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Marketing Magic

agic, the use of special powers to make things happen that would usually
be impossible. When we listen to the word magic, the only thing that strikes our
mind is a magician who usually does some magic tricks and illusions. But there is
a great magician we know but don’t recognise him. A Marketer!

A marketer is a magician who has special powers that can convert a stranger into a customer.
He has those special powers which can create a demand or interest towards anything.

What does a marketer exactly do? As he is also a magician, he does the same thing what the
magician at a party does. The Magician who has to perform at a birthday party will have to
practice certain tricks. Let’s say, he will first note down the things that children like. Then he
will try to make magic tricks based on those liked things by the children. After he has the
tricks prepared, he will try to enact the tricks in such a way that it looks interesting and
surprising. The final task appears to be at the party, in front of all children creating an
excitement. The show goes on, and everything goes as expected. The magic tricks goes
smooth, and all children seem to be happy and confused, wondering how the magician did

A marketer exactly does the same. Firstly he will study the market and customers need.
Doing so, he will find out what exactly is the customer’s need. Fulfilling the needs of
customer is the only target companies look for. After knowing the customers need, they start
developing a product/service to fulfill the particular need. He then prepares an advertisement,
poster, presentation and all other marketing tools. This doesn’t end here, in fact the main task
begins. How to convey the message to people? How to make them believe in you product and
gain trust?

A marketer will now use his special powers for marketing. He uses his communication skills
to create awareness of the product. He uses his amiable personality that builds trust with the
customers. In short, he convinces people to buy his product and say “This is what I wanted!”

Good marketers are good storytellers. All the marketing campaigns, no matter what channel
they are through, need to tell a story to the customer to get them to connect with the product
or service. Story telling is the best trick a magician does.

“Good marketing makes the company look smart. Great marketing makes the customer
feel smart.”
– Joe Chernov

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