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 Basic  Intermediate  Advanced

Lesson Plan
Micro Lesson Video Link:

Business/Materials Lesson Objectives

ESL Cyber Listening Lab: Pizza 1.Students learn formal connections and communication
Delivery skills. 2. Students improve their speaking skill through listen
ate/pizza-delivery/ specific event dialogue passage

Warm-up and Objective Discussion

Ask students did you practice ordering food? How was it? Be prepare on be a role of caller
and receiver.

Objective Discussion:
Imagine order a food through phone, did you feel nervous? How would you describe your
main point of the story? In this lesson, we learned

Instruct and Model  R  W  L  S

Model, Infer, Elaborate Process (10 min):

1. begin warm-up activity
2. Model of Order Food (format)
T: Greeting and Introduce yourself (usually name and ask your main purpose)
B: (respond for specifics)
T: Tell the specific information that B want it for.
B: receive message
B: Thank you message
T: Thank you message
3. Student encourage to speak with partner.
4. Students will make phone call conversation with teacher. (graded)
5. Come up with specific topic you want to over, write on the note.

Guided Practice  R  W  L  S
Interactive speaking activity: Make a conversation with one peer. Students will make a
conversation with each other on the topic of phone calling: ordering food through phone. (20

Independent Practice  R  W  L  S
Teacher will evaluate student’s speaking on order food. The students will play caller position.
Student asked over three questions to teacher when order food (10 points), students asked one
question to teacher when order food (5 points), or student did not answer any of conversation.
(0 point)

Assessment  R  W  L  S
Prepare for next course topic. Emergency call

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