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Assalam O Alaikum!

I am Rimsha
And today I'm here to share
In this competitive world, we need both hard skills and soft skills. Everyone can have hard skills
like:degree; proficiency in computer programming etc.but unlike hard skills, soft skills cannot be
attained in form of certificates or degrees. So what soft skills are?

Soft skills are a collection of attributes that enable you to engage in meaningful interactions with
others. every learner whether a student or a teacher or any employee at any stage of life must
have soft skills along with hard skills.

Let's discuss some soft skills to know why they are so important for learners.

Confidence is one’s belief in his ability to fulfil his goals .

It is the most fundamental skill that every learner must have as it helps learners to:

manage their problems and challenges and

express opinions without any fear or hesitance. to
achieve their goals.

Communicate with others effectively.

With realization of one’s own potential and self-confidence in one’s

ability, one can build a better world.

– Dalai Lama


Communication skills are one of crucial soft skills that every learner must have.
It includes listening, speaking and writing. Communication skills are important for
learners to:

Express his ideas whether by speaking or writing

To represent himself
to boost their performance whether in a workplace or college.
Collaborate with team members/classmates

a person with good communication skills presents his idea in such a way that it
stands out among the rest.
Problem solving:
means to identify and analyse problems in difficult situations and make justifiable
These skills help to think independently, responsibly and productively

It is a crucial skill for learners to Survive and thrive in the present and the
future as learners at every stage of learning encounter different challenges
where they need to think creatively and brainstorm possible solutions.

Learners go through many stages in life for career development where they need leadership
These skills give an ability to , inspire, empower and motivate others to do
their best.
Leadership helps
to develop social skills.
to make decisions within the given time
take responsibility for things and not buckle down under pressure

The ability to work in groups, be a good teammate and inspire others to also give their

It is a combination of other soft skills, such as good communication, empathy, adaptability

and leadership qualities.
At many times there are team projects or assignments or presentations in a workplace or
in colleges so to perform their level best learners need to have soft skills which help to
build relations with other teammates.
Express their ideas
Enhance their productivity
To fulfil responsibility

means to be flexible.
Because everything does not as we plan it or everyone cannot act according to our wil so the best
way is to find an alternate solution.

This skill helps to adapt according to every situation.

As Bruce Lee has rightly said that:Be formless, shapeless like water. If you put water in a cup it
becomes the cup

If put it in a bottle it becomes the bottle

If you put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot.

so every learner has to be as flexible as water.

All of These skills will be helpful not just in schools and colleges, but also in building a lucrative
professional career

As today we see that the world is changing and technology is progressing rapidly day by day which
means that specializing in hard skills alone in this competitive world is not enough.
It is the need of today to learn soft skills to stand out in this ever changing world.
Let's take an example of a recent lockdown situation, when lockdown was imposed There
were many people who started complaining or opposing to work or study remotely but the
people who had good soft skills tried to adapt to the new norms and pushed themselves to
give their best.
Hence it is important for learners to start brushing up their soft skills at an early stage to
take their career to the next level as these soft skills will set them apart from others .

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