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Date 2021‐04‐30

Words 525

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Nama : Dwi Wanda Septiyanti
NPM : 119060027
Mata Kuliah : Critical Thinking and English Debate
Kelas/Semester : 2C/IV
Dosen : Apandi, M.Pd

Government announcement reopening school

Minister of Education and Culture ﴾Mendikbud﴿ Nadiem Makarim announced that schools were allowed to resume
teaching and learning activities in January 2021 or in the even semester of the 2020‐2021 school year. This policy is in the
spotlight because the condition of the spread of COVID‐19 in Indonesia still cannot be said that it has been resolved
Nadiem's decision was based on several things, including the results of an internal survey by the Coordinating Ministry for
Human Development and Culture ﴾Kemenko PMK﴿ which was held in October.
During the year Indonesia conducted distance learning through online learning so that the learning that was carried out
was less effective. As a result of this online learning, many students lose motivation in learning, and the loss of children's
morale. In this case, many parents have difficulty guiding their children to learn and methods like these children become
dependent on digital devices. There are many concerns that are felt by the Indonesian people about the quality of the
nation's future education due to Covid‐19. 
In my opinion, the government should have prepared for the reopening of schools in Indonesia, at least if the number of
distributions is still more to improve the quality of teaching and learning that is done online, because children are
dependent on gadgets and prefer to play games, underestimate their obligations as students, and loss of moral Indonesian
children. The risk that will occur if distance learning takes too long is that many students will drop out of school because
some children are forced to work or choose to help their parents due to an economic crisis and parents will assume that
face‐to‐face learning is not certain that parents will not see a role schools are in the student learning process so that
parents will not know the child's development in education. 
Through face‐to‐face learning, the actual learning outcomes and goals of education will be easily achieved to produce a
well‐educated and moral successor to the Indonesian nation.
Unconsciously online learning also affects students mental health at home, children's mental health is more important
because if the child is happy, the child's immune system will be stronger. The influence of mental conditions will affect the
child's loss of interest in something, children experience stress if their family conditions do not support learning, for
example, such as domestic violence which will affect the mental.
Parents agree that online schooling is still less than ideal in many ways and the fact that it discourages children's
motivation. However, like most parents, they are aware of the health risks of continuing to learn in class as the number of
cases is increasing.
The conclusion about this case, the teaching and learning process must still be carried out and narrow the bad effects of
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this online learning. If the government is to hold face‐to‐face schools, the government must focus on health protocols and
ensure that Covid‐19 does not increasingly spread to educators and students.

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Title: Schools Reopening In January 2021, Is It Really Safe From ...
Minister of Education and Culture ﴾Mendikbud﴿ Nadiem Makarim announced that schools were allowed to resume teaching
and learning activities in January 2021 or in the even semester of the 2020‐2021 school year.‐reopening‐in‐january‐2021‐is‐it‐really‐safe‐from‐covid‐19

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