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Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

MAT 110

Please write your group name and the names and IDs of all your group
members on the first page of the assignment answer script. The last date of
submission is 26th May 2021 1159 pm or 27th May 2021 1159 pm, depending
on your set. Solve all problems.

You can only submit a PDF file - image or doc files won’t be accepted.
Before submitting the PDF, please rename the PDF file in the format -
SET_GROUPNAME. You MUST mention the names and IDs of all
your group members on the cover page. If you fail to do so, they
will not be given any marks.

Plagiarism will lead to an F grade in the course.

If you have any questions regarding the assignment and grading, please
contact FAB on Slack.

1. A man 5f t tall is walking at the rate of 2.5f t/s toward a streetlight 20f t high.

(a) At what rate is his shadow length changing?

(b) How fast is the tip of his shadow moving?

2. The demand, in rides per day, for monorail service in Las Vegas in 2005 can
be approximated by q = −4, 500p + 41, 500 when the fare was $p. What price
should have been charged to maximize total revenue?

(a) What price should have been charged to maximize total revenue?
(b) Find the maximum revenue.
University SET: 4

3. A chemical manufacturer sells sulfuric acid in bulk at a price of $100 per unit.
If the daily total production cost in dollars for x units is

C(x) = 100, 000 + 50x + 0.0025x2

and if the daily production capacity is at most 7000 units.

(a) How many units of sulfuric acid must be manufactured and sold daily to
maximize the profit?
(b) Would it benefit the manufacturer to expand the daily production capac-

4. Consider the function f (x) = x.

(a) Find the first and second Taylor polynomials for f at x = 1 . Use a
graphing utility to compare these polynomials with f near x = 1.

(b) Use these two polynomials to estimate 3 .

5. Find the nth derivative of

(a) y = 1−2x−3x2
2 3
(b) y = sin x cos x.

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