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( P," I . \i1 ,j 6 , fro.'c L.

-{ )
To c Lzt(;o+o +)

UNrr-I -Revieo o€ l\clt.emali' co{'T["-e-sr.1

CPqti- L "+,

E s"*n
SeJr is d ch.""d o-s q. cstlec*i\-cr o€ of,jea6. 11""r. o[j<ct-s
crv< cdled e\e 9r'1a-E= o .F .ttne. se|.
lltt *Lr e\em<.nrts q'r'€
.1o i n a cut\ lo^rack"is 't ' *d
' ]' o""'J e$e".-1 q\<ene<'rF tl s<ga.rc.lcol rf Ct\<\"nn cLs

6{ cw".rnple , A --t r, 2,3, q,5l fs a celleqrfr\ oC al.l go-siHve

fts(\- 24rro \er.t *\on $-f <-1n^.o.l Jr' 5.

* Se-t Ta<m\nologT',-
- rrre ons J\"-t.- :r,- r-: rnenf o{- tt}- B
qio ele -

.c 4 A repcle"rrts *L^F ' is o.o l- rnern be'( .f s<i- A.

S"{":gl- 'Tha std- A ri colt<d s.^Lse} op sei- B i{- Q"it? e\'en"re"c't-

oPstt A is yrcr<^nt in re,t B L^F vev-<nrs< is ool- 'lrt'r e'i'o', Li'
<wasagle- it A-- tr,z,sl, 6'{1,,2-,3,q,<} a-l^."n u*- t-nl<
Uniwrysol ge#..- /\ sqi- ft^ol-
c."rr"Xs .+{^r- J{n t,o\.,i.l", a-1
cl's tl 'e'l'rt'<-S aJ I eJ- qTrcl
iF ,r de,noF.J
ivr c1j1r cafi=-n rs knsr.on
br U,
Ar\ +L4- pengle- |o T^I^r"l'
*;,*.,*',., U ' t
Poc.rex- t<i-r- A is tlr,q s<-$- oF "IJ o'f- i'l-< svlos<*s'
Pot^or s<F oP s<f
ts is
Fr a*or.rde, \cJ- A = {t' 2,.3} '\\e"o Power< s<''l- of
>t?-U<-\e"^+<d c'*
p = t d, ttl, {zl. t3l, tr, a-1, tr,3}, t .

t^:hc"..- / Jno"f.-r er.ft sz} "

-+ (Iil"-.-j t- a+ f& q r-e,l- *t,
. c"n 4f^L cscn 1iz to e..,.,.l- ol A
fs .fire- se-l- urns ls hYr3 o ,f- a I e,cct ercr t< o,[.' *t" qn\r<'qoJ s<-F
.11^ c.j- cl-'e no l- iD A. Tr+ dcrrot J A'6.( n. -e\.,..

A'= {cc[:ceu, ."#AJ.

fs-< torur.'g.l<, if U R4l. r*F of n "ra-l rl urn tffrE o-d
A . t1,2, 3, q, < ] .l-t^u^,
A'= {r["ceu . 1> 5 ].
Je s4l- a g<-x-adtr-ns l'-

fr on'J B trte-too sefs.t\"* r'r'rt\sn "L k.rr.d

--> Un\sn'.^ X,[
csrrl-olo 5 oU '{-{^L e-\e-rnr<'nts 'tl" ^} q.!r< \.1
fu .flna s<-}- *\ oJ-
\n t3 ,:{ i\ bo'l{^ ' f+ d"''"{-<J r) A U 6-
a\t!',e < A o.<- 'r
- 3' q' rl '
G6{ esro*oele-
f.. ^ ^i " ='i''::i' :;
s"Is, .Y{"a. 'tt"l
A. .,-d B n'tLeseJ-
+t^.| r*rrfc.ins +L-
\n.ttx-scctr\6 "F B Jeno,l.J td ftns-
e lerr(nt5 \Yl \". t\ N conJ ts, e$-

Fe-r <,xa wr gl e ,
ip l\ = tr,z,6,KJ, r<=t 3,q.i,El
+{r-,o A nB = tsl

D'i t$e^ron te';- f-+ A' o.....d ft o-t- .tv,

, +{*,. 't\^r. ltAFtt<mte

oF k F--c^ 13 L +1^( re-L- .Yhol- qsns,'sls ,"F 'l-1"''o r-e- ' \"^tt'ent: oC
A .t\..,.r,*- o,.'''c nsl- M ts . a+ tr /e,.-rot<d U1 LJ
trr< cD.a(r'\P1 e' ,\P A = {t,z,gl , e=13,(.s]
J'1,-l,^l1 A-6 = tl,z] o-"i G-A=ttj,Sj.
A-B + B-A.
:aur] qlle€ JaqrunN llou

:alec : aleprpueJlo aureN

!gd:f.t '.- T"t A on-,rl 13 q,-< *u.,o r<-*s .ia^a.
c a-6a< s54fi g"t d'rct- u[- ]r"" se-E CAxB)
ts J-eF o[ P".itj
c a. t ) oshe<< d' e A o..,'J \o e. B

fu erra"cnPle , i* A=t1,2,31 ,6-{3,crl

.tLlq fixB ={ cr,3), tl,q), t>,3),62,4\, t3,3),

)G DEJ.inl- d3(- ft a-cl B cr^,. scjJ J- t€- &.3uf.'l it +t5

Cssfic.rn rla ele.roan l-s \\ t\rm"{Yl i.O, d. (.) AOB=/,

# is av\ t*"i\ stF.

tr"( e.vox'ople- , A - lt,z. z, \-S ) ct-J f3 ' t 6,+,K ,1,10] av<
;lr5fn't- s<X.
* s'rm.roe-*.fl'c & €kr.t^rrte.- -Tl-,e- s6c",-mcd-oc &t+."-t t" A€DB
h ..ttl f*<m'^Lo'

o[ 1Lo-.two s4}s P ts o't<-td iJ ee,A."d

/\@B = CA-Bl U TB-A)

iF f.nndqinec,tal !."rs o[- ]e]

aw< ctSSufn\r'1 +f"'"'i- A,B,'
-rep<Ue.n{- a.rLt.l-ra1 sd3

U ts *Lr U.oNtrrsoJ r-a#

o*J il u4L.t nn f\ sd- q".. rl

c I ) Cotnro u'l-'c^-*'tv e lcrc.:s 1-

A n€ BNA
cr) ftsso cia-*rve la.Ds f -
Bf O C
Fureuc) = cRr.-t
An tf3nc) = Cfto(3f
l-c.trs | -
csl Otslt,b*{le
Acle(3nc) ce oBl o c AUc_)

Ao cBUc) cAos) u ( Anc)


@ ide.cnpo.ltrnt- l..c,r"^.-
Fnft * A'
@ kr"sncPt\sn la-t'c5'.-

An CAuol = /N

@ D_: i\*fl1-!tflt:
CA,: s)' = A' o f3
(tno)r: A"J6l

A o,\L,cx

CAt)t= A
Nn ftt ' f
hON': U
€^<o'th{ se} :-
o.\{.erc latos 'rx'1"\^r\nS 'l.l^t
hOd = A
o6,a [o.,^:s kr{P\"t /&.{ 0 ohutr<'"J

hO U U
r> n t-) A.

:aurl qlle8 raqurnN llou

:aleo : aleprpueJJo e[ueN

ltrHs Hgnou
f,""t' !;ro-.1 tl' (,,*ct*) a\

L:?,.i r

*' P:f""lfiY '*A L'fd

flt::tf e"ro 1ra J.Aq<d cl.s a tlrtl qwc#ve d-{e^*re'"rf
kavMj a. s g<clfi'c tnJt'.' voJe -, 'l^rue w '*o-tse '
,{'r}ot':r,rj s'tc*<rm<rnfs qrr< 'grsgssl4rvos o'-l
6,.r elsynfla, +lt-
-fl"-N- H\dt !o-l r^-r4 crr'<
*fr3 ha.,e 1'rr<c I se ..[1*l^ vc,''tr'tr-* '
.\rue omcl 4t^be - rrtst'<chv.l'1 -
o J is cr\ odJ {nqrnloe'^r
. ctL+bo--3 &-( o.b>1-

(enntcfive 1- '-Ir,'s or ncnt<< 9"miot\'la-os cq"n 1"< c""otirne d

,fo .io cnq Ke Lot Pau"od gangoslh=ns "t)|t" il^( t"+

o.l t sn.y\ < chtVzu.

* F.r aya1.p1e. otov<- 4-r'os grop--'t'|iwr9 cc\vr bo ultd k moke

a t-o6pu^n) gzsgodihvn rs\'r3 4".,1 "F'l{^t ,\,o7i.J t<'nr\€qtives
" 3 is or\ odd nu^.o'\N.t AND ,a-4bL =3 $'o-r a,b>t
. 3 \s oo .dJ n v'cn\'€rr o F-' oL +V* =3 tFo'-r q,u->L'
-II^-x *-rr.dL '/$lr^ts qe< F.j"e o*d \-ue z<:1tt-4-,*11 ,

G" &o .F6t- ts-co1nu^crJ g-aogtsifi=o '\a b'( +^^a tt+L tl^t fxtgosr'*\s-n3
t,'c'rr" ('tr e is Atl D '
h o.,t .fc ba ,E-tr{.- ag t\^r t
pts o R is iLc t"'c,^t",""ti'e |or' +t( setond €o'q \f <*\^ets "f '+-'1^a
l-r kua +t{- }"4 $l tvtgounrd flng"s}}+-o
Eogosllions ^rolt^{ 'rA
is lue .

-[k- {. l'\trut o'?'< +L& L"il."I to"ny\€chiv.-a uxd Qs.nrn *ri

-) l ,

C A) Ccrn\uncfr'-n ,A rs !-rl-nr .*t "A N D " q*J il i s aegae i<"r|<J ou

', A,r. -It- ton1r,r"r, C*ron p .t o.f P t-s v<o.J o.s " g o"ro\
^ "-A 1 1"
-1'L +-^fl" {-.Lle- oF g 11 is fl"*l bdour,
c*.T. o).
Tcr"le i: T',l,ft tuLla "p cenlu.rr cht o
P 1,
T F tr
F -r €
€ F F

LB) Dr'sJqnr+i\.o'- 1t fs f" tn."l R '' q."'d 't t5 *-g.-s.^F.J o.,


"v". -Tt^ d.,"tjt*ctl'n l,l q, .F f *^A t is "r-<od e-s 'g of 1.".

1t" *"r^fd }",ule oF ? '[ I is y\en belo F .

'(clirt zf '[**{ Fo-1"1.- o I J..r'.j,,rtct.".,r

P q, P\r t
T 'T
tr T T
e e €

cc) Neq-cfi=.o
-- l- Il t' r"? d " NdT" qmA )F ts expro-rr"-J' uX

" .rr.: Tt- nTolivo -B of p is -re!/-Ct

'' nsL g ". -l\t
.l'r^,+t +Glal<- oc -F r\ nvon
,lxlrro .

( '1 P Tr,{1( 3. T".lL t-Ll( ![ "neg"dit

T e
€ a

C D) Co'c'&'trt'nal l- 9+ q6,^ lDe- d"An"J o\s o- pr'gasl .h't-n lrotdr

filu{- lF onst[€-rc gnopos\tir"o $ +:n,r{- ", i. e ', ? t q, fs 'xcctot cts
\ tF p +t"a"n x " .Tm,tU .["Lte- is
rveio b<l,oqA.
Lr- {. o)
:aurI qcleg : raqunN llou

:aleo : aleprpuef,Jo aureN

rttHs H9nou
-t".r/.i\ l-t"r'le o'f cc&rht-"c"L
Tul,lc q : .l
r '?-F
?--F 4
4 q,>T
? x 749, '+r I
P- t =T \
a Tl 1 t'f ' P: s"-Pncc+^r c-"&\
i 'f",pzs..Fhcra'f ".'q
T € a1 iI cqil.r< i) t^ v*
f) @c^v^
," tt4sitl,<' ('e

"( F II t: n"'e-ts*1 t*.'jr.i\

F Ii 1 ( |
9F g
;?'o'rr{I s"";rrnw\ alJ
1u' 11 'f'Vr't' '
r's ,Fclrt &L'n '}so ?
cqrn -.1aa Fn"r'
[E) B\csoJ.r'h\oo-t
..- 'A g,qops\.lrvo L?-"1) Ct - 9) c^*r 1aa
oJo\rr<-.r\c^kd o.\ bi.o'qdj'l\wno-l to<rjuvrc'tferr F t=+ 1, "rtd
is yo-d c^s " i[ f .-]t^rtt n , o^d iF 1 ']Lo"o I "'
-Tc.ule- 5'- '['r"*u faJ-le- st- {3lcuc'o\'Ihr""nal

P t, ? e1 a?. 1 1-P CP'',t)^a? -rl

l€ -r

P T ? lr €

F F a ir
f 1

cF) T'#i5r I I* is a- .*po*d Fnlos),h\'n - or\pse- +<\4L vah/4

is J**{a +{\ 4-.
G< ev"".opl e, ? v -,'P .

CG) Qoohradi ch\o ^. a\- rs {'t"r- sg1o 5i}< of +q\^ht"37 . DLi.t^

is cl*",tr krr<..
fr-( e!.o^r^F1e, p ^--p

!F Crrr'lr'ttl- .H"" +n+1" #.,t1e- ,[-11" t ilo3 s holenr., cr*i<

cq) CPaX) nC p+ '- 1)

cu) ? ^ QP -r 1,)
(c) p ,l-r QP4-+ C,)
cq.) cP-t1)r,. (9->r11
a ?
€ F
.| 'r a
T T 1
Ct') P ^ LP -, t)

? t ?.1 1, pn fpaf,)
-T '( 1 .T
T € e e
P a T F
€ F ( C

Cc) f <-., CP <-ra)

r L ?@1 f * eF <4T)
a 1 1 -T
-f e € €
P T € a
F tr T €

:eutI qsleg raqLunN llou

:elec : aleprpuello a[ueN


Litjlgrl::Y cv..'td €1r,iv.".1r,.1g ,.

S u1,9a o<- P *c\ 4- qn< tr-(L tot<"''g's u^rrd grvlosi*"wog
P ^J d- b. +i- v.o^,c +-+L v'llr,q '
C,t a i< +r\'(e \'n (a=ol,. co^se tn r;\" { cl-' P ts . ,tt^eo u(-

f loy.el- *C.,E-8, o*d o'<- cp--ik P + a.

(, +t"*.t-
sc.1 \l

f-F ( *-J- q h alR- .tLz so\o3 .F .^tL v"l"-e-r lq aqct^ cct!€ ,

ta sa3 .t\^.J- f .rm I d. .r'* l,o

9o.StX .il*}. F <9 q t< +L( lqrcr)< c(.s =a?+.X $c'-t-

f :) e crnd q.-JP .

--+ o*.d 44". r.etc'li"'.\ * oF l" y."l

-(". l.rl (o<rnec,hve
1..1 ) Qis
p1{ca-+N<l cr"'r<- sitn\ lqnr frq| nol- .flt'- s"^cne ' ( ?
i[- ? is '[.<,
v<o-A o,s " iF f ,geo Q- ", a-d FIaYrteamJ*LGF
Q mttrtr- be }r^4 ).

Q u"rn h , ,..rol Q tr-q- ti lsxd -sfrtJe"n e''15 1

* A r*s=f is qv\ eo. g:-'e-e s )sn of a'{"\ < 6r rn v'J-e Vct ^e-r'c"t1e8

da.lrn,ed afl suro€- sgac t Grc do-r',oJn ,

A oJ"+\^ vo,.doN€s cq<) t'{ t^rude a Eu'gosrilVl b1

e'rl\a-r oss\7o\ ol vc.{"l- e ho tLt ^.ro,.'ri.'t'le v{ b3 lua"rtf'f1ltn5
.fl,.r- Vo'r{ c'J-l e -

) d u or'ti Cx-<s 1"

is l\"^rol-iF}<J
\"4 1u9^*rfiA'e-Ys'
{\^-r vo"rio-\.1ee oF f'edJcc'}<-r

Uor.wxs.-l ltrovrtt,ht < ornJ e rr isicotial qrraot4{6<"c'


: o) 1 uc^-H {-"o< st-c^l-<s .\t^t

+ U.,r\vtrsc-l Qt.uofiF"e^'t \)oi.xrsr
q.,rt +Y'^!- 'N-< t"c'^tr va.l un o.l
.l\..o- s,tc*e^"tr<x-'ts 'rts J(sp€
ol+t'ln J@
4tr- sTrnwl 'v'.
.f\^r- sger\{ic- vo'rlal-1e ' 9f ri dcnc+(d \

t< -ve-o'l e^s e*a1 vcJu'L oP r fcro fs \Y"{.

- Sr. to., 't*r
-) €,l-iol"",fi fi'ed '.- tuq"q.lifi't.( stol-tr tL't^t-
*c.l t..r: " I
tLr sl-o4en-o,e.ots tr:illnnY its st ! fe cr ze 'l'rrrl- [o< ' r-
r e s.1,'n t-l '1'
+L, syati&c 1c''6\ctle' 9i- dRmo+<d
oF {, fr-u) 5 ftr<.
- 3 Y* P <rc: fs 'Y<o & o.P &< ss\.oe .ro-luts
-'7 A {'\,r-u"c,
\s a s\rn11c slale"n'ettl- M
*i Fr"d ,1^pq4^^a-'l-
su-lca'<c'l- 13 1uoriA'ed h
e\t{'prr +t^'
fr-d.i.^k h?o. urL'ssa
s( +\^t eDckk^r'l-tc't 1ua'rrttAYrr' fLoJ- ts
tl-n\ve"<sa.l tuo.x-rh'$v^c
<tllnr.v u'o\rr<^Aal slo*C^me^^f (}c o..n e!.ir *e^ntiol
\k ir c.r.

-shJe,.rr e..^\+- .

* rj-d{-e_ 1ttc,,^nh$<J *ol<me'vF e1'.i'ro''to.^F

* .h s;l-.4e""rrz'rrl-

''? it o. FriYcre- n{trnb(A'",

!f-' -- 1,.,k ..., camsi4rv' *La-l- s.fa*a"nanF"P is f-fiYoe " \nvo\orrn5 '1-{"L L&
Vcr"-src^,tc1 e. 1 s ve< .lu-o g"nlse<se N sP nc.h*xa-l "Ylurrnbd-r.

hx-,\-ake- !rry- de-{+ni}isn oC g-rrl""e ou""okr, cr r1urco t'(n- 1T


*L.^rr It uhos <- r.o! Aiv tr'--< a''.{ itrt (P e<rd 1- .

.fht .[xf str.]er".rz"nt- is otw 'to e"q-v<*s iLe- fucl- +L.o+ or.e
\e.,< $ 6 {iv ist-< o 'l qYrt'tl'rel- '
-t\,.L n K is o cl'tv Btr " maa.os +l^c* p ts o ro. fhg) e
- erq l- "F P

o I R o( .ltre,,,-t r'l an lal"?p"r wr vltl\ p: m *k

:eurl qlleg raqunN llou

:aleo : atPprpu eJ Jo eureN

- t.6..? 'tt^*+ 't't"l.. *5
h\ext- d;vi'ots .sr 61nr<
f an{ t ts *Lq
sofoa d.r t""trtl +\"^t ."-l &\'ks{ "PP is eitl,r,e.f fl nrr L.

*t* .-"1 K, t[kis o $ltr lsw

- Adaqhx) +h" +Gk^'ne'^i :l

oP g, }\e- h is et+tno,'r f
.t 1 ':
Csottcle^"\1 cll )r't^'e-lc'l"y'tr{,ter'" \^A f+
t!,o* " i i.

ro tP = ro+ k) -+ t) v t Y'?))\
L(f , r-) ,r "{ k tl
q( \Ar't+e- quo."l h $itd stole'T'ne-'*s e-1r^N&^F l" S'll"uV6 ".

crr 6t*r6 bd5 rqoKP'r rntfuKex'

S!\{: .$:c}{ t,rl

q)\l}{ t\ ttc) meq.r\g :(. ^CnoKet o ron\}.r Kq.

k vrt ohs obdd .noF 2-c-F rn.d sscoe.l+.neg.

Lb') '?X,e*- pt,oo-o
Sstt t
r?:c r Mtu-)
gg1 ean a a "f*t *^d 51fna+'ln e '
q-) Lr^a pq Y<\

r9<-Tob{r/s ..f -s=me 3r<A;,

C-r) All pol f H.c.lty qc'|'t'M- 6'e-oyle--"t"<

$rc t ftc>r) n Pcx) -+ ?1 cD r!) (4$))

^ 14

( \^!-r.I- A cr ) rn e-a^ns >c t3 p lihtcal\7 crut"ve

lo a-o'l^o :t i s c^ ??-(a!'o -
P ({)
D(ll rnr'"o -A ir ^ (*(4l
o o",be.< ul
M(Y,)) toetro .f rJ roe 1.
T- P1-, rrt- 'tt.-!- .t{* s'}c}e^no't'vr*9 Q f 'J a I + r ".-d CPrY) n
c\ae e-1*NoL-*-'
so l{' CP..I,OJ

+ Y Fv1 F4f rv '-1 ^d cPv q,) -r^. -r r-)x ( t-o"r


T a .1 .Tl'r
T T e trlc

a t-T l"l: l-'l; .o l',
€ T T
rl.I' alr
tr T € Fl€



t) .r
il; I; ala
oP cJ-rve lr"+t^ 'l+t,€- u,< ca{'YL
6r"y" l4"t J.c +tr c o\ v^vrrf'r

,oa c.i- .\d.{ -s lro+e rn er.vFs QF^{ t) --r Y ,n'''d CP-r ) n (t+v)
0r.rc el\^Nc^-t -lf--.

:aurl qlleg requrnN llou

:alec : eleprpuelJo aureN

t f ,"h V, r"t h . e"''&G{)

E B.t:t=
L.* Pr c...nA B *r^:o ,<k 4l.nn +L{ ?L\aJi\n R \*4\^'€{,o
Le- 4tx-

nrg...,d B is --J s r^Ls<i of .}Le cq^ttr3s iclY'| eroducl-

'- a^r\.r r
ft<<'ro"cogle, J.-;l.f ft= tor,.ee-.EsJ ",".'.1 ts= ttr,tz-]. -ft.-,
A xr3 i. .)!.L saF "ts qlJ goss.'\-1e goks "l sF A- oA B-
flowc*<rr . *{^r-
'|o&iv i duo.l tn^7 .,: itl" ,h 'vc+t't -l tv.otrYr o#rt=os
G\oy( Mdj.rg -f <L crrr< .l.ka,o 2. 'na5 nth be d'll
qro5r\\o1e gq1lrs M A xB \,^.ri- !.\tl *<+*tv'5 '16a- q- 5uJar<+ of A x 6

fr< exuragl€-, coe-st.r\ s*LrzJ. toa b< t cq,,bl),ca,,lo:')]

- -Ih- A*-$ o[- o R B +La r<tr "F dA 'fl"<1- e-\<'4qe^15

oF sc&^,-<J-golrs +\^o.j* b<L'^? i" R ".-.,J *yt s,f-q z<-lolit"r g
u L'itt"'
,3 *\r e seF o,F ojl s<ttr'.ol QfJ""'"\1""*i sF o<da'"td ?<^Nr: '
bz-t-c,^ls #o e .

( St'to o' r-eJ' p r\<to t*B'

* Csvnros)'t\so '.- LQk u<-+ =t1t6:s'o
a' ':reloj+\n E.r*n 5{'} ts }"ft" s* C' {1*- tor"'PooiQ\
qrnd. s ba
(< o.*d 5 c*-c RS is +L'- et; # F*\t "P 'tl"r
oL . "lx\'l'|on '
f,o-<*r ca, c) e A x c . ul^su- ca''c) e Rs itr o""'J "{'tl"( i+
o'nd q$'c)e5'
d{n.!y(e*(sts s"''t-t^4t'o} Lq'b)eR

qe g-f"4": :[ -q"t$d-
B, c AxA
Arssu..o,e R B q ,.rc1oJr\rn o<f s<d- A l
|fi*x uucAe
e R. q,.r".ite c-Rb .lo &rofe eq.b)
-TLuo +Lr f-llsu.Wj g,"y{4+u Vr"\fu ro\*h R .

: R il lp 'k t*^1 a€ A -, o-Ra

1. Ra.llex\ve 'v<PletcNe
d*+€drsc rrc\o'*'\o J.,Ano. & a.s
ps< arcc-r'rn gl e , 12* K be-a
qt,t), cL,>), t5,33. a'| is '<-sleocNe' bacaur< R*<
R= t
e-v<^t 6-' \^rL La"rc fc,a).

Z. STrn cne+rrc i- R is s-6r-,^me-lrrrc i F $o< t*^t o' t-r.nd'


A , iF o' R b t\s'c\ bR c'

c' R: { ct,3t, t:,t),
&< evo"cnd", ,t"qi R U.. 'rclceh\o-o "lcAt"'<d
c-z,z>J. a[ B 'A--"np}*t bt"q"t'< t'r\renc*</r $'o* Is s-.o"tt"i\
c,lto l,.qwt
)iKe Cq"b) t^xr ol.r'o [ro,ve tt.c^) He""- il- ts t\,3) u,-q
CB .I),
(V"5 q. b, qmo\ c ir,, A,
3 . -{t'ans\tive l- R is f'q'osldrve \[ 't=(
iF a€to o*tl bRc +Lr,q o.Rc '
f--u-r e"r.,"co,gle , l/t- R bt
o 'vclo*'r-rr ae-,lrrntA or
(z {cr,l)taaXJ
ak B tr-qr',sl .five ':.<\q-h,so c\-s Ct,z) e R o"..J lL,3) e- €'
f>.,g\ivrH.c.t- tl,3? g R.
q. ef:Igrltt j- R is c'*r r'ruivo'l-l^n1e 'rc\c'-*'so A c'rt AitR.ri
'4 ,.e,fl e.t\ve, s?'r"-oe-#'n.c, q"Y?J'loo"nsi'\.v<'
[= {1,2,},k} c'no\ B= tq'!'c] 'lAi-
R b<-c t<lc*Nn
?F t-i
Al.nts B hi 6= tQl,.(),t\,c.).c3.q),Cq,b)J.

€xld +to Js.^no't\ e.nd -r<m2a o'l K .

s"\]-L 2 t ), 3, q f
fowr?4 = t o"b,.J.
'ra"n}( "E 'tLr ''r<to4\so K
p ee*e<eoiYe- *L< lo'".lo-^n o*J
t:hcr< R= tC{,{3): y- is 'r grNne n'r'r^nb',-v ).ett *\tnn )o-t

sof' ds*nc"r\: '{ 1,2, 3, 5 ''4 J

l6.a.{.}a r { I ,2,2't,|zi ,3q3]

:aurl r.lllPg raqunN llou

:aleo : aleprpuel Jo auleN

l!l]HS H9nOU
la tl{'"1r-$$s <rv( sP<clc^l +19a'l "t z<\**'Vns A '&mc$=o

e\ch e,\enrr\r,r,lr of o' s<| d l+1" arr l'e'cncv,|_ ol- o'"to*he'r st,F'

deto+td f At"'t-1 cr se-l- A 'lo a re* B

o.Sl\, :- A S''ra'c*"o. h '^
Sd''co AkB'+f"d s"&s$Yr
ir.*f**f=rr bmB
1. [* <E-c\ <d<"c.<vrts
q- i. o,o..i.]: llr''*t'
d oYr
s\r-Q\ +1^ o+ qo' L ) r: Io .t\e odivn T< I
' lo= C'
\ 41^{ ?€ to$*o l\e'n
2. i! ca,t'1 otd cq"c) ';q<
-TLL r.t A r^ AU{ oascv<- &,$'\}'h\'n .'s t".^dld ir"{
dYn*xo o{
.t\,^^,- Arrmtfii,o <r^rttl B ''ts c":!:lS

"(\<- t roi\'o-o ?r*. k 4 *^":* o' o*A l" -,oyrort'nPJ \"3 +1.-
b c,.rd b is ccJ lcol
o-rJo^^J F-Jr cq. b) it Jeor"'F J c,'s 'fco> =
.tt.r. V..?o oF o ..t''"det- 'F
\'*t*?- of, 'llt ele'rnr,''ts s.l o- r",l. S vtvrdcrr o. ,{,1 t},n"o
1a. s<.F oF
is ..lted +L* i".o?r e I *Ll rel S ,-olrs.<. f , o-d is &^1"I<-d
1,? f cs) , JL-r- c,
'lcs); t'fcar Io-'t3,
\ar.I.{ I iS o- -iul-l<} oP -tt- J!'r'loirr A "+ .t.
-6,o121 o'l 4.

-ft \roo"f. "C .tlx- dsY"laih) urnde.f f ii t^U"d +\"l-

o<1 c\ B ,t 'tlt s'e-l- oF ^n a-}''l^rd'l

-.t fs{ zrcr*opla, ;} A
ryuxn b<,'vs $.< '"e"1 :c e A , + cDL) e B q<rd 'F ttc: = ro

- ye^"-< , F is 'tL-t,vr .,"",A B '-s *LL co-J-^aM '

:c *crlae-s +t'
[co> tr .$,-{- v6^lt-r. sQ- *1r $-^oc*i'*a '}c*), r.lheYq
./..^l uu- o- i Q-, r,:hevt :I- \s -rca\aed
bd a- '
- Tt e-lercoc,"r.,l.s o[ +l^a to'{11oo''rn uht& is altr'c") '}o }cotr '[o-<rn
+^".. 'rsmr' .
w\aro a-': -2 , 4 t'z) = (-z) - { t Lr r_o >c , -r , +(-\) = (-\)z-- |

o he,,Q )c: tr, f,ca<l > Lo)L= Q t^htn J-= I Fctr: = C\" - |

u, kcvr .a- = L , + ctt, t q.r->o= 4-

6l^t.,l^ ls \\\urlraFcd in ,|\^i- &t\ot^:\'5 $n*'

c P- T' o)'

-fl. ,fr"oc}. ol i'' t1j:-*1{

(..d +\ ery'"r ) i{ ?w-1 "-Ss,n t'; }
q o* +t4 tr, ) o.", *in ;; ,.. a ;.1' "1 -'i-u
ihl u! ,n.rst- onz et-vv'aL*''l .cf +t^r
( d +,'"'
Ra-;z "
1tr, .f"n rii.." .s @ s"''j 1!lia
r oor.n) iL e,rwn tL'n" t'"-t. of 'r{^1
r,: J.:,, .','' l'rr"J !" ot res;r
B o'y\e otlrY{,,'t oC 'l'L'n J o'rn "'a
''r L.: '6;" l l'i*"' '; "rg/:1'1-r<
ew Jerr o'r rt J 'qJono'n'1
elY' ot c'L
'{ "aI)l's t7 'v"'tr3 o'^e e-lr.*'r'"r
,t TYp<, -e tl{5 'l "''Ui.A
+t- J orc\ o

*+ Qv,e- 4v - .f,r-tliwo .f is r"+J )" be eq(''l'o- 6n(

crne f,r"nclt*n'- A
tt =1 '
ts-< tnJqq-'hve) , i[ cmd o-n'r7 i I O\ne'ot^le^r 'Fcx> = 'Fc 11,
(aayrrPle, a1^a- tfu^cret'\-o 'Pcx> t:'-- {-*'cc' q{"{ se} oP no'}u"rc'l
- fr(
brs<l N ,ls N \s c\ s oq 'to - ont 'l''^'^o'
o-{\tt"l '
nu,rn i<F
rE not c'na''fo-or\e \ t \ 'l- is $ts-cq ']\^l
- Hs r*errt-< [cot> =>-- Fl'
di oJeU cl.J fls'o'n7o*'"veJ 'te
oP fn+ey^<t Qne1<'}i'ic
$-s."tt a red- /A )n cr. l<-1|_ B
O{'+o .lu^nc'trrtor- ft A^*'chvo 'l

\<q,* o-ne- e\evnt'n4-:- \n A sln"\

r's o'l-
e\c^cna.n]- "f U , &,*
+ fs u'o+! it- "..d aottr' iF. 'pcA) = B
idqlr "fttr> = 1 , lL* '

,fu'.cht*n ftx-l = z:r- $t,s-t\ t{^L xJ- oC- nc^}u"<t"l

frc <o.o*ngl< , .4L" $ u'^co l2trts E is
Fe} s $ nsvr - neTo*i'l e e\/-$o
*16 1rz",o N +o 'k\^{-

c^rn $n ho [v* ctitto - s N

C'rr-rn J'\^r- Lstr .:[ -- !
n u]u'<<J nu^co L<'T 'lo N
- fl o u.tutr{' , 'lttt) =- 2-:r-

is nsi qo Io '

:aLrrI qlle8 raqurnN llou

:alec : aleprpuello eueN

rrrHs H9nou
6o +Ur &"rch'"-o .f : rl -.: B, i,i .f cft): B q+Lr- .,",^7c* rnJ
c.oJo"no^M .P I o'z< e1to4 o^d (w?' 'e'\e<ne"rF tF +t^4- ct&\-'^vJY\
ls ocl-,r"117 s.n< sL .l'1^" .r<.,lwl "P .i\r. &"nt'$ontl , *f'- '[''othsq

,[ ir r*'l & lp<- a cq,t" ,tur,c.f'\O

+ Btte9h':LA-SY,:- A .Fr<'t#'''=rr is c'llrJ a tlrcti''n

\ro*L cloa ' *o '- a'n e o""t J oo'l-o '
zr $r'rn a{A T-<}- "L nc"'l-r'r<a'l
ft"t =
- F( 1r".^"^gle ' '\k [-'+tt#isn nA? c'''l'\e
n urnlaeaa €
n nr-cn N J' )*a- r* oL nsro(
laa'vs '

J -(!''rJ \[- is cr t'\ < -4\vt '

ts o-.or. .l-o- cne- or"' oq'l^o '
o.,e i I lrt rlr<'i<-d \x d1,.t-
Str' b<'[oc^l'
Tl^rrt to*r t"its
('o ft{ l-c'f.l- o^'< Yr +L4
.1$ e.rth ft6,* lozJ'otc, 'tt.r- gof''ti-s
o-t M t\l^r co- J5.n o"'rYr ' orn"l
d o"rx) +l\^-'t- o^s-l
s-o {w x r3'kF

cr .rro \A
s\o '"s+ C :c ' 'f ct I ) r< o/r -o I '


A,Airrc.['q'n f. un<. *o. ane q
An sn Io l" n c*,\tl b\\<#,z-o
(c) ,fu vr t*i-n
C qo,[ onto )
(oo[ ont '4'"- tt'oe 1 eJ)
cb) c(\

a'.rcl l"l- F ff---\ B l" "-xgF c. Tl.r"n +l^i-

be--o- $v"nc.t'tt*n\n od *r"nt.l-xr.r .f a-d!, do'nst<d u3 .fo3 , ,s 41^. nl"",ctl\
R"-- A .l-o C &l^'.-l- so}is,&Ve .hg C:c) = + CAcn-r) &r etl :t r\ +.
- G< 1y.,.co1,l€ , ).* F.r.) =..' *:^ t({-) = :1.t L, +{^.-a.
t cn.*r> : c>( -'t-\ ) 2- o. I
$ t,{
cx:) : Y-z't I .

- Nole- .fl^"f , \"t ynwd 'fo? + T+

- €*"1 t ,1<chve .[vo,ch\ 1.". q f,v^nctl-\o ."11rc1 +t--

xlA.lo q
-> t"::t" 3:51- L{,1 '} Laq t,3-cfi=o Fl"* 6'

S. -IL^"Q +l"L 'ltl*c'\-i*s.o ?o dtd .tL. lnve.^'re

&*t*'\"r oP f
of G,
o-d, t\- is &.^c,o[<J ol 4-t, it fi(-{ a*^J e-lt^rvtc'.+ 1
Zc)l=a. ohu"' f,cr->=J.
cd) a-tDYc is .^ tiY*h\o
fi"-< <,rc^mfle, *,\,"'.. f,u"tu't',r\o M .tU( .[.,*,..,.
b; ,.r.J"-.*3 +\^{ &vaq$'n ol
q.od ik Mver<s< i5 t'\-ol.eJ

ec{cj.- a".rsti.
2u ,E -t"t tt+
vve"'le &"ndi=n oj f cot5 = +l^'- o$-
Aj -fl"l- of nso n2o4iva c^cur) ov'rqb{rr3
nvtco%<rYr tt ,+. +t*- r<*-
nt -krrr<61
&.^. E.t, r{ 9'l- rf al'st o' u]i c-"_}r\e-o'
e it f-'cx'' =!
* LeI -f "^.rd d9 k- lra"nohvos dt-lived o's #t*'= :lLt3rt ,l.

trr^J ci> 'Pq c\{) A'o+ cttl) +Dp civl pX

S-f1' .lo1 ,
o ,lc? r'cr) = $

= l2{-3)T-+3(2:c-3)+'
2 l,tr? - \2-rc-f 1 + e,>c-1 +'
-- t4c3 - G:. + I
c\\) Clcxr) , ( :c'+ 3)(-r l )
?oS = X 7
zLrc'L+3)L+l)- ?
>5- + t}- I

:aurf r.lllPg JaqunN llou

:aleo : eleprpueJ lo euleN

Ci\\) &.f = f C*"t3r-+r)
(r'+e:<-+\ )-+3 (:<-L+ trc +r) + \
*3-gL+ t.r- * 3-+ |
1*L-t-3rc+t) r{-!* 1:c<t J

.:c o + 3-s + 1:LL jr '{-:5-L+ lx-+\ ) + a:_L+at-

-- pl + 3-3 + 't
-- +\ + 6*3 + la+L+ ls)t + 9

civ) ?o"I . ?C1c1)) = X C z*-\)

2 2 Q ?-:( -3) ' 3
> (:c - 6 -:
= q*-1
* P-zove- {L,'cr4- .f I R -+R, }rctr = aL is "r'ro'l ooa' +o- sne' cn-tl nt}
onhs A,"nc-ht.,-o.
qo\{ r 12 61rr'< nrl- "{*d
--TU.a y-crFo?a o.nd qslo-nc^in o0 {c*: =
q.( \e,cn e^nl- oF co J'o'cot,.r\
is +ro! ack\c'IJj cnrle- "f tLc
"*r,] it nol- ov.,}o "l,^.'ti'bq'
vo.ltA .i $"t.l.,sn. 5s {r'ot&'\s'o }
}o'o4e b<courc (-*-?' t) srot"r*
- -TtL $r^ochs.r is vrs I- .ro&-
soe d it'r *'
oP ts ts *w) $-5 5'qea< t{'a,.'n
g + *> { ripf so(.k- 6nE- ""^J
?F Proye- *L'-Jr 4: R+, 'lcxr =
.)oh, ,tl"nc'liwq,
o'Y< €{# .t\d
s1)' - -tt -o*7- *J <o'dt'vno"ttr ol- f, cx->; "Lz
oqe.- sf
a( eve-r'1 a c..^cnotri- o0 <-o d.''co olvr is c..k^d\

tJ qn,la A.^ cti'-t)

Vc'lw- oL Fu^<rtl\"n' Ss 'ltr'och'"rr

- cl4e b<-4.!,(ule t^(,^? ql!"c# -Y

'(\"" f.rnctl=o \ s ool- cm(' t'o
gr\e r\. A.
o C- B ts fcxr $t" 6s'r< '\4^om
exl. pc-r): pcr>zl.
rY P-ra +1"*t- +: d * g , ,f.x, ,-:r-L rs sorr{s-sn4 ...\
Pun c'ltrtn ,

ts'\t^.qcll\ oF 'lcoc! =->cL qo,< osl- alrto'l sY

s.\r1-, --1Ll *o*4. .'thtd\ qot- ol +t"
.tvr1 e1.koe,,+ oL coAo.r","in is <ttl-
v<,-tw o Q .\[.r $u^c.l-,...r. Sr .l-r.",c}.sq I ts nsf o'nh lu"tttiw4,
s."ne-,le-one becq t'ti< no s\'n7'1<- <\cnq a,.J- ."l
TL. {.r.".+t"n is
qodsrnoln caro b< Fcar r|s" ro"o< t\^"^tt srr< ele, oe'n,F i6-

* Ro"*. .\^"r- .f'. B+ -, R+ , .&rr, "t3 is s-oq ' t'o- tro'€ 'o J

<ro It D-,rm t'Irtt.f Ctl-ch'"'o) .

toJr*.)n o.f {:c*) e12 qrr< eltoJ ot {nru

1[' - -flA -r<.ny ond
<l e,roernl- q[- qqA\"6c^M c^{ .F *{"r vc'\\^L--

0,'..r"r,chVq. Sc S.^"nchso + is to'|s S'r"n

-T\^rL Fu"c', ct\--n ls t-n( - h!- one b<-cc\ we-- n\
sinf e- ele'\^o eJ- oA
cc^o\ W- ko.) rl=" vno{< $-c\lA
."ne e\a.oc"n| \n
^l- k qqlo $7nnc4-l o^d 6n q ,- ite - on e-
-Ttq kL{:):-)L
- 'f'',"nchsq
' $ , i\- i< c.ll<J cD

:aurl qlle8 raqrxnN Ilou

:alec : eleprpupl Jo aureN

Lo-n7u-o-7< ts s)vop1; o- seF .oQ- stri\n6<\dvt3 s7ml"o1s
.f,--...- ssroe- *\t^oU<+.
- 4.7 s"4- oF $"''"4. ov(er oco o\h'1"<* g- rs .dl"d q. lot',yu-*7o
_ {t{ rcF of o-tl rt*tt ,\y,qludJ\j +t{ ."-+t s\)n3 oW,rs- a"rt
ol+o-t4} Z- is dz<'ro!"J os 2+ -

!n$,'ntl-e lony.,1ayr ...q* l- 6rt do-.+-J o*8

L, {..r e a* I c' l''^t ?'"f'-a P J .

@ x:<v"rng1€-,
o'1 * 1't3.
e\\ Li -- {w sq",''*1 1p \-'or cr"n e1(c.l n u^rn4e(.,.< oC o's
ct\\ Lr: lcra6ql-db* v e,t: t"=t^'€ ] ohtt< oJR ir '11"4-
-r-(var'"1e .ltM? tfl co.

oJ q Av)+< seF "{: 51.rb"ls '

-) A\pL"J.€+l- T\- f< deAned
*Ytot+ b, ,:_J, " Bxoo'tr c'tPL6l'€* "
tq, -..
ft< eDce'Ynf1e., Rstoa,-i oo
*t-"1 o I c"-"'g t,,J-o,A
{o, tJ is ger{t'na'r'} }- '1t'4-

t,' oY\ clfl"tt4F It ". 'Qv'){< s<-elt'(c'nte

s}15 A t+rlo, o$o^/
c'rV\(h \s r'orrolIj t-''i}l<'"rr
oP -s^frnl^-\s &o.n d\o+ "l?Lc-t{-}'
q"q5'[\"rqrc o.od tlol- stgo-dtd La cb-Yr'vnaJ'
nr<,L #o o-ne
l3 \L-o oo\sst l'< * shn\ Ne,-( t4-'
c,) 9l /-n=\o, Is < stAn3
Df 2a=3a,b,-'','i '\1^j^'' GlFttslx
owrY 2u -

-O* Ie^n/{" oC q- S\.rt.3 ': \\a leny4{^ as

a sln\3 cn is cr-"\t.!t"o lt^ \ .

c( 5L1t^0.,t$ te - .-(\"L le^rq4l^ " [- ^,
., if, c.t = \ s'c \ ,
\ lt^"o \to\zS
&6 exen"'1\e

+ gaCt_jBt',- -rt .hA oL 23r<O l^fu is c-rl"-d +{^.

e,""pLv shnrr'1
o< nu.ll
s}<tn1 - -ft is ts dco\"kd t- e N
'd U

qi e L ,
Revt11_ .f3 '. 9P os > G3,\!2 -"L)n 6\.i,r-< eotcL
IS v\ lJ n.- I " -'
Li \ -fU{ rrc*;trg.- o F Q$ 1}
*\,^l -cV c'a e- n P C's

Jo"'okJ o-s *R.

Z\so' s.,us\ G) iP z o1P<s-rs conrer'whw$
-_) suLs}..Ayfi !.,. "0-
e ' \o.J
t is c' srLsM\ oF '^ t'5 b t J ?1k'
v\tlrrx ca. fr< eocc, o., 11
c.' s++n3 * t'-.J s\ 3
:c oG
'>) C.13:Iclg\]l- &ss'n'coc- '\*^f{"
*'t'{- ccrncc.-t<nc+i.s-r) tF :c "'^nd 1 B F+t}<rq Jf
o[ .
te,"rft^ ^o
sfnv'i obka'iY\eJ b o11<'J.l\"3 ? '1" J'* u"nJ "C
,,v,1cl^ B *{rs
:a, o-s \b {raz---1v1 Ir1z---'3n

-) r i- 9t G:: )cty' F* 5s-rnq :L, J'\^i'rr v tt o- 'it^'PFir of, u'r


P1a * n,* tF cp ?\"lf .R'< soo( ], .Hnt^rr "t ir a pr<$x ol


Leorico?-,rol,Iq"c- }eJe11r.trf. -ILL le*\to6r.?Ulc o<de/YtY "{-

shstn"7,l R *h4* s..\'^e- as *\n.o J.rchsnol <nrdeatn3 , e:tccal- *Lal-
Jk"-{X</r .hh^?, prec._d c lonynr sh,m7a .
-Tk lex\."7.r1k. cr<a?^4tc[ "(l *[I shinTs altrr +1"4-

+\c,t 4l- to, r3 r-s ( e, o, I , o5, o l, \o, ll,oba, l

:eurl qlleg : raqu.lnN llou

:aleo : aleprpuel Jo aueN

Stnce- .t-o.7r,,.o7e-^, c',-< s<-l-g', oU +14- j* of,r"Jrt=ns qo.^ V<'
ogp),-=d ft" !cl"n7^ao'pe-n - -T\^us )t^L wolofl . M4tl)Sd#! r

o^o o\ & ?k ,"<n ce ol *z,oo Io<ryvto^2,t1 O\&r (rr\ oJfL.teJ- e

c\.-re ,l-.r.rr7w*3Zr Ov{t( L
AkL ."'-Cj^-gg- " 'F
o [.*Zto]" L *rt^.- o^n "J$J-{F 2
q. fo^f"tl,fl
i< -fr-- 1 o<'.J \l-
t< .

A"rtlrLcx olerc.iiwr si lonTtt?.e-r is

concc"lr€'nodi\oo' Ut* Lr

@v.d L> k .Lo,r'7nt-o-74 .{!"'^ ..l{n'- csnco"leoo+rsn oP Lt ott'd L2

fE &rr.t d o-r L, L, o^d + is dtAved u
Lr L- u { uv \ tt eL, or"l 're
L2- \ '

P:*".^=, I L*o*I J
sFrin2a Co'ncokma,t-tn3
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