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1. Write any four differences between physisorption and chemisorption.

2. Reason out: The rate of physisorption decreases with increase in temperature.

3. Discuss the effect of increase in temperature on chemisorption

4. What is the effect of pressure on physisorption?

5. Chemical adsorption has higher heat of adsorption than physisorpyion. Why? OR

Out of physisorption or chemisorption which one has high enthaply of adsorption and

6. Why is adsorption always exothermic?

7. Out of silica gel and anhydrous CaCl2, which will adsorb water vapours?

8. Why is finely powdered/ divided substance is more effective as an adsorbent? Or

Which will adsorb more gas, a lump of charcoal or its powder and why?
9. Out of NH3 and CO2 , which gas will be more readily adsorbed on charcoal. Why?

10.What is adsorption isotherm?

11.Explain Freundlich adsorption isotherm.


12.What is meant by promoters and poisons with example.

13.Name the promoter used in the Haber’s process for the manufacture of ammonia.

14.It is necessary to remove CO when ammonia is prepared by Haber’s process. Why?

15.Write the differnce between homogeneous catalysis and heterogeneous catalysis with

16.Write the mechanism of heterogeneous catalysis. Or write the modern thery of

heterogeneous catalysis.
17.What do you mean by activity and selectivity of a catalyst?

18.CO and H2 react to give different products in presence of different catalysts. Which
ability of catalyst is shown by these reactions?

19.Explain : shape selective catalysis is highly specific.or

Define shape selective catalysis with example


20.Write the dispersed phase and dispersion medium of the following: (i) butter (ii) paint
(iii) smoke (iv) milk

21.Why are lyophilic colloidal sols more stable than lyophobic colloidal sols?

22.Out of lyophobic and lyophilic sols which one is easily coagulated and why?

23.Write the difference between Multimolecular colloids and macromolecular colloids

with example.
24.Out of sulphur and protein , (i) which one forms macromolecular colloid? (ii) which
one forms multimolecular colloids?

25.Explain Associated colloids or micelles. Give example.

26.Define Kraft temperature.

27.Define peptization.

28.Write one method for preparation of (i) sulphur sol (ii) gold sol

29.What happens when a freshly prepared Fe(OH)3 is shaken with a little amount of dilute
solution of FeCl3?


30.Define tyndall effect.

31.What is meant by brownian movement?

32.What causes brownian movement in colloidal solution?

33.How is brownian movement responsible for the stability of sols?

34.Define helmholtz electrical double layer.

35.Define Zeta Potential or electrokinetic potential

36.What is the reason for stability of colloidal sols?

37.Define Electrophoresis and electroosmosis.

38.Define flocculation or coagulation.

39.Define mutual coagulation.

40.State: Hardy Schulz rule

41.Out of H2SO4 and H3PO4 which is more effective for coagulating a positively charged
sol and why?

42.Out of MgCl2 and AlCl3 which is more effective for coagulating a negatively charged
sol and why?

43.Expain what is observed when;

a) a beam of light is passed through As2S3 sol
b) NaCl is added to hydrated ferric oxide sol
c) Electric current is made to pass through a colloidal sol.
44.Which of the following electrolytes will be most effective in thwe coagulation of As 2S3
sol and why? AlCl3, BaCl2, NaCl?

45.Arrange the following electrolytes in decreasing order of coagulating power to cause

precipitation of a negative sol: BaSO4, NaCl, K4[Fe(CN)6], AlPO4.

46.How can a lyophilic sol be coagulated?

47.What is meant by protective colloid ? give example.

48.What are the two types of emulsions and give example.

49.Explain the following with reason :

Delta is formed at the meeting point of sea and river

50.Explain the formation of Artificial rain .

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