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Aspen Scarf
by Maria’s Blue Crayon

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Maria’s Blue Crayon © 2018

Visit me on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest!
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2 skeins Heartland yarn (Grand Canyon 101)
J/6.00mm hook
Tapestry needle

Pattern notes:

This scarf is made by crocheting a large rectangle and then sewing the edges together.

At the end of each row, make a front post double crochet into the chain.

Because of the nature of the stitches, the scarf will tend to bunch up and not be as wide
as preferred. You can either block the scarf or add more rows for it to be wider.

Abbreviations (US terms):

ch = chain, dc = double crochet, fpdc = front post double crochet

4" x 4" = 12 st x 7 rows in DC


Row 1: Ch 200, dc into 3rd ch from hook and across, turn

Row 2-9: Ch 2, FPDC in each st across, FPDC in turning chain, turn

Fasten off, leave tail for sewing up sides.

Fold large skinny rectangle in half and sew the short ends together with tapestry needle.
Weave in all ends.

Maria’s Blue Crayon © 2018

Visit me on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest!

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