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Sreedhar’s CCE PHYSICS

 Heat is a form of energy which flows from one body to other body due to difference in
 Temperature is degree of Hotness or coldness

If “W” work is perfomed and heat produced is “H” then = J (or) W=JH
 Where “J” is a constant called mechanical equivalent of Heat. J=4.186 Joule/Calorie.

 Units of Heat
a) C.G.S. unit: : “Calorie”  Heat required to rise 1 gm of water through 1oc
b) International calorie : Heat required to raise 1g of pure water from 14.5oC to 15.5oC
 c) F.P.S Unit : B.Th.U British Thermal unit Amount of Heat required to raise the temp
of 1 pound of pure water through 1oF
1 B.Th.U = 252 calorie 1 Caloria = 4.186 Joule

1 Therm = 10 B.Th.U 1 pound calorie = 453.6 Calorie
 Measurment of temperature :

Celcius Fahrenheit Kelvin Reaumer


UFP 100oC 212oF 373 K 80oR

LFP 0oC 32oF 273 0oR

UFP = Upper Fixed Point


LFP = Lower Fixed Point

C  0 F  32 R  O K  273
Conversion   
100 180 80 100
Transmission of Heat
Takes by 3 methods
 1. Conduction : Takes place without the actual movement of particles. Heat transfer
takes place by conduction.
 2. Convection : Heat is transferred by the actual movement of particles
In liquids and gases heat transfer takes place by convecton.
Earth’s atmosphere is heated by convection
 3. Radiation : Heat transfer take place without medium.
Sun rays reach earth through radiation
 Change of state
1) Solid to Liquid is called fusion
2) Liquid to solid is called freezing
3) Vapourisation means liquid to vapour state it takes place by 2 methods
a) Evaporation - it takes place at all temperatures

Sreedhar’s CCE PHYSICS
b) Boiling - It takes place at a fixed temperature
4) Condensation - vapour to Liquid state
 Note : Evaporation causes cooling
- Boiling point of a liquid increses with the increase in pressure
- Boiling point of a liquid increases with the addition of impurities
5) Sublimation : Solid, directly into vapour
 Ex: Iodine, Camphor, Napthalene
6) Hoarfrost : Reverse of sublimation direct conversion of vapour into solid
 Latent Heat or Heat transformation

If Q heat is required to change the state of a substance of mass at constant temperature
and “L” is Latent heat then
 Q = mL

S.I unit of Latent heat is Joule/Kg
 1. Latent heat of fussion :
Heat Required to convert from solid to liquid
 2. Latent heat of vapourisation:

Amountof heat required to convert unit mass of liquid into vapour state
 Note : Latent heat of water
Latent Heat In cal/g J/kg
of fusion 80 336x103

of vapourisation 540 2256X103

 Relative humidity
is the ratio of Amount of water vapour present in a given volume of atmospher to the
amount of water vapour required to saturate the same volume at same temperature.
 Relative humidity is measured by “Hygrometer”.

Relative humidity increases with the increase of temperature.


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