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DAY 13

DAY 13
SYKES | In Transit 1
DAY 13

Demonstrative Pronouns

Demonstrate (verb): to show; to indicate; to point to

A demonstrative pronoun represents a thing or things:

 near in distance or time (this, these)

 far in distance or time (that, those)

Near Far

Singular This That

Plural These Those

Here are some examples with demonstrative pronouns, followed by an illustration:

 This tastes good.

 Have you seen this?
 These are bad times.
 Do you like these?

 That is beautiful.
 Look at that!
 Those were the days!
 Can you see those?

 This is heavier than that.

 These are bigger than those.

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Do not confuse demonstrative pronouns with demonstrative adjectives. They are
identical, but a demonstrative pronoun stands alone, while a demonstrative adjective
qualifies a noun.

 That smells. (demonstrative pronoun)

 That book is good. (demonstrative adjective + noun)

Normally we use demonstrative pronouns for things only. But we can use them for
people when the person is identified. Look at these examples:

 This is Josef speaking. Is that Mary?

 That sounds like John.

Reciprocal Pronouns

Reciprocal (adj.): given or done in return; [grammar] expressing mutual action

We use reciprocal pronouns when each of two or more subjects is acting in the same
way towards the other. For example, A is talking to B, and B is talking to A. So we say:

 A and B are talking to each other.

The action is "reciprocated". John talks to Mary and Mary talks to John. I give you a
present and you give me a present. The dog bites the cat and the cat bites the dog.

There are only two reciprocal pronouns, and they are both two words:

 each other
 one another

When we use these reciprocal pronouns:

 there must be two or more people, things or groups involved (so we cannot use
reciprocal pronouns with I, you [singular], he/she/it), and
 they must be doing the same thing

Look at these examples:

 John and Mary love each other.

 Peter and David hate each other.
 The ten prisoners were all blaming one another.
 Both teams played hard against each other.
 We gave each other gifts.
 Why don't you believe each other?

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DAY 13
Indefinite Pronouns


An indefinite pronoun does not refer to any specific person, thing or amount. It is vague
and "not definite". Some typical indefinite pronouns are:

 all, another, any, anybody/anyone, anything, each, everybody/everyone,

everything, few, many, nobody, none, one, several, some, somebody/someone

Note that many indefinite pronouns also function as other parts of speech. Look at
"another" in the following sentences:

 He has one job in the day and another at night. (pronoun)

 I'd like another drink, please. (adjective)

Most indefinite pronouns are either singular or plural. However, some of them can be
singular in one context and plural in another. The most common indefinite pronouns are
listed below, with examples, as singular, plural or singular/plural.

Notice that a singular pronoun takes a singular verb AND that any personal pronoun
should also agree (in number and gender). Look at these examples:

 Each of the players has a doctor.

 I met two girls. One has given me her phone number.

Similarly, plural pronouns need plural agreement:

 Many have expressed their views.

Pronoun Meaning Example


another an additional or different That ice-cream was good. Can I

person or thing have another?

anybody/anyone no matter what person Can anyone answer this question?

anything no matter what thing The doctor needs to know if you have
eaten anything in the last two hours.

each every one of two or more Each has his own thoughts.
people or things, seen

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either one or the other of two people Do you want tea or coffee? / I don't
or things mind. Either is good for me.

enough as much or as many as Enough is enough.


everybody/everyone all people We can start the meeting

because everybody has arrived.

everything all things They have no house or possessions.

They lost everything in the earthquake.

less a smaller amount "Less is more"

little a small amount Little is known about his early life.

much a large amount Much has happened since we met.

neither not one and not the other of I keep telling Jack and Jill
two people or things but neither believes me.

nobody/no-one no person I phoned many times

butnobody answered.

nothing no single thing, not anything If you don't know the answer it's best to
say nothing.

one an unidentified person Can one smoke here? | All the students
arrived but no one is missing.

other a different person or thing One was tall and the other was short.
from one already mentioned

somebody/someone an unspecified or unknown Clearly somebody murdered him. It was

person not suicide.

something an unspecified or unknown Listen! I just heard something! What

thing could it be?

you an unidentified person And you can see why.



both two people or things, seen John likes coffee but not tea. I
together think both are good.

few a small number of people or Few have ever disobeyed him and lived.

fewer a reduced number of people Fewer are smoking these days.

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or things

many a large number of people or Many have come already.


others other people; not us I'm sure that others have tried before us.

several more than two but not many They all complained and several left the

they people in general (informal) They say that vegetables are good for

Singular or plural

all the whole quantity of All is forgiven.

something or of some things All have arrived.
or people

any no matter how much or how Is any left?

many Are any coming?

more a greater quantity of There is more over there.

something; a greater number More are coming.
of people or things

most the majority; nearly all Most is lost.

Most have refused.

none not any; no person or persons They fixed the water so why
is none coming out of the tap?
I invited five friends but none have

some an unspecified quantity of Here is some.

something; an unspecified Some have arrived.
number of people or things

such of the type already mentioned He was a foreigner and he felt that he
was treated as such.

SYKES | In Transit 6
DAY 13
Exercise 1.

A. Use `this´ or `these´

1. Is _________ my drink?
2. _________ aren´t my trainers.
3. Is _________ an interesting museum.
4. _________ are new bikes.
5. _________ is my house.
6. _________ is a hill.
7. _________ are donkeys.
8. What is _________?
9. Did you drop _________?
10. Hi, Jane! _________ is Michael.
11. _________ James´ bike.
12. _________ are his children.
13. _________ are his sister´s children.
14. _________ is Pete.
15. _________ is my restaurant.
16. _________ are my jewels.
17. _________ is the church of my town.
18. _________ are my father´s book.
19. _________ is Ajax´s stadium.
20. _________ is my bag.

B. Use `that´ or `those´

1. __________ a big supermarket.

2. __________ are her CD´s.
3. Are __________ your books.
. __________ is a big shop.
5. __________ is John´s house.
6. __________ is a mountain.
7. __________ are horses.
8. What are __________?
9. We can do better than __________.
10. No, __________ is not mine.
11. Did you win? __________ is amazing.
12. Hello, who is __________ speaking, please.
13. Hello, is __________ you John?
14. Is __________ a Dutch ship?
15. __________ is a Spanish woman.
16. __________ is my friend´s house.
17. __________ is my mother´s car.
18. Who is __________ knocking at the door?
19. __________ are turtles.

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DAY 13
C. Use `this´ or `these´

1. ____________ is my desk.
2. ____________ are my pets.
3. ____________ is Pete´s house.
4. It´s raining again. ____________ is awful.
5. Hello Kath, ____________ is Bob.
6. ____________ is my friend, Paul.
7. ____________ cake tastes delicious.
8. I don´t like ____________ one.
9. ____________ apples look good.
10. I´ll take ____________ grapes.
11. ____________ books belong to Linda.
12. Jack brought ____________ trousers.
13. ____________ hamburgers tastes good.
14. Have you seen ____________ movie?
15. ____________ are good times.
16. Do you like ____________ shirts?
17. ____________ is much heavier than that.
18. ____________ is unbelievable.
19. Is ____________ John´s house.
20. Do you like ____________ flowers?

D. Use `that´ or `those´

1. Who owns ___________ house?

2. Look at ___________ man over there.
3. ___________ is a computer.
4. ___________ woman is a professor.
5. ___________ is my brother.
6. Wasn´t ___________ a horrible thing to say?
7. ___________ is my cousin, Jessica.
8. Do you see ___________ birds on the treetop.
9. What does ___________ notice say?
10. ___________ mountains are the Alps.
11. Don´t take ___________ mug.
12. This book or ___________ book?
13. This is my car and ___________ is your car.
14. ___________ is my school.
15. ___________ are my brother´s things.
16. ___________ is my aunt.
17. ___________ is my friend´s umbrella.
18. I can´t read ___________ words.
19. ___________ stars are very far from the earth.

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DAY 13

Exercise 2. Complete the following sentences using indefinite pronouns.

1. Don’t blame yourself for the mistake __________ is perfect.

2. There is __________ in your hair. I think it is a bug.
3. I will search and find you __________ you go. You can’t escape from me.
4. Our holiday was perfect. __________ went as we wished.
5 __________ is safe from the flu. We can't escape.
6. He didn’t say __________ useful. All nonsense.
7. I would like to have __________ to drink please.
8. The police found the murder weapon __________ near the hut. In the woods.
9. Can __________ hear me? Is there __________ out there?
10. I will do __________ for you. You are my best friend.
11. Why are you looking at me so angrily? I didn’t do __________ wrong.
12. Look I’ve found __________ interesting here. Oh, it’s a button.
13. __________ we did to rescue the dog was useful. It died.
14. I would like to go __________ peaceful for my holiday.
15. Say __________. Don’t just look me in the eyes meaningfully.
16. My dictionary was on the desk __________ has taken it.
17. She did __________. She just slept all day long.
18. There is __________ I can’t tell you. I will keep it as a secret all my life.
19. I am __________’s fool. I won’t do all the work alone.
20. He was so helpful. He helped nearly __________ in the village

SYKES | In Transit 9

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