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UPDATE Issue 2: Tuesday 22nd March

Hello ACTIV-8ers!
What a result in Week 1! 30 stone and 6 pounds total loss is some achievement. Remember, our
overall target is 100 stone – if we can lose even half that after week 2, we’ll be half way there!
Sharilene Hurson has been playing a blinder in the Nally gym on Wednesday mornings! She runs between
group members, getting some on machines, while others are boxing, hula hooping or doing floor exercises!
Fair play to Sharilene for keeping the show on the road and the ACTIV-8ers for being so patient! Sharilene
takes classes at her own studio and can be contacted on 07760271826. She is extremely busy so if you are
thinking of what to do when ACTIV-8 ends, you might want to call her early to book a slot!

Beragh’s Shane Donnelly took his first circuits class on Wednesday and is scheduled
for 6 more sessions – like the other trainers, he has donated his time free of charge.
All participants got a thorough yet extremely enjoyable workout. Shane takes small
group sessions in his own studio in Beragh. He can be contacted on 07834765343.

Ceilidh Craic!
St. Patrick’s night in The Patrician was a most memorable occasion. There were more donkey’s shoed and
brushes broke than we thought possible! Huge thanks are extended to Anne McGlinchey who put the 80
participants through their paces and to resident leprechaun Etaoine O’Kane for keeping the craic going! 10
bonus points were awarded to the BLUE team for Brian Gormley’s outstanding brush dancing skills – it is
rumoured he is taking a Brush Dancing class later in the programme! Maeve Loughran, Nuala Owens,
Eunan Loughran, Seraphine Hughes, Aoibheann McBride, Kate Kerr and Eithne Munroe all represented
their team with great distinction! Bonus points were also awarded for attendance and the scores are as
Black - 5 Orange – 6 Green – 8 Pink – 3
Blue – 6 + 10 Yellow – 10 Red – 9 Purple – 8
Thanks to Deena, Enda, Seamie and the Hall committee for use of the hall and sorting the sound out!

Week 3 Captains! Strictly Salsa

What a great laugh Saturday night was! Kelley
Black – Seamus Collins Orange – Sean Daly
Green – Plunkett Daly Pink – Dessie McCallan Fox even supplied some healthy cocktails! Thanks
Blue – Gerard Munroe Yellow – Peter Hughes to Noelle Ellison and her very professional dance
Red – Aidan Donnelly Purple – Colin Daly partner Cathal Gormley for leading the class.
So who’s winning?
We won’t know the winner until the end as the scores are based on:
a. percentage of starting weight loss
b. activity hours
c. bonus points
Keep doing as much as you can and we’ll sort the winners at the end! As it stands, BLUE have clocked up the
most bonus points, RED have clocked up the most activity hours and GREEN have lost the biggest
percentage of starting weight (2.1%).

Ultimately, we’re all here to get

fit and lose weight no matter
what team we’re on! We’ve a
target of 1400pounds to aim for –
that’s 100stone. Maybe a One
Tonne (120stone) loss is within
our reach too? Will we go for it?

Week 1 ActivityHours
The Red team stormed
out in front in Week 1 –
80 can they sustain this
Hours 60 effort?
120 102 93 102 77 91 113 110

Only 0.9% separates all 8
Week 1 P
teams – All is not lost for
any team!

After just one week of following the ACTIV-8 programme, BLUE team member
and this weeks captain Gerard Munroe looks amazing in his dashing pink and
black shorts! Gerard looks as good now at 40, as he did when he was 18! Well done
to The General! Keep up the good work and have a great birthday!

Not to be outdone, his Mother, Patsy Munroe (former captain of the Yellow team)
also celebrated a birthday milestone this week. Patsy is a great ACTIV-8er and can
regularly be seen knocking the stuffing out of the punch bag in the gym. Despite a
little set back last week, Patsy has been clocking up her hours at the track!

The Munroe family and all your ACTIV-8 friends wish you a great birthday and a
speedy recovery!

The Mixed Badminton Club is up and

running! Each week, over 20 eager beavers
turn up (some with their own racquet) to
Did you know…?
participate in a more gentle and refined game
Walking for 50 minutes
than Carmen is usually known for! Rumour
at the track at a good
has it, The IBA (Irish Badminton
speed (12min/mile)
Association) are interested in signing up a
burned up 640 calories
few members!
for a lucky ACTIV-8er
last week! A tough Sarah McCallan has offered use of the Fat
56minute gym session Burning Machine and Toning Tables to
burned about 540 ACTIV-8 members. Organise a small group
calories – not bad and then call her on 02880761878 or
either! 07880663839 to book your slot.

Club Notes
• A date for your diary – The Legend of Luke Kelly Tribute Concert in The Patrician on the Saturday 9th
April. Tickets (£10) available from Christina McElduff or any committee member.
• Membership (£20) can be paid to Brenda McElduff on Tuesday 29th March at the weigh in. This is the final
opportunity to become a member of this fantastic club for 2011.
• Keep Saturday 7th May 2011 free for our ACTIV-8 Finale Night – we aren’t sure what the format will be yet
but sure we’ll all look great and enjoy ourselves anyway!

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