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Case study Sheena Caselet

1. In what ways are Sheena’s customers most likely to judge the quality of her lawn care

Sheena’s customers will most likely judge the quality of her lawn care services with the performance
that will be seen in

a. The result of her work – Cleanliness, Innovative ideas in maintaining lawn

b. The time took to complete the work
c. Sheena’s manner of treatment with each customer

2. Sheena is the operations manager of her business. Among her responsibilities are forecasting,
inventory management, scheduling, quality assurance, maintenance.

a. What kind of things would likely require forecast?

Things that would likely require forecast for Sheena’s business includes sales forecast, demand
forecast, inventory forecast, and budgeting forecast. Most important is the sales forecast so that she can
evaluate the current sales levels and growth of her business, and allow her to compare her company to
industry norms. It will also help her in establishing the policies so that she can easily monitor the
prices and operating costs to guarantee profits and make her aware of the minor problems before they
become major problems.

b. What inventory items does Sheena probably have? Name one inventory decision she has to
make periodically.

Sheena’s inventory items probably have fuels, oils and lubes for the mowing machine, and garbage
cellophane. With these inventory items, Sheena should decide the best reorder quantity for each item to
avoid service disruption and minimize cost.

c. What scheduling must she do? What things might occur to disrupt schedules and cause
Sheena to reschedule?

She must create schedule for her lawn services to her customers, for the employees’ workload, for
inventory purchases, and for machine maintenance. She should also create her schedule with flexibility
to avoid, or at least minimize, disruption and rescheduling. Some things that might occur include
natural disasters, worker’s sickness, and machine breakdown.

d. How important is quality assurance to Sheena’s business?

Sheena has no background in lawn mowing services. She started only because she has no work but
grew to business because the quality of her services was found helpful to her neighbours. To insure this
quality means business for Sheena because her customer will be satisfied and will seek for her services
again. Quality assurance is also important to Sheena’s business especially that she is planning to

e. What kind of maintenance must be performed?

Mainly Equipment maintenance is necessary for Sheena’s business like mower, tractor etc.

3. What are some of the trade-offs that Sheena probably considered relative to:

(a) Working for a company instead of for herself?

(b) Expanding the business?

Ans -

- If she works in a company, she has to follow her others/her boss but if she is working for
herself, she will be her own boss.
- Getting a job in the company of her calibre is tough but starting her our business was easier.
- In company she has to improve her quality, but in her business she is possessing desired

4. The town is considering an ordinance that would prohibit putting grass clippings at the curb
for pickup because local landfills cannot handle the volume. What options might Sheena consider

if the ordinance is passed? Name two advantages and two drawbacks of each option.

Option 1: Sheena can use her own vehicle.

Advantages –

1. No legal hassles
2. She can carry as much as she can in terms of capacity

Disadvantages –

1. Van cost
2. Maintenance cost increases

Option 2: Sheena can use grass as food for animals

Advantages –

1. No investment
2. Get more money by selling grass as animal food
Disadvantages –

1. Unavailability of animals
2. Difficult to maintain

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