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Broken Beauty

Story be Innocent Child


Me: Tinashe please. Please don't take

away mwana wangu please. She's all I
have please.
Tinashe: Iwe ibva pano mhani
iwee.Nxaaaa maVillage girl anonetsa
Me( tears flowing) Andisi kuramba kubva
Tinashe but ndikuda mwana wangu. She's
too young kusiiswa mukaka. She's just a
day old Tinashe. She needs me.
Tinashe mom: Iwe benzi iwe ibva pano
mhani. Waiti ukaitira Tinashe nhumbu we
will welcome you here pano? Leave. We
don't accept gold diggers as ana makoti
here. Get out of my house nxaaaa!

I was heartbroken kutaura chokwadi. I had

just turned 16 years apa ndichangobva
kuzvara kaBaby girl kangu.Tinashe took
advantage of me last year when I was 15
and he raped me. He threatened kuti if I
tell anyone he was going to put the blame
kwandiri and I knew airevesa so ndakaita
bundu rangu ndega mumoyo. Four
months later I found out that i was
pregnant with Tinashe's child. I told Mom
vake but she turned nyaya kwandiri vachiti
ndikuda kudya Mari yemhuri yavo.
Ndakatanga kugara navo for the sake of
my baby but salary ndanga ndakusapiwa.
Apa kuti ndidzokere kumba zvaisaita coz
Hama dzangu dzainge dzakandivenga
nekuti ndiri mwana wemu sango
akazvarwawo akasiwa naMai paDoor step
ravo. Baba vangu nyakubereka variko
mufunge asi havadi kana kundiona. Vanoti
because of me, he almost lost his beloved

When I was 7 months pregnant, Tinashe

akarora his girlfriend anonzi Yolanda
aitonzi aive nemwana naye who was a
year old. My life with the Nyumiwa family
was tough but ndakashinga semunhu
ainge asitorina zvekuita. A day after
ndazvara they took away my baby and
chased me out.

Me: Tinashe please, I know hupenyu

wekukura usina Mai paside. Please my
baby needs me.
Mai Tinashe: Mahure anonetsa
mnx(exiting the room)
Yolanda: Hey little girl leave. Iwe did you
think waizokunda kuTrap murume mukuru
saTinashe? Go away.

Mai Tinashe came from No where

vakabata mvura yairatidza kuti yaipisisa
and I was left with no choice but to run
away. From that day, I was never allowed
kupinda muyard Yana Tinashe and that
pained me a lot. I was left with no choice
but kudzokera kuHwedza kune Hama
dzangu kubatanidzira naBaba vangu
nyakubereka nyangwe ndaiziva my life
yayakunorwadzisisa zvekare. My name is
Nandipha Moyo and this is my story.


Story by innocent child


Story by innocent child


2 Years later
I find myself ndichifamba pakati pemuti
dzakaoma dzisina kana mashizha or
maFruits. Miti dzacho dziri muma rolls
sevanhu. I walk ndichipedza kunzwisisa
kuti chiii chikuitika but then I hear a voice
richindi dedza.

Mai Moyo:(Dad's wife) Iwee Nandipha!

Wake up uko. Zvawakambotiza ukayenda
Harare uchizviita sewakangwaririra wani.
Kasika kuchangamuka uite basa tone.
Me:Ehoi mhamha.

Zvakaoma veduwee. So I was dreaming.

But hope dzacho dzorevei. I'm confused. I
check the time dzandamutswa and it's the
usual time. Ndinomutswa na3 am zuva
nezuva ndichiita basa vamwe vakarara.
Even my three elder sisters,(Nyasha
25,Nokutenda 23 and Nothando19)

I begin kuita my morning duties hangu and

by eight I'm done. Ndakubikira vanhu
breakfast. Dad is the first kumuka.
Me: Mamukasei Baba
Dad: Chikafu changu chiripi?
Me:Andisati ndapedza kubika but
Andizive mpama yakabva nekupi.
Ndakazoona ndagara pasi apa dama
richiita kurwadza.

Dad: Lazy bastard. Uda Ani amuke

akasike kubika heeeeee! Bwati bwati chiii
chacho. I'm giving you 2 minutes
dzekundipa food yangu. Benzi remunhu.

He leaves me paFloor ipapo. My own

father calls me a bastard.
Chandakavakanganisira baba ava
ndinochishaya ini. I wipe my tears
ndokuenda kunobika. He gave me two
minutes dzekupakura zvese nekubika. I'm
not a God ini. Neither am I a machine.
Vachandirova havo andina basa nazvo.
Besides,I've accepted my situation yeku
abuswa zuva nezuva.


Me: Hell no!!! There's no way I'm going to

stay in such a place. Haaa ndaramba.
Sean: Mdara you have no choice. Listen,
it's good you hide kuno. No one will look
for you kunoku.
Me:Hahaha. Still mdara. Are you looking
at this area?
Sean: When we find kuti who is plotting
kukuuraya then you can come back
kumba Donnel. Now look, the Taxi driver
needs his car back. I rented it kwenguva
diki. I have to return it kwaari
Me: Whatever
Sean:Try and be strong brother. It's your
life iri pama one here. I'm going.

We share a man hug.

Me: Now don't cry. That's gayish

Sean: I'm gonna miss you bro. And I
promise you, we're going to find that idiot
that messes with the Mhura family.
Me:Yea. Safe Journey lil bro
Sean:Mnx only by a month shaa. Bye Twin
Me:Take care of Mom and Dad.
Sean:ko your bride?
Me:mnxxx only if I chose her myself. I
don't even have kaDot keFeeling naye futi.
Sean: She's still your fiance. You're
engaged remember?
Me: Wakutaura Zvinobhowa. Pinda
mumota uyende.
Sean gets into the car achiseka hake. He
drives off and leaves me at my so-called
new home. Well until tawana the person
who is plotting rufu rwangu.

Donnel Tonderai Mhura is my name. I'm

28 years of age. I come from a family of
four. Well we were three until Sean's
parents died paspot when their private jet
crushed vachibva kuBusiness conference
kuChina. Despite him being a Mhura asina
same blood naMom, mom agreed to take
him in and raised him as my twin. Dad
loves him also because he is his late
brother's only son. Ndine 2 maSisters fty.
Angel 26 and Annabelle 23. I am engaged
to the most annoying girl in the World
anonzi Ropafadzo. It was an arranged
thing. Andimude Ropa. Apa she's so clingy
nxaaaaaaaaa. Apa ziHure fty. She slept
nema friends angu two, Tinashe apa
murume wefriend yake futi and she also
slept naMike.

Well my life is currently giving me

maHeadaches. 2 weeks ago, my body
guard was shot. He advised me to run
away because the bullet was meant for
me. Before he could tell me the person
behind this,he died. So here I am, in
Hwedza. I'm hiding kunoku. My Dad being
the President of this country, hatisi sure if
kana ari maEnemies avo who want me
dead or zvimwewo. That's why I'm hiding
kuSide kuno where no one will expect to
find me until we find the bastard who
wants me dead.



Ndaroverwa kunonoka kubika breakfast.

Asi sure ndinganzi ndiite zvese ndiri one
pamba pane vaskana vahombe. I need
fresh air so I take bucket hangu and
decide kunochera mvura yeku borehole. I
decide kupfura ndichitora Tanya my best
friend. I know by the time I come back
from the borehole ndenge ndave
nani.Lucky me I meet her on my way
akabatawo rake bucket

Tanya: Sweetest besty In the whole world

Me:Kkkkk nhaiweeee. Hesi my Mudiwa
Tanya: Iwe kani. Wanonoka kuuya
kuzonditora apa ndine chilatest
Me: kkkkk Tanya. Tell me tinzwe
Tanya: There's a dude In the hood.
Akanaka shame. Apa body mdara. Ko
Me: Tanya kkkkkkk Aiwa. Wamuona kupi?
Tanya:Andisati ndamuona. Ndaudzwawo
nana Miri, ndovamuona

I burst out laughing . Tanya will be

the death of me chete. Apa kutaura kunge
aona munhu wacho

Tanya: Ukuseka hako but sure hanzi

Me: okay okay. But ko ukazoona ari
chigunduru nhaiwe
Tanya:kkkk totangira ipapo.

We proceed neJourney yedu kuBorehole

naTanya. As soon as tachera mvura we
parted ways ndiakayenda kumba. Day
rakapera fast haro kukadoka tikanorara.

As usual,I woke up na3am ndikaita my

morning duties. By 8 I was done and I had
served vanhu breakfast yavo so I left
hangu since inini ndainzi food yangu
ndodya ka1 and supper chete. I decided
kuenda ku my favourite spot, to cry
zvangu. Tanya usually comes
kuzondinyaradza ikoko. The area is so
quiet and kune tumiti tudiki twaka Wanda
Wanda. That's why ndichikufarira. As I'm
sitting hangu, I hear a man's voice.


It's been a day since ndauya in this place.

I am bored zviri srs. Apa I left my phone
kumba ndikapiwa kaMbudzi aka kuti ndipo
pavanondifonera. Apa TV yacho ikutundi

I decide kumbofamba famba hangu.

Kupedza nguva. I come across this lonely
place full of bushes. I hear a voice. Seems
like it's a girl's voice. But what is she doing
here, crying futi. I keep on walking and I
see her.

Me: Hie

She rises up quickly and attempts to go.

Me: Hey,hey,hey. Come on,andisi chiruma
Her:Makadi henyu
Me:Ndiri bhoo. What are you doing here?
Ukuchemei dear.
Her:I'm not crying. Excuse me, my mom
must be looking for me.
Me: Come on. Okay tell me your name
then. Unonzani?

She raises her head kuti anditarise. Nguva

yese iyi anga akatarisa pasi. Kamwana
kakanaka aka. She has tears and
akuoneka kuti nhamo ndipo paDen payo
but I swear, this one is an epitome of
beauty. I wouldn't mind hanging out naye
hangu. She looks Innocent though.

Me:I'm new here. My name is Tonderai but

you can call me Tonde. Wewe unonzani
Her: Nandipha. My name is Nandipha.
Me: Okay Nandipha. Nandi kkkk. Don't run
away from me, I don't bite SRS.
Wakamboona vanhu vakanaka seni
vachiruma.( I made a cutey face nema
puppy eyes)

She burst out laughing. Yes I'm a dry joker

but I'm happy it worked. She is laughing. I
love her laughter. I have to make her
comfortable pandiri kuti akwanise
kuzondiudza nyaya yake.

Nandi: I have to go. My parents will kill me

ndikanonoka kumba.
Me:When will I see you

I see her blushing. Kkkkk hayas.

MaInnocent girls enyu Aya
Nandi: I don't know.
Me: Come on Nandi. Please please
Nandi: Same time. Here. Mangwana.
Me: Okay. I will definitely come.
Nandi:Ndakuyenda. Bye
Me:Bye Nandipha

She runs hake and I stare at her kusvika

ndakusamuona. Kamwana kane structure
yakanaka aka. slender but kanooneka kuti
well taken care of kane a million dollar
body. I smile to myself as I imagine
kachinja hako. I then return back home
hangu. At least ndane zvinondivaraidza in


So zvaitaurwa naTanya ichokwadi. I met

the new guy and hiiiiiiiiii. Mukomana is hot
hake iyeye zvimwe nezvimwe. Apa he's
tall and mascular. Ndatononokerwa
nekuudza Tanya. Ndanyepera Dude kuti
ndakumhanya kumba apa kupiko, ndikuda
kunotaura dotcom rikundiremera iri. I
arrive kumba kwasahwi and I see her
akagara panze ega.

Tanya: Nhaiwe kwakanaka kkkkkk. Ko

Me: Iwewe imbonrimirira kaaaa unzwe
chadhuuka bhebhi.
Tanya: kkkkkkkkk Nandi. Wachibatira
Me:The dude. New guy. Ndamuona.
Tanya: Ahhhhhhhhh. Kupi,is he handsome
zvesure, akaita seiko. Tell me mhani.
Me:Iwe tichanzwikwa naDad vako.
Tanya: Don't worry. I'm home alone. Dad
vambofurwa nemhepo so vabuda naTary.
Wewe imbondiudza zvaDude Ava
Me: Okay. So he came kuFavorite poshto
kaaa paye.
Tanya:Kwedu uku?
Me:Ehe kaaa. Well I was crying
Tanya:What happened? Imbwa dzekumba
kwenyu dzakuitei?
Me: Imbomira iwe. Soooo andimhoresa.
Ati anonzi Tonderai apa kunaka, voice
bhebhi, height body. Aiwa munhu akanaka
Tanya: Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Dai akakuda
Me: Mnxxx nhaiwe. Wanzwa zvandataura
here. Plaz muhombe hake
Tanya:Ane makore mangani?
Me:I don't know but muhombe.
Tanya: Azvina basa. Anyways
wauchichemei, zveDude zvombomira.
Me: The usual
Tanya: You see kaaa, saka ndiri kuti tiza
uuye ugare nesu, my Dad won't mind
Me: Tanya, your Dad vakurwara. It's not
healthy kuty vashurushuswe naMai Moyo
baBaa Moyo. I know vanouya kuzoita
hondo pano.
Tanya:But still
Me:Zvichanaka one day. I better go
ndinotanga kubika food kumba uko vanhu
vasati vatsamwa
Tanya:Bye maSahwi
Me:Bye maSahwi

I run hangu ndichiyenda Kumba. Tanya

ane time achiti ndigare kumba kwavo. I
want to but I can't put life yaDad vake in
danger. Tanya anogara naDad vake nelitte
sister yake Tariro vari 3. Their mom
passed away 10 years ago. I also feel like
munogara kwana Tanya ndendawedzera
burden. Vari vega vanotonetsekana
nekuwana food. What more ndawedzera
number inini.

I arrive kumba ndokuwana pamba pachiita

kunge pasina kubvira patsvairwa.
Ndozvandoita zuva rese. Kusvibisa kunge
vana vadiki. I sweep again ndokubika.
This day rikunonoka kupera. Is it because
ndanonokerwa nema ngwana. Finally we
sleep and I wake up early na2:30 because
of that dream again. I keep dreaming of
miti dzakaoma pasina mashizha or
fruits.Andina kuzo rara so ndaita all my
duties. By 9 ndandatogara ndakamirira
Tonde. I went kunotora Tanya but ati nhasi
haasi kukwanisa kuuya. Dad vake vari
worse nhasi.
Tonde: A penny for your thoughts
Tonde:Kkkkkk come on Nandi. Andisati
ndachembera ini. Just say hesi or
wamuka sei
Me: kkkkk old habits die hard.
Tonde: Manje zvoita ndiFeele
uncomfortable kaaa.
Me: okay I will change
Tonde:Good. I bought breakfast
yakawanda paCorner apo panotengeswa
food. Huya tidye
Me:Ndakaguta ini

Nzara ndinayo itori SRS asi nyadzi

Tonde: I'm not taking no for an answer.
Huya tidye.


I offered Nandi food iye akuda
kutondirambira hake.
Haasi kuziva kuti ndiri paOperation umba
Nandipha. I'm going to feed her kusvika
kaBody kedu chaiko kabuda.

Me: huya tone. Huya tidye.

Me:Ah ah ah. Come.

Kanobva kadzika and we start eating

chingwa nePolony and maBoiled eggs
neTea yandabva nayo kumba. I couldn't
buy cooked food no.

Me: So Nandi, how old are you?

Nandi: Seventeen and you
Me: kkkkkkk 28
Me: kkkkk usatye. I'm harmless
Me:Une mukomana?

Abva akachidzwa neTea innocent child

wangu. Yes wangu kkkkkk.
Me:Take it easy Nandi kkkkkkk
Me:So answer me, bae aripi?
Nandi: Andina
Me: Kunyepa. Nekunaka kwese uku
Nandi: I'm serious. I don't have one. I only
have one friend, a girl fty anonzi Tanya

She smiles whilst speaking of Tanya. I'm

guessing they are so close. Takazotaura
random stuff. I did not tell her I'm engaged
. Apa ndakuita kukada kamwana aka. I did
not get to ask her about zvaaichema
though. Ndoda kuGainer her trust first. We
part ways naNandi kakuyenda kumba nini
ndikayenda kwangu. And I'm going to see
her mangwana.


It's been two weeks naTonde tichitaura

tese. We're friends and I enjoy kuswera
naye. Tanya was happy kuona Tonde. She
thinks Tonde anondida hanziiii heeeee
wakamoona matarisiro anokuita heee chi
chi. Tanya kabenzi aiwa. Kabenzi kangu.
Tonde invited me kumba kwake tomol.
That means we're not spending time
kuUsual place but kumba kwake. I'm


Today wifey is visiting. Kkkkk ndikutaura

Nandi. I love her hangu. Andisati
ndamuudza hangu. I don't want to scare
her away. I'm not a cook. Ndogona kubika
tea chete neZai. So we going to eat
maNoodles neTinned beef neBeans. Ko
anofana kutonzwisisa kuti ndiri bhachura
kaaa. Ameno akazoziva my real identity
achaita sei coz ndakamuty my parents
died so I'm an orphan.



It's almost 9. I head out kunotora wifey. I

meet her kuUsual place bvandayenda
naye kumba. I can see kuti ari kutya.

Me: Welcome home nhanha

Nandi: kkkkkk pakanaka
Yea it's a small house but Sean did a good
job akaita pave neka feeling and warmth
ke a real home. I'm sure the real owner
will be pleased paachadzoka.

Me: Pinda mumba zveeee.

Nandi: okay

She enters but kutya uko manje. She sits

pacouch and I offer her a drink but she
takes water chete

Nandi: So munogara nani

Nandi:kkkkkk unogara nani
Me:Huya ugare neni. Tiite two

She laughs but kutoona kuti kaLaugh

kemunhu akwara nenyadzi kkkkkk. Apa
mazuvano kasimbirira and I was right,
kamunhu kaka bleswa neMillion dollar
structure akaa

Nandi: Chiregai kunditarisa

Me:kkkkkk wazviona sei ndakakutarisa
Nandi:kkkkk hayas
Me:plz can you tell me why waichema the
day we first met. Please. I'm your friend
right? So tell me the truth.

Nandi: Life. Life made me cry

Me:What do you mean?
Nandi: I'm that child, who's mother
abandoned at her father's door step. I'm
that child whose father calls a bastard.
(she laughs with tears flowing pamatama
ake.It shows she's in pain but I can't stop
her. I need to know her. I need to know the
life she has been living)

Nandi: I'm that girl who lost her virginity at

the age of 15 and.....
Me:and what?
Me: Just let it out Nandi. Tell me
Nandi: And was accused of being a gold

(Okayyyyyy but I feel like pane zvaarega

kundiudza but I'm not going to force her.
Or maybe I'm wrong hangu. I'm hurt kuti
pane akambodya my food but that won't
change my feelings toward her.)

Nandi: You know, it hurts kumutswa na3

zuva nezuva ndichishanda pasina rudo.
My own father abuses me both physically
and emotionally. I have elder sisters,but I
do all the chores. If I make one
mistake,ndorowa senyoka. Sometimes I
wish kufa. I even think of killing myself but
then I think of Tanya and all her words.
She says that all of this shall pass. And I
believe her. I believe her

She is crying very hard now. I'm holding

her very tight. I want her to cry kusvika
shungu dzapera.

Nandi: I have a question to God Tonde.

Why me. Why did he bring me into this
evil world. Why? Why didn't he just kill me
Ndiri mudiki. The pain I've gone through is
too much for my age. Do you know what
people in this community call me. The
broken beauty. They say I'm beautiful but
broken. And I agree with them. I broken
inside and outside. And I wonder why I'm
not dead yet. I just want to die
Me:Stop it! Stop it please.

(They say murume haacheme but here I

am, ndiri kuchemawo. I can't help it.Apa I
am completely helpless now. I can't
contact anyone. Wifey looks at me as
soon as my tear drops padama rake)

Me: please stop asking for death. Uda

kufa uchindisiya nani Nandi huh. You're
beautiful. Very beautiful. Who said broken
things can not be mended or recycled.
You're special wanzwa
Nandi: Tonde I.....

(Andina kumumirira kuti ataure. I kissed

her. I'm kissing her. She is not responding
but I'm not going to stop. I continue kissing
her until a moan escapes her mouth. I
deepen the kiss and she is now
responding. I don't want her to think I'm
taking advantage of her emotional state so

Me: Nandi
Me:I love you wanzwa.
(Dai isiri nguva yakakosha seino dai
ndave kutoseka. Katanga kunyara
kaNandi Kaye)

Me: You are special. You are beautiful.

You're sexy, you're intelligent,you're
hardworking, respectful,brave and so on.
Andingazvipedze Nandi. You're every
man's dream wife Nandi. You are my
dream lover Nandi. And andidi
uzvidzikisire. Wanzwa here?

(She nods her head)

Me: No. Pindura nemuromo. I want to

hear your melodious voice
Me:Good girl. Chisumuka udye Chikafu

She laughs and stands up kuti tinodya.

We spent kanguva kadiki kako tichifara
naWifey wangu. Kkkkkkk now kakuti
kakuda kudzokera. I wish we could spend
more time together.

Nandi: Thanks for today

Me:No. Thanks iwewe
I say apa ndichikadhonza hangu kuRound
two yeKiss. This time kanokisawo ipapo
ipapo. We kiss kwekanguva kadiki and I
leave her ndaona zvakutoipa. Kabva
kangobuda kari speed.

Me: Iwe mira ndikuperekedze

Nandi: Byeeeeeeee
Me:Mira iweeee
Nandi:See you

Kkkkk Nandi kanopenga chete. Nyadzi

dzacho dziri paimwe level sure. Some
minutes after Nandi ayenda,I receive a
call from Sean achiti the person Aida ndife
has been found. And as suspected, it's an
enemy of Dad who wanted to be corrupt
nemari yenyika and Dad stopped him, so
to get back to my dad he plotted my

Sean: I'm coming kuzokutora tomorrow

Me: Huh, so soon
Sean: So soon? Mdara what are you up
Me: Nothing
Sean: Will talk mangwana. But get ready.
The World's young enterpreneur's
Conference is advancing and we need to
prepare so you have to come neni
Me:Okay ndakunzwa
Sean: okay bye
Me:Sure dude.
He drops the call. I bury my face in my
hands. Why do I have to go back now shit.
Will wifey understand this.



Tonde kissed me, I mean we kissed.

Ohhhh My Gosh, how am I going to face
him now. Apa ndaita zvekutiza kumba
kwake. Maiweee. Achatoona kunge ndiri
zungairwa. I want to tell Tanya zvaitika
nhasi but I can't. I have to go kumba
kunobika lunch. I remember paanga
achindinyararidza in his arms. I felt safe in
his arms. Like nothing can hurt me in his
I arrive home and continue with my daily
duties. I do not eat hangu coz ndanga
ndakaguta hangu. I excuse myself kuti

Mai Moyo: Eeehhhhh miraipo Mainini.

Huyai muraire Chikafu chamaramba ichi
Dad: Une point Nyasha. Iri rine hunhu
waMai varo rogona kuita anything.

Hayas. I return back ngokupiwa musuva

two kwakudya. Asi vanhu vakapusa Ava.
Hanty dai ndaida kuvaisira poison ndaiisa
munyama nekuti ini handibvumidzwe
kuidya nyama yavanodya. Vanoti
ndizvitengere ndega hameno vanoti Mari
yacho ndoiwanepi. I excuse myself
ndikurara. Tomorrow ndakamuka same
time ndikuita basa ndokuyenda kuUsual
spot. Ndakasvika Tonde avepo.
Mazuvaano Tanya aakusa uya. Hanzi
andidi kukuvharisisa blessing kkkk hayas.

Me: Good morning


He says achiuya kuzondipa hug. He takes

his time akandi mbundira chete. Apa ini
nyadzi veduweeee. His hug is expressing
pain. What's wrong naye

Me: Tonde, is everything okay

Tonde: I'm leaving today. Ndadedzwa

I swear my heart yambomira kushanda

Me: Huh
Tonde: I'm coming back for you. That I
Me: what do you mean. It's not like I'm
your girlfriend. You can go hako.
Tonde: If you're not my girlfriend then
you're what? I don't go around kissing and
confessing my love to random girls Nandi
Imbomira maFunnies . I'm coming
kuzokutora. That I promise.


Wife was making it hard for me to leave

neReaction take.

Nandi: You promise?

She is now in tears.

Me: I promise. Now stop crying

undiperekedze kumba tinotandara. I want
you to meet someone.
Nandi: Okay.

We go kumba and I call Sean who says

anogona kusvika kuma 1 which means 3
hours from now apa Nandi anenge
adzokera. I tell her haachakwanise

Nandi: Ndiyani wako

Me: Twin
Nandi:You have a twin?
Me:He is my cousin but takakura tese in
one home and he looks just like me.
Takasiyana padiki so we're practically
Nandi: Okay. So ndakuyenda hangu
Me:Goodbye kiss?
Nandi:kkkkk Tonde

I know kakuseka ako. Akunyara so let me

make the first move hangu.
I kiss her and she responds. We kiss
slowly but things get heated. I remove her
top and haana kupfeka bra. I slowly
massage her breast and she moans. She
helps kundibvisa T shirt and I remove her
skirt. Mwana wecanhu akufemera
pamusoro. I know ndikufamba kumira but I
can't. I want her now.

Nandi: Tonde
Nandi:Ahhh Tonde

I say ndichimubvisa pant rake and I start

kissing her passionately. I lay her paBed
ndokubva ndamuvhura makumbo. I eat
her up and she screams my name. Music
to my ears. I know wifey soon anenge
akuda kuyenda kumba so I don't waste
time paFore play. I insert myself
paEntrance and she looks like akutya.

Me:I love you okay

Nandi:I love you too.

I smile at her as I bury myself inside of

her. She is tight. So tight. I can't say we
had sex but rather we made love naWife.
We finish our love making ndobva
ndamutakura tikageza innocently.


Ndarara naTonde but I don't regret. Ndiri
kunyara hangu but I'm hurt kuti ari

Tonde: I'll be back kuzokutora soon.

Me: Come back wandiwanirawo basa
Tonde: Ukuda basa?
Me:Ehe. I don't want to depend kumurume
Tonde: But you know it's my duty to take
care of you right?
Me: Kkkkk only after marriage. I have to
go ndisati ndapinda pama one.
Tonde: I love you
Me: I love you too.

We hug and kiss then bvandamhanya

kumba hangu. I resume my daily duties
and as I was preparing supper reality
kicked in, Tonde akuyenda kuHarare.
What if he finds vari better than inini. I
start crying ndichi bika. By the time I'm
done, musoro wangu wanga wakutema.

I serve vanhu food and I request mari

yema piritsi from Dad.

Me:Dad ndokumbirawo 10 bond ndoda

kutenga maPain killer musoro wangu uri
Dad: Asi unoti Mari inotemwa mumuti here
iwe. Handina Mari yekupa a bastard ini.
Nyasha: Ko ingomurodzai kaaaa

Ndakabva ndasimuka before I here

zvimwe zvinorwadza.
Nyasha: Anyways dad bundle rangu
rapera. Ndikuda rimwe
Dad: Nyasha mwanangu. Ndqkakutengera
nezuro wani
Nyasha: Weekly bundle harigare iri.
Ndoda riri monthly
Mai Moyo: Kana rangu rikutopera soon.
Dad: Roita Mari monthly racho
Nyasha: $150
Dad: Enda unotora muHomwe mangu.
$150 chete iwee
Nyasha:Thanks Daddy
Noku: Dad rangu rakuda kutoperawo
Me:Ndakanyatso kutadzirei. Tell me,
yangu mhosva ndeyei
Mai Moyo: Iwe Nandi
Me: I'm talking to my father, please don't
Dad: Iwe Nandipha. Ukuona seukutaura
neFriend yako here? How dare you speak
to my wife like that huh?
Me: Answer me first. Yangu mhosva
ndeyei. If I did not have your eyes, your
compaction and your nose. You would say
andisi mwana wenyu and I would believe
you but look. Pavana venyu vese I
resemble you so why do you hurt me this
much huh? Ndiudzei.

Gwati randatambidzwa harisi rekutamba

naro veduweeee. I can't help it but cry.

Dad: Now ndiko ngakave kwekutanga

nekupedzisira kundisimudzira izwi
Mai Moyo: inini I'm tired neMwana wako
uyu baa Nyasha. Akuzviona kunge akura
right, ngabude mumba mangu.
Dad: You heard her, Enda unotuta kwako
ubve pano
Nothando: Mmmm mom. Musiyei arare
zvakwadoka ozoenda hake mangwana
Mai Moyo: Nooo. When she was shouting
kumurume wangu did she think of the
consequences? Ngaabve pano. Pamusha
pano pane mukadzi 1 anoti ini. Hapana
madzimai 2 saka uyu akuda kuzviona
kunge ave mudzimai ngaatute twake

Panguva yese iyi misodzi yangu yanga

ichingoyerera. Baba vangu sure here
kundidzinga mumba mavo. Baba vangu
veropa here. I look at him and I see kuti
havasi kana kubatikana nezviri kuitika.
Havana kana shungu neni. Hameno kuti
kuoma kwemoyo yevanhu rume here asi.
Sure kushaya kana shungu neropa rako
chairo. I look at him one more time
ndokubva ruvengo rwandaisada rundibate
rwandibata. Andife ndakada kuvaona
baba Ava kana mhuri yavo. Vagara vainge
vasina kana kunditoresa birth certificate
zvaro. Kugara kwangu navo ndakutouya
ndave ne13 years. Nguva imwe yese iyi
ndaigara naMai vavo, ambuya vangu
vakazoshaya havo ndave ne13 years.
Ndakutoona kuti kusauya kwavo
kuzondiona kwaGogo yaiva nyaya
yeruvengo rwavo kwandiri. Vagara
vaisandida. Vazviratidza nhasi.

Dad: Nyasha, endai munotora maDhende

ake muuye nawo.
Me: Regai ndinotora ndega mbatya
Mai Moyo: Iko kuzodada kunge rine

Ndafamba zvinyore nyore ndichinotora

hembe dzangu. Nyasha follows me.

Nyasha: Mainini itai fast. Asi makuda

kusiya matibira kani

I just look at her ndikazunguza musoro. I

pack all my belongings ndokubva
ndayenda kunooneka hangu. Ehe, ndine
mashoko mashoma ekuvaudza

Me: Makaita basa nekanguva kadiki

kamakagara neni. Ndave kuyenda now
kunyangwe nzira yandakuyenda nayo
isingafadze. And I believe you ndokupera
kwehukama wedu. Mukunaka kwezvinhu,
hamundione pano. Nyangwe mukuoma,
hamundione pano zvekare.
Mai Moyo: Iwee buda pano iweee uone
tikakutsvaga futi.
Me:Musare munyasha.

I carried my bags uku musodzi

uchingobuda. Mwari vanoona zvese ndivo
vandave kuda right now. I need him more
than ever. I need him. I cry my lungs out
ndichiyenda kwana Tanya. Ndakasvika
pamba Pana Tanya ndokuona Tary achiita
kunge akubva kunorasa marara kuBin.

Broken Beauty


Tary: Ndiani uyo

Me:Tarrry. Tary Tanya aripiii. Huhhhh

I try to speak zviri normal but my emotions

are controlling me.

Tary: Nandi? Nandi ukuchemei. Waitwa

sei Nandi
Me:Tanya ariri ari aripi T T Tary? Tan
Tanya ari aripi Taryyy.
Tary: Tanya. Sis Tanya! Sis Tanya huyai
Tanya: Ko kudedzera husiku
Me: Vazviita zvavaida Tanya.
Vazondidzinga Tanya. I am homeless
Tanya. I am fatherless Tanya. Baba vangu
sure here Tanya. Nyakubereka chaivo.
Chandakavatadzira chaicho chiiii. Yangu
mhosva ndeyeiko. Ngavandiudze
ndigadzirise zvee huh! Ndakavaiteiko
chavasingade kuregerera?
Tanya:(crying) Usacheme Nandi. They are
not worthy of your tears. They will regret
chete. Pinda mumba hona ukupindwa
Me:But why me Tanya. Why me?
Tanya: God will answer you one day my
friend. Chisumuka. Hande mumba.

Takasimuka and went inside. I spoke

naBaba vaTanya. The man is heavenly
sent sure. He promised to be my dad even
though vasiri nyakubereka. I'm happy I
now have a family inondida but now I'm
stressed. I need to find a job to help
nechikafu coz I won't feel free kuona
Tanya achishingirira ega. I told Tanya
about my last day naTonde and she was
not happy but azondiregerera hake.


Sean: So what's her name?

Me: Who?
Sean:The girl whose made your one day
away from her so miserable.
Me:Kkkk is it that obvious kuti I miss a girl.
Sean:Dude, we're like twins. I know you in
and out.
Me:Kkkkk her name is Nandi. I love her
man. I see a future naye. She's every
guy's dream woman. She is my missing
Sean: Kkkkk mdara mapinda murudo
kaaa Imi. Ndamboti maFunnies but
zvaunenge utori serious.
Me:Mnx and I thought you knew me inside
Sean: kkkk ehe I do. But you know you
have to let her go right?
Me: Never. Ndikunomutora tomorrow. I will
give her boutique riye to run but will tell
her kuti rarake later. First I have to pretend
kunge shz an employee of someone
based in SA kuti asabvunze zvakawanda
Sean: Utori serious.
Me: Ndinorega neiko? I love her.
Sean: And you know Ropa might find out
and do something zvisingaite right?
Me: yep but kujaidzwa kuye. I will deal
with her if she tries that with my Nandi
Sean: Good luck with love. I never want
kupinda mutsoka dzako.
Me: Kkkk sha disappear.
INSERT 9 and 10

Insert 9



We were going kumvura when we met

Trish na Melody timwe tuvasikana twumu
maraini medu.

Melo: Ko imi mukuyenda kupi vamwe

vese vaenda kunogeza.
Vanobva vaseka vachirovana maoko. Aya
maBasa evanhu vane kanyaya vatori
kuvaviwa nekuda kutaura but varikuda
kubvunzwa chete.

Tanya: Kumbonogezereiko?
Trish: Asi hamuna chamukuziva? That guy
wekunaka aonekwa achi driver ziBango
remota. Vaskana izvezvi sandi kugeza
kwavari kuita. All they want is to impress
him kani. Pamwe angaowo 1.

(NaTanya we look at each other. I told her

kuti Tonde went kuHarare plas Tonde
anga asina mari yakawanda zvekudaro.
Apa andina kubvunza basa
raakadedzerwa kuHarare. Trish naMelody
vabva vayenda zvavo ndikasara naTanya

Me: Kuti ndiye here Tanya.

Tanya:Go and check zveee.
Me: Ko kana akandinyepera.
Tanya: Unozoona wasvika. Go and check.

Veduwee rudo runokuita benzi.

Ndakanganwa tsvina yandaive nayo. I
went kumba kwaTonde ndokuwana paine
mota yainge yakanzi Discovery whatever
ikoko. I knocked paDoor but got no
response so ndakabuda ndikayenda
kuUsual meeting spot apa ndichimhanya.

Ndakasvika ndokuwana aripo achiita

kunge ainge akandimirira. He did not mind
tsvina yangu. Aka vhura maoko as sign
yeHug ini ndikaita weku jambira chaiye. I
recalled incident yekudzingwa kwangu
kumba and I cried in his arms. Were I feel
safe and love.

Tonde: Shiiiiii wifey. Ndauya now.

Chinyarara undiudze zvese. Hantikaaa.
Tell Daddy everything.
Me: They chased me out of their house
nezuro. They finally got rid of me in their
lives. Apa they did that manheru without
thinking kuti ndaiendepi

Tonde: What! That's abuse. No I'm making

sure now kuty that useless family of yours
is locked up behind bars.
Me: No baby vasiye. Just let them be. I
don't want anything chekuita navo

A smile forms on his face

Tonde: You called me baby for the first
Me: kkkk nhaiwe Tonde( I said ndichitofa
Tonde: And I missed my shy other half.
Ndauya kuzokutorai Mai Mhura.
Me:Mai Mhura
Tonde: Kkkkk babe that's my surname
come on. And I'm here for you. You
needed kubasa mangwana.
Me: Wandiwanira basa? ( I said neShock)
Tonde: Ehe. Mu boutique. So we have to
go early.

I just went and hugged him. I don't know

what I did to have him muupenyu wangu.
But I know he is a blessing. My miracle
and blessing from my God. I have a lot of
questions for him but I will ask later hangu

Me: I'll go get my stuff

Tonde: Mira ndikuperekedze
Me: Nooo kkkk. Baba Tanya might feel
Tonde: Yea une point but. So will wait for
you kumba. Usanonoke.
Me:I won't. Ndotanga ndambotaura naDad
vaTanya and Tanya though.
Tonde: Fair enough. Chikasira I hate
driving husiku
Me: So it's your car zvesure
Tonde: We will talk about that later. Now

I ran kumba kwana Tanya and luckily

Tanya aatodzoka nemvura.

Me: Family I have some news to share.

Dad vaTanya: tell us Nandi
Me: Ndawanirwa basa and I'm needed
mangwana so I'm going today and munhu
wacho andiwanira akamira

I look at Tanya and I know that look. She

is about to cry and I don't want to see her
cry. I quickly stand up bvandano gara

Me: Tanya. I know it hurts. I'm hurt also

but I promise I will never forget you. As
soon as I land in Harare, ndikutanga
kutsvaga rako basa. That I promise. And I
will always stand with you guys. You're my
family now.
Tanya: I love you best friend. I mean twin
Me: I love you more twin sister.

We both cry tichiseka our madness. Kana

Dad vaTanya. I mean Dad laughed at our
madness.Tanya ndiye akundi perekedza

Tanya: So are you going to see mwana

wako wawakatorerwa?

Yep, Tanya knows zvandakaitwa kwana

Tinashe. She is the only one anozviziva

Me:If God permits.

Tanya: He will. She is your baby after all.
You will meet satye hako.
Me:Thanks for encouraging me Tanya.
You have been my strength nguva yese.
Tanya: Don't start or we will end up
takuchema Tonde akazokutiza achiti uri
chimwana kkkkk

We laugh hedu. We arrived pamba

paTonde and Tonde was already waiting
for me paMota yake. Akaisa zvinhu
zvangu mumota and Tanya akatanga
kumupa maThreats. Hanzi if you do not
chengeta my twinny I will haunt you down
nerusero kuHarare Koko. ZvaTanya
akomana. Takasimuka kuHwedza and I
can sense my new beginning. Hello To My
Self and my new beginning, I say to
myself as I smile thinking of the past that
I'm leaving behind. New family, new




I don't need anyone to tell me Wifey is

happy. The smile on her face says it all. I
take her to my house in Avondale. That's
where we will be staying for now since I
don't want to cause any problems for her
before I sort my messed up life.

Me: Welcome home Wifey

Nandi: Ndiyani anogara panapa?
Me:Ndini newe. Now chibudai mumota
mai Mhura muone imba yenyu.


Tonde: Ndini newe. Now chibudai mumota

mai Mhura muone imba yenyu.

Imi mukati Tonde haana kuromba. Haaaa

uyu ndomushonga chete. Aiwa pamwe
akuita maFunnies ahhh. Anga Aiwanepi
mari yezvinhu zvese izvi. Ziimba racho
sooooo. Apa pane dzimwe mota two
dzakanakisa futi.
Tonde: Maziso achadonha ukanyanya
kuma vhurisa. Come

Ndakubata roko and he unlocks the door

bvatapinda. Imba yakanaka iyi. Colour
yemuno is white and black with a little bit
of kaRed sooo.
Mumba makanaka umu no lies.

Me: Baby chindiudza mumba mani?

Tonde: Mako zvee.

Haaaa guys vanhu vanogona kuti

ndakapusa but Tonde needs to explain.
Ko kana ariwo maSatanist atinongonzwa
zuva nezuva. Ndanga ndave kutochema

Me: Tonde please ndiudze chokwadi.

Wakauya kuzo romba right. Or uri mu mu
mu muSatanist.

Veduwe Tonde kuita kunge tiri pama

funnies. Akatanga kuseka. Infact
akandiseka. Kuyerera musodzi

Me: Tonde mhani! Answer me uko.

Tonde: I'm sorry baby but wandinakidza
zvee. And nooo. Andisi muSatanist ini.
Me: Then zvinhu zvese izvi zvabvepi
munhu akawana basa nezuro?
Tonde: Basa nezuro?
Me: Ehe. Hanty wakati wasedzwa kubasa
Tonde: Ehe zveee. Kudedzwa kubasa
rangu randanga ndiri paLeave. And this
ndakatenga nemari yangu yekushanda
kwete kuromba. Wakamoona mukomana
akanaka so achi romba
I laugh at his dry joke. Mashairo ake
anondi nakidza hangu.

Tonde: So feel comfortable baby. This is

your house wanzwa.
Me:Yes baby

He smiles again

Me:Chiii fty
Tonde: Ndokuda
Me:Nhaiwe Tonde ahhhh kkkkkk
Tonde: Hezvo kkkkkkk. Apa ndopandonzi
ndikudanana ndega chete. Kkkkkk.
Chifamba let me show you the bed room.



I'm loving this place. It's so quiet

zvandoda. Tiri pasame Sofa naDaddy
Tonde watching a movie hameno Zita
racho apa were in kaBlanket since ari
manheru plas kuri kutonhora.
Me: So I'm going to work mangwana?
Tonde: Kuswera mangwana.
Me: But you said mangwana wani tiri
Tonde: Ehe but I told them wakaneta so
mangwana no
Tonde: Satye kani babe. Satye.

Aitonditi ndisatye apa achipuruzira zvidya

zvangu. Now akufambisa roko kwakuisa
mupant mangu
Me: Tonde
Tonde: Heeee
Tonde: Ndakusuwa zveeee

Achipedza kudaro he starts kissing me

hake. We kiss kunge we depend on the
kiss. Andizive zvafamba sei but Tonde is
on top of me now, massaging each part of
my body. He goes down on me and now
akuita kundidya. Andizive why achifarira
kudya ikoko but I love it hangu. I can't
control my moans now.
Me:Tonde chiita
Me:Chingoita mhani
Tonde:Ndiudze zvaukuda ndiite zvee

He is enjoying torture yaari kundipa I can


Me:Daddy please
Tonde: Ndiudze ndizive kuty mukuda
kuitwei Mai Mhura
Me:Ride me kwacho

Uyo atanga kuseka hake Tonde uya. Ini

ndoita kunge ndichamuruma chete.

Tonde: Ok Mami. Daddy vanzwa mukuda
Chikafu chenyu

Ndakabva ndanyara ini. He slowly entered

me akanditarisa mumaziso chaimo. He
increased his pace with time and soon
tatakufemera pamusoro tapedza basa
Tonde: Thanks Mami.
Tonde:kkkk ukanyara unobva wandipa

Hatina kutora nguva yakareba takabva

tarara hedu. Kkkkk more like kuzorora
because ndakazoshandirwa husiku



Ndane one month ndichigara naTonde

and our days aachingonakidza chete.My
birthday was 2 weeks ago and I enjoyed
myself zvangu. Tonde made it a
memorable one. I'm 18 years old now.I
was really angry pandakanzwa umwe
security achiti boss Donnel Kuna Tonde
and when I asked iye Tonde ayenda
kwakunzwa kuti first name yake anonzi
Donnel and this boutique yanga iri yake
but yave yangu. And vavereki vake
vapenyu but handivazive hangu. Ohhhhh
by the way ndakatoreswa birth zvese
nechitupa using surname Yana Tanya and
identity yana Tanya. Ndakunzi Nandipha
Rose Chenje. Rose ndakaripiwa naTonde
kkkkkk. Amenovakazviita sei but I'm
grateful ndavewo kunzi a citizen munyika.
By the way Mari year yandaishanda
ndaitumira kumba kwedu, kwana Tanya
not kwaMoyo. Kuye hakusiriri kumba for
me. And Tonde bought me and Tanya ma
iPhone. Now totaura. And Tanya ari kuuya
mangwana kuno. Ndikuda ashande neni
muBoutique. Ndakazomuona Sean. Iiiiii
akaita kufanana naTonde zviri serious
chaizvo. He spends most of maWeekends
nesu and he is free spirited.

Me:Daddy D
Tonde: ko what happened to Tonde baby
Me: Ndodedza nezvandinoda.kkkk. so you
have no problem nekugara kwaTanya
pano right?
Tonde: Nyangwe dai ndaisada ukuti
ndaikurambidza here kkk. She's your
sister. She's welcome to stay nesu baby.
As long as she won't take much of your
time inofana kupiwa inini.
Me:Thanks dear. We cuddle hedu
naDaddy D before we're disturbed by
noise yaSean.
Sean: Wifey! WIFEY!!!!
Tonde: Haaa iwewe tiri muLaunch mhani.
Plaz waukuty wife ndiyani coz muno Muna
wifey wangu ndega
Sean: Mnx iwe ndadedza iwewe here?
Wife I'm hungry ini. I really miss your food
Tonde:Satan buda muno. Buda tone

Sean and I blast out laughing.

Me:Tonde siya ndibikire hubby wangu.

I excuse myself and I hear noise from the

launch. I'm sure vatanga chikudo Chavo.
These guys are 28 but ndinenge
ndinovakunda kufunga ini. Day hatina
kunonoka kupera and we went to sleep.
Sean akaramba kuyenda kumba kwake
hanzi kunobhowa with all those maids
vachiedza kumu seduce kkkkkkkkk.
INSERT 13 and 14

Insert 13


I still remember how I became friends

naNandi. She was a girl with her problems
apa neniwo I had a load pandiri fti. Gogo
vake vanga vabva muku vigwa. We
became friends and we connected like
blood sisters. We shared our problems.
When she became part of our family
ndakafara. Akabva ayenda kuHarare but
haana kuti kanganwa. Aitumira Mari and
her boyfriend Tonde akarapisa dad and
now he is okay.

Now ndiri mumota patumwa ameno Driver

waTonde here kuzonditora neBango
remota. Ndakuenda kunoshandawo
kuHarare. I'm so happy because I can see
happiness in my family. All because of
Nandi. That girl is indeed a blessing is

I arrive in Harare kunonzi KuAvondale

kwaigara Nandi naTonde. Imba yavo
yakanaka I don't want to lie.

Nandi: Ahhhhhhhhhh Tanyaaaaaa!!!

Me: Nandiiiiiii!!!!
We scream as we hug each other
kaHobho hobho. There goes Nandi

Nandi: Ndakusuwa
Me:Neniwo. Wanakisa iweee
Nandi: kkkk tseq. Wewe wakanakisawo

Tonde: Mirai tibva tangokupai maChair

mugare panze since maramba
Me: Kkkkk mhoroi Bamnini Tonde
Tonde: Haaaa Tanya wako akatanga. It's
bamkuru Tonde.
Nandi: Nhai hako iwe. Iro month
rawakandisiya naro wakuona kunge
Ameno mukomana abuda akafanana
naTonde zvisingaite. Veduwe ndatenda
kune vanhu vakanaka panyika

Him:i noise yei ikuitika?

Tonde: Mukadzi wangu chaiye auya.
Huyai mumba Mai bhoi.
Me:Kkkkk ehoi.
I leave my bags akatakurwa naDriver
tichipinda mumba makanaka umu.


Tanya arrived safely and I'm happy.

Sean: saka imimi makuda kugara muri 3

inini ndichibhowekana kumba uko.
Makajaidzwa ndikuuya pano nhasi. I'm
moving in nemi.
Tonde: Shaaaa tsvaga vako vakadzi
Sean: Mdara nyararai I'm going kunotora
hembe now.

Just like that he leaves kkkkkk. I never

knew one day life was going to be this
fun.We start living tiri four and
zvikunakidza zvisingaite.

I'm seated muBoutique naTanya wangu

panopinda mumwe musikana or mukadzi
accusing me of cheating nemurume wake.
Her: Hure remunhu, what do you want
from my husband nhaiwe. Ukunyatsosei?
Tanya: I'm sorry panenge pane mistake.
Who is your husband?
Me:Sure coz I'm confused ma'am.
Her: Confused, confused chiii chacho.
Leave Donnel alone or else topedzerana.

Just like that she exits the boutique.

Me: What just happened

Tanya: Don't worry. Uchataura naTonde.
He has to explain himself zvaitika.
Me: Yaaa sure I'll ignore it for now.Tonde
will explain later.




I am trying by all means kukanganwa

nyaya yaitika kuBoutique so that I can
concentrate nekubika but ndiri kutadza. I
did not even hear papinda Tonde.

Tonde: Hello! Hey! Hey!

Me: Huh. Hesi kani Tonde.
Tonde: Ehhhhh. No kana kaBaby Tonde or
kiss zvayo. Mukufungei nhai Mai Mhura?
Me: Tonde une mukadzi
Tonde: Heeeee?
Me: Unemukadzi here Donnel Tonderai

(Apa ndanga ndakutochema hangu)

Tonde: Ehe kaa. Iwewe. Ndiwe mukadzi

wangu. Ndimi Mai Mhura zvee.
Me:I need to know the truth Tonde
Tonde:Baby, if you listen kumakuwa unofa
nestress nenyaya dzekunyepa.
Me: But
Tonde: No BABY nyatsonditarisa. I'm not
trying to brag but nyatsotarisai murume
wenyu Mai Mhura. Can't you see kuti I'm
almost every girl's dream guy. Obvious
vaskana hobho vane maziso pandiri and
will always look for maWays ekuti ndive
single kuti vawane mukana
Me:So you're not married?
Tonde: I'm not married baby. Andina
mukadzi ini mumwe asiri iwewe.
Me:Sorry. I'm sorry I doubted you.
Tonde: Huya pano.
He gives me a tight hug and kisses me

Tonde:Munodiwa mai Mhura manzwa.

Me:Kkkkkk ndokudaiwo Daddy Mhura.
Now regai ndibike coz I know soon my
real hubby akudzoka nemazi nzara.
Tonde: Mnx mood killer kkkkk.

Takazotanga kutaura nyaya dzakawanda

wanda naDaddy D kusvika vamwe vazoti


I didn't want kunyeperwa wifey but I had

no choice. I had to lie kuti adzikame
ndiwane way yekugadzira my mess
zvakanaka. And I have no doubt
ndiRopafadzo anga achi taurwa naWifey.


My name is Ropafadzo Murambiwa.Ndine

makore 25 hangu. I'm the Minister of
Information and Publicity's daughter. My
parents are close ne the first family. Kubva
tichikura Donnel aipisa. Apa he was
hardworking plas basa repamu bedha
anorishanda zvinogutsa. When he first
gave it to me paimwe party so
yandakamuisira maDrugs kuti asandi
rambe since anga agara asina interest
neni, he gave it to me zvekuti I vowed kuti
ndichamuita wangu.
Ndakabhowekana paakanzi he has
travelled apa roora ranga rakutorongwa
kunzi robviswa rinhi. Kubva zvaakadzoka
he was silent plaz aisatombo batika hake.
Now ndakuzongoona paSocial media
pachi famba maPictures ake nekamwe
kamu skana vaka batana maoko
vachiratidza kufara. When I went
kuBoutique kwandakaona kuti
ndokwakatorwa maPictures,ndakabva
ndavatiswa nyaya yese naMai Matsikile
vanotsvaira yard yeBoutique and I
confronted the girl telling her I'm Donnel's
wife. Now ndaudza my parents and they
have called for a meeting ne the first


Donnel and I have been summoned
kumba and I wonder whatsl's the problem.
Now I'm waiting for Donnel asingapedzi
kupfeka uyu. I might have laughed at
Donnel kuti he fell in love but I'm afraid
shit might happen to me. I've been looking
at this Tanya girl and all I want is to do
some crazy stuff paari.

Donnel: She's mine mdara

Me: Mnx. Mira kaaa uone
Donnel: I thought you had no feelings

Me: Then haundizive kkkkk. Wapedza

Donnel: Yes, hande. Baby I will be back
soon. Mainini Tanya,
Tanya: Kkkk maiguru veduwe
Donnel: Chero kkk. See you tadzoka.
Sean: ko inini handi bhabhaiswe
Donnel: Hanty ukuona ndini ndikuita
maBye acho.
Me: Mnx. Baby maWifey aDaddy Sean
Donnel: Pfutsek

I quickly run kumota before ndadhonzwa


We arrive kumba in Borrowdale but hana

yangu ikurova. We enter mumba and I see
Ropa akagara naMom. Her parents are
also there. The moment she sees me she
starts crying.

Me: Mom, what is going on panapa.

Dad: Haumhoresi vakuru wakaita sei? Is
this how we raised you.

We greet vanhu but Mai Ropa ignores me

but vodaira Sean.

Dad: Iwe Sean, tell me hunhui hukuitwa

nemumwe wako?
Sean: Hunhu hupi futi dad
Ropa: iwe Sean stop acting dump. You
know Donnel is cheating on me. Infact
akugara neumwe musikana
Me:Wakazviwana kupi zvauri kutaura.
Ropa: Donnel nothing can be hidden
under the blue sky. I know wakatomupa
that boutique yawaigara uchiri heeee
having a boutique is girlish. Information
travels Donnel. And it travels fast.

I'm trying to think kuti angange afambisa

nyaya ndiyani but it's useless kuzvitsvaga
now. Besides,I kiss her everyday
pandinomusiya kuBoutique so vanhu
vanoona obvious.

Mom:Donnel, tell me, is this true huh?

Ichokwadi here ichi.
Me: Yes, and I love her zvisingaite. I wish
to marry her, with your and dad's
Me: Dad, when you married mom makaita
choice yenyu right? Why can't I do the
Mom: Ropa is best for you
Me: You don't even know her, she is not
as decent as you think she is.
Ropa Mom: Your Excellency I'm sorry but
andingagare ndichisiya mwana wenyu
achi svora mwana wangu.
Me: Don't worry I'm leaving. Dad, mom.
I'm glad makuziva mine murora
wandinoda coz I'm never going to marry
Ropafadzo. I'm leaving now, mondidedza
kana paine zvakakosha kwete nyaya idzi.
Ndakabva ndasimuka ndichibuda. Sean
followed behind me.




I have always loved Donnel veduwe even

though chandonyanya kumudira imari
yake. Donnel akanaka veduwee. Body
yake, smile chete and those lazy eyes of
his. Veduwe Donnel is something else. I
was happy when mom agreed kutaura
naFirst lady kuti vaite arranged marriage
yangu naDonnel. It was a dream come
true. I thought ave wangu but now ave
nekamuskana kaakuda. Apa kamwana
kwandiri sure. Unonyatsa kushaya kuti
chaasvora pandiri chiii? Yes I know
ndinorara nevarume hobho but iye ndiye
ari paMoyo. Ndinonyatso muda.

I was pissed paakabuda muMeeting

ataura kuti he is never going to marry me.
Apa his pictures neka mskana kake ikako
have been spreading paSocial media with
the Caption "who is this lucky girl". Now I
need a plan to get rid of this little girl
before she takes him away from me
zvachose. I visit Yolanda. She might give
me maIdeas andiri kuda.

Me: Friend Donnel loves that girl. I'm

losing him Yola. I am.
Yolanda: Kakambonyatso kuita Seiko
kamskana kacho?
Me: Haven't you seen maPictures
paSocial media. They are the talk of the
Country. That's how I found out inini about
them apa iye Donnel anenge asiri kutoziva
kuti his unground relationship yatove

I give her my phone kuti aone the so

called girl.
Yolanda: Nandi??? Haazi Nandipha Moyo
here uyu?
Me:You know her?
Yolanda: Hehehedeeeee. Girlfriend that's
Amai Lanah
Me: What do you mean Yola?
Yolanda: Lanah mwana waTinashe uyu.
This is her mother. I told you about her.
The bitch who tried to trap Tinashe
nenhumbu. She is nothing but a gold
digging bitch.
Me: Hehehedeee. Nhaiwe so this is the
lady. I need to tell the First lady as soon as
Yolanda: Mira ndikuperekedze dear. Kana
vakada imwe witness Amwene vangu and
my husband will testify
Me: Ko iye Tinashe sei asiri kuudza friend
Yolanda: Haatozvizive. Dai anga
achizviziva dai andiudza.
Me:Okay let's go now. Let's pray towana
Yolanda: Sure.

We rush kumba kwaPresident. The

houses are both in Borrowdale so hatina
kutora kana 5 minutes and tosvika first
lady vachitoona current affairs.

Me: Mhamha( that's what I call her)

Mai Donnel: Ropa mwanangu.
Kwakanaka here zvauri kufemera
Yolanda: Makadi henyu your Excellency.
MaiDonnel: Hesi mwana sikana. Garai
pasi mundiudze zviri kuitika

Takagara pasi.

Me: Mhamha zvakaoma. Donnel

angandisiye coz of musikana atori
pakutsvaga mari zvake.
MaiDonnel: What are you trying to say
Me: Mhamha. This is my friend Yolanda.
Mukadzi waTinashe that friend yaDonnel.
2 years ago, the same girl akudanana
naDonnel seduced Tinashe and trapped
him nemwana.
MaiDonnel: What! Are you sure
Yolanda: Yes ma'am. The girl anonzi
Nandipha. 2 years ago aka seduce my
husband and told him kuti Ava nenhumbu.
AMwene vangu knew her motive so she
chased her away and tikatora mwana
waTinashe wacho waaida kushandisa to
milk money from my husband. You can
call my Amwene and husband to confirm
for yourself.
MaiDonnel: Ohh My. Apa iye he is proud
asingazive he is getting himself mumwena
wenyoka. Let me call them varitwo.
Donnel nemskana wacho. (To Yolanda)
Do you mind kutaura pamberi pake
mskana wacho naDonnel?
Yolanda: Not at all. I can't allow her to
continue destroying maRelationship
Me: Thanks friend. Thanks a lot.

Mai Donnel takes out her phone and calls




I am coming from lunch with Wifey. She

eats a lot these days kkkk. Saka kainyara
MaFirst days coz madyiro acho unopa
kutenda. Apa kari kusimba. I receive a call
from mom

Me: First lady

Mom: Come with your girlfriend kumba
right now
Me:Kwakanaka here?
Mom: Just come if you value your life

Just like that vabva vaCut call.

Nandi: What's wrong
Me:Mom needs us kuBorrowdale as soon
as possible.
Nandi:Us? You and Sean?
Me: Me and you
Nandi? And me? Me!
Me:Don't worry, I will be there hanty.

I say ndichitotora road to Borrowdale.

Nandi: I'm scared.

Me:Don't worry. Nothing will happen to
you ndiripo
Nandi:You promise?
Me:I promise


Tasvika pamba pema parents aTonde. It's

a mansion apa yakanaka zvisingaite. My
heart is beating fast veduweeee. I'm
sweating nekutya. Tonde holds my hand
and assures me everything will be okay.
We walk inside of the house and heard
straight kunenge kuSitting room. I almost
get a heart attack when I see Yolanda
arimo muSitting room macho and the lady
from the boutique, the one who claimed to
be mukadzi waTonde. The elder lady who
I'm guessing to be Tonde's mother looks
familiar. Ohhh my God, the first Lady.

Me: (Kneeling down) your Excellency

She stands up and walks up to me. The

next thing I know I'm laying on the floor
after ndapiwa a hot slap.

Tonde: Mom, what's the meaning of this

huh? Ndozvamatidedzera here izvozvo.

Can someone shoot me now. Did he just

say mom to the first lady. Apa she hates
me already. Kundigamuchira nemucheka
here veduwe.

First lady: Donnel you will thank me after

waziva the real face of this girl. You leave
your wife akazvinakira uchiendera
prostitute iri here nhai mwanangu.
Tonde: What do you mean mom?
FirstLady: Do you know she has a child?

I swear that moment I died ndikamuka futi.

Me:Tonde I can explain.

Tonde: Explain what Nandi? Just tell me
it's a lie please
Yolanda: Hmmmm lie. Lie fty hehehede.
Tonde, remember that girl who tried to trap
Tinashe nemwana achiti heeee ndaRepwa
wat wat, that's her. Mai Lonah. That's Mai
Lonah Tonde.

(So mwana wangu anonzi Lonah. Apa

mukadzi wacho waTonde is just crying
nezvese zviri kutaurwa)
Me: Tonde please hear me out please.
Tonde: I know of your story naTinashe.
How could you Nandi.Wakandi nyepera
why? Apa I gave you my whole heart iwe
uri hure zvako
Me: Tonde kunyepa. At least ndipe
mukana nditaure baby please.
Tonde: Get out
Tonde: Ndati get out mhani. Don't appear
pamberi pangu again.
Me:Tonde you don't mean zvaukutaura
Tonde:I said leave!
Veduweee I can't believe zviri kuitika. Can
someone just wake me up and tell me this
is just a dream. And tell me that my Tonde
still loves me. Not the Tonde

Tonde: Leave!!!!

He says apa achindi saidzira panze. I am

left with no choice but to leave.
First lady: And don't come back to disturb
my son. I think it's better ndikari sungisa
benzi iri. Security! Security!
Security yauya ikanzi indibate. Tonde just
left me in the hands of his mother.

First lady: Lock this girl up. Muyendesei

kana kuchikurubhi ambono shandirwa
ikoko. That way she won't go around
destroy mhuri dzevanhu

Me: Ma'am I'm innocent. Please believe

me ma'am. Andina kana chandinoziva
please trust me.
Yolanda: My mother inlaw vakakuregerera
and you still went around uchiita hunhu
First lady: Manje ini no one messes with
my family achisiwa akadero young lady.
Security budai nehure iri.

Pandakauya kuHarare naTonde ndaiti

ndapinda machena asi kusatoziva kuti
ndazviparira. Apa ndine nhumbu. Yes, I'm
a month gone. I know it cause I missed
my days plaz ndiri kusimba plaz
maCravings acho anyanya. But I'm never
going to tell Tonde. I will disappear
nenhumbu yangu. I just pray nothing
happens to my baby neTreatment
yandave kupiwa. I am beaten up severely
then locked up mune vamwe.

I think instruction yakauya ichiti ndinyatso

rohwa because for two days now ndiri
kungo rowa. Time yekuti tirare has arrived.
Kurara kuri kunetsa but hope ameno
dzakabva kupi.

Again I find myself walking ndichibata

those dry trees. From no where mashizha
nema fruits akubuda pamuti wandinenge
ndabata. Ndikufamba roll by roll ndichiita
the same. Muti dzakaoma dzikunyorova
dzichibuda mashizha nema fruits. I'm
woken up by mvura yandinonzwa
inondiyenda pamakumbo. Pandinoti
nditarise kudai wanei iWeti yemunhu
akarara paSide neni nxaaa
INSERT 18 and 19



Ndamukirwa kurohwa zvekare. I'm
pleading for mercy but hapana
akuterera.A lady officer comes mandanga
ndichi rowa.

Her: Zvakwana. She can go home now.

Me: Mhaaa. Ndiyende. Mati ndiyende.
Maita basa. May God bless you. Mwari
wandonamata ngaakusimudzirei sure.
Her: And please stay out of trouble.
Me: I promise I will. Maita basa. Maita
basa sure.

I hurry back home to pack zvinhu zvangu

zvandakabva nazvo kumusha so that I
can leave before I get myself into more
trouble.I find Tanya atori pama kumbo
aSean busy kissing havo. I wonder anga
adzoka kumba nguvai coz it's work time
plaz akatanga kudanana naSean rinhi.

Me:I'm sorry
Sean: No it's okay and what happened to
you Nandi? Why are you like this and
where is Donnel.Why are you crying wifey.
Let me call Donnel
Me:No don't. He doesn't want me
anymore. He hates me.
Tanya: Girlfriend chii chikuitika? Ko
maronda kunge warohwa nhai (
akutochema) Chii nhai Nandi
Me: He said haachadi kundiona Tanya.
Haachadi nezvangu. But why is life so
unfair Tanya huh. Why pese ndini
ndinenge ndichingo chema.
Sean: Aripi Donnel
Me: I don't know. Ndane 2 days ndisina
kumuona. Rino nderechi 3
Sean: What! But I thought mamuri mese
wani. He sent message akati gone away
for kanguva kadiki. Take care of the
house. This is the message ( giving me
the phone)
Tanya: And makabuda mese muchiyenda
kuLunch. We thought pamwe muri mese
Me: No andina kumuona ini
Sean: Something must be happening
chete naye. Wait here,ndikudzoka soon.

He takes his car keys and leaves


Me: I'm going Tanya. Please take care of

yourself anditi kaaa.
Tanya: but wait. Sean will talk naye. Ati
mira wani
Me:Noo. The Tonde I saw three days
dzapfura will kill me akandiona ndiri pano.
Apa that lady from the boutique is his wife
Tanya. Ndakamuona naMai Tonde.
Tanya: Heeee. So Tonde was lying nguva
year iyi. Ko kana Sean achi nyepawo.
Me: No. I don't think Sean anaye mukadzi.
Tonde ndiye ega anaye. Apa mukadzi
wacho ishamwari here kunge hama
yaYolanda mukadzi waTinashe.
Tanya: Nhaiwe. What kind of dramais
happening muupenyu wako iwe.
Me: (crying) I don't know. All I know is I'm
leaving Tonde for good. Because of him
ndarara 2 nights kuchikurubhi
Tanya: What! Nandi!
Me: I'm over it now. Ndakuda kubuda
muno chete ndiyende kumusha.
Tanya: What if akandidzingawo neni
Me: He won't. I'm sure Sean won't allow
kuti uve homeless.

She blushes kkkkkk. I'm happy for her

nyangwe my life is a mess again.

Tanya: But still Nandi. Akudzinga basa

Me:Noo. But I can't risk hupenyu
weUnborn child wangu.
Tanya: Ukuti chii?
Me: I'm pregnant.
Tanya: Nandipha!!!!! Nhaiwe how could
you be so careless huh? Nhai Nandi nhai
Nandi ini zvangu ini. Nandi but why
Me: I'm sorry. But don't tell anyone.
Especially Donnel and Sean. Please keep
it a secret.
Tanya: Secret? Nandi Tonde deserves to
Me: Noo Tanya. Tinashe akatora mwana
wangu. I don't want history to repeat itself
pana Tonde. Hona takutaurisa. I'm better
go now.
Tanya:But Nandi
Me: It's not like I'm going kuAmerica
Tanya. Ndenge ndiripo.paHwedza apa.

I took zvinhu zvangu zvandakabva nazvo

kuMusha chete. Mari yake and all
zvaainge anditengera or zvandakatenga
nemari yake ndakasiya. Tanya aida
kundiperekedza kunondisiya ndakwira bus
but I managed kumu vhara. I lied to her
kuti ndikuyenda kuHwedza so ndaisada


I have absolutely no idea kwandiri

kuyenda. Mari yeBus chaiyo andina. I'm
tired now. Ndiku feeler dizzy. Apa nzara
yakundi vhunza mutupo. Dai ndayenda
kuHwedza asi ndatya. I trust Tanya but I
know mistakes happen. Anogona kutaura
zvenhumbu out of fear and I can't allow
mwana uyu kuti atorwe futi. I know life
without a mother and I can risk mwana
wangu kuti ararame seni. And I've been
wondering how Lanah is. My baby girl
Lanah. I don't even know face yake.

I hear bhero remota but andizive

chandibata chiii because andina
kudhumwa. Ndikuyedza kutarisa kuti chi
chiri kuitika but I fail before it's lights out
for me.


Sean came back asina Tonde. Nezuro

akauya pakati pehusiku coz akamushaya
saka amukira nhasi kunomutsvaga and
kutodzoka izvezvi Kuma 4 kuno. He was
disappointed kuziva kuti Nandi ayenda.

Me: wamuwana?
Sean: Yea. He's a mess. He spent 3 days
in isolation. He refused to come here so
ayenda kuBorrowdale.
Me: I hate him
Sean: Come on baby. His still my brother.
Your bamkuru.

I blush. Ohhh kkkk naSean zvedu

zvakatanga the night Tonde paakatumira
message iye yakati vhara richiti pamwe
vayenda kuVaccation not knowing

That night Sean begged kubetserwa

kugeza mota nhaimi ndikatomuti mota
kugezwa manheru sure apa aitove nePlan
rake. Akatanga kundi mwaya mvura
tikatanga kumwayana kusvika Sean
anyepera kundimhanyisa hake achiziva
aitoda kundi kisser. Andina kumurambira
hangu coz ndakamuda the first day
randakamuona. We kissed but I refused to
have sex naye. I'm a virgin and I need
time to relax.
INSERT 20 and 21

Insert 20



I have been trying kufonera Nandi but

phone yake ikuramba. I then call My Dad
but I receive disappointing news.
Nandipha haana kuyenda kumba. Where
is she?

Sean: Babe you're panicking chiii?

Me: Nandipha. Nandipha haana kuyenda
kumba Sean. She is all alone. My sister is
all alone Sean.
Sean: Come on Babe, maybe you're just
Me:Dai asina nhumbu dai ndisiri kunyanya
Sean: Heeeee? Wati Nandipha ane
My God me and my big mouth.

Sean: Babe wati Nandipha ane nhumbu

Me:Ayewa. Andina kumbodaro ini
Sean: Babe mhani. Just say the truth. You
say you care for Nandipha but how can I
help ini ndisiri kuziva chokwadi.
Me: She is pregnant. But please don't
separate her from mwana wake please.
Sean: Separate. Nhai Tanya.

He says apa achi tora his phone.


I was just sitting muRoom mangu looking

pama dziro. Nandipha hurt me zviri
serious. Apa she's my first love. Andisati
ndakamboda muskana semadiro
andomuita mwana uye. Why did she have
to deceive me zvakadero. I receive a call
from Sean. I'm too lazy to pick up but
ndaidaira hangu

Sean: Mdara get your ass KuAvondale
Me:Why?Chii chiri kuitika.
Sean: Nandi is missing but the bigger
news is she's missing with your unborn
Me:What do you mean.
Sean:Iwewe pawaiita unprotected sex
waiti maSperms ako ayiwira paDombo

Abva akata. Right Sean akatsamwa. I'm

still confused. Nandi is pregnant, and she
did not tell me. Andina time yeku geza so I
quickly drive KuAvondale.

Ndapinda mumba and I find Sean walking

around mumba kunge a mad person,
Tanya akagara paCouch achi chema. As
soon as Tanya sees me anojamba
kuzondirova. Abva abatwa naSean.

Tanya: Ndisiye Sean. Ndisiye. All that

Nandi wanted was to find peace chete.
She gave you her heart but iwewe wakaita
sei huh? Wakamutema nerudo rwake. You
failed her. Apa she trusted you. She
trusted you more than anything. Wakaita
sei iwe Tonderai. Wakamurova nekuseri
kweroko. (Apa Ari kuchemesesa)
Me: Sean what were you saying.
Sean: Nandi is pregnant plaz missing.
Me: But she never told me she was
Sean: I know. Tanya said something about
fear of separation.
Me: Separation?
Sean:Tanya. Babe please just tell us the
whole truth. We need it please.
Tanya: She, she
Me: Give her some water kuti shungu

She drinks water bvaatanga kutaura.

Tanya: I met Nandi patanga time ma13

years tese. Gogo vake, 1 munhu aimuda
had died. We became best friends.
Because Gogo vake had died, she moved
kuSide kwedu kwaaigara naDad vake and
step mom nevana vavo 3 vahombe kuna
Nandi. She was abused physically,
emotionally and mentally so akatiza when
we were 15 akauya kuzvitsvaga basa.
That's how she met Tinashe coz
ndokwaaishanda. One night, Tinashe
raped her. She wanted to report him but
she knew she was never going to win.
Besides, she had suffered a lot of pain so
akangorwadziwa ega. Four months later,
akaziva kuti anga aine nhumbu.

Me: So Tinashe did...

Tanya: Ehe, he raped her. Nandi akaudza

Mai vaTinashe zvainge zvaitika but as
expected Tinashe was protected. They
stopped giving her pay yake and abused
her over and over again. Yolanda akabva
arorwawo coz anga aine kamwana kake
naTinashe. The day after asununguka her
baby girl, she was chased out of the
house. She begged them kuty ave part of
her baby's life but they chased her away.
Nandi being a child akakura without a
mother, and has gone through almost
every type of abuse, she has become
protective of her unborn child. She fears
munozomutorera mwana wake so she
kept it a secret.

By the Time Tanya finishes kutaura, I am

in tears.i feel like the World's biggest fool
right now. I saw the pain on Nandipha's
face the first day I saw her. Sei ndisina
kuzvifunga zvese izvi. She never
approached me plaz pandakadanana
naye aitoti I'm jobless.

Me:I'm coming back.

Ndabva ndatobuda ndichimhanya. I need
to speak to my mother.



Ndamuka ndiri muRoom mukuita kunge
muchipatara. I see a beautiful woman who
stands up the moment yaaona ndamuka
and goes to call the doctor who comes
nemumwe murume but judging from the
way murume uyu yaakabata this woman I
think murume nemukadzi chete. They look
familiar though.

Me: Kwaziwai
Doc: My dear patient. Unonzani
Me:Nandi Moyo. I mean Nandi Chenje.
Woman: Moyo. Nandi Moyo???? Why
watanga waty Nandi Moyo

Andizive chi chiri kuitika but amai ava

vave kuva emotional

Me: Ndaimbonzi Nandipha Moyo

Her:And why Waka chinja
Me: I'm sorry but andisi comfortable
kutaura zveupenyu wangu
The man: Please Nandi. I'm Prophet Paul.
And this is my wife, Mai Prophetess Paul.
( Ohooo ndinova zivira paTV vanhu Ava)
Abt Seventeen years ago, Amwene vangu
left mwana waMai Prophetess paDoor
reMuridzi wemwana iyeye because aive
nenhumbu. She lies Kuna Mai Prophetess
kuti mwana wavo akafa and then
confessed last year paDeath bed before
vashaya. We visited kuHwedza kwainzi
kwakasiwa mwana but baba vacho told us
kuti Nandipha akafa achibvisa nhumbu.
But iwewe you have the same name and
surname of the child.

I'm in tears already. 1 because I've found

my mother panguva yandanga
ndapererwa. 2 because ndaona kuti baba
vangu Inyoka zvesure. 3 because
ndawana my mom ndane imwe nhumbu,
vachaona kunge ndiri nhubu yemwana.

Me: I'm the one. ( I say ndichi chema) My

Dad is Simbarashe Moyo. The one who
told you ndakafa. Kukura kwese vainge
vakandivenga and vakazondidzinga this
year. I don't know takapesana sei last year
yacho pamainditsvaga but ndaiveko.

When I'm done speaking, I'm already

mumaoko aMai vangu tese tichichema.

Mom: My baby. Nandi mwanangu.

Me: Mhamha.
Mom: Don't worry okay. Everything will be
alright. I will take care of you nemuzukuru
wangu okay
Me: how did you..
Mom: Doctor vatiudza. It's okay, ndokudai
mese nemuzukuru wangu.

Andizive Mwari ndomutenda nei. By 12

ndanga ndabuda. Ndashamisika kunzwa
kuti ndakaita kuswera zuro muHospital.
We arrive pamba paMom and my step
Dad but he said I should just call him Dad.
Ziimba rakakura iroro.

Mom: welcome home baby.

Me:Thanks mom, thanks Dad.



I have been sitting mumba maFirst lady

naSean and Donnel plas first lady vacho,
busy discussing way forward nenyaya
yaNandi. Yes, I was introduced kwavari
even though it happened fast because of
nyaya yaNandi. I was the witness
yeupenyu waNandi so ndaisangana navo
pama hearing ese. She knows ndiri babe
waSean futi kkkkkk and she has been
treating me with care havo. I receive call
from an unknown number

Me: Hello whose this?

Voice: Tanya

I know this voice. Voice raNandi

Me: Nandi! Nandi is this you?

Everyone stands up vakanditarisa

Nandi: I miss you girlfriend

Me: Nandi uripi? Who's phone is that,
ukufara Nani.
Tonde: Nandi, Tanya ndipo phone

I give him the phone.

Tonde:Nandi babe please come back

home. Huya titaure Nandi please. Nandi!
Nandi! Nandi!
Tondemom: hanzi chiii
Tonde: Akata phone
Me: Let me call her again

Mabva mapinda message.

Nandi: I'm going kuHwedza tomorrow

kunoona Dad. I'm safe, tell Tonde kuti
asanditsvage. Ndakawana my mom and
ndokwandiri kugara.
We all read the message.

MaiTonde: We can go kuHwedza kwacho

tese mangwana. She is carrying a Mhura
in her womb, I have to apologise
nekumutambudza kwandakaita.
Tonde: we will go. I have to talk naye. I
miss her fty. I miss wifey zvisingaite.

We left naSean coz I had to go and buy

few things zvekuyensa nazvo mangwana.


Tikuyenda kuHwedza nhasi. I can't wait to

see Dad and Tary. Mom and Dad bought
zvinhu zvakawanda pagrocery. They said
they are just thankful coz Baba Tanya
welcomed me mumba mavo.

We arrive Kuma 9. As soon as we step out

of the Car, I see a convoy ichisvikawo.
Tanya must have come along with the first

Me:Mom and Dad, let's go back, we will

come back rimwe zuva.
Dad: Face your fears today baby or else
you will die running away from small

Tanya comes out of the Car abva

amhanya kuzondi mbundira. We stay like
that tichi chema.

Me: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry

Tanya: Shhhhh. You're upsetting our baby
in here.kkkk

We laugh a little and I raise my head

ndokusanganidzana maziso naTonde. He
looks like my Tonde and not the Tonde I
last saw but aLooser weight mbichana.
Pain is written all over his face. I see the
first lady and ndakushaya kuti ndova
mhoresa here, ndovatukirira here kana
kuti ndingobva. Mom must've seen kuti
ndikunetsekana so she pamwe naDad
greet the first lady.

First lady: I don't deserve your respect

Prophet and aMai Prophetess Paul.

Ohhhh, so vanotozivana havo.

First lady: Nandipha mwanangu, I am
Me: It's okay, let's go in.

To be honest kuregerera andina buh

ndikuda zvindibve.

First lady: I know kuti you're saying this

kuti zvikubve. And I don't blame you
because ndakakanganisa. And ndakaita
zvisina Moyo mukati( vanotanga
kuChema)My actions also put my unborn
grandchild pakamanikana, I am truly sorry.
Mom: Your Excellency, I think it's wise
tikapinda mumba, I can sense a crowd
ichaungana soon, muri Mai venyika saka
vanhu vakawanda vanenge vachida
Tanya: That's true. But I doubt kana Dad
naTary varipo. Ngatipindei tomira mumba.

We all enter mumba. I see maChanges

atakaita naTanya muno anodadisa. The
house yanaka mazuvano and masofa


Tane one week tisinga one Nandipha. I

have filed a case of a missing person. I'm
losing weight daily. Tinashe
ndakamusungisa. We approached him kuti
ataure zvakaitika when he said Nandi
seduced him and guess what, nyaya
yaakataura 2 years ago yasiyana
neStatement raave kutaura. Akanganwa
nyaya yaakanyepa achiti Nandi akamu
pindira muBath achigeza akamubata his
penis which is his weakest point. Now
akuti Nandi akapinda muRoom make
akashama akamu seducer. Nxaaa bloody
liar.Now I need Nandipha to come back, I
want to fight for custody yaLanah but I
need her to be there kuti apiwe mwana
wake neCourt.


Week rapera ndichigara naMom and Dad.

Ndiri kuita kufara. I'm glad my Dad is a
man of God. I see vanhu hobho vachiuya
and miracles taking place. Kkkkkk and I'm
in love with God. Because of zvandiri
kuona. By the way, mom and Dad are
expecting their first child together. Ndaida
kubvunza why vakanonoka kuita mwana
but ndakazvidzora hangu.Now I'm sitting
naMom muSitting room catching up hedu.

Mom: So nditori neumwe muzukuru.

Me: Yes. But andizive zvaakaita.
Mom: Don't worry, we will fight for custody
yake mwana iyeye. And Simba anoda
kusungiswa zvese nemhuri yake
Me: no mom. Let's leave them vakadero.
God will punish them zvinoenderana navo.
Dad: And his punishment yatotanga
Mom: Darling, I did not see you coming.
Dad: Ndauya Kare ini. And I'm happy to
see my two Angels bonding. Kkkkkk
because soon Nandi akudzokera
kumunhu wake.
Me: What do you mean Dad. Munhu upi?
Dad: Donnel Tonderai Mhura. Your
husband. He is the one wawakapiwa
naMwari and I see maWedding bells
Me:Dad no. He hurt me zvisingaite.
Andichade nezvake ini
Dad: Is that true? Hauchandide?
Mom: Darling (holding dad's hand.
Dad: I need to let her see the light. I've
accepted her as my daughter and it's my
duty to protect her. Nandipha mwanangu,
everyone makes mistakes, Donnel
akakanganisa but ndiye wako murume
Me: How do you know about that?
Dad: Who am I again? Kkkkkkkkk. Just
know kuti Donnel ndiye wako from God,
ndiye achakuvhurira nzira just like kuHope
Me: I don't understand
Dad: Those dry trees in your dreams,
before mashizha and maFruits abuda, chiii
Dad: No. You did not pay attention to a
male dove yaimhara pamuti then iwewe

Ohhh my God. It's true. Apa ndaisatarisa

and I never spoke about the dove. The
male dove.

Me: Yes, it's true

Dad: That's Donnel. He will help you bring
life to many. Achakuvhurira nzira.
I laugh out loud. Dad does not know
Donnel sure. That guy is crazy.

Dad: kkkkk you are laughing but

ndakuudza chokwadi. Because his love
and encouragement will keep you going
Apostle Nandipha Rose Mhura.
Me: Mhaaaaa

The maid comes in disturbing us

Maid: Maswera sei, Mhamha, kuTV

kubuditsa sis Nandi vakanzi missing.
Ndatoona izvezvi, I'm sure vachiri

Mom quickly switches on the TV. Mai

Tonde is talking paNews begging me Kuti

Mom: We have to call them

Me:What for? Vanditorere mwana wangu.
No andidi Mhamha.
Dad: All they want is to correct their
mistake Nandi, give them a chance. At
least, just show them kuti you're okay. Vari
kushungurudzika vanhu ava.
Dad was right. Ndiri selfish. Tanya must be
going through a lot. I had found myself a
family before ndawana my mom and her
husband so I should respect them futi.

Me: Can you escort me KuHwedza. I want

to see Dad. I mean, baba Tanya.
Mom: It's okay, wanga wajaira kuti Dad so
don't change because of us.

We continue talking hedu but I have nyaya

iri pending baDad. He called me Apostle
Nandipha Rose Mhura. He has to explain



Dad Chenje naTary vadzoka. They said

vavambotora a walk havo kuExerciser
muviri. Vadzoka tichangopinda mumba
saka First lady vanga vasati vawana
mukana wekupedzisa nyaya yavo. I
explaine everything zvakaitika to my mom
and how we found each other. Tanya is
crying kkkkkk. My cry baby.

Me: Baba( referring to Dad Chenje)

Makaita basa nekundi gamuchira ndisina
kana chandaiva nacho. Ndinoshaya
chekukutendai nacho nerudo
rwamakandipa rwandisina kupiwa naBaba
nyakubereka chaivo.
Dad Chenje: Kwete mwanangu Nandipha.
Chausingazive ndechekutu wakabatsira
Tanya kuti asaite depression Ari mwana
mudiki. Wakandibatsira kuchengeta Tanya
nyangwe waisaziva kuti waibata basa

I smile at Tanya. Apa we're both in tears.

Tanya: Enough now, it's not good for the

FirstLady:kkkk sure. Zvakwana makoti.

Hehehedeee. Makoti. Inini manje. I'm not

going to give in easily.

Me: Can I be excused two minutes.

Mom: Okay baby.
I go out kuti ndiyende kuToilet. I see many
people vakaungana vachiyeverwa nemota
dziri pano. Some wave at me and I wave
back. Ndapinda muToilet and ndakubuda
only to see Tonde akandimirira.

Tonde:Amai Mhura
Me:Ndonzi Nandipha
Tonde:Baby I'm sorry. I know I messed up
big time, sorry Nandipha. Baby sorry.
Me:I'm sorry but andidi. I'm a gold digger
so Ndisiye nditsvage vekudya mari since
iwe wakuziva my true colours already


Nandi:I'm sorry but andidi. I'm a gold

digger so Ndisiye nditsvage vekudya mari
since iwe wakuziva my true colours

Those words hit home sure. I see the pain

mumaziso ake as she say this statement.

Me: Baby, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that

to happen. Ndiregerero mukadzi wangu.
Mai Mhura please.
Nandi: correction, hatina kurorana saka
andisi mukadzi wako or Mai Mhura. Zvese
zvakaitika between us was a mistake, I
shouldn't have come between you and
your wife. Ndakumbira usiyane neni, the
way yawakandi dzinga yakandisiya
mumaoko proved my worth in your life.
Zvakarakidza kuti I'm just a nobody wauno
picker and drop pawadira. And I refuse
that status.
Nandi: Vanhu vakuuya this direction, let's
go inside now

I attempt to walk away but obva

andimbundira zviri tight.

Tonde: I know I messed up big time.

Ndinoziva ndakakutadzirei Mai Mhura but
I promise you, iwewe uri wangu, and no
one is going to stop me from kudanana
newe futi. Not even you Mai Mhura. Not
even you wanzwa.

He let's go of me obva apukuta musodzi

fast and walks kumba. Tonde anopenga
sure. But his tears melted my heart. I
hurry back inside and I find mom
vachitoseka naFirst lady. Tanya comes
and drags me kuSpair room.
Tanya: (hugging me) Girlfriend I missed
Me: Tanya akomana kkkkkkkkk ukundi
Tanya:Ehe coz you deserve it. Kkkkkk
Me:kkk unorwara.
Tanya: Guess what
Me: You are no longer a virgin
Tanya: Mnxx iwe mhani. Do you think
nestress dzatatinadzo coz of you
takawana nguva yezvozvo.
Anyways,Tinashe ari muRemand now.
Me: Tinashe chaiye?
Tanya: Ehe. Tonde akaita hasha
pandakamuudza the whole truth. He beat
him up akamusungisa. Apa Tinashe
wacho anga akanganwa statement
raakambotaura. So akachinja nyaya. He
was tortured kusvika aConfessor ega. Mai
vake vakanyara. Vaitoda kusungiswa for
abuse yavakakuita but I begged Tonde
naSean kuti vavasiye coz I knew
waisabvuma kuti vasungwe.
Me:Yea she's too old kuti vasungwe
Tanya:I met Lanah. Your baby is cute
Nana. Akafanana newe. Wabva wapa
mwana kaHeight kako ikako. Kkkkkk
Me: Really. I want to meet her. I miss her
Tanya: You will. Tonde wanted to fight for
custody yemwana but zvaisaita usipo.
Tonde loves you Nandi
Me: Please don't start nenyaya yaTonde.
Kkkkkk look at us busy makuwa apa tisina
kupa vanhu food. Ucharambwa
naAmwene iwe
Tanya: kkkkkk haiwa ndovadyisa.

We laugh as we exit the room tichinobika.

We served vanhu food and I was
surprised kuona first lady eating like a
normal person. You know, I thought vacha
sema or something. Tanya said she is
really nice, just kuti vakatanga nekunzwa
a convincing bad story about me and like
any mother, she tried to protect mwana
wavo. Still, that does not change the pain
yandinayo in my heart.


Life has not been easy lately. It's me,

Nothando, Nandipha's elder sister. The
one ane 19 years. Soon after Nandipha
adzingwa, mom found out kuti Nyasha
ane nhumbu yaBlaa Gudze vanotengesa
mazai aka boiliswa paMaShops.
Nekusada mukwasha anotambura, mom
forced Nyasha kubvisa nhumbu apa
akabviswa nemunhu asingagone.
Hameno mushonga wavakashandisa
wakabvarura chibereko chaNyasha and
now chikuorera. MaDoctors akati chofana
kubviswa asi Mari ndopasina. Dai dad
vachiri kushanda manje vakamiswa basa.
Nyaya yavakadzingirwa basa handizive
ndeyei but itori serious nekuti ikuita mom
naDad vanetsane zuva nezuva apa vanga
vasina maServings eFuture purposes.

Nyasha: Nothando

Nyasha anondidedza akarara parupasa.

Haachakwanise kufamba nema rwadzo
apa iko kuonda kwaaita. Mom vari
kumupepa.Nokutenda akagara nechekure
akatsamwa nekuti anzi awache hembe.

Nyasha: iwe Nothando iwe.

Mom: Nhaiwe Nothando haunzwe
Me: Arikudei
Nxaa vanhu vakaota zvinhu zvavo vega
vakuda kutishushawo isu.

Nyasha: Mmmm Zvakaoma. Ko vanhu

vari kuRoad vakuenda kupiko. Vanhu
vanguri vapfurapo vachi mhanya.
Noku: Hayas, makuwa shuwa makuwa.
Nekurwara ikoko atori kuda nyaya

Ndakaseka zvangu. But zvesure panenge

pane zviri kuitika muAreas nekuti vanhu
vakumhanya mhanya. Ndabva ndaona
Dereck mukomana wezvingoro ariko

Me: Dereck! Dereck iweee

Dereck: Watiiiii
Me:Huya kaaa pano two minutes
Dereck: Haaa iwe Nothando unoziva ndiri
muhombe kwauri nekure?
Me: Two minutes kani

Abva auya achimhanya. Yaaa ndofunga

kuri kumhanywa mhanywa sure.

Me: Ko chiii chirikuitika muArea. Vanhu

hamuna kugadzikana nhasi
Dereck: Haaaa nhaiwe Wadi wabvunza
ndiri kwandandiri. Anyways Mai venyika
vari muArea saka maYouth ati tigadzire
pakashata vasati vabuda mumba mavari
nekuti vauya vanhu vakavarairwa saka
tatisina kugadzira kaa nzvimbo
Mom: Vari mumba maniko?
Dereck: Kwamudhara Chenje. Uyo
Mom: Hehede. Ndaizviziva kuti kadhara
kaye katsotsi. Hezvo vakoromora
kuvakuru venyika. Hameni hako kadhara
kaye, kanofira mujeri.

Dad vabva vasvikawo. Vanga vambono

tsvaga pekubata kuti tiwane chekudya.

Dad: Kadhara kapiko kamukutaura?

Me:Baba vaTanya
Dereck: kkkkkk Mai Moyo, mdara uye
haana kana mhosva nemunhu, vakwasha
vake vana vaPresident. Nandi wenyu
wamakapa mdara uye anodanana
nemupfana mukuru uyu kwanzi Donnel,
ehe Donnel. Tatozoonawo mipikicha yavo
kaaa isu. Saka ndosaka Amai venyika vari
Dad: Wati kudiiiii?
Noku: Imbomirai, iwe ukutaura mwana
komana mukuru, haaa wanyepa. Ndine
maPictures ake neGirlfriend yake and
vanooneka kuti vanodanana. Not
zvaNandi zvaukutaura.
Me: Tone

Abva andipa phone pane maPictures

acho. Yoweeeee. Zvaari Nandi nhaimi.

Dereck: Aya. Ndiwo mapikicha ataona

Me:Noku iwe ndiye Nandi. Ndinandi uyu.
Dad: Heeee. Hunza kuno tione phone
Noku:Sure. Ini andina kumuona wani.

They all look at maPictures. I see munhu

wese is shocked kuona ndiNandi.

Baba Moyo

Me: Haaaaa haaaaaa emmmmmm kuti

angava Nandi iyeye? Vanenge
Dereck: Ndanzwa kuti mwedzi mishoma
yapfura iye Donnel aive kuno uye ainge
ofambidzana naNandi.
Me: Watisina kumbonzwa nezvake.
Noku: Aiwa, akanetsa mukomana iyeye
achinzi wekunaka. Mhamha
ndakatovaudzawo. Asi haana kuuya
nemota dzake pekutanga. Vanhu
vakazoshamisika paakauya neBango
remota zvakabva zvaratidza kuti imbozha
mukomana iyeye.
Dereck:Eheeeeeee. Ndipo paakunzi
akabva atakurana naNandi, Tanya
akazoteera mushure. Ini ndatora nguva
yakareba pano,regai ndiyende Chairman
asati aona andipo, andizopiwewo Mari

Dereck akabva andisiya nemhuri yangu.

Munoziva Simba rekugara chairo
rinobuda,apa kumira kwacho andisisina
simba. Ndikushaya kuti ndoita zvekudii,
sure ndakadzinganisa ticket rangu
reumbozha. Nekuda kwegadzi irori
rakangotiwo tuzu nenyadzi.

Me:Zvino unogoti tuzu chiiii chacho.

Wakadzinganisa mwana wangu mumba
maBaba vake wafara here now agarika.
Shuwa kundi svoresa kuty ndiseke
nedunhu here ini.
MaiMoyo: Baba Nyasha ndikwanire
wanzwa. Pandakamu dzinga wainge
wakasungirirwa here? Wakadi kumurwira
mwana iyeye. Nekuti ave mumari
wakuona kuipa kwangu
Me:Ndikuda mwana wangu. Enda
unomutora. Chalo kuzvara zvima good for
nothing sex machines zvinoziva kubvisa
mimba chete.
Noku:Mdara hamusi makuvhurika here
Me:Iwe Noku ziva zvekupindura vezera
rako. Amai vako iBad news Ava. Because
of her I lost basa rangu futi
Nothando:Chiiko chakanyatso itika
Me:Haana kukuudzai kaa. Haana kutaura
zvaakaita iye Mai Nyasha. Akandimirira
kuba Mari kubasa uyu. Now zvakabatwa
ndikadzingwa basa. Apa ndakatanga
ndasungiswa ndikabhadhariswa mazi Mari
eFINE. Nekuda kwake iye Mai venyu. I am
MaiMoyo:Ndakaku forcer kuba here?
Ndakubata roko here.

Hameni hasha dzakandibata dzakabvepi

asi ndakazongopa Mai Moyo mucheka
wandakatendawo ndega kuti pano
ndazadza dama remunhu zvine size

Mai Moyo nehasha vakangosimudza
Demo ranga riri pasi ndokutiti Ga
pagumbo ini ndokudonha pasi.

Me:Maiweeeeee! Maiweeeeee. Nhaiwe

Mai Nyasha. Wandiparireiko
Nothando:Daddy, Daddy yedzai kufema.
Mhamha maiteiko nhaimi.
Mai Moyo: Mudiwa wangu, sorry Baa
Nyasha. Sorry kani.

Noku ndiye ange amhanya kunotora

bandage nekuti ropa raiita kujuja zviri

Me:Nhasi ndokusungisa chete Mai

Nyasha. Nhasi unoraramo mujeri.
Noku:But Dad mukapa statement renyu
munopedzisira masungwa mese.
Remember mune nyaya yaNandi duty
yataurika kaaaa. Munobatwa neChild

Asi mwana ataura chokwadi uyu. Mnxxxx

Mai Nyasha ndisatani paamire. Zvino mari
yacho yekuchipatara ndoiwanepi? Ini ndiri
kutoshaya yeku rapisawo iye Nyasha ave
kuora chibereko.



Tanya begged kuti tisare so that we can

catch up. Mom and dad understood. I
loosened up a little pana first lady but
naTonde hatina kuzotaura kubva paye. He
has been serious chete and anga achiita
achindi tarisa ne a serious face.

Mom: toonana mangwana my baby. Tanya

come visit us also. You're also my
Tanya: Ndinouya mom. I promise.
First lady: Nandi, I know my home holds
bad memories but please don't be a
stranger, I also want my grandchild to get
familiar nemba yaGogo kachiri mudumbu
Me:I promise to visit soon.

Tasirwa Fortuner yaSean coz ndaramba

mota yaTonde. I will be driving though
nekuti Tanya haagone. Tabhabhaisa
vanhu vese and vayenda. Tasara tave 4
chete, inini, Dad Chenje, Tanya and Tary.
We catch up as a family hedu. We had
fun. Takatobatwa nehope tiri muSitting
room tikazomutsva naDad Chenje pakaty
pehusiku kuti tiyende kunorara.

Kwayedza and ndikunzwa kuda chingwa

chaicho. Ohhhhh I remember nezuro
pagrocery takakanganwa kutenga

Me:Tanya mune chingwa muGrocery

ramakauya naro.
Tanya: Amuna. Chingwa ndakangoti
ndotengera kuno.
Me:Ndikuda Chingwa ini.
Tanya: Yoweee. Pagrocery rese iro ukuti
hapana chingwa.
Me:Takakanganwa. Apa ndochandiri kuda
Tanya:Hayas. Tora maKey totenga. Tary
anosara achipedzisa basa

I take the car keys ndobva tabuda kuno

tenga nemota. We arrive pama shops
bvataona Trish naMelody vaskana vaye
vema kuwa. Mind you ndakachenawo.
Mom bought me hembe dzakawanda.
Melody: ende vaskana hamurevesi.
Maitozivana henyu naDude but maiita
kunge pasina chamunoziva
Tanya: kkkkkk ko maida titi chii
Trish: Apa iko kuchinja kwamaita
Melo:Kuita kunaka kani
Me:Kkkkk hayas imimi sooo
Trish:Ko iwe wakanzwa zvakaitika kumba
Me:Kumba kwedu?
Trish:KwaMoyo mhani iweeee.
Me:hoooo uko. Hakusi kwedu hako
Melo:Hehehedeeeee kwakautwa wrestling
chaiyo mdara Moyo akatemwa gumbo
nedemo nemukadzi wake. Izvezvi haana
kuyenda muchipatara nekuti hapatorina
Trish:Ehe. Hanzi basa rakapera.
Tanya:kkkkkk ahhhh kkkkkkkk maiwe
zvangu. Inga vakunakidzwa.
Melo: Vakuramba nhamo iri serious. Apa
Nyasha akabvisawo nhumbu zvisiri rizvo
zvakakanganisa chibereko chake. Hanzi
chiri kuora apa vakuda Mari yeOperation
asi havatorina. Even kudya vakudya ka2
pazuva apa tukafu twacho sooo

Kkkk haaa vaskana vema kuhwa

havapedzi. Ini ndiri kuda chingwa ini and
vari kutondinonokera nenyaya dzavo.

Me:Girls tiri kumhanya. Tozobatana.

Melo:Iiiii asi musazo rovere Harare
Trish:Sure coz tatakusuwai isu.

Hayas. Vanhu vatema. Vabva vaita kunge

tai wirirana. Yaita maBye bvatapinda
muShop. People could not stop greeting
us haaa hupenyu hunochinja sure. We
buy our bread and tapinda mumota takuda
kutoenda I feel someone andibata roko
nepa window


Ndamukira kuma shops. Ndiri kuda

maPain killers aNyasha nyangwe asiri
kubetsera hawo. I see Nandipha naTanya.
Vari kupinda muzibango remota yeSilver
grey soooooo. I quickly run
kunovamhoresa. Ndasviko bata Nandipha
roko apa ndiye driver heyiiiiiii.
Me: Nandipha
Nandi:Mhoroi sis Nothando.
Tanya:Nothy ndeipi.
Me:Muri sei? Ko kurova. Indava kusauya
kuzoona vamwe.
Nandi: Ahhhh ndakambouya kuzoona
baba vangu nelittle sister yangu Tary saka
ndikutoshqya nguva yekuyenda Kuma
raini mufunge.

Yaaa zvesure haachadi nezvedu

Me: zvekushaya time yekuona veropa

rako sure?
Nandi: Ahhh ko ropa risina rudo
rakakosha here. Ndinoona kwandakadiwa
sezvandiri. Anyways it was nice seeing
you Nothando, regai todzokere kumba
tosvika Dad vave worried nekuti havadi
Me:Okay I understand. Good bye.

Vanobva vaDriver havo. I watch as Nandi

drives this big car.I quickly but mapiritsi
then bvandamhanya kumba kunosvitsa

Me: Veduweeee imi Nandipha achinja. Iko

kunaka. Apa ano driver ziBango remota.
Dad: wamuona kupi?
Me:Kuma shops, apa kuchena chete.
Vavachiita kunhuwirira. Nandi ava
kurarama muMari shuwa.
Mom: Saka akupa chiii?
Me: Hapana. Haaa haasisina basa nesu
Nyasha: Please, she's still my little sister
Mhamha, I can't die iye aripo. Nothando,
please take me to her, I need her more
than ever. Please.
Dad:Ko akakunyima
Me:At least tenge tayedza. Dai
matouyawo, Nandi akaona gumbo renyu
anogona kunzwa tsitsi
Noku:Zvesure endai dad
Mom: Dai mayenda izvezvi.
Dad: Zvesure. Regai tiyende


I am quietly enjoying chingwa changu

neFrench polony neBaked beans neTea
yangu.Nhumbu yangu yakasika kuda
zvinhu. Apa haidi mazai nebacon mnxxx.
As I am enjoying myself ndiri paVeranda I

Voice: tisvikewo

I raise my head only to see vaMoyo and

his three daughters Nothando,Nyasha and
Nokutenda. Nothando is supporting
Nyasha kufamba whilst Noku is supporting
vaMoyo. Nyasha aita kuonda zviri serious

Me:Makadiii henyu. Dad vabuda asi

vakudzoka maskati havo. Mogona kusiya
VaMoyo: Nandipha mwanangu,tauya
kuzoona iwewe. Tafambira iwe mwanangu
Me: Mafambira ini kuti kwakanaka here?
Nyasha: Nandipha please help us, you're
still our blood. Please little sister.
Me: Little sister? Did you just call me Little
sister? Musandinakidze muchidero.
Mukumboda help yeiko?
VaMoyo: Look at my leg mwanangu,
ndoda kurapwa gumbo rangu. Look at
Nyasha, akuora chibereko and chinoda
kubviswa or else anofa chikanonokerwa.

Hayas. Zvakaoma sure. Vanhu ava mukati

vane brain sure

Me:10 bond. You could not give me 10

bond yema piritsi emusoro chaiwo.
Hmmmm hayas. Before ndabva kumba
kwenyu, I told you kuti tisazoonana
whether mukuoma kwezvinhu kana
mukunaka. Please ibvai pano
mukukanganisa kudya kwangu.
VaMoyo: Mwanangu
Me: Ibvai pano
Noku: Na....
Me: handina nguva yekupengerwa
pamberi pangu, Ibvai pano.

They make a U turn kuti vayende.

Me: I have no money. Andina kana cent.

Kuonekera uku is because ndakawana
amai vangu. Yes, Amai nyakubereka
vamakanyepera kuti ndakashaya mushure
mekubvisa nhumbu. Ndivo vari
kundichengeta. Ini handina kana basa
randinoita ini. Dai ndanga ndine Mari,

Ndabva ndatora chikafu changu

ndokunoyedza kudyira mumba. I've lost
my appetite. I start crying and Tanya
comes from muSpair

Tanya: I saw zvese. I could not come out

coz ndqndichida utaure zviri pamoyo.

Me:Havana kana kuita sorry

Tanya: zvisiye mumaoko amwari.

Takazoswera takugara naTanya wangu

naTary who joined us later. Ndakaudzwa
mom about zvaitika prophet vakutumira
1000 US hanzi ndivape. Heeeeee kutopa
Mari yese iyi. Ndinotanga imba kaaaaa ini.
Ndaisada kuvapa but ndakazvisiya
ndobva ndaperekedzwa naTanya
kwaMoyo. We arrive kwakuona

MaiMoyo:Baba Nyasha ndidzikamire

Nothando: nhai veduwe Dad naMhamha
maEveryday fights enyu akuti sembura
Nothando:Hiiii my little sister wauya. Huyai
mugare apa(showing us maChair)

We sit down and I want kuvapa Mari fast

and leave. This place reminds me of how I
was treated pano.

Me:So I told my parents about your

situation and my Dad vatumira Mari.

I hand them the money. It's one thousand

US. Yenyu naNyasha. I'm leaving for
good. Handichada kudzoka pamba pano
so this is good bye

Nothando:But you're still our little sister

Me:Our relationship ended
pandakadzingwa pano kwadokadoka. Bye
I have to go
VaMoyo: Ndiregerero mwanangu.
Ndakakanganisira pasi nedenga.
Ndiregerero mwanangu. Chikumbiro
Me: Ndakakuregererai Kare,asi hukama
ndipo pasisina. Tanya handei

Tabva tafamba naTanya wangu. I'm

holding my tears.

Tanya: Let it out. Let it all out.

I cry on her shoulders iye achibhabhadzira

musana wangu.

Me: I prayed for this day kudhara. I

wanted a normal relationship naDad
vangu kudhara. It pains me kuona baba
vangu vari zvavave but it pains more
kuona kuti vakundidira mari yandisina.

I cry more kusvika shungu dzapera.

Tanya:Look who's coming. Please don't be

too hard on him.

I raise my head only to see Tonde

achiDriver nezimota reBlack. Anditozivewo
Zita racho. Abva asvika patiri bvaamisa

Tanya: Inini I'm going to see a friend saka
Nandi pinda mumota tone.
Tanya:Haaah ahhhhh. Pinda tone.

I know Tanya akuzviitira kuti nditaure

naTonde tiri two. Zvisinei Nothando abva
asvika nePhone yaTanya yaanga

Nothando:Tatichingonzwa kurira ( she is

smiling, hameno kufarira kuti amuonerawo
Tonde wacho padhuze apa akuita
achitarisa mota)
Tanya: Ko ndiSean newe manga muchi
Tonde: Ehe. Tatichida kubvunza
kwamamuri but then wausiri kudaira. So
Tonde azotanga hake kugeza and I had to
leave the house nekuti I really wanted to
see Nandi.
Tanya: kkkkkk saka wabuda Sean
I start laughing neniwo. Tonde haakure.
Nothando:Makadi henyu
Tonde:Tiripo hedu makadiwo

I see maLooks andikupiwa naTonde,

Tanya and Nothando. Vakutarisa kana
ndikuzoita maIntro. Vakuda nditi Chiiko ini

Me:Tonde uyu anonzi Nothando,

Nothando, uyu anonzi Tonde.
Tonde: kkkkkk hayas. Hesi hako Nothando
Nothando:Makadiii henyu Bamnini.
Tonde:Haaaa veduwee. Title iya
Tanya:Kana kwandiri uchingori bamnin
iwe kkkk. Guys let me go, Sean ari ega.
Tonde:Usanopindire munhu akashama
Tanya:Veduwee obvious apedza kani.

Tanya hugs me and says her goodbye.

Tonde: Handei Mai Mhura.

I look at him neziso hombe. Lucky him

ndanyara kumunyadzisa pamberi
paNothando. Ndabva ndapinda mumota.
Me: Bye Nothando
Tonde: Maiguru, ndafamba ndisina Mari
but oyi 50 US iyi, buy yourself drink.
Nothando:Maita basa bamkuru.

Nothando anotora mari obva atiita maBye

obva ayenda.

Me: What was that for?

Me:Wamupirei Mari. Uda kuzoti gold
digger riye rakushandisa vanhu kundidya
Mari fty.
Tonde:Nandipha mhani! I'm here coz I
miss you, Please don't make my visit here
a mistake.
Me:Iwewe ukumbodeiko


Hayas hunhu waNandi mazuvaano

wakaoma. Andichazvive kuti kuchiri
kundivenga kana kuti ave under control
Nandi:iwewe ukumbodeiko
Me:Mwana wangu arisei. Akukupa

I say ndichitobata dumbu rake. Kkkkk I

see her tense zvemunhu Aku react
positively kuTouch yaDaddy.

Me: Tiri mumota Mai Mhura. Plaz ndikuda

kubata mwana chete, kwete imi.
Nandi: mnx
Me: kkkkkk. Uda kudyei totenga.
Nandi:Ndikuda Kuyenda kumba.

I know akutaura kumba kuno kwaari but

ini I'm taking her home kuAvondale right
now. I text Sean message yekuti off to
Avondale naNandi. Don't call me or Nandi.
Andidi kuti ukaanganise my plan. Wewe
wotevera naTanya wako.

Ndapedza I switch off my phone.

Me:Fine, let me take you home. Isa seat

Nandi: rebasa rei isu tikuyenda paseri apa
Me: Nandi mhani

Kakabva kaisa seat belt. Ndakabva

ndaLocker maDoors ndokumutsa mota.
We passed imba yaVaChenje

Nandi:Nhaiwe wakupfurira wani.

I ignored her hangu. Akambonyarara

achida kuona zvandaiita but moment
yataka pinda muHigh way akatanga

Nandi: Iweeee Tonde. Nhaiwe! Iwe

ndidzosere kumba mhani. Nhaiwe!
Me:Wati uda kuuendeswa kumba. So I'm
taking you home.
Nandi:Home hanty ndokwawasiya here.

Broken beauty

Tonde haana kunyatso kwana chete. He is

driving muFull speed futi. Asi chiii naTonde

Me:Tonde please. Please take me home.

Tonde:That's where I'm taking you Mai
Mhura. Kumba kwako.
Me:Tonde I will just out of this car
Tonde:Ehe wobva wafa ndozviurayawo.

I'm convinced kuti Tonde anopenga chete.

I give up. Now ndangogara zvino. Iye atori
serious haasi kana kuseka. We reach

Me:But Tonde chii

Tonde: Welcome home Mai Mhura.
Me:Ko ndikasara ndichi tsvagwa.
Tonde:Tanya anoziva uneni.
Me: But hazvina hunhu Tonde
Tonde:Don't worry. Soon ndichakukisa
vanhu vese vakatarisa saka zvehunhu
izvo zvezvisisina basa.
Tonde: Nyangwe ukati mnx

Akabva abuda ndokuuya kuzondivhurira

Tonde:Chibudai mumota.
Me: Andidi
Tonde: Nandipha

Veduwe andizive Tonde akazvifambisa

sei, ndakangoerekana ndaku kiswa. And
as usual my body betrayed me. He kissed
me and carried me out of the car. He
locked the car ndikufamba akanditakura. I
wanted to protest but ndakashaya kana
simba rekutaura. That's how my body
reacts to his touch. He entered the
bedroom akanditakura and continued

I look deep into his eyes as he slowly gets

in and out of me. His eyes are saying a
lot. Ndamubata musoro as I enjoy the
pleasure he is giving me.

Tonde: Mami
Tonde:Usandisiye please. I love you too
much to let you go
I just nod my head. Words are failing me.

Tonde: Nandipha ndati Ndokuda.


He smiles and continues nezvatai ita

hedu. Few minutes later we were cuddling
hedu after catching our breaths. That's
when reality kicks in. I wanted Tonde to
sweat a little tisati tadzokerana but
ndamuudza kuti I love him already.

Tonde: Mai Mhura

I just look at him coz nditori nehusimbe


Tonde:Sex must not solve our fights but

communication. I was the first to act the
wrong way, can you please forgive me
totanga paFresh page. At least for the
sake of our two babies.
Me:Two babies
Tonde:Lanah and Junior. I accept Lanah
as mine. What's yours is mine and Kari
mudumbu nehunhu waunawo ako obvious
kaBoy boy.
Me: I'm sorry
Tonde: What's that for?
Me: I should have told you about Lanah
but I was scared. I was scared waizoona
sendiri dirty. I was scared of losing you. I
was also scared of my past saka
ndaisataura nezvazvo.
Tonde:It's okay. I understand you.

We hug then we continued cuddling until

we fell asleep.


Mai Moyo

Chokwadi nyadzi dzinokunda rufu. Nandi

mwana wandaisvora ndiye aita kuti wangu
mwana chaiye awane rubatsiro ini

Nyasha: Mhamha. Zvandibviswa

chibereko zvoreva kuti pangu pekuda
mwana pandiperera kaaaaa. Nekuda
kwenyu chete amai.
Noku:Apa Daddy cave chirema futi.
Nekuda kwenyu chete. Muri
kumbozvifunga kuti Dai asiri Nandi chii
chaizoitika kuna Nyasha?
Nyasha: Obvious Noku. Ndaifa. Ende ini
ndaikumukirai chipoko naAmbuya vangu
Me:Ndiregerereiwo vana vangu
Nyasha:Amai zvinondipa vana here
izvozvo. Munoti ndichawanepi murume
anoda ngomwa. Huhhhh!
Nothando: Guys, kutuka mom hakuna
zvakuchabatsira. Dad vave chirema,
havacha kwanise kumhanya mhanya
sezvavaiita. Basa rasara mumaoko edu.
Nyasha wozobatirana nesu kana
Noku:Ini changu hachidyiwe nemuroyi
uyu. Bodo. Dai vasiri rivo pamwe dai
Nandi akatoti Tora akagara nesu.
Me: Ndiregerereiwo veduweee.
Nyasha: itonamatai kuti Dad vakapedza
kurapwa vasauye vachikudzingai

I see the hate yave navana vangu towards

me. If only I could reverse the hands of
time ndaibata Nandi nenzira yakanaka. I
am truly sorry nehunhu wangu.


Tonde neni takadzokerana and I can see

akuyedza kundifadza nemoyo wese. I met
the president, that man is intimidating I tell
you. Ndaitoshaya pekubata. Thank God
havagare vari available.The first lady is
indeed a nice woman. She suggested we
get married as soon as possible before
nhumbu yave kuoneka.

Tinashe akatiza mujail. I was scared but

then ndakazoshamisika ndakunzwa kuti
he was murdered. Ndaifunga kuti Donnel
is responsible but then the person anga
responsible left evidence behind. She
recorded herself achiuraya Tinashe and
then achizimwawo mushonga wema
konzo to kill herself.In her story akati
Tinashe lied to her kuti he was single then
bvaamuitisa 3 abortions dzakabva
dzakanganisa chibereko chake.As if it was
not enough, he slept nelittle sister yeThis
lady anga Ari form 2 and asked her to
have an abortion. The little sister died
achangobva kuudza this girl about
zvainge zvaitwa naTinashe. She felt death
was his perfect punishment so akanyera
kuda kumubetsera to escape prison only
to murder him later. Tinashe was wicked
but kufa kwake kwakwakashata. He was
someone's son.

Now ndiri kumba kwedu kkkkk kwaMom.

Dad said he wanted to see me

Dad: God told me to give you that one

answer yawaitsvaga kukura kwako kwese.
Me: Why me. That question, Mwari
Dad:Yes. Vapindura. And this is you
answer. You are my great Apostle. URI
muranda wangu mukuru. You faced
rejection, abuse, heartbreak and betrayal.
You once lost your beloved ones also.
Zvese izvi zvakakusimbisa. Because of
that, you are now able to face anything
and wave fit to help anyone who comes
kwauri achida rubatsiro.
Me: I'm speechless
Dad:You don't have to say anything. God
loves you baby. And he is proud to be your
Father, just like I am proud to be your
Me: Thanks dad. Thank you so much.
Dad: So tell....
My phone rings

First lady: Baby venue ndaiwana but I

need you to come and see for yourself
kana uchiita kwauri.
Me: Panonzi chii?
First lady:Golden Garden.
Me:Okay. Muripi ndiuye ikoko mom
First lady:No don't stress,send me your
location and I will come pick you up. I
don't want you to stress Mr Mhura
mudumbu umo.
I laugh out loud

Me:It's a girl
First lady:Boy. Takazvara kaa isu. I noe
Me:Tichaona kana zvakuoneka paScan
First lady:Good. Okay send me your
location now baby
Me:yes mom.

I send her location yacho then I start

kutotaura naDad zvangu.

A month later


Nhasi is that day. The day I officially take

Nandi as my lawfully wedded wife. I'm
panicking though.

Sean:Dude chill
Me:Ko akazongoramba kuchata.
Sean: kkkkk ziGwara mfana
Me: Sean nhumbu yaNandi yoita ainge
kunge kagogodera kema demon.
Remember haasisina maRules
anoshanda paari.
Sean:Yaa nhumbu yake ma1 but
haarambe muchato.

We go out tichigadzirira kuyenda



I have been crying nemu faro. Is this really

me. Ndini ndapfekawo Cinderella wedding

Mom: Uchaita maziziso ekuchema.

Me:Mom I'm getting married
Tanya: yes now stop crying. Makeup artist
wants to do her job.

Ndasiya make up artist achindi gadzira.

By the way, I forgave the Moyo family. I
need God to forgive me always kana
ndatadza so I also have to forgive
vakanditadzira and vanonditadzira. Mai
Moyo vachiri kunyara nezvavakaita but I
hope she gets over it soon.

I look at my baby girl Lanah. It's true what

Tanya said. Lanah is indeed a younger
version of me. I smile to myself, My life
turned around zvazvisingatarisirwe. Me,
Nandi chaiye, kuchata muchato unobuda
paZBC live. Regai zvakanzi ndiMwari
veminana. Anosimudza marombe kubva


The song perfect plays. And I see maBride

maids and my grooms vachipinda
nezvavakataurirana. Our wedding colour
is Peach and silver with kaPink mbichana.

A thousand years plays and I walk

magestically zvangu ndichipinda semunhu
aiziva nyika yese yapiwa mukana
wekuona muchato. People ululate. I see
my mom's tears kkkkk zvaMoms soo.

That song plays"Nyasha nengoni by Janet


There she walks in holding her father's

hand Mr Moyo who's sitting pawheelchair.
Mr Chenje and Prophet Paul vari
kumashure mavo. Kkkk so ari
kuperekedzwa nana baba vake 3. Lanah
kakangwarira. At this age kakugona
kukanda maFlowers. They walk down the
aisle slowly. Wifey is handed to me,
Prophet Paul makes a sign yekuti if I
make her cry vanondiriva. The crowd


Broken beauty



We walk to the marriage officer naWife.

We are told to make our own vows and I'm
the first to say mine

Me: Wow, My lady,my queen, my wife, Mai

vevana vangu. I won't hide to the world
kuti I've known you for less than six
months. Vamwe they take 2 years,3,4,5
hameno ikoko,for them to understand kuti
they have found their soul mate, but with
you, half yegore haisati yatokwana but
here we are. In those few months I've
known you, ndaziva zvakawanda. My life
has changed. I remember you telling me
you're broken. A broken beauty but
instead of me kuona izvozvo,I saw an
angel aisaziva hake who she was and
needed kuratidzwa her worth. My Angel
Nandipha. With you, I want to spend the
rest of my life, build an empire for our kids,
grandchildren,great grandchildren,zvese
neva kwasha. Death, death is the only
thing I fear will Separate us. Remember
what I once told you, no one can stop us
from being together,not even you wifey
(people laugh). I promise to be with you in
every phase of life. I love you Nandipha.

Nandi: (she is wiping her tears) Donnel

Tonderai Mhura. I don't know exactly
chandakaita kuti ndipiwe iwewe. Yes
we've been through tough moments
nekanguva kadiki ikako but kunyanya
kwazvo anga Ari mafaro. You are just like
my prince charming in those Cinderella
movies and fairy tales. I love you and I
promise to be a good wife no matter the

People ululate. Takapfekedzana maRing

and nguva yandanga ndakamirira
yakasvika. The kissing time kkkkkk.

Marriage officer: You may kiss your bride

Mr Mhura

I smiled Kuna Wife and whispered

munzeve dzake

Me:Nguva iye yawaiti mnx ndichikuti

ndichaku kisser pamberi pevanhu vese
waiti ndinopenga handiti. Mira
ndichinyatsa kukuratidza kunonzi kupenga

Ndakabva ndadedza Sean kuti auye

mudhuze mangu chaimo.


Tonde haakure. I'm sure zvaari kuda kuita

izvezvi ndezvekupenga chete. Adedza

Me: Nhaiwe Tonde

Tonde: kkkkk Mira
He removed his shoes, nebhachi neTie
bvaapeta maSleeves eShirt yake. Abva
atarisa kwanga kwaka gara ana Dad
ndokuvapa ziSmile ndokundinongedzera
akavatarisa. Apa Sean woooo panzvimbo
yekuti adzore mumwe wake ave busy
kuridza muridzo apa achikurirwa
nekuseka futi apa akagara pasi. First lady
needs to do something nevana vavo coz
Ava ndiwo maPenzi with the Capital letter
B for benzi chairo. He pulls me closer and
starts kissing the day lights out of me. I
hear people ululating nekunakidzwa nezi
kiss randiri kupiwa naTonde.

Marriage officer: Ehhhhhh zvakwana.

Vanhu vakatanga kuseka kusanganisa

naTonde naSean vaiita kutotadza kana
kumira nekundiseka apa ini ndanga
ndakusagona nenyadzi.

10 years later

Lanah: Mom udzai Junior kuti I'm a girl

and I don't have to play naye maToys ake
Me: Junior, tambai zvamunoda mese
Lanah: Ayewa. Andisi kuda kutamba
nevanhu. I want to have nguva yangu

I know the reason. Inyaya yePhone chete.

I told Tonde not to buy Lanah phone but
iye nenyaya yekuyemedza Lanah hanzi
heee ndiye ega Princess wemba so she
gets what she wants. Tane vana four now
including Lanah naJunior Donnel. Three
boys and 1 girl. The two maTwins anonzi
Denzel and Dean and kufanana
kwavakaita naBaba kunotondi bhowa.
Ohhhh Ropafadzo kkkkk she is history.
Ndakambotya pamuchato kuti she will ruin
things for me but I'm sure treatment
yandakapiwa in her eyes ndoyaakatya
kuzopiwawo. Yolanda got married
kumwewo and aMai Tinashe kubva
zvandaka winner custody yaLanah andina
kuzovaona. I'm sure iNyadzi chete.

I'm an Apostle now kkkk and God has

been doing mighty works.

My name is Nandipha Rose Moyo Chenje

Paul Mhura and this has been my Story
The End

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