You are on page 1of 16



Iuoreu€g r{ luorrlpcta llpomcoiog ,roo rpoopl(ovtar yrc 1prlorl oa Erprl(rpeg
Atpriogcrpeg O6qyic 201 4 | 34 IEK

3. Apt0ptig flrototorqtrxori Elftooqg Triaoo EK: ITS14ATEX58016X 'Ex6oor1 5


Katcoreuoorrlg: Dover Fueling Solutions UK Ltd

6. Areir0uvoq: Unit 3 Baker Road, Dundee, DD5 3RT, Scotland, UK.

1 To ev l"6yto npoi6v rc0dlg rc,t oroSt1note ozo8srzrl on6rl,toq outori rcc,0opi(ovror orov nivoro,
tou nap6vrog firoroTrorrlnKou rcr orc avogepopwo oe sutov 6yypc9a.
8. H Yzrlpeoio Aorrpcilv & Itoronoiqor;g Intertek Testing & Certification Limited, pe Apr0p6
Kowononlpwou Opycvropou 0359 6uvd,per tou Ap0poo 17 r1q OSnytog 2014/34/EK rov
Eupconc,lrot KorvoBoulioD Ko,1 rou XupBou),iou rqg26qq OeBpouopiou 2O14, nwronorei 6n to
zpol6v ouppopgtilvero,t ps rrq OuotcilSeq Anatrr1oe4 Aogd).eroq rot Yyeiog avogoptro p€ rov
o1e6uop6 Ko,r rrlv ro.raorce-ur1 rorv npol6vtrov ?rou zpoopi(ovror yro 1pr1oq oe erprl[tpeq
ctp6ogorpeq, oupgrilvrog Trpoq ro 6oo opi(ovror oto llo,poprqpa lI tlq O6qyio-c.
Xfpgova pe to apOpo 4l r1c" O6qyiog 2014/34lEK, ta llroronoqrrra El€ro,or1q Tfnou EK nou
rq.truTrrovrcn ca6 tqv oSqyia 94/9/EK ror iolucrv npw o,z16 qv qpspopnvio toXfoq qq Odqyiaq
20141341EK (20 Anpfiiou 2016) toXuouv oov vo er660qrov 6uvoper qq O8rlyioq 2014/34lEK.
N6eg er66oeq rov ev L6yto llrotonoqnrdrv Eletoorlq Tunou EK roOcilg ror lupn)"qp<rrpotrro
Itotonotqtrrd aut<bv 8rivavror va e(oro)"ou0ouv va g€pouv rov o,pXtr6 apt0p6 nroronorqrtrori,
ro onoto eile erSo0ei aprv ca6 r4v 20n Arp0,iou 2016.
O 6).eyXog Kor ro aaotel,6opc,to rtov 8orrprilv rotoypogovrq,l orlg uzr' o,pr0p6v G101366655
(Arpi,l,roq 2014), GI01885090 (Aer6pBprog 2014), 102540108LHD-001 (Arilouotoq 2016) rcar
1 1 6CHE-00 1 (Anpi),to g 20 I 8 ) epnroteunr6g ovogop6g rq g lntertek.
03 426 5
9. H oupp6p<prrlon npoq t6 Ououil8eq Azowrloetg Aogd)"eta6 rot Yyeiaq,, e(apoupw<ov trov
c[voTpogopsvov orov lliva,ra tou nc.p6vroq flloro?rornnrou un6 otorleio 16 orc,rrrloeov, 61et
e(oogcl"roOei pe q oupp6p<prrlorl Trpoq ro nporuna EN 13617-l:2012, EN 14678-1:2013 roq
wSerxtrrc,, EN 1 127-1 :201 l.
10. Xrqv nepiztoror'1 rata tr1v onoia 11 evSe(q <d(> d0eror peto tov opr0p6 rou rrotozorqtrrot,
uno8ql,<bverot 6tr to npot6v uzoretror otrq ro0op(6pweg orov, tou nop6vroq
7rloro?ro1l1rrKof Edtrfg Xuv0r1rceg yta Aogolrl Xptoll.
lt. To w 161ro flrotororqtrx6 E(etaoqq Turou EK ogopa p6vo tov oXe6uop6 Kor rrlv rcc,ro,orzur1
roo ouTKsKprp6vou npoT6vtog. llepow6pro crcowrloerq tqg OSqyiag 0o egopp6(ovtc,r rooo yrc
rqv Sro8rrcooia ra,tooreuqq 600 Kor Tro rrlv npoprlOeu rou sv ),6yo npol6vrog. Or oacwrloerg
aut6-c 6w ratrunrovror an6 ro nop6v rctotonorqttro.
12. H orlpovoq rou Trpol6vrog 0o neprlopBaver to rdrco0r:

R J Smith
Ynsri0uvog II rotonolqoq g
16 Azrpr?'iou 2018

Intertek Testing & Certification Limited

l6c60ovo4l Intertek House, Cleeve Road, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 7SA
TqL: + 44 (0)t 372 370900 Tqltoporotuaia (OoQ: +44 (0)1372 370977

Apr0ptig Mqtp<iroo 3272281 Kotcctctrrri'E 6pa:. l6eit0uvo4] Academy Place, l-9 Brook Street, Brentwood, Essex, CMl4
Iel.i6c 1 on6 9

To nopov zrorozoulur6 ra0dlg ror or aivoreq ortor.l 6rjvovror vc cvcrzapolOouv azoxl.eionxd ror p6vo 4,6),o rr dveu ou6epioq
rpozozotrloqq ror uroxervrot orouq'Opouq ro.r orq [Ipotzo0doerg Aoxrlr6v & fhotozoiloqq qg lntertek zpoxerp€vou 1ra o1v
Xopnynon fltorozoitlo46.
RFT-EU-NB-OP-23k I June 29, 201 6
llrotoaorqtrxri E[6tacqq Trizoo EK lToydntrogl Uoy6runoql
Ex Intertek



'Ex6ooq 5
i: 13. Ileprypagrl tr1g looxeurlg 11 too luotrlpctog rlpootaolag

H Avtl,is Ylpof Kouoipou Helix 1000 givar gvu, Xapql,ori uyoug n)"o,ioto oplpc,roq <<H>,
c,zrotel,oripevo on6 6uo arry6poug e(oprqpota, povogo,orrrlg rooeoq 230 V (ovopoonrr.lq).
:,, i'\!li:
Anotel,eitat on6 Xc),tiB6rvo ore).st6 entotpropfvo pe nloreq an6 Xtifrupa, rato. rp6nov oote vc
oltlpod(erar 6vo u6paulx6 o0oqpa Kor p1o povoSc cuuerr6vtor;g / e),217ou.
To u6pou),m6 ouotrlpa nep:aTer p61pt rcot Srio u6pcrul"rrd, rurlcbpato,, 6trog atvar ro Sira
Ta arpoot6pto erporlg 8replowar ert6g tou u6pau),trori rurl"<irpcrog ror etvo.r ouvSe6epwo pe
eiircapntoug orrll,r'1veg e(oy<oyr1g, ro.rd,1"1"q),ou6 nporetp6vou T1o rrlv 8wvoprl nerpel,aiou.
'Ero,otog eriropntog orolrlvoq eivor ego8roopwog pe 6va rordl"l"rllo notonorqpevo crcpogrioro
6uvop6o Kc,r, Txpoorpsrrrca, pe 6vo o0oqpa oo<pol,orig ncr0or16 (<safe-break>).
To o.rpogriou. Bplorovtot oe ratd.),Lq},a <orporcrB<bus.), ro onoto etvor totto0erqpfvc oe pio 11
oe opg6tepeg rl.etp€q toD o?[orD?roz4 s0rcrprtou ool]"r'1vc. To crpoguoro wrpTo?rorouv roug
poyvqnrofg oroOqt(peq raOcbg ourc onopo,rprlvovtat 11 encvotono0etouvro,r.
O e(aeprop66 tou uSpaul"troti rcrBotiou e(oogal"i(erat g^6oto tov nepoidarv roOcilq ror p6oro rou
brsrsvou yupol oz16 trg nl"oreg rcdtruyr1g tou ouorrlgaroq.
H povd6o el,eyXou rcr qfietrc6vtor1g etvot tonoOealpfvq elrdv<o oto u5pu.ul.rrc6 rcrp<btro rctd.
tp6nov cbore vq pptoreror oe oogcl"r1 (pq enxiv8uvq) neprc26r1. Etvo,r r1l,ertpxo. ouv6e6epwl pe
ro nepiBl"rlpo rou rur).rbpatog e).ey1ou, to 6e rcal,ril6ra 8replovto,r p6orrr cepr(6pw<ov
nporetapdvtov orlkirv rcr aloytirv.
'Ol"a ro, 4l.errpucd e(optrlparc ouvrororlv rord,l,Lr;l,o nrotonorqpfveq ouoreu6q ror 11

rco.l,rrl6irooq etvc,r 1 ev8e8etypevrl yro rrlv 6uvoprl nerpel,oiou oupgrirvrog zrpoq ro opr(6pwo.
O 8tovopeoq }'srtoupyei pe pu0p6 porlq 40 l/min (ovopaorrrc6) rcn 6fvo.tq,t vc Staveiper p61pr
Ko,r o€ 6rio 6rorpttd, e(cprlpota, un6 u1v €wotc 6tt 11 8rovoprl 0c Tivetcr oe 6vo p6vo
eldptlpa cn6 6raoc1 zrl,elpa toutolp6vrog. O Suvop6cq 8rivotur vo l"auouplet pe 1eprorr1, va
Lertoupyei p6oro ouroe(unnp€rrlolq (<self-serviceu) n vq pqv rullaver eztBl,eyrlq m o
leprop6E roD vo yivero,r etre rontro etre e( c,nootooeroq.

Aovct6tqteg lle6rcopof

e Evol"l"ortrrcq Sratcr(r1 torv rll.erctprrrilv rurl,copdrov or rprgoorrrl 6cog 440 V (ovopaonrcrl).

r EvolJ"q,rrrxr1 ropollayn uvnrng ovopaotrrqg porlg 6oq 70 llmin 11 pov6 zrpoi6v e(orpetrro,
DVqIrlg ovopooarrlg porlg earg 130 l/min.
o flopdleuyrl orou8tlrote tov uSpoultrrbv rurl,opat<ov. To orcpoor6pro ercporlg 0c npdner va
o Evo.l)"c,rttrr1 tono06tqoq w6g pqlovropof ovoouporlg totrbv rccr rcqlor6tcov tou efro,pnrou
o Evs],iornrrl 8opu<poprrrl 6rfta(1 tou 5tovop6o.. H gv ),61ro 8tdtcln XpnorpoTrowiro,t ytc
u1v rpogo66qoq prya),rov oplpat<ov pe 6e(apev6q rouoipou ror on6 tq 6rio z),eop6g rcor
onorel,eitat utt6 6vav 6rcvop6a <6opu<p6po> o onoioq ouv66erc,t ror rpogoSoreitar qfi6 €vov
6ravop6c, <oucoSeon6tq> p6o<rl pro6 utt6yerog ypc4rptq rouoipou. O Srcvop6og
<6opug6pog> 5ev 5u06rer qlextporivqtc e(cprlpcto n6pav roD poTvrpKori 6urrc6ntq rcov
orpoguoirov Ko.r roDq nl,euptrorl-< Srar6nteq. Ynapyey Entnl,Aov, 11 eril"oy1 prag ouorceurlq
anetr6vrorlq q oztoic 0o. tpotpoSoteitar an6 rov <orrco6eon6r1> p6oro ev66 unoyeiou
ra),o6tou. O Srovopeo6 <orrco6eon6rqg> 6ra06rei 6vav 6rsr6ntr1 Sopugoprrcrlg enr.l,oyqg
oqv rega)"r1 t1g o06vqq.

De1"i6a 2 oz6 9

To rapdv fhotororqnx6 ouuoro t6toxrqoio qq lnrertek Testing and Certification Ltd Kor DT6Karar oroog'Opoug ror or4
flpoozo06oeig Aoxrgilv & fhoronoiqoqq 116 Intenek nporerptevou yro tqv Xopql1or1 fhorozoi4oqq.
RFT-EU-NB-OP-23k1 June 29, 2016
Ilrctoztorqtr,x6 Efftaoqg Tfzoo EK Q,oy6nroEl p"oy6nnoEl
Ex Intertek

'Ex6ooq 5

)l'r,-'.': :;1 i.
o Evo),l,artrrrl tono06tqoq sv6q ouotrlpcrroq avarcrqoqq orprilv, 6nog ro Sira
''i. 03ATEX9I08U. @a nptner vc toaoOetq0oriv evoq 11 neprco6tepot rorcrl,),q1,or Si6upor
'; j- i'
r,:r op6revrpor erlroprcror orotrrlveg 6ravotrn1g roO<bg ror ouorceuEq 6ropeptopori.
rl,:_il.r Evollarrrxrl rcpa),},oyr1 Bu0(6pw4g avrl,ioq, wdl ncpoLein€rol ro o0orqpo zou 6to06ter
. I ,:,irrt&t-iti,j ,l
. r li qv cvtl"ia Kor rov crvtiotorlo rwqnlpa. Mia rotd,Ll"rl),r1 Bo],Bt6a 6totpqorlg tono0ereitor
otov ayroy6 ew66ou 6uvopt1g.
o flpoarpearrl eyroto,oroorl ev66 Sto,teraypfvou oe oepd (<in-line>) yudirvou oroneltpou.
. llpoowetrrrl eyrctdotooq w6g cur6po,rou ouonlpotoq ovnotdOprolg 0epporpooiaq.

14. Apr0p6g Avcrpopdg

Yn' apr0p6v G101366655 (Azpi.Ltog 2014), GI01885090 (AerepBptoq 2014),l02540l08LHD-

001 (Ariyouoroc,2016)rat103426516CHE-001 (Anp0.rog20l8)crvaqop€qrrlqlntertek.

15. Er6rxoi'Oporlrotoaolqoqq

(a) Educ6g XuvOqreq yrc Aogotrrl Xpnoq

. Eg6oov np6rertct yrc 1pr1or1 rccuoiprov ovcrpeperyp6vrov pe or0ov6l1, o Xpl|otr]q 0a rp€zrer:

o vo 8taogaliosr on ro rcr0otpo 6w 0o erp6zrer vo uzepBcivet ro 90o/o or0av6l,qg pe
etrdXrorq zepwrcttr6rlro oe vep6
o vo o(rolopoet qv rcota),l"1l6qra rtov 1pr'lorponororipevov T1o rrlv rccrcoreuq rou
ououlpotoq rouoipou elo,prrlpo,rrov nporerpfvou yro rrlv porponp6Oeoprl
rcarollrll6qtc pe r6torou ei8ouq rcr)otpc, ),opBcvopevalv 5e6w<og un6yrv trov
ovsorol.€@v 6rdBproot1 g.
o vo emSeilsr rrlv 66ouoa rpoooXrl 6oov a<popd orrlv open enr),oyr1 rrrlv
ouprl,rlproponrccbv e(apqpd,tolv [o6orr1pu, oogalorig noriorlq (<safe-break>D r}"rr].
o Itrlv nepwraoq xcra tqv ozroic or cvtlieq uypou rouoipou onoor6l"l"ovtor Xopi6 arpo<puou, 11

ouoreurj 0a np6zet va e<po6ro(erot pe orpo<pirorc, oupgrbvcoq rpoq to np6runo EN 13012. H ev

tr6yro rono06rnorl rtrlv orpoguoirov 0a np6net vo )"opBdver Xrbpo npw on6 rr1 0eoq qq ouore-ur1g
oe l"erroupyia.
. Eg6oov or ovtlieg uypou rouoipou anoot6)J,,ovtar Xorpiq erlropntoug oro),r1veg, q ouoreurl 0a
nptnervc, ego8td(ercr pe er5rcapntoug ocolqvsg oupgtbvroq npoqra np6ruzro EN 1360 rl EN
13483. H ev l.61co totto06a1or1 tov eurcoptrtrov ool,rlvrrlv 0o rcp6ner vo l.cpBaver ldlpa npw ano
tr1 Oeoq tt1q ouoreurlq oe ).ertoupyia.
. O egoStoop6q rov Avriubv Autorivrlor'1q LPG (Yypororqp6vou Aeptou fletpe)"otou) Helix
6000 0c np6net va ytveror an6 pra oftopoKpuopsvl filyll d€orlg pq urepBoivouoo ro 25 bar.
o frc 6rooc1 Avtlts Aurorivqoqg LPG (YTporoqp6vou Aepiou flerpe)"oiou) Helix 6000 0a
nptnet va nopfXetcrr evoq 6iaul,oq entotpogrlg otpou.
. H €yKcrroorcorl tou rato.l')"r11,ou ouorrlpctog aoqalofq nofoqq (<safe-break>>) oto ot6pro
e{65ou ra0cb6 KGr rtov BoIBiSolv 6tdrprlorlq 0o np6net va yivetcn oupgtirvog npoq:
:I Lriotrlpc oogatrorig noriorlq (<safe-break>) - pntps rou rponirou EN 14678-1
r goiBiSc 6rorprlorlq - prltpo tou zrporfnou EN 14678-1.

(B) Qpot Kotoorceulq

"* .,,,, :...ii.1

Ieli8c 3 ono 9

To nop6v rrlq lntenek Testing and Certification Ltd Kor onOrcelral orouq'Opoug ror
fhorolorlnr6 ouvrord rotoxrqoio oTtg
flpo1to06oei6 Aoxrprbv & fhoronoiqoqg rqq Intertek zporap€vou yra qv Xoprlyqorl fltoronoiloqq.
RFT-EU-NB-OP-23k1 June 29, 2016
flrotozrorqtrxti Efftcoqg Trizoo EK lToy6nxoE) l)"oy6roroE)
Ex Intertek



'Ex6oor1 5

o To ql.ercpx6 r0rlopo 6roorrlg Avtl,iaq Yypori Kouoi,pou Helix 1000 0a nptner va

unoBdl,l:rc,t oroug orrorrofpevoug 6uvdper rn6 prlrpog 6.2.1 rou aporunou EN 13617-1:2012
ouvrlOerq llertpoloprof g etrey1oug.

. To u5pc,ulrrc6 r0r),topc €rcoottlg Awl"iog Yypou Kcuoipou Helix 1000 0o np€ner va
. utroBd0"Ieror orouq cncrtoripevoug 8uvaper tqg prlrpog 6.2.2 rov nponinou EN 13617-1:2012
ouvrlOeq u8poul,rrcoriq el,6"yXoug.
i..i;'{ r Oro8nnors [lorofiotrlpevrl qlercprrr"l ouoreurl 0a npfner vo, e-yrco,0iotorar oupgrova pr roDg
erStror5g 6poug oogolofg Xpqong rou eivc,r or rora}"},r1lo1 y1o rl'lv ouyrercprpwrl ouorzur1.
o To u6poul,x6 rcurc}ropo 6rootr19 Avtl,iog Autorcivrloqg LPG (Ylpororqpwou Aepiou
fletpel.crtou) Helix 1000 0c ztp6rcet vo, unoBdll,erol or 6vqv on6 touq napo.rorro d,,eyXoug
nGorlg: 5e 0o rp6zret vo undpler ou8epia drcpporl xatd tr1 8wpreta rou el,ey1ou. Xtrp
rcepintoor1 roto rqv onoia 6ev unopler q 6uvot6tqta ncpoplg eyyurlor'1g avagoprrd ps rrlv
arcpiBeu tou perplrrl el.ey1oo, o e),eyXo6 nieoqq 0a npfner vo ou(&verar npoxstpfvou vo.
o Aorcrpr1 oe l,l x tr;v pepoq nieoq 1pr1o1g(27,5 bar), dveu pa),Bi6rov erc6vooqg qg
rieorlq. Iro rcl,oioro tou ev 1,6yor el,€"yXou 8tivcrar va, agarpe0et ro pov6pstpo.
o Aorqtl oe 0,9 x qv nieoq 6uivor{ng rrl€ Bo}"Bi6og err6vcoorlg. Xto n}"oioro
tou w X6yro eleyXou ot pcl,Bi8eg erct6vooqg tqq nieorlg etvsr roroOerqpsvs€.
Ie opg6tepeg rq nepwraoerg, 0c np*rer vc, enrpeBoubvsro,r 6rr q rileor1 Xpnong rov BolBi6rov
ert6voroqg 6ev unepBoivet ro 25 bar.
o To ql.ercprrc6 r0rcl"opo ercd,otou trlnou Avrl"ia6 Aurorivrloqq LPG (Yyponoulpwou Aepiou
Iletpel"aiou) Helix 1000 0o np6zrer vo uroBo0,l.etor oroug c,nouorlpevoug duvdpet qq prltpcg
6.1 tou nporfnou EN 14678-l:2013 ouvrlOeq q).errpol"oyrrofq e).eyXoug.

16. Ououil6s4 Arcrtrloeq Aogri?.ercg xcr YTelcg (EHSRs)

Ot olenr6q Ououil8eq Anatuloeq Aogo}^erag ror Yletoq (EHSRs) 61ouv npoo8roptorei rcr
cr(roloyoriwat otlv Dn' opr0p6v 101366655 ErcOeor1 qg lntertek (Anpt),rcq 2014).

17. X166rc xor'Eyypo<pc

TitLog: Apr0p6g Er[zre6o Hpepopqvic:

Xre6i,ou: AvcOed)ononc:
Aefi toueori orol?eio nl€KroovlKori n eorBl,f uaroc wM055888 01 23-04-20r3
Xye8taon Helix 1000 wM055889 0l 23-04-2013
Aentoueofr otoryeic q'€orouou wM053790 0l 24-04-2014
EfKPDH >XEAIA'H' KATANOMHT KATA wM053791 * 02 27-09-2017
Helix 1000 -'Eyrprorl rou ole6too;ro0 qg Tsvu<rlg wMO53792 02 07-10-2015
Helix 1000 - Metpqorl rou tlyoug rtov
wM053794 02 24-05-2016
[].aioto Beonc wM053795 0r 23-04-20 4
EEroteoxd'eEcotriuctc wM053796 0l 23-04-20 ^
Auvat6rnteq wM053797 0l 23-04-20 A

KakbSro ououd,toonc wM053798 0t 23-04-20 4

Aeztoueoli otorraiq. ocolfrvq & orlv8eonc wM054061 0l 23-04-20 4
Aeztoueori ororreic <oroon8cotiou>> oroo<ouoiou wM05453r 0l 23-04-20 4
Katdlovoc EEqomudrov <Ex> wM05609s # 0l 20-04-20 4

lel,i6o 4 on6 9

To nop6v lhoronorqrrx6 oulrord rOroxnloia rq6 lntertek Testing and Certification Ltd ror ozoxeiror orouq'Opouq rar orq
flpoitro06oei6 Aoxrpdrv & fhorozroiqorlq rqg Intenek zporerpivou yrc qv Xopt'11qo1 fltoroaoi4oqg.
RFT-EU-NB-OP-23k1 June 29, 2016
flrctozor4trx6 Elftaoqg Triztoo EK l).oydnxoE) l)oy6nnogf
Ex Intertek

'Ex6ooq 5

Auvor6tnteq avdouponq eorcc,pntou o<olqva wM056573 0l 24-04-2014

KatsoKeun tororl e0rs[ntou otoirlvc wM056574 0l 23-04-2014
IppaSxrl cn66ooq Kol l,eztopeptl otorleia
Srwojffig LPG (Yyponotrlpwou Aepiou wM058944 # 0l 17 -12-2014
I'Ietfefl.oiou) outorcivqorlq Helix 1000 & Helix
fevtrrl dtdtalq Helix LPG (Yyporoqpevou
wM059525 # 0l 17-12-2014
Aeoiou fleroel,aiou)
Kcr0oprop6g (rirvng Helix 1000 LPG wM059554 0l 17-12-2014
(Yyporotn pgvou Aepiou fletpel,aiou)
<ArporrB6tro> c,rpoguoiou LPG (Yyponorqp€vou wM059384 # 01 t7-12-2014
Aeoiou fletoelqiou) outorivnonq
Helix 1000 LPG -'Eyroton rnc etrx€toq wM059229 02 27-10-20t5
IXrlpotxrl on6Sooq Kot ).entopept1 orol1sio
wM058954 # 01 t7 -12-2014
6uvoufrc Helix rrlnou <Adblue>
wM071094 * 02 r 6-04-20 1 8

to onoic ArpoDv tov ootepioro (*) npw q,n6 tov ritlo, eivor roworSpyto 11 ovo0eopqpwa.
Tc e1ypoga,
Ta o1ebto orq, oroio. epgoiveror q 6ieol (#), eivor rowd pe to llrotozrorqttr6 uzr' cpt0p6v

Awrrateiotc0dvta ot66ra

Titl.oq: AprOpdg Ezlze6o Hpepopqv[c:

Xve6iou: AveiOetbononc:
I-evrrcn 7[sorYooon wM053792 0r 23-04-2014
Ato,otaoeK wM053794 0l 23-04-2014
Tpozrozrorqp6vo lentopeprl otorlela orlpovoqq wM059229 0l 12-12-2014
Helix 1000

18. Aertopeprl otorlela tcov petupo].rilv tou flrotoaorqtrxof'Er6ooq 2

ll pooOr1rr1 wo.).^l,ortxr1 g povo6o,g rcpoycoytl g oq rcto0t :

Dresser Industria e Comercio Ltda

Divisao Wayne, 126 Higienopolis, Estrada do Timbo, Rio de Janeiro - RJ. Brazil

Aearopgprl otorleic t<ov peteipokirv too flrotozrorqtrxof'Ex6oo1 3

T,rcOeor1 L6r apr0p6v G I 0 1 885090 (AerepBprcq 201 4):

H avror6po,enfgsps rq rdtcoOt petoBolig:

.- ..grir!Ji,l
o) AlJ,ayrl tou ov6pato6 l(or rrlg 6reir0uvoqq tou rcrcoreuoottl.

Ietri&r 5 az6 9

To rop6v l-horotorlnxo ouvrord rbroxqoio rnq Intertek Testing and Certification Ltd xcr uz6xewcr orouS'Opouq xot orrg
flpoOzooioer_c Aonp6v & fftotozoiqorlg r4q Intenek npoxetpevou 1to qv Xoprllloq fltotozoiqoqq.
RFT-EU-NB-OP-23k1 June 29, 2016
[r.otoaorqtr.xr6 E[6tcro4 g Tfzoo EK p.oy6nroEl p,oy6roroEl
Ex Intertek



'Ex6ooq 5

B) Alro),6yqoq 8uvoper rou npotfnou EN 14678-l:2013, mqv rceptntooq roto u1v onoia ego8rd(etct pe
Afrl"ts LPG (YTpotroulp.svou Aepiou fletpetroiou).

v) trr'1 Xprloq yur rnv 8tavoprl rouoiptov oworivqoqq LPG (Yyponotlp6vou Aepiou
To uSpoultr6 rrir<)"ropa crworivqoqq LPG (Yyponorlpwou Aepiou lletpelotou) nepr^IcrpBovet Ba),Bi6eg
6ratprlorlq eraycoyrlg Kol r?rrorpoqrlg orpori, pu povc6a 6u10qor1q ror 8rclcoprorl otpoti (cnaEpool),
wov petpr1r1, prc 6togopmq Bo)"Bi6a rcor o<o),r1vrooq SuorivSeong. Ot leporivqteg ror ot r1trercrprr€g
Bo),Bi6eg rop6lovtat nporetp6vou vo xstq,qtei 6uvatr'1 1 p6vtoo4 rot o 6leyloq
pong. Or pol,ptbeg
avrarrotpog1q raOcbg Ko1 01 pc),Bi6eg urcepnieoqq Dutqpouv tr1v crepcr6rlro rou rur),rbpotoq. To
oxpoot6pro erporlg nepvotv otqv elcoteprrq n).e-upd rou u8pcrultrori ouorrlpotog ror eivor ouv8eSepfvc
pe rordl.l.qloog erurccpnrouq oallrlveg 6rcrvopr'1q.'Eraotog erirapntog o<olrlvag eivot egoSwopwoq pe wo
orSoqpo aneprlorcrlg, e(rorepma tonoOerqpfvo, rcr06g Kol l-ts 6vo orpogriorc 8rcrvoprlq. To rotiolpo
petog6peror orov 6rcvop6c p6oro pwg o,ropoKpDopsvqq avtl"tog LPG (Yyponoulpwou Aepiou
fletpetroiou). O atp6q Srcryolpi(etar wr6 ro uyp6 oto OoXeio 6rc1otptou1, n o atp6g ertotp€Qet otrlv
$e(opwr1 ano0qrzuoqq. H urepnieoq uypori / ctpori 8rcqpeitot cn6 try 5to<popxrl polBt$a nou eivct
tozogerrlpevn oqv €(o6o rou petprlrrl. H rovovrrc4 nieol l.ettoupyiac, elo;prarcn qE6 trg ouvOqrceq qq
6e,Eopwrlg rar rq Oepporpooio., rccr rupotvetct peto(6 4 xst l8 bar. H ptYtorl1 nieoq tou ouottlpatog
etvsr 25 bar, otr'1v 6e or1 oeproporS tonoOetouvtor svqorolttr6g po),Bi6eq nporerp6vou 1 nieorl vo Plv
(erepooer qv upq outr1. To a,rcpoguotc pptorowcrt oe ratdl,l,q),c <orporrprbrtq.>, ro onofo etvqt
ronogerlpwo oe pic 11 oe op<p6tspeq nl.^elpfq tou rrBrotiou. Ta orpoqtion eveplonorouv toug
poyvnnt(otig croOrprlpeq rccOrbg cuto crnopcrpuvovtor r'1 encrvatozro0etorjvtar. H nopolq rcauotpou
ouveXi(ei q porl rc,r, or repirrcooq }ertoupyfoq tou 6rovop6s ov€o eriB)'eyqg,
-urliqrrot-p6vo w6oro
wepyonoreirot o <out6potoq 6ror6rctrlq> (<dead-man's switch>). Tu16v npooropwtl anweplonoilorl rar
6roronrl ulq eyro,rdoroonq,, rg6oov ouv66ercr - rq,to, nepizrtrrlol - ps rov <aut6poto 6ror6ntl> (<dead-
man's switih>>), wtoSlet ra unopXovra rllercpovrra ouotrlpota. O Suvopeog Suvotat vo l'ettoupyei pe
1erpror1, va ),etrouplei p6oro outoe(uzrrlp€trloqq (<self-service>) 11 vo
prlv tulxcrver eriBleyqq n o
Xeprop6g rou vo ytvetc,t eite tortrco eite s{ onootdoe<oq.

(6) Evol"Larrwrl pr'1or1 nporerpdvou ytc rr1 6urvoprl pq ezrtriv6uvou uypori ouwrlplorlq tou ouottlpctoG
e(crtplorlq tunou <tAdblue> oe ouv6ucrop6 pe Bw(ivq, netpfloto fl LPG (Yyponotqpwo A6pro

(e) IlprioOeto t'Opot xo r II poilno0r6oe4 Katcoxeorl g

O rcrqor€uootrlg 0a np6rcer vo lopBdvet un6ryw touq rot<ot6pto 6pouq ror npo0no06oeq notonotrloqq:

i. To uSpau),rr6 rrirtrolpo 6raotqg Avt)"ioq Autorivqorlq LPG (Yyponotqpwou Aeptou

lletpeloiou) Helix 1000 0o tp€net va unoBdlJwrqt o€ 6vov s7t6 touq napordto etr6y1oug
rcieorl-c: 6e 0c zrptner va undplei ou8epia Sropporl rcotd tr1 Srcprera tou eli-y1ou. ltqv
-lf if nepintoon rcrc trlv onoiq. bsv unopxer 4 6uvat6t4tc nopoxtlg €-yTunonq ovo<poprrd ps rtlv
o6ptBelo rou petpqtrl e)."611ou, o 6l.ey1og nieorlg 0o npfnet va cru(ovetgt nporetp€vou vo
. :',gYqorqoPioet:

o. 6ortprl oe 1,1 x tqv p61rcrr1 rieo4 1pqor1 q(27,5 bar), dveu Ba),Bi6rov ert6vtootlg tqg rieolq.
Eto nl"cioto tou w tr61to el'6yXou 60vctar vo agorpeOei to pov6petpo'
p. 6orrprl oe 0,9 x tlv nieorl Srdvo(r1q qg pc),Bi6og err6voorlg. lto nloioro tou w l"6yro
eMylou or Ba)"Bi6eg ert6v<oor1g rr1q ni.eoqg etvst tono0etnFsveq'

leliba 6 czo 9

Ltd Kol uroKslrol oroug'Opoug xor orq

To fiopov fhoronorqflro ouvroro r8rorrrloic r4q Intertek Testing and Certification
RFT-EU-NB-OP-23k I June 29, 20 1 6
flrotoaorqtrx6 E[6taoqq Triaoo EK lToydnnoEl lioy6nnoEl
Ex Intertek



'Ex6ooq 5

Ys'i:'iD, apq6repeg tr6 nepurrtitoeq,0a np6ner va enrBepcuilvetar 6tr 11 rieor'1 Xpnonq trlv Bo),pi6cov
iiit,;,i', , erct6vtoo4q 6w unepBotver ta 25 bar'

,1,.1,;:- ,lt: , To rlLertprr6 rfrkopa erdotou trlnou Awliag Autorivqoqg LPG (Yyponotlpwou Aepiou
;.]'i:'r..,i;,*..,,,,' fletpeloiou) Helix 1000 0a nptnet va uroBdl).erq,t oroug anattoripevouq 8uvopet qq ptltpcq
6.1 tou npotrlnou EN 14678-l:2013 ouvrloeq r'1}'ertpoloyxorig el'elXoug'

Ilp6o0eteg Er6rx6g Euv0rlreg 1c Aoqcti't1

i. O egoSnop6q rcov Avtltrbv Aurorivqoqq LPG (Yypozroqp€vou Aepiou lletpe),oiou) Helix

6000 0a nperrolro yiverot mr6 pra unoparpuop6vn tqYn rieorlg pq unepBoivoDo0 rq 25 bar.

ii. fto 6raotrl Avtl,ia Autorcivqoqq LPG (Yyponorqp6votr Aepiou lletpelatou) Helix 6000 0a
np6zret vo napbTeratwag 6iouloq entotpoqrlq atpof '

iii. H eyrotaotcroTl rou rcoto,Ll,r1lou ouotrlpatog oogo)'oug nouolg (<safe-break>) oto ot6pto
o }iotnpa oogoloiig nauoqq (<safe-break>) - pntpa too nponinou EN 14678-l

E166rcr xt'EYlPaqc
Apt0ptfq Ezine6o Hpepopqvio:
Ele8iou: Ava0ed)pr|onq:
ffi-panrrlu"o6oo1 rccr trcntopeprl otorxeio 6uvoprlq
LPG (Yyponotrl pdvou Aep(ou lletpel"ofou) ouroKivnolq wM058944 * 0l t7-12-2014
Helix 1000 & Helix 6000
fs'ftrdt Srftq4n Helix LPG (Ylponorqpwou Aep[ou wM059525 * 0l l7-12-2014
K"e"p,"p6g q,lrvqq Helix 1000 LPG (Ylponotrlpwou wM059554 0r 17-12-2014
Aeoiou Iletpelqiou)
,.Arcport96t,o> arcpo<puoiou LPG (Yyponorqp6vou wM059384 * 01 t7 -12-2014
A cninrr T1cton?'.niort) outorivnon(

@r1 otorleio orlPovorlq Helix wM059229 01 t2-12-2014

t1np".tKi orr6Soo,rl ror }'entopeprl otorlela Suvoprlq
wM058954 * 0r 17-12-2014
Helix trinou <cAdblue>
pe to ur'
To o166u, to onois grpoDv tov ootepioro (*), 61ouv rorv6 ototleio opr0p6v
ITS l 4ATEX580 l 7X'ErSooq 3 fhotonotqttro'

Aertopeprl otorlelc torv petopokirv tou fltotoztorqtrxof'Ex6ooq
'Er0eoq un' apt0p6v Gl02540l08LHD (Arilouotoq 2016):

H ovrolfpal en6gepe trq rat<rrOt petopotreq:

o) Evrlpiryiinfi Kr srtKorpofioir1or1 tqq Srerrouvorlq rou KorooKsuaotrl pe tqv encovupic tou v€ol)
.t ,..r i,,t

Eeli6a 7 oro 9

pc u1v Xoprlyrloq fkoronoiqoqg'
flpoozoe6oerq lorrprilv & fltoronoitl"qq rtlq lntertek-nporetpevol
RFT-EU-NB-OP-23k I June 29, 2016
flrotozorqtrx6 Efftcoqg T6utoo EK lToyinroEl ltroy6nroql
Ex Intertek

'Er6oor1 5


Estrada do Timbo, 126 - Higienopolis
',41061-280 - Rio de Janeiro RJ - Brazil
'dfMit"BoL"6 6oov ogopti qv rcego}"rl el.6y1ou / rll.erctpovrrori reprBtrqpotog, wotopctrirvovtcrg ereivrq
}fi'lrrggBrlorpozrouitc,r oto pow6lo Helix 6000, zporerp€vou vc enrtponet 11 tono06trlon sv6g rcrBcoriou
*iegf tu*"aia box>)/ eril"oyrbv (<option box>).

(y) Avo0eoprlFsvl popgottotrloq rar ole8iaoq ettr6toq

E2666ta xr'Erypcgc

Tit)loq: Apr0p6g Eniae6o Hpepopqvic:

lve6iou: Avo0ed)onorc:
Helix 1000 - 'E6ptoq rou oI€Stoopof tqq ywxrlq wM053792 02 07-10-2015
Helix 1000 - Mftonon tou riryouq trov neprBlrlpdttov wMO53794 02 24-05-20r6
Helix 1000 - Evol.l.ortrr6q e(aeprcpirg ttlg wM057496 02 27-05-2016
ntrertoovrrnq re<pqinq
Helix 1000 LPG -'Eyrcpton rnq ettr6tog wM059229 02 27 -10-2015

Aentopeprl oto r1elei tov peterpo?',<bv too fI rotonoultrxof'E x6ocq 5

Tr0eoq un' apt0p6v 103426516CH8-001 (Azrpil.toq 2018):

H avrot6pro en6gepe tq rdtcoOt petapo).ig:

(o) Allayl tou rct6lou nloro?rotlrlKot rol np6o0etr1 povdSo rotcorczurlg oe:

Dover Fueling Solutions UK Ltd

Unit 3 Baker Road, Dundee, DD5 3RT, Scotland, UK.

Eg6oov e(arol,ouoei vc ro1oet pto eyruprl Edonoirlol Aroogdl"ror1g llot6tqrag (QAN)' to npol6v
8rlvqrar ezrtorlg vc a6pa q or'lpovoq Kot vo Koroorzud(etar an6:

Wayne Fueling Systems Sweden AB

Handgatan 10, sE-211 24, Malmii, Sweden.

(B) IXeSuop6q v6ag euretoq

T[t?'og: AprOp6q Eafzre8o Hpspopqvio:

Ire6[oD: Avc0e<bpnon_c:
TVIIKH E|KPDH ETIKETA> DUNDEE wM071094 02 l6-04-201 8

Ie1.i6o I an6 9

Ltd Kar ur6Ksrrol otouq'Opoug rc[ orq

To ztop6v lhoronorqnr6 ouvrorc rarorrqoic qg Intertek Testing and Cenification
flpoiinoo3oerq Aoxrp<i:v & fkoronoirloqg ?lq Interlek zpoxeip6vor lra rqv
Xoprlyqoq llrorotroirloqq.
RFT-EU-NB-OP-23k I June 29' 2O1 6
flr.otozor.qtrx6 E[6tooqg Tf ztoo EK lToy6nnoEl lToy6nroEl
Ex Intertek



'Ex6ooq 5

(y) AM,fiyeg ota or6lou0c o166ro oq 8tapopgoon rou unooSl,tSou Ko1 trlq regali8og anr6 Dresser
Wayffie Wayne Fueling Systems
Titlog: Apr0p6g Enke6o Hpepopqvict:
Ere6i,ou: Ava0ed)on6nq:
EI.KPI>H >XEAIA'H> KATANOMH' KATA wM053791 02 27-09-2017

H eo06v4 rcat or otcoXperboeq neptopi(ovrar Kt agopo|v rcoq 6pooE K&t tt; ttpobro11oeq v1E ooptprovlaE' H
Intertek 6u avdnpBavet oudepfa eo06v4 Evawt otoodqrote inepott p4pooE, rbpav too IIdiwT rcar
ogptpcbvrog Ttpo€ ra 6toa opt(owat atq oope@via, ym nX6v anrcb)..em, 6atdv4,
(4pia ryorc74Qei rcan6nv
o Ileldt4q 6pt rc ;rcaiapa va etrnpiner u.v ev 6la

xp4o4i to, ttap1woE lltmotcot.two{;. M6vo

orirypogi4 4 dnvopr. too rap1vroE lTtotonot,urco1. Orc64norc yp4or, tott ov6parcE trlE Intertek 4 w16v
aot,1g t porcery,irou yto t,v rrb74m7 4 q ;rcrpr1pto4 roo ilt7XqEwoE il"trco6, ttpo'i6vtoE 4
daaxfueioaE pTqpeoiag, 0a rp'ner va 67et trd.Bet qv tpor'pa inpaq\ elrcptatt w\q Intertek,

BeBaroritar titr ?o aop6v afio"el€f oKprpq petdqpooq tot) dDvqppsvot)

ffrrK1p61lrfvoo KOt firo"o{) qcrtoov"lTpdrpoo toD ,rp(l)tot6'loo 6tqv EllqvrKll
tqv Ayl?,[Krl 1kirooO, q enopKfl€ Tv6oq "q€ onoioq peptluilvetot odFga)vo pe
6p0po 36 nap.2 nxp.T'too K66ma Ttspf ArKqy6porv'
A0r1va, 07.05.2018




ffi //

lel.i6a 9 ono 9

To nop6v
frv ffi t'/
npoomoeoeqffiv [*itiritrg
Testing and Certification Ltd rcnln6rewol oroue
'Opoug xct otlS

rnq tntertekrporetp€vou 1rc tr1v Xoprtvqoq fhotonoiloqq'

RFT-EU-NB-OP-23k1 June 29, 2016
EU-Type Examination Certificate 6@
rtxl(tuaalty. o.hmd.

',-.4;qi:,'- EU-TYPE
r; ()i;XH

ili. Asse o^r^f;qulpment or Probcdve System lntended for use In Potentially ExplosivA{plFlgtpttFo Enopunrrd ovriypogo
,to*iS:q.t grr,a'liiii 2o1434tEv
'"c AoHNoN
n 6 ro
oonb r o ..€{/(Cl.edt/(oi
€Tlal.eaa(/pt lQa4/a
.(7/& tqurprun
EU-Type Examination Gertificate Number: !TS14ATEX58016X lssue 5
r o o n o
ro ..A
6 prpo
voutuo ^.:..^.
p r p Enlxup
3. lo^ .v
Aorrvo V: \- : fd .
....7.:5.|.18. .

4. Product: HELIX lOOO LIQU]D FUEL DISPENSER O AtrqY0Poq nou tnl(uPotvt'

5. tanufacturer: Dover Fueling Solutions UK Ltd

6. Address: Unit 3 Baker Road, Dundee, DDs 3RT'


1 C682 ACHNA
7. This product and any acceptable variation thereto is specified in the . fi.O.Y.: A' HNON
documents therein referred to.

Intertek Testing and Certification Limited, Notified Bodynumb-er accordance with
Article 17 of
Directive 2O14-lUlEU of the European Parliament and of the Council dated 26 February 2014, certifies
that the product has been found io comply with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements
to the design and construction of producti intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres
in Annex ll to the Directive.
referring to
fn accordance with Article 41 of Directive 2}l4t3/ltElJ, EGType Examination certificate
g4lglE} that were in exstence prior to the date of application ol 2o14l34lEU (20 April 2016) may-be
of such EC-
referenced as if they were issued in accordance with'Directive 2O14lYtEU. New issues
lo such certificates' may continue to
Til;i;;i"ation Certificates, and Supplementary Certlfr-get9s
b6'ar the original certificate number issued prior to 20 April 2016'
G101366655 dated
The examination anct test results are recorded in confidential Intertek Report Ref
nprir-zor+, G101885090 dated December 2014, 102540108LHD001 dated August 2016 and
103426516CHE{01 dated April 201 8.
assured by compliance with
9. Compliance with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements has been
standards EN 13617-1 ,zori, Ep 1467g-1:2013 and for reference only, EN 1127-1:20'11 except in
;;St*t of those requirements referred to at item 16 of the Schedule'
lf the sign
.X' is placed after the ceftificate number, it indicates that the product is subject to Specific
Conditio'ns of Safb Use specified in the Schedule to this certificate.
of the specified
11. This EU-Type Examination Certificate relates only to the design and. construction supply of this
product. requirements of the Directive appiy to the manufacturing process and
product. These are not covered by this certificate'

The marking of the product shall include the following:

:l-fE .@

R J Smith
Intertek Testing & Certlfication Limited Gertification Officer
iniettef HouselCbeve Road, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 7SA 16 April 2018
iel: +al lc)1372 370900 7aa1+44 (0)1372 370977
Page 1 of 7
its entirety and without any ciange, schedule included
and is subject to lntertek
-- reproduced
This certificate may only be :i",t,"S;nOinCertitcati6n's Conditions for Granting Certification.
RFT-EU-NB-OP-23k1 June 29, 2016
EU-Type Examination Certificate E@
fafr.dquty. D.hir.d

.il ; ... 1;ti,\
.'l:19, ' rl Deserlptlon of Eguipment or Protectiw System
19 r1t.: it,{

The Helix 1000 is a low height'H'frame, tno product, liquid fuel dispenser rated at single phase 230 V
nom. lt consists of a fabricated steel frame clad with steel panels to form a hydraulic housing and
display/control unit.

The hydraulic housing contains up to t\ l9 hydraulic circuits as Sira 03ATEX9108U.

The oulet pipes pass out of the hydraulic housing and are connected to outlet hoses suitable for
petroleum dispensing. Each hose is fitted with a suitably certified dispensing nozzle and has an option
of a safe break couPling.

The nozzles are located in suitable 'boots" fitted on either or both sides of the hose cassette' The
nozzles actuate magnetic proximity sensors as they are removed or replaced.

Ventilation of the hydraulic cabinet is provided by louvre openings and spacing around the housing
cover panels.

The control and display unit is mounted above the hydraulic cabinet and is in a safe (non-hazardous)
area. lt is electrically connected to the control circuitry enclosure, the cables passing via ventilated
column extensions and ducts.

All electrical components are suitably certified apparatus and cabling is suitable for petroleum
dispensing as specified.

The dispenser operates at a flow rate of 40 Umin (nominal) and may dispense up to two discrete.
products with oniy one product being dispensed from each side at one time. The dispenser may be
ittendant operated, attended self-service or unattended with remote or local operation.

Design Optons

r Alternative rating of electrical circuits up to 440 V (nom') &phase'

o Altemative, high-speed flow variant up to 70 Umin nominal or single producl ultra high
flow variant up to 130 l/min nominal.
o omission of one of the hydraulic circuits, the pipe outlet being blanked.
r Altemative fitting of a hose mast and cord retrac{or mechanism'
o Altemative Saiellite dispenser arrangement. This anangement is used to fuel large
vehicles with fuel tanks on either side and consists of a 'satellite' dispenser linked to
.host' dispenser via an underground fuel line. The satellite dispenser has no
fed fom a
eleclrically driven components other than a nozzle out, side select switches and
optionat ii"pf"i toOrlL powered from the host via an underground cable' The
dispenser is'Rtted with a satellite selection switch in the display head.
o twin
Altemative vapour recovery variant, as covered by as Sira 03ATEX9108U. Suitable
concentric delivery hose/s and splitter devices are fitted'
o Alternative submersible pump variant, the housing having the pump and associated
motor omitted. A suitable shear valve is fitted at the dispenser inlet
. Optional fitting of an in-line sight glass
,tr e optional fitting of an automatic temperature compensation system

Page2ot 7
and is subject to Intertek Testing and
This Certificate is the property of lntertek Testing and Certification Ltd
for Granting Certification RFr-EU-NB-oP-23k1 June 2e,2016
Certificaiio;'s ionditions
EU-Type Exami nation Certificate @
lilrd guJity. D.llmd.

11. -'tReooft Number
"v dated April 2014, G101885090 dated December2O'14,
tnt"rt"f Report Ref G101366655
102S4010BLHIX)01 dated August 2016 and 103426516CHE-001 dated April 2018.

15. Special Gonditions of Gertificatlon

(a). Specific Conditions of Safe Use

o When intended for use with ethanol blended fuels the user shall:
o ensure that the fuel shall not excess 90o/o ethanol with minimum water @ntent
o assess the suitability of parts used in the construction of the fuel system for long
term suitability with iuch fuels with due regard to the use corrosion inhibitors
o give due coniideration to the @rrect selection of supplementary fittings (safe
breaks etc.).
o Where petrol fuel dispensers are shipped without nozzles, the equipment shall be fitted with
nozzles complying with EN1 3012 prior to being put into use'

r Where petrol fuel dispensers are shipped without hoses, the equipment shall be fitted with
hoses complying with EN1360 or EN1 3483 prior to being put into use'
o pressure
The Helix 1000 Automotive LPG Fuel Dispensers shall be supplied from a remote
source not exceeding 25 bar.
. A vapour retum pathio the storage tank shall be provided for each Helix 1000 Automotive
LPG Fuel DisPenser.
r Suitable outlet safe breaks and shear valves shall be installed in accordance with:
. Safe break - clause of EN 1467&1
o -
Shear valve clause 4'4.4.2 of EN 14678-1

(b). Conditions of Manufacture

. The elecrtrical circuit of each Helix 1000 Liquid Fuel Dispenser shall be subjected to the
o to the
The hydraulic circuit of each Helix 1000 Liquid rqe_! oi9g919e1shall be subjected
o Any certihed electrical equipmeni shall be instalpd in accordance with the special
conditions of safe use that are appropriate to that equipment'
o subjected
The hydraulic circuit of each Helix 1000 Automotive LPG Fuel Dispenser shall be
the test' where
to one of the following pressure tests; there shall be no leakage during
gauge accura"y canriot be guaranteed, the test pressure shall be increased to
pressure relief
o Tested at .1 x the maximum working pressure (27.5bar) with

o tested O.g the relief valve opening pressure with the pressure relief
valves fitted. "
ln both cases, it shail G confirmed that the working pressure of the relief valves does not exceed
o Dispenser shall be
The electrical circuit of each type of Helix '1000 Automotive LPG Fuel
subjected to the routine electiical tests required by clause 6'1 of EN
":.;-:flr .
: ETilPEh
g.';; t {,
P?gB6#f 7
Ltd and is subject to Intertek
This certificate is the property of Intertek Testing and certification
Testing and Certification's Conditions for Granting Certification
EU-Type Examination Certificate @
rafrdQ[fty. D.frild.



: r,{iPFlA

o,,.i16n,irryo Essential Health and Safety Requlrements (EHSRs)

I ',- . -:;: fjll.t
' '":t'sQJg
The relevant Essential Health and Safety Requirements (EHSRs) have been identified and assessed
in Intertek Report Ref:101366655 dated April2014.

17. Drawings and Documents

Title: Drawino No.: Rev. Level: Date:

Electronic enclosure details wM055888 01 201444-23
F{aliv lOOO dpsion wM055889 01 201+O+2
Ventilation details wM053790 01 2014-0/,-24
Annroval drawino oeneral descriotion Helix 1000 wM053792 02 2015-10-07
Measurement of Helix 1000 enclosure heights wM053794 02 2016-05-24
RaseJrame wM053795 01 2014-04-23
Exterior fittinqs wM053796 01 20't4-0+23
6nlianc wM053797 01 2014-04-23
wM053798 01 2014-04-23
Dina L nnnnontinn de-lails wM0ilo61 01 2014-04-23
Nnzzla hnnl dalails wM0il531 01 2014-04-23
Fv anr rinmonl licl wM056095# 01 2014-04-20
wM056573 01 2014-04-24
lJaca rclinn wMo56474 01 2014-0+23
Helix 6000 automotive LPG dispensing wM058944# 01 2014-12-17
schematic and details
wM059525# 01 2014-12-17
General arangement Helix LPG
wM0595il 01 2014-12-17
Helix 1fiX) LPG zoning
Ar*amalirra I PG mzzla hatal wM059384# 1 2lJ14-1:z-1 I
Annroval label Helix 1fiD LPG wM059229 02 2015-10-27
wM058954# 01 2014-12-17
rletix'eOUue' disoensinq schematic and details
LABEL DUNDEE HELIx 1000 wM071094' 02 2018-04-'t 6
An * is included before the title of documents that are new or revised'
Drawing marked # is common with Certificate No ITS,|4ATEX58017X'

Superseded drawings
-1vp16a1appp6v[L Drawino No.: Rev. Level: Date:
wM053792 01 201+04-23
General descriPtion
ni-^^-i^^6 wM053794 01 2014-04-23
wM059229 01 201+12-12
tvtoOifieO nra*ing details Helix 1000

-ld ^

..1 tv

Page 4 of 7
Ltd and is subject to Intertek Testing and
This Certificate is the property of Intertek Testing and Certification
ionditions for Granting Certification RFr-EU-NB-oP-23k1 June 2e' 2016
EU-Type Examination Certificate E@
$lu.d Qs.[ry. D.hstd-



48. Details of Certlflcab changes lssue 2

'14 Addition of alternative manufacturing site as below:

Dresser Ind0stria e Com6rcio Ltda
Divisao Wayne, 126 Higien6polis, Estrada do Timb6, Rio de Janeiro - RJ. Brazil

Details of Gertificate changes lssue 3

Report Ref No G101885090 dated December 2014'.

To permit the following changes:

a) Change of manufacturer's name and address.

b) Assessment to EN 14$78-1:2O13 when fitted with LPG Dispenser

c) Altemative use for dispensing Automotive LPG fuel'

The Automotive LPG hydraulic circuit comprises inlet and vapour retum shear valves, a combined fil
and vapour separator (degassing) unit, a meter, a differential valve and interconnecting pipewo
Manual and electrical valves are provided to enable isolation and flow control. Non-return valves a
excess pressure valves maintain the circuit integrity. The outlet pipes pass to the outside of the hydrat
housing and are connected to suitable dispenser hoses. Each hose is fitted with a breakaway couplit
externally mounted, and dispensing nozle. Fuel is delivered to the dispenser by a remote

LpG pump. Vapour is separated from liquid in the separator vessel, the vapour being returned to the
storage tank. Positive liquid/vapour pressure is maintained by the differential valve fitted at the meter
outlet. Normal operating pressure is dependent on tank and temperature conditions, and is between 4
and 18 bar. The maximum system pressure is 25 bar and safety valves are set to vent such that this
pressure is not exceeded. The nozzles are located in suitable boots fitted on either or both sides of the
housing and actuate proximity switches as they are removed or replaced. Fuel delivery is only
maintained whilst flow continues and, in the case of unattended delivery, the manual
switch' is activated. A time-out' facility, coupled to the dead-man's switch where applicable, augments
the existing system electronics. The dispenser may be attendant operated, attended self-service or
unattended with remote or local operation.

d) Altemative use for dispensing Non-hazardous 'Adblue'type exhaust conditioning fluid in

with petrol, diesel or automotive LPG.
e) Mditional Gonditions of llanufacture
manufacturer should note the following conditions of certification:
''t". i) Th" hydraulic circuit of each Helix 1000 Automotive LPG Fuel Dispenser shall be subjected
pressure tests; there shall be no leakage during the test. Where gauge
one of the following
accuracy cannot be guaranteed, the test pressure shall be increased to compensate:
a. Tested at 1 .1 x ihe maximum working pressure (27.5 bar) with pressure relief valves
removed. The pressure gauge may be removed for this test'

Page 5 of 7

is subject to Intertek
This Certificate is the property of lntertek Testing and Certification Ltd and
Testing and Certification's Conditions for Granting Certification
EU-Type Examination Certificate @
\rbfr.d au.linv. D.hmd.

,i ?Yr-
. J0

.r.: A.t b. Tested at 0.9 x the relief valve opening pressure with the pressure relief valves

In both cases, it shall be onfirmed that the r,rorking pressure of the relief valves does not
exceed 25bar.

ii) The electrical circuit of each type of Helix 1000 Automotive LPG Fuel Dispenser shall be
subjected to the routine electrical tests required by clause 6.1 of EN 1467&1:2O13.

Additional Special conditions for safe

i. The Helix 6000 Automotive LPG Fuel Dispensers shall be supplied from a remote pressure
source not exceeding 25bar.

il. A vapour retum path to the storage tank shall be provided for each Helix 6000 Automotive
LPG Fuel Dispenser.

ilt. Suitable outlet safe breaks and shear valves shall be installed in accordance with:
. Safe break - clause of EN 14678-1
. Shear valve - clause of EN 14678-1
Drawings and Documents

Tiile: Drawinq No.: Rev. Level: Date:

Helix 1000 & Helix 6000 automotive LPG wM058944- 01 2014-12-17
dispensing schematic and details
General arranqement Helix LPG wM059525- 01 20'l+12-17
Helix 1000 LPG zoning wM059554 01 2014-12-17
Automotive LPG nozzle boot wM059384" 01 2014-12-17
Modified marking details Helix 1000 wM059229 01 2014-12-12
Helix'Adblue' dispensino schematic and details wM058954' 01 2014-12-17

Drawings marked * are common with Certificate No lTS14ATEX58017X lssue 3

Details of Certaficate changes lssue 4

Report Ref No G1025401081HD dated August 2016:

O'l r.'v
To permit the following changes:
a) Update Brazil manufacturing address with the new manufacturer name:
or-tr:; Estrada do Timb6, 126 - Higien6polis
21061-280 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil

b) Changes to control/electronics enclosure head, incorporating that used on the Helix 6000 model, to
enable the fitting of a media/option box.

Page 6 of 7

This Certificate is the property of Intertek Testing and Certification Ltd and is subject to Intertek
Testing and Certification's Conditions for Granting Certification
EU-Type Examination Gertificate @
\hlriad auJity, D.|j|fild.



c) Revised label layout

Drawings and Documents

Title: Drawinq No.: Rev.Level: Date:
Approval drawing general description Helix 1000 wM053792 02 2015-10-07

Measurement of Helix 'l 000 enclosure heights wM053794 02 2016-05-24

Helix 1000 - alternative electronic head ventilation wM057496 02 2016-05-27

Approval label Helix 1000 LPG wM059229 02 2015-10-27

Details of Certificate changes lssue 5

Report Ref No 103426516CHE-001 dated April 2018:

To permit the following changes:

a) Change of certificate holder and additional manufacturing site to.

Dover Fueling Solutions UK Ltd

Unit 3 Baker Road, Dundee, DDs 3RT, Scotland, UK.

Whilst a valid Quality Assurance Notification (QAN) remains in place, product can also be marked
and manufactured by.

Wayne Fueling Systems Sweden AB

Han0gatan 10, SE-21 124,Ma1m6, Sweden.

b) New label drawing

Title: Drawlno No.: Rev.Level: Date:

ryPICAL APPROVAL LABEL DUNDEE HELIX wM071094 02 201 8-04-1 6

c) Changes to the following drawings to footer & header lay-out from Dresser Wayne to Wayne
Fueling Systems

Title: Drawinq No.: Rev.Level: Date:


PageT of 7

This Certificate is the property of Intertek Testing and Certification Ltd and is subject to Intertek
Testing and Certification's Conditions for Granting

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