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Therapy for Future

Rubric for Journal Writing

Task Description: Use journals to write down research notes and to answer reflective questions during the project on “Therapy for Future”. Focus on the
following criteria for guidance.
Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning
Criteria weight
Yes Yes, but No, but No
 Detailed explanation of  Clear explanation of  Somewhat clear explanation  Vague explanation of
experience experience of experience experience
 Specific descriptors of  Objective observation of  Somewhat objective  Non-objective observation of
Retelling of observations during experience observation of experience experience
Experience experience  Organization is clear and easy  Minimal organization  No organization evident;
 Writing is highly to follow confusing
organized with logical
 Reflects well on own work  Reflects on own work  Some reflection on own work  Little reflection on own work
 Provides many examples  Provides examples  Provides few examples  Provides very few or no
Personal 20% examples
Relevance to  Student listens well in different  Student listens in class; relates  Makes minimal reference to  Makes no reference to what
Classroom contexts; relates observations some observations to what is heard in class or to is heard in class or personal
to classroom concepts and/or classroom concepts and/or personal experience experiences
Concepts or 20%
personal experiences personal experiences
 Makes many inferences  Makes inferences most of the  Some inferences are made  Few or no inferences are
 Comprehends deeper time  Comprehends surface level made
Analysis of meanings  Usually comprehends deeper meaning  No comprehension or
Experience  High level of critical thinking meanings  Minimal critical thinking reflection on assignment
expressed  Some critical thinking expressed  Little or no evidence of
expressed critical thinking
 Obvious, detailed effort on  Acceptable effort on all parts  Some effort on assignment  Little or no effort on
Effort on assignment of the assignment  Readable handwriting assignment
20%  Neat, legible handwriting  Legible handwriting  Illegible handwriting

Final Score ________________

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