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NAME:Sophia Claire S. Saballa GR.


As an aspiring licensed physician, our first immersion, which was on March 13, 2021, enlightened me on what
I should take as my pre-med course which is Medical technology. I can see how medical technology is said to be the
best preparatory course for future doctors. The speaker that day was Mr. Joseph Joy Benzon, a professor at Our Lady
of Fatima University- Valenzuela Campus. Being an expert at the field, he introduced us to medical technology. The
speaker tackled what a medical lab scientist (medical technologist) do and their importance in the world of medicine.
He stated that medical technologists assists doctors by examining their patients’ body fluids—after examining, the
doctos could determine the disease that the patient have. They have a huge role in diagnosing, prevention and
treatment. We were also informed about the different subjects if we took medical technology in college and the
career opportunities and the expected salary after being a fully pledged medical technologist.

After enlightening us regarding medical technologists and their roles, he explained to us how C-
Reactive Protein (CRP) helps in diagnosing patients. He also described the clinical uses of CRP and its role in our body.
He stated that CRP is a non-specific marker of inflammation and because of this, the doctors can be notified if their
patients are infected. We were also taught how to perform the CRP Latex Agglutination Test and how to interpret its
results. I remember that I was astonished with these facts and it encouraged me to take medical technology. After
that, he entertained the students and their questions regarding Medical Technology. Medical technology is indeed a
complicated, but beautiful and interesting field. It would be nice to have medical technology as my pre-med course.

For our first day of immersion, I discovered that they call Medical technologist as silent detective since they are
the one who can detect any diseases and determine their presence. People shouldn’t underestimate medical
technologists, without their skills and knowledge, the doctors would only be guessing what disease their patients have.
Medical technologists can detect and identify the disease of the patient by examining and analyzing their patients’ body
fluids which includes blood sugar, uric acid, hormones, enzymes and other substances in the blood and body fluids.
Moreover, I learned that they have a huge role during this pandemic—they are the one who determines who recovered
from the covid-19 virus and without their assistance, we wouldn’t be informed about the number of covid-19 patients
here in Philippines.
Mr. Benzon informed us the subjects that we would encounter if we chose medical technology course which
includes microbiology, parasitology, clinical chemistry, hematology, histopathology, blood banking, immunology and
serology, molecular diagnostics and urinalysis and other body fluids. If you are interested to take the medical technology
course, it is a 4 year bachelor’s degree and then take the board exam to be licensed and work as a medical technologist.
Furthermore, I also gained knowledge regarding C-Reactive Protein (CRP) and its clinical uses: it serves as a marker of
acute inflammation, to monitor response of patients to therapy and can be used to predict if a patient has risks of
developing heart attack. We were also taught how to interpret the results of CRP Latex Agglutination—if there’s clumping
then it is positive and if there’s none, then the result is negative. If it is positive then it has a CRP level of more than 6 mg/L
since the Analytical Sensitivity of CRP latex Reagent is 6 mg/L.
Personally, I find medical technology fascinating and I am looking forward on taking this course in college. Our first
immersion helped me big time since the speaker explained what I’ll encounter if I took Medical Technologist as my course.
Since I’ll be a first year college soon, I am thrilled to embark on this journey.
- I was thrilled since it’s our first day of immersion
and that our topic would be about medical
technology—my dream course.

- The speaker was talking about the role of

medical technologists in today’s problem which is
the COVID-19 virus. The virus that took away
thousand lives.

- This was the question and answer portion.

The speaker explained that medical technologists
examine the patient’s bodily fluids such as urine,
sperm, blood, etc. They analyze and examine at
the laboratory to detect diseases. After
examining the patient’s bodily fluids, they will
hand out the results to the doctor in order for
them to find out the proper treatment and
medication for the patient.
[Grab your reader’s attention with a great quote from the document or use this space to emphasize a
1. a. Reverse Passive Agglutination
key point. To place this text box anywhere on the page, just drag it.]
- CRP has a principle of reverse passive agglutination and it is based on the immunological reaction
between CRP--which acts as an antigen-- and the corresponding antibody – which acts as anti-
CRP-- coated on the surface of biologically inert latex particles.
2. c. Both A and B.
- In the procedure, the analytical sensitivity used is 6 mg/L which is the smallest amount of CRP that
can be detected by the reagent. In addition, having less than 6 mg/L means negative result and
having more than 6 mg/L means positive result.
3. a. white
- The test card is black therefore, the CRP latex reagent is white.
4. a. The patient has a positive CRP test result
- The positive control has a presence of clumping and the negative control has no clumping, and
the patient’s serum has a presence of clumping. With that information, I concluded that the patient
has positive result.
5. a. Pneumococcus
- It was originally thought to be an antibody to the C- polysaccharide of pneumococci not until
Tillet and Francis discovered that serum from patients with Streptococcus pneumoniae infection
precipitated with a
soluble extract of the bacteria.
6. c. Both A and B
- Based on our discussion, CRP is a marker of acute inflammation and it acts as opsonin since it
coats the microbes to be easily engulfed by the leukocytes.
7. B. 4-6 hours
- Due to the fact that CRP coats the microbes to be easily engulfed by the leukocytes, the CRP
levels will increase within 4-6 hours following infection, surgery or other trauma to the body.
8. a. True
- One of CRP’s clinical uses is that it can predict if the patient has risk of developing heart attack.
9. a. True
- Medical technologists assist physicians in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of disease.
They are able to find out the disease by examining the patient’s body fluids. Without them, doctors
would only be guessing their patient’s treatment.
10. d. All of the above
- These are the clinical uses of CRP that was discussed in our first day of immersion.

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