You are on page 1of 36

C« I Ni Ι Ce I Zit



3.1 Introduction oxygen and hydrogen, actually communicated his

findings to the Royal Society in January 1784
Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the in the following words: "There seems to be the
universe and is also common on earth, being the utmost reason to think that dephlogisticated air
third most abundant element (after oxygen and is only water deprived of its phlogiston" and that
silicon) on the surface of the globe. Hydrogen in "water consists of dephlogisticated air united with
combined form accounts for about 15.4% of the phlogiston".
atoms in the earth's crust and oceans and is the The continued importance of hydrogen in
ninth element in order of abundance by weight the development of experimental and theoretical
(0.9%). In the crustal rocks alone it is tenth chemistry is further illustrated by some of the
in order of abundance (0.15 wt%). The gradual dates listed in the Panel on the page opposite.
recognition of hydrogen as an element during the Hydrogen was recognized as the essential
sixteenth and seventeenth centuries forms part element in acids by H. Davy after his work
of the obscure and tangled web of experiments on the hydrohalic acids, and theories of acids
that were carried out as chemistry emerged and bases have played an important role ever
from alchemy to become a modern s c i e n c e / 1} since. The electrolytic dissociation theory of
Until almost the end of the eighteenth century S. A. Arrhenius and W. Ostwald in the 1880s,
the element was inextricably entwined with the the introduction of the pH scale for hydrogen-
concept of phlogiston and H. Cavendish, who is ion concentrations by S. P. L. S0rensen in 1909,
generally regarded as having finally isolated and the theory of acid-base titrations and indicators,
identified the gas in 1766, and who established and J. N. Br0nsted's fruitful concept of acids
conclusively that water was a compound of and conjugate bases as proton donors and
acceptors (1923) are other land marks (see
p. 48). The discovery of ortho- and para-
1 J. W . MELLOR, A Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic
and Theoretical Chemistry, Vol. 1, Chap. 3, Longmans, hydrogen in 1924, closely followed by the
Green & Co., London, 1922. discovery of heavy hydrogen (deuterium) and

§3.1 Introduction 33

tritium in the 1930s, added a further range of phenomena such as fluxionality to be studied.
phenomena that could be studied by means of Simultaneously, the discovery of complex metal
this element (pp. 3 4 - 4 3 ) . In more recent times, hydrides such as L 1 A I H 4 has had a major
the technique of nmr spectroscopy, which was impact on synthetic chemistry and enabled new
first demonstrated in 1946 using the hydrogen classes of compound to be readily prepared
nucleus, has revolutionized the study of structural in high yield (p. 229). The most important
chemistry and permitted previously unsuspected compound of hydrogen is, of course, water,

Hydrogen — Some Significant Dates

1671 R. Boyle showed that dilute sulfuric acid acting on iron gave a flammable gas; several other seventeenth-century
scientists made similar observations.
1766 H. Cavendish established the true properties of hydrogen by reacting several acids with iron, zinc and tin; he
showed that it was much lighter than air.
1781 H. Cavendish showed quantitatively that water was formed when hydrogen was exploded with oxygen, and that
water was therefore not an element as had previously been supposed.
1783 A. L. Lavoisier proposed the name "hydrogen" (Greek ύδωρ νεινομαι, water former).
1800 W. Nicholson and A. Carlisle decomposed water electrolytically into hydrogen and oxygen which were then
recombined by explosion to resynthesize water.
1810-15 Hydrogen recognized as the essential element in acids by H. Davy (contrary to Lavoisier who originally
considered oxygen to be essential — hence Greek όξνς νείνομαι, acid former).
1866 The remarkable solubility o f hydrogen in palladium discovered by T. Graham following the observation of
hydrogen diffusion through red-hot platinum and iron by H. St. C. De ville and L. Troost, 1863.
1878 Hydrogen detected spectroscopically in the sun's chromosphere (J. N. Lockyer).
1895 Hydrogen first liquefied in sufficient quantity to show a meniscus (J. Dewar) following earlier observations of
mists and droplets by others, 1 8 7 7 - 8 5 .
1909 The pH scale for hydrogen-ion concentration introduced by S. P. L. $0rensen.
191? H 3 discovered mass-spectrometrically by J. J. Thompson.

192Ô The concept of hydrogen bonding introduced by W. M. Latimer and W. H. Rodebush (and by
ML L. Huggins, 1921).
1923 J. N . Br0nsted defined an acid as a species that tended to lose a proton: A ^ *B+ H . +

1924 Ortko- and para-hydrogen discovered spectroscopically by R. Mecke and interpreted quantum-mechanically by
W. Heisenberg, 1927.
1 9 2 9 - 3 0 Concept of quantum-mechanical tunnelling in proton-transfer reactions introduced (without experimental
evidence) by several authors.
1931 First hydrido complex of a transition metal prepared by W. Hieber and F. Leutert.
1932 Deuterium discovered spectroscopically and enriched by gaseous diffusion of hydrogen and by electrolysis of
water (H. C. Urey, F. G. Brickwedde and G. M. Murphy).
1932 Acidity function H proposed by L. P. Hammett for assessing the strength o f very strong acids.

1934 Tritium first made by deuteron bombardment of D 3 P O 4 and ( N D ) S 0 4 (i.e. D + D s * T + *H);

2 4 2 2

M. L. E. Oliphant, P. Harteck and E. Rutherford.

1939 Tritium found to be radioactive by L. W. Alvarez and R. Cornog after a prediction by T. W, Bonner in 1938.
1946 Proton nmr first detected in bulk matter by E. M. Purceil, H. C. Torrey and R. V. Pound; and by F. Bloch,
W. W. Hansen and M. E. Packard.
1947 L 1 A I H 4 first prepared and subsequently shown to be a versatile reducing agent; A. E. Finholt, A . C. Bond and
H. I. Schlesinger,
1950 Tritium first detected in atmospheric hydrogen (V. Faltings and P. Harteck) and later shown to be present in
rain water (W. F. Libby etal 1951).

1954 Detonation of the first hydrogen bomb on Bikini Atoll.

1960s "Superacids" ( 1 0 - 1 0 times stronger than sulfuric acid) studied systematically by G. A. Olah's group and by
7 1 9

R. J. Gillespie's group.
1966 The term "magic acid" coined in G. A. Olah's laboratory for the non-aqueous system HSO3F/SDF5.
1 9 7 6 - 7 9 Encapsulated H atom detected and located in octahedral polynuclear carbonyls such as [HRu6(CO)i8]~ and
[ H C o 6 ( C O ) i 5 ] ~ following A. Simon's characterization of interstitial H in H N b e l n -
1984 Stable transition-metal complexes of dihapto-dihydrogen (r/ -H2) discovered by G. Kubas.
34 Hydrogen Ch. 3

and a detailed discussion of this compound i.e. ortho- and /rara-dihydrogen, -dideuterium
is given on pp. 6 2 0 - 3 3 in the chapter on and -ditritium.^
oxygen. In fact, hydrogen forms more chemical
compounds than any other element, including
carbon, and a survey of its chemistry therefore 3.2.1 Isotopes of hydrogen
encompasses virtually the whole periodic table.
However, before embarking on such a review in Hydrogen as it occurs in nature is predominantly
Sections 3.4-3.7 it is convenient to summarize composed of atoms in which the nucleus is a
the atomic and physical properties of the various single proton. In addition, terrestrial hydrogen
forms of hydrogen (Section 3.2), to enumerate contains about 0.0156% of deuterium atoms
the various methods used for its preparation and in which the nucleus also contains a neutron,
industrial production, and to indicate some of its and this is the reason for its variable atomic
many applications and uses (Section 3.3). weight (p. 17). Addition of a second neutron
induces instability and tritium is radioactive,
emitting low-energy β~ particles with a half-
3.2 Atomic and Physical life of 12.33 y. Some characteristic properties
(2) of these 3 atoms are given in Table 3.1, and
Properties of Hydrogen
their implications for stable isotope studies,
Despite its very simple electronic configuration radioactive tracer studies, and nmr spectroscopy
( I s ) hydrogen can, paradoxically, exist in over are obvious.
50 different forms most of which have been well In the molecular form, dihydrogen is a
characterized. This multiplicity of forms arises stable, colourless, odourless, tasteless gas with
firstly from the existence of atomic, molecular a very low mp and bp. Data are in Table 3.2
and ionized species in the gas phase: H, H2, from which it is clear that the values for
+ + +
H , H " , H , H . . . , H + ; secondly, from the deuterium and tritium are substantially higher.
2 3 n

existence of three isotopes, jH, jH(D) and iH(T),

and correspondingly of D, D2, HD, DT, etc.; ' The term dihydrogen (like dinitrogen, dioxygen, etc.) is
used when it is necessary to refer unambiguously to the
and, finally, from the existence of nuclear spin molecule H2 (or N2, O2, etc.) rather than to the element as a
isomers for the homonuclear diatomic species, substance or to an atom of the element. Strictly, one should
use "diprotium" when referring specifically to the species
H2 and "dihydrogen" when referring to an undifferentiated
Κ . M . MACKAY, The element hydrogen, Comprehensive isotopic mixture such as would be obtained from materials
Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 1, Chap. 1. Κ . M . MACKAY and having the natural isotopic abundances of Η and D; likewise
M . F. A. DOVE, Deuterium and tritium, ibid., Vol. 1, Chap. 3, "proton" only when referring specifically to H , but "hydron"
Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1973. when referring to an undifferentiated isotopic mixture.

Table 3.1 A t o m i c properties o f h y d r o g e n (protium), deuterium, and tritium

Property Η D Τ

Relative atomic mass 1.007 8 2 5 2.014102 3.016049

N u c l e a r spin quantum n u m b e r 1 1 1
( a )
Nuclear magnetic moment/(nuclear m a g n e t o n s ) 2.79270 0.857 38 2.978 8
N M R frequency (at 2 . 3 5 t e s l a ) / M H z 100.56 15.360 104.68
N M R relative sensitivity (constant field) 1.000 0.00964 1.21
2 8 2
N u c l e a r quadrupole m o m e n t / ( 1 0 ~ m ) 0 2.766 χ ΙΟ" 3
R a d i o a c t i v e stability Stable Stable β- ίι 12.33 y ( b )

(a) 2 7 - 1
N u c l e a r magneton μ Ν = eh/2m p = 5.0508 χ 1 0 ~ JT .
b )
^ £ m a x 18.6 keV; E mean 5.7 keV; range in air ~ 6 m m ; range in water ~ 6 μ π ι .
§3.2.2 Ortho- and pata-hydrogen 35

Table 3.2 Physical properties o f hydrogen, deuterium and tritium

Property ( a )
H 2
D 2 T 2

M P / K 13.957 18.73 20.62

B P / K 20.39 23.67 25.04

Heat of fusion/kJmol - 1
0.117 0.197 0.250
Heat of vaporization/kJmol - 1
0.904 1.226 1.393
Critical temperature/K 33.19 38.35 40.6 (calc)

Critical pressure/atm ( b )
12.98 16.43 18.1 (calc)

Heat of dissociation/kJmor 1
(at 2 9 8 . 2 K ) 435.88 443.35 446.9

Z e r o point energy/kJ m o l - 1
25.9 18.5 15.1
Internuclear distance/pm 74.14 74.14 (74.14)

D a t a refer to H of normal isotopic composition (i.e. containing 0.0156 atom % of deuterium,

predominantly as HD). All data refer to the mixture of ortho- and para-forms that are in equilibrium
at room temperature.
( b , 2
l a t m = 101.325 k N m - = 101.325 kPa.

For example, the mp of T is above the bp of 2 3.2.2 Ortho- and para-hydrogen

H . Other forms such as HD and DT tend to

have properties intermediate between those of All homonuclear diatomic molecules having
their components. Thus HD has mp 16.60 K, nuclides with non-zero spin are expected to
bp 22.13K, A / 7 f u s 0.159 k l m o l " , A// 1
v a p
show nuclear spin isomers. The effect was first
1.075kJmol" , T 35.91 K, P 14.64 atm and
c c
detected in dihydrogen where it is particularly
- 1
A / 7 d i s s o c 439.3 kJ m o l . The critical temperature
noticeable, and it has also been established for
, 4 I 5 , 7

T is the temperature above which a gas cannot D , T , N , N ,

2 2 2 0 , etc. When the two
2 2

be liquefied simply by application of pressure, nuclear spins are parallel {ortho-hydrogen) the
and the critical pressure P is the pressure resultant nuclear spin quantum number is 1 (i.e.
\ + ^) and the state is threefold degenerate (2S +
required for liquefaction at this point.
1). When the two proton spins are antiparallel,
Table 3.2 also indicates that the heat of dis­
however, the resultant nuclear spin is zero and
sociation of the hydrogen molecule is extremely
the state is non-degenerate. Conversion between
high, the H - H bond energy being larger than for the two states involves a forbidden triplet-singlet
almost all other single bonds. This contributes transition and is normally slow unless catalysed
to the relative unreactivity of hydrogen at room by interaction with solids or paramagnetic species
temperature. Significant thermal decomposition which either break the H - H bond, weaken it,
into hydrogen atoms occurs only above 2000 K: or allow magnetic perturbations. Typical catalysts
the percentage of atomic H is 0.081 at this tem­ are Pd, Pt, active F e 0 3 and NO. Para-hydrogen

perature, and this rises to 7.85% at 3000 Κ and (spins antiparallel) has the lower energy and this
95.5% at 5000 K. Atomic hydrogen can, how­ state is favoured at low temperatures. Above 0 Κ
ever, be conveniently prepared in low-pressure (100% para) the equilibrium concentration of
glow discharges, and the study of its reactions ortho-hydrogen gradually increases until, above
forms an important branch of chemical gas kinet­ room temperature, the statistically weighted
ics. The high heat of recombination of hydrogen proportion of 3 orthoA para is obtained, i.e.
atoms finds application in the atomic hydrogen 25% para. Typical equilibrium concentrations
torch — dihydrogen is dissociated in an arc and of para-hydrogen are 99.8% at 20 K, 65.4%
the atoms then recombine on the surface of a at 60 K, 38.5% at 100K, 25.7% at 210 K,
metal, generating temperatures in the region of and 2 5 . 1 % at 273 Κ (Fig. 3.1). It follows that,
4000 Κ which can be used to weld very high whereas essentially pure para-hydrogen can be
melting metals such as tantalum and tungsten. obtained, it is never possible to obtain a sample
containing more than 7 5 % of ortho-hydrogen. 0-U2 is calculated to be 0.24 Κ above that of
Experimentally, the presence of both o-H and 2 p-H .2 Similar differences are found for the
2 is seen as an alternation in the intensities bps which occur at the following temperatures:
of successive rotational lines in the fine structure normal-H 20.39 K, o-H 20.45 K. For deuterium
2 2

of the electronic band spectrum of H2. It also the converse relation holds, o-D melting some

explains the curious temperature dependence of 0.03 Κ below " n o r m a r - D (66.7% ortho) and

the heat capacity of hydrogen gas. boiling some 0.04 Κ below. The effects for other
Similar principles apply to ortho- and para- elements are even smaller.
deuterium except that, as the nuclear spin
quantum number of the deuteron is 1 rather
than ~ as for the proton, the system is 3.2.3 Ionized forms of hydrogen
described by Bose-Einstein statistics rather than +

the more familiar Fermi-Dirac statistics. For This section briefly considers the proton H ,
the hydride ion H~, the hydrogen molecule ion
this reason, the stable low-temperature form is + +
H 2 , the triatomic 2-electron species H 3 and the
ortho -deuterium and at high temperatures the + ( 3 , 4 )
recently established cluster species H „ , .
statistical weights are 6 ortho'3 para leading
The hydrogen atom has a high ionization
to an upper equilibrium concentration of 33.3% _l
energy ( 1 3 1 2 k J m o l ) and in this it resembles
para-deuterium above about 190 Κ as shown in
the halogens rather than the alkali metals.
Fig. 3.1. Tritium (spin resembles H rather
Removal of the Is electron leaves a bare proton
than D2.
which, having a radius of only about 1.5 χ
Most physical properties are but little affected 3
1 0 ~ p m , is not a stable chemical entity in the
by nuclear-spin isomerism though the thermal
condensed phase. However, when bonded to
conductivity of p-H is more than 50% greater
other species it is well known in solution and in
than that of 0-H2, and this forms a ready means of
analysing mixtures. The mp of p-H (containing
N. J. KIRCHNER and M . T . BOWERS, J. Chem. Phvs. 86,
only 0.21% o-H ) is 0.15 Κ below that of
1 3 0 1 - 1 0 (1987).
"normal" hydrogen (containing 7 5 % o-H ), and
M . OKUMURA, L . I. YEH and Y . T . LEE, J. Chem. Ph\s.
by extrapolation the mp of (unobtainable) nure 88, 7 9 - 9 1 (1988), and references cited therein.
§3.2.3 Ionized forms of hydrogen 37
solids, e.g. H 0 , N H 4 , etc. The proton affinity
(3.0160). The "observed" equilateral triangular 3-
of water and the enthalpy of solution of H+ in centre, 2-electron structure is more stable than the
water have been estimated by several authors and hypothetical linear structure, and the comparative
typical values that are currently accepted are: stability of the species is shown by the following
+ +
gas-phase enthalpies:
H (g) + H 0(g) 2 >H 0 (g);

+ - 1
-AH -VlOkJmor 1
H + H + H+ = H 3 ; -AH 855.9 kJ m o l
+ +
H (g) • H 0 (aq);
3 H + H+ = H
2 3
; -AH 423.8klmol" 1

-AH - 1090 kJ m o l " H + H 2
= H 3
; -AH 600.2 kJ m o l - 1

It follows that the heat of solution of +

- 1
The H ion is the simplest possible example of a
the oxonium ion in water is ^ 3 8 0 k J m o l ,
three-centre two-electron bond (see discussion of
intermediate between the values calculated for
1 + 1
bonding in boranes on p. 157) and is also a model
Na+ (405 kJ m o l " ) and K (325 kJ m o l " ) . 2
for the dihapto bonding mode of the ligand rç -H 2
Reactions involving proton transfer will be
(pp. 4 4 - 7 ) :
considered in more detail in Section 3.5.
The hydrogen atom, like the alkali metals (ns ) + H
2 5
and halogens (ns np ), has an affinity for the
electron and heat is evolved in the following or
process: H
H(g) + e " • H " ( g ) ; -AH cak = 72kJmol" +
A series of ions H „ with η-odd up to 15
This is larger than the corresponding value for and Η-even up to 10 have recently been observed
_ 1
Li ( 5 7 k J m o l ) but substantially smaller than mass-spectrometrically and characterized for the
the value for F (333 kJ m o l ) . The hydride - 1
first t i m e . The odd-numbered species are
ion H~ has the same electron configuration as much more stable than the even-numbered
helium but is much less stable because the single members, as shown in the subjoined table which
positive charge on the proton must now control gives the relative intensities, / , as a function of η
the 2 electrons. The hydride ion is thus readily +
(in H „ ) obtained in a particular experiment with
deformable and this constitutes a characteristic a high-pressure ion source, relative to H + : . 3
( 3 )

feature of its structural chemistry (see p. 66).

The species H + and H 2 are important as
3 η 1 2 3 4 5 6
model systems for chemical bonding theory. The 10 / 4
160 50 10000 4.2 4200 210
hydrogen molecule ion H + comprises 2 protons2 η 7 8 9 10 11
and 1 electron and is extremely unstable even 10 / 4
3200 7.4 2600 18 34
in a low-pressure gas discharge system; the
energy of dissociation and the internuclear The structures of H 5 + , H 7 and Hq+ are +

distance (with the corresponding values for H 2 related to that of H with H molecules added 3

in parentheses) are: perpendicularly at the corners, whereas those of


A// 255(436) kJ m o l ; - 1 H +, H
4 and H + feature an added Η atom at the
6 8
d i s s o c

first corner. Typical structures are shown below.

r ( H - H ) 106(74.2) pm
The structures of higher members of the series,
The triatomic hydrogen molecule ion H was 3
with η > 10 are unknown but may involve further
first detected by J. J. Thomson in gas discharges loosely bonded H molecules above and below 2

and later fully characterized by mass spectrome­ the H plane. Enthalpies of dissociation are

+ 1
try; its relative atomic mass, 3.0235, clearly dis­ AH° (H
m H + + H ) 2 8 k J m o l " and
5 3 2

tinguishes it from HD (3.0219) and from tritium AH° (H

H + H ) 13kJmor .
7 5
1 ( 4 )
38 Hydrogen Ch. 3

on an industrial scale when integrated with the

chloralkali industry (p. 798). Other bulk pro­
cesses involve the (endothermic) reaction of
steam on hydrocarbons or coke:

CH + H 0
4 2 > CO + 3 H 2

1000° c
C + H 0 2 > CO + H 2 (water gas)

In both processes the CO can be converted to

C 0 by passing the gases and steam over an iron

oxide or cobalt oxide catalyst at 400°C, thereby

generating more hydrogen:
3.3 Preparation, Production and
(56) 400° C
Uses CO + H 0 2 >C0 + H 2 2

3.3.1 Hydrogen This is the so-called water-gas shift reac­

- 1
tion (—AG° 19.9 kJ m o l ) and it can also be

Hydrogen can be prepared by the reaction effected by low-temperature homogeneous cata­

of water or dilute acids on electropositive lysts in aqueous acid solutions. The extent of (7)

metals such as the alkali metals, alkaline earth subsequent purification of the hydrogen depends
metals, the metals of Groups 3, 4 and the on the use to which it will be put.
lanthanoids. The reaction can be explosively
The industrial production of hydrogen is con­
violent. Convenient laboratory methods employ
sidered in more detail in the Panel. The largest
sodium amalgam or calcium with water, or
single use of hydrogen is in ammonia synthe­
zinc with hydrochloric acid. The reaction of
sis (p. 421) but other major applications are in
aluminium or ferrosilicon with aqueous sodium
the catalytic hydrogénation of unsaturated liquid
hydroxide has also been used. For small-scale
vegetable oils to solid, edible fats (margarine),
preparations the hydrolysis of metal hydrides is
and in the manufacture of bulk organic chemicals,
convenient, and this generates twice the amount
particularly methanol (by the "oxo" or hydro-
of hydrogen as contained in the hydride, e.g.:
formylation process):

CaH + 2 H 0
2 2 • Ca(OH) + 2 H 2 2 cobalt
CO + 2 H 2 > MeOH
Electrolysis of acidified water using platinum
electrodes is a convenient source of hydrogen Direct reaction of hydrogen with chlorine is
(and oxygen) and, on a larger scale, very a major source of hydrogen chloride (p. 811),
pure hydrogen (>99.95%) can be obtained from and a smaller, though still substantial use is in
the electrolysis of warm aqueous solutions of the manufacture of metal hydrides and complex
barium hydroxide between nickel electrodes. The metal hydrides (p. 64). Hydrogen is used in
method is expensive but becomes economical metallurgy to reduce oxides to metals (e.g. Mo,
W) and to produce a reducing atmosphere. Direct
T . A . C z u p p o n , S . A . K n e z a n d D . S. N e w s o m e , H y d r o ­ reduction of iron ores in steelmaking is also now
g e n , i n Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, becoming technically and economically feasible.
4th edn., V o l . 13, W i l e y , N e w York, 1995, pp. 838-94.
P. H a u s s i n g e r R. L o h m u l l e r and A. M. W a t s o n , Hy­
d r o g e n , in Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, 7
C.-H. Cheng and R. E i s e n b e r g , ./. Am. Chem. Soc. 100,
5rtTedn., V o l . A13, V C H , Weinheim. 1989, pp. 297-442. 5969-70 (1978).
§3.3.2 Deuterium 39

Industrial Production of Hydrogen

Many reactions are available for the preparation of hydrogen and the one chosen depends on the amount needed, the
purity required, and the availability of raw materials. Most (^-97%) of the hydrogen produced in industry is consumed in
integrated plants on site (e.g. ammonia synthesis, petrochemical works, etc.). Even so, vast amounts of the gas are produced
for the general market, e.g. ~ 6 . 5 χ 1 0 m or 5.4 million tonnes yearly in the U S A alone. Small generators may have a
î 0 3

capacity of 1 0 0 - 4 0 0 0 m h , medium-sized plants 4 0 0 0 - 1 0 0 0 0 m h " , and large plants can produce l f Z - l u m h .

3 - 1 3 1 5 3 _ 1

The dominant large-scale process in integrated plants is the catalytic steam - hydrocarbon reforming process using natural
gas or oil-refinery feedstock. After desulfurization (to protect catalysts) the feedstock is mixed with process steam and
passed over a nickel-based catalyst at 7 0 0 - 1000°C to convert it irreversibly to CO and H2, e.g.

900 C

C Hg + 3 H 0
3 2 • 3CO + 7 H 2


Two reversible reactions also occur to give an equilibrium mixture o f Ha, CO, COa and H2O:
CO -f H2O ^ = = ± CO2 «f H2

The mixture i s cooled to ~ 3 5 0 ° C before entering a high-temperature shift converter where the major portion of the C O is
catalytically and exothermically converted to CO2 and hydrogen by reaction with H2O. The issuing gas is further cooled
to 200° before entering the low-temperature shift converter which reduces the CO content to 0.2 vol%. The product is
further cooled and CO2 absorbed in a liquid contacter. Further removal of residual CO and CO2 can be effected by
methanation at 350°C to a maximum of lOppm. Provided that the feedstock contains no nitrogen the product purity is
about 98%. Alternatively the low-temperature shift process and methanation stage can be replaced by a single pressure-
swing absorption (PSA) system in which the hydrogen is purified by molecular sieves. The sieves are regenerated by
adiabatic depressurizatton at ambient temperature (hence the name) and the product has a purity of >99.9%.
At present about 77% o f the industrial hydrogen produced is from petrochemicals, 18% from coal, 4 % by electrolysis of
aqueous solutions and at most 1% from other sources. Thus, hydrogen is produced as a byproduct of the brine electrolysis
process for the manufacture of chlorine and sodium hydroxide (p. 798). The ratio o f H2:Oa:NaOH is, of course, fixed
by stoichiometry and this is an economic determinant since bulk transport of the byproduct hydrogen is expensive. To
illustrate the scale of the problem: the total world chlorine production capacity is about 38 million tonnes per year which
corresponds to 1 0 5 0 0 0 tonnes of hydrogen (1.3 χ 1 0 m ) . Plants designed specifically for the electrolytic manufacture
I 0 3

of hydrogen as the main product, use steel cells and aqueous potassium hydroxide as electrolyte. H i e cells may be operated
at atmospheric pressure (Knowles cells) or at 30 atm (Lonza cells).
When relatively small amounts of hydrogen are required, perhaps in remote locations such as weather stations, then
small transportable generators can be used which can produce l - 1 7 m h ~ . During production a 1:1 molar mixture of
3 l

methanol and water is vaporized and passed over a "base-metal chromite** type catalyst at 400°C where it is cracked into
hydrogen and carbon monoxide; subsequently steam reacts with the carbon monoxide to produce the dioxide and more
400° c
MeOH >α> + 2 Η 2

CO + H2O ^C0 + H
2 2

All the gases are then passed through a diffuser separator comprising a large number of small-diameter thin-walled tubes
of palladium-silver alloy tightly packed in a stainless steel case. The solubility of hydrogen in palladium is well known
(p. 1150) and the alloy with silver is used to prolong the life of the diffuser by avoiding troublesome changes in dimensions
during the passage of hydrogen. Trie hydrogen which emerges is cool, pure, dry and ready for use via a metering device.

Another medium-scale use is in oxyhydrogen and fuel cells if the notional "hydrogen economy"
torches and atomic hydrogen torches for welding (see Panel on p. 40) is ever developed.
and cutting. Liquid hydrogen is used in bubble
chambers for studying high-energy particles and
3.3.2 Deuterium
as a rocket fuel (with oxygen) in the space
programme. Hydrogen gas is potentially a large- Deuterium is invariably prepared from heavy
scale fuel for use in internal combustion engines water, D 0 , which is itself now manufactured
40 Hydrogen Ch. 3

The Hydrogen Economy ~ (6g H)

The growing recognition during the past decades that world reserves of coal and oil are finite and that nuclear power
cannot supply all our energy requirements, particularly for small mobile units such as cars, has prompted an active search
for alternatives. One solution which has many attractive features is the "hydrogen economy*' whereby energy is transported
and stored in the form of liquid or gaseous hydrogen. Enthusiasts point out that such a major change in the source of
energy, though apparently dramatic, is not unprecedented and has in fact occurred twice during the past 100 y. In 1880
wood was overtaken by coal as the main world supplier of energy and now it accounts for only about 2% of the total.
Likewise in 1960 coal was itself overtaken by oil and now accounts for only 15% of the total. (Note, however, that this
does not imply a decrease in the total amount of coal used: in 1930 this was 14.5 χ 1 0 barrels per day of oil equivalent 6

and was 75% of the then total energy supply whereas in 1975 coal had increased in absolute terms by 11% to 16.2 χ 1 0 6

b/d oe, but this was only 18% of the total energy supply which had itself increased 4,6-fold in the interim.) Another
change may well be in the offing since nuclear power, which was effectively non-existent as an industrial source of
energy in 1950, now accounts for 16% of the world supply of electricity; it has already overtaken coal as a source of
energy and may well overtake oil during the next century. ITie aim o f the "hydrogen economy" is to transmit this energy,
not as electric power but in the form of hydrogen; this overcomes the great problem of electricity — that it cannot be
stored — and also reduces the costs of power transmission.
The technology already exists for producing hydrogen electrically and storing it in bulk. For example huge quantities
of liquid hydrogen are routinely stored in vacuum insulated cryogenic tanks for the U S space programme, one such
tank alone holding over 3400 m ( 9 0 0 0 0 0 US gallons). Liquid hydrogen can be transported by road or by rail tankers

of 75.7 m capacity ( 2 0 0 0 0 US gallons). Underground storage of the type currently used for hydrogen — natural gas

mixtures and transmission through large pipes is also feasible, and pipelines carrying hydrogen up to 80 km in the USA
and South Africa and 2 0 0 k m in Europe have been in operation for many years. Smaller storage units based on metal
alloy systems have also been suggested, e.g. LaNis can absorb up to 7 moles of Η atoms per mole of LaNi5 at room
temperature and 2.5 atm, the density o f contained hydrogen being twice that in the liquid element itself, Other systems
include M g - M g H , M g N i ~ M g N i H 4 , T t - T i H and TiFe-TiFeHi^s*
2 2 2 2

The advantages claimed for hydrogen as an automobile fuel are the greater energy release per unit weight of fuel
and the absence of polluting emissions such as CO, C 0 , NO*, S 0 , hydrocarbons, aldehydes and lead compounds.
2 2

The product of combustion is water with only traces of nitrogen oxides. Several conventional internal-combustion petrol
engines have already been simply and effectively modified to run on hydrogen. Fuel cells for the regeneration of electric
power have also been successfully operated commercially with a conversion efficiency of 70%, and test cells at higher
pressures have achieved 85% efficiency.
Non-electrolytic sources of hydrogen have also been studied. The chemical problem is how to transfer the correct amount
of free energy to a water molecule in order to decompose it. In the last few years about 1 0 0 0 0 such thermochemical
water-splitting cycles have been identified, most of them with the help of computers, though it is significant that the most
promising ones were discovered first by the intuition of chemists.
The stage is thus set, and further work to establish safe and economically viable sources of hydrogen for general energy
usage seems destined to flourish as an active area of research for some while.

on the multitonne scale by the electrolytic The equilibrium constant for the exchange
enrichment of normal w a t e r / The enrich­ 12, l 3 ) reaction
ment is expressed as a separation factor between
the gaseous and liquid phases: H 0 + HD
2 HDO + H 2

s = (H/D) /(H/D)! g
is about 3 at room temperature and this would
lead to a value of s = 3 if this were the only
effect. However, the choice of the metal used for
8D. P. GREGORY, The hydrogen economy, Chap. 23 in
Chemistry in the Environment, Readings from Scientific the electrodes can also affect the various elec­
American, 1973, pp. 2 1 9 - 2 7 . trode processes, and this increases the separation
9 L. B. M C G O W N and J. O ' M . BOCKRIS, How to Obtain still further. Using alkaline solutions s values in
Abundant Clean Energy, Plenum, New York, 1980, 275 pp.
L. O. WILLIAMS, Hydrogen Power, Pergamon Press, Oxford,
1980, 158 pp. 1 2 G . VASARU, D . U R S U , A. MIHÂILÂ and P . SZENT-GYORGYI,
1 0C. J. WINTER and J. NITSCH (eds.), Hydrogen as an Energy Deuterium and Heavy Water, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1975,
Carrier, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1988, 377 pp. 404 pp.
1 1B . BOGDANOVIC, Angew. Chem. Int. Edn. Engl. 24, H . K. RAE (ed.), Separation of Hydrogen
1 3 Isotopes, ACS
2 6 2 - 7 3 (1985). Symposium Series No. 68, 1978, 184 pp.
§3.3.3 Tritium 41

the range 5 - 7 . 6 are obtained for many metals, ris­ 3.3.3 Tritium w
ing to 13.9 for platinum cathodes and even higher
for gold. By operating a large number of cells in Tritium differs from the other two isotopes
cascade, and burning the evolved H2/D2 mixture of hydrogen in being radioactive and this
to replenish the electrolyte of earlier cells in the immediately indicates its potential uses and its
sequence, any desired degree of enrichment can method of detection. Tritium occurs naturally to
1 8
ultimately be attained. Thus, starting with normal the extent of about 1 atom per 1 0 hydrogen
water (0.0156% of hydrogen as deuterium) and atoms as a result of nuclear reactions induced by
a separation factor of 5, the deuterium content cosmic rays in the upper atmosphere:
rises to 10% after the original volume has been 1 4 l 3 , 2
N + n = H + c

reduced by a factor of 2400. Reduction by 66 000

is required for 90% deuterium and by 130000 for ^ N + } H = ?H + fragments
99% deuterium. If, however, the separation factor
2 2

is 10, then 9 9 % deuterium can be obtained by a H + H = ÎH+{H

volume reduction on electrolysis of 22 000. Prior
The concentration of tritium increased by over a
enrichment of the electrolyte to 15% deuterium
hundredfold when thermonuclear weapon testing
can be achieved by a chemical exchange between
began on Bikini Atoll in March 1954 but has now
H2S and H2O after which a fortyfold volume
subsided as a result of the ban on atmospheric
reduction produces heavy water with 9 9 % deu­
weapon testing and the natural radioactivity of
terium content. Other enrichment processes are
the isotope ( n 12.33 y).
now rarely used but include fractional distillation
1 8
of water (which also enriches 0 ) , thermal diffu­ Numerous reactions are available for the artifi­
sion of gaseous hydrogen, and diffusion of H2/D2 cial production of tritium and it is now made on
through palladium metal. a large scale by neutron irradiation of enriched
L i in a nuclear reactor:
Many methods have been used to determine
the deuterium content of hydrogen gas or *Li + ^η = He + ]H 4

water. For H2/D2 mixtures mass spectroscopy

and thermal conductivity can be used together The lithium is in the form of an alloy with mag­
with gas chromatography (alumina activated with nesium or aluminium which retains much of the
manganese chloride at 77 K). For heavy water tritium until it is released by treatment with acid.
the deuterium content can be determined by Alternatively the tritium can be produced by neu­
density measurements, refractive index change, tron irradiation of enriched LiF at 450° in a vac­
or infrared spectroscopy. uum and then recovered from the gaseous prod­
The main uses of deuterium are in tracer ucts by diffusion through a palladium barrier. As
studies to follow reaction paths and in kinetic a result of the massive production of tritium for
studies to determine isotope effects. A (14)
thermonuclear devices and research into energy
good discussion with appropriate references is production by fusion reactions, tritium is avail­
in Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 1, able cheaply on the megacurie scale for peaceful
pp. 9 9 - 1 1 6 . The use of deuterated solvents purposes.^ The most convenient way of storing
is widespread in proton nmr studies to avoid the gas is to react it with finely divided uranium
interference from solvent hydrogen atoms, and
deuteriated compounds are also valuable in 15
E . A. EVANS, Tritium and its Compounds, 2nd edn., But-
structural studies involving neutron diffraction terworths, London, 1974, 840 pp. E . A. EVANS, D. C. WAR-
techniques. RELL, J. A. ELVÏDGE and J. R . JONES, Handbook of Tritium
NMR Spectroscopy and Applications, Wiley, Chichester,
1985, 249 pp.
1 4
L . MELANDER and W. H . SAUNDERS, Reaction Rates of f See also p. 18 for the influence on the atomic weight of
Isotopic Molecules, Wiley, N e w York, 1980, 331 pp. commercially available lithium in some countries.
42 Hydrogen Ch. 3

to give U T 3 from which it can be released by general applicability is catalytic exchange in solu­
heating above 400°C. tion using either a tritiated solution or tritium gas.
Besides being one of the least expensive radio­ This is valuable for the routine production of tri­
isotopes, tritium has certain unique advantages tium compounds in high radiochemical yield and
- 1
1 4
as a tracer. Like C it is a pure low-energy β~ at high specific activity ( > 5 0 mCi m m o l ) . For
emitter with no associated y-rays. The radiation example, although ammonium ions exchange rel­
is stopped by ~ 6 m m of air or —όμιτι of mate­ atively slowly with D2O, tritium exchange equi­
- 3
rial of density 1 g e m (e.g. water). As the range libria are established virtually instantaneously: tri­
is inversely proportional to the density, this is tiated ammonium salts can therefore be readily
reduced to only ~ 1 μ m in photographic emul­ prepared by dissolving the salt in tritiated water
- 3
sion (p ~ 3 . 5 g c m ) thus making tritium ideal and then removing the water by evaporation:
for high-resolution autoradiography. Moreover,
(NH ) S0 + HTO (NH T) S0 + H 0 , etc.
tritium has a high specific activity. The weight 4 2 4 3 2 4 2

of tritium equal to an activity of 1 Ci is 0.103 mg

For exchange of non-labile organic hydrogen
and 1 mmol T2 has an activity of 58.25 Ci. [Note:
, 0 atoms, acid-base catalysis (or some other cat­
1 Ci (curie) = 3.7 χ 1 0 B q (becquerel); 1 Bq =
- 1 alytic hydrogen-transfer agent such as palladium
1 s . ] Tritium is one of the least toxic of radio­
or platinum) is required. The method routinely
isotopes and shielding is unnecessary; however,
gives tritiated products having a specific activity
precautions must be taken against ingestion, and
almost 1000 times that obtained by the Wilzbach
no work should be carried out without appropriate
method; shorter times are required ( 2 - 1 2 h ) and
statutory authorization and adequate radiochemi­
subsequent purification is easier.
cal facilities.
When specifically labelled compounds are
Tritium has been used extensively in hydrolog-
required, direct chemical synthesis may be
ical studies to follow the movement of ground
necessary. The standard techniques of preparative
waters and to determine the age of various bod­
chemistry are used, suitably modified for small-
ies of water. It has also been used to study
scale work with radioactive materials. The
the adsorption of hydrogen and the hydrogéna­
starting material is tritium gas which can be
tion of ethylene on a nickel catalyst and to obtained at greater than 9 8 % isotopic abundance.
study the absorption of hydrogen in metals. Auto­ Tritiated water can be made either by catalytic
radiography has been used extensively to study oxidation over palladium or by reduction of a
the distribution of tritium in multiphase alloys, metal oxide:
though care must be taken to correct for the pho­
tographic darkening caused by emanated tritium Pd
gas. Increasing use is also being made of tritium 2T + 0
2 2 • 2T 0 2

as a tracer for hydrogen in the study of reaction T + CuO

2 > T 0 + Cu

mechanisms and kinetics and in work on homo­

geneous catalysis. Note, however, that pure tritiated water is
The production of tritium-labelled organic com­ virtually never used since 1 ml would contain
pounds was enormously facilitated by Κ. E. Wilz- 2650 Ci; it is self-luminescent, irradiates itself
bach's discovery in 1956 that tritium could be at the rate of 6 χ 1 0 e V m l s 17
(MO - 1 - 1 9

introduced merely by storing a compound under - 1

rad d a y ) , undergoes rapid self-radiolysis,
tritium gas for a few days or weeks: the β~ and also causes considerable radiation damage
radiation induces exchange reactions between the to dissolved species. In chemical syntheses
hydrogen atoms in the compound and the tritium or exchange reactions tritiated water of 1%
- 1
gas. The excess of gas is recovered for further tritium abundance (580 mCi m m o l ) is usually
use and the tritiated compound is purified chro- sufficient to produce compounds having a specific
- 1
matographically. Another widely used method of activity of at least lOOmCi m m o l . Other useful
§3.4 Chemical properties and trends 43

synthetic reagents are NaT, L1AIH3T, N a B H T , 3 This reaction can be used as a sensitive
NaBT4, B 2 T 6 and tritiated Grignard reagents. test for the presence of hydrogen. At higher
Typical preparations are as follows: temperatures hydrogen reacts vigorously, even
explosively, with many metals and non-metals to
350°C give the corresponding hydrides. Activation can
LiH + T • LiT + HT
also be induced photolytically, by heterogeneous
200°C catalysts (Raney nickel, Pd, Pt, etc.), or by
L1BH4 + T • L1BH3T + HT
means of homogeneous hydrogénation catalysts.
ether Industrially important processes include the
4LiT + AlBr 3 • L1AIT4 + 3LiBr hydrogénation of many organic compounds and
the use of cobalt compounds as catalysts in
B H + T
2 6 2 B2H5T + H T the hydroformylation of olefins to aldehydes
and alcohols at high temperatures and pressures
3NaBT + 4 B F . O E t
4 3 2 • 2 B T + 3NaBF
2 6 4
(p. 1140):
3 T 0 ( g ) + P(CN)
2 3 • 3TCN + T P 0 3 3
R C H = C H + H + CO — + RCH2CH2CHO
2 2

700°C RCH CH CHO + H

2 2 2 • RCH CH CH OH
2 2 2
2AgCl + T 2 • 2TC1 + 2Ag
uv An even more effective homogeneous hydrogéna­
tion catalyst is the complex [RhCl(PPh ) ] which 3 3

Br + T
2 2 • 2TBr permits rapid reduction of alkenes, alkynes and
P(red) + 1 + HTO > TI + HI + . · . other unsaturated compounds in benzene solution
at 25°C and 1 atm pressure (p. 1134). The Haber
NH + T 3 2 • N H T + TH
process, which uses iron metal catalysts for the
direct synthesis of ammonia from nitrogen and
Mg N + 6T 0 3 2 2 2 N T + 3Mg(OT)
3 2
hydrogen at high temperatures and pressures, is
χ heat a further example (p. 421).
M + -T 2 • MT,
The hydrogen atom has a unique electronic
configuration I s : accordingly it can gain an
The preparation and use of L i E t B T and L1AIT4 3 electron to give H~ with the helium configuration
- 1
at maximum specific activity (57.5 Ci m m o l ) 2
I s or it can lose an electron to give the
has also been described. +
proton H (p. 36). There are thus superficial
resemblances both to the halogens which can
gain an electron to give an inert-gas configuration
3.4 Chemical Properties and 2 6
ns np , and to the alkali metals which can
Trends +
lose an electron to give M (ns np ). 2 6
because hydrogen has no other electrons in its
Hydrogen is a colourless, tasteless, odourless gas structure there are sufficient differences from
which has only low solubility in liquid solvents. each of these two groups to justify placing
It is comparatively unreactive at room temper­ hydrogen outside either. For example, the proton
ature though it combines with fluorine even in 3
is so small (r M . 5 χ 1 0 ~ p m compared with
the dark and readily reduces aqueous solutions normal atomic and ionic sizes of ~ 5 0 - 2 2 0 p m )
of palladium(II) chloride: that it cannot exist in condensed systems unless
associated with other atoms or molecules. The
PdCl (aq) + H
2 2 > Pd(s) + 2HCl(aq) transfer of protons between chemical species
constitutes the basis of acid-base phenomena
1 6
H. A N D R E S , H. MORIMOTO and P. G. WILLIAMS, J. Chem. (see Section 3.5). The hydrogen atom is also
Soc, Chem. Commun., 6 2 7 - 8 ( 1 9 9 0 ) . frequently found in close association with 2
44 Hydrogen Ch. 3

other atoms in linear array; this particularly Table 3.3 Stereochemistry o f h y d r o g e n

important type of interaction is called hydrogen CN Examples
bonding (see Section 3.6). Again, the ability
1 HC1, H S , P H , N H , B H ~ , etc.; [ H M n ( C O ) ] ,
2 3 4 + 4 5
to penetrate metals to form nonstoichiometric
[H Fe(CO) ], [H Ta(C H ) ], [H Cr(dmpe) ],
2 4 3 5 5 2 4 2

metallic hydrides, though not unique to hydrogen, [CoH ] ", [H W(PR ) ], [{H Re(PR ) } Ag]+,
5 4 6 3 3 7 3 2 2

is one of its more characteristic properties [H Re(PR )]", [ReH ] "

8 3 9 2

as is its ability to form nonlinear hydrogen 2 B H , [Me NAlH ] , [H BHCu(PMePh ) ],

2 6 2 2 3 3 2 3

bridge bonds in many of its compounds. These [m^-Ir(B H )(CO)(PPh ) ], 5 8 3 2

properties will be further discussed during the [(CO) WHW(CO) ]-, 5 5

general classification of the hydrides of the [(C Me5)Ir(M -H) Ir(C Me5)
5 2 3 5

elements in section 3.7. The most important 3 [ c W B H ( / x - H ) ] - , [(M -H)Rh (C H ) ],

6 6 3 3 3 5 5 4

compound of hydrogen is, of course, water and a [(/z -H) Co (C H ) ]

3 4 4 5 5 4

detailed discussion of this compound is given on 4 [( M 4 -H)Ru (CO) H] - 8 2 1 2

pp. 6 2 0 - 3 3 in the chapter on oxygen. 5 £ - M g N i H ( d ) (1 "covalent" N i - D 1 4 9 p m plus

2 4 4

4 "ionic" M g - D 230 p m )
6 [HNb I ], [HRu (CO) ]", [HCo (CO) r,
6 n 6 1 8 6 1 5

[ ( - H ) N i ( C O ) ] - , [(M6-H)Ni (CO) ] -
3.4.1 The coordination chemistry of M 6 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 3


Perhaps the most exciting recent development in

the chemistry of hydrogen is the discovery that,
in transition metal polyhydrides, the molecule H2
can act as a dihapto ligand, y/ -H2 (see below).2

Even the H atom itself can form compounds in

which its coordination number (CN) is not just 1
(as expected) but also 2, 3, 4, 5 or even 6. A rich
and unexpectedly varied coordination chemistry
is thus emerging. We shall deal with the H atom
first and then with the H2 molecule.
By far the most common CN of hydrogen is 1,
as in HC1, H S , PH3, CH4 and most other covalent

hydrides and organic compounds. Bridging modes

in which the H atom has a higher CN are shown
schematically in the next column — in these struc­
tures M is typically a transition metal but, partic­
The crucial experiment suggesting that the
ularly in the β2-ιηοά& and to some extent in the
H2 molecule might act as a dihapto ligand
^3-mode, one or more of the M can represent a
to transition metals was the dramatic obser­
main-group element such as B, Al; C, Si; Ν etc.
v a t i o n ™ that toluene solutions of the deep
Typical examples are in Table 3 . 3 . Fuller ( 1 7 - 1 9 )
purple coordinatively unsaturated 16-electron
discussion and references, when appropriate, will
complexes [ M o ( C O ) ( P C y ) ] and [W(CO) - 3 3 2 3

be found in later chapters dealing with the indi­

(PCy )2] (where Cy = cyclohexyl) react read­

vidual elements concerned.

ily and cleanly with H2 (1 atm) at low
temperatures to precipitate yellow crystals of
17 D. S. MOORE and S. D. ROBINSON, Chem. Soc. Revs. 1 2 , [ M ( C O ) H ( P C y ) ] in 8 5 - 9 5 % yield. The
3 2 3 2

415-52 (1983).
1 8 A . DEDIEU (ed.). Transition Metal Hydrides, V C H , Berlin,
1991, 4 1 6 pp. 2 0 G . J. KUBAS, J. Chem. Soc, Chem. Commun., 6 1 - 2
1 9 T. P . FEHLNER, Polyhedron, 9, 1 9 5 5 - 6 3 (1990).
§3.4.1 The coordination chemistry of hydrogen 45

H2 could be quantitatively removed at room substitution reaction. Examples are:

temperature either by partial evacuation or by
[W(CO) (PP4) ] + 3 2 H 2 — •
sparging the solution with argon. Definitive con­
firmation that the complexes did indeed contain [W(CO)3(^ -H )(PP4)2] 2 2

?7 -H2 came from X-ray and neutron diffraction


studies on the bis(tri /-propylphosphine) analogue [FeClH(R PCH CH PR2)2] + H + NaBPh*

2 2 2 2

at —100°, which revealed the side-on coordina­ • [FeH(rç -H )(R2PCH2CH PR2)2] 2 2 2 +

tion of H2 as shown in Fig. 3 . 2 . During the (21)

past decade many other such compounds have + BPÎ14- -h NaCl

been prepared and studied in great detail, and the i r a ^ - [ I r H ( H 0 ) ( P P h ) 2 ( B q ) ] -f H
2 3 + 2 •
field has been well r e v i e w e d . ( 2 2 _ 2 4 )

rm,25-[IrH(r? -H )(PPh ) (Bq)] 2 2 3 2 +

[Cr(CO) ] -f H — • [Cr(CO) (rç -H )] + CO
6 2 5 2 2

hq. X e

Co(CO) (NO) + H 3 2 — •
hq. X e
[Co(CO) (rç -H )(NO)] + CO 2 2 2

The second general method involves the protona­

tion of a polyhydrido complex using a strong acid
such as H B F . E t 2 0 . Typical examples involving

Figure 3.2 T h e geometry o f mer-trans-[W(CO)^- d , d , d or d metal centres are:

2 4 6 8

(rç -H )(PPr3) ] f r o m X - r a y a n d n e u ­
2 2 2

tron diffraction data: r ( H - H ) 8 4 p m (d ) 2 [MoH (dppe) ] + 2 H 4 2 +

[MoH (*? -H2)(dppe) ] 2+

( c o m p a r e d w i t h 7 4 . 1 4 p m for free H ) , 2
4 2 2
r ( W - H ) 175 p m . Infrared vibration s p e c ­
troscopy gives υ ( Η - Η ) 2 6 9 0 c m " c o m ­ 1
pared w i t h 4 1 5 9 c m (Raman) for free d ) 4 [IrH (PCy ) ] 5 3 2

H . 2 NEt 3

[IrH (^ -H2)2(PCy )2]

2 2 3 +

There are two general routes to η -H2

complexes. The first involves direct addition (d ) 6 [RuH (dppe) ] + H 2 2 + •
of molecular H2 either to an unoccupied [RuH(^ -H2)(dppe) ] 2 2 +

coordination site in a 16-electron complex (as

above) or by displacement of a ligand such as (d ) 8 [RhH{P(CH CH PPh ) }] + H 2 2 2 3 + •
CO, Cl, H2O in the coordination sphere of an [Rh(r -H ){P(CH CH PPh2) }] ?2 2 2 2 3 +

18-electron complex; in this latter case ultraviolet

irradiation may be required to assist in the There is even a rare example involving a d°
polyhydride: (25)

2 1 G . J. K U B A S , R . R . RYAN, Β . I. SWANSON, P . I. VERGA- H (-80°)+

MINI and H . J. WASSERMAN, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1 0 6 , 4 5 2 - 4

(d°) [ReH (PCy ) ] 7 3 2

NEt 3

2 2 G . J. K U B A S , Acc. Chem. Res. 2 1 , 1 2 0 - 8 ( 1 9 8 8 ) .

2 3 R . H . CRABTREE and D . G . HAMILTON, Adv. Organomet. [ReH - ( / -H ),(PCy )2] 8 2 x y 2 2 3 +

Chem. 28, 299-338 ( 1 9 8 8 ) ; R . H . CRABTREE, Acc. Chem.

Res. 2 3 , 9 5 - 1 0 1 (1990).
2 4 A . G . GINZBURG and A. A. BAGATURANTS, Organomet. 2 5 X. L. R. FONTAINE, Ε. H. FOWLES and B. L. SHAW, J.
Chem. in USSR 2 , 1 1 1 - 2 6 ( 1 9 8 9 ) . Chem. Soc, Chem. Commun., 4 8 2 - 3 ( 1 9 8 8 ) .
46 Hydrogen Ch. 3

If deuterio acids are used then T? -HD complexes 2

are formed; these are particularly useful in estab­

lishing the retention of substantive H - H bonding
in the coordinated ligand by observation of a
1:1:1 triplet in the proton nmr spectrum (the pro­
ton signal being split by coupling to deuterium
with nuclear spin 7 = 1).
The stability of η -ΙΪ2 complexes varies con­ 2

siderably, from those which can be observed only

in low-temperature matrix-isolation experiments
to those which are moderately robust even at
room temperature and above. Stability depends (a) (b)

on the electron configuration of the metal centre, Figure 3.3 Schematic representation o f the t w o
the electronic and steric nature of the co-ligands, c o m p o n e n t s o f the i 7 - H - m e t a l bond:
2 2

the overall charge on the complex, the state of (a) donation from the filled (hatched)
aggregation and, of course, the temperature. Most σ - Η b o n d i n g orbital into a vacant hybrid

orbital o n M ; (b) π - b a c k d o n a t i o n from a

?? -H2 complexes involve transition metals in
filled d orbital (or hybrid) o n M into the
Groups 6 - 8 , in oxidation states having a formal vacant σ* antibonding orbital o f H . 2

d electron configuration. No rç -H2 complexes

6 2

are yet known for transition metals in Groups 3 or

4 of the periodic table, although examples involv­ Most of the observed facts can be understood
ing Group 5 metals have recently been reported, in terms of a bonding scheme which envisages
e.g. the d species 4 [Υ(η -0 Η )(0Ο) (η -Η )] 5 5 5 3 2 2 (26) donation of electron density from the σ bond
and [ N b ( ^ - C 5 H ) ( C O ) 3 ( r ? - H 2 ) ] .
5 Within a 2 (27) of H2 into a vacant hybrid orbital on the
given Group, the first and second members metal, plus a certain amount of synergic back
more readily form η Ή2 complexes while the 2 donation from an occupied d orbital on the
third member tends to form polyhydrido species, metal into the σ* antibonding orbital of H2 (see
e.g. [Fe(H) (rç -H2)(PEtPh )3] and [Ru(H) (rç -
2 2 2 2 2 Fig. 3.3). This is reminiscent of the bonding in
H ) ( P P h ) ] but [Os(H) (P(o-tol) ) ].
2 3 3 Stability
4 3 3 (28) the well known metal-alkene complexes (to be
is also enhanced by an overall cationic charge on discussed in more detail on p. 931) but with two
the complex (remember protonation as a route significant differences: (a) the electron density
to rç -H2 complexes). In such cases, however,
2 being donated from the H2 ligand is in the
stability of the resulting compound depends on single-bond σ orbital whereas for alkenes such as
the presence of a non-coordinating anion such as H 2 C = C H 2 it is in the π component of the double
B F ~ , otherwise there is a risk of decomposi­
4 bond; and (b) the H2 antibonding orbital involved
tion by displacement of the more weakly coordi­ in accepting back-donated electron density has
nating (rç -H ). Neutral complexes are also well
2 2 σ* symmetry rather than π* as in alkenes. It
known, but no examples of anionic rç -H2 com­ 2 is clear from this description that an overall
plexes have been reported. positive charge on the metal centre encourages
H \
forward donation to form the 3-centre >—M
2 6
bond, but diminishes the extent of back donation.
M. POLIAKOFF, J. Chem. Soc, Chem. Commun., 9 1 3 - 5
(1990). By contrast, an overall negative charge might
2 7 M. T. HAWARD, M. W. GEORGE, P . HAMLEY and M. POLI­ be expected to enhance back donation into
AKOFF, J. Chem. Soc, Chem. Commun., 1 1 0 1 - 3 (1991). the σ* antibonding orbital and thus promote
R . H . CRABTREE and D . G . HAMILTON, J. Am. Chem. Soc.
2 8
rupture of the H2 single bond, with concommitant
1 0 8 3 1 2 4 - 5 (1986).
formation of two new hydrido M - H bonds.
§3.4.1 The coordination chemistry of hydrogen 47

The bonding scheme is also consistent with the studies (32)

have revealed one Η· · H contact of
observed lengthening of the H - H distance to 137.7(7) pm whereas all other H - H distances
about 8 4 - 9 0 pm in the η -ΙΪ2 complexes (as
in the complex are greater than 174 pm. (This
compared with 74 pm in free molecular H2), distance of 137.7 pm is seen to be intermediate
and with the lowering of the v(H-H) vibration between values of ca. 80 pm typical of η -Η2 2

frequency from 4159 c m " in free H2 to values complexes and values greater than ca. 160 pm
- 1
typically in the range 2 6 5 0 - 3 2 5 0 c m in the which are found in classical hydrido complexes.)
complexes. Likewise, some trihydrogen complexes, such as
There is evidently a very fine balance between 5
[Ir(rç -C H )H3(PMe3)], 5have nmr behaviour

the two options {M(j7 -H )} and {M(H)2}; indeed,
2 which suggests the presence of a bent (or possibly
examples of an equilibrium between the two 3
triangular) η -11 ligand which is bonded "side- 3
forms have recently been d i s c o v e r e d : on" rather like an allylic group (pp. 9 3 3 - 5 ) .
The possibility of rç -^ "end-on" coordination
-78° to + 2 5 °
has also been mooted. For example, deposition
of Pd atoms onto a krypton matrix doped with
[Nb(^-C H )(CO)3(H) ] 5 5 2
H at 12 Κ apparently yields both Pd(r/ -H ) and 1
2 2

-85° to -65° 2
Pd(rç -H2) species, whereas with a Xe/H2 matrix
2 +
[Re(CO)(r/ -H2)(H)2(PMe Ph)3] ν 2
only Pd(rç -H ) was o b t a i n e d .2
Again, the (34)

[Re(CO)(H) (PMe Ph) ] 4 2 3

complex [ R e C l ( H 2 ) ( P M e P h 2 ) 4 ] appears to feature
an asymmetrically-bonded H2 ligand which may
hexane/r.t. ι 5)
[Ru(^ -H2)(^-0 CCF3)(PCy ) ] , well be (η -Η )Ρ 2
2 3 2

Nearly one hundred η -ΙΪ2 complexes have so 2

[Ru(H) (r; -0 CCF3)(PCy3)2]

far been prepared and the crystal and molec­
ular structure of about half a dozen have
the η -Η2 form (27) 2
In the niobium s y s t e m
been determined by X-ray/neutron diffraction.
is marginally the more stable, with AH =
- 1 (29)
Some are dinuclear, such as the homobimetallic
2.0 kJ m o l , whereas in the rhenium s y s t e m , 2
[(P-N)(i -H )Ru(M-Cl)2(M-H)Ru(H)(PPh )2]
? 2 3

it is the tetrahydrido form which is the

- 1
and the heterobimetallic [ ( P P h 3 ) 2 H R e ( μ - H ) ( μ -
more stable, with — AG208 = 2.5 kJ m o l and 2
Cl) (M-CO)Ru(^ -H )(PPh )2] .
2 2 3
+ (37)

-AH = 4 . 6 k J m o l " . 1

The coordination chemistry of hydrogen is still
In a sense the formation of rç -H2 complexes
being intensively studied and new developments
can be thought of as an intermediate stage in
are continually being reported.
the oxidative addition of H2 to form two M - H
bonds and, as such, the complexes might serve
3 2
as a model for this process and for catalytic
31 )
ZLE, J. L. SPENCER and A . M. STRINGER, J. Chem. Soc,
hydrogénation reactions by metal h y d r i d e s / Chem. Commun., 2 4 1 - 3 ( 1 9 9 1 ) .
Indeed, intermediate cases between τ? -Η2 and 3 3
(σ-Η) coordination are occasionally observed, as
Chem. Soc. 1 1 0 , 2 3 0 3 - 5 (1988).
3 4
G . A . OZIN and J. GARCIA-PRIETO, J. Am. Chem. Soc 1 0 8 ,
in [ReH7(P(/?-tol)3)2], where neutron-diffraction
3 0 9 9 - 1 0 0 (1986).
3 5
F . A . COTTON and R. L . LUCK, Inorg. Chem. 3 0 , 7 6 7 - 7 4
2 9
X.-L. Luo and R. H. CRABTREE, J. Chem. Soc, Chem. (1991).
3 6
Commun., 1 8 9 - 9 0 (1990). C . HAMPTON, W. R. CULLEN and B . R. JAMES, J. Am.
3 0
T. ANLIGUIE and B . CHAUDRET, J. Chem. Soc, Chem. Chem. Soc 1 1 0 , 6 9 1 8 - 9 ( 1 9 8 8 ) . In this compound, P - N is
Commun., 1 5 5 - 7 ( 1 9 8 9 ) . a complex substituted ferrocene ligand. See also A . M. JOSHI
3 1
C . BIANCHINI, C . MEALLI, A . MELI, M . PERUZZINI and and B . R. JAMES, J. Chem. Soc, Chem. Commun., 1 7 8 5 - 6
F. ZANOBINI, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 110, 8 7 2 5 - 6 (1988). (1989).
3 7
See also L . D . FIELD, Α . V . GEORGE, Ë . Y . MALOUF and M . CAZANOUE, Ζ. H E , D. NEILBECKER and R. MATHIEU, J.
D . J. YOUNG, Chem. Soc, Chem. Commun., 9 3 1 - 3 ( 1 9 9 0 ) . Chem. Soc, Chem. Commun., 3 0 7 - 9 ( 1 9 9 1 ) .
48 Hydrogen Ch. 3
3.5 Protonic acids and bases [ F e ( H 0 ) 6 ] . The hydrogen-ion concentration is

usually expressed as pH (see Panel). In dilute

Many compounds that contain hydrogen can solution the concentration of water molecules
donate protons to a solvent such as water and is constant at 25°C ( 5 5 . 3 4 5 m o l l ) , and the -1

so behave as acids. Water itself undergoes ionic dissociation of the acid is often rewritten as
dissociation to a small extent by means of
autoprotolysis; the process is usually represented H A ^ H +
+ A";
formally by the equilibrium + 1
K = [ H ] [ A " ] / [ H A ] moll""

H 0 + H 0
2 2 H 0 + + OH~

The acid constant K a can also be expressed by

though it should be remembered that both the relation
ions are further solvated and that the time a
proton spends in close association with any pK a = - log AT . e Hence, as K a = 55.345 Κ
one water molecule is probably only about
10~ s. (See also pp. 6 3 0 - 2 for structural studies pKa =pK- 1.734
+ 1
on [ Η ( Ο Η ) ] η = 1-6.) Depending on what
2 π

aspect of the process is being emphasized, the Further, as the free energy of dissociation is given
species H 3 0 ( a q ) can be called an oxonium by
ion, a hydrogen ion, or simply a solvated
(hydrated) proton. The equilibrium constant for AG° = -RTXnK = -23026RT\ogK,
autoprotolysis is
the standard free energy of dissociation is
K = [H 0+][OH-]/[H 0]
x 3 2

Δ^ 9 8 . ΐ 5 = 5.708ptf
and, since the concentration of water is essen­
tially constant, the ionic product of water can be = 5.708(pJf + 1 . 7 3 4 ) k J m o r

written as
2 2
Textbooks of analytical chemistry should be
K = [Η 0 ][ΟΗ ] m o l r + _
w 3
consulted for further details concerning the
The value of K depends on the temperature,
ionization of weak acids and bases and the theory
being 0.69 χ 1 0 - m o l r atO°C, 1.00 χ 1 0 ~
1 4 2 2 14
of indicators, buffer solutions, and acid-alkali
039 40
at 25°C and 47.6 χ 1 0 ^ at 100°C. It follows 14
titrations. "
that the hydrogen-ion concentration in pure water Various trends have long been noted in the
at 25°C is 1 0 ~ m o l l . Acids increase this _ 1
acid strengths of many binary hydrides and
concentration by means of the reaction oxoacids. Values for some simple hydrides
are given in Table 3.4 from which it is clear
HA 4- H 0 2 H 0 + + A";
that acid strength increases with atomic number
= [H3O+HA-] both in any one horizontal period and in any
[HA][H 0] 2

3 9

It is to be understood that all the species are in A. I. VOGEL, Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 5th edn.,
Sections 2 . 1 2 - 2 . 2 7 , pp. 3 1 - 6 0 . Longman, London, 1989.
aqueous solution and the symbol HA implies only 4 0
A. HULANICKI, Reactions of Acids and Bases in Analytical
that the (aquatéd) species can act as a proton Chemistry, Ellis Horwood (Wiley), Chichester, 1987, 308 pp.
donor: it can be a neutral species (e.g. H S ) , 2
4 1
D . ROSENTHAL and P. ZUMAN, Acid-base equilibria,
an anion (e.g. Η Ρ θ 4 ~ ) or a cation such as
buffers and titrations in water, Chap. 18 in I. M. KOLTHOFF
and P. J. ELVING (eds.), Treatise on Analytical Chemistry, 2nd
edn., Vol. 2, Part 1, 1979, pp. 1 5 7 - 2 3 6 . Succeeding chapters
3 8
R . P . BELL, The Proton in Chemistry, 2nd edn. Chapman (pp. 2 3 7 - 4 4 0 ) deal with acid-base equilibria and titrations
& Hall, London, 1973, 223 pp. in non-aqueous solvents.
§3.5 Protonic acids and bases 49

The Concept of pH -
Hie now niaversally used measure of the hydiogen-ton cxHicjentnitton was Imoêmé k S 9 0 ¥ ^ à » ^ ^
S. Ε Lv Sffcensen during Ms wot* at te Carlsberg Breweries {Biochem, Ζ 21,131,1909):

The symbol pH derives from the French /wiswnr^ d'hydrogène,referringto the e x r x ^ t or "power of ten" a^d to

whl h i ^ ^ have a lower pH. For example, a stiongidàof c o n « p a f | g | i

pH 3, whereas a strong alkali of the same cojicentraOon has pH 11 since [H3O+J = 10~ /[OIT] m\ 14

Untaunately, it is tar simpler 10 define pH thantomeasure it, despite the commercial j

pugg***toéo mis, Most instruments use an electrochemical cell such as
glass eleetrodeftest solution|3.5 m KCl(aq)(Hg Cl2|Hg 2 ;/
Assuming thai me glass electrode shows an idea! hydrogen electrode response, the einf of th^cel! i ^ ^ p @ p # | o n m e
magnitude of the liquid junction potential E and me activity coefficients y of me ionjb species;, - : ; ί φ φ <
s , > H ?

fréter -V . · .\>
t ^.«, ' ^ r : A f v ^ - - * '* * V ^ ; > v / ' ; | | ^ # ^ ^ # : ' : / .
For to reason the pH ^ " '
simple furidamental significance. It Is defined by the equation

pH(X)s*pH(S)-f ^^falo^
whcrt pH(S)u the assigned pH of a standard buffer solution such as those supplied wi&ph meÉets,
Only in the case of dilute aqueous solutions (<&1 rnoir ) which are neither strongly acid or aUbn1ne(2 < p H < 12)

'\ \ ^ ' [ Τ :. \ '

4 pue*) * - fagOTty* ± om /

.«*β» ? * î %&,mm® ionic activity coefficient of a typical uni-univalent electrolyte, is #ve» fey /'$ ν - p> :

In this expression / is the ionic strength of the solution and Λ is a ten^)erature*dependent constant (OJlli mol"? at
25°C; 0.50!^ mori at 15°C). It is clearly unwise to associate a pH meter reading too closely with pH unless under very
controlled conditions, and still less sensible to relate the reading to the actual hydrogen-ion conœntrarion in solution.
For tether discussion of pH measurements, see Pure AppL Chem. 57, 531 -42 (1985): Definition of pH Scales, Standard
Reference Values, Measurement of pH and Related Terminology. Also CaE News, Oct 20, 1997, p. 6.

Table 3.4 A p p r o x i m a t e v a l u e s o f pK a for s i m p l e periodic table could be ascribed to the increasing

hydrides electronegativity of the elements which would
CH 4 46 NH^ 35 OH 2 16 FH 3 favour release of the proton, but this is clearly
PH 3 27 SH2 7 C1H -7 not the dominant effect within any one group
SeH 2 4 BrH -9 since the trend there is in precisely the opposite
TeH 2 3 IH -10
direction. Within a group it is the diminution
in bond strength with increasing atomic number
that prevails, and entropies of solvation are
vertical group. Several attempts have been made also important. It should, perhaps, also be
to interpret these trends, at least qualitatively, emphasized that thermodynamic computations
but the situation is complex. The trend to do not "explain" the observed acid strengths;
increasing acidity from left to right in the they merely allocate the overall values of AG,
50 Hydrogen Ch. 3

AH and AS to various notional subprocesses „ [Η+][ΗΡ0 -] 4

ο „ _ !
such as bond dissociation energies, ionization K 2 = 6 3 1 X 1 0 m 0 1 1 ;
= [Η Ρ0 -]2 4

energies, electron affinities, heats and entropies

ρΚ 2 = 7.20
of hydration, etc., which themselves have
empirically observed values that are difficult to 2
Η Ρ 0 " = = = Η+ + Ρ 0
4 4
compute ab initio. 3
[Η+][Ρ0 -] 4
Regularities in the observed strengths of Κ 3 = = 4.22 χ Ι Ο " mol Γ ; 1 3 1

oxoacids have been formulated in terms of two [ΗΡ0 -] 4

rules by L. Pauling and others: ρΚ 3 = 12.37

(i) for polybasic mononuclear oxoacids,

Qualitatively, a reduction in pK for each succes­ a

successive acid dissociation constants

sive stage of ionization is to be expected since the
diminish approximately in the ratios
5 10
proton must separate from an anion of increas­
1:10- :ΚΓ :...; ingly negative charge, though the approximately
(ii) the value of the first ionization constant constant reduction factor of 10 is more difficult 5

for acids of formula X O ( O H ) „ depends m

to rationalize quantitatively.
sensitively on m but is approximately inde­ Acids which illustrate the second rule are sum­
pendent of η and X for constant m, being marized in Table 3.5. The qualitative explanation
8 2 3
< 1 ( T for m = 0, ~ 1 0 " for m = 1, M O for this regularity is that, with increasing numbers
for m = 2, and > 1 0 for m = 3. of oxygen atoms the single negative charge on the
anion can be spread more widely, thereby reduc­
Thus to illustrate the first rule:
ing the electrostatic energy attracting the proton
and facilitating the ionization. On this basis one
Η Ρ0 ^=^Η++Η Ρθ4;
3 4 2
might expect an even more dramatic effect if the
[H+][H P0 -] 2 4
- 3 1
anion were monoatomic (e.g. S , S e , Te ~) 2 - 2 - 2

= 7.11 χ Ί Ο moll"" ;
[H3PO4] since the attraction of these dianions for protons
will be very strong and the acid dissociation con­
pK } =2.15
stant of S H " , SeH~ and TeH~ correspondingly
Η ΡΟ,'4
2 ^= Η +
+ ΗΡ0 -; 4
small; this is indeed observed and the ratio of

Table 3.5 Values o f pK a for s o m e m o n o n u c l e a r o x o a c i d s X O ( O H ) m n (pK % S-5n)


X(OH)„ XO(OH)„ X0 (OH)„

2 X0 (OH)„ 3

(very w e a k ) (weak) (strong) (very strong)

Cl(OH) 7.2 NO(OH) 3.3 N0 (OH)

2 -1.4 C10 (OH) 3 (-10)
Br(OH) 8.7 CIO(OH) 2.0 C10 (OH) 2 -1 Mn0 (OH) 3 —
I(OH) 10.0 CO(OH) 2
3.9 ( a )
I0 (OH)
2 0.8
B(OH) 3
9.2 SO(OH) 2
1.9 S0 (OH)
2 2 <0
As(OH) 3
9.2 SeO(OH) 2 2.6 Se0 (OH) 2 2 <0
Sb(OH) 3
11.0 TeO(OH) 2 2.7
Si(OH) 4
10.0 PO(OH) 3 2.1
Ge(OH) 4
8.6 AsO(OH) 3 2.3
Te(OH) 6
8.8 IO(OH) 5
HPO(OH) 2 1.8 (b)

( b )
2 2.0
Corrected for the fact that only 0.4% of dissolved C 0 is in the form of H C 0 ; the conventional value is pK 6.5. 2 2 3 a

N o t e that the value of pK for hypophosphorous acid H Pt> is consistent with its (correct) formulation as HPO(OH) rather
a 3 3 2

than as P(OH) , which would be expected to have pK > 8. Similarly for H P 0 , which is H PO(OH) rather than HP(OH) .
3 a 3 2 2 2
§3.5 Protonic acids and bases 51

Table 3.6 First and s e c o n d ionization constants or hydroxobridged polynuclear species that
for H S , H S e and H T e
2 2 2
eventually precipitate as hydrous oxides (see
p*i pK 2
ApK discussion of the chemistry of many elements in
later chapters). A useful summary is in Fig. 3.4.
H S 2 7 14 1
H Se 4 12 8
By contrast, extensive studies of the pK values a

H Te 2 3 11 8 of hydrated metal ions in solution has generated

a wealth of numerical data but no generalizations
such as those just discussed for the hydrides
the first and second dissociation constants is M O 8
and oxoacids of the non-metals. Typical pK Q

rather than 1 0 (Table 3.6). 5

values fall in the range 3 - 1 4 and, as expected,
The results for dinuclear and polynuclear there is a general tendency for protolysis to be
oxoacids are also consistent with this interpre­ greater (pK values to be lower) the higher the

tation. Thus for phosphoric acid, H4P2O7, the cationic charge. For example, aqueous solutions
successive pK values are 1.5, 2.4, 6.6 and 9.2;
of iron(III) salts are more acidic than solutions
the ~ 10-fold decrease between pATi and pK 2
of the corresponding iron(II) salts. However, it
(instead of a decrease of 10 ) is related to the 5
is difficult to discern any regularities in pK for a

fact that ionization occurs from two different series of cations of the same ionic charge, and it
P O 4 units. The third stage ionization, however, is clear that specific "chemical" effects must also
is M O less than the first stage and the differ­ be considered.
ence between the mean of the first two and the Br0nsted acidity is not confined to dilute
last two ionization constants is ~ 5 χ 1 0 . aqueous solutions and the ideas developed in the
Another phenomenon that is closely associated preceding pages can be extended to proton donors
with acid-base equilibria is the so-called hydrol­ in nonaqueous s o l u t i o n s . In organic solvents
ysis of metal cations in aqueous solution, which and anhydrous protonic liquids the concepts
is probably better considered as the protolysis of of hydrogen-ion concentration and pH, if not
hydrated cations, e.g.: actually meaningless, are certainly operationally
inapplicable and acidity must be defined on some
"hydrolysis": other scale. The one most frequently used is
Fe 3 +
+ H 0 ===== [ F e ( O H ) ] 2+
+ H + the Hammett acidity function Ho which enables

various acids to be compared in a given solvent

protolysis: and a given acid to be compared in various
[Fe(H 0) ] ++H 0==== 3 solvents. For the equilibrium between a base
2 6 2

and its conjugate acid (frequently a coloured

2 +
[Fe(H 0) (OH)] 2 5 + H3O+; pK 3.05 a indicator)

[ F e ( H 0 ) ( O H ) ] + + H 0 =====
2 5
2 Β + H+ ===== BH+
[Fe(H 0) (OH) ]+ + H 0 ;
2 4 2 3 pK 3.26 a the acidity function is defined as

It is these reactions that impart the characteristic Ho = pK BH+ - log{[BH+]/[B]}

yellow to reddish-brown coloration of the
In very dilute solutions
hydroxoaquo species to aqueous solutions of
iron(III) salts, whereas the undissociated ion K +
BH = [B][H+]/[BH+]
3 +
[ F e ( H 0 ) 6 ] is pale mauve, as seen in crystals

of iron(III) alum { [ F e ( H 0 ) ] [ K ( H 0 ) ] ( S 0 ) } 2 6 2 6 4 2
4 2
L . G . SILLÉN, Q. Rev. (London) 1 3 , 1 4 6 - 6 8 ( 1 9 6 9 ) ; Pure

and iron(III) nitrate { [ F e ( H 0 ) ] ( N 0 ) . 3 H 0 } . Appl. Chem. 1 7 , 5 5 - 7 8 ( 1 9 6 8 ) .

2 6 3 3 2
4 3
C. H. ROCHESTER, Acidity Functions, Academic Press,
Such reactions may proceed to the stage
London, 1 9 7 0 , 3 0 0 pp.
where the diminished charge on the hydrated 4 4
G . A. OLAH, G . K . S . PRAKASH and J. SOMMER, Super­
cation permits the formation of oxobridged, acids, Wiley, New York, 1 9 8 5 , 3 7 1 pp.
Figure 3.4 Plot o f effective i o n i c radii versus o x i d a t i o n state for various e l e m e n t s .

so that in water H$ becomes the same as pH. 3.6 The Hydrogen Bond* » 457
Some values for typical anhydrous acids are in
Table 3.7 and these are discussed in more detail The properties of many substances suggest that,
in appropriate sections of later chapters. in addition to the "normal" chemical bonding
between the atoms and ions, there exists some
T a b l e 3.7 H a m m e t t acidity functions for s o m e a n h y ­ further interaction involving a hydrogen atom
drous acids placed between two or more other groups
Acid -Ho Acid -H 0
of atoms. Such interaction is called hydrogen
H S 0 F + SbF
3 15-27 5 HF -11 bonding and, though normally weak ( 1 0 - 6 0 kJ
HF + S b F (1M) 20.4
5 H3PO4 5.0 per mol of Η-bonded H), it frequently has a
HS0 F 3 15.0 H S 0 ( 6 3 % in H 0 )
2 4 24.9 decisive influence on the structure and properties
H2SO4 12.0 HCQ H 2.2
of the substance. A hydrogen bond can be said to
exist between 2 atoms A and Β when these atoms
It will be noted that addition of SbFs to HF con­ approach more closely than would otherwise
siderably enhances its acidity and the same effect be expected in the absence of the hydrogen
can be achieved by other fluoride acceptors such atom and when, as a result, the system has
as B F and TaF :
3 5
a lower total energy. The bond is represented

2HF + MF„ ===== H F + + M F „ f 2 +

4 5 G . C . PIMENTEL and A . L . MCCLELLAN, The Hydrogen
Bond, W . H . Freeman, San Francisco, 1 9 6 0 , 4 7 5 pp.
The enhancement of the acidity of H S O 3 F by 4 6W . C. HAMILTON and J. A . IBERS, Hydrogen Bonding in
the addition of S b F is more complex and the
5 Solids, W . A . Benjamin, New York, 1 9 6 8 , 2 8 4 pp.
equilibria involved are discussed on p. 570. 4 7 J. EMSLEY, Chem. Soc. Revs. 9 , 9 1 - 1 2 4 ( 1 9 8 0 ) .
§3.6.1 Hydrogen bonds: influence on properties 53

F i g u r e 3.5 S o m e e x a m p l e s o f branched H b o n d s : (a) the bifurcated b o n d i n l , 3 - d i o x a n o l - 5 ( 4 9 ) ; and trifurcated

b o n d s in ( b ) A ^ , ^ V - b i s ( 2 - h y d r o x y e t h y l ) g l y c i n e (50) a n d ( c ) the nitrilotriacetate dianion. ( 5 , )

as A - H · · · Β and usually occurs when A is It will be convenient first to indicate the range
sufficiently electronegative to enhance the acidic of phenomena which are influenced by H bonding
nature of Η (proton donor) and where the and then to discuss more specifically the nature
acceptor Β has a region of high electron density of the bond itself according to current theories.
(such as a lone pair of electrons) which can The experimental evidence suggests that strong
interact strongly with the acidic hydrogen. In fact, H bonds can be formed when A is F, Ο or N;
the Η bond in A - H · · Β can be either linear as weaker Η bonds are sometimes formed when
in schematic structure (1) or significantly non­ A is C or a second row element, P, S, CI or
linear as in structures ( l b ) and (lc). Η-bonds can even Br, I. Strong Η bonds are favoured when
also join three adjacent atoms (bifurcated) as in the atom Β is F, Ο or Ν ; the other halogens
structure (2) or even four atoms (trifurcated) as Cl, Br, I are less effective unless negatively
in structure (3). charged and the atoms C, S and Ρ can also
sometimes act as Β in weak Η bonds. Recent
examples of C - H - · · Ν and C - H - · · C bonds are
in bis(phenylsulfonyl)trimethylbutylamine ( 4 ) (52)

Η · · Β
Η ' and the carbanion of [l.l]ferrocenophane ( 5 ) . (53)

(la) (lb) (le)

(pH4 · · · f|!H · · · (psH 4

A — Η - H ; - B 2 \ X is the S-bonded
Γ ϊ Γ
2 2 2 P h S 0 2 g r o u P
" B 2

C5H4 · · *CH · · · C5H4

(2) (3) (5)

Thus, in a recent survey of 1509 N - H - · 0 = C

hydrogen bonds in organic carbonyls or carb- 3.6.1 Influence on properties
oxylates, nearly 80% (1199) were unbranched,
some 20% (304) were bifurcated, but only 0.4% It is well known that the mps and bps of N H 3 ,
(6) were trifurcated. Some examples are in
H 0 and H F are anomalously high when com­

Fig. 3.5. pared with the mps and bps of the hydrides of
other elements in Groups 15, 16 and 17, and the

4 8 R . TAYLOR, O . KENNARD and W . VERICHEL, J. Am. Chem.

Soc. 106, 2 4 4 - 8 ( 1 9 8 4 ) . 5 1 S . H . WHITLOW, Acta Crystallogr. B28, 1 9 1 4 - 9 ( 1 9 7 2 ) .
4 9 J. L . ALONSO and Ε. B . WILSON, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 102, 5 2 R. L . HARLOW, C . LI and M. P . SAMMES, J. Chem. Soc,
1248-51 (1980). Chem. Commun., 8 1 8 - 9 (1984).
5 0 V . CODY, J. HAZEL and D . LANGS, Acta Crvstallogr. B33, 5 3 P . AHLBERG and O . DAVIDSSON, J. Chem. Soc, Chem.
905-7 (1977). Commun., 6 2 3 - 4 (1987).
54 Hydrogen Ch. 3

same effect is noted for the heats of vaporization, free-energy change on passing from the solid to
as shown in Fig. 3.6. The explanation normally the liquid phase:
given is that there is some residual interaction (H
bonding) between the molecules of N H , H2O 3
AG m = AH -T AS =0;
m m m

and HF which is absent for methane, and either hence T m = AH /ASm m

absent or much weaker for heavier hydrides. This

argument is probably correct in outline but is It can be seen that a high mp implies either a high
deceptively oversimplified since it depends on the enthalpy of melting, or a low entropy of melting,
assumption that only some of the H bonds in solid or both. Similar arguments apply to vaporization
HF (for example) are broken during the melting and the bp, and indicate the difficulties in quan­
process and that others are broken on vaporiza­ tifying the discussion.
tion, though not all, since HF is known to be Other properties that are influenced by H
substantially polymerized even in the gas phase. bonding are solubility and miscibility, heats
The mp is the temperature at which there is zero of mixing, phase-partitioning properties, the

F i g u r e 3.6 Plots s h o w i n g the h i g h v a l u e s o f m p , b p and heat o f vaporization o f N H , H 0 and H F w h e n c o m p a r e d

3 2

with other hydrides. N o t e a l s o that the m p o f C H ( - 1 8 2 . 5 ° C ) is slightly h i g h e r than that o f S i H

4 4

§3.6.1 Hydrogen bonds: influence on properties 55

existence of azeotropes, and the sensitivity of mainly in the range 5 0 - 7 5 o h m c m m o l .

- 1 2 - 1

chromatographic separation. Liquid crystals (or (To convert to mobility, t ; c m s V , divide

2 _ 1 _ 1

mesophases) which can be regarded as "partly by 9 6 4 8 5 C m o l . ) It is also notable that the

- 1

melted" solids also frequently involve molecules dielectric constant is not linearly related to
that have Η-bonded groups (e.g. cholestérols, molecular dipole moments for Η-bonded liquids
polypeptides, etc.). Again, H bonding frequently being much higher due to the orientating effect
results in liquids having a higher density and of the H bonds: large domains are able to
lower molar volume than would otherwise have
align in an applied electric field so that the
been expected, and viscosity is also affected (e.g.
molecular dipoles reinforce one another rather
glycerol, anhydrous H2SO4, H3PO4, etc.).
than cancelling each other due to random thermal
Electrical properties of liquids and solids are
motion. Some examples are given in Fig. 3.7,
sometimes crucially influenced by H bonding.
which also illustrates the substantial influence
The ionic mobility and conductance of ^ 0 +
of temperature on the dielectric constant of H-
and OH~ in aqueous solutions are substantially
bonded liquids presumably due to the progressive
greater than those of other univalent ions
due to a proton-switch mechanism in the H- thermal dissociation of the H bonds. Even
bonded associated solvent, water. For example, more dramatic are the properties of ferroelectric
at 25°C the conductance of H 0 and OH~
3 +
crystals where there is a stable permanent electric
are 350 and 192 o h m c m m o l , whereas for
- 1 2 - 1
polarization (see Fig. 3.8). Hydrogen bonding
other (viscosity-controlled) ions the values fall is one of the important ordering mechanisms

F i g u r e 3.7 Dielectric constant o f s e l e c t e d liquids.

responsible for this phenomenon as discussed in Most of these effects correlate roughly with
more detail in the Panel o p p o s i t e . (54,55) the strength of the Η bond and are particularly
Intimate information about the nature of the noticeable when the bond is strong. For example,
H bond has come from vibrational spectroscopy for isolated non-H-bonded hydrogen groups,
(infrared and Raman), proton nmr spectroscopy, y ( O - H ) normally occurs near 3 5 0 0 - 3 6 0 0 c m

and diffraction techniques (X-ray and neutron). In and is less than 10 c m - 1 broad whereas in the
vibrational spectroscopy the presence of a hydro­ presence of O - H · · · Ο bonding y t i s y m drops

gen bond A - H · Β is manifest by the following to M 7 0 0 - 2 0 0 0 c m , is several hundred c m

- 1 - 1

effects: broad, and much more intense. A similar effect

of Δ ν - 1 5 0 0 - 2 0 0 0 c m is noted on F - H · · F
- 1

(i) the A - H stretching frequency y shifts to formation and smaller shifts have been found for
lower wave numbers; N - H · · · F (Αν < 1 0 0 0 c m " ) , N - H · Ο (Ay <

(ii) the breadth and intensity of y ( A - H ) 4 0 0 c m " ) , O - H - N (Ay < 1 0 0 c m " ) , etc. A
1 1

increase markedly, often more than full discussion of these effects, including the
tenfold; influence of solvent, concentration, temperature
(iii) the bending mode <5(A-H) shifts to higher and pressure, is given in ref. 45. Suffice it to note
wave numbers; that the magnitude of the effect is much greater
(iv) new stretching and bending modes of the than expected on a simple electrostatic theory of
Η bond itself sometimes appear at very hydrogen bonding, and this implies appreciable
low wave numbers ( 2 0 - 2 0 0 c m ) . - 1
electron derealization (covalency) particularly
for the stronger Η bonds.
C. KITTELL, Introduction to Solid State Physics,
5 4 5th edn., Proton nmr spectroscopy has also proved
Chap. 13, pp. 3 9 9 - 4 3 1 . Wiley, New York, 1976.
valuable in studying Η-bonded systems. As
5 5H.-G. UNRUH, Ferroelectrics in Ullmann's Encyclopedia
of Industrial Chemistry, Vol. A10, VCH, Weinheim, 1987, might be expected, substantial chemical shifts
pp. 3 0 9 - 2 1 , and references cited therein. are observed and information can be obtained
§3.6.1 Hydrogen bonds: influence on properties 57
58 Hydrogen Ch. 3
Hie closely related phenomenon of annferroelectric behaviour is also kaown, M which there h an ordered, self-
cancelling arrangement of permanent electric dipole moments below a certain transition temperature; H bonding is again
implicated in the ordering mechanism for several aminonium salts of this type, e.g. (Νί^Η^Κ^ 148 Κ, (ΝΗ^^ΡΟ*
242 K. (NH4)H As0 216K, (NHOD^AsC^ 304 & and (NRihHjIQ* 254 Κ, As with ferroelectrics, antiferroe^n^ can
2 4

also arise by a displacive mechanism in perovskite-type structures, and epical examples, w u t thek transition tempera­
tures, are: ' ' ': .- - " '>· ; '^''\·-.
1 : ! '' ^ '^^^Χ'Κ^'
< Ίτ^--ν ,, - / ; ' . ί > ^ *
; >

FhZr0 506Κ, PbHfOa 488 Κ, NaNbOs 793,911Κ WOa 1010 Κ.


Ferroelectrics have many practical applications: they can he nsed as inhsiamte ceraj^ capacitors because of their large
capacitance, and their dectro-optical characteristics enable them go modulate and deflect laser beams. Ine temperatnre
dependence of spontaneous polarization in<htces a s i n ^
detection. Many applications depend on me lad mat all ferroelectrics aie also pkzoeiectrics. ftc^le<aricity is the property
of acquiring (or altering) an electric polarization Ρ under external mechanical stress, or conversely, te prt^erty of c h a n g e
size (or shape) when subjected to an external electric field E. Inns ferroelectrics have been used as transducers to convert
mechanical pulses into electrical ones and vice versa, and and extensive application in ultrasonic generators, mksophoiies,
and gramophone pickups; they can also be used as fre<|uency controllers, electric titers* modulating devices, frequency
muldpliers, and as switches, counters and omer bistable elements in computer circuits. A further ingeneous application §S^A £•
in delay lines by means of which an electric signal Is transformed into an acoustic signal which passes
down the piezoelectric rod at the velocity of sound unfit at ttië other end, ϋ is reconverted into a (delayed) electric, signal.
It should be noted that, whereas ferroelectrics are necessarily piezoelecnm the converse need not apply. The necessary
condition for a crystal to be riezoele<^ is that M Of me 32 point groups, 20
qualify for piezoelectricity on mis criterion; bot fœ Émockc&te behaviour a further criterion is required (the possession
of a single non-eqpnvalent direction) and only 10 space groups meet mis additional tequir^^
that is pkioetoric but not ferroeie<^ since Êà;p$M^
quartz for oscillator stabilization has permitted ^ffry^^pBMWil. <Hf^yMwiw^y accurate clocks (1 in I0 ) and has also made



concerning Η-bond dissociation, proton exchange there is a magnetic anisotropy effect due to B;
times, and other relaxation processes. The this will be positive (upfield shift) if the principal
chemical shift always occurs to low field and symmetry axis of Β is towards the Η bond, but
some typical values are tabulated below for the the effect is presumably small since the overall
shifts which occur between the gas and liquid shift is always downfield.
phases or on dilution in an inert solvent: Ultraviolet and visible spectra are also
influenced by Η bonding, but the effects are more
Compound CH 4 C H
2 6 CHC1 3 HCN NH 3 PH 3
difficult to quantify and have been rather less
<5ppm 0 0 0.30 1.65 1.05 0.78 used than ir and nmr. It has been found that the
Compound H 0
2 H S
2 HF HC1 H B r HI η -> 7Γ* transition of the base Β always moves to
<5ppm 4.58 1.50 6.65 2.05 1.78 2 . 5 5 high frequency (blue shift) on Η-bond formation,
the magnitude of Av being ~ 3 0 0 - 4 0 0 0 c m - 1

The low-field shift is generally interpreted, for bands in the region 15 0 0 0 - 3 5 000 c m . By - 1

at least qualitatively, in terms of a decrease contrast π -> π* transitions on the base Β usually
in diamagnetic shielding of the proton: the move to lower frequencies (red shift) and shifts
formation of A - H · Β tends to draw Η are in the range —500 to —2300 c m for bands
- 1

towards Β and to repel the bonding electrons in the region 30 0 0 0 - 4 7 000 c m " . Detailed

in A - H towards A thus reducing the electron interpretations of these data are somewhat
density about Η and reducing the shielding. The complex and obscure, but it will be noted that the
strong electric field due to Β also inhibits the shifts are approximately of the same magnitude
diamagnetic circulation within the Η atom and as the enthalpy of formation of many Η bonds
this further reduces the shielding. In addition, (83.59 c m per atom = 1 k J m o l ) .
- 1 - 1
§3.6.2 Hydrogen bonds: influence on structure 59


I Ov ,0

0 0 Ο 0 ο


C c

O - H Ο 265 pm
in both cases -Cv
Ο c ο


α - f o r m : layer structure with easy cleavage (H b o n d s remain intact)

Η — O ^ ^O—Η—Ο ^O—H—O^ —

/ c - c x / C - c x / C - c x

—Ο Ο—Η—Ο Ο—Η—Ο Ο—Η

β-form : long chains giving crystals that cleave into laths parallel to the chain

F i g u r e 3.9 S c h e m a t i c representation o f the t w o f o r m s o f o x a l i c acid, (-C0 H) .2 2

3 . 6 . 2 Influence cn structure (56 57)

with F - H - F distance 249 pm and the angle
HFH 120.Γ. Likewise, the crystal structure
The crystal structure of many compounds is of N H 4 H F 2 is completely determined by Η
dominated by the effect of Η bonds, and bonds, each nitrogen atom being surrounded by
numerous examples will emerge in ensuing 8 fluorines, 4 in tetrahedral array at 280 pm due
chapters. Ice (p. 624) is perhaps the classic to the formation of N - H · F bonds, and 4
example, but the layer lattice structure of B ( O H ) further away at about 310 pm; the two sets of

(p. 203) and the striking difference between the fluorine atoms are themselves bonded pairwise
a- and β-forms of oxalic and other dicarboxylic at 232 pm by F - H - F interactions. Ammonium
azide N H 4 N 3 has the same structure as N H 4 H F 2 ,
acids is notable (Fig. 3.9). The more subtle
with N - H · · Ν 298 pm. Hydrogen bonding also
distortions that lead to ferroelectric phenomena
leads N H F to crystallize with a structure
in K H 2 P O 4 and other crystals have already
different from that of the other ammonium (and
been noted (p. 57). Hydrogen bonds between
alkali) halides: N H 4 C I , N H B r and N H I each 4 4
fluorine atoms result in the formation of infinite
have a low-temperature CsCl-type structure and a
zigzag chains in crystalline hydrogen fluoride
high-temperature NaCl-type structure, but N H 4 F
adopts the wurtzite (ZnS) structure in which each
5 6
L. PAULING, The Nature of the Chemical Bond, 3rd edn., NH +
group is surrounded tetrahedrally by 4 F
Chap. 12, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, 1960.
5 7
to which it is bonded by 4 N - H · · F bonds
A. F. WELLS, Structural Inorganic Chemistry, 5th edn.,
Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1984, 1382 pp. at 271pm. This is very similar to the structure
60 Hydrogen Ch. 3
( 4 6 5 7 )
Table 3.8 L e n g t h o f typical H b o n d s '

Bond Length/pm E/pm ( a )


F- H- F 227 (270) NaHF , KHF 2 2

F- H. • F 245-249 (270) KH4F5, H F

0 - -H •F 265-287 (275) CuF .2H 0, FeSiF .6H 02 2 6 2

0 - -H •Cl 295-310 (320) HCI.H2O, ( N H O H ) C l , C u C l . 2 H 0 3 2 2

0 - -H • B r 320-340 (335) NaBr.2H 0, HBr.4H 0 2 2

0 - -H-- 0 240-263 (280) Ni dimethylglyoxime, K H maleate, H C r 0 2

Na H(C0 ) .2H 0 3 3 2 2

0 -H •0 248-290 (280) K H P 0 , N H H P 0 , K H A s 0 , AlOOH,

2 4 4 2 4 2 4

c * - H I 0 , n u m e r o u s hydrated metal sulfates


and nitrates
Ο -H •S 310-340 (325) MgS 0 .6H 0 2 3 2

Ο -H •· Ν 268-279 (290) N H .4MeOH, N H . H 0

2 4 2 4 2

N--H •·F 262-296 (285) NH F, N H F , (N H )SiF

4 2 6 2 2 6 6

N--H α 300-320 (330) Me NHCl, Me NH Cl, (NH OH)Cl

3 2 2 3

N-- H I 346 (365) Me NHI3

N--H • 0 281-304 (290) H S 0 N H , (NH ) S0 , NH OOCH, CO(NH )

3 2 4 2 4 4 2 2

N-- H •s 323, 329 (335) N H (HS)

2 5

N-- H •· Ν 294-315 (300) N H N , N C N C ( N H ) (i.e. d i c y a n d i a m i d e )

4 3 2 2

P - Η- • · I 424 (405) PH I 4

( a )
E = sum of van der Waals' radii (in pm) of A and Β (ignoring Η which has a value of ~ 120 pm) and
using the values F 135, Cl 180, Br 195, I 215; Ο 140, S 185; Ν 150, Ρ 190.

of ordinary ice. Typical values of A - H · · · Β into larger structural units. These may be:
distances found in crystals are given in Table 3.8. 3
finite groups: H F " ; [ 0 C O - H - · O C 0 ] ~ 2 2 2
The precise position of the Η atom in
in N a H ( C 0 ) 2 . 2 H 2 0 dimers of carboxylic
3 3
crystalline compounds containing Η bonds has
acids, etc.;
excited considerable experimental and theoret­
infinite chains: HF, HCN, H C 0 " , H S 0 " , 3 4

ical interest. In situations where a symmet­

ric Η bond is possible in principle, it is fre­ infinite layers: N H F , B(OH) , B 0 ( O H ) , 2 6 2 3 3 3 3

quently difficult to decide whether the proton H S 0 , etc.; 2 4

is vibrating with a large amplitude about a sin­ three-dimensional nets: NH4F, H2O, H2O2,
gle potential minimum or whether it is vibrating Te(OH) , H2PO4- in K H P 0 , etc. 6 2 4

with a smaller amplitude but is also statistically

disordered between two close sites, the potential Η bonding also vitally influences the conforma­
tion and detailed structure of the polypeptide
energy barrier between the two sites being
(46,47) chains of protein molecules and the comple­
small. It now seems well established that
mentary intertwined polynucleotide chains which
the F - H - F bond is symmetrical in NaHF2 and (56,58)
form the double helix in nucleic a c i d s . Thus,
KHF2, and that the O - H - O bond is symmetrical
proteins are built up from polypeptide chains of
in HCrC>2. Other examples are the intra-molecular
the type shown at the top of the next column.
Η bonds in potassium hydrogen maleate,
These chains are coiled in a precise way
K [ d 5 - C H = C H C ( 0 ) 0 - H - O C ( 0 ) ] - and its which is determined to a large extent by
monochloro derivative: Numerous other exam­ N - H · Ο hydrogen bonds of length 279 ±
ples of Η bonding will be found in later chapters.
In summary, we can see that Η bonding influ­ 5 8
G . A . JEFFREY and W . SAENGER, Hydrogen Bonding in
ences crystal structure by linking atoms or groups Biological Structures, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1991, 567 pp.
§3.6.3 Strength of hydrogen bonds and theoretical description 61

of developments of fundamental importance in

biochemistry. (58)

3.6.3 Strength of hydrogen bonds and

theoretical description (59)

Measurement of the properties of H-bonded

systems over a range of temperatures leads
to experimental values of AG, AH and
12 pm depending on the amino-acid residue AS for Η-bond formation, and these data
involved. Each amide group is attached by such have been supplemented in recent years
a hydrogen bond to the third amide group by increasingly reliable ab initio quantum-
from it in both directions along the chain, mechanical calculations. Some typical values(60)

resulting in an α-helix of pitch (total rise of for the enthalpy of dissociation of Η-bonded pairs
helix per turn) of about 538 pm, corresponding in the gas phase are in Table 3.9.
to 3.60 amino-acid residues per turn. These The uncertainty in these values varies
helical chains can, in turn, become stretched and between ± 1 and ± 6 k J m o l . In general, Η - 1

form hydrogen bonds with neighbouring chains bonds of energy < 2 5 k J m o l are classified as _ 1

to generate either parallel-chain pleated sheets weak; those in the range 2 5 - 4 0 kJ m o l " are 1

(repeat distances 650 pm) or antiparallel-chain medium; and those having AH > 4 0 k J m o l - 1

pleated sheets (700 pm). are strong. Until recently, it was thought
Nucleic acids, which control the synthesis of that the strongest H bond was that in
proteins in the cells of living organisms and the hydrogendifluoride ion [ F - H - F ] ; this is -

which transfer heredity information via genes, are difficult to determine experimentally and values
also dominated by H bonding. Their structure in the range 1 5 0 - 2 5 0 kJ m o l have been - 1

involves two polynucleotide chains intertwined reported. A recent theoretically computed value is
to form a double helix. The complimentariness 1 6 9 k J m o l which agrees well with the value of
- 1

in the structure of the two chains is ascribed to 163 ± 4 k J m o l from ion cyclotron resonance
- 1

the formation of H bonds between the pyrimidine studies/ In fact, it now seems that the H

residue (thymine or cytosine) in one chain and the bond between formic acid and the fluoride ion,
purine residue (adenine or guanine) in the other
as illustrated in Fig. 3.10. Whilst there is still 5 9 A . C. LEGON and D . J. MILLEN, Chem. Soc. Revs. 21,
some uncertainty as to the precise configuration 71-8 (1992).
P. A . KOLLMAN, Chap. 3 in H . F . SCHAEFFER (ed.),
of the N - H · Ο and N - H · · · Ν hydrogen bonds 6 0

Applications of Electronic Structure Theory, Plenum Press,

in particular cases, the extraordinary fruitfulness New York, 1 9 7 7 .
of these basic ideas has led to a profusion 6 1 J. EMSLEY, Polyhedron 4, 4 8 9 - 9 0 (1985).

Table 3.9 Enthalpy of dissociation of Η-bonded pairs in the gas phase,

A// 2 9 8 (A-H...B)/kJmor 1

Weak Medium Strong

HSH-- SH 2 7 FH- · F H 29 HOH- · -Cr 55

NCH- · NCH 16 C1H- • O M e 2 30 HCONH - · OCHNH2 2 59
2 ••NH 3 17 FH- · • O H
MeOH • OHMe 19 HOH- - F - 98
HOH- · •OH 2 22 H OH+ - · OH
2 2 151
FH- - F - 169
HC0 H- 2 F" -200
62 Hydrogen Ch. 3

F i g u r e 3.10 Structural details o f the bridging units b e t w e e n pairs o f b a s e s in separate strands o f the d o u b l e helix
o f D N A : (a) the t h y m i n e - a d e n i n e pair (b) the c y t o s i n e - g u a n i n e pair.
§3.6.3 Strength of hydrogen bonds and theoretical description 63

[HCC^H- · F ], is some 3 0 k J m o l stronger 1

possible to apportion the energy obtained from
than that calculated on the same basis for ab initio SCF-MO calculations in this w a y .
H F 2 -.(62) For example, in one particular calculation
Early discussions on the nature of the hydrogen for the water dimer HOH- · OH2, the five
bond tended to adopt an electrostatic approach energy terms enumerated above were calculated
in order to avoid the implication of a covalency tO be: £ l e c stat ~~ 26.5,
e £p uli +
a 18, iipolar ~ 2,
greater than one for hydrogen. Indeed, such E h tr — 7.5, f d i s p O k J m o l " . There was also a

calculations can reproduce the experimental H- coupling interaction E \ — 0.5, making in all a
m x

bond energies and dipole moments, but this is total attractive force Δ £ = ^ d i m e r ~ ^ m o n o m e r s =

- 1
not a particularly severe test because of the —18.5 kJ m o l . To calculate the enthalpy change
parametric freedom in positioning the charges. Δ/Υ298 as listed on p. 6 1 , it is also necessary to
However, the purely electrostatic theory is unable consider the work of expansion and the various
to account for the substantial increase in intensity spectroscopic degrees of freedom:
of the stretching vibration v ( A - H ) on H bonding
or for the lowered intensity of the bending Δ//298 = £ o + A ( P V ) + A £ t r a n s + AE Vlb + Δ£ Γ Ο Ι

mode <5(A-H). More seriously, such a theory Such calculations can also give an indication of
does not account for the absence of correlation the influence of Η-bond formation on the detailed
between Η-bond strength and dipole moment of electron distribution within the interacting
the base, and it leaves the frequency shifts in components. There is general agreement that in
the electronic transitions unexplained. Nonlinear the system X - A - H - B - Y as compared with
A - H - · Β bonds would also be unexpected, the isolated species Χ Α Η and BY, there is a
though numerous examples of angles in the range net gain of electron density by X, A and Β and
150-180° are k n o w n . a net loss of electrons by Η and Y. There is
Valence-bond descriptions envisage up to five also a small transfer of electronic charge (~0.05
contributions to the total bond wave function, electrons) from BY to Χ Α Η in moderately strong
but these are now considered to be merely 1
Η bonds ( 2 0 - 4 0 kJ m o l " ) . In virtually all neutral
computational devices for approximating to the dimers, the increase in the A - H bond length on
true wave function. Perturbation theory has also Η-bond formation is quite small ( < 5 pm), the
been employed and apportions the resultant one exception so far studied theoretically being
bond energy between (1) the electrostatic energy C1H- · NH3, where the proton position in the H
of interaction between the fixed nuclei and bond is half-way between completely transferred
the electron distribution of the component to NH3 and completely fixed on HC1.
molecules, (2) Pauli exchange repulsion energy It follows from the preceding discussion that
between electrons of like spin, (3) polarization the unbranched H bond can be regarded as a
energy resulting from the attraction between the 3-centre 4-electron bond A - H · · Β in which
polarizable charge cloud of one molecule and the 2 pairs of electrons involved are the bond
the permanent multipoles of the other molecule, pair in A - H and the lone pair on B. The
(4) quantum-mechanical charge-transfer energy, degree of charge separation on bond formation
and (5) dispersion energy, resulting from second- will depend on the nature of the proton-donor
order induced dipole-induced dipole attraction. group AH and the Lewis base B. The relation
The results suggest that electrostatic effects between this 3-centre bond formalism and the
predominate, particularly for weak bonds, but 3-centre bond descriptions frequently used for
that covalency effects increase in importance as boranes, polyhalides and compounds of xenon
the strength of the bond increases. It is also is particularly instructive and is elaborated in

6 2
J. EMSLEY, O . P . A . HOYTE and R . E . OVERILL, J. Chem. 6 3
H . UMEYAMA and K . MOROKUMA, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 99,
Soc, Chem. Commun., 2 2 5 ( 1 9 7 7 ) . 1 3 1 6 - 3 2 (1977).
64 Hydrogen Ch. 3

Figure 3.11 S c h e m a t i c representation o f the energy l e v e l s in various t y p e s o f 3-centre b o n d . T h e B - H - B ("elec­

tron deficient") b o n d is non-linear, the ("electron e x c e s s " ) F - X e - F b o n d is linear, and the A - H •Β
h y d r o g e n b o n d can b e either linear or non-linear d e p e n d i n g o n the c o m p o u n d .

Fig. 3.11. Numerous examples are also known extent V, Nb, Ta; Cr; Cu; and Zn. Hydrides of
in which hydrogen acts as a bridge between other transition elements are either non-existent
metallic elements in binary and more complex or poorly characterized, with the spectacular
hydrides, and some of these will be mentioned in exception of palladium which has been more
the following section which considers the general studied than any other metal hydride s y s t e m . (67)

question of the hydrides of the elements. The situation is summarized in Fig. 3.12; this
indicates the idealized formulae of the known
hydrides though many of the d-block and f-block
3.7 Hydrides of the elements form phases of variable compositions.
It has been customary to group the binary
Elements* " * 64 6
hydrides of the elements into various classes
Hydrogen combines with many elements to according to the presumed nature of their
form binary hydrides MH* (or M H „ ) . All the m
bonding: ionic, metallic, covalent, polymeric, and
main-group elements except the noble gases and "intermediate" or "borderline". However, this is
perhaps indium and thallium form hydrides, as unsatisfactory because the nature of the bonding
do all the lanthanoids and actinoids that have is but poorly understood in many cases and
been studied. Hydrides are also formed by the the classification obscures the important point
that there is an almost continuous gradation
more electropositive transition elements, notably
in properties — and bond types(?) — between
Se, Y, La, Ac; Ti, Zr, Hf; and to a lesser
members of the various classes. It is also
somewhat misleading in implying that the various
6 4Κ . M . MACKAY, Hydrogen Compounds of the Metallic
Elements^ E. and F. N. Spon, London, 1966, 168 pp.;
bond types are mutually exclusive whereas it
Hydrides, Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 1, seems likely that more than one type of bonding
Chap. 2, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1973. is present in many cases. The situation is not
6 5E. WIBERG and E. AMBERGER, Hydrides of the Elements unique to hydrides but is also well known for
of Main Groups I-IV, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1971, 785 pp.
(eds.), Metal Hydrides, Academic Press, New York, 1968, F. A. LEWIS, The Palladium-Hydrogen
6 7 System, Academic
791 pp. Press, London, 1967, 178 pp.
§3.7 Hydrides of the elements 65


Figure 3.12 T h e hydrides o f the e l e m e n t s .

binary halides, oxides, sulfides, etc.: this serves (1920) K. Moers showed that electrolysis of
to remind us that the various bond models molten LiH (mp 692°C) gave the appropriate
represent grossly oversimplified limiting cases amount of hydrogen at the anode; the other
and that in most actual systems the position hydrides tended to decompose before they could
is more complex. For example, oxides might be melted. As expected, the ionic-bond model is
be classed as ionic (MgO), metallic (TiO, most satisfactory for the later (larger) members of
ReO^), covalent (CO2), polymeric (S1O2), or each group, and the tendency towards covalency
as intermediate between these various classes, becomes more marked for the smaller elements
though any adequate bonding theory would LiH, M g H , and particularly B e H , which is best
2 2

recognize the arbitrary nature of these distinctions described in terms of polymeric covalent bridge
which merely emphasize particular features of bonds. X-ray and neutron diffraction studies
the overall assembly of molecular orbitals and show that the alkali metal hydrides adopt the
electron populations. cubic NaCl structure (p. 242) whereas MgH2
The metals in Groups 1 and 2 of the periodic has the tetragonal T1O2 (rutile type) structure
table react directly with hydrogen to form (p. 961) and C a H , S r H and B a H adopt the
2 2 2

white, crystalline, stoichiometric hydrides of orthorhombic PbCh-type structure (p. 382). The
formula MX and MX2 respectively. The salt-like implied radius of the hydride ion H~ ( I s ) varies

character of these compounds was recognized by considerably with the nature of the metal because
G. N. Lewis in 1916 and he suggested that they of the ready deformability of the pair of electrons
contained the hydride ion H~. Shortly thereafter surrounding a single proton. Typical values are
66 Hydrogen Ch. 3

given below and these can be compared with that of La metal). Further uptake of hydrogen
r ( F " ) - 133 pm and r ( C l " ) - 184 pm. progressively diminishes this conductivity to
1 - 1 - 1
< 10" o h m c m for the cubic phase L a H 3

Free H" (cf. - 3 χ l O ^ o h m ^ c n r for Y b H ) . The 2

Compound M g H 2 LiH NaH KH RbH CsH (calculated) other Group 3 elements and the lanthanoids and
r(H"Vpm 130 137 146 152 154 152 208
actinoids are similar.
There is a lively controversy concerning the
The closest M - M approach in these compounds
interpretation of these and other properties, and
is often less than for the metal itself: this should
occasion no surprise since this is a common fea­ cogent arguments have been advanced both for
ture of many compounds in which there is sub­ the presence of hydride ions H~ and for the

stantial separation of charge. For example, the presence of protons H in the d-block and

shortest C a - C a interatomic distance is 393 pm in f-block hydride p h a s e s . These difficulties

calcium metal, 360 pm in CaH2, 380 pm in CaF2, emphasize again the problems attending any
and only 340 pm in CaO (why?). classification based on presumed bond type, and
a phenomenological approach which describes
The thermal stability of the alkali metal
the observed properties is a sounder initial basis
hydrides decreases from lithium to caesium, the
temperature at which the reversible dissociation for discussion. Thus the predominantly ionic
pressure of hydrogen reaches lOmmHg being nature of a phase cannot safely be inferred either
- 5 5 0 ° C for LiH, - 2 1 0 ° C for NaH and KH, and from crystal structure or from calculated lattice
~170°C for RbH and CsH. The corresponding energies since many metallic alloys adopt the
figures for the alkaline earth metal hydrides are NaCl-type or CsCl-type structures (e.g. LaBi, β-
C a H 885°C, S r H 585°C and B a H 230°C, brass) and enthalpy calculations are notoriously
2 2 2

though for MgH2 it is only 85°C. Chemical insensitive to bond type.

reactivity depends markedly on both the purity The hydrides of limiting composition MH3
and the state of subdivision but increases from have complex structures and there is evidence
lithium to caesium and from calcium to barium that the third hydrogen is sometimes less strongly
with CaH2 being rather less reactive than LiH. bound in the crystal. For the earlier (larger)
The reaction of water with these latter two lanthanoids La, Ce, Pr and Nd, hydrogen enters
compounds forms a convenient portable source octahedral sites and L n H has the cubic Li Bi 3 3

of hydrogen, but with NaH the reaction is more structure. For Y and the smaller lanthanoids
violent than with sodium itself. RbH and CsH Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm and Lu, as
actually ignite spontaneously in dry air. well as for the actinoids Np, Pu and Am, the
Turning next to Group 3, Fig. 3.12 indicates hexagonal H0H3 structure is adopted. This is a
that hydrides of limiting stoichiometry MH2 are rather complex structure based on an extended
also formed by Se, Y, La, Ac and by most unit cell containing 6 Ho and 18 H a t o m s .
of the lanthanoids and actinoids. In the special The idealized structure has hep Ho atoms with
11 7
case of E u H (Eu 4f ) and Y b H ( Y b 4 f ) the
2 2
n 14
12 tetrahedrally coordinated H atoms and 6
hydrides are isostructural with CaH2 and the ionic octahedrally coordinated H atoms; however, to
bonding model gives a reasonable description make room for the bulky Ho atoms, close pairs
of the observed properties; however, YbH2 can of tetrahedral H atoms are slightly displaced and
absorb more hydrogen up to about YbH2.5. The there is a more substantial movement of the
other hydrides adopt the fluorite (CaF2) crystal "octahedral" H atoms towards the planes of the
structure (p. 118) and the supernumerary valence Ho atoms so that 2 of the H atoms are actually in
electron is delocalized, thereby conferring the Ho planes and are trigonal 3-coordinate. The
considerable metallic conductivity. For example,
LaH2 is a dark-coloured, brittle compound with 6 8
M . M A N S M A N N and W . E . WALLACE J. de Physique 25,
- 1 - 1
a conductivity of about 10 o h m c m ( ~ 1 % of 4 5 4 - 9 (1964).
§3.7 Hydrides of the elements 67

hydrogen atoms are thus of three types having in this area of the periodic table have little or no
respectively 14, 11, and 9 H neighbours for the affinity for hydrogen and this has given rise to the
distorted trigonal, octahedral and tetrahedral sites. phrase "hydrogen gap". The notable exception
Each H atom has 3 Ho neighbours at either 210 is the palladium-hydrogen system which is
or 217 or 2 2 4 - 2 9 9 pm respectively, and each Ho discussed on p. 1150.
has 11 hydrogen neighbours, 9 at 2 1 0 - 2 2 9 pm The hydrides of the later main-group elements
and 2 somewhat further away at 248 pm. The 3- present few problems of classification and are
coordinate hydrogen is most unusual, the only best discussed during the detailed treatment of the
other hydride in which it occurs being the individual elements. Many of these hydrides are
complex cubic phase TI14H15. covalent, molecular species, though association
Uranium forms two hydrides of stoichiometric via H bonding sometimes occurs, as already
composition UH3. The normal β-form has a noted (p. 53). Catenation flourishes in Group 14
complex cubic structure and is the only one and the complexities of the boron hydrides
formed when the preparation is carried out merit special attention (p. 151). The hydrides of
above 200°C. Below this temperature increasing aluminium, gallium, zinc (and beryllium) tend
amounts of the slightly denser cubic α-form to be more extensively associated via M - H - M
occur and this can be transformed to the β- bonds, but their characterization and detailed
phase by warming to 250°C. Both phases have structural elucidation has proved extremely
ferromagnetic and metallic properties. Uranium difficult.
hydride is commonly used as a starting material Two further important groups of hydride
for the preparation of uranium compounds as it is compounds should be mentioned and will receive
finely powdered and extremely reactive. It is also detailed attention in later chapters. One is the
used for purifying and regenerating hydrogen (or group of complex metal hydrides of which
deuterium) gas. notable examples are L1BH4, NaBH4, L1AIH4,

The hydrides of Ti, Zr and Hf are characterized A1(BH4) , etc. 3 The other is the growing
by considerable variability in composition and number of compounds in which the hydrogen
structure. When pure, the limiting phases MH2 atom is a monodentate or bidentate (bridging)
( 7 0 _ 7 3 )

form massive, metallic crystals of fluorite ligand to a transition e l e m e n t : these date

structure (TiH ) or body-centred tetragonal from the early 1930s when W. Hieber discovered

structure (ZrH , HfH , T h H ) , but there are [Fe(CO) H ] and [Co(CO) H] and now cover
4 2 4
2 2 2

also several hydrogen-deficient phases of variable an astonishing variety of structural types. The
composition and complex structure in which modest steric requirements of the H atom enable

several M - H distances o c c u r . ( 5 7 , 6 4
' 6 6 )
These complexes such as [ R e H g ] to be synthesized,
phases (and others based on Y, Ce and Nb) and bridged complexes such as the linear
have been extensively investigated in recent [ C r ( C O ) H ] - and bent [ W ( C O ) H ( N O ) ] , are
2 10 2 9

known. For rç -H complexes see pp. 4 4 - 7 .
years because of their potential applications as 2

The role of hydrido complexes in homogeneous

moderators, reflectors, or shield components for
catalysis is also exciting considerable attention.
high-temperature, mobile nuclear reactors.
Other hydrides with interstitial or metallic
6 9
properties are formed by V, Nb and Ta; they A. HAJOS, Complex Hydrides, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1 9 7 9 ,
398 pp.
are, however, very much less stable than the 7 0
J. C. GREEN and M . L . H . GREEN, Comprehensive Inor­
compounds we have been considering and have ganic Chemistry, Vol. 4 , Chap. 4 8 , Pergamon Press, Oxford,
extensive ranges of composition. Chromium also 1973.
7 1
H . D . KAESZ and R . B . SAILLANT, Chem. Rev. 72, 231 - 81
forms a hydride, CrH, though this must be
prepared electrolytically rather than by direct 7 2
A. P. HUMPHRIES and H . D . KAESZ, Progr. Inorg. Chem.
reaction of the metal with hydrogen. It has the 25, 145-222 (1979).
anti-NiAs structure (p. 555). Most other elements 7 3
G . L . GEOFFROY, Progr. Inorg. Chem. 2 7 , 1 2 3 - 5 1 ( 1 9 8 0 ) .

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