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China was the first to pinpoint the novel virus as the cause of the outbreak.

government replied by imposing severe movement restrictions. One approach was to
shut down public transit before Chinese New Year, an annual event that causes a major
exodus of employees to their hometowns. Another was to lock down entire cities and
regions. The current crisis had an early impact on the Philippines as well. On January
22, the first case was suspected, and the country announced the first fatality from
COVID-19 outside of mainland China.

The Philippines, like China, conducted lockdowns in Manila. Other measures included
school closures and the ability to jail anyone for noncompliance with the rules. The
Philippines has 8,772 cases and 579 fatalities as of the beginning of May.
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed Filipino’s daily life, to some extent as I am stuck
in my house, like many others, during the lockdown. This global pandemic has affected
various aspects of life in different countries
The President of our country has requested that people isolate themselves and stay at
home. Schools, colleges, and offices are closed. The same is true of theatres, bars, and
cinemas. Travel for both leisure and business is presently banned.
In terms of academic, it’s a tough time to have a classes, All classes where held
on online platforms , but sadly not all students can’t afford an online learning, we know
that internet connection here in Philippines was limited and not as fast on the other
Asian country. All schools has a devoted online portal from where they can take online
sessions. It is safe and secure. So that students and instructors can have interactive
session. That can share files and our screens with others. Assignments, projects and
quizzes are taken online. Such a useful tool yet it can’t guarantee their learning were all
the same
In a matter of weeks, COVID-19 has changed how students are educated around the
world. These changes give us a glimpse into how education can change in the long
term. New solutions for education could bring about much-needed innovation. Given the
digital divide, new shifts in education approaches could widen equality gaps.
Likewise, with the advancements technology were all stuck and always rely on it
but it also makes it possible for us to fulfill many of our social interaction needs. It’s very
unfortunate, but in addition to the success we have gained through our advancements
we have also experienced a great loss. With new technology, I am afraid that we no
longer engage with others the way we once did. Although some may say the
advancements are for the best, I wonder, at what cost?

In the middle of this worldwide epidemic, we are reflecting in real time on how
large-scale transformations occur in systems how governments, corporations, schools,
cities, and communities adapt and make major adjustments to established methods of
operating. Prior to the development of COVID-19, we are clueless on how to adapt and
change the system now. We’re not clearly seeing this today, many governments have
been hesitant to respond to the worldwide epidemic, despite extensive data and expert
advice on what actions are required. We’ve been stuck on how to start and to reform it.
So here’s the two factor that I think can recommend on how to cope and adjust to the
system due to world wide pandemic:
Knowledge sharing and peer-to-peer learning. If ever there was a time to learn from one
another and avoid repeating mistakes, it is now. We often say we are a global community, but the
crisis has made these words all the more real. Both wealthy and Third world countries can
benefit to each other on how to deal with this pandemic.
Innovation in education. One of the silver linings from this crisis was education. Not all of us
were capable on online platform. Through innovation of technology and expanding the internet
availability we can deal with it. To pursue education of students. Government must support and
be considerate on the new curriculum.

The current scenario is a chance to look outside the box about how our education
institutions can best provide great learning opportunities for our students in today's quickly
changing and unpredictable environment. The COVID-19 crisis is already having and will
continue to have devastating consequences for individuals and communities across the globe,
which must not be overlooked. At the same time, the crisis presents an important opportunity for
us to learn more about the fundamental principles behind large-scale transformative
transformation, which is required in many education systems throughout the world.
We should learned about how to expand the impact of effective social interventions and
introduce new ways of working within our education systems to provide quality learning
opportunities to all.

We should look on the brighter side, this worldwide pandemic affects many of us
negatively in terms of many aspects. But what should we learn was, this epidemic can also help
us to innovate and search for new methods on how to deal with the future problem, new
opportunities was made, and we witness that there always a hope, Bayanihan of Filipinos made
this possible especially with the birth of Community pantries. Always think outside the box. We’re
Filipinos and keep the fire of our resiliency burning!







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