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Subject: English
Date: June 26 and 27, 2017
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine literature
as a means of connecting to the past; various reading styles; ways of determining word meaning;
the sounds of English and the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-verb agreement.

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
1. Create a graphic organizer for a text read
2. Listen to shifts in stress and intonation in identifying important information based on a text.
3. Observe correct sentence stress in reading a text.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Learning from Our Beginnings
b. Reference: DepEd K-12 Learning Package Grade 7 English First Quarter p.30
c. Time frame: 2 Hours

III. Learning Procedure

a. Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
 Classroom Clean up
 Attendance
 Reminders/Announcements
 Review of past lesson/ Checking of Assignment

b. Lesson Proper:
The teacher will give a spelling test using words taken from the selection “Samal
Genesis" to refresh their memories of the important words found in the selection.
1. Abode 6. Disintegrate
2. Ancestor 7. Assert
3. Symbolically 8. Commence
4. Pre-existent 9. Refuse
5. Radiance 10. Exaulted

Task #1. Have the students read silently the selection “Samal Genesis” on page 30.

The Teacher will ask the following questions:
1. How does this myth explain the creation of the world and the root of evil?
2. Compare their idea of a Pre-Existent Soul the beliefs of Christianity.
3. According to the selection, why did Nur Muhammad concealed his identity as God?

The Teacher will explain further about the spiritual beliefs embedded in the story.
She will deepen the discussion by comparing those ideas with ideas that are widely
accepted today.

IV. Evaluation
Which of the following information is presented by the text? In your notebook, write the
paragraph numbers that provide the mentioned information.
1. Iblis is a fallen angel.
2. Man originated from Nur.
3. Man originated from God.
4. Iblis originated from God.
5. Nur originated from God‘s light.
6. Evil will continue until the end of the world.
7. All beings on earth came from the house of God.
8. Nur is originally a higher being than Man.
9. Man eventually challenged God because of Iblis‘s evil deeds.
10. Man came to be through the compromise of God and Nur.

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