fella and I wonder if he knows

anything useful about long journeys.

Either way, he’s a super old dude and he’s coming

with you, one way or another.

00-116-6586 - (China/495 BC)

Shh! Don’t be too loud or you’ll wake the wise old

Chinese man sleeping over there. I wasn’t being loud,
you were.

This guy certainly seems to have a big collection of

scrolls. Wonder what he’s been writing about.

Might be a sound strategy to get this Sun Tzu guy into

the future to help you all out.
Homer Pic


AGE: 53 HT: 5’5” WT: 157 Lbs

Type: Epic Basket Case A: 3 P: 3

Training: Verse and Meter A: 2 P: 2

Talent: Long Winded Storyteller A: 6 P: 2


● Modern Storytelling - Observe the

Spectacle of the moving picture.
● Trojan Horse - Obtain entry into the
forbidden using guile.
● Hubris - Fall victim to your own pride.


is the legendary author of the Iliad and the

Odyssey, two epic poems that are the central
works of ancient Greek literature. He is a
small wiry man with a witty disposition and
he speaks six languages… none of them are
still spoken in 1988.
Sun Tzu Pic


AGE: 49 HT: 5’0” WT: 166 Lbs

Type: Military Brain A: 1 P: 7

Training: Fine Calligraphy A: 3 P: 3

Talent: I Advise the use of fire A: 3 P: 1


● Laying Plans - Take command of group

● Waging War - Win a battle at any cost
● Attack by Fire - You know what would
make a bad situation worse?


Chinese general, military strategist, writer

and philosopher who lived in the Eastern
Zhou period of ancient China. He is credited as
the author of The Art of War, an influential
work of military strategy that has affected
Western and East Asian philosophy and
military thinking. He appears to be elderly
with a paunch being near the end of his life.
Phone book

96-112-6782 - (Egypt/49 BC)

You thought egypt was all like, sand and pyramids

but that’s definitely a boat, dude. You see like
hippos and birds and this is way more like the disney
safari than you anticipated.

Plus, there is a babetacular hottie on that boat

being fanned by all those chubby uncomfortable
looking dudes.

You think you’re probably in love...

71-420-8007 - (Iraq/876)

This palace is pretty dope but there is this crying

coming from the room down the hall. Hopefully that
beautiful girl isn’t about to be put to death by the
king or anything.

Your wacky adventure might be just the type of story

that scheherazade needs to keep the king at bay.

Plus… you think you’re in love.

Cleopatra Pic
“Miss Cleo”

CHARACTER NAME: Cleopatra VII Philopator

AGE: 20 HT: 5’2” WT: 121 Lbs

Type: Powerful Princess A: 3 P: 5

Training: The Roman Way A: 2 P: 2

Talent: By Any Means Necessary A: 4 P: 2


● Seduction - Seduce a male hero or

historical figure
● Modern Fashion - Update your wardrobe
to fit with the 80s
● Bow to the Queen - Get these modern
peons to treat you with the respect you


The last active ruler of the Ptolemaic

Kingdom of Egypt. When Ptolemy XII died in 51
BC, he was succeeded by Cleopatra and her
younger brother Ptolemy XIII as joint rulers
but the two do not get along.
Scheherezade Pic
“Sherry Baby”


AGE: 16 HT: 5’1” WT: 113 Lbs

Type: Trapped Basket Case A: 2 P: 6

Training: Master Storyteller A: 5 P: 1

Talent: Keep them Wanting A: 3 P: 1


● Catch the Eye - Men of the modern age

will be fascinated by your exotic beauty.
● Forbidden Knowledge - What wonders
await at these wondrous places called
“Book Stores”
● Women’s Lib - Modern Philosophy could
be a dangerous thing for her to learn


Betrothed to a king who had vowed to wed a

new virgin each day and behead his wife the
next. She is awaiting being taken into the
king’s chamber to be wed.
Phone book

31-376-4455 - (France/1152)

A royal castle is pretty dope and it seems like

whoever is in charge is having some sort of party. A
hot older babe is marrying a younger dude. BADASS!!!

Eleanor of Aquitaine and Henry II of england are on

the verge of sealing their union and love is in the

It’d be a shame to break apart these lovebirds but…

you gotta pass your exam.

01-376-9085 - (Mali/1324)

Okay, so this place looks pretty amazing and like no

version of Africa you’d ever seen in a National
Geographic magazine.

The Mansa Musa guy giving all the orders seems to be

a pretty great guy.

Wonder if he’d be willing to take a pilgrimage to San

Eleanor Pic

CHARACTER NAME: Aliénor d'Aquitaine

AGE: 30 HT: 5’5” WT: 147 Lbs

Type: Determined Princess A: 7 P: 1

Training: Courtly Manners A: 2 P: 2

Talent: Ageless Beauty A: 1 P: 5


● I can’t Help it - Men just fall in love with

● Antagonistic - Start arguments with
people because you must be right.
● That’s Beneath me - You are a queen and
cannot be expected to do menial work


The Duchess of Aquitaine and former queen

of france is already an old maid at thirty
years old but she has one the heart of the
young King Henry Plantagenet and the two
will soon be wed. Many think she is too old
to provide him heirs.
Henry II Pic

CHARACTER NAME: Henry Curtmantle

AGE: 19 HT: 5’9” WT: 185 Lbs

Type: Kingly Athlete A: 4 P: 2

Training: Chivalry of a sort A: 3 P: 1

Talent: Never unprepared A: 2 P: 6


● Aggressive - Your temper often gets the

better of you.
● Territorial - If you see something as
yours you own it.
● Energy - Medieval ADHD


The son of Geoffrey of Anjou and Matilda,

daughter of Henry I of England. Henry was an
energetic and sometimes ruthless ruler,
driven by a desire to restore the lands and
privileges of his grandfather Henry I. Henry
plans to marry Eleanor to expand his
holdings in France.
Musa I of Mali Pic
“The Musa Man”


AGE: 44 HT: 6’2” WT: 212 Lbs

Type: Golden Prince A: 3 P: 3

Training: Devotion to GOD A: 1 P: 3

Talent: Wealth to spare A: 4 P: 4


● Richest Man Ever - You like buying things

but your money didn’t come with you.
● Plight of People - Learning of American
Slavery would likely anger you.
● An Emperor - You will not allow anyone
to disrespect you.


The tenth Mansa, which translates to "sultan",

"conqueror", or "emperor", of the wealthy West
African Islamic Mali Empire. At the time of
Musa's rise to the throne, During his reign, Mali
may have been the largest producer of gold
in the world.
Phone book

77-447-8743 - (România/1460)

It’s pretty darn cold and if you aren’t mistaken the

forest you’ve landed in seems to be made of spears
with corpses slowly impaling themselves on them.
This isn’t one of the happier places you’ve visited
but a history presentation could do worse than to
have the original Vampire join it.

How do you catch a homicidal king with a severe

lust for blood?

33-135-7111 - (France/1516)

A small but opulent chateau in the Loire valley is a

picturesque place to be, even in the 16th century. I
wonder if anyone speaks French or, for that matter,

One of the world’s greatest artists, inventors and

philosophers is enjoying his Golden Years as a
patronized talent for the King of France.

Such a wise person should be easy to grab, right?

Vlad the Impaler Pic


AGE: 32 HT: 6’1” WT: 208 Lbs

Type: Bloodstained Criminal A: 2 P: 4

Training: Raised to Murder A: 1 P: 3

Talent: Inspires Fear A: 7 P: 1


● Vampire - Vlad is into blood… like horror

movie blood.
● Scary Man - You don’t do well with
● First Violence - Faced with a direct
challenge you will always fight.


The second son of Vlad Dracul, who became

the ruler of Wallachia in 1436. He has only
just finished a war over his country with his
cousin Vladislav and while the land is at
peace, the toll of war was great.
Leonardo Pic
“The Turtle Dude”

CHARACTER NAME: Leonardo da Vinci

AGE: 66 HT: 5’3” WT: 139 Lbs

Type: Renaissance Brain A: 1 P: 5

Training: Copying the Masters A: 2 P: 2

Talent: Master of Invention A: 5 P: 3


● Wonderous Machines - Everything is so

amazing. You need to know how it all
● Modern Style - Review and give your
opinions on what now passes as art.
● War - Seeing what modern war machines
can do is scary.


Italian polymath of the Renaissance whose

areas of interest included Art, science, math,
and more. He was recently invited to France
to join the court of Francis I where he has
enjoyed a semi-retirement..
Phone book

11-657-0090 - (England/1550)

There’s a nice building, that just might be a castle,

and it seems to be guarded by angry looking dudes
who are all in Red and Black.

Looking up into the tower you can see an absolute

redheaded babe looking out looking all sad and
longing. It’s like… totally your quest to save her
and stuff.

Besides… you think you’re in love.

61-558-0023 - (Holland/1639)

Dude, why is that dude staring at a bowl of fruit? Is

he hungry? Maybe he’s dieting for prom.

Maybe if you’re really nice to him Rembrandt will

paint an album cover for the band.

That is… if you pass the presentation.

Elizabeth I Pic
“Red Lizzie”

CHARACTER NAME: Elizabeth Tudor

AGE: 17 HT: 5’7” WT: 166 Lbs

Type: Royal Basket Case A: 1 P: 3

Training: Courtly Manners A: 2 P: 4

Talent: Dominating a Room A: 6 P: 2


● Dancing Queen - A lover of dance, You

will not hesitate to learn a new one.
● Modern garb - Let’s go dress as they do in
this … California.
● Boys… do fight - Get male heroes or
historical figures to fight for your love
and approval.


Daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn,

Elizabeth is third in line to the throne behind
her elder sister and little brother, the king.
Left in seclusion, she would love nothing
better than to experience a little adventure.
Rembrandt Pic
“Mr. Holland”

CHARACTER NAME: Rembrandt van Rijn

AGE: 56 HT: 5’6” WT: 193 Lbs

Type: Artistic Athlete A: 4 P: 2

Training: Shadow and Light A: 1 P: 3

Talent: The Secret of Impasto A: 4 P: 4


● Modern Art - The things one can do with a

computer is marvelous!
● That’s my work! - He might decide to take
what he thinks is his.
● Caricature - Some people don’t want true
accuracy in portraits.


An innovative and prolific master in three

media, he is generally considered one of the
greatest visual artists in the history of art
and the most important in Dutch art history.
He is currently dealing with a particularly
difficult affair situation.
Phone book

01-376-9085 - (S. Carolina/1718)

South Carolina is pretty sparsely populated but it

seems there’s a small plantation nestled along
the beach with a ship you think you recognize from
the pirate ride at Disney.

Our heroes have stumbled upon the home of

Edward Teach, “Blackbeard”, and if anyone might be
a help in kidnapping other historical figures… it’d be

21-699-8875 - (Russia/1762)

This palace is amazing by anyone’s standards. You

should totally film a music video here when you’re
all finished with the presentation.

Seems that there’s a lady here who isn’t very happy

with her husband.

Maybe you and your friends could make her feel a bit
better with a trip to the mall?
Edward Teach Pic


AGE: 38 HT: 5’8” WT: 187 Lbs

Type: Nautical Criminal A: 3 P: 3

Training: The Pirate Life For Me A: 2 P: 2

Talent: Inspires Fear A: 7 P: 1


● Loot - See Something and TAKE IT!!!

● Pillage - Create utter chaos in a scene.
● Plunder - Capture your well earned
rewards… at swordpoint.


An English pirate who operated around the

West Indies and the eastern coast of Britain's
North American colonies. He was a shrewd
leader who spurned the use of force, relying
instead on fear to elicit the response that he
desired from those whom he robbed.
Catherine Pic

CHARACTER NAME: Екатерина Алексеевна

AGE: 33 HT: 5’3” WT: 136 Lbs

Type: Conniving Princess A: 4 P: 4

Training: Commanding Kossacks A: 2 P: 2

Talent: Reigning in the Men A: 3 P: 3


● Rule the Men - Gain control over male

heroes or historical figures.
● Modern Shopping - Modern clothes look
great, what do you mean money?
● Betrayal - Betray other historical figures
when things go bad.


Catherine was born in Stettin, Pomerania,

Kingdom of Prussia (now Poland) as a Princess.
She was married Tsar Peter III of Russia and
became the Empress. Her marriage is not a
happy one and she plans to do something
about Peter in the near future.
Phone book

40-836-7412 - (Germany/1773)

People are all in wigs and outrageous dresses with

weird poofy pants. It’s going to be hard to fit in but
they all seem to be having a lot of fun.

The man on the piano seems to be having a great

time… or at least he’s really really drunk.

Maybe he’s famous or something?

76-809-1697 - (France/1777)

You are a little bit surprised to find yourselves in a

French Chateau and you’re fairly certain your
interrupting something.

That guy from the hundred dollar bill is totally

scoring with that french chick.

You’d hate to get in the way of that but if you don’t

nab a founding father… there is no way you are
gonna pass.
Mozart Pic

CHARACTER NAME: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

AGE: 17 HT: 5’6” WT: 161 Lbs

Type: Musical Athlete A: 4 P: 2

Training: Performing for Royals A: 1 P: 3

Talent: Prodigious Skill and Ego A: 7 P: 1


● A Little Night Music - Explore the

wonders of modern instruments.
● Viennese Fashion - Update your wardrobe
to match the 80s style.
● Party like it’s 1986 - Find an opportunity
to dance and party with the youth’s of
this modern age.


Recently engaged as a court musician in

Salzburg Wolfgang is a former child prodigy
looking to achieve greatness. Already
chafing at the confines and is looking
towards his future greatness.
Ben Franklin Pic

CHARACTER NAME: Benjamin Franklin

AGE: 71 HT: 5’7” WT: 211 Lbs

Type: Founding Basket Case A: 4 P: 2

Training: Intimate Diplomacy A: 6 P: 2

Talent: Oozing Charm A: 1 P: 3


● Electricity - Explore the wonders of

● Modern Fashions - Admire the revealing
nature of modern fashion.
● Founding Father - Review how America
has been treated by modern politics


Franklin was a leading American author,

printer, political theorist, politician,
freemason, postmaster, scientist, inventor,
humorist, civic activist, statesman, and
diplomat. He is serving as a diplomat in Paris
but is mostly seducing French women.
Phone book

98-333-7539 - (China/1808)

Dude… I think you’re on a boat. To make matters

worse, I don’t think they are speaking English. The
lady at the wheel seems to be in charge but she
seems a little distracted by the chaos and fighting
all around her.

Maybe you can trick Chang Shih into coming along

with you instead of all this nautical warfare stuff.

42-666-1198 - (Maryland/1849)

Baltimore is a bustling city but it’s easy enough to get

around. As you stroll through the park you notice a
rather somber looking gentleman sitting on a bench.

Maybe you and your fellow heroes could cheer this

mopey fella up a bit.

I bet he’d just love a trip to the 1980s.

Chang Shih Pic
“Chang Shih”


AGE: 33 HT: 4’10” WT: 89 Lbs

Type: Ruthless Criminal A: 1 P: 5

Training: Fighting Empires A: 5 P: 3

Talent: Woman Power A: 2 P: 2


● Hear me Roar - Broach no disrespect,

especially from men.
● Any Means - Fight dirty
● False Flirtations - Seduce and betray a
person of authority.


She was a pirate leader who terrorized the

China Seas during the Jiaqing Emperor period
of the Qing dynasty in the early 19th-century.
She commanded over 300 junks and entered
into conflict with the major nations, such as
the British Empire.
Edgar Allan Poe Pic
“The Raven Dude”


AGE: 40 HT: 5’3” WT: 155 Lbs

Type: Depressed Basket Case A: 3 P: 5

Training: Poetical Storytelling A: 2 P: 2

Talent: Eerie and spooky quality A: 4 P: 2


● Nevermore - You are terribly sad about

your dead wife and will bring down any
joviality you encounter.
● Cask of Amontillado - You have a taste
for drink and will indulge if possible.
● Tell-tale - Do what you do best… SCARE


American writer, editor, and literary critic. Poe

is best known for his poetry and short stories,
particularly his tales of mystery and the
Phone book

47-886-4942 - (France/1898)

THis place gives you a bad feeling… not like spooky

but kinda like… dizzy. This isn’t a safe place for a
nice lady like that Marie Curie lady to be hanging

Save her and see if she can be of any help in your

History Presentation… before you get radiation


08-457-1182 - (New Jersey/1939)

The players find themselves in Princeton, NJ in 1939. If

they look hard enough they just might come across
a fairly notable and influential Physics professor.
Albert Einstein has only recently lost his wife and is
increasingly concerned by the chances that Germany
beats the US to developing an Atom Bomb.

How does one kidnap a genius and how do kids from

the 1980s blend in during the 1930s.
Marie Curie Pic

CHARACTER NAME: Marie Skłodowska Curie

AGE: 31 HT: 5’0” WT: 144 Lbs

Type: Pioneering Brain A: 3 P: 5

Training: Scientific Research A: 4 P: 2

Talent: Radioactive A: 1 P: 3


● Curious - Your need to learn things

should lead you into trouble.
● Danger! - You are sometimes not aware of
the potential dangers of your own
● Education? - Teach these foolish
children something of science


Polish and naturalized-French physicist and

chemist who conducted pioneering research
on radioactivity. Her daughter was born a
year ago but she is already on the verge of
discovering a new element.
Albert Einstein Pic
“M.C. Squared”

CHARACTER NAME: Albert Einstein

AGE: 41 HT: 5’4” WT: 154 Lbs

Type: Genius Brain A: 4 P: 4

Training: Father of Physics A: 5 P: 1

Talent: Funny Old Man A: 1 P: 3


● Relativity - Perform an experiment using

other historic figures in the group
● Speed of Light - prove to group that
science can be dangerous
● You Look like Einstein - Be mistaken for
an actor portraying Einstein


German-born theoretical physicist who

developed the theory of relativity, one of
the two pillars of modern physics (alongside
quantum mechanics). Living out his later
years as a professor at Princeton University.
Phone book

14-331-9758 - (New York/1945)

Whoah, this place has cars and seems pretty chill.

There’s this big old house and a lady who reminds
you of your preschool teacher only she isn’t
reading a romance novel and pretending not to
smoke during nap time.

The former first lady is in residence at her family

home in upstate New York and this remarkable
woman and world leader is exactly the type of
person you need for your presentation.

06-404-9866 - (Iowa/1959)

Middle of nowhere in Iowa but somehow there’s a

concert. Clear Lake Iowa is a small town and it’s hard
to believe that such a great concert could be

With Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and “The Big Bopper”

all performing the question is who the players will
choose to bring with them.
Eleanor Pic
“Mrs. President”

CHARACTER NAME: Anna Eleanor Roosevelt

AGE: 76 HT: 5’7” WT: 181 Lbs

Type: Progressive Princess A: 2 P: 6

Training: Social Reform A: 5 P: 1

Talent: Global Unifier A: 2 P: 2


● New Deal - Explore the political climate

under Ronald Reagan, the actor?
● American Youth - Try to hang with the
American youth.
● Civil Rights - Stand up for someone else’s
Civil rights


American political figure, diplomat and

activist. She served as the First Lady of the
United States from March 4, 1933 to April 12, 1945
and as United States Delegate to the United
Nations General Assembly from 1945 to 1952.
Buddy Holly Pic

CHARACTER NAME: Charles Hardin Holley

AGE: 22 HT: 5’10” WT: 174 Lbs

Type: Rock n’ Roll Prince A: 1 P: 3

Training: Musical Innovation A: 7 P: 1

Talent: Clean Cut Cutie A: 3 P: 3


● Peggy Sue - Fall in love with a girl out of

● Everyday - Perform for a crowd
● Crickets - Try to find out what happened
to your band


American musician, singer-songwriter and

record producer who was a central and
pioneering figure of mid-1950s rock and roll.
His style was influenced by gospel music,
country music, and rhythm and blues acts,
and he performed in Lubbock with his friends
from high school.
Ritchie Valens Pic
“La Bamba”

CHARACTER NAME: Richard Steven Valenzuela

AGE: 17 HT: 5’8” WT: 188 Lbs

Type: Chicano Prince A: 6 P: 2

Training: Mariachi Spirit A: 1 P: 5

Talent: Crowds Love Me A: 2 P: 2


● Donna - Fall in love with a girl out of time

● Come on Let’s Go - Convince others to do
something juvenile and foolish.
● La Bamba - Stand up for your Mexican


Mexican American singer, songwriter, and

guitarist. A rock and roll pioneer and a
forefather of the Chicano rock movement.
An attractive young man the same age as our
The Big Bopper Pic

CHARACTER NAME: "J. P." Richardson Jr.

AGE: 28 HT: 6’3” WT: 241 Lbs

Type: Rockabilly Prince A: 2 P: 4

Training: Singer Songwriter A: 3 P: 1

Talent: Marathon Man A: 5 P: 3


● Chantilly Lace - Get a little to flirty

with the locals.
● Purple People Eater - Cause a panic in a
crowded space
● Witch Doctor - Drink or Eat something you


The Big Bopper, was an American musician,

singer and songwriter whose rockabilly look,
style, voice, and exuberant personality made
him an early rock and roll star. He is best
known for his 1958 recording of "Chantilly
Phone book

00-000-0001 - (San Rufus/5788 BC)

When the Car Phone is damaged it could send the

heroes back to stone age San Rufus. They will
need to use the historical figures and their own
expertise to somehow fix it so they can get home.

Should they fail to fix it they might be sent to the

other locked time...

99-999-9999 - (San Rufus/2688)

welcome to the future. San Rufus, California, 2688. And

I’m telling you, everything is great. The air is clean. The
water is clean. Even the dirt is clean.

If all else fails the people of this time will be able

to help our heroes fix their Car Phone but the clock in
their San Rufus keeps ticking and the presentation
isn’t far away.
The Presentation

The culmination of the game is the

history presentation. The heroes
and historical figures must give a
presentation on how what figures
from history would think of San
Rufus, California.

Each player should be assigned a

historical figure and describe
narratively what their part of the
presentation would be like. Each
player should include one
historical figure and their own hero
in their narration.

The GM will assign a number of dice

between 1-5 based upon the figure’s
actual encounters in the modern
world. The Goal to be rolled is 10 x
the number of players.

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