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Epic of Iliad

1. Achilles - Achilles was a hero of the

Trojan War, the greatest of all the Greek

warriors, and is the central character of

Homer's lliad. He was the son of the

Nereid Thetis a sea goddess and Peleus,

king of Phthia Achilles, a mortal as

depicted in Homer's The Iliad he is a

demigod thought to be invincible. Achilles

is a demigod with magical armor,

invincible but still not perfected because

of his heel which is Achilles' weakness.

Achilles died in lliad after the breach of

the walls of Troy and after the death of

Hector. In this epic, it stated that Achilles

ashes were put in the same urn as

Patroclus. Achilles show a lot of emotion

in the Epic.

2. Patroclus - In lliad, Patroclus is the best

friend of Achilles and Achilles shares his

deepest thoughts and concerns but

sımilarly to the movie, he wore Achilles

armor and led the Myrmidons to fight

against Trojan. The death of Patroclus in

Homer's "The lliad" sets off a chain

reaction of further violence.

3. Menelaus - Menelaus was the king

of Sparta, the husband of Helen. He was

one of the main characters involved in

the Trojan War. In lliad, he died when

Athena, the goddess influenced Pandarus

a Trojan to shoot his arrow that struck

and killed Menelaus.

4. Aeneas - In lliad, was a Trojan hero in

Greek mythology one of theprince Anchises and thevgoddess Aphrodite. Hev was next to Hector in
strength. He was the leader ofthe Trojan Dardanians, and the main lieutenant of Hector. Aphrodite
protected him throughout the war, and was also helped by Apollo, and even Poseidon who normally
favoured the Greeks. Aeneas was the Trojan who survived the Trojan war.

5. King Priam - In lliad, he is the King of

Troy and a loving the father of Hector,

Paris, Deiphobus and Polyxena. He is a

dedicated worshiper and believer of gods

and goddess especially the god, Apollo In

the epic, he was killed by Pyrrhus, the son

of Achilles.

6. Paris - In Iliad, Paris was the son of

King Priam and Queen Hecuba and

of Troy, who eloped with Helen, queen

of Sparta, thus causing the events that

led to the Trojan War. Zeus tried to be

abstain woth deciding who will be pick

with the Golden apple so he decided Paris

to decide. Then he choose Aphrodite who

promised him to give him the most

beautiful woman. Paris killed Achilles

with his bow and arrow despite of his cowardness and being unskilled on battles.

7. Helen - In lliad, Helen was the daughter

of Zeus and Leda, although her putative

father was Tyndareus. A twin sister

of Clytemnestra, she also had the twin

brothers Castor and Pollux, also known

as the Dioscuri. She was considered to be

the most beautiful woman in the known

world. Helen fell in love with Paris.

8. Andromache - Andromache in the Ilhad

is the same with the description of

character as to the movie, Troy because

she was the wife of Prınce Hector and

they had a son, named Astynax.

9. Astynax - In the lliad, he was the son of

Hector, Prince of Troy who was brought

to death when Greeks threw him in the

Towering walls of Troy that led the end of

the lliad being him as the final sacrifice of


10. Hector - In lliad, Hector was a prince

of Troy of King Priam and son. Queen Hecuba His wife was Andromache and they had a son,
Scamandrius or Astyanax. Hector was considered the greatest warrior of Troy.

but he did not approve of the war that had

started between the Greeks and the

Trojans During the Trojan War, he was

the leader of the Trojan army Hector was

a good leader, a son and a brother. He

died because of Achilles during their

battle rooting from the death of Patroclus.

11. Agammemnon In Iliad,

Agammemnon was the King of Mycenae

and leader of the Achaean army Like

Achilles, he lacks consideration and

forethought. Most saliently, his tactless

appropriation of Achilles' war prize, the

maiden Briseis, creates a crisis for the

Achaeans, when Achilles insulted, withdraws from the war.

12 Briseis - In lliad, She is the war prize of

Achilles When Agamemnon is forced to

return Chryseis to her father, Agammemnon

appropriates her as compensation, sparking Achilles great rage.

13. Thetis - In lliad, She is the mother of

Achilles, a sea nymph She is a staunch

advocate of her son in his quarrel with

Agamemnon and does all she can to help

him, but she is not otherwise involved in

the war.

14. Ajax - In lliad, Ajax was a hero, a son

of King Telamon of Salamis

and Periboea He played a pivotal role in the

myth of the Trojan War. He is also known

as Telamonian Ajax, Greater Ajax, or Ajax

the Great, to be distinguished

from Ajax the Lesser, son of Oileus. He is

described as fearless and strong Yet,

upon the death of Achilles whom he

honours. He struggled with Odysseus

who will wear the armor of Achilles

During the competition, Ajax said that he

should receive it for all of the great deeds

that he performed during the war and

Odysseus, better skilled at speaking,.

managed to convince the Greeks and was

offered the armour. Ajax, angry at what

had happened, deliberately fell on his own

sword and died He was buried and not

placed on a pyre and put inside an urn

because it was believed that he committed suicide.

Troy (2004)

1. Achilles - Achilles in

the movie adaptation, Troy, Achilles is portrayed as a hot-blooded and known to be the greatest warrior
or a masterful warrior in

his time. Achilles is also a man who is

spiteful of the gods and always driven to

achieve glory in every war. He does not

care on people he killed and will kill in

times of war moreover, when he is the

one or his family is being aggravated just

like what he did to Hector who killed

Patroclus. Clearly, a sign of vengeance

for the death of his young cousin, Patroclus. Achilles' death was same with the lliad which happened
after the death

of Hector which was also based from an

oracle her mother always say. Achilles

body in the movie was burned in a pyre of

woods to give honor of his death. Achilles

shows no sympathy in the Movie.

2. Patroclus - In the movie, Patroclus is

the cousin of Achilles and his companion

and they were inseparable. The great

Achilles trained and has been teaching

Patroclus how to fight when the right time

comes. But Patroclus disobeyed Achilles

and wore Achilles' armor and led the

Myrmidons to fight at the time Trojans

attack the Greeks at night. This was when

Patroclus and Hector had a fight and he

was defeated by Hector. Hector mistakenly believed that it was Achilles whom he was fighting. The
death of Patroclus led Achilles to continue to fight the Trojans and eagerly wanted to kill Hector for
vengeance for the death of his young cousin, Patroclus.

3. Menelaus · In the movie Troy, upon

knowing that Helen was gone and she

was with Paris, Menelaus called all the

kings of Greece to battle with the Trojan.

Menelaus died after his duel with Paris.

Upon surrendering of Paris to Menelaus,

Menelaus was very near to Hector so it

with his sword and struck him in front.

Hector trying to protect his brother, Paris

that is why the death of Menelaus also

became the spark of the Greeks and

Trojan war.

4. Aneneas - In the movie, Aeneas is a

citizen of Troy whom Paris gave his

sword at the time of their escape during

the attack of Greek at night this sword

was given by his father, King Priam. This

sword will guide and rule the Trojans still

Iive and find new home even most of the

Trojans died.

5. King Priam - In the movie, King Priam

the King of Troy that leads the Trojans

and keep the peace between Greece for a

very long time. He is a loving father and a

protector to his children also a man of

honour to his citizen. He also begged

Achilles to return the dead body of his

son Hector as a sign of respect. King

Priam was killed by Agammemnon in the

movie during the deceptive attack of

Greece that breached the walls of Troy.

6. Paris - In the movie, Paris was the

brother of Hector and they believed that

Paris will start a war. It became true when

he had fallen to Helen, the wife of

Menelaus and they travelled back to Troy.

This event drove Menelaus mad and call

out for a war. Paris in the movie was also

unskilled in battles and known for his

cowardness but at the end of the movie

he was able to kill and shot an arrow to

Achilles directly to Achilles' heel that led

Achilles to death Paris in the movie was

not killed and be able to escape with

Briseis and other Trojans.

7. Helen - In the movie, spike the start of

the heat between the Greek kıng, king of

Sparta, Menelaus and the Trojans

because of Paris who abducted Helen

which was the wife of Menelaus. She

joined and went back to Troy together

with Hector and Paris and later known to

be Helen of Troy.

8 Andromache - Andromache in the

movie was the wife of Prince of Troy,

Hector and had their son Astynax who

was as handsome as his father

Andromache escaped together with her

son and other Trojans through secret

passage Hector tod her it happened

during the attack of Greeks inside Troy.

She is a loving wife and mother to her


9. Asrynax - Astynax themovie

in however, made the escape together with her mother Andromache They pass

through the passage during the attack of


10. Hector in the movie, Hector was

really a good leader, a loving son to his

father King Priam and to his brother,

Paris. Hector really have honor to women

especially to his wife, Andromache and

very loyal to his country and people of

Troy to the point that he is willing to die

fighting for Troy In the movie, it is the

same with the epic that he was killed and

carried by the chariot of Achilles because

of killing Patroclus.

11. Agammemnon - In the movie,

Agammemnon was the King of Mycenae

and the leader of the Trojan War. He is

arguably courageous, but it is his

arrogance and over confidence that

cause him misfortune and eventually lead

to his death.

12. Briseis - In the movie, she lies at the

heart of a dispute between Achilles and


13. Thetis - In the movie, Thetis is a sea

nymph and mother of Achilles.

She decide Achilles to be an immortal by

dippıng him in the sacred river in the


14. Ajax - In the movie, Ajax was so fearless and very strong tall Greek warrior who was a close friend of
Achilles He fights for Greeks and for his country. Upon the battlefield where Hector saw him fearlessly
killing Trojans, Hector battled with him and even Hector struggled fighting Ajax still. Hector defeated

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