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Key Assignment: My Classroom Management Plan

Kelsey Berry

School of Education, Ferris State University

EDUC 289: Principles of Teaching and Learning

Dr. Ennis

December 17, 2020

Key Assignment

Philosophy of Education

In my future classroom, my personal philosophy of education will shine through and

parents, students, other teachers, and the community will be able to identify my beliefs

about education. First and foremost, I believe that all children are capable of learning, being

taught, and ultimately succeeding in the school setting. To make sure that this happens, I

plan on being a teacher that uses a mix of teaching techniques and delivery types when

teaching to further ensure and allow students to have equal and ample opportunities to

learn. I also believe that children learn best when teachers teach material that is in their

zone of proximal development and work with a child’s previous experiences and

knowledge. This teaching style allows me to work with my strengths while leaving the

flexibility to adapt material and to work with the students’ strengths in order to ensure

success. When teaching, I will also be sure to share my own personal knowledge,

demonstrate my expertise, advise students, and provide feedback to my students, but at

other times I will look for my students to do the same for each other. I also will have pieces

and parts of Constructivism educational philosophy embedded into my classroom.

Constructivism is a view about cognitive development that sees it as a process in which

children actively build systems of meaning and understandings of reality through their

experiences and interactions. Children actively construct knowledge by continuously

assimilating and accommodating new information. I firmly believe that a child’s previous

experiences have a large impact on what they know and how they are able to learn, so I

plan on building on students’ previous experiences.

Within my classroom there will be roles that my students, parents, community, and

myself play in student learning. Students play a crucial role in their own learning because
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they need to be there and to apply themselves. Students in my classroom are expected to be

present in class, apply themselves to the material being learned, and to ultimately have a

good attitude and open mind to new learning styles and new material. Parents are also very

important to a students’ learning because they are usually the ones home with the child.

Parents will be expected to encourage their student to complete their homework along

with practicing new material that they learned. Most importantly, parents are expected to

love and nurture their student while giving them meals and a place to sleep. The

community is also important in a student learning because they host different resources

and aid. The community will be expected to advocate for better education funding and to

coordinate with the school to allow students to interact with the community so they are

able to see the type of impact they have. Lastly, teachers have an enormous part in student

learning. Teachers (including myself) are expected to nurture, advocate, aid, and provide

ample opportunities for their students. I expect for myself and my colleagues to advocate

for the best learning conditions for my students, whether that be getting extra help for

students or changing the time of day that we learn a specific subject, I will advocate for my

students. In order for me to make sure that those things happen and that I am the best

teacher I can be, I will need to be continuously learning and developing as a person and a

professional. The State of Michigan enforces the rules that when renewing a teaching

certificate (which lasts five years), I have to have 150 hours of Education-Related

Professional Learning. School districts also have specific amounts of professional

development that must take place throughout the year in order to keep up to date, refresh

your memory, and overall learn more about education. I also plan on getting my Master’s
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Degree after I graduate with my Bachelors to ensure that I am getting the most of my

educational opportunities and that I will be more qualified.

Student learning doesn’t just happen when a teacher introduces a new topic or new

material. If that happened, anyone could be a teacher and all students would easily succeed.

Learning is usually defined as a change in an individual caused by experience. A lot of

experiences happen due to behavior, which is why behavioral learning theories are so

popular and are used in classrooms. Classical conditioning and operant conditioning are

two extremely popular and useful techniques that are based on behavior that teachers use

in a classroom to get a desired behavior from students. Something that I strongly believe

that students use to learn is modeling and observational learning. Observational learning is

something that I will use in my classroom which consists of four phases; attentional,

retention, reproduction, and motivational. This is used by teachers while students observe

the teacher demonstrating a skill or concept and then they observe it and learn it through

observation. Cognitive learning theories also have strong success rates and I plan on using

some in my classroom as well. Information-Processing Model is something that is crucial

and allows students to learn off of their previous and current experiences. This model

practically is telling you that information that is to be remembered must first reach a

person’s senses, then be attended to and transferred from the sensory register to the

working memory, and then processed again for transfer to long-term memory. With the

help of these different theories, students in my classroom will learn from experiences (past

or present), by observing and modeling behaviors and thinking processes, and by

practicing skills while applying them to new situations or to assignments. In order for

students to learn, material must be taught. In my classroom, students will be taught the
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curriculum that is implemented by the school, which the outcomes will align to the

Michigan Academic State Standards. The lessons that I plan on using are being created

based on those standards. Things other than curriculum that will be taught in my

classroom include social emotional skills, multicultural literature, and culture. Students will

be able to have awareness about their feelings along with other students’ feelings, they will

also learn about and keep their self-concept and self-esteem in check. Different cultures

will be taught because students should know about and have an understanding about their

peers’ culture and way of life, which will be taught with the help of multicultural literature.

Description of Classroom Environment:

In my dream classroom, I will be in a large room that has a very calm and welcoming

feel to it. It will be filled with kindergarteners, their work, books, iPad’s, and posters that

pertain to various subjects. When you walk in, the classroom will be very open and spaced

out and there will be a check in board with magnets that have students’ names on it.

Students will move their magnet to a side depending on their lunch preference (hot lunch

or cold lunch). Students will have hooks outside of the classroom for their backpacks and

coats to lessen the clutter in the room, and they will sit at tables. Each set of tables will

consist of two tables and six students with name tags and a container of materials for each

student. All of the tables will be facing the front of the room, which has a smart board and

projector for me to work and teach at. Directly in front of the projector/smart board, there

will be a chair for me to sit in, an easel for my chart paper and then a square rug for

students to sit on in this ‘gathering space’ for stories and other whole group instruction.

There will also be a set of shelves that hold the iPad’s and the charging docks where

students grab their iPad and use it throughout the day. My desk will be in the front corner
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of the room so I am able to see my students at all times and so different materials are right

there for me to have access to while I am working up front at the smartboard. A few feet in

front of my desk, there will be a half circle table for me to use when I want to do small

group instruction. It is positioned there so my back is to the wall and I am able to see my

students at all times. In the back corner of the classroom, I will have a book nook for

students to sit back there and relax and read. Students will also have privileges to work

back there on partner work or individual work as well. On the back wall, my classroom will

also be connected to a bathroom so students do not have to leave the classroom much

during the day. Throughout the room, I also have some shelves that will have extra

materials for students, places that students can turn in their work, and where my other

curriculum materials. Besides informational posters and students’ work being displayed on

the walls, I will have a few motivational posters that go along with the aesthetic of the

room, which will be deeper blues and yellow. I chose these colors because blue is a very

calming color and yellow is a particularly happy color and will hopefully make students


In order to teach and assist learning in my classroom, I will need some resources

and equipment to make sure I do it to the best of my ability. I will need multiple

whiteboards/smart boards to write on, a projector, book shelves, a microphone/speaker

system for when I am talking to ensure that my students are able to hear me wherever I am

in the room, and obviously a computer at my desk. Some resources that will be helpful to

me as well are a printer and copy machine (in the library, teacher’s lounge, down the hall,

etc.), a resource closet with different materials for students, and a phone in the classroom

for emergencies and for contacting other teachers. I will want to have different seating
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options for students to use if it will improve their ability to learn, along with fidget toys to

help students maintain attention or stay on task. I will also be sure to have desks and chairs

spread out enough so if there is a student in a wheelchair, they are able to get around with

ease and are not running different things over. I will also request that students with fine

motor and gross motor disabilities get access to a tablet to make completing work easier

for them.

General Classroom Management System:

My behavior management philosophy is going to be me using a classroom

management plan because if the classroom as a whole is managed, the students have less of

a chance to act out. I plan on using Consistency Management and Cooperative Discipline

(CMCD) to aid in managing students’ behavior. CMCD is an approach that focuses on

preventing behavior problems by engaging all students in leadership roles within the class,

using timers for transitions, and establishing a consistent routine. This is really important

because when students know what they are going to be doing next, they have to focus on

that instead of goofing off until being told what is next. Some examples of this technique

include using popsicle sticks to call on students, having classroom jobs for students, and

having a time and place for students to be able to share their thoughts, concerns, and

opinions. I will also be following the Principle of Least Intervention which has seven steps

and procedures that go from least intervention to most. The entire idea behind this is that

you don’t want to go to the most extreme intervention idea if something lesser will work. It

wastes your energy and it distracts the entire class if the most obscene intervention is used.

The seven steps are; prevention, nonverbal cues, praise of correct behavior that is

incompatible with misbehavior, praise for other students, verbal reminders, repeated
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reminders, and consequences. Students need to have a guide of what is expected of them

and their behavior while in the classroom, so in order to do so classroom rules will need to

be established. In my classroom, I will want the rules to be few in number since having too

many rules can be overwhelming and can feel restricting. Most importantly, I want the

classroom rules to be developed as a whole class to ensure that the students have and feel

like they have a say in what they are expected to abide by. A fear of mine is if I were to

create the rules of expected behavior in the classroom, students would feel as if they were

unfair and that they have no wiggle room of being able to have fun. Hopefully with creating

the classroom guidelines together, students will be less likely to test the limits.

Physical arrangement of the classroom is also extremely important because it can

make or break classroom management and behavioral management. As a teacher, you don’t

want to have your back to your students or else they will be unsupervised, which then

welcomes misbehavior and talking between students at inappropriate times. I will also

position my desk to ensure that I am able to see all of the students’ faces to help manage

behavior and on-task time. I would also make sure that throughout the classroom, students

have their own space/hook/seat to allow them to have some responsibility and occupy

their time to discourage misbehavior. Another aspect of behavior and classroom

management in my future classroom will be ensuring that diversity is highlighted and

talked about within the classroom. One way that I will ensure that diversity is highlighted is

by continuously having a rotation of multicultural books on the bookshelves in the back of

the classroom. I will also invite students to talk about or share a part of their culture if they

feel comfortable. Another way is creating a safe environment in the classroom for students

to have open communication and discussions about culture, race, gender, and religion in
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order for them to get the correct information that they are talking about. One way of

creating a safe environment for students in my classroom is having photos of different

cultures, races, and non-gender specific people, places, and things around the room.

In my future classroom, time will be managed by multiple aspects including having

routines for different times of the day, teaching engaging lessons, having a set schedule,

maintaining focus, and managing transition periods. One of the routines that my classroom

will be when I am welcoming my students into my classroom, whether that be at the

beginning of the day, coming back from a different class, or when they are making their

way back from lunch. I will welcome each student individually and allow them to choose

what kind of greeting they would like. They can choose from a wave, high-five, hug, fist

bump, dance, or striking a pose. This allows students to begin to calm down from the

outside chaos and remember that it is time for learning and concentration. At the end of the

day, we will do a recap as a class about things that we learned where students are able to

share new or interesting things that they learned, enjoyed, or are excited for. There will be

an order that students go to their hook in the hall to grab their belongings and get ready to

head home as well. I plan on playing music during this time as a timer instead of using the

timer tool to add a bit of variation for the students. Another routine is going over our

schedule for the day and what is being covered within those subjects throughout the day.

This will help students know what we are planning on doing that day, and what to be

expecting next. Managing transition periods are huge because transitions are where

students easily get rowdy and get out of hand. I will use a timer tool on the projector so

students know when it is time to transition from one activity to another, and I will use

brain break activities to help transition the students. Interruptions are a huge factor when
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planning a routine or lesson because they are usually unexpected and the students’

attention is usually drawn to it. If it is a behavioral interruption from one of my students, I

will use the Principles of Least Intervention to hopefully help lessen interruptions. If it is

someone coming to the door or calling the classroom, I will have students either continue

on the work that they are currently working on, or I will have my students open their

doodle books that they have to continue working on or creating a new doodle. This is

expected to be a quiet and individual time for students to work on their doodle while I am

handling whatever interruption is happening.

As time goes on and unprecedented times continue, online learning is something

that is extremely relevant. Online learning will be integrated into my classroom and the

students’ learning whenever we use the iPad’s for activities like spelling practice or

practicing math facts and completing internet quests. Another way that online learning will

be used in the classroom is if I have a planned day that I am going to be absent, I will upload

a video of me explaining the lesson on our class website or I will have other resources

linked onto the class site as well. Online learning opportunities are especially important in

this day in age because of the ever expanding and revealing of what the internet is capable

of providing. Students now will have more access to information that was

known/previously learned when I was in school and it is important for them to keep up to

date with what the future is going to be. Within the resources on the classroom website,

there will be lists of math games, spelling practice apps, exploration games, and some

assignments that I will create and post on there for students to complete and turn in via the

internet. I will create these assignments by using different software and apps like

GoogleDocs, PowerPoint, and Flipbook. There are so many different apps that are
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education friendly, so it will be part of my job to ensure that those apps are downloaded

onto the iPad’s, updated, and working correctly.

Underlying Principles and Goals

In my future classroom, specific principles and life-skills will be taught and

supported in many different ways. My classroom will have a zero tolerance for disrespect

of yourself and others, bullying, and not applying oneself to the assigned work. This just

means that my students will be expected, encouraged, and taught to show each and every

person respect no matter who they are. This will be supported because I will add this onto

our classroom rules and continuously remind students before group work and when I

notice is becoming an issue. Cooperative learning will be supported in my classroom as

well because of how much I know that students need the interaction with other students

and adults to help them practice life-skills that are taught and to aid in their social

emotional development. For different activities and assignments, students will have

opportunities to work with their peers and encourage each other’s learning. Since students

will not be working with their peers at all times, they will have plenty of opportunities for

the use of discovery learning. Discovery learning is extremely beneficial for students

because it lets them explore, test, and experiment in their own way about a new topic to

see what they learn. Appreciation of diversity will also be something that I really focus on

in my classroom with the help of my multicultural books that will be in constant rotation

on the shelves for students, but also the zero tolerance for disrespect will support it as well.

I will be sure to talk to my students about being accepting and intrigued by people who are

different from you and how much you can learn from others.
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The goals of my classroom is to teach my students according to the Michigan

Academic Standards and the Social Emotional Learning Expectations, along with making a

lasting impact on each child. Another goal is that students leave my classroom taking other

students’ feelings into consideration and to be good, kind humans. These goals can be met

without going out of my way by just implementing any ole lesson plan. Of course, I will at

certain times go out of my way to help to reinforce a topic of social emotional development

or academic standard, but a standard lesson plan usually does the trick. For example, if I

were to be creating a science lesson, I would need to use the Michigan Academic Standards

to find one that aligns with what is being taught and then see how I can incorporate social

emotional standards. So, for the ‘K-LS1-1 Use observations to describe patterns of what

plants and animals (including humans) need to survive’ science standard, I could easily

incorporate the social emotional standard ‘2A. Children/Students identify and manage

their emotions and behavior constructively’. This social emotional standard could be used

by asking students how they feel and how they act when they don’t get something that they

need. Then they could apply that thinking to other living things and how they express what

they need. Social emotional development is embedded in almost all things that take place in

the classroom and that is why it is one of my goals to have my students become better and

kinder people to themselves and others.

In my classroom I will make sure that each and every student that walks through my

class door feels safe, welcomed, accepted, and respected. In order to do this, I will be sure

to implement a statement of my classroom expectations about diversity and gender. My

statement will look like this; In this classroom, all students are welcomed, accepted, safe,

and respected no matter where they are from, what they look like, what they enjoy playing
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with, and who they are. As the teacher of the class, I will be sure to emphasize that there

are no right or wrong things to play with or take interest in based on gender. Boys are able

to like the color pink and want to play house when at recess, just like girls are able to enjoy

playing in the dirt and want to be a scientist when they grow up. I will also correct students

if I hear gender stereotypical language being used. Another thing that I will be doing to help

reinforce this statement is being accepting and wanting to learn about a student’s culture

and background when they are willing to share. Some student actions that will show that

they are following this statement are; playing with all students, not excluding someone

because of their culture, gender, or just because, and respecting a students’ space, culture,

and background. Students come with varying capabilities, which includes students who

have special needs. In my classroom, I promise to always do all that I can to help each and

every student succeed, get students extra help when needed, and advocate for my students

and their needs in order for them to be able to get the education that everyone else gets. I

promise to follow IEPs and attend IEP meetings to ensure that I am doing everything in my

power to educate that child the way that works best for them and provide them and their

families with the proper resources to aid them in and out of my classroom. As the teacher

of my future classroom, I strongly believe in the constructivist approach to teaching which

is why I would consistently have students apply knowledge and build off of their previous

experiences in order to learn.

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Image of Future Classroom:

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