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September, 2019

Standard Action Performance/Evidence Descriptors

Domain 1.0: Administration and Management

1.1 Planning, organization and operation
Assists in the Took steps to ensure 4
Promotes shared Designs and initiates opportunities for staff and stakeholders to capture, understand and
development and that staff and other
vision and mission share the overall vision and mandate of the school programmes all of the time (4)
application of the stakeholders knew and
for the school
processes, understood the vision, Designs and initiates opportunities for staff and stakeholders to capture, understand and
procedures, mission, goals, strategy share the overall vision and mandate of the school programmes most of the time (3)
structures and and expected outcomes
products to focus the of the school Designs and initiates opportunities for staff and stakeholders to capture, understand and
operations of the programmes share the overall vision and mandate of the school programmes some of the time (2)
school on ensuring Designs and initiates opportunities for staff and stakeholders to capture, understand and
attainment of share the overall vision and mandate of the school programmes a few times (1)
standards and high
levels of learning for Designs and initiates opportunities for staff and stakeholders to capture, understand and
all student share the overall vision and mandate of the school programmes none of the time (0)

Staff and other 3

Promotes linkages Converts the national goals for education into action in the school programme to attain the
stakeholders were able
between the school standards and high levels of learning for all students all of the time (3)
to link the school
programmes and
programmes to the Converts the national goals for education into action in the school programme to attain the
the national goals
national goals for standards and high levels of learning for all students some of the time (2)
for education
Standard Action Performance/Evidence Descriptors

Converts the national goals for education into action in the school programme to attain the
standards and high levels of learning for all students a few times (1)

Converts the national goals for education into action in the school programme to attain the
standards and high levels of learning for all students none of the time (0)

Sources of evidence: Approved School Improvement Plan; reports showing stakeholders’ (e.g. PTA, business
community) involvement – staff meeting records; lesson plans; interviews with staff; various information channels
for staff.
Collects, analyses 5
Analysed and discussed Implements an effective student performance analysis framework that uses a range of
and uses up-to-date student performance
data management methods and observation to inform decisions and chart educational
school data to data and utilized outcomes all of the time (5)
inform critical feedback to inform
decisions decisions - A data Implements an effective student performance analysis framework that uses a range of
data management methods and observation to inform decisions and chart educational
driven approach adopted outcomes some of the time (3-4)
to increase educational
outcomes Implements an effective student performance analysis framework that uses a range of
data management methods and observation to inform decisions and chart educational
outcomes a few times (1-2)

Implements an effective student performance analysis framework that uses a range of

data management methods and observation to inform decisions and chart educational
outcomes none of the time (0)

Sources of evidence: Data analyses reports on various areas of cognitive and non-cognitive student performance,
teacher lesson plans and evaluation, attendance records, mark books, feedback and action, meeting reports
Leads change Identified areas for 4
through a process in change in programmes Manages areas for change and leads innovation to ensure sustainability of school
which the need for and negotiated/ to programmes and enables goals and intentions to be realised all of the time (4)
change is identified realise the desired
Standard Action Performance/Evidence Descriptors

and change is made results. Plans for change Manages areas for change and leads innovation to ensure sustainability of school
and sustained for implemented. programmes and enables goals and intentions to be realised most of the time (3)
Manages areas for change and leads innovation to ensure sustainability of school
improvements programmes and enables goals and intentions to be realised some of the time (2)

Manages areas for change and leads innovation to ensure sustainability of school
programmes and enables goals and intentions to be realised a few times (1)

Manages areas for change and leads innovation to ensure sustainability of school
programmes and enables goals and intentions to be realised none of the time (0)

Sources of evidence: Samples of written communication (meeting reports, memos, departmental reports), evidence of
change in the school environment
Evaluates and recommends the deployment of staff based on areas of strength and school
programme alignment all of the time (4)
Enables strategic
Evaluates and recommends the deployment of staff based on areas of strength and school
deployment of programme alignment most of the time (3)
teaching staff to
effect maximum Evaluates and recommends the deployment of staff based on areas of strength and school
returns from Negotiated to deploy programme alignment some of the time (2)
teaching and staff in their areas of
strengths and according Evaluates and recommends the deployment of staff based on areas of strength and school
learning programme alignment a few times (1)
to programme needs.
Evaluates and recommends the deployment of staff based on areas of strength and school
programme alignment none of the time (0)
Sources of evidence: Teaching deployment record: Staff Appraisals; teachers’ academic records
Standard Action Performance/Evidence Descriptors

Prepares and disseminates unit plans and ensures that staff members have corresponding
action plans all of the time (5)

Prepares and disseminates unit plans and ensures that staff members have corresponding
Prepares Unit/ action plans some of the time (3-4)
Grade plans an
corresponding Prepares and disseminates unit plans and ensures that staff members have corresponding
work plans for each action plans a few times (1-2)
staff Ensured that Unit plans Prepares and disseminates unit plans and ensures that staff members have corresponding
were prepared and all action plans none of the time (0)
staff members have
action plans
Sources of evidence: Staff action plans; periodic assessment of job
descriptions. Assessment of staff deployment, memo or meeting report on deployment of staff
Supports new staff through the implementation of an effective mentoring programme to
build competency and enhance performance all of the time (5)
Assures orientation
and mentorship of Implemented an Supports new staff through the implementation of an effective mentoring programme to
new staff to build effective and enriching build competency and enhance performance some of the time (3-4)
competency and mentorship programme
confidence in his or according to MoEY&I Supports new staff through the implementation of an effective mentoring programme to
build competency and enhance performance a few times (1-2)
her performance as requirements
a teacher Supports new staff through the implementation of an effective mentoring programme to
build competency and enhance performance none of the time (0)

Sources of evidence: Mentorship programme reports (Data on new teachers, corresponding mentors. Appraisal
reports for Beginning Teachers, mentorship training and orientation).
Standard Action Performance/Evidence Descriptors

Domain 1.0: Administration and Management

1.2 Professional Capacity Building
Provides Implemented an 10
Assures professional Designed and established an effective ongoing professional learning community focused on
opportunities for effective professional
learning as the building capacity and ensuring staff professional development in collaborative settings
on-going development strategy:
means by which all of the time (10)
professional -Identified strengths
employees acquire,
development to and weaknesses of the Designed and established an effective ongoing professional learning community focused on
enhance and refine
advance and staff building capacity and ensuring staff professional development in collaborative settings
the knowledge, most of the time (7-9)
skills, and
competence and - Enabled staff to
commitment Designed and established an effective ongoing professional learning community focused on
professional participate in relevant building capacity and ensuring staff professional development in collaborative settings
necessary to enable
standards professional some of the time (4-6)
high levels of
development activities
learning for all Designed and established an effective ongoing professional learning community focused on
Uses assessment of
students. building capacity and ensuring staff professional development in collaborative settings
competence to - Kept up-to-date
a few times (1-3)
sustain improved records of staff
performance development Designed and established an effective ongoing professional learning community focused on
building capacity and ensuring staff professional development in collaborative settings
Ensures in-service -Enabled opportunities none of the time (0)
training for all for peer collaboration
categories of staff
and assures
opportunities for
peer collaboration
to improve teaching
and learning
Standard Action Performance/Evidence Descriptors

Source of evidences: Staff Development Strategy document, Records of Staff Development e.g.( register, memos,
letters, circulars, time table, lesson plan, training topics, attendance at QEC session), Staff Training Reports,
Records of staff needs identified through student performance
Domain 2.0 Instructional leadership
2.1 Curriculum
A system for Collaborates with Adapted curriculum and 10
managing and departments to sequenced learning Devises and manages systems for curriculum implementation and understanding through
facilitating student adapt and sequence experiences to meet the collaborative planning and peer support and exchange all of the time (10)
achievement and the curriculum to needs of children Devises and manages systems for curriculum implementation and understanding through
learning based on meet the learning (grade-based scope and collaborative planning and peer support and exchange most of the time (7-9)
content and needs of students Sequence and up-to-date
performance Ensures that curriculum instructions). Devises and manages systems for curriculum implementation and understanding through
standards. teachers and A system is in place for collaborative planning and peer support and exchange some of the time (4-6)
students understand common planning, peer Devises and manages systems for curriculum implementation and understanding through
the curriculum support and exchange to collaborative planning and peer support and exchange a few times (1-3)
goals. -Parents are facilitate learning
aware of their role Devises and manages systems for curriculum implementation and understanding through
in achieving collaborative planning and peer support and exchange none of the time (0)
curriculum goals
-Creates space for
planning for
implementation and
reinforcement of
Standard Action Performance/Evidence Descriptors

Sources of evidence: Space identified for common planning time: Samples of course outline developed for parents
and Students(School information package): Signed parents’ contracts: Systematic curriculum implementation and
monitoring approach: SIP, reports on grade/departmental meetings
School Leadership Domain: 2.0 Instructional leadership
2.2 Teaching, learning and assessment
A system for Collaborate with 6
designing and departments to set Set and facilitated Facilitates and evaluates established targets for high expectations for all students across the
high expectations realization of high 6 full range of abilities through collaborative planning all of the time (6)
teaching and that are consistently expectations for all Facilitates and evaluates established targets for high expectations for all students across the
learning- assessment evident for all learners-recognized full range of abilities through collaborative planning most of the time (4-5)
tasks and activities learners, with students of
to ensure that all teachers and of different learning Facilitates and evaluates established targets for high expectations for all students across the
students playing an abilities and interests full range of abilities through collaborative planning some of the time (2-3)
students achieve
proficiency. active role in and advised on their Facilitates and evaluates established targets for high expectations for all students across the
setting personal education accordingly full range of abilities through collaborative planning a few times (1)
learning goals, and
monitoring their Facilitates and evaluates established targets for high expectations for all students across the
own progress based full range of abilities through collaborative planning none of the time (0)
on clear evaluative
Sources of evidence: Samples of students’ Individual Education Plan(IEP)/Career Development Plan (CDP where
relevant): Strategic plan to address students with special needs (both high and low level performers): Records
showing that diverse learning needs were met (Student achievements/performance matrix)
Facilitates the Fosters the use of higher order learning among teachers through meaningful and
development Ensured that teachers
participatory learning experiences all of the time (5)
of teachers’ ability engage students in
to higher order learning Fosters the use of higher order learning among teachers through meaningful and
through meaningful participatory learning experiences some of the time (3-4)
Standard Action Performance/Evidence Descriptors

engage students in and participatory

work that requires learning experiences Fosters the use of higher order learning among teachers through meaningful and
participatory learning experiences a few times (1-2)
higher-order (attention to 5Es and
reasoning and 4Cs is set out in the Fosters the use of higher order learning among teachers through meaningful and
investigation. National Standards participatory learning experiences none of the time (0)
Sources of evidence: lesson plan (Project approach, STEM, or STEAM experimentation): Student outcomes
achieved were consistent with capabilities (student work)
Managed improved 5
Assessment – Has in place a
students’ Devises and manages a comprehensive student tracking system for teachers to use in
Managing and cohesive and optimizing student learning, applying intervention strategies and taking corrective action
performance through
analysing comprehensive all of the time (5)
data tracking
performance data to system to ensure
system. Made Devises and manages a comprehensive student tracking system for teachers to use in
identify patterns of that all teachers use
interventions to ensure optimizing student learning, applying intervention strategies and taking corrective action
achievement and assessment data to some of the time (3-4)
optimal learning for
Under achievement design and adjust
groups at risk- poor
enabling design and instruction to Devises and manages a comprehensive student tracking system for teachers to use in
performing boys and optimizing student learning, applying intervention strategies and taking corrective action
implement maximise student
girls, students in a few times (1-2)
appropriate achievement
extreme poverty, and
instructional students with disabilities Devises and manages a comprehensive student tracking system for teachers to use in
interventions. optimizing student learning, applying intervention strategies and taking corrective action
none of the time (0)

Sources of evidence: report showing how schools use the data: implementation and monitoring of Intervention Plans:
Students data tracking system(grades charts graphs)
Requires that a Ensured implementation 4
Monitors the consistent and balanced use of diverse assessment techniques by teachers
variety of effective of diverse
all of the time (4)
and balanced assessment strategies
Standard Action Performance/Evidence Descriptors

assessment Monitors the consistent and balanced use of diverse assessment techniques by teachers
techniques are most of the time (3)
routinely and Monitors the consistent and balanced use of diverse assessment techniques by teachers
systematically some of the time (2)
implemented by
teachers as part of Monitors the consistent and balanced use of diverse assessment techniques by teachers
a few times (1)
an assessment
strategy Monitors the consistent and balanced use of diverse assessment techniques by teachers
none of the time (0)

Sources of evidence: Records of professional development in

assessment: records to indicate monitoring assessment techniques
School leadership Domain - 2.0 Instructional leadership
2.3 Evaluation
Evaluation of the
Utilises a variety Undertook /coordinated 10
of evaluative tools Ensures accountability by coordinating and applying a variety of evaluative tools to appraise
performance of all formative and teachers and incorporates feedback from students and peers in teacher appraisals all of the
to provide feedback summative appraisal of time (10)
staff and students in
measures to enable teachers
the learning
accountability for Ensures accountability by coordinating and applying a variety of evaluative tools to appraise
environment. teachers and incorporates feedback from students and peers in teacher appraisals most of the
all participants Ensured feedback from
engaged in the time (7-9)
Utilising summative students and peers in
educational process teacher appraisal Ensures accountability by coordinating and applying a variety of evaluative tools to appraise
and formative
evaluation measures teachers and incorporates feedback from students and peers in teacher appraisals some of
the times (4-6)
to manage and
improve learning Ensures accountability by coordinating and applying a variety of evaluative tools to appraise
outcomes. teachers and incorporates feedback from students and peers in teacher appraisals a few
times (1-3)
Standard Action Performance/Evidence Descriptors

Ensures accountability by coordinating and applying a variety of evaluative tools to appraise

teachers and incorporates feedback from students and peers in teacher appraisals none of the
time (0)

Sources: Schedule of appraisals: Achievement matrix: Incidence reports and log books: Guidance counsellors
report: Evidence of participation of stakeholders in the appraisal of teachers Decisions/changes made based on
School leadership Domain: 3.0 Enabling Environment for Learning
3.1 Use of information communication and technology (ICT) and other teaching and learning resources
Planning and Creates and Advocates, utilizes and makes provision for the integration of technological and electronic
Enabled the effective
implementing the articulates a clear tools to improve teaching and learning outcomes all of the time (9)
use of ICT and other
integration of vision of
teaching and learning Advocates, utilizes and makes provision for the integration of technological and electronic
technological and technology
resources to improve tools to improve teaching and learning outcomes most of the time (6-8)
electronic tools in integration for the
teaching and learning
teaching, learning, school community. Advocates, utilizes and makes provision for the integration of technological and electronic
management, tools to improve teaching and learning outcomes some of the time (3-5)
research and Advocates and uses
Communication ICT and other Advocates, utilizes and makes provision for the integration of technological and electronic
responsibilities. teaching and tools to improve teaching and learning outcomes a few times (1-2)
Management of learning resources Advocates, utilizes and makes provision for the integration of technological and electronic
library and to improve student tools to improve teaching and learning outcomes none of the time (0)
textbooks to ensure outcomes.
access and effective
Standard Action Performance/Evidence Descriptors

Sources: School ICT Policy: ICT equipment record of usage: Lesson plans: Lab time table : Equipment inventory:
Maintenance record: examples of student work:: Evidence that the use of ICT is monitored: records of ICT
professional development: Records of management and use of Textbooks and other resources
School leadership Domain 3.0: Enabling Environment for Learning
3.2 School Culture
Norms, values, Establishes the Satisfied customers 5
standards and school as a caring within the context of the Develops and maintains structures for the welfare of students and staff to support high
practices associated institution performance of students student performance and school-wide development all of the time (5)
with the school as a and the expectations of Develops and maintains structures for the welfare of students and staff to support high
learning community Develops and the school student performance and school-wide development some of the time (3-4)
committed to maintains students
ensuring student and staff welfare Develops and maintains structures for the welfare of students and staff to support high
achievement and programmes student performance and school-wide development a few times (1-2)
organizational Develops and maintains structures for the welfare of students and staff to support high
productivity student performance and school-wide development none of the time (0)

Sources of evidence: School community programmes and projects: Minutes of PTA meetings: Boards minutes:
Surveys (students, parents, community etc.
3.2.1 Communication
Develops and Develops and 3
Introduced strategies to Creates and maintains strategies that embrace inclusion and foster effective communication
implements a implements an maintain high levels of all of the time (3)
communication effective customer satisfaction:
strategy that creates communication Creates and maintains strategies that embrace inclusion and foster effective communication
confidence and strategy some of the time (2)
trust among staff,
Creates and maintains strategies that embrace inclusion and foster effective communication
student and
a few times (1)
Standard Action Performance/Evidence Descriptors

Creates and maintains strategies that embrace inclusion and foster effective communication
none of the time (0)

Sources of evidence: Monthly Staff meetings: rules and regulations shared and understood: production of
brochures: newsletters: up-to- date bulletin board –electronic and /or manual: Electronic networking among the
staff and guardians (email, SMS)
Introduced strategies to 3
Enables a customer Implements strategies that help build a culture of customer satisfaction to create an ethos of
maintain high levels of
service oriented respect, value and purpose all of the time (3)
customer satisfaction
environment in Implements strategies that help build a culture of customer satisfaction to create an ethos of
which the clientele respect, value and purpose some of the time (2)
feels a sense of Implements strategies that help build a culture of customer satisfaction to create an ethos of
respect, value and respect, value and purpose a few times (1)
Implements strategies that help build a culture of customer satisfaction to create an ethos of
respect, value and purpose none of the time (0)

Sources of evidence: Interviews (Student, Parents, Teachers): Physical observation (suggestion box, space)
School leadership Domain: 3.0 Enabling Environment for Learning
3.2.2 Awards for Excellence
Recognition and Recognizes and
Introduced and Develops and maintains effective performance incentive and rewards programme that are
award for achieving rewards excellence
maintained a system of responsive to recognizing excellence and challenging underperformance all of the time (4)
excellence is an
recognition of
excellence, awards and Develops and maintains effective performance incentive and rewards programme that are
motivating force
promotions responsive to recognizing excellence and challenging underperformance most of the time (3)
Standard Action Performance/Evidence Descriptors

Develops and maintains effective performance incentive and rewards programme that are
responsive to recognizing excellence and challenging underperformance some of the time (2)

Develops and maintains effective performance incentive and rewards programme that are
responsive to recognizing excellence and challenging underperformance a few times (1)

Develops and maintains effective performance incentive and rewards programme that are
responsive to recognizing excellence and challenging underperformance none of the time (0)

Sources of evidence: Performance guidelines(criteria, selection process, types of awards): Performance

,management System: Meeting Minutes: Brochures; awards committee
School leadership Domain 3.0: Enabling Environment for Learning
3.2.3 Community engagement and mobilization
All stakeholders 6
The school as a Builds partnerships with the local community and engage external stakeholders to fulfil the
know and Actively engaged
Community of vision and mission of the school, contributing to its success and overall student development
understand the community members to all of the time (6)
learning involves
vision and achieve planned school
parents, and
mission of the outcomes. Identified and Builds partnerships with the local community and engage external stakeholders to fulfil the
members as active school. enabled utilization of vision and mission of the school, contributing to its success and overall student development
country resources to most of the time (4-5)
Reinforces improve learning
Builds partnerships with the local community and engage external stakeholders to fulfil the
continuous outcomes. vision and mission of the school, contributing to its success and overall student development
Enable community
improvement some of the time (2-3)
collaboration to help
through active and
the school achieve
sustained Builds partnerships with the local community and engage external stakeholders to fulfil the
its continuous vision and mission of the school, contributing to its success and overall student development
involvement of
improvement targets a few times (1)
and short- and long-
stakeholders Builds partnerships with the local community and engage external stakeholders to fulfil the
term goals.
vision and mission of the school, contributing to its success and overall student development
Standard Action Performance/Evidence Descriptors

none of the time (0)

Sources of evidence: SIP; community support (projects, scholarships);records of school community events
Domain: 4.0 Personal attributes and development
4.1 Ethical behaviour and professional conduct and development
Acts with integrity, Acts with fairness Provided fair Manages the school’s human, physical and financial resources with sound judgment and
fairness in all issues professional judgement integrity to improve student outcomes all of the time (9)
and honesty in concerning teaching Demonstrated sensitivity
personal conduct and non-teaching in challenging situations Manages the school’s human, physical and financial resources with sound judgment and
and all aspects of staff, students and Managed school
integrity to improve student outcomes most of the time (6-8)
carrying out the other stakeholders resources to Manages the school’s human, physical and financial resources with sound judgment and
responsibility of advance/improve integrity to improve student outcomes some of the time (3-5)
a vice- principal. Honesty in dealing learning outcomes
with resources Manages the school’s human, physical and financial resources with sound judgment and
entrusted to the integrity to improve student outcomes a few times (1-2)
Manages the school’s human, physical and financial resources with sound judgment and
integrity to improve student outcomes none of the time (0)

Sources of evidence: staff appeals; audit reports; Incident reports; Board Minutes; (refer to section 1.4 financial
management); Log book; Memoranda; Procedures being followed; disciplinary committee and report
Keeps abreast of Models Modelled the 5
experiences and professional characteristics of an Sets and models professional standards of behaviour and attendance all of the time (5)
developments in behaviour excellent professional
Sets and models professional standards of behaviour and attendance some of the time (3-4)
school leadership
Sets and models professional standards of behaviour and attendance a few times (1-2)

Sets and models professional standards of behaviour and attendance none of the time (0)
Standard Action Performance/Evidence Descriptors

Sets personal 6
Undertook professional Undertakes professional development programmes for personal growth and advancement
targets for development for all of the time (6)
professional personal
development growth and Undertakes professional development programmes for personal growth and advancement
most of the time (4-5)
Undertakes professional development programmes for personal growth and advancement
some of the time (3-4)

Undertakes professional development programmes for personal growth and advancement a

few times (1)

Undertakes professional development programmes for personal growth and advancement

none of the time (0)
Sources of evidence: records of professional development Training, official meetings , community service

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