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A Research Paper
Presented to Dr. Milagrina Gomez
of College of Education - Graduate Studies
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Sta. Mesa, Manila

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Professional Ethics and Values Education
Master in Educational Management




Chapter 1



Being able to identify the ethical practices or dilemmas of teaching practice is an

important first step in making ethical principles an everyday part of the teaching role.

However, it is equally important to develop skills for navigating ethically troublesome events

and making decisions that uphold ethical principles. There are 9 Ethical Principles for

Teachers; namely, (1) Content Competence (maintaining or acquiring subject matter

competence related to both their own interest), (2) Pedagogical Competence (has adequate

pedagogical knowledge and skills provides students with adequate opportunity), (3) Dealing

with Sensitive Topics (acknowledges at the outset when a particular topic is sensitive), (4)

Student Development (designing instruction that facilitates learning), (5) Dual Relationships

with Students (keeping relationships with students focused on pedagogical goals and

academic requirements), (6) Confidentiality with students grades, attendance records, and

private communications (entitling students the same level of confidentiality), (7) Respect for

Colleagues (interact among colleagues concerning teaching), (8) Valid Assessment of

Students (make use of research on the advantages and disadvantages), and lastly (9)

Respect for Institution (share a collective responsibility to work).

“Stand up for what is right even if you stand alone" (Anonymous). This quote sounds

nice, but it can be a difficult thing to do. Sometimes acting ethically comes easily, however it

can also require one to stand up for what they believe in and do what they feel is right

despite popular interest. Moral courage is the commitment to standing up for and acting

upon one’s ethical beliefs (Miller, 2005).


Morally courageous individuals act upon their ethical values to help others during

difficult ethical dilemmas, despite the adversity they may face in doing so. To be morally

courageous means standing up for what you believe even when it means that you do so

alone (Murray, 2015).

Based on the study entitled "Professional Ethics and Commitment in Teacher's

Education'', written by (Sawhney, 2015), it is stated that in this new generation of rapid

globalization and modernization, people have become the victims of materialistic desires

and attitudes that might cause them to lose their appreciation of small things. Recently there

has been a sudden increase in the teacher's educational institution in various fields that has

no doubt lead to a wealth of educational options in remote areas for all; however, it has also

resulted in dilution of educators are preparing teachers for the future there must be need

them to demonstrate the professional ethics to inculcate values in the society at large. This

kind of professional ethics may be defined as a set of self-satisfaction. A code of

professional ethics is generally based on two principles, professional integrity and the ideal

of inculcating values in the society at large. This kind of professional ethics may be defined

as a set of self-imposed professional ideals and principles necessary for the attainment of

professional excellence and self-satisfaction. Teachers, as professionals, are engaged in

one of the most ethically demanding jobs, the education of young people; thus, teachers

must constantly reflect on the ethics of their activities to ensure that they exhibit the best

ethical example possible in their work to those they are morally educating. If teachers are to

become ethically aware then the pre-service teacher’s education program is the most

important place for the inclusion of the ethical context and commitments required in the

teaching profession.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the study, an Input-Process-Output (I-P-

O) Model. The input phase presents the respondents' profile such as Years of Teaching

Experience, Grade Level They Teach at (now), Subject They Teach, Sex, Age, and Degree.

To what degree is the teachers' commitment to professional ethics. Is there a significant

difference between respondents' commitment to professional ethics when grouped

according to years of teaching experience, grade level they teach at (now), the subject they

teach, gender, age, and degree?


1. Respondents’ Profile 1. Dissemination of Seminar Workshop
1.1 Years of Teaching Experience Survey Questionnaires for teachers of
1.2 Grade Level They Teach at 2. Gathering of data Kakawate National
(now) High School
3. Analyzing of data
1.3 Subject They Teach
1.4 Sex
1.5 Age Statistical Treatment
1.6 Degree of Data:
2. Degree of Commitment to ● Frequency Count
Ethical Principles in Teaching: ● Percentage
2.1 Content Competence Distribution
2.2 Pedagogical Competence
● Weighted Mean
2.3 Dealing with Sensitive Topics
2.4 Student Professional ● One-Way Analysis of
Development Variance (ANOVA)
2.5 Dual Relationship with
Students 4. Interpretation of data
2.6 Respect for Colleagues
2.7 Valid Assessment of Students
2.8 Respect for Institution
2.9 Confidentiality with Students
and Collaboration with Parents

Figure 1: Input-Process-Output Conceptual Framework


It starts in the first frame, which is Input with the respondent’s profile.

Basically, this means that potential research participants must be informed about the

procedures and the risks associated with them and obtain their consent to determine

their degree of commitment to ethical principles in teaching in terms of the following

principles: Content Competence, Pedagogical Competence, Dealing with Sensitive

Topics, Student Professional Development, Dual Relationship with Student, Respect

for Colleagues, Valid Assessment of Students, Respect for Institution, and

Confidentiality with Students and Collaboration with Parents. And of course, to

determine if there is a significant difference between respondents’ commitment to

professional ethics when grouped according to years of teaching experience, grade

level they teach at (now), the subject they teach, gender, age, and degree?

In the next frame, which is Process, the data collection would be conducted

by determining the Teacher’s Degree of Commitment into Ethical Principles through

Analysis of the Variables. This study used a Descriptive Survey Questionnaire.

Furthermore, the Statistical Treatment of Data would be Frequency Count,

Percentage Distribution, and Weighted Mean.

And lastly, the Output, which is the conduct of Workshop Training Program

for teachers of Kakawate National High School.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the degree of commitment to ethical principles of junior

high school teachers at Kakawate National High School in the City of San Jose del Monte,


Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Years of Teaching Experience;

1.2 Grade Level They Teach at (now);

1.3 Subject They Teach

1.4 Sex;

1.5 Age; and

1.6 Degree?

2. To what degree is the teachers’ commitment in terms of the following ethical


2.1 Content Competence;

2.2 Pedagogical Competence;

2.3 Dealing with Sensitive Topics;

2.4 Student Development;

2.5 Dual Relationship with Students;

2.6 Confidentiality;

2.7 Respect for Colleagues;

2.8 Valid Assessment of Students; and

2.9 Respect for Institution?

3. Is there a significant difference between respondents’ degree of commitment to

ethical principles when grouped according to years of teaching experience, grade

level they teach at (now), the subject they teach, sex, age, and degree?


There is no significant difference between respondents’ degree of commitment to

professional ethics when grouped according to years of teaching experience, grade

level they teach at (now), the subject they teach, gender, age, and degree.

Significance of the Study

The concern of this study is to determine the teachers' degree of commitment to
ethical principles. The results that will be collected in this study may provide information and
it can be beneficial to learners, teachers, school heads, and future researchers.

Learners. This study can be of benefit to the learners because they will have an idea
about their teacher's commitment to ethical principles. They will also be aware of the
different ethical values in teaching.

Teachers. This study will be a benefit to the teachers in terms of professional ethics.
They will be more conscious of their ethical and moral values and they will be able to assess
their commitment with regards to these principles.

School Heads. This study can be of great help to school heads as it will serve as
their guiding principle to professional ethics in teaching. This will help them in dealing with
and managing the teachers having ethical and moral conflicts.

Future Researchers. This study will serve as a reference for future researchers who
wish to pursue this kind of study. All the results collected in this study can be expanded and
improved in the future.

Scope and Limitation

This study focuses on the degree of commitment to ethical principles of the teachers

at Kakawate National High School. It utilizes the 9 Ethical Principles developed by the

Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) as a model for ethical

guidelines. It includes (1) content competence, (2) pedagogical competence, (3) dealing with

sensitive topics, (4) student development, (5) dual relationships with students, (6)

confidentiality, (7) respect for colleagues, (8) valid assessment of students, and (9) respect

for institutions. It provides a clear and consistent benchmark that schools can use to

encourage the self-improvement and commitment of teachers to attain the best performance

of the school.

In addition, it will investigate the profile of the respondents in terms of years of

teaching, grade level they teach at present, the subject they teach, sex, age, and degree. It

will also examine the degree of commitment of teachers to ethical principles. The

respondents of this study are limited to Junior High School Teachers only of Kakawate

National High School in the Schools Division of the City of San Jose del Monte in Bulacan

this School Year 2020-2021.


Chapter 2


Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers read literature about the study in journals, articles, and books to

form the concepts of the study before drafting the survey instrument. The researchers

approached the headteachers and master teachers for suggestions, criticisms, and

recommendations. They considered all their advice, then revised the draft. The revised draft

was presented to experts like the M.A. and Ph.D. graduates and graduate school

professors. Then, the researchers considered their comments in constructing the final draft.

The researchers secured a letter of approval to conduct the study addressed to the

Officer-in-Charge of the Office of the School Principal at Kakawate National High School.

After receiving the consent, the researchers determined the total number of respondents.

Since there are 45 junior high teachers, the sample size was calculated using the

following formula:

Z 2
n=( ) p(1− p)

Z is the z-score corresponding to level of confidence

e is the margin of error

p is the population proportion

Given the confidence level of 95% and a margin of error of 0.05, the computed

sample size using the sample size calculator is 41. Thus, 41 junior high teachers served as

the total number of respondents in this research study.


The researchers utilized the simple random sampling technique in selecting the

respondents who answered the survey questionnaire. In identifying the 41 respondents, the

researcher prepared first the list of the population. Then each teacher was marked with a

specific number. The researchers selected the random samples using research randomizer


After determining the respondents, the researchers started administering the survey

questionnaire by sending the google form link to the respondents.

After gathering all the needed data, the researchers, with the help of the statistician,

tabulated, tallied, and analyzed them. The results will serve as the basis for the conduct of

the Seminar-Workshop for teachers of Kakawate National High School

The Instrument

To obtain the needed data in this study, the researchers used the survey

questionnaire through Google form. The printed questionnaire was one of the most common

instruments for data gathering; however, in the new normal way, the researchers used

Google form. The research instrument has two parts. Part I asked for the profile of the

respondents. It determined the respondents' years of teaching experience, grade level the

respondents teach at present, the subject they teach, sex, age, and degree.

Part II was the tool used to determine the respondents’ degree of commitment to

ethical principles in teaching. A five-point Likert scale, 5 – extremely committed, 4 – very

much committed, 3 – moderately committed, 2 – slightly committed, and 1 – not at all

committed was used to determine the degree of commitment of the respondents to nine

ethical principles; namely, (1) content competence, (2) pedagogical competence, (3) dealing

with sensitive topics, (4) student development, (5) dual relationship with students, (6)

confidentiality, (7) respect for colleagues, (8) valid assessments of students, and (9) respect

for the institution. Each principle is consisting of five-item benchmark statements. These

statements are based on the ideas found from readings of the researchers in journals,

articles, books, including interviews with teachers and other school authorities. The

questionnaire was validated before its distribution to the respondents.

Statistical Treatment

The data gathered was tallied, tabulated, and subjected to the following statistical


1. Frequency and Percentage Distribution

To answer SOP 1 or to determine the profile of the respondents in terms of years of

teaching experience, grade level the respondents teach at (now), the subject they teach,

sex, age, and degree, the frequency and percentage distribution were applied. The

following formula was used:


P= x 100


P= percentage

F= frequency / number of respondents

N= total number of respondents

2. Weighted Mean

To answer SOP 2 or to measure the degree of commitment of the respondents to

ethical principles in terms of content competence, pedagogical competence, dealing with

sensitive topics, student development, dual relationship with students, confidentiality,


respect for colleagues, valid assessments of students, and respect for the institution,

weighted mean was computed. The responses were categorized into five and were given

their corresponding weight. The weights were multiplied by the number of responses in

each category and were added to the sum of the product and were divided by the total

number of respondents.

To quantify the responses on the rating scale, the five-point Likert Scale method of

measuring attitudes was used. Each statement has five possible responses. In this study,

the responses were classified under five degrees of frequency with the weights of 5,4,3,2,

and 1. The following formula was used:




Wm= weighted mean

Fx= frequency of each weight

N= number of respondents

Five-Point Likert Scale. The researchers used scaled variables using the relative weight

of 1-5 with numbered values and interpretation that are found below:

Table 1

Description of the Scale

Point Description Scale

5 Extremely committed 4.50-5.00
4 Very much committed 3.50-4.49
3 Moderately committed 2.50-3.49
2 Slightly committed 1.50-2.49
1 Not at all committed 1.00-1.49

3. One-Way ANOVA

To answer SOP 3 or to answer if there is a significant difference between

respondents' degree of commitment to ethical principles when grouped according to years

of teaching experience, grade level they teach at (now), the subject they teach, gender,

age, and degree, the analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used. The researchers computed

this through SPSS statistical software.


This part of the research paper presents the findings, analysis, and interpretation of

the data gathered. The analytical procedures are arranged according to the sequence of

specific questions.

1. Profile of the Respondents

Table 2

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the

Respondents in terms of Years of Teaching Experience

Years of Teaching
Frequency Percentage (%)
Below 5 8 19.5
5 to 10 20 48.8
11 to 15 10 24.4
16 to 20 1 2.4
21 and above 2 4.9
Total 41 100.0

Table 2 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents in terms

of years of teaching experience. Out of 41 respondents, twenty (20) or 48.8% have years of

teaching experience ranging from 5 to 10 years, which constitutes the majority. It is followed

by ten (10) or 24.4% who have years of teaching experience ranging from 11 to 15 years.

Next is eight (8) or 19.5% respondents have teaching experience ranging below five (5)

years. Then two (2) or 4.9% have 21 and above years of teaching experience. And the least

is one (1) or 2.4% who has 16 to 20 years of teaching experience. Thus, majority of the

respondents have 5 to 10 years of teaching experience.

Table 3

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the

Respondents in terms of Grade Level They Teach at (now)

Grade Level They Teach

Frequency Percentage (%)
at (now)
Grade 7 8 19.5
Grade 8 12 29.3
Grade 9 14 34.1
Grade 10 7 17.1
Total 41 100.0

Table 3 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents in terms

of the grade level they teach at (now). Out of 41 respondents, fourteen (14) or 34.1% are

teaching Grade 9 learners; followed by twelve (12) or 29.3% are teaching Grade 8 learners;

next is eight (8) or 19.5% are teaching Grade 7 learners; finally, seven (7) or 17.1% are

teaching Grade 10 learners this School Year 2020-2021.

Table 4

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the

Respondents in terms of Subject They Teach

Subject They Teach Frequency Percentage (%)

Filipino 5 12.2
English 7 17.1
Mathematics 6 14.6
Science 6 14.6
Araling Panlipunan (AP) 4 9.8
Technology & Livelihood
5 12.2
Education (TLE)
Edukasyon sa
2 4.9
Pagpapakatao (ESP)
Music, Arts, PE, & Health
6 14.6
Total 41 100.0

Table 4 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents in terms

of the subject they teach. Out of 41 respondents, seven (7) or 17.1% teach English. Second

are Mathematics, Science, and Music, Arts, PE, & Health (MAPEH), with six (6) or 14.6%

respondents each. Next are Filipino and Technology & Livelihood Education (TLE), with

both five (5) or 12.2% respondents. Then Araling Panlipunan (AP) with four (4) or 9.8%

respondents. The least is Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (ESP) with two (2) or 4.9%


Table 5

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the

Respondents in terms of Sex

Sex Frequency Percentage (%)

Male 11 26.8
Female 30 73.2
Total 41 100.0
Table 5 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents in terms

of sex. As presented on the table, out of 41 respondents, thirty (30) or 73.2% are female,

while eleven (11) or 28.8% are male. Thus, female teachers dominate male teachers.

Table 6

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the

Respondents in terms of Age

Age Frequency Percentage (%)

20 to 29 10 24.4
30 to 39 19 46.3
40 to 49 10 24.4
50 to 59 2 4.9
60 and above 0 0
Total 41 100.0

Table 6 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents in terms

of age. The ages ranging from 30 to 39 years old got the highest frequency with nineteen

(19) or 46.3%; followed by 20 to 29 and 40 to 49 age brackets with both ten (10) or 24.4%

respondents. While the 50 to 59 age bracket has two (2) or 4.9% respondents.

Table 7

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the

Respondents in terms of Degree

Degree Frequency Percentage (%)

Bachelor 34 82.9
M.A. 7 17.1
Ph.D. 0 0
Total 41 100.0

Table 7 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents in terms

of degree. Out of 41 respondents, thirty-four (34) or 82.9% are bachelor’s degree holders,

seven (7) or 17.1% are M.A. degree holders, and no one is a Ph.D. degree holder.

2. Assessment on the Degree of Respondents’ Commitment to Ethical Principles

Table 8

Assessment on the Degree of Respondents’ Commitment to Ethical Principles

in Teaching in terms of Content Competence

Content Competence Mean Verbal Interpretation

I teach subjects that are aligned with my field of
4.34 Very Much Committed
I ensure the appropriateness and
representativeness of the course content in 4.56 Extremely Committed
I design lesson plans in conformity with the
learning competencies set by the Department of 4.59 Extremely Committed
I plan and deliver developmentally sequenced
4.59 Extremely Committed
lessons to meet the learners' needs and interests.
I prepare local and contextualized instructional
materials to suit the needs and interests of the 4.29 Very Much Committed
Very Much
Grand Mean 4.47
  Legend: “Not at All Committed (1.00 – 1.49)”, “Slightly Committed (1.50 – 2.49)”, “Moderately Committed
(2.50 – 3.49)”, “Very Much Committed (3.50 – 4.49)”, “Extremely Committed (4.50 – 5.00)”

Table 8 presents the degree of respondents’ commitment to ethical principles in

teaching in terms of content competence. The grand mean or the overall weighted mean is

4.47 which is interpreted as “Very Much Committed”. Looking closely at the table item per

item, it was observed that “I design lesson plans in conformity with the learning

competencies set by the Department of Education” and “I plan and deliver developmentally

sequenced lessons to meet the learners' needs and interests” have the highest mean

which is interpreted as “Extremely Committed”. Three of the items are interpreted as

“Extremely Committed” and the rest are all interpreted as “Very Much Committed”.

Table 9

Assessment on the Degree of Respondents’ Commitment to Ethical Principles

in Teaching in terms of Pedagogical Competence

Pedagogical Competence Mean Verbal Interpretation

I apply a range of teaching strategies to
develop logical, critical, and creative thinking 4.41 Very Much Committed
I design teaching-learning activities and
performance tasks suited to the needs, 4.49 Very Much Committed
abilities, and skills of learners.
I develop technological pedagogical content
knowledge instructional materials to achieve 4.41 Very Much Committed
learning objectives.
I use effective teaching strategies to
encourage learners’ active participation and 4.49 Very Much Committed
engagement in learning.
I use strategies for providing timely, accurate,
and constructive feedback to improve learner 4.49 Very Much Committed
Very Much
Grand Mean 4.46
Legend: “Not at All Committed (1.00 – 1.49)”, “Slightly Committed (1.50 – 2.49)”, “Moderately Committed
(2.50 – 3.49)”, “Very Much Committed (3.50 – 4.49)”, “Extremely Committed (4.50 – 5.00)”

Table 9 presents the degree of respondents’ commitment to ethical principles in

teaching in terms of pedagogical competence. The grand mean or the overall weighted

mean is 4.46 which is interpreted as “Very Much Committed”. Looking closely at the table

item per item, it was observed that “I design teaching-learning activities and performance

tasks suited to the needs, abilities, and skills of learners”, “I use effective teaching

strategies to encourage learners’ active participation and engagement in learning” and “I

use strategies for providing timely, accurate, and constructive feedback to improve learner

performance” have the highest mean which is interpreted as “Very Much Committed”. All

the items are interpreted as “Very Much Committed”.

Table 10

Assessment on the Degree of Respondents’ Commitment to Ethical Principles


in Teaching in terms of Dealing with Sensitive Topics

Dealing with Sensitive Topics Mean Verbal Interpretation

I deal with sensitive or discomforting topics in
4.54 Extremely Committed
an open, honest, and positive way.
I explain why it is necessary to include in the
4.61 Extremely Committed
curriculum a particular sensitive topic.
I identify my perspective on the topic and
compare it to alternative approaches or
interpretations to provide learners with an
4.44 Very Much Committed
understanding of the complexity of the issue
and the difficulty of achieving a single
objective conclusion.
I invite all learners to state their position on
4.49 Very Much Committed
the issue and set ground rules for discussion.
I encourage learners to be respectful of one
another even when it is necessary to 4.66 Extremely Committed
Grand Mean 4.55
Legend: “Not at All Committed (1.00 – 1.49)”, “Slightly Committed (1.50 – 2.49)”, “Moderately Committed
(2.50 – 3.49)”, “Very Much Committed (3.50 – 4.49)”, “Extremely Committed (4.50 – 5.00)”

Table 10 presents the degree of respondents’ commitment to ethical principles in

teaching in terms of dealing with sensitive topics. The grand mean or the overall weighted

mean is 4.55 which is interpreted as “Extremely Committed”. Looking closely at the table

item per item, it was observed that “I encourage learners to be respectful of one another

even when it is necessary to disagree” has the highest mean which is interpreted as

“Extremely Committed”. Three of the items are interpreted as “Extremely Committed” and

the other two are interpreted as “Very Much Committed”.

Table 11

Assessment on the Degree of Respondents’ Commitment to Ethical Principles

in Teaching in terms of Student Development

Student Development Mean Verbal Interpretation

I develop each learner's innate
4.41 Very Much Committed
potentialities to the highest level.

I provide learners with a safe, comfortable,

4.66 Extremely Committed
and supportive learning environment.
I come to class well-prepared and provide
4.56 Extremely Committed
quality teaching.
I enhance the learners’ independent
4.59 Extremely Committed
learning and their sense of self-worth.
I encourage the learners to strive for
4.73 Extremely Committed
academic excellence and to value learning.
Grand Mean 4.59
Legend: “Not at All Committed (1.00 – 1.49)”, “Slightly Committed (1.50 – 2.49)”, “Moderately Committed
(2.50 – 3.49)”, “Very Much Committed (3.50 – 4.49)”, “Extremely Committed (4.50 – 5.00)”

Table 11 presents the degree of respondents’ commitment to ethical principles in

teaching in terms of student development. The grand mean or the overall weighted mean

is 4.59 which is interpreted as “Extremely Committed”. Looking closely at the table item per

item, it was observed that “I encourage the learners to strive for academic excellence and

to value learning” has the highest mean which is interpreted as “Extremely Committed”.

Four of the items are interpreted as “Extremely Committed” and the other one is

interpreted as “Very Much Committed”.

Table 12

Assessment on the Degree of Respondents’ Commitment to Ethical Principles

in Teaching in terms of Dual Relationship with Students

Dual Relationship with Students Mean Verbal Interpretation

I avoid favoritism or unfairness in my classes. 4.78 Extremely Committed
I keep my relationship with my learners 4.68 Extremely Committed

focused on pedagogical goals and academic

I form a professional relationship with my
learners, including their family members, even 4.56 Extremely Committed
outside the school premises.
I design creative activities to enhance
4.54 Extremely Committed
students’ engagement in learning.
I evaluate students’ performance objectively
according to standards set by the Department 4.68 Extremely Committed
of Education.
Grand Mean 4.65
  Legend: “Not at All Committed (1.00 – 1.49)”, “Slightly Committed (1.50 – 2.49)”, “Moderately Committed
(2.50 – 3.49)”, “Very Much Committed (3.50 – 4.49)”, “Extremely Committed (4.50 – 5.00)”

Table 12 presents the degree of respondents’ commitment to ethical principles in

teaching in terms of dual relationship with students. The grand mean or the overall

weighted mean is 4.65 which is interpreted as “Extremely Committed”. Looking closely at

the table item per item, it was observed that “I avoid favoritism or unfairness in my classes”

has the highest mean which is interpreted as “Extremely Committed”. All items are

interpreted as “Extremely Committed”.

Table 13

Assessment on the Degree of Respondents’ Commitment to Ethical Principles

in Teaching in terms of Confidentiality

Confidentiality Mean Verbal Interpretation

I respect the learners’ privacy. 4.93 Extremely Committed
I maintain the confidentiality of information 4.93 Extremely Committed
unless disclosure serves a compelling

professional purpose or is required by law, or

unless the personal safety of the learner is at
I handle learners’ information with honesty
4.90 Extremely Committed
and integrity.
I do not divulge learners’ opinions,
4.80 Extremely Committed
suggestions, and recommendations to others.
I ensure the learners understand relevant
rules, regulations, and procedures about data 4.83 Extremely Committed
Grand Mean 4.88
  Legend: “Not at All Committed (1.00 – 1.49)”, “Slightly Committed (1.50 – 2.49)”, “Moderately Committed
(2.50 – 3.49)”, “Very Much Committed (3.50 – 4.49)”, “Extremely Committed (4.50 – 5.00)”

Table 13 presents the degree of respondents’ commitment to ethical principles in

teaching in terms of confidentiality. The grand mean or the overall weighted mean is 4.88

which is interpreted as “Extremely Committed”. Looking closely at the table item per item, it

was observed that “I respect the learners’ privacy” and “I maintain the confidentiality of

information unless disclosure serves a compelling professional purpose or is required by

law, or unless the personal safety of the learner is at risk” have the highest mean which is

interpreted as “Extremely Committed”. All items are interpreted as “Extremely Committed”.

Table 14

Assessment on the Degree of Respondents’ Commitment to Ethical Principles

in Teaching in terms of Respect for Colleagues

Respect for Colleagues Mean Verbal Interpretation

I treat my colleagues with respect and
4.80 Extremely Committed
I collaborate with my colleagues in a manner 4.83 Extremely Committed
that supports academic achievement and

promotes learners' best interests.

I maintain professional relationships with my
4.83 Extremely Committed
I settle conflicts amicably and privately with
4.68 Extremely Committed
my colleagues.
I recognize and appreciate the inherent
4.80 Extremely Committed
potentialities of my colleagues.
Grand Mean 4.79
  Legend: “Not at All Committed (1.00 – 1.49)”, “Slightly Committed (1.50 – 2.49)”, “Moderately Committed
(2.50 – 3.49)”, “Very Much Committed (3.50 – 4.49)”, “Extremely Committed (4.50 – 5.00)”

Table 14 presents the degree of respondents’ commitment to ethical principles in

teaching in terms of respect for colleagues. The grand mean or the overall weighted mean

is 4.79 which is interpreted as “Extremely Committed”. Looking closely at the table item per

item, it was observed that “I collaborate with my colleagues in a manner that supports

academic achievement and promotes learners' best interests” and “I maintain professional

relationships with my colleagues” have the highest mean which is interpreted as

“Extremely Committed”. All items are interpreted as “Extremely Committed”.

Table 15

Assessment on the Degree of Respondents’ Commitment to Ethical Principles

in Teaching in terms of Valid Assessment of Students

Valid Assessment of Students Mean Verbal Interpretation

I design valid and reliable assessments that
4.59 Extremely Committed
are congruent with academic standards.
I conduct parents’ orientation at the start of
the school year to inform them about the 4.68 Extremely Committed
grading system of the school.

I grade learners' exams, assignments, and

4.68 Extremely Committed
outputs objectively.
In case of doubts, I present the computation
4.71 Extremely Committed
of learners’ final grades to the parents.
I give feedback immediately after assessing
4.59 Extremely Committed
the learners’ performance.
Grand Mean 4.65
  Legend: “Not at All Committed (1.00 – 1.49)”, “Slightly Committed (1.50 – 2.49)”, “Moderately Committed
(2.50 – 3.49)”, “Very Much Committed (3.50 – 4.49)”, “Extremely Committed (4.50 – 5.00)”

Table 15 presents the degree of respondents’ commitment to ethical principles in

teaching in terms of valid assessment of students. The grand mean or the overall weighted

mean is 4.65 which is interpreted as “Extremely Committed”. Looking closely at the table

item per item, it was observed that “In case of doubts, I present the computation of

learners’ final grades to the parents” has the highest mean which is interpreted as

“Extremely Committed”. All items are interpreted as “Extremely Committed”.

Table 16

Assessment on the Degree of Respondents’ Commitment to Ethical Principles

in Teaching in terms of Respect for Institution

Respect for Institution Mean Verbal Interpretation

I follow the rules and regulations of the
4.85 Extremely Committed
I contribute to the attainment of the vision,
mission, and goals of the school as well as 4.78 Extremely Committed
the curriculum objectives.
I share a collective responsibility to work for 4.78 Extremely Committed

the good of the school.

I follow and respect the decision of my
4.80 Extremely Committed
immediate superiors in the school.
I support the projects and programs initiated
by the head of the school to enhance the 4.83 Extremely Committed
climate of learning.
Grand Mean 4.81
  Legend: “Not at All Committed (1.00 – 1.49)”, “Slightly Committed (1.50 – 2.49)”, “Moderately Committed
(2.50 – 3.49)”, “Very Much Committed (3.50 – 4.49)”, “Extremely Committed (4.50 – 5.00)”

Table 16 presents the degree of respondents’ commitment to ethical principles in

teaching in terms of respect for institution. The grand mean or the overall weighted mean is

4.81 which is interpreted as “Extremely Committed”. Looking closely at the table item per

item, it was observed that “I follow the rules and regulations of the school” has the highest

mean which is interpreted as “Extremely Committed”. All items are interpreted as

“Extremely Committed”.

3. Difference/Comparison on the Assessment on the Degree of Respondents’

Commitment to Ethical Principles in Teaching When Grouped According Their


Table 17

One – Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA): Comparison on the Assessment on the

Degree of Respondents’ Commitment to Ethical Principles When
Grouped According to Years of Teaching Experience

Ethical Years of
Principles in Teaching Mean f value p- value Decision Remarks
Teaching Experience
Content Below 5 4.63 0.766 0.554 Retain Ho Not
Competence 5 to 10 4.37 Significant
11 to 15 4.52

16 to 20 5.00
21 and above 4.40
Below 5 4.50
5 to 10 4.43
Pedagogical Not
11 to 15 4.50 0.660 0.623 Retain Ho
Competence Significant
16 to 20 5.00
21 and above 4.10
Below 5 4.78
Dealing with 5 to 10 4.48
Sensitive 11 to 15 4.54 1.058 0.391 Retain Ho
Topics 16 to 20 5.00
21 and above 4.10
Below 5 4.73
5 to 10 4.53
Student Not
11 to 15 4.62 0.813 0.525 Retain Ho
Development Significant
16 to 20 5.00
21 and above 4.30
Below 5 4.58
Dual 5 to 10 4.62
Relationship 11 to 15 4.80 1.045 0.398 Retain Ho
with Students 16 to 20 5.00
21 and above 4.30
Below 5 4.88
5 to 10 4.91
Confidentiality 11 to 15 4.88 1.067 0.387 Retain Ho
16 to 20 5.00
21 and above 4.50
Below 5 4.85
5 to 10 4.74
Respect for Not
11 to 15 4.88 0.683 0.608 Retain Ho
Colleagues Significant
16 to 20 5.00
21 and above 4.50
Below 5 4.60
Valid 5 to 10 4.58
Assessment 11 to 15 4.82 0.844 0.507 Retain Ho
of Students 16 to 20 5.00
21 and above 4.50
Below 5 4.83
5 to 10 4.77
Respect for Not
11 to 15 4.92 0.728 0.578 Retain Ho
Institution Significant
16 to 20 5.00
21 and above 4.50
Overall Below 5 4.71 1.003 0.419 Retain Not
Principles 5 to 10 4.60 Ho Significant
11 to 15 4.72
16 to 20 5.00

21 and above 4.36

Note: “If p-value is less than or equal to the level of significance (0.05) reject Ho, otherwise failed to reject Ho.”

Table 17 shows that the overall principles with p-value of 0.419 are not significantly

different to the respondents’ years of teaching. The variables content competence (p-value =

0.554), pedagogical competence (p-value = 0.623), dealing with sensitive topics (p-value =

0.391), student development (p-value = 0.525), dual relationship with students (p-value =

0.398), confidentiality (p-value = 0.387), respect for colleagues (p-value = 0.608), valid

assessment of students (p-value = 0.507), and respect for institution (p-value = 0.578) have

no significant difference to the respondents’ years of teaching.

Table 18

One – Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA): Comparison on the Assessment on the

Degree of Respondents’ Commitment to Ethical Principles When
Grouped According to Grade Level They Teach at Present

Ethical Level They
Principles in Teach at Mean f value p- value Decision Remarks
Teaching Present

Grade 7 4.53
Content Grade 8 4.52 Not
0.227 0.877 Retain Ho
Competence Grade 9 4.47 Significant
Grade 10 4.34
Pedagogical Grade 7 4.28 0.610 0.613 Retain Ho Not
Competence Grade 8 4.45 Significant
Grade 9 4.56

Grade 10 4.49
Grade 7 4.60
Dealing with
Grade 8 4.57 Not
Sensitive 0.068 0.976 Retain Ho
Grade 9 4.50 Significant
Grade 10 4.54
Grade 7 4.50
Student Grade 8 4.58 Not
0.324 0.808 Retain Ho
Development Grade 9 4.67 Significant
Grade 10 4.54
Grade 7 4.45
Grade 8 4.63 Not
Relationship 1.001 0.403 Retain Ho
Grade 9 4.74 Significant
with Students
Grade 10 4.71
Grade 7 4.75
Confidentialit Grade 8 4.97 Not
1.942 0.140 Retain Ho
y Grade 9 4.94 Significant
Grade 10 4.74
Grade 7 4.68
Respect for Grade 8 4.83 Not
0.365 0.779 Retain Ho
Colleagues Grade 9 4.83 Significant
Grade 10 4.77
Grade 7 4.40
Grade 8 4.68 Not
Assessment 1.276 0.297 Retain Ho
Grade 9 4.73 Significant
of Students
Grade 10 4.71
Grade 7 4.70
Respect for Grade 8 4.85 Not
0.503 0.683 Retain Ho
Institution Grade 9 4.87 Significant
Grade 10 4.74
Grade 7 4.54
Overall Grade 8 4.68 Retain Not
0.454 0.716
Principles Grade 9 4.70 Ho Significant
Grade 10 4.62
Note: “If p-value is less than or equal to the level of significance (0.05) reject Ho, otherwise failed to reject Ho.”

Table 18 shows that the overall principles with p-value of 0.716 are not significantly

different to the grade level the respondents are teaching at present . The variables

content competence (p-value = 0.877), pedagogical competence (p-value = 0.613), dealing

with sensitive topics (p-value = 0.976), student development (p-value = 0.808), dual

relationship with students (p-value = 0.403), confidentiality (p-value = 0.140), respect for

colleagues (p-value = 0.779), valid assessment of students (p-value = 0.297), and respect

for institution (p-value = 0.683) have no significant difference to the grade level the

respondents are teaching at present.

Table 19

One – Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA): Comparison on the Assessment on the

Degree of Respondents’ Commitment to Ethical Principles When
Grouped According to Subject They Teach

Ethical Subject
Principles in They Teach Mean f value p- value Decision Remarks
Filipino 3.96
English 4.49
Mathematics 4.77
Science 4.83
Panlipunan 4.25
Technology &
Livelihood 2.328 0.048 Reject Ho Significant
Competence 4.52
Edukasyon sa
Pagpapakatao 4.20
Music, Arts,
PE, & Health 4.43
Pedagogical Filipino 4.20 1.524 0.194 Retain Ho Not
Competence English 4.37 Significant
Mathematics 4.60
Science 4.50
Panlipunan 4.15
Technology &
Edukasyon sa 4.30

Music, Arts,
PE, & Health 4.90
Filipino 4.32
English 4.34
Mathematics 4.70
Science 4.73
Panlipunan 4.35
Dealing with Technology & Not
Sensitive Livelihood 1.170 0.346 Retain Ho
4.40 Significant
Topics Education
Edukasyon sa
Pagpapakatao 4.40
Music, Arts,
PE, & Health 4.93
Filipino 4.44
English 4.46
Mathematics 4.80
Science 4.67
Panlipunan 4.40
Technology &
Student Not
Livelihood 1.086 0.395 Retain Ho
Development 4.48 Significant
Edukasyon sa
Pagpapakatao 4.40
Music, Arts,
PE, & Health 4.87
Dual Filipino 4.52 0.489 0.835 Retain Ho Not
Relationship English 4.54 Significant
with Students Mathematics 4.77
Science 4.77
Panlipunan 4.65
Technology & 4.52

Edukasyon sa
Pagpapakatao 4.50
Music, Arts,
PE, & Health 4.80
Filipino 4.72
English 4.94
Mathematics 4.77
Science 5.00
Panlipunan 4.80
Technology &
Confidentialit Not
Livelihood 0.913 0.509 Retain Ho
y 4.80 Significant
Edukasyon sa
Pagpapakatao 5.00
Music, Arts,
PE, & Health 5.00
Filipino 4.64
English 4.86
Mathematics 4.73
Science 4.97
Panlipunan 4.60
Technology &
Respect for Not
Livelihood 0.826 0.573 Retain Ho
Colleagues 4.80 Significant
Edukasyon sa
Pagpapakatao 4.50
Music, Arts,
PE, & Health 4.93
Valid Filipino 4.56 0.292 0.952 Retain Ho Not
Assessment English 4.51 Significant
of Students Mathematics 4.67
Science 4.70
Araling 4.65

Technology &
Edukasyon sa
Pagpapakatao 4.50
Music, Arts,
PE, & Health 4.80
Filipino 4.64
English 4.86
Mathematics 4.77
Science 5.00
Panlipunan 4.65
Technology &
Respect for Not
Livelihood 1.208 0.326 Retain Ho
Institution 4.80 Significant
Edukasyon sa
Pagpapakatao 4.40
Music, Arts,
PE, & Health 5.00
Filipino 4.44
English 4.59
Mathematics 4.73
Science 4.80
Panlipunan 4.50
Overall Technology & Retain Not
Livelihood 1.155 0.354
Principles 4.60 Ho Significant
Edukasyon sa
Pagpapakata 4.47
o (ESP)
Music, Arts,
PE, & Health 4.85
Note: “If p-value is less than or equal to the level of significance (0.05) reject Ho, otherwise failed to reject Ho.”

Table 19 shows that the overall principles with p-value of 0.354 are not significantly

different to the subject the respondents are teaching . The variable content competence

(p-value = 0.048) has significant difference. However, pedagogical competence (p-value =

0.194), dealing with sensitive topics (p-value = 0.346), student development (p-value =

0.395), dual relationship with students (p-value = 0.835), confidentiality (p-value = 0.509),

respect for colleagues (p-value = 0.573), valid assessment of students (p-value = 0.952),

and respect for institution (p-value = 0.326) have no significant difference to the subject the

respondents are teaching.

Table 20

One – Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA): Comparison on the Assessment on the

Degree of Respondents’ Commitment to Ethical Principles When
Grouped According to Sex

Principles in Sex Mean f value p- value Decision Remarks
Content Male 4.58 Not
0.783 0.382 Retain Ho
Competence Female 4.43 Significant
Pedagogical Male 4.67 Not
3.341 0.075 Retain Ho
Competence Female 4.38 Significant
Dealing with Male 4.69 1.196 0.281 Retain Ho Not
Sensitive Female 4.49 Significant
Student Male 4.72 Not
1.69 0.201 Retain Ho
Development Female 4.54 Significant
Dual Male 4.82
Relationship 2.866 0.098 Retain Ho
Female 4.59 Significant
with Students
Confidentialit Male 4.87 Not
0.005 0.941 Retain Ho
y Female 4.88 Significant
Respect for Male 4.85 Not
0.465 0.499 Retain Ho
Colleagues Female 4.77 Significant
Valid Male 4.85 4.092 0.050 Reject Ho Significant
Assessment Female 4.57

of Students
Respect for Male 4.85 Not
0.231 0.633 Retain Ho
Institution Female 4.79 Significant
Over-all Male 4.77 Retain Not
2.252 0.141
Principles Female 4.60 Ho Significant
Note: “If p-value is less than or equal to the level of significance (0.05) reject Ho, otherwise failed to reject Ho.”

Table 20 shows that the overall principles with p-value of 0.141 are not significantly

different to the sex of the respondents. The variables content competence (p-value =

0.382), pedagogical competence (p-value = 0.075), dealing with sensitive topics (p-value =

0.281), student development (p-value = 0.201), dual relationship with students (p-value =

0.098), confidentiality (p-value = 0.941), respect for colleagues (p-value = 0.499), and

respect for institution (p-value = 0.633) have no significant difference to the subject the

respondents are teaching. However, the variable valid assessment of students (p-value =

0.050) has significant difference to the subject the respondents are teaching.

Table 21

One – Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA): Comparison on the Assessment on the

Degree of Respondents’ Commitment to Ethical Principles When
Grouped According to Age

Ethical Age Mean f value p- value Decision Remarks

Principles in
20 to 29 4.44
30 to 39 4.51
Content Not
40 to 49 4.56 1.140 0.346 Retain Ho
Competence Significant
50 to 59 3.90
60 and above 0.00
20 to 29 4.48
30 to 39 4.48
Pedagogical Not
40 to 49 4.46 0.400 0.754 Retain Ho
Competence Significant
50 to 59 4.10
60 and above 0.00

20 to 29 4.68
Dealing with 30 to 39 4.53
Sensitive 40 to 49 4.46 0.318 0.813 Retain Ho
Topics 50 to 59 4.50
60 and above 0.00
20 to 29 4.66
30 to 39 4.61
Student Not
40 to 49 4.58 1.061 0.377 Retain Ho
Development Significant
50 to 59 4.10
60 and above 0.00
20 to 29 4.64
Dual 30 to 39 4.66
Relationship 40 to 49 4.66 0.099 0.960 Retain Ho
with Students 50 to 59 4.50
60 and above 0.00
20 to 29 4.96
30 to 39 4.88
Confidentialit Not
40 to 49 4.86 1.65 0.195 Retain Ho
y Significant
50 to 59 4.50
60 and above 0.00
20 to 29 4.84
30 to 39 4.78
Respect for Not
40 to 49 4.84 0.894 0.453 Retain Ho
Colleagues Significant
50 to 59 4.40
60 and above 0.00
20 to 29 4.70
Valid 30 to 39 4.57
Assessment 40 to 49 4.78 0.711 0.552 Retain Ho
of Students 50 to 59 4.50
60 and above 0.00
20 to 29 4.80
30 to 39 4.80
Respect for Not
40 to 49 4.90 0.704 0.556 Retain Ho
Institution Significant
50 to 59 4.50
60 and above 0.00
20 to 29 4.69
30 to 39 4.65
Over-all Retain Not
40 to 49 4.68 0.718 0.548
Principles Ho Significant
50 to 59 4.33
60 and above 0.00
Note: “If p-value is less than or equal to the level of significance (0.05) reject Ho, otherwise failed to reject Ho.”

Table 21 shows that the overall principles with p-value of 0.548 are not significantly

different to the age of the respondents. The variable content competence (p-value =

0.346), pedagogical competence (p-value = 0.754), dealing with sensitive topics (p-value =

0.813), student development (p-value = 0.377), dual relationship with students (p-value =

0.960), confidentiality (p-value = 0.195), respect for colleagues (p-value = 0.453), valid

assessment of students (p-value = 0.552), and respect for institution (p-value = 0.556) have

no significant difference to the age of the respondents.

Table 22

One – Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA): Comparison on the Assessment on the

Degree of Respondents’ Commitment to Ethical Principles When
Grouped According to Degree

Principles in Degree Mean f value p- value Decision Remarks
Bachelor 4.51
Content Not
M.A. 4.31 0.944 0.337 Retain Ho
Competence Significant
Ph.D. 4.47
Bachelor 4.49
Pedagogical Not
M.A. 4.31 0.800 0.377 Retain Ho
Competence Significant
Ph.D. 0.00
Dealing with Bachelor 4.58
Sensitive M.A. 4.37 0.978 0.329 Retain Ho
Topics Ph.D. 0.00
Bachelor 4.61
Student Not
M.A. 4.89 0.537 0.468 Retain Ho
Development Significant
Ph.D. 0.00
Dual Bachelor 4.70
Relationship M.A. 4.40 3.53 0.068 Retain Ho
with Students Ph.D. 0.00
Bachelor 4.90
Confidentialit Not
M.A. 4.77 1.275 0.266 Retain Ho
y Significant
Ph.D. 0.00
Respect for Bachelor 4.82 1.138 0.293 Retain Ho Not
Colleagues M.A. 4.66 Significant
Ph.D. 0.00
Valid Bachelor 4.68
Assessment M.A. 4.49 1.351 0.252 Retain Ho
of Students Ph.D. 0.00
Respect for Bachelor 4.82 0.290 0.593 Retain Ho Not
Institution M.A. 4.74 Significant

Ph.D. 0.00
Bachelor 4.68
Over-all Retain Not
M.A. 4.50 1.735 0.195
Principles Ho Significant
Ph.D. 0.00
Note: “If p-value is less than or equal to the level of significance (0.05) reject Ho, otherwise failed to reject Ho.”

Table 22 shows that the overall principles with p-value of 0.195 are not significantly

different to the degree of the respondents. The variable content competence (p-value =

0.337), pedagogical competence (p-value = 0.377), dealing with sensitive topics (p-value =

0.329), student development (p-value = 0.468), dual relationship with students (p-value =

0.068), confidentiality (p-value = 0.266), respect for colleagues (p-value = 0.293), valid

assessment of students (p-value = 0.252), and respect for institution (p-value = 0.593) have

no significant difference to the degree of the respondents.

Chapter 3




9 Ethical Principles. (2021). Retrieved August 8, 2021, from website:



Hamid Ashraf, Mansooreh Hosseinnia, & Javad Gh. Domsky. (2017, March 17). EFL

teachers’ commitment to professional ethics and their emotional intelligence: A

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Neena Sawhney. (2015, June 3). Professional Ethics and Commitment in Teacher

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