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Media and Information Literacy

First Course Project

First Course Project

The Timeline of Media Development
Create a detailed timeline of the development of media. Mark the important
events in the development of media until the current year. Provide short
descriptions and photos with the highlighted events. You may decide the
span and content of your timeline, as well as how you present it. Make sure
that the details are correct and accurate. Do not forget to cite your sources
through footnotes and a bibliography.
Rubric for checking:
Points 4 3 2 1


Uniqueness The timeline is The timeline has a The timeline The timeline is
unique and does few similar contains exactly the same as
not look like the components as components that another
others. other projects but are common in
still offers other peoples’
something new works and does not
offer anything new

Correctness All the facts used in A few of the facts Some facts used in Most of the facts
the timeline are used in the timeline the timeline has are unverified and
verified accurate has errors but crucial errors that contains errors that
and correct won’t distract the may affect the may be considered
reader from the credibility of the crucial
important details timeline

Presentation The timeline has The timeline is The timeline is The timeline
been creatively presented nicely hard to follow and attempts at
executed and shows and serves its has parts that do creativity but does
an exciting and purpose but still not serve any not work and has
fresh perspective needs work purpose too many parts that
on the topic do not serve any

Completeness All the required Most of the Only a few of the The timeline lacks
elements for the required elements required elements the important
timeline have been for the timeline for the timeline requirements
provided have been have been indicated in the
provided provided instructions


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