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Standing Operating Procedure (Sales)

Reference to the context:

1) Profiling.
a) First Look.
b) Assess the clients ( Profiling ).
i) General Character ( Categorized as follow ).
ii) Financial Status ( By their appearance, or by informal conversation ).
iii) Aesthetic Sense ( Aesthetic Sense or Design Sense ).
c) Assessment of Scope of Event.
2) Confidence.
3) Discussion & Planning of Event :
a) Menu.
b) Setup
c) Service.
4) Costing n Terms & Conditions.
5) Recording.
6) Handing Over To Operation ( HTO ) :
a) Catering:
i) Food & Beverage.
ii) Service.
iii) Setup.
b) Event Design & Décor.
c) Lights & Power Generation.
d) Entertainment.
e) Temperature Control.
1. Profiling
1.1. First Look
1.1.1. Look at the client directly with confidence
1.1.2. Confidence can be shown by how you stand and Greet and welcome the clients.
1.1.3. Greet the client and welcome the client.
1.1.4. Greeting the client in a way that you “break the Ice “between you and your client.
1.1.5. Informal discussion can really help.
1.1.6. Make the client feel at ease.
1.1.7. Assess the clients (profiling) General Character (categorized as follow ;) Exciting (A client with great repute, or with previous good record, and with great
Potential.) Great ( A client with Ok repute, or with ok Previous record, and ok Potential) Careful ( A client with no repute, or with no record and ok Potential) Difficult ( A client with OK or No repute, and/or with record or no record but is very
demanding and entrust worthy , and with Great or Ok Potential) Financial Status. ( by their appearance, or by informal conversation) Low Medium ( Just basics, no third Party , keep less involvement ) Medium ( Basic Menu upgrade, no third party , Keep minimum involvement) Medium-up ( upgraded Menu, Involve third Party, Keep medium Involvement) Up-scale ( Give complete solution) Aesthetic Sense. (Aesthetic Sense can be assessed by following; What the client is wearing what color the bride and groom are wearing What are their choices as per the event?
1.2. Assessment of Scope of Event.
1.2.1. Ask the client three basic questions i.e. How many guests are you expecting? What Type of the event it is? Where is the location of the event?

Then you need to ask yourself some questions; off-course keeping relevant profile in mind; what can I offer the client ( i.e. what is available on the date) what value added can I add to make more money ( that can be in food , service or in setup) What external value added service can we involve to make the event special.
2. Confidence
Create this environment of trust in you, that Client realize that you are an expert.
For that you need job knowledge and lots of it.
3. Discussion & Planning of event
a) Menu:
Discuss the menu with the client and also give him value added options so the customer knows that variety is
Discuss the setup with the client also give him options, after making the sketch of the venue where event
going to be happen.
Discuss the style of service that we can provide them in their event.

4. Costing n Terms & Condition

4.1. Standard Rules and Policies needs to be narrated before giving any solution.
4.2. Always give a written Solution on the basis of Client Profiling and Scope of Event.
4.3. Keep Margins for Discounts. ( and keep in control, so you don’t have to give any special discounts)
4.4. Explain clearly what you are attempting to do on their event.
4.5. Make sure to re-assess and re-plan quickly if your earlier assessment was wrong. (Always keep a backup
5. Recording
5.1. Create a “Booking Sheet”, with complete solution requirements including third party involvement.
5.2. If need add additional Sheets with complete event theme requirement and third party details.
5.3. If need create Layout drawing which would describe following:
5.3.1. Table seating Plan
5.3.2. Lounge seating Plan
5.3.3. Main Stage and Secondary Stage if any.
5.3.4. Buffet Plan
5.3.5. Live Stations / Bar
5.3.6. Pantry Area
6. Handing over to Operation (HTO)
This is the most difficult and most important Element of the all. Most of the time we are handling the event as an
Event managers, and transferring information about our commitments are very difficult thing to do. Hence I
suggest we should create our own check list for it. Mine is as follow;

6.1. Catering
6.1.1. Food & Beverage
Check if all food items are according to plan i.e. how many live stations if any, special requirements are
met, and especially driver food is ordered. If extra portioning is requested it should be there and it’s
according to the plan.
6.1.2. Service Make a service plan with the event supervisor according to event requirements. Make Sure Supervisor has ample service resources and discusses it also with the banquet in
charge. Make sure C &C are as per requirement, and assessed on the basis of the menu and guests. Make sure Linen is as per requirement, and according commitment. ( so commit what u can) Make a Buffet layout Plan event supervisor according event requirement, and try to be creative
(we can come up with different layouts with consultation with service staff).
6.1.3. Setup Make sure Tent age is installed according to plan. Carpeting is done according plan. (Importantly in one direction, no overlapping and clean in
the centre.) Make sure tables, Chairs and etc are ordered accordingly on the back sheet.
6.2. Event Design & Décor
Most of the time we are designing our events, however if there is an event designer involved, coordinate
accordingly and get all responsibilities sorted out, and let your client know about them.
6.3. Light & Power Generation
There are usually two, but some time three types of lighting in an event;
6.3.1. Illuminative lighting ( basic light for illumination)
6.3.2. Decorative Lighting ( Decorative purpose only)
6.3.3. Specialized Lighting (Mainly for Decorative purpose but some time these are also used for other uses
also e.g. Moving Head, Follow spot, laser lights.
6.3.4. Make sure you calculate accurate voltage for the generator (consult your lighting vendor, and your
6.3.5. Make sure you have a backup for the power. ( because if this fails, your event is down the rabbit hole)
6.3.6. Always get the best vendor in the market for power generation. Regardless of price, however, let your
client know its importance and if he doesn’t agree ask him to arrange it himself.

6.4. Entertainment
6.4.1. Make sure you order your sound system vendor if any.
6.4.2. Dance floor etc…

6.5. Temperature Control

6.5.1. Heaters
6.5.2. Air-conditioning ( also make sure you order extra gen-set for it also)

Bottom Line: Sales are the owner of their respective Events. Regardless of who ever says what! If we don’t own our
event we lose our future.

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