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II. Direction: Encircle the letter of your choice.

_________ 1. Which of the following refers to the _________10.Which of the following refers to the
human workforce involved in the manufacture of manufacturing equipment used in the production of
products? goods or delivery of services?

A. Materials B. Method C. Machine D. Manpower A. Machine B. Manpower C. Method D. Materials

_________2. The 4M’s of production are as follows _________11. It refers to the process or technique of
except ONE. converting raw materials to finished products.

A. Management B. Manpower C. Method D. Machine A. Machine B. Manpower C. Method D. Materials

_________3. Which of the following refers to the ________12. It simply refers to the raw materials
marketing copy that explains what a product is and needed in the production of a product.
why it is worth purchasing?
A. Machine B. Manpower C. Method D. Materials
A. Prototype C. Business Model
_________13. Statement I- Skills and expertise is not
B. Product description D. Suppliers important in considering manpower.

________4. It represents the final products from the Statement II- Benefits are the reasons why customers
production process and distributed to the customers. will decide to buy the products.

A. Input B. Supplies C. Output D. Materials A. Only Statement I is true. C. Both Statements are
________5. It is a replica of a product.
B. Only Statement II is true. D. Both Statements are
A. Prototype C. Business Model
B. Product description D. Suppliers
________14.Statement I- Educational qualifications
_________6. Which of the following refers to the and experience is one of the criteria in considering
system of organizations, people, activities, manpower.
information, and resources involved in moving a
Statement II- Product to produce is one of the factors
product or service from supplier to customer?
to be considered in
A. Supply chain B. Value chain C. Business model
method or production method.
D. Prototype
A. Only Statement I is true. C. Both Statements are
_________7. Which of the following is the process or
activities by which a company adds value to an article,
including production, marketing, and the provision of B. Only Statement II is true. D. Both Statements are
aftersales service? false.

A. Supply chain B. Value chain ________15.Statement I- In selecting the type of

C. Business model D. Prototype equipment to purchase, the entrepreneur may
consider cost and capacity of the equipment.
_________8. It describes the rationale of how an
organization creates, delivers, and captures value in Statement II- The purpose of a product description is
economic, social, cultural or other contexts. to supply customers through details around the
features and benefits of the product.
A. Prototype C. Business Model
A. Only Statement I is true. C. Both Statements are
B. Product description D. Suppliers
_________9. It is an entity that supplies goods and
B. Only Statement II is true. D. Both Statements are
services to another organization.
A. Prototype B. Product description C. Business
model D. Suppliers

Name: ______________________________
Strand: ________________________
I. Directions: Write True if the statement is
correct, otherwise write False if the statement is
incorrect on the space provided.
______11. Supplier is an entity that supplies goods
______1. Output represents the final products
and services to another
from the production process and
distributed to the customers.
______12. Supply chain is a system of
______2. The 4M’s in the production operation
organizations, people, activities, data and
are the materials, manpower,
properties involved in moving a product or
machine and money.
service from supplier
______3. Manpower in production operation
to customer.
refers to the workers involved in the
______13. Business model describes the rationale
production of goods.
of how an organization makes,
______4. Product description is the marketing
transports, and captures value in economic,
copy that explains what a product is
social, cultural or other
and it’s benefits.
______5. Prototype is a replica of a product.
______14. In selecting the type of equipment to
______6. Product to produce is one of the factors purchase, the entrepreneur may
to be considered in the production
consider cost and capacity of the equipment.
______15. Value chain is the process or activities
______7. Educational qualifications and by which a company adds cost
experience are criteria in
to an article, that includes production,
considering manpower. promotion, and providing of after-sales service.
______8. Skills and expertise are not important in
considering manpower.
______9. Benefits are the reasons why customers
will decide to buy the products.
______10. Machine refers to the manufacturing

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