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Impact on People:

Knowledge management can facilitate employee learning, also causes employees to

become more flexible, and enhances their job satisfaction.
Employee learning
Employee Adaptability:
Employee Job Satisfaction:
Impact on Process Effectiveness:
Effectiveness is performing the most suitable processes and making the best possible
Knowledge management can enable organizations to become more effective by helping
them to select and perform the most appropriate processes.

c) Impact on Processes Efficiency:

Efficiency is performing the processes quickly and in a low-cost fashion.
Managing knowledge effectively can also enable organizations to be more productive and

d) Impact on process Innovation:

Innovation is performing the processes in a creative and novel fashion, that improves
effectiveness and efficiency.
Organizations can increasingly rely on knowledge shared across individuals to produce
innovative solutions to problems as well as to develop more innovative organizational

e) Impact on Products:
Impact on products can be:
Value added products: Knowledge management processes can help organizations offer
new products or improved products that provide a significant additional value as
compared with earlier products
Knowledge based product: Knowledge management can have a significant impact on
product that are knowledge based like those in consulting or software development etc.

f) Impact on Organizational Performance:

Direct Impacts : Knowledge is used to create innovative products that generate revenue
and profit.
Indirect Impacts: Use of KM to demonstrate intellectual leadership within the industry,
which, in turn, might enhance customer loyalty.

On employe
Km impact on people
 Km can facilitate employee learning
 Km can facilitate employee adabtability and couse employee to become
more flexible
 Km can also enhance employee job satisfaction

Knowledge retention has a positive effect on job satisfaction. Furthermore, KM approaches

including social networking, personalization, and codification have strong influences on
innovation and work performance. Customized information sharing, employees become more
socially involved within or outside organizations.

Job satisfaction
 Knowledge management play a crucial role in improving the level of satisfaction. He reported
on its effect using staff of a five star hotel in Jordan and found a significant positive effect
measured the effect of knowledge management on the job performance of staff of an Arabian
National Library in Jeddah-Saudi to see if there will be an increase in their level of satisfaction in
that career filed using knowledge acquisition and sharing as variables. They found a significant
positive interactive effect of knowledge managment

1) Knowledge Discovery Systems support;

 Is the process of developing new tacit or explicit knowledge from data and
information or from the synthesis of prior knowledge
 These s y s t e m s s u p p o r t t w o k n o w l e d g e m a n a g e m e n t s u b p r o c e s s e s
associated with knowledge discovery, these are
Combination, and socialization
 Combination; enabling the discovery of new explicit knowledge, and
 Socialization, enabling t h e di s c o ve r y o f ne w t a c i t kn ow l e dge .
 M e c h a ni s m s a nd t e c hn ol o gi e s c a n s u pp or t k n o w l e d g e d i s c o v e r y
systems by facilitating combination and/or socialization.
Mechanisms that facilitate combination include collaborative problem
solving, joint decision making, and collaborative creation of documents.
 Technologies facilitating combination include knowledge discovery systems,
databases, and Web-based access to data. Repositories of information, best
practices, and lessons learned also facilitate combination.
 Technologies can also facilitate socialization, but to a smaller extent than they can
facilitate combination.

Knowledge Discovery Systems support two KM sub processes associated with knowledge

 Combination, enabling the discovery of new explicit knowledge. Existing explicit

knowledge may be re-contextualized to produce new explicit knowledge;
 socialization, facilitating the synthesis of tacit knowledge and therefore enabling the
discovery of new tacit knowledge through joint activities rather than written or verbal

Socialization as a means of knowledge discovery is a common practice at many organizations,

pursued either by accident or on purpose.
Mechanisms for socialization:

 Employee rotation across departments,

 research conferences,
 brainstorming sessions,
 cooperative projects

2) Knowledge Capture Systems support

 Is the process of retrieving either explicit or tacit knowledge that resides within
people, artifacts, or organizational entities
 These systems c a n a i d i n t h e c a p t u r e o f k n o w l e d g e t h a t r e s i d e s w i t h i n
o r o u t s i d e o r g a n i z a t i o n a l boundaries, including within consultants,
competitors, customers, suppliers, and prior employers of the organization’s
new employees. Knowledge capture systems rely on mechanisms and
technologies that support externalization and internalization. KM
mechanisms can enable knowledge capture by facilitating
e x t e r n a l i z a t i o n , o r internalization.

 The earliest mechanisms for knowledge capture dates to the anthropological use
of stories - the earliest form of art, education and entertainment. Storytelling is
the mechanism by which early civilizations passed on their values and their
wisdom from one generation to the next.

 The importance of using metaphors and stories as a mechanism for capturing

and transferring tacit knowledge is increasingly drawing the attention of

3) Knowledge Sharing Systems support
 Is the process through which explicit or implicit knowledge is communicated to
other individuals and they do so by supporting exchange and socialization
 Discussion groups or chat groups facilitate knowledge sharing by enabling an
individual to explain her/his knowledge to the rest of the group. In addition,
knowledge-sharing systems also utilize mechanisms and technologies that facilitate
exchange. Some of the mechanisms that facilitate exchange are memos, manuals, progress
reports, letter.
 Technologies that facilitating this classification exchange include groupware and other
team collaboration mechanisms, Web-based access to data, and databases, and repositories
of information, including best practice databases, lessons learned systems, and
expertise-locator systems.

Knowledge sharing systems are classified according to their attributes

 Incident report databases

 Alert systems
 Best practices databases
 Lessons-learned systems
 Expertise locator systems
Incident report databases are used to disseminate information related to incidents or
malfunctions. Incident reports typically describe the incident together with explanations of the
incident, although they may not suggest any recommendations.

Alert systems were originally intended to disseminate information about a negative experience

that has occurred or is expected to occur. Alert systems could be used to report problems
experienced with technology, such as an alert system that issues recalls for consumer products.

Best practices databases describe successful efforts, typically from the reengineering of

business processes that could be applicable to organizational processes. Best practices differ
from lessons learned in that they capture only successful events, which may not be derived from

The goal of lessons-learned systems is to capture and provide lessons that can benefit
employees who encounter situations that closely resemble a previous experience in a similar
situation. LLS could be pure repositories of lessons or be sometimes intermixed with other
sources of information.

Expertise-Locator Systems are knowledge repositories that attempt to organize knowledge by

identifying experts who possess specific knowledge. Expertise locator systems are also known
as expert directories, expertise directories, skill directories, skills catalogues, white pages or
yellow page

4) Knowledge Application Systems support
 Is the process through which some individuals utilize knowledge possessed by other
individuals without actually acquiring, or learning, that knowledge mechanisms and
technologies support knowledge application systems by facilitating routines and direction

Knowledge Application Systems support the process through which some individuals utilize
knowledge possessed by other individuals without actually acquiring, or learning, that

Knowledge application technologies, which support direction and routines includes:

 expert systems
 decision support systems
 advisor systems
 fault diagnosis (or troubleshooting) systems
 Help desk systems.

An expert system is software that attempts to provide an answer to a problem, or clarify

uncertainties where normally one or more human experts would need to be consulted. Expert
systems are most common in a specific problem domain, and is a traditional application and/or
subfield of artificial intelligence. A wide variety of methods can be used to simulate the
performance of the expert however common to most or all are 1) the creation of a knowledge
base which uses some knowledge representation formalism to capture the subject matter
expert's knowledge and 2) a process of gathering that knowledge from the subject matter
expert's and codifying it according to the formalism, which is called knowledge engineering.
Expert systems may or may not have learning components but a third common element is that
once the system is developed it is proven by being placed in the same real world problem
solving situation as the human subject matter expert, typically as an aid to human workers or a
supplement to some information system.

A Decision Support System (DSS) is a class of information systems (including but not limited
to computerized systems) that support business and organizational decision-making activities. A
properly designed DSS is an interactive software-based system intended to help decision
makers compile useful information from a combination of raw data, documents, personal
knowledge, or business models to identify and solve problems and make decisions. Typical
information that a decision support application might gather and present are:

 inventories of all of your current information assets (including legacy and relational data
sources, cubes, data warehouses, and data marts),
 comparative sales figures between one week and the next,
 Projected revenue figures based on new product sales assumptions.

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