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Link 4
Vocabulary List
Subject Link 4

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Lesson 1. How We See Color

No Words Meaning 해석
흡수하다; 흡착하다,
1 absorb v. to take something in
a scientific test used to find out
2 experiment n. 실험
new information
to be made up of or include
3 consist of   …로 구성되다
to send back light, sound, or heat
4 reflect v. 반사하다
from a surface
a thing made by combining two or
5 mixture n. 혼합물; 결합물
more things
a thing that can be seen or
6 object n. 물건; 물체, 사물
touched but that is not alive
7 count v. to find the total of something 계산하다
…처럼 보이다,
8 appear v. to look or seem like something
9 shine v. to point a light at something 비치다
the part of something that is left
10 rest n. 나머지; 잔여
11 hundred n. the word for the number 100 100

12 actually adv. really 사실은

13 sunlight n. the light of the sun 햇빛

a solid glass or crystal object that
14 prism n. 프리즘, 분광기
light can pass through
15 except prep. not including … 외에는

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Lesson 2. Chinese Beliefs About Colors

No Words Meaning 해석
an object or quality that stands
1 symbol n. 상징; 표상, 표시
for something else
2 represent v. to stand for something else 나타내다, 상징하다

3 mysterious adj. strange or hard to understand 신비의, 불가사의한

to become aware of something by
4 notice v. 알아차리다
seeing or hearing it
a party or event for a special
5 celebration n. 축하 행사, 기념일
occasion or holiday
6 belief n. an idea that is accepted as true 믿음

7 envelope n. a small paper container 봉투

8 consider v. to think of as 여기다

the condition of being clean and
9 purity n. 순수
10 ruler n. the leader of a country or area 통치자
the sky or expanse of space
11 heaven n. [문어] 하늘
surrounding the earth
12 fortune n. a person's luck 행운
the season between winter and
13 spring n. [계절] 봄
the quality, state, or condition of
14 brightness n. 밝음, 밝기
being bright
to go on or keep on doing
15 continue v. 계속하다

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Lesson 3. Healing with Color

No Words Meaning Meaning

related to a person’s mind [or
1 mentally adv. 정신적으로
to reduce or remove pain or
2 relieve v. 완화시키다, 풀다 
to give energy to someone or …의 기운을 북돋우다,
3 energize v.
something 활발하게 하다
to make a person or animal
4 heal v. 치료[치유]하다 
become healthy or well again
to act on something and make it
5 affect v. …에 영향을 주다
to make a person become less
6 calm v. …을 진정시키다
angry or upset
7 effect n. the result caused by something 영향, 효과
to break down food into
8 digest v. 소화시키다
substances that the body can use
a treatment for an illness or
9 therapy n. 요법, 처방
10 down adj. low in spirits 의기소침한, 우울한

11 certain adj. particular; definite 특정한

12 relaxed adj. calm, not tense 편안한, 긴장이 풀린

to give something a pleasant

13 decorate v. …을 장식하다, 꾸미다
…을 줄이다,
14 reduce v. to make less in amount or size
15 focus v. to concentrate on something 집중하다

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Lesson 4. Dyeing Naturally

No Words Meaning Meaning

relating to substances or
1 chemical adj. 화학적인
reactions between substances
not fully grown or ready to be
2 unripe adj. 익지 않은
3 persimmon n. a round, orange-colored fruit [식물] 감나무; 감
강화하다; 강하게
4 strengthen v. to make something stronger
a lighter or darker version of a
5 shade n. 명암
a woven material that is often 천; 원단, 옷감,
6 fabric n.
used to make clothes 섬유
7 in addition   also 게다가, 이외에도
8 harmful adj. dangerous 해로운, 유해한 
a substance that changes the
9 dye n. 염료
color of something
a useful substance found
10 mineral n. 미네랄; 무기질
11 develop v. to cause to grow 개발하다
a soft white fiber from a plant
12 cotton n. that grows in warm parts of the 면; 면사
13 environment n. the natural world 환경, 자연
14 popular adj. liked or enjoyed by many people 인기 있는, 대중의
a cause or explanation for an
15 reason n. 이유, 원인
action, opinion, or event

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Lesson 5. A History of Salt

No Words Meaning Meaning

1 rare adj. not common; difficult to find 드문, 희귀한
worth a lot of money or important
2 valuable adj. because there is a limited amount 가치 있는, 귀중한
of it
3 collect v. to bring together 모으다
to heat a liquid so that bubbles
4 boil v. 끓이다
rise to the surface
to dig for things like gold or
5 mine v. 채굴하다
6 wage n. money paid for services or work 월급, 급여
7 search for   to try to find something …을 찾다
8 evaporate v. to turn from liquid into gas 증발하다
the food that a person usually
9 diet n. 식단, 음식
10 flavor v. to add a certain taste 맛을 내다
11 elsewhere adv. in another place 다른 곳, 어떤 딴 곳에
a large body of water that has
12 lake n. 호수
land all around it
13 record v. to put in writing 기록하다
money that you pay to a
14 tax n. 세금
15 soldier n. a person who serves in the army 군인

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Lesson 6. Our Bodies and Salt

No Words Meaning 해석
to keep something in its original
1 preserve v. 보존하다
a body part that carries messages
2 nerve n. between the brain and other parts 신경
of the body
3 function v. to work or perform an action 기능하다
the force of blood as it moves
4 blood pressure 혈압
through the body

5 beat v. to move with a regular rhythm (심장이)고동치다

6 communicate v. to exchange information 의사 소통하다

7 tend to   to do something often ~하는 경향이 있다
8 sore adj. feeling tired and painful 아픈; 다친|쑤시는
to look at something or listen to it
9 pay attention to   …에 주의를 기울이다
10 ruin v. to damage or destroy something 망가뜨리다
11 natural adj. of or produced by nature 자연의
12 common adj. usual 흔한, 일반적인
13 cause v. to make something happen 초래하다, 일으키다
the soft pieces of flesh in animals
14 muscle n. and humans that make the bones 근육
(색·성질을) 뚜렷이
15 bring out   to reveal or increase

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Lesson 7. Salar de Uyuni

No Words Meaning 해석
an interesting thing or place that
1 attraction n. 명소, 인기물
people want to see or visit
호수·연못의 물이
an area of land covered with salt
2 salt flat 증발하여 생긴 염분이
that has an even surface
침적된 평지
a substance that is above or below
3 layer n. 층; 겹
something else
to see the similarities and
4 compare v. 비교하다
differences between things
5 opportunity n. a chance to do something 기회
the amount of space between two
6 distance n. 거리, 간격
places or things
7 huge adj. very large in size or amount 큰, 엄청난
the plastic or metal area around eye
8 frame n. 틀, 테두리
glasses or pictures
an understanding of the distances
9 perspective n. 원근법
between objects
someone who is traveling for
10 tourist n. 관광객
엄청난; 대단한,
11 incredible adj. amazing
굉장한, 끝내주는
12 endless adj. having or seeming to have no end 끝없는, 무한한
13 wonder n. a thing or event that causes surprise 경이로움
to find some desired information in a
14 look up   검색하다, 찾아보다
to put or spread something over
15 cover v. 덮다
something else

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Lesson 8. Salami and Kimchi

No Words Meaning 해석
1 go bad   to rot or be no longer good to eat 상하다
2 moisture n. very small drops of liquid 습기, 수분
tiny living things that often cause
3 bacteria n. 세균
a substance that adds flavor to
4 seasoning n. 조미료, 양념
to attach the top part of
5 hang v. something so that only that part 걸다, 매달다
supports it
to keep something in a liquid for a
6 soak v. 담그다, 절이다
long time
[pl] things that grow on dead or
7 fungi n. 균
rotting things
8 dry out   to remove moisture 완전히 마르다 
9 grind v. to break into small pieces 갈다
10 crunchy adj. making a loud sound when eaten 아삭아삭 소리를 내는
an appliance with a large, cold
11 refrigerator n. box where you keep food so that 냉장고
it does not go bad
12 after all   in the end 결국, 어쨌든
13 ancient adj. very old; from a long time ago 고대의, 오래된
14 fortunately adv. by chance; luckily 다행히, 운 좋게
15 add v. to put on or with something else 더하다, 추가하다

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Lesson 9. How We Hear Sound

No Words Meaning 해석
to connect something to
1 attach v. 부착하다, 붙이다
something else
to move with very short, rapid
2 vibrate v. 진동하다, 울리다
to quickly move something back
3 shake v. 흔들다, 떨다
and forth
굳은; 굳건한,
4 firm adj. hard or solid
a substance through which 매체, 매개; (전달
5 medium n.
something moves 등의) 수단, 방법
6 empty adj. not containing anything (속이) 비어 있는

the smallest unit of a substance

7 molecule n. 분자
that can exist by itself
a small wooden stick with a tip
8 match n. 성냥
used to light a fire

9 physical adj. able to be touched 물리적인, 물질의

a substance that can flow like

10 liquid n. 액체
the shape or structure of 형태, 모습, 모양,
11 form n.
something 형상
12 nearby adj. located close 근처의, 가까운

to write things one after another

13 list v. 등재되다
in a written form

14 burn out   to stop burning 다 타서 없어지다

15 cap n. a round top for a bottle 뚜껑

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Lesson 10. Silent No More

No Words Meaning 해석
방해하다, 혼란
1 disturb v. to bother someone or something
located below the surface of the
2 underwater adj. 수중의
to make a narrow hole in
3 drill v. 뚫다; 굴착하다
something with a tool
4 peaceful adj. calm and without danger 평화로운
5 silent adj. not making any sound 조용한
one of a pair of animals that
6 mate n. 배우자
breed together
7 prey n. an animal that is hunted for food 먹이
8 unable adj. having no ability to do something …할 수 없는(to)
something that is no longer
9 garbage n. 쓰레기
wanted or needed
10 activity n. something that people do 활동
from one side of something to the
11 across prep. 가로질러서
other side
a movement or thing that gives
12 signal n. directions, warning, or other 신호
13 take action   to start doing something 조치를 취하다 
a body of salt water that covers
14 ocean n. 바다, 해양
most of the earth's surface
waste or other materials that
15 pollution n. 오염, 공해
harm the environment

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Lesson 11. Listen to This!

No Words Meaning 해석
having or showing a lot of energy
1 energetic adj. 힘이 넘치는, 활기찬
or effort
to do something like sing or act to
2 perform v. 공연하다
entertain people
a group of people who listen to or
3 audience n. 관객, 청중, 관중
watch something together
4 musical instrument a device used to create music 악기
to hit the ground forcefully with
5 stomp v. 쿵쿵거리며 걷다
your feet
때리다; 구타,
6 beat v. to hit something hard
a sound made by a musical
7 note n. 음; 음표
8 movement n. a motion or way of moving 움직임, 몸놀림
9 visual adj. able to be seen 눈에 보이는
a combination of different musical
10 harmony n. notes played or sung at the same [음악] 화성
time to produce a pleasing sound
견디어 내다,
11 last v. to continue through time
a raised floor where a
12 stage n. 무대
performance happens
drums, cymbals, and the other
13 percussion n. musical instruments that produce 타악기
sound when struck
14 expensive adj. costing a lot of money 비싼, 고가의
유일한, 오직
15 unique adj. being the only one of its type

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Lesson 12. Echo and Narcissus

No Words Meaning 해석
1 disappear v. to go away 사라지다
enjoying having conversations 말이 많은,
2 talkative adj.
and talking a lot 이야기하기 좋아하는
to say something after someone (말을) 복창하다,
3 repeat v.
else has said it 흉내 내어 말하다
a female being with superhuman
4 goddess n. 여신
a young female spirit who lives in
5 nymph n. 요정
6 remain v. to stay in the same place …에 남아 있다
a sound that bounces back from
7 echo n. 메아리, 산울림
an object
to make a person annoyed or
8 anger v. 분노, 노여움
the condition of being in a place
9 presence n. [U] 존재, 있음
at a certain time
to move body so that you are not
10 bend down   몸을 구부리다
having mysterious control of
11 magic adj. physical forces or events through 마술의
special actions or words
12 follow v. to come or go after or behind 따라가다, 따르다

13 shout v. to call out in a loud voice 소리지르다

14 run away   to escape 달아나다, 도망가다

15 deeply adv. in a strong and serious way 깊이, 깊게

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Lesson 13. The History of the Toilet

No Words Meaning 해석
to cause a strong flow of water to
1 flush v. 물을 내리다
clean (a toilet)
2 drain n. a pipe that carries a liquid away 하수구; 배수
3 container n. an object that holds other things 용기
to make a liquid flow from or into a
4 pour v. 쏟다, 붓다
able to be used freely by all
5 public adj. 공공의, 공중의
members of a society
a substance added to soil to help
6 fertilizer n. 비료
plants grow
7 civilization n. a well-organized society 문명
…을 나르다, 가지고
8 carry v. to move something while holding it 가다, 운반[운송]
9 constantly adv. without stopping or very often 끊임없이, 계속
쾌적한, 기분 좋은,
10 comfortable adj. relaxing
the language, ideas, inventions, and
11 culture n. 문화
art of a particular group of people
(도시 등의) 함락;
12 fall n. loss of power or greatness
멸망, 몰락
13 advanced adj. in a very developed state 상급인, 선진의
a deep, round container that is used
14 pot n. 단지, 항아리
for storing or holding something
relating to or involving activities in
15 social adj. which people spend time with each 사교[친목]를 위한

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Lesson 14. A Toilet Museum

No Words Meaning 해석
the condition of being away from
1 privacy n. 사생활, 프라이버시
other people
to make someone remember
2 remind v. 상기시키다
to make something better than it 개선시키다,
3 improve v.
was before 향상시키다
4 exhibit v. to show something in public …을 전시하다
a new or better idea, method, or
5 innovation n. 혁신, 쇄신
(공중) 위생의,
6 sanitary adj. being clean and safe from disease
…을 창조하다, 새로
7 create v. to make
만들어 내다
(…이라는) 별명을
8 nickname v. to give something a new name
a building where valuable objects
9 museum n. 박물관
are shown to the public
to make up one's mind to do
10 decide v. 결정하다
11 center n. the exact middle part of something 중심(부)
very great in size, strength, or
12 giant adj. 엄청나게 큰, 거대한
to help someone or something get (위험·손상·손실
13 save v.
away from harm or danger 등에서) …을 구하다
14 glass n. a hard, clear material [U] 유리
the quality or condition of being
15 importance n. 중요성, 중요함
significant or essential

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Lesson 15. The Journey of Wastewater

No Words Meaning 해석
(수면 아래로)
1 sink v. to fall down through water
2 release v. to allow a substance to flow out 방출하다
to cause (two or more people or
3 separate v. 분리하다, 구별하다
things) to stop being together
an underground place that carries
4 sewer n. 하수관, 하수구
away wastewater
a process in which a chemical or
other substance is added to (화학 약품을
5 treatment n.
something in order to protect it, 사용하는) 처리
preserve it, clean it, etc.
6 remove v. to take something away 제거하다
without space or action in
7 directly adv. 곧장
8 solid n. something that is not liquid or gas 고체
9 sewage n. used water and waste material 오수, 하수
a long trip from one place to
10 journey n. 여정
(식물에) 물을 주다
11 water v. to apply water to something
a large container used to hold (액체·가스 등을
12 tank n.
liquid or gas 저장하는) 탱크
to cause to fill with gas by using a
13 pump v. (펌프로) 공기를 넣다
the water available for a
14 water supply 상수도
community or region
a small amount or a little piece of 작은 조각, 토막,
15 bit n.
something 파편

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Lesson 16. Art from a Urinal

No Words Meaning 해석
1 fake adj. not real
2 shock v. to surprise and upset someone (남에게) 충격을 주다
3 suggest v. to offer an idea 제안하다
4 reject v. to not take or accept something 거절[사절]하다
…을 알아보다,
5 explore v. to talk or think about something
to understand something in a (…의 뜻으로) …을
6 interpret v.
certain way 해석[이해]하다
7 urinal n. a special toilet made only for men (남자용) 소변용 변기
8 original v. first; earliest 원래의, 본래의
to look more unusual or important
9 stand out   뛰어나다, 걸출하다
than other things
10 curvy adj. having a smooth, round shape 굽은 (데가 많은)
(공통의 이익·직업
a group of people who have the
11 community n. 등을 가진 사람들의)
same interests
to put (something) where people
12 display v. 전시하다, 진열하다
can see it
an idea of what something is or
13 concept n. 개념, 관념
how it works
14 laugh at   to not take something seriously …을 비웃다
with the top at the bottom and
15 upside down 거꾸로 되어
the bottom at the top


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