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Classic Ribbed Hat

by Vanessa Bodrie

This wonderfully stretchy hat is warm and cozy and fits a wide variety of head sizes.

Yarn: Rowan Lima (84% Alpaca, 8% Merino, 8% Nylon), 2 balls

Needles: US 9 circular 16” length and US 9 double points
Notions: tapestry needle and one marker
Gauge: 20 stitches = 4” in stockinette stitch - gauge for this project isn’t too important
due to the stretchy nature of the 2x2 ribbing and the wonderful Lima yarn.

Finished Size: Teen/Adult Hat (approx. 23” circumference when stretched)

K2tog - knit two stitches together
sts - stitches

Body of Hat:
With US 9 circular needle, cast on 108 stitches. Join in the round and begin K2, P2
pattern, placing a marker at the beginning of the round. Continue this pattern until hat
measures 10” or desired finished length minus 1”).

Decrease for top:

1. K2, P1, *K2tog, K1, P1*, repeat from *to* until 1 stitch remains. Slip remaining
stitch onto left needle and K2tog.
2. Work sts as they appear.
3. K1, *K2tog, K1*, repeat from *to* until 2 sts remain, K2tog. (54 sts)
4. Transfer stitches evenly to three double pointed needles. You will have 15 sts on
each needle.
5. Work sts as they appear. 6. K2tog around. (27 sts)
7. K around.
8. K1, K2tog around. (14 sts)
9. K2tog around. (7 sts)

Cut yarn leaving 10” tail. Thread through tapestry needle and thread needle through the
remaining 7 stitches. Pull needle through to inside of hat and darn in end. Darn in tail
at the beginning of the work and you’re finished!

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