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Form 5 Science Chapter 6 Food Technology and
15 Questions

1. Which of the following is not a purpose of food processing?

a) To make the food more attractive b) To make the food more delicious

c) To ensure nutritional balance d) To increase the shelf life

2. Sodium nitrite is one of the example of ...................

a) antioxidant b) food preservative

c) bleach d) flavouring

3. Aspartame is used to replace ______________.

a) sugar b) salt
c) ester d) flour

4. Antioxidant is used to __________.

a) prevent the growth of microorganism b) prevent the separation of two liquids such
as oil and water

c) emulsify food containing oil and water d) prevent the rancidity of oily food

5. Pasteurisation is commonly used in production of ________.

a) milk b) vegetables

c) fruits d) coffee
6. Which of the following is the method of pasteurisation?

a) heat at 63 degree celcius for 30 minutes b) heat at 72 degree celcius for 15 minutes
and cool immeidately
c) heat at 63 degree celcius for 30 minutes d) heat at 72 degree celcius for 15 seconds
and cool immediately

7. What is the disadvantage of method dehydration?

a) the food does not keep long b) the food can keep longer

c) it maintains the smell d) damage the nutrients

8. Which of the following is correct about deep freezing?

a) The water is removed b) The food is cooled at -18 degree celcius

and below
c) Microorganisms grow slower d) The food is cooled below 10 degree celcius

9. What is the example of food that uses the method


a) Fruit b) Coffee

c) Milk d) Onion

10. What is the advantage of vacuum packaging?

a) Sterilise the food b) Microorganisms can be destroyed

c) The food can be kept longer

11. Which of the following can prevent soil erosion?

a) Planting cover crops b) Use of modern technology

c) Optimise the land and irrigated areas d) Practising crop rotation

How to maintain the fertility of soil?

a) Practising crop rotation

b) Use of quality seeds c) Do research and development

d) Add in fertiliser

13. Based on Food Regulations 1985, which of the following is

the required in the food label?

a) food ingredients b) expiry date

c) halal label d) nutritional value

14. What is the best method to process this food so that the
nutritional value can be kept.

a) freeze drying b) refrigeration

c) dehydration d) deep freezing

15. What method is used in the picture shown?

a) pasteurisation b) canning
c) vacuum packaging d) irradiation

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