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‘© Fegi Put 200. Ti ag be Caso Solar System Jeopardy It is made up of the Sun and its family of eee nine planets. . These are chunks of rock and metal that orbit between the What are asteroids? planets. These are loose collections of rocks and frozen gases that orbit What are comets? between the planets. This is a body that does not give off light of its own. If reflects the What Is a planet? light of the Sun. J These objects produce and give off their own What are stars? heat and light. 262-4141 (Pd itr 200. page my beep! son Solar System Jeopardy This is the centre of the solar system. The planets revolve around it. What is the Sun? This is the galaxy that we live in. What is the Milky Way? This planet is closest to the Sun. What is Mercury? This planet is the smallest planet in our solar system. What is Pluto? This body travels around Earth. It is known as Earth's satellite. What is the moon? 431-263 solar System Jeopardy This planet is called the morning or evening star because it appears in the sky just after sunset and before sunrise. —+— This planet is fifth from the Sun. It is the largest planet and is best known for its beautiful colours This planet is sixth from the Sun. It is best known for the beautiful system of rings that circle the planet. What is Venus? What is Jupiter? What is Saturn? This planet is seventh from the Sun. Unlike other planets, this planet lies on its side. It is greenish in colour and has nine faint rings with five moons orbiting the planet. What is Uranus? This planet is eighth from the Sun. It can only be seen through a telescope. Little is known about this distant planet. copepss ibn 200 Tsp bpd fr cen What is Neptune? a a aad ~-----.22020000080288080608 (2Pegule biten 200- Tie age my Sorpedn cemo ee Solar System Jeopardy These are patterns of stars in the sky that, to some people, seem to be in the shapes of pictures. What are constellations? These have a bright head and long, shining tail. They srrer Partly because of What are comets? This is how long it takes the moon to circle Earth. What are 24 hours? This is how long it takes Earth to circle the Sun. What are 365 days? This is another name for the study of space. What is astronomy? 411-288

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