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Fatimah Mulya Sari

Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia


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2nd International Conference on English Language Teaching and Learning 2019


Fatimah Mulya Sari
English Language Education Department
Faculty of Arts and Education, Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
Jln. H. Zainal Abidin Pagaralam 9-11, Labuhanratu, Bandar Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia

Enriching academic vocabulary in language learning is the paramount importance to EFL
students. The purposes of this current study are intended to reveal the effectiveness of project-
based learning using a vocabulary journal and explore the students’ perspective toward the
implementation of a vocabulary journal as their project in the vocabulary class. This study
employed a mixed-method design. The subjects were 44 undergraduate students, majoring
English Education Department. The data obtained were from a test, interview, questionnaire, and
observation. In the vocabulary class, the students were treated to use a vocabulary journal to
enrich their vocabulary lists. The findings of this research showed significant results of the
students’ achievement in the vocabulary mastery and positive results from the students’ responses
to the use of a vocabulary journal in their language learning. Thus, project-based learning using a
vocabulary journal might be assumed as an alternative way of teaching vocabulary.

Keywords: student’s vocabulary mastery, project-based learning, vocabulary journal, EFL


Language learning is inseparable from vocabulary. Vocabulary is the knowledge of words and
meanings (Kamil & Hiebert, 2004). The mastery of vocabulary is a fundamental skill for language
learners to facilitate their language learning process in achieving another language skills,
including reading skill, speaking skill, writing skill, and listening skill (Richards & Renandya,
2002; Hastunar, Bharati, & Sutopo, 2014). Besides, language learners must learn vocabulary since
they might be unable to deliver their idea orally without having sufficient variety of words (Ur,
1996). Thus, there are at least four main indicators of vocabulary learning to be achieved
successfully by the learners such as meaning of word, pronouncing the word, spelling the word,
and using the word in a sentence. The more they master the core components of vocabulary, the
more they might speak, write, read, and listen.

The previous study shows some learning strategies used by EFL University students to learn
English words. It is found out that most learners tend to use online dictionaries (Huong, 2018),
online social platform, watching movie, taking note, listening lectures, memorizing, listening
audio-visual materials, and reading billboard (Alam & Ashrafuzzaman, 2018) to improve their
vocabulary mastery. Besides, it also reveals that teaching vocabulary is indicated as the teachers’
problematic issues since they might not be able to enhance the best practice or coherent program
in presenting vocabulary instruction and tend to be hesitate where to begin the instructional
emphasis on word learning (Berne & Blachowicz, 2008).

Realizing the importance of vocabulary mastery, learners needs the innovative ways in learning
vocabulary by adopting different strategy in learning vocabulary. One of them is a project-based
learning. A project-based learning is a meaningful way to create a student-centered activity and
maximize student engangement. By implementing PBL in a vocabulary class, a vocabulary

University of Lampung, 16th November 2019

journal can be applied as language learners activity. The vocabulary journal is a simple learning
activity that language learners do continuous personal collection of self-selected key vocabulary
terms or variety of words in the template provided by teacher. In completing vocabulary journal,
students are asked not only to choose and write the selected word in the template, and meaning,
but also to fill the word class, phonetic symbol, antonym and synonym to deepen their
understanding of the words, and also the example of sentence.

In this study, a vocabulary journal as the students’ project was implemented to help them enrich
their vocabulary mastery. The purpose was to find out the effectiveness of project-based learning
using a vocabulary journal. In addition, it explored the students’ perspective toward the
implementation of a vocabulary journal as their project in the vocabulary class.

This study employed a mixed-method. It was conducted in a higher learning institution in Bandar
Lampung. The subjects were forty-four undergraduate students who joined the vocabulary course.
In this course, the students were treated to do and accomplish a vocabulary journal as their final
project. The lecturer provided the template and shared it to all students. The template of a
vocabulary journal consists of some aspects such as self-selected words, phonetic symbol, word
class/part of speech, meaning/definition, synonym, antonym, and example of sentence. The
students gradually submitted their vocabulary journal per month to be checked their progress.

A test, questionnaire, interview, and observation were employed to collect the data of research. A
vocabulary test was used to examine whether there was a significant result or not after using a
vocabulary journal as their project-based learning. The questionnaires were distributed to all
respondents. The statements consisted of 21 items, with the scale strongly agree (SA), agree (A),
neutral (N), disagree (D), and strongly disagree (SD). Mean score and standard deviation (SD)
were employed to analyze the questionnaire. The interpretations of questionnaire were through
the level of strongly disagree (1.00-1.80), disagree (1.81-2.60), neutral/moderate (2.61-3.40),
agree (3.41-4.20), dan strongly agree (4.21-5.00).

To strengthen the data, an interview was conducted to all participant to explore their respond and
perspectives toward the implementation of vocabulary journal in their class. The interview data
were transcribed in words to find out the results. Moreover, non-participant observation was
simply done to observe some aspects by giving a checklist in the observation sheet.


This section discusses the findings of study. It was divided into two sub-discussions. The first
was about the effectiveness of project-based learning using a vocabulary journal. The second part
was about the students’ perspective toward the implementation of a vocabulary journal as their
project in the vocabulary class.

The effectiveness of project-based learning using a vocabulary journal

The students were assigned to do the pre-test before they were treated by project-based learning
using a vocabulary journal. After studying for almost one semester, the post-test was
administered. The impact of project-based learning using a vocabulary journal can be seen in the
difference of results in pre-test and post-test.

2nd International Conference on English Language Teaching and Learning 2019

Table 1. The comparison between pre-test and post-test

(Paired Samples Statistics)
Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Pair 1 Pre-Test 76.2955 44 13.56222 2.04458
Post-Test 84.1591 44 10.73777 1.61878

Table 1 pointed out that the students treated using a vocabulary journal have a significant
result. The students’ result in the post-test outperformed the students’ result in the pre-
test. It can be seen that the mean score of pre-test is 76,29 with SD = 13,56 while the
mean of post-test is 84,15 with SD = 10,74. Since the mean score between pre-test and
post-test was absolutely different, this result might be an indication of the effectiveness
of implementing project-based learning using a vocabulary journal on the students’
vocabulary class.
Moreover, the paired samples test was used to find out whether there is any significant
difference of students’ vocabulary mastery in the result of pre-test and post-test. The
result can be seen in the table 2.

Table 2. The result of paired sample test

Paired Differences
95% Confidence Interval of
the Difference
Std. Std. Error
Mean Deviation Mean Lower Upper t df Sig. (2-tailed)
Pair 1 Pre-Test –
-7.86364 8.07693 1.21764 -10.31925 -5.40803 -6.458 43 .000

Table 2 indicated that the result of students’ vocabulary test in the pre-test and the post-test was
significantly at .000 in which the result was below α (< .005). Also, it was noted that the mean
different from two results is -7,86364 with the degree of freedom 43. Based on this result, it can
be concluded that there is a significant difference between students’ achievement in pre-test and

The students’ perspective toward the implementation of a vocabulary journal as their project
in the vocabulary class
To explore the students’ perspectives toward the use of vocabulary journal, the questionnaires
consisting of twenty-one questions were distributed to forty-four students. The table 3
quantitatively describes the students’ responses to the implementation of vocabulary journal as
their learning method. The detail results can be seen in the following table, as follows:
Table 3. Students’ responses toward vocabulary journal
No Statements
n mean sd
1 Vocabulary journal is interesting. 44 3.98 0.7
2 Vocabulary journal is easy and convenient to do exercise. 44 3.7 0.63
3 Vocabulary journal is suitable for a learning English. 44 4.23 0.6
Vocabulary journal is useful to improve student’s
4 44 4.41 0.62
vocabulary pockets.
Vocabulary journal is useful to increase student’s
5 44 4.25 0.65
vocabulary mastery.
Vocabulary journal is useful to increase student’s English
6 44 4.07 0.5
You are glad to do learning activities using vocabulary
7 44 3.93 0.7

University of Lampung, 16th November 2019

Doing vocabulary journal can help you to understand the

8 44 4 0.75
Learning activities using vocabulary journal allow you to
9 44 3.64 0.61
participate the lessons all the time.
You are glad to do learning activities using vocabulary
10 44 3.86 0.59
Doing vocabulary journal motivates you to study by
11 44 3.93 0.62
12 Doing vocabulary journal motivates you to learn English. 44 4.05 0.71
You have learned and corrected your English mistakes after
13 44 3.98 0.66
doing vocabulary journal.
Learning activities using vocabulary journal help you
14 44 3.77 0.74
interact with teacher outside the classroom.
Learning activities using vocabulary journal help you
15 44 3.73 0.79
interact with classmates outside the classroom.
Learning activities using vocabulary journal help you
16 44 3.81 0.63
perform better in the class.
Learning activities using vocabulary journal encourage
17 44 3.73 0.76
sharing information and knowledge.
Learning English using vocabulary journal makes me feel
18 44 2.66 1.03
bored and I do not like studying using it.
There is no English Skills improvement after using
19 44 2.18 0.92
vocabulary journal.
20 Vocabulary journal is time-wasting and time-consuming. 44 2.27 1.09
21 Vocabulary journal makes me stress and not exciting. 44 2.23 0.96

Based on the results of the questionnaire, there were various responses from the students. Each
statement has different percentage. For the first statement, the mean score was 3.98 (SD = 0.7)
which is indicated that most students agreed with vocabulary journal as an interesting media.
Secondly, the students also agreed that using vocabulary journal is easy and convenient to do
exercise as the mean score was 3.7 (SD = 0.63). For the statement three, statement four, and
statement five, the interpretations are in the highest level because the students strongly agreed
that using vocabulary journal is suitable for a learning English and useful to improve the students’
vocabulary pocket and vocabulary mastery. The mean score of statement 3, statement 4, and
statement 5 were 4.23 (SD = 0.6), 4.41 (SD = 0.62), and 4.25 ( SD = 0.65).

Furthermore, the students showed the positive result in the sixth statement. They agreed that
vocabulary journal is useful in increasing their English ability. The mean score showed the result
4.07 with SD = 0.5. In the statement 7, the mean score was 3.93 (SD = 0.7). It indicated that the
students agreed that using vocabulary journal made them happy to do learning vocabulary
activities. In the statement 8, the students also agreed that doing vocabulary journal might help
them to understand the learning materials. The mean score was 4 with SD = 0.75.

In addition, the students stated that they could participate the lessons all the time since they had
to do learning activities using vocabulary journal after the class. Statement 9 showed the mean
score for 3.64 with SD = 0.61. It indicated that the students agreed with the statement. The positive
responses were also seen from the statement 10. The mean score was 3.86 with SD (0.59). It
showed that the students agreed that they are glad to do learning activities using vocabulary

Another positive results emerge in the statemet 11 and statement 12. Using vocabulary journal as
their learning media bring motivation for them to self-study and learn English. In the statemet 11,
the mean score showed 3.93 with SD = 0.62. Meanwhile, in the statement 12, the result of mean
was 4.05 (SD = 0.71). They also agreed for statement 13 that the positive effect from using

2nd International Conference on English Language Teaching and Learning 2019

vocabulary journal was that they could correct their English mistake such as in their pronunciation
and writing. The mean score of statement 13 was 3.98 with SD = 0.66.

The students also displayed the positive responses toward the statement 14 until statement 17. In
the statement 14, the mean score was 3.77 with SD 0.74. It indicated that the students agreed that
using vocabulary journal as the learning activities in vocabulary course help them to interact with
teacher outside the classroom since they had to submit directly and ask the direct feedback. In the
statement 15, it also showed positive responses since the students agreed that using vocabulary
journal help them interact not only with their teacher but also with their classmate since they could
work together with others. The mean score of statement 15 was 3.73 with SD = 0.79. In the
statement 16, the mean score was 3.81 (SD = 0.63) which is indicated that the students agreed
that learning activities using vocabulaty journal help them perform better in the class. For
statement 17, it also indicated that the students agreed learning activities using vocabulary journal
encourage sharing information and knowledge, with mean score 3.73 and SD = 0.76.

On the other side, the students showed negative responses toward the statement 18 and statement
19. For statement 18, the mean score was 2.60 (SD = 1.03) which was indicated the disagreement
of students’ responses that learning vocabulary activities using vocabulary journal made them feel
bored. Beside, the students also disagreed that they did not gain any English skills improvement
after treating using this learning media. The mean score was 2.18 with SD = 0.92. Another
negative responses showed in the statement 20 and statement 21. They also disagreed that using
vocabulary journal make them feel stress and not exciting, time-wasting, and time-consuming.
The mean score of statement 20 was 2.27 (SD = 1.09). Meanwhile, the mean score of statement
21 was 2.23 with SD = 0.96. It can be seen that from all responses in each statement show different
mean score and SD.

From the interview, it was found out that most students have difficulties in completing the
vocabulary journal. They mention several problems using vocabulary journal such as difficulties
in finding idioms, synonyms of word, antonym of words, classification of part of speech, and the
example of sentence. The following result shows the extracts of students’ interview, as follows:
FW Sometimes I am difficult to understand the idioms.
FNO I am difficult to look for the antonyms and synonyms.
DY Still confuse about part of speech especially adverb
TS I am confused when I want to know the word’s part of speech
SG I sometimes have difficulty when making sentences from vocabulary I wrote
NN When I can’t find the synonym and antonym
It was a problem of learning vocabulary when I memorized those vocabulary that
sometimes had very difficult to memorize.
MJ When I make an example, I confuse how to make my sentences clearer.

On the other side, most students also stated that the use of vocabulary journal is beneficial. They
mentioned several advantages using vocabulary journal. There were improvement in their
speaking and pronunciation since they have to search the phonetic symbols in the template. They
also stated that they gained some new words meaning. The extract can be seen in the following
interview result.
FW My speaking ability and pronunciation is better than before...
It makes me know more about the meanings. I also can know the correct
pronunciation and phonetics symbols.
FNO It gives a lot of new vocabulary that I didn’t know before.
KN Because I got a lot of vocabulary, now I can read English newspaper easily.
I can understand what other people talking about because my vocabulary pocket

University of Lampung, 16th November 2019

Improve my vocabulary pocket, know how to pronounce the words, know the
synonym and antonym of the words
From this journal we can enhance our vocabulary, speed of writing, and
understand about the meaning.
NN I can find many synonyms and antonyms of the word

Furthermore, from the finding stated earlier, vocabulary journal might be used effectively in the
university level to strengthen students’ ability in four skills – speaking, listening, reading, and
writing. By using this learning vocabulary journal, it might also enrich student’s engagement and
motivation in mastering vocabulary because the information of selected words is personally
entered by them. It also might be used as their own personal references both inside and outside of
the classroom.

Mastering in English is explicitly affected by vocabulary mastery. The results of the present study
indicate that a project-based learning using a vocabulary journal affects the students’ achievement
in vocabulary mastery. The students said that self-selected words techniques is effective for them
to enrich their words list. This result is in line with Alam & Ashrafuzzaman (2018). Besides, in
the process of project accomplishment, the students stated that they got difficulties in finding
meaning, antonym and synonym from the word-selected. This finding is similar with Laufer


In the light of the findings, it can be concluded that a vocabulary journal is easily used by the
undergraduate students to master the vocabulary indicators including word meaning, word
pronunciation, word spelling, and word usage in a sentence. It also enriches their contextual
vocabulary, phrasal verbs, and idioms. Besides, the students are more aware of words and see
their vocabulary grows. By implementing adopted vocabulary journal in learning vocabulary, it
might improve language learner’s ability completely and they are able to open it when they do
not know the information towards the words. This vocabulary journal might be counted as one of
the best way of learning vocabulary. It also can further be provided to the students with
opportunities to learn words repeatedly.

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Berne, J. I. & Blachowicz, C. L. Z. 2008. What Reading Teachers Say about Vocabulary
Instruction: Voices from the Classroom. The Reading Teacher, 64(4), 314-323. DOI:
Hastunar, D. E., Bharati, D. A. L., & Sutopo, D. 2014. Modifying a Monopoly Game for Teaching
Written Vocabulary for the Seventh Graders of Terang Bangsa Junior High School. English
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Hatch, Evelyn and Cheryl Brown. 1995. Vocabulary, Semantics, and Language Education.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Henry and Pongrantz. 2006. Some Effects of the Nature and Frequency of Vocabulary Instruction
on the Knowledge and Use of Words. ReadingResearch Quarterly, 20, 522-535.

2nd International Conference on English Language Teaching and Learning 2019

Huong, L. P. H. 2018. A Survey Study on Academic Vocabulary Learning Strategies by EFL

University Students. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 9(5), 1009-1016.
Kamil, M. L. & Hiebert, E.H. 2004. The Teaching and Learning of Vocabulary Perspectives and
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Picture 1. The Cover of Vocabulary Journal Template

Picture 2. The Tables of Vocabulary Journal Template

(Note: The students must fill out all the information from the selected words in this table)

University of Lampung, 16th November 2019

Complete Name : Fatimah Mulya Sari
Institution : Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
Email Address :
Education :
 Bachelor, English Department, Lampung University
 Graduate Program, English Department, Sebelas
Maret University (2013-2015)
Research Interests :
 Language Education
 Critical Discourse Analysis
 Classroom Management
 Foreign Language Learning
 Teaching Methods

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