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Preliminary Survey Questionnaire

Group 4: Navigating Uncertainty and Adapting the New Normal: The Effects of
Online Selling in Direct Market

Type of research: Qualitative - results will be analyzed through descriptive


*choices are given in the questionnaire to ensure that respondents would answer
genuinely with full knowledge; thus respondents have the freedom to impart if
their answer is not included on the choices given.

Good day, respondents!

We, the researchers, humbly requesting the respondents of this questionnaire to

take this survey form with full knowledge and honesty as this will be used for
educational purposes. Please do not hesitate any of the researchers for concerns.
We appreciate your participation in this study.

Thank you so much!


Age: (under 18, 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65 and over)
Civil status: (single, married, separated, widowed)
Monthly Income: (below 10k, 11k-20k, 21k-30k, 31k-40k, 41k-50k, above 50k)
Used online shop platform: (shopee,lazada,facebook marketplace,


1. What factors do you consider to attract customers to purchase from you

despite of the situation today?
A. Brand name
B. Pricing
C. Packaging
D. Reputation/Advertising

2. What do you think are the effects of online selling in the direct market?
A. Consumers are likely going to rely more and more heavily on reviews and not
product details that are emphasized by the brands themselves.
B. It provides customers with more choices; they can select from many vendors
and from more products.
C. Physical store tend to close and pivot to online store since sales in physical
store are decreasing
D. Consumers tend to purchase online than to go into physical stores

3. As a seller, do you think online platform is a threat to traditional/direct

A. Yes, traditional marketing tries to maximize the value per transactions; here
customer attraction is big target. But in online marketing, the marketers are trying
to form relationship with customers and they are looking for long term value
B. In traditional marketing middlemen are supposed to provide pace and time
utilities to the ultimate customer, but advancement of information technology is
turning intermediation in to disintermediation.

4. As an online seller, what are the advantages and disadvantages you

encounter in online selling?

• Easy access to market.
• Selling online can remove the need for expensive retail premises and customer-
facing staff.
• Allows you to invest in better marketing and customer experience on your e-
commerce site.
• Expanding your market beyond local customers very quickly.
• The reputation of your business could be fatally damaged if you don't invest in
the latest security systems to protect your website and transaction processes.
• Website costs
• Advertising costs
• Customer trust

5. As an online seller, what factor influences the majority of sales in online

selling than in direct market?
A. Direct market experience the shift away of consumer’s way of purchasing
physically to virtually (Consumer’s Choice)
B. Discounts and sales mostly happen in online shops (Discounts and Vouchers)
C. Direct market only has limited hours (Time restriction)

6. As a seller, why do you think consumers choose to buy online rather than in
actual setting?
• Ability to shop 24/7
• Ability to compare prices
• Online sell/better prices
• To save time
• Convenience of not going to shop
• Free shipping offers
• To locate hard to find items
• To avoid crowds
• Products are not sold in my country
• Do not know/ Can not say

7. Do you agree that e-commerce as commercial means has its advantages over
the traditional commercial?
A. Agree
B. Disagree
C. Do not know/Can not say
8. What is your biggest concern about selling products online?
A. Price
B. Reviews
C. Quality
D. Type of product

9. As a seller, what do you think is the best way for businesses to cope up with
the situation today?
A. Re-invent the business/Pivot to more of an online or alternative business
B. Temporarily shut down the business
C.Make profit with what is in the market trend
Others/Specify: _____

10. As a seller, do you think online businesses affect the sales in direct market?
[] YES, because online selling became the new norm and consumers find online
selling more convenient.
[] NO; consumers still prefer physical shopping than virtually.
[] MAYBE; some consumers are comfortable both with physical and virtual

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