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Charlotte’s web

A baby pig is almost killed because of his status – he is the smallest pig that was born and he is
considered to be useless and of no value. The pig is saved by a little girl called Fern Arable. She
adopts the pig and takes care of it. She gives him the name Wilbur.
Fern grows sad when Wilbur grows up and has to be sent away to a farm owned by her uncle.
She has a strong relationship with Wilbur. When Wilbur goes to the farm, all the other farm
animals ignore him and he’s left crying for his human friend. One day he hears a voice, but he
can’t see anything. This voice promises to become friends with him.
The voice belongs to a small spider called Charlotte. Charlotte the spider knows that the farmers
are planning to kill Wilbur. She promises to make a plan to save his life. The farmers are
surprised the next day when they see the words “some pig” written in the web* Charlotte has
made. Charlotte asked for the other animals’ help over the day to write messages everywhere.
Wilbur is sad when Charlotte disappears. But in the end, her baby spiders turn out to be great
company for the pig. They continue to protect each other and the story ends well.
*webs are the sticky traps that spiders make.

Story Overview: The Wind in the Willows

The novel begins with Mole, a peace-loving little animal, doing some spring cleaning. He soon
meets another of the people who live by the river, Ratty, who enjoys nothing more than "messing
about in boats." After a number of pleasant afternoons having picnics and spending time on the
river, Mole and Ratty decide to visit one of Ratty's friends, Toad who—when they arrive—
explains to them his latest obsession: a horse and cart. They go for a ride with Toad, but whilst
on the road, they are tipped over by a speeding motorcar (which completely breaks Toad's little

Far from being upset by the loss of his favorite toy, Toad's first thought is that he, too, wants one
of those incredible automobiles. This obsession leads him to trouble, however. Much to Mole,
Ratty and their old and wise friend Badger's sadness, Toad is soon arrested and sent to prison for
stealing a motor car. However, one of the guard's daughters soon feels sorry for the poor Toad
(who certainly wasn't made for prison life) and gives him some old washerwoman’s clothes and
helps him to escape.

Toad returns to the river and is welcomed by his friends, who tell him that his home, Toad Hall
—once his pride and joy—has been overtaken by the cruel woodlanders: the stoats and the
weasels. Some hope does seem to be in sight: Badger tells Toad that there is a secret tunnel
leading back into the very heart of Toad Hall and the four friends follow it, leading them right
into the lair of their enemies.

An enormous battle ensues and Badger, Mole, Ratty and Toad manage to rid the hall of stoats
and weasels, placing Toad back where he belongs. The rest of the book suggests that the four
friends will continue in their easygoing lifestyle, occasionally taking trips on the river and eating
picnics. Toad manages to curb his obsessive behavior, somewhat, but cannot completely cure

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