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7, PY 1974

Real-Time Computer Control of Power Systems


Invited Pa@

Abstract-A dramatic trmsfommtion in system monitoring and variousstationequipment,primarilycircuitbreakers.The

control is taking place in the electric utility industry. Hew control centralization of supervisory control could be carried out at
centers are being equipp& with multiprocessor real-time computers one location or in several districtoffices, dictated more or less
syming and controlling thegenerationand 1 * *nsystemvia
hqh-qwd data-acquisition subsystems andinteracting with the by the geography of the territory served, and by the organi-
human operator via dynamic,color,graphic displays. Within the zational structure of the electrical operation division of the
computer aa many .as a.hrmdred or more programs are available to utility company.
m n in.a multiprogrammirrg environment in response to changing Theothercentralcontrolsystem is fortheautomatic
poner-system conditions and to operator‘s demands.
The main objective of thie new developmentm on-line control is control of the outputsof generating units in order to meett h e
the enhancement of the security of the power system in order to continuous changes in load demands. The central control of
matrtrin a high reliability of electric powerservice. generation which started out as a direct regulatory type of
The concept of security control is dimumd and the noteworthy control to makesystemgenerationmatchtheminute-to-
featurea of its present slate of development in recently designed and minute changes in load was improved in the 1950’swith the
inscalled controlcenters are described.
addition of an optimizing-control level. The optimizing con-
INTRODUCTION trolautomaticallyallocatedthegenerationrequirementin
such a way that the total operating cost was a minimum.

H E EVOLUTION of automationinelectric power
systems has been marked by outstanding developments This two-level control system for generation soon became a
intheapplication of state-of-the-art technology in universal standard.Thedirect-control. level, knowninthe
both instrumentation and control. Manyof these applications industry as ‘automatic generation control” (or by the more
are required for local control to carry out such functions as commondesignation of ‘load-frequency control”), became
regulation, -switching, protective relaying, generator loading, mandatory for power systems which are interconnected; the
etc., using measurements obtained locally. In certain cases, optimizing-control level, known as ‘economic-dispatchcon-
such as in protectiverelaying,the 1-1 control logic also trol,” became a necessityfor systemswith a significant
requires information from oneor more remote jocations, such amount of thermal generating units.
information being transmittedviatelephone lines, power- The supervisory-control and the generation-control func-
line carrier, or microwave facilities. tions each had its data-gathering system and its own central
Local controlhas evolved to the point whereminicom- andremotehardware.Generationcontrol evolvedfrom an
puters are being used for specific purposessuch as boiler- analog system to a digitally directed analog and finally, in
turbine controls, or to consolidate at a substation hitherto the 1960’s,to a direct digital-control systeni. Similarly, super-
separate instrumentation and control functions. There have visory-controlsystems evolved from one hardwiredmaster
been someremarkabledevelopments in the use of digital per remote to one hardwired master for several remotes and
computers forlocal control. However, in the discussion of finally to a digital-computer master. Thus by the end of the
real-time computer control of power systems, the main em- 1960’s there were in service twotypes of digital-computer
phasis of this paper will be on the systemwide control froma control installations-the dispatch computer and the super-
central location. A more comprehensive summary of the de- visory-control computer-using small computers and requir-
velopments in both local and central controls may be found ing no more data than what was essential either for genera-
in [4]. tiondispatch or for supervisorycontrol.Digitaltelemetry
In an overall centralized control system, all local controls was also coming into use to replace analog telemetry. Up to
become functionally residenta t t h elowest level of a multilevel this time the man-machine interface consisted of stripchart
control hierarchy [l], the highest level being at the central recordings, loggers, indicatinglights,annunciator windows,
control. I n becoming part of a hierarchy, certain local con- console switchesorpushbutton panels, thumbwheels, and4
trols require information links withhigher level controls. other special-pur- hardware.Morerecently,blackand
The implementation of central control in power systems white and color CRT’s are being used for either the dispatch
originatedfromtwoindependentcontrolrequirementsand computer or the supervisory-control computer.
developed intotwoseparatecentralizedcontrolsystems. Over the years the improvements in generation control
One central control system is for the supervisory control and and in supervisory control had beenin the hardware used
indication of transmission and/or distribution equipment. In and in the efficiency of the control techniques. The basic ob-
addition to equipment status indication and simple alarming jectives had remained the same,Le., to control generation and
functionsthesupervisorycontrolsystemprovidedthe dis- to control remotely located devices or equipment. Near the
patcher at the center with the means to remotely actuate
end of the 1960’9,however,power-system engineersbegan
analyzing the entire system operation problem from a sys-
tems viewpoint, motivated by the evident needfor a more
Manuscript received December 31,1973. comprehensiveand moreeffective operatingcontrolthan
The author is with the Cleveland Electric I l l d ~ t i n gCompany,
Cleveland, Ohio44101. had been conventionally available to the power-system dis-

Authorized licensed use limited to: PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDADE CATOLICA DO RIO DE JANEIRO. Downloaded on November 27, 2009 at 10:53 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

patcher. We are now witnessing in the decade of the 1970’s G ( x , u ) = O load constraints
the beginnings of a new wave of power-system control sys- H ( x , u ) Z O operating constraints
tems, much broader in scope of system monitoring and con-
trol due to the integration of operating functions, and the where G and H are function vectors and
addition of a new dimension-“system security.” x vector of dependentvariables;
Theaddition of system-securityconsiderationstothe u vector of independent or “control variables.”
strictly generation-dispatch and supervisory-control require-
ments has caused a quantum jump in the evolution of real- Sollberger [SI, in extending the concept of security control
time central control of power systems by digital computer. to industrial systems in general, calls one set of constraints
This transformation is growing in numbers throughout the the “load constraints” and the other set the “operating con-
world. In many cases utility companies are in the process of straints,” and generalizes both into inequalities. In our dis-
replacing or augmenting existing digital-dispatch or super- cussion the equalities are the load constraints while the in-
visory-control computers less than 10 years old with the new equalities are the operating constraints. Fundamentally, the
security-control systems of the 1970’s. This paper discusses load constraints impose the physical equations which satisfy
the concept of security control and the current state of its the requirements that the load demands will be met by the
implementation in power systems. system; while the operating constraints impose maximum or
minimum operating limits(e.g., loading limits, voltage limits,
SECURITY CONTROL etc.) on variables associated with the component parts of the
Provision for system security has alwaysbeen an inherent system.
part of sound system design. However, due to economic and If both the load and operating constraints are satisfied,
other considerations, only so much security can be built into the system is said to be in the normal operating state. In re-
a system. I t has generally been assumed that as long as a sys- sponse to the relatively small minute-to-minute changes in
tem is builtaccordingto prevailingdesign standards,any load, a power system may be considered as going from one
abnormality in operation requiring control beyond that pro- normal state to another and each normal state may be as-
vided for by conventional, automatic devices would be taken sumed to be a quasi-steady-state condition.
care of by the human operator. Historically, this assumption On the occurrence of a severe disturbance (e.g., a large
had been blithely made without providing the opqrator with load change, a loss of generation, a short circuit) a system
adequate tools toaid him in the complex decision-making may settle down to anew normal state or may go to either an
processes concerning security. In some companies where the emergency or restorative operating state. In the emergency
securityproblemhad become quiteacute, procedures had state the operating constraints are not satisfied. In the restor-
been instituted to .aid the operator by way of security pro- ative state the operating constraints aresatisfied but not the
grams run off-line on general-purpose computers, in certain load constraints.
cases using remote terminals or, in a few rareinstances,a Two types of emergency may be noted. The first type oc-
dedicated network analyzer or analog computer. These ap- curs when, afteradisturbance,the power systemremains
plications represent a transitionalstepfromconventional stable and continues operating but with the operating con-
control to security control. straintsnot fully met, i.e., with some equipmentloading
“Security control” or a “security control system” may be limits exceeded or withabnormalvoltage levels at certain
defined as a system of integrated automatic and manual con- locations. This type of emergency condition which we shall
trols for the maintenance of electric power service under all refer to as “steady-state emergency” may be tolerated for a
conditions of operation [2]. Notefromthis definition that reasonable period of time, generally allowing corrective action
security control is a significant departure from the traditional to be taken. Such corrective action shouldbe effective enough
dispatch control or supervisory-control systems. Firstly, the toprevent or limitdamagetothe overloaded equipment.
proper integrationof all the necessary automatic- and manual- The second type of emergency occurs when, because of a dis-
control functions requires a total systems approach with the turbance, the power system becomes unstable, during which
human operator being an integral part of the control-system timeboththeoperatingandthe load constraintsarenot
design. Secondly,the mission of securitycontrol is all-en- being met. This type of emergency condition which we shall
compassing, recognizing that control decisions by the man- refer to as “dynamic instability” takes place in a very short
computersystemmust be madenot j u s t when the power period of time and, unless a proper fast corrective action is
system is operating normally but alsowhen i t is operating taken, ends up with the power system in the restorative state,
under abnormal conditions. As power systems have grown in i.e., in a partial or a total shutdown.
size and have become more tightly coupled, the problem of The overall objective of security control may be restated
makingtherightoperating decisions undervarying condi- as follows: to keep the power system operating in the normal
tions has become extremely difficult. state, i.e., to prevent or to minimize the departures from the
normalstateintoeitherthe emergency or therestorative
The Three Operating States state. To realize an effective strategy for carrying out this
In [ l ] and [2] the operating conditions of a power system objective let us look more closely into the concept of system
are characterized in terms of three operating states-normal, security.
emergency, and restorative. Let us review this concept as i t
is helpful in the discussion of security control and the current The Concept of System Security
state of its development. Systemsecuritymay be considered as theability of a
The power systemmay be assumed as being operated power system in normal operation to undergo a disturbance
under conditions expressible in the form of two sets of con- without getting into an emergency condition. The system is
straints [2], [SI: then said to be “secure.” On the other hand, a normal operat-

Authorized licensed use limited to: PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDADE CATOLICA DO RIO DE JANEIRO. Downloaded on November 27, 2009 at 10:53 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

ing system would be ‘insecure” if there is a disturbance which Security monitoring involves the processing, of the measured
could bring about an emergency operating condition. If one data to determine the system operating conditions and the
considers all possible disturbances i t would be impossible to violations of the operating constraints H(w, u)BO. Also part
find a securepowersystem. I n practicesystemsecurity is of securitymonitoringis the on-linedetermination of the
determined with reference to an arbitrary subsetof the com- network topology as required for display and for models used
pletedisturbanceset.Thissubsetis called the “next-con- by other on-line functions.
tingency”set.The choice of the composition of thenext- The large amount of telemetry required, with its attend-
contingency set is dictated by the probability of occurrence a n t problems of errors in measurement and in data trans-
of the contingency within the next short period of time (in mission, has justified considerations of exploiting redundan-
the order of minutes) and the consequences to the system cies in measurement so as to obtain “best”estimates of the
shouldthecontingencyoccur. I n mostpower systems the system variables using Kalman filtering and other stochastic
next-contingency set includes, as a minimum, the following approximationmethods.Thisfunction, referred t o h the
types of disturbances: industry as “state estimation” [lo]-[14], [26],isbecoming
accepted as a necessary part of security monitoring.
1) any circuit out;
We see then that just the addition of security monitoring
2) any generating unit out;
t o conventional functions creates a new type of system con-
3) any phase-to-phase or 3-phase short circuit.
trol using state-of-the-art hardware systems and sophisticated
Other types of disturbancesmay be added,themore dis- data-processing methods.
turbancesincludedinthenext-contingency set the more Security Analysis: Security analysis is the determination
stringent the system-security requirementsbecome. of the security of the system based on a next-contingency set.
For a givennext-contingency set, the set of allnormal While a security analysis may be made for both steady-state
operating states may be partitioned into two disjoint sub- emergency anddynamicinstabilitythetrendhasbeento
sets-secure and insecure. T h a t is, a normal operating system have a separate analysis for each of the two types of emer-
is either secureor insecure. We see then that for security con- gency. One reason for this is the extreme difficulty of imple-
trol t o accomplish its objective of preventing or minimizing menting a dynamic security analysis with present methodsof
departures from the normal state itwould be highly desirable stability evaluation. On the other hand, for steady-state se-
t o be able to manipulate the system so that it stays as long curity analysis several approaches are possible and are in use.
as possible in the secure region of the normal state. This is a Basically,theseapproaches start with a knowledge of the
remarkablydifferentcontrolphilosophyfromthat of the present state of the system as obtainedfromthesecurity
traditional dispatch computer. Its implicationsinterms of monitoring function. The system is then tested for various
d a t a requirements,information processing, controldesign next contingencies by, in effect, solving forthe changes in the
and algorithms, man-machineinterfaces, and computer re- system conditions for a given contingency and checking the
quirements canbe readily appreciated. new values against the operating constraints.
Pattern recognition has been tried with some promising
Strategy for Security Control results [SI, [IS], [I61 as an alternative approach to security
T h e effectiveness of security control in keeping the power analysis but the method has not been put to use on-line. Es-
system secure for as long as possible depends heavily on the sentially, a small set of on-line measurements are used as se-
control done during the normal operating state. Wewill refer curity indicators. A security function of these indicators will
to this control as ‘preventivecontrol”since its preventive then classify the state of the system as being secure or inse-
character is what distinguishes i t from conventional control. cure. The security function or pattern classifier is derived by
Preventive control should not only take care of all of the tra- a learning algorithm based on a training set of off-line studies.
ditional functions involved in controlling generation t o meet The appeal of the pattern-recognition approach is the trans-
the load but should also determine the actual operating con- fer of the needfor full-scale simulationstudies (especially
ditions of the system, assess system secudtyfor bgth types of dynamic stability studies) from the on-line computer with
emergency (i.e., steady-state emergency and dynamic insta- limitedcapabilities to an off-line computerwithmoreand
bility), and determine the corrective action to be taken in better modeling and computation resources.
case the system were insecure. Consideration of these tasks further work remains t o be done to develop a satisfactory
leads us to the discussion of three important ideas: security pattern-recognition method for on-line implementation.
monitoring, security
analysis, and
security-constrained Security-ConstrainedOptimization: If thesystem were
optimization. found t o be insecure by the security-analysis function the next
SecurityMonitoring: Securitymonitoring is the on-line problemis todeterminewhetherthesystemcan be made
identification and the dynamic display (to the human oper- secure. This becomes a security-constrainedoptimization
ator) of the actual operating conditions of the power system. problem where we have t o find the best operating condition
Security monitoring requires a systemwide instrumentation which satisfies not only the load constraints and the operating
on a greater scale and variety than that required by a control constraints but also the security constraints. That is, mini-
system without security monitoring. To gather all the system mize F ( x , u ) subject to
data every few seconds and bring it to a control location re-
G ( r , u)=O load constraints
quires a high-speed digital data-acquisition system interfaced
H(w, u)hO operating constraints
with a central computer system. The central computer sys-
S(x, u )2 0 security constraints
tem operates in real-time andsupervises the data acquisition,
processes the data received, and supports the display sub- where F is the operating cost function.
system.Finally,the man-machine requirementsentailthe The security-function vectorS may consist of all the load
the use of devicessuch as color CRT’s for display and as and operating constraints for each of the next contingencies
interface for operator inputs and operator-initiated controls. whoseoccurrenceswouldcauseemergencies [17], [18]. Or

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S(x, u ) L O may be the single security function used in the MODERN CONTROL-SYSTEM INSTALLATION
pattern-recognition method of security analysis [SI. The se- Theimplementation of securitycontrolsystems which
curity-constrainedoptimization would determinethebest started with the coming of the 1970’s is gaining momentum
corrective action for making a system secure. The extra cost throughout thepower systems in the world. By the endof 1973
involved inimplementingthiscorrectiveaction would be there were approximately 30 systems in operation, under con-
presented to the operator who would then decide whether to struction, or on order, which fall in the category of the new
carry it out or not. generation of modern, state-of-the-art control systems.
Theoretically, the optimizing level of preventive control Based on what is being developed in the power industry a
may be formulated from the very outset using the complete compositemodern control system for a bulk power system
set of constraints, as indicated in the preceding paragraph. would have the following features andon-line functions.
I n practice this is not necessary nor is i t desirable. The opti- 1) Hierarchical structure consisting of severallevels of
mizing-control algorithm would not only be too complex to computer systems. Examples: a) National center, regions, di-
implement on-line but would result in anunnecessaryin- visions. b) Power pool, member companies,divisions. c)
crease in operating expense and in computer overhead. System center,divisions or substations.
The combined strategy of securitymonitoring,security 2) Hierarchicalstructure of control functions,i.e., pre-
analysis,andlastlysecurity-constrainedoptimization is a ventive, emergency, restorative, and each divided into 3 layers
correct and practical approach. For the present it is the only d i r e c t , optimizing, adaptive.
viable approach to on-line preventive control. I t is a good 3) Dualprocessors or multiprocessorsplus redundant
illustration of the power of decomposition and multilevel peripherals.
organization of acontrolsystemto accomplish a complex 4) High-speed digital data telemetry and state-of-the-art
control objective [6]. To summarize, the strategy works as data-acquisition equipment.
follows: The optimizing control is formulated as simply as 5) Color CRT’s with graphics for interactive display.
possible using only the load constraints and a very small sub- 6) Dynamic, color, wallboard group display.
set of the operating constraints (e.g., only the generator lim- 7) Automatic generation control.
its but not the equipment loading limits). In most cases, the 8) Economic dispatch control.
optimizing control is decomposed into the real power optimi- 9) Automatic voltage (var) control.
zation (or economic dispatch) and the reactive power optimi- 10) Automatic circuit
[19]. (Re-energizes
zation (or var dispatch). Since the changes in var dispatch are circuits which have been dropped out of service by a disturb-
for many systems less frequent than the changes in economic ance.)
dispatch,vardispatch is usually treatedasan open-loop 11) Supervisory control (breakers, capacitors, transformer
adaptive control. Further simplification of the economic dis- taps, generating unit startup, and shutdown).
patch is obtained by using for load constraints a single func- 12) Scheduling of generation resources, Le., fossil, hydro,
tion equating the algebraic sum of the power injections and nuclear (long term, medium term, and short term).
the system losses to zero. The security-monitoring function 13) Security monitoring.
working independently of the economic dispatch detects on- 14) State estimation.
line when certain operating constraints become semi-binding 15) Steady-state security analysis.
or binding. When this happens the economic dispatch should 16) Dynamic security analysis.
be modified so that the semi-binding and binding constraints 17) Automaticsystemtroubleanalysis [19].(Processes
are included in the set of operating constraints. That is, the breaker and protective relaying operations to analyze system
size of theoperatingconstraintset considered is adjusted disturbances.)
with the number of likely and actual violations. The security- 18) On-line load flow. (An interactive load flow available
analysis function, either working independently or triggered to the system operator to determine power flows in the net-
by the security-monitoring function, checks the security of work for a given set of conditions.)
the system.If the systemwere insecure, a security-constrained 19) Optimum power flow. (An optimal load-flow solution
optimizing program would then be run to find the corrective where the load-flow equations are solved with an optimization
action. routine to minimize the objective function, usually, but not
I t is readily evident that the development of a good pre- necessarily, the total operatingcost.)
ventive control enhances tremendously the ability of a system 20) On-line short-circuit calculation.
to stay secure and therefore minimizes the departures into 21) Short-term load forecast.(Predictsthenext 24-h
theabnormalconditions of theemergencyandrestorative load curve.)
states.Bothemergencycontrolandrestorativecontrolare 22) Bus-load forecasting. (Predicts the load a t each indi-
still needed for a complete security-control system. However, vidual load point.)
these controls are difficult to develop and implement for a 23) Various support programs for generation dispatching,
variety of reasons. Let it suffice for this paper to remark that such as: schedule for startup and shutdown of units, power
preventive control is relatively easier toimplement being interchange transactions with neighboring systems, calcula-
well within thecapabilities of present-day technology and tion of generation reserves, etc.
analysis. Furthermore,the
control 24) Logging and historical data management.
offers a workable control strategy gives impetus to its higher There is no control system that has all of the functions
priority of development. Thus most of the applications of the just enumerated. Ingeneral, except in thecase of a few power
security-controlconceptthatare beingdevelopedin the systems, the control systemdesigns that have been developed
power industry are in the area of preventive control. The de- possess only rather small subsets of this list. In the Appendix,
velopment of emergency controlandrestorativecontrol is Table I lists somebasic data on control systems which are
currently of a lower priority and no significant innovations in service, under construction, or on order, as of November
have as yetbeen implemented. 1973. This table is intended to convey a rough picture of the

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Authorized licensed use limited to: PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDADE CATOLICA DO RIO DE JANEIRO. Downloaded on November 27, 2009 at 10:53 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

TABLE I (Continued)

I In 1973
./ '
I s

Implemented by analog controller.

Legend for on-line functions:
ACRAutomaticCircuitRestoration. OLF On-Line Load Flow.
AGCAutomatic Generation Control. OPF Optimum Power Flow.
ASTA Automatic System Trouble Analysis. OSC On-Line Short Circuit.
AVC AutomaticVoltage/VarControl. SA Steadyatate Security Analysis.
E C Emergency
SBC Supervisory Breaker
E D C EconomicDispatch Control. SE State Estimation.
NOX Minimum NO. Emission Dispatch. SM Security Monitoring.
SVCSupervisory Voltage Control.

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types of systems that have been or are beingdeveloped in ing system usually has to be modified in order to support the
the power industryinapproximatelythe first half of this requirements for the following.
decade. 1) A dualcomputer configuration withintercomputer
In Table I several hierarchical computer systems are in communication.
evidence, most of them being 2-level hierarchies. System 24 2) Provisionsfor maintaining backup for critical control
is a 3-level hierarchy, while the combination of Systems 2 and funLtions and for automatic failover in case of various types
15 forms a 4-level hierarchy. of failure.
Of the systems already inservice, System 7 is of particular 3) A multiprogramming environment where various
interest.Controlling a small power system, consisting of 9 modes of program execution are required.
busses and 3 major transmission lines [25], the Tokke control 4) Interfacing with the data-acquisition system and non-
center of the Norwegian Water Resources andElectricity standard peripherals.
Board has the distinction of having the first on-line applica- 5 ) System initialization for various modes of startup.
tion in the world of state estimation for security monitoring 6) Provisions for testing and for training.
of a power system. I t also has an emergency control function
which automaticallyreducesgeneration at the appropriate CONCLUSIONS
plant in case of problems resulting froma transmission outage. The need for security control is not unique to the power
For a large, interconnectedsystemthe first successful industry [SI. However, because of the uniqueness of the prod-
experimentalresults of stateestimation were obtainedin uct that the power industry supplies plus the unceasing need
September 1972 in a portion of the American Electric Power to maintain that supply, the implementationof security con-
system [26]. trolwiththeaid of real-timecomputers is being pursued
Another interesting development is the use by System 11 perhaps more vigorously in utilities than in other industrial
of the optimum power flow for calculating cost coefficients processes. The power industry, in developing this new type of
which are factored in the economic-dispatch-control calcula- control system, has taken advantage of advances in real-time
tions. The vectorX of cost coefficients is given by computer design, state-of-the-artdevelopmentsin.datar
acquisition systems, dynamic and interactive displays, sys-
X = ( -F)-*
grad, Pr
tems engineering concepts and algorithms in mathematical
where J T is the transposeof the Jacobian matrixof the power- programming, stochastic
flow equation G(x, u ) =0, and grad, P, is the gradient of the thepry.
power at the reference bus used in the power-flow equation. More work remains to be done in the other more difficult
This is the first on-line application to economic dispatch of a areas of security control such as dynamic security analysis,
concept rigorously treated for both real and reactive power emergencycontrol,andrestorativecontrol.Researchand
dispatching with equality and inequality constraints by Car- analysis efforts are continuing to resolve some of these re-
pentier [24] in 1962. maining problems. Doubtless the years beyond 1975 will bear
Unique among those systems in service or under develop- witness to further advances in the real-time computer control
mentistheautomaticsystemtroubleanalysisfunction of power systems [7].
implemented in System 11. This function requires the moni-
toring of protective relaying operations, both primary protec- APPENDIX
tion and backup protection,in addition to monitoring circuit- Table I is presented to give a n overall picture of the new
breakeroperations. Inothersystemsonlycircuit-breaker types of control systems that are being implemented in the
status is monitored to obtain information about a short-circuit power industry. These control systems are designed for the
type of disturbance. central control of the overall power system and are distin-
The inclusion of a short-circuit calculation as an on-line guished from earlier types of automatic control by the pro-
function by System 4 is another unique feature not found in vision for system security.
other systems. Table I is fairly complete as far as the following criteria
The control-system features and on-line functions men- are concerned :
tioned in this section have been described rather sketchily, 1) central control for generation and transmission;
the objectbeing to present an overview of what is being done. 2) use of dual or multiprocessors;
More details of specific control systems and of various func- 3) use of color CRT’s for interactive display;
tions, some of which may not have been referred to in this 4) inclusion of, at least, the security-monitoring function
paper, may be found in the literature [8], [9],[19]-[23]. for security control.
As mentioned earlier most of the systems are implement-
ing only a small number of on-line functions. However, even Some systems not fully meeting these criteria have been
a minimum of security-controlfunctions would entail a included because of certain security-control features.
rathersophisticated assemblage of computers,displayde- Although the author tried his best to gather as much in-
vices, data-acquisition systems, and a host of real-time pro- formation as possible about what is going on in the industry,
grams. therearedoubtless some state-of-the-artsystems which
The requirements for the new type of control system have have escaped his attention, The author apologizes for these
also caused demandsfor real-time computer operating systems omissions.
which initiaIly were either nonexistent or inadequate for the Many new, but strictly supervisory-controlor generation-
application.Development efforts have been expendedin control systems, are not included in Table I except as they
creating special operating systems where none were available belong to a computer hierarchy and satisfy criteria 2) and 3).
or in augmenting the real-time capabilities of what the com- I t should be mentioned, however, that these strictly supervis-
puter manufacturer had tooffer. A standard real-time operat- ory-control systems have becomemodernized to the extent

Authorized licensed use limited to: PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDADE CATOLICA DO RIO DE JANEIRO. Downloaded on November 27, 2009 at 10:53 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

that dual processors, mostly minicomputers, and color CRT’s [ll] a) R. E. Larson, W. F. Tinney, and J. Peschon, “State estimation
in power systems, Part I : Theory and feasibility,” ZEEE Trans.
are being used. Power A p p . S y ~ Vt .O, ~ .PAS-89, pp, 345-352, Mar. 1970.
I t should also be noted that many of the companies in b) R. E. Larson, W. F. Tinney, L. P. Hajdu,andD. S. Piercy,
Table I which have new control systems under development ‘State estimation in power systems, Part 11: Implementation and
applications,” ibid., vol. PAS89, pp. 353-363, Mar. 1970.
alreadyhave existing generation-andsupervisory-control [12] F.
W. Stagg, J. F. Dopazo, 0. A. Klitin, and L. S . VaSlyck,
systems using digitalcomputers, some withCRT’s, which Techniques for the real-time monitoring of power system opera-
tions,” ZEEE Trans. Power App. Syst., vol. PAS-89, pp. 545-555,
had been placed in service only a few years ago. Apr. 1970.
The last column of Table I liststheon-linefunctions [13] F. Galiana and E. Handachin, “Combined network and power sy%-
planned for each control system. Only the majoron-line func- te,m dynamic state estimation,” in Proc. 4#hPower Systnns Compub-
Wdion Cmf. (Grenoble, France), Sept. 1972.
tions are enumerated. Standard support programs and off-line (141 F. Ariatti, P. Ricd, V. Castagnoli, and L. Marzio, “Methods for
functions which form a large part of the software of these electric power system state estimation:Comparativeanalysis of
control systems are not included. computing simulations based upon generalized load flow, tracking,
and least squares methods,” in Proc. 4th Power Syskms,Computation
Cmf., Grenoble, France, Sept. 1972.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT [15] “Bulk power security asse%sment, IBM Res. Div., Final Rep.
The author wishes to thank his many industry colleagues [la] Edison Elec Inst. Project RP90-3, Nov. 1970.
C. K. Pang, F. S. F’rabhakara, A. H. El-Abiad, and A. J. Koivo,
in the United States, Europe, and Japan for their cooperation ‘ k u r i t y evaluation in power systems using pattern recognition,”
in putting together as up-to-date an information summary as ZEEE Trans. Power A p p . Syst., vol. PAS-93, pp. 969-976, May/
June 1974.
possible for the tabulation (Table I) of modern, state-of-the- [If] J. W. Carpentier, ‘Differential injection methods, a general method
art, control systems. Permission was obtained from each of for secure and optimal load flows,” in Proc. 8th Power Zudushy Com-
the utilities represented to use the data in this paper. The puter Applications Cmf. (Minneapolis, Minn.), June 4-6, 1973, pp.
data for theJapanesesystem were obtainedthroughthe [l8] 0. Alsac and B. Stott, “Optimal load flow with steady-state wur-
good offices of theCentral Research Institute of Electric ity,” ZEEE Trans. Power App. Syst., vol. PAS-93, pp. 745-751.
May/June 1974.
Power Industry in Japan.
. - T. E. D y Liacco, B. F. Wirtz. and D. A. Wheeler. “Automation of
REFERENCES the CEI-system for security,” IEEE Trans. Power A p p . Syst., vol.
PAS-91, pp. 831-843, May/June 1972.
[l] T. E. D y Liaqm, ‘The adaptive reliability control system,” ZEEE [ZO] D. W. E. Crook and J. H. Hams, ‘The w e of on-line computing
Trans. Power A p p . Syst., vol. PAS-86, pp. 517-531, May 1967. faalities at the National Control Centre of the C.E.G.B.,” presented
[2] -, “The emerging concept of security control,? in Proc. 1970 at the Symp. Implementation of Real-Time Power System Control
Symp. P w e r Systnns (Purdue Univ., Lafayette, Ind.), May 1970. by Digital Computer, Imperial College Sci. Technol., London, Eng-
[3] -, ‘Control of power systems via the multi-level concept,” land, Sept. 1973.
Syst. Res. Center, Case Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, Ohio, (211 R. G. Rice and G. W. Stagg, “Application program design criteria
Rep. SRC-68-19, 1968. for the Southern Company control system,” in Proc. 8th P w n Zn-
[4] G. Quazza, “Automatic control in electric power systems,” in Auto- duslry Computer Applicatias C m f . (Minneapolis, Minn), June 4-6,
matica, vol. 6. New York: Pergamon, 1970, pp. 123-150. 1973, pp. 128-134.
(51 M. H. Sollberger, ‘Security of an industrial system,”Syst. Res. [22] K. &no, M. Narba, and T. Nishimori, ‘Automatic load dispatch-
Center, Case Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, Ohio, Rep. SRC ing system in Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc.,” presented at the
71-3, Jan. 1971; Symp.Implementation of Real-Time Power System Control by
[a] I. Lefkowitz, Multi-level approach applied to controlsystem de- Digital Computer, Imperial College Sa. Technol., London, England,
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[7]A. H. El-Abiad, “New directions in power systems reliability and [23] J. C. Russell and W. Rades:, “The Wisconsin Electric Power Com-
‘security,” presented a t the 3rd Southeastern Symp. System Theory, pany energy control system, in Proc. 8th Power Industry Compukr
Georgia Inst. Technol., Atlanta, Apr. 1971. Applications C m f . (Minneapdis, Minn.), June 4-6, 1973, pp. 135-
[8] W. K. Pence, “New Michigan pool center st- system security,” 141.
Elcc. World, Oct. 21, 1968. [24] J. W. Carpentier, ‘Contribution ?I’6tude i du dispatching 6co-
191 C. F. Ham and K. B. Rennie, ”Control center ups system perform- nomique” (“Contribution to economic dispatching”), Bull. Soc. Fr.
ance,” Elcc. WorM,Aug. 15,1973. Elec.. vol. 3. ser. 8, Aug. 1962.
[lo] a) F. C. Schweppe and J. Wildes, “Power system static-state estima- [25] J. Svoen, S. A. Fisman, H. H. Faanes, and A. Johannesen, “The
tion, Part I: Exact model,” ZEEE Trans. Power App. Syst., vol. computer in the power system. The on-line, cloeed-loop, approach
PAS-89, pp. 120-125, Jan. 1970. for control of generation and overall protection at Tokke power
b) F. C. Schweppe and D. B. Rom, ‘Power system static-state esti- plants,” presented a t the Conf. Int. Grands Reseaux Electriques,
mation, Part 11: Approximate model,” ibid., vol. PAS-89, pp. 125- Aug. 1972.
130, Jan. 1970. [26] J. F. Dopazo, S. T. Ehrmann, 0. A. Klitin,and A. M. Sasson, ‘Justi-
c) F. C. Schweppe, “Powersystem static-state estimation, Part fication of theAEP real time load flow project,” ZEEETrans.
111: Implementation,” ibid., vol. PAS89, pp. 130-135, Jan. 1970. Power A p p . SySt., V O ~ PAS-92,
. pp. 1501-1509, Sept./Oa. 1973.

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