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Module Intro page





Have you ever wondered how

to get the height of the kite that you are
flying or the distance that you have
traveled after your climb to the top of a
mountain? Have you ever wondered
how to calculate the height of a
flagpole or a tree fort or the building
across the street? Have you ever
wondered why bridges or other
structures remain standing?

Part of the answers to these

questions comes from the application
of trigonometry in real life.

You do need to have the ability

to fly just to find the height of your kite.
You do not even have to climb the
mountain and count the number of
your steps to find how far your camp is
from the top of the mountain.

What you will learn about

trigonometry will give you an idea on
-apianuss-trigonometry-and.html how to use the various concepts in a
practical way by looking at real life

In this module, you will find out

the indirect and more efficient way of
measuring such distances.
Remember to search for the answer to
this focus question: How can we
determine the height of towering
objects and long distances without
direct measurement?

In this module, you will be able to find out the answer to the focus question when you take
the following lessons:
Lesson 1 – Solutions to Right Triangles
Lesson 2 – Solutions to Oblique Triangles

In these lessons, you will learn the following:

Lesson 1 • Illustrate the six trigonometric ratios: sine, cosine, tangent, secant,
cosecant, and cotangent
• Find the trigonometric ratios of special angles
• Illustrate angles of elevation and angles of depression
• Use trigonometric ratios to solve real-life problems involving right
• Solve real life problems involving angles of elevation and

Lesson 2 • Illustrate law of sines

• Illustrate law of cosines
• Solve problems involving oblique triangles


Here is a simple map of the above lessons that you will study:

Basic Concepts of

Solutions to Solutions to
Right Triangle Oblique Triangle

Trigonometric Law of Law of

Ratios Sines Cosines

Angle of Elevation Solving problems

and Depression involving Oblique Triangle

Solving problems
involving Right Triangle

To do well in this module, you need to remember and do the following:

1. Know the definitions of the different terms and determine the relationships among

2. Pay attention to the various ways that people use trigonometry in navigation,
engineering, and in various math courses.

3. Solve all the given problems and exercises.


Let’s find out how much you already know about this module. Click on the
letter that you think best answers the question. Please answer all items.
After taking this short test, you will see your score. Take note of the items
that you were not able to correctly answer and look for the right answer as
you go through this module.

Read and analyze the following questions and click on the letter of your answer.

1. A kite is flying in a breeze. The kite has a string length of 20m and is flying 12m
above the ground and θ is the angle of elevation to the kite. Which of the following
best illustrates this given situation?

A. tan
12 cm

20 cm

B. cos
12 cm

20 cm

20 cm
12 cm sin *

D. 20 cm sec
12 cm

The diagonal describes the string length of the kite which is 20 cm and flying 12 m
above the ground. Therefore, the angle of elevation is being projected from the
point where the string connected to the kite. In solving this problem, we need to
use sine.
2. Jessan’s model boat has a base 60 cm long. The horizontal length of the sail is
half the length of the base of the boat. ∠𝐴𝐶𝐵is 45°. Which is the diagonal side of
the sail?

A. 60 cm
B. 42.43 cm *
C. 30 cm
D. 21.21 cm

30 cm
cos 45o =
$%& '(!

d = 42.43 cm

3. A 1.2m ladder leans against a wall, making an angle of 60owith the horizon. How
far up the wall does the ladder rest?

A. 0.6
B. 1.0 *
C. 1.7 m
D. 2.1 m

sin 60o = ".$
h = 1.2 x sin 60o
h = 1.0 m

4. For a triangle ABC ,A = 38°, C = 62° and c = 16m . Find the length of a.

A. 8.24 m
B. 9.72 m
C. 10.49 m
D. 11.16 m*


Law of Sine
𝑎 𝑐
sin 𝐴 sin 𝐶
𝑎 𝑐
sin 38 sin 62%

16 sin 38%
𝑎 =
sin 62%

𝑎 = 11.16 𝑚
5. From a point 9.8 m from the base of a flagpole, the angle of elevation to the top of
the pole is 48°. What is the height of the flagpole?

A. 10.88 m*
B. 8.82 m
C. 7.28 m
D. 6.55 m


9.8 m

tan 48o =
h = 9.8 tan 48
h = 10.88 m

6. A person standing near the top of the Eiffel Tower, 300 m high, notices a car wreck
some distance from the tower. If the angle of depression from the person’s eyes to
the wreck is 32o, how far is the accident from the person?

A. 159 m
B. 187 m
C. 480 m
D. 566 m*


Note that the angle of depression is 32o therefore its complement is 58o.
cos 58o = (
d = )*+ ,-!
d = 566.12 m

7. The Great Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt has a square base 230m on each side.
The faces of the pyramid make an angle of 51o50' with the horizontal. What is the
shortest distance you would have to climb up a face to reach the top?

A. 186 m*
B. 152 m
C. 138 m
D. 127 m


cos 51o50’ = (
d = )*+ ,"! ,'’
d = 186 m

8. A ship sailed 60 kilometers to the north and then sailed to the west until its bearing
from the starting point was N56oW. How far is the ship from the starting point?

A. 85.5 km
B. 97.4 km
C. 107.3 km *
D. 121.8 km


1' 2.
cos 56o = (
1' 2.
d = )*+ ,1!
d = 107.3 km

9. A medical rescue helicopter has flown from its home base at point C to pick up an
accident victim at point A and then from there to the hospital at point B. The pilot
needs to know how far he is now from his home base so he can decide whether to
refuel before returning. How far is the hospital from the helicopter’s base?

A. 73.5 mi
B. 86.1 mi*
C. 91.2 mi
D. 96.8 mi

𝑎$ = 𝑏 $ + 𝑐 $ − 2𝑏𝑐 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝐴
𝑎 = 50$ + 45 − 2(50)(45) 𝑐𝑜𝑠 130%

𝑎$ ≈ 7417.5
𝑎 ≈ 86.1
10. A telephone pole snapped into two pieces, one vertical and the other inclined at an
angle of 56o to the vertical, so that the top of the pole rested 15m on the ground
from the base of the pole. Find the length of the pole before it snapped.

A. 27 m
B. 38 m
C. 49 m*
D. 56 m

b b a

15 m

Solve for a
𝑐𝑜𝑠56% =
𝑎 =
𝑎 = 26.82 𝑚
Solve for b
tan 56% =
𝑏 = 15 tan 56%
𝑏 = 22.24 𝑚

Solve the height of the pole (h)

h = 26.82 m + 22.24 m
h = 49.06 m

h = 49 m
11. A truck parked on the street is 56 m from the base of the apartment building on the
right. The angle of elevation from the truck to the top of the building is 40°. The
parked truck is 49 m from the base of the apartment building on the left. The angle
of elevation from the truck to the top of that building is 50°. Which building is taller?

A. Left apartment*
B. Both apartments have the same height.
C. Right apartment
D. Insufficient information to solve the heights of both apartments



Solve for the height of the left apartment
tan 50% =
𝐿 = 49 tan 50%
𝐿 = 58.40 𝑚

Solve for the height of the right apartment

tan 40% =
𝑅 = 56 tan 40%
𝑅 = 46.99 𝑚

Left apartment is taller than the right apartment.

12. The Aerial run in Snowbird, Utah, has an angle of elevation of 20.2°. Its vertical
drop is 2900 feet. What is the estimated length of this run?

A. 7892 feet
B. 8399 feet*
C. 8941 feet
D. 9285 feet

sin 20.2o = 6
l = +78 $'.$!
l = 8399 ft

13. When landing, a jet will average a 3º angle of descent. What is the altitude x, to
the nearest foot, of a jet on final descent as it passes over an airport beacon 6
miles from the start of the runway?

A. 1.037 mi
B. 0.915 mi
C. 0.526 mi
D. 0.314 mi*


1 .9
tan 87o = :
1 .9
x = ;<8 -=!
x = 0.314 mi
14. The tailgate of a truck is 2 feet above the ground. The incline of the ramp used for
loading the truck is 15° from the ground. What is the length of the ramp to the
nearest tenth of a foot?

A. 6.5 ft
B. 7.7 ft*
C. 8.2 ft
D. 9.3 ft


$ 45
sin 15o = >
$ 45
r = +78 ",!
r = 7.7 ft

15. The angle of elevation of the sun is 46oand the length of the shadow cast by a
particular tree is 28m on level ground. Find the height of the tree in meters.

A. 29 m*
B. 30 m
C. 31 m
D. 32 m

• The tree is vertical
• The ground is flat, horizontal

tan 46o = $- .
h = tan 46o (28 m)
h = 29 m

16. A tourist slides 24m down a new straight waterslide. The slide begins 15m above
the ground. What is the angle the slide makes with the ladder?

A. 45.2o
B. 48.7o
C. 49.0o
D. 51.3o *


• ladder is straight and vertical.
• ground even and horizontal.

", .
cos x = $? .
cos x = 0.625
x = cos-1 0.625
x = 51.3o
17. During a rescue mission, a Marine fighter pilot receives data on an unidentified
aircraft from an AWACS plane and is instructed to intercept the aircraft. The
diagram shown below appears on the screen, but before the distance to the point
of interception appears on the screen, communications are jammed. Fortunately,
the pilot remembers the process. How far must the pilot fly?

A. 736 km*
B. 737 km
C. 738 km
D. 739 km

Z = 180o – (115o + 27o)
Z = 38o
𝑥 𝑧
sin 𝑋 sin 𝑍
𝑥 500
sin 115 sin 38%
500 sin 115%
𝑥 =
sin 38%
𝑥 ≈ 736

18. In preparation for an outdoor rock concert, a stage crew must determine how far
apart to place the two large speaker columns on stage. What generally works best
is to place them at 50o angles to the center of the front row. The distance from the
center of the front row to each of the speakers is 10ft. How far apart does the crew
need to place the speakers on stage?
A. 8.7 ft
B. 9.5 ft
C. 10.2 ft
D. 12.9 ft*

A = 180o – (50o + 50o)
A = 80o
𝑎$ = 𝑏 $ + 𝑐 $ − 2𝑏𝑐 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝐴
𝑎$ = 10$ + 10$ − 2(10)(10) 𝑐𝑜𝑠 80%
𝑎$ ≈ 165.3
𝑎 ≈ 12.9

19. The Tower of Pisa was originally built 56 meters tall. Because of poor soil in the
foundation, it started to lean. At a distance 44 meters from the base of the tower,
the angle of elevation is 55o. How much is the Tower of Pisa leaning away from
the vertical position?

A. 8o
B. 7o
C. 6o
D. 5o *
20. The local government unit plans to widen the road to improve the farm to market
project. After surveying the place, you need to present the proposal to the city
engineering office for approval. Which should be the possible characteristics of
your proposal?

A. presentable, accurate and organized

B. practical, authentic and accurate*
C. authentic, grammatically correct and organized
D. presentable, realistic and neat

A well-written and convincing proposal should include accurate computations,

authentic data and practical recommendations.

Start of Lesson 1



Have you ever heard about the word “trigonometry” in your

previous math classes? What does the word mean to you? Let us find
out your idea of what trigonometry means. Let us start the lesson by
finding out what you want to learn about trigonometry.
You will begin your adventures in trigonometry by doing the
following activities. The first one will help you to recall what you already
know about this topic, and make you reflect on what you want to find out
about it. The second activity will raise your curiosity even more by
knowing what other people say about trigonometry. Finally, the third
activity will lead you to the initial basic concepts about trigonometry using
what you have learned about similar triangles.
Have fun!

Activity 1: Eliciting Prior

Knowledge Through K-W-H-L

Let’s start the module by finding out what you already know about
trigonometry, what you want to learn from this module, and how do you
think you will find out what you want to learn by filling in the first three
columns of the chart below. You will encounter this chart again to fill in
the last column in the FIRM UP part.

K-W-H-L Strategy
Topic: Trigonometry
What I What I Want to How Will I Find Out What I Learned
Know Learn


Next, let’s find out the importance of trigonometry in our daily life.

Activity 2: Top Ten for


What do other people say about trigonometry? Is it really important to study this
subject? Let’s look at their top 10 reasons that they like this subject by clicking the link:

Photo Source:
Answer the following:
a. What do you like most about their reasons
that they like this subject? Why?
b. What do you like least about their reasons?
c. How can you determine the height of
towering objects and long distances without
direct measurement? Based on these
examples, what do you think is trigonometry?


Activity 3: Discovering
Trigonometric Relationship

Get ready with your ruler, calculator, and protractor as we now continue with our
exploration of the basic concepts in trigonometry with the following activity.

A. Using a clean white sheet of paper, draw a large figure just like the figure below
with ∠F as a right angle and CB / / ED / / GF . CB, ED, and GF may be placed
in any units away from one another.

B. Measure ∠A with your protractor and segments
CB, ED, GF, AB, AD, AF, AC, AE, and AG with your ruler.

C. Determine the values of the following ratios:

, , and
, , and
, , and
Answer the following:

a. What do you notice about the ratios ?

b. What do you notice about the ratios ?

c. What do you notice about the ratios ?

d. Why do you think these ratios are the same?

e. If the measure of angle A is changed, will these ratios
remain the same? Why or why not?
f. How do you determine the height of towering objects
and long distances without direct measurement?


End of Explore

You have just tried giving your own idea of trigonometry. Now it’s
time to clarify the definitions of some important terms related to
trigonometry and see how they can be used to solve problems in real life
situations. As you go to the next section, keep in mind your initial ideas
about trigonometry and how they compare with those presented in this



Your goal in this section is to define the key concepts of

trigonometry and determine its importance to solve problems in real
life situation.
Reflect on the following question: How can we determine the
height of towering objects and long distances without direct

PART A. The Six Trigonometric Ratios

Activity 4: Trigo’s Origin

You have just had an idea of what trigonometry can do for you. Now, let’s try to find out
what it originally means in the next activity by clicking the link: http://www.cut-the-

Answer the following:

a. What are the root words of the word “trigonometry”?

b. What do those root words mean?
c. What is the literal translation of the word “trigonometry”?
d. What are the different parts of a triangle?
e. What is the old way of studying trigonometry?
f. What is the new way of studying trigonometry?
g. Why is trigonometry a methodology?
h. How can you determine the height of towering objects and
long distances without direct measurement?
i. Based on these examples, what do you think is trigonometry?


Activity 5: Start Right

We have just discovered that trigonometry is all about angles especially of right triangles.
To know more about the properties of right triangles, click the link on Introduction to Trigonometry and
answer the following:

It is important that you take down notes while watching the video and highlight the
important ideas that stand out. You may use to help you facilitate the
note taking process.

1. In the “Small Exercise” in the video, what is common among the blue, red, and
yellow triangles?

2. Are these triangles similar? Why or why not?

3. What is true about the ratio of the side opposite the given angle to the side adjacent
to the angle?

4. Why is it that “size does not matter in Trigonometry?”

5. In general, what can you say about the ratios of the sides in a right triangle?

6. How do you distinguish each ratio from the other ratios?

7. What name is given to the ratio of the side opposite the given angle and the

8. What name is given to the ratio of the side adjacent to the given angle and the

9. What name is given to the ratio of the side opposite the given angle and the side
adjacent to the angle?

10. How do you determine the height of towering objects and long distances without
direct measurement?


Activity 6: The Six Basic Ratios

In the previous activity, we have learned that the value of the trigonometric ratio
associated with an acute angle in a right triangle is fixed. In this activity, we will know
more about these ratios. Click the links below:
a. “Right Triangle Trigonometry part 1” at
b. “Right Triangle Trigonometry part 2” at

Answer the following questions:

1. According to Prof Bob Rob, what are the six trigonometric functions?

2. How do you find the sine of a given acute angle θ in a right triangle in terms of the
lengths of its sides?

3. How do you find the cosine of a given acute angle θ in a right triangle in terms of
the lengths of its sides?

4. How do you find the tangent of a given acute angle θ in a right triangle in terms of
the lengths of its sides?

5. What is the cotangent of a given acute angle θ in a right triangle in terms of the
lengths of its sides?

6. How are the tangent and the cotangent of a given acute angle θ related to each
7. What is the cosecant of a given acute angle θ in a right triangle in terms of the
lengths of its sides?

8. How are the sine and the cosecant of a given acute angle θ related to each other?

9. What is the secant of a given acute angle θ in a right triangle in terms of the lengths
of its sides?

10. How are the cosine and the secant of a given acute angle θ related to each

11. What is “SOHCAHTOA?” How does it help you remember the trigonometric

12. If you know the sine, cosine and tangent of a given acute angle, will you also find
its cosecant, secant and cotangent? Why or why not?

13. What is the tangent and the cotangent of the angle x below:

a. tan (x) = ___ b. cot (x) = ___

14. How do you find the length of the hypotenuse of the right triangle above?

15. What is the length of the hypotenuse of the triangle above?

16. What are the rest of the trigonometric functions of the angle above?

a. sin (θ) = ___

b. cos (θ) = ___
c. csc (θ) = ___
d. sec (θ) = ___

17. If you know a trigonometric ratio for a certain acute angle θ and the length of one
side of the right triangle, can you find the length of the other side?

18. What computing device can help you easily find the value of the trigonometric
ratio for any given angle?

a. What is the sine of 32 degrees?

b. What is the tangent of 23 degrees?
c. What is the cosine of 33 degrees?
19. Use a scientific calculator, or click the link below and use the Trigonometry
Calculator to check your answers the items below:
a. What is the sine of 32 degrees?

b. What is the tangent of 23 degrees?

c. What is the cosine of 33 degrees?

20. What is the length of the hypotenuse in a triangle with an angle with a measure
of 40 degrees if the adjacent side has a length of 5 cm?

21. What is the length of the opposite side of an angle in a right triangle with a
measure of 24 degrees if the adjacent side is 10 cm?

22. How do you determine the height of towering objects and long distances
without direct measurement?


Before you continue, focus on the mnemonic SOH-CAH-TOA. What does this
mean again? Is there another mnemonic that you can form out the concepts that you
have just studied? Why don’t you share it with your classmates and your teacher?
Activity 8: 3-2-1 Chart

After learning preliminary concepts in Trigonometry, let us see if you can

summarize your insights using the journal below. In this activity, you will be asked to
complete the 3-2-1 Chart regarding the special products that you have discovered.

3-2-1 Chart
Three things you found out:
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________
Two interesting things:
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
One question I still have:
1. ________________________________________________________________


Please email your question to your teacher so the needed clarification will be

PART B. The Trigonometric Ratios of Special Angles

Activity 8: The Trigonometric

Ratios of Special Angles

In the previous activity, you have determined the six trigonometric ratios of an
acute angle with the help of your scientific calculator or the Trigonometry calculator. In
this activity, you will find out the exact values of the trigonometric ratios particularly of the
special angles even without the use of these devices.

Click on the link below to have the trigonometry lesson involving the special angles: and answer the following:
1. In a 30-60-right triangle, why is the hypotenuse twice the length of the side opposite
the 30-degree angle?

2. How do you determine the length of the side opposite the 60-degree angle?

3. What are the six trigonometric values for each of the special angles 30 degrees
and 60 degrees?

Complete the table below:

Angle measure sin cos sin csc sec cot

4. In an isosceles right triangle, what is the measure of each of the acute angles
angle? Why?

5. In an isosceles right triangle, if one side has a measure of 1 unit, what is the
measure of the hypotenuse? Why?

6. What are the six trigonometric values for a 45-degree angle?

7. What is the relationship between a 30-degree angle and a 60-degree angle and
between a 45-degree angle and another 45-degree angle?
8. Fill in the blank in each of the following:

a. sin ___ = cos 60

b. cos ___ = sin 60

c. csc___ = sec 60

d. csc___ = sec 30

e. tan 30 = cot___

f. tan___ = cot 30

g. sin ___ = cos 45

h. csc 45 = sec___

i. tan 45 = cot ___

9. What can you generalize about the sine of an angle and the cosine of its
complement, the tangent of an angle and the cotangent of its complement, and the
secant of an angle and the cosecant of its complement?

10. Definition of Cofunction: If angle A and angle B are complementary and f(A) = g(B),
then the function f is a cofunction of function g. What is the cofunction of the sine
of an acute angle θ? Why?

11. What is the cofunction of the tangent of an acute angle θ? Why?

12. What is the cofunction of the secant of an acute angle θ? Why?

13. Why is it that the sine and cosine of a 0-degree angle are 0 and 1 respectively?

14. Will the cosine of an angle be greater than 1? Why or why not?

15. Why is it that the sine and cosine of a 90-degree angle are 1 and 0 respectively?

16. As the degree measure of an angle increases, does the value of its tangent also
increase? Why or why not?

17. What are the other trigonometric values for a 0-degree angle and for a 90-degree

Complete the table below:

Angle measure sin cos tan csc sec cot

18. How do you determine the height of towering objects and long distances without
direct measurement?

Activity 9: Practice Makes Perfect

In the previous activity, you have found out the exact values of the trigonometric ratios
particularly of the special angles even without the use of calculators. In this activity, you
will have the opportunity to practice your skills of finding the trigonometric functions of any
given angle.

Click on this link and solve the following 5 problems:

Problems found in Your Answers

Check if your answers to the above problems are correct by clicking the link below:

Questions for Reflection:

a. How many of the problems are you able to answer correctly?

b. What helps you solve these problems correctly?

c. Is there any problem that you find difficult to answer? What do you think makes
it difficult?

d. What do you have to do to be able to get the correct answer to similar problems
that you may encounter in the future?


PART C. Angles of Elevation and Depression

Activity 10: Elevation or

In the previous activity, you are able to practice your skills of finding the
trigonometric functions of any given angle. In this activity, you will have the opportunity to
prepare yourself in applying your knowledge of trigonometry in problem solving
concerning an observer looking at a certain object by identifying and illustrating the angles
of elevation and depression.

Click on this link:

Depression/lesson/Angles-of-Elevation-and-Depression/r4/ and read the article in the
website about angles of elevation and depression. Highlight the main ideas in the
article. You may read the article aloud and try to find out the meaning of the words
that you do not understand.

Answer the following:

1. What is an angle of elevation?

2. What is an angle of depression?

3. If you are looking at an object that is above your horizontal line of sight, what
do you call the acute angle that is formed by your line of sight to the object and
your horizontal line of sight?

4. If you are looking at an object that is below your horizontal line of sight, what
do you call the acute angle that is formed by your line of sight to the object and
your horizontal line of sight?

5. If the object being observed is above the observer, what is the acute angle
formed by the line of sight and the horizontal line?

6. If the object being observed is below the observer, what is the acute angle
formed by the line of sight and the horizontal line?

7. You have reached the top of a hill, and you are looking down at your camp at
the bottom of the hill. The angle that your horizontal line of sight from that
location makes a 37o angle with your line of sight to the camp below. What do
you call this acute angle?
8. The height of the hill is 300 m. It makes a right triangle with your horizontal line
of sight and your line of sight to the camp from the top of the hill. Which of the
following is an illustration of this triangle?

a b.
camp camp
300 300
m 37 m

c. d.
37 37
camp camp

9. Which side of the triangle represents the distance of the camp from the top of
the hill?

10. What trigonometric ratio will you use to solve the length of this side of the
triangle? Why?
11. Take some time to solve the following problem taken from

See if your answer is correct by clicking the link given above.

12. Try to answer the following problem found in

a. How do you illustrate the two vertical lines representing the shorter and the
longer poles?

b. How do you illustrate the line of sight from the longer pole to the shorter

c. Where do you sketch the horizontal line of sight?

Find out if you make the right illustration by clicking the given link:
13. Take some time to analyze the following problem taken from

a. Is this about angle of depression or angle of elevation? Why?

b. How do you illustrate the horizontal line of sight from the observer?

c. How do you illustrate the line of sight of the observer to the object?

See if you get the proper illustration by clicking the given link:

14. How do you determine the height of towering objects and long distances without
direct measurement?


Questions for Reflection:

a. How many of the last three problems above are you able to answer correctly?

b. What problem/s are you not able to solve correctly?

c. Why did you get the wrong or right answer to each of these problems?

d. What do you have to do to make sure that you get the correct answer to
similar problems that you may encounter in the future?



Activity 11: Muddiest Point

After practicing the different skills, you will now complete the journal below.

The part of the lesson that I still find confusing is _________________________

because _________________________________________________________.

Activity 12: The Digital Native

Now that you learned the different skills related to solutions to right triangle, it is
time to do more practice. Click on the link below and do the following activities:

A. Trig Ratio Game

Tap and drag to identify trigonometric ratios.
B. Find One Angle
Find the missing angle on a Right Triangle.
C. Identify the Sides of a Right Triangle
Tap and drag labels to the correct sides of a right triangle.
D. Find the Length of Sides
Find the length of sides on a right triangle.
E. Find Two Angles
Find two missing angles on a right triangle.

1. How did you find the activity?


2. What are the problems that you encountered?


Activity 13: Skills Check

Before you proceed with the next part of lesson, let us first determine whether you
have already learned and mastered the different skills listed in the table below. Check
the appropriate column/s.

Skills Learned Mastered

Illustrate the six
trigonometric ratios: sine,
cosine, tangent, secant,
cosecant, and cotangent
Find the trigonometric
ratios of special angles
Illustrate angles of
elevation and angles of
Use trigonometric ratios to
solve real-life problems
involving right triangles


If you have clarifications regarding the skills that you think you have not mastered
yet, please do not hesitate to ask help from somebody or from your teacher. Feel free to
post questions in the discussion forum as well.

Activity 14: K-W-H-L

Let’s end our FIRM UP by recalling what you wanted to find out at the start of the
EXPLORE, reflecting upon what you have learned about trigonometry, and filling in the
last column of the chart below:

K-W-H-L Chart
Topic: Trigonometry
What I Know What I Want to How Will I Find Out What I Learned

End of FIRM UP:

In this section, the discussion was about the different concepts and skills
needed to solve for right triangles. These can be used to look at real life
applications of trigonometry and respond to the focus question: How can
we determine the height of towering objects and long distances
without direct measurement?

Go back to the previous section and compare your initial ideas with
the discussion. How much of your initial ideas are found in the discussion?
Which ideas are different and need revision? What new learning goal
should you now try to achieve?

Now that you know the important ideas about this topic, let us go
deeper by moving on to the next section.


Now that you have learned the important skills needed to understand how
to solve right triangles, your goals in this section is to look at some real-life
situations where we can apply the concepts that you have learned.

In the next three activities, you will now be asked to solve real life problems that
make use of the concepts and skills related to solutions to right triangles. Show the
solution to each problem and complete the statement below.

Activity 15: Determining Height

A person stands 150 ft away from a flagpole and measures an angle of elevation
of 32º from his horizontal line of sight to the top of the flagpole. Assume that the person’s
eyes are a vertical distance of 6 ft from the ground. What is the height of the flagpole?


1. How did you solve the problem?

2. What is the trigonometric ratio that you used to solve the problem? Why did
you use such?

3. Is there only one way to solve to the problem? Explain.

4. What facilitated the solution to the problem?

5. How can we determine the height of towering objects and long distances
without direct measurement?

Distances and heights that cannot be measured directly can be determined

using ____________________.


Activity 16: Determining Distance

A blimp 4280 ft above the ground measures an angle of depression of 24º from its
horizontal line of sight to the base of a house on the ground. Assuming the ground is flat,
how far away along the ground is the house from the blimp?



1. How did you solve the problem?

2. What is the trigonometric ratio that you used to solve the problem? Why did
you use such?

3. Is there only one way to solve to the problem? Explain.

4. What facilitated the solution to the problem?

5. How can we determine the height of towering objects and long distances
without direct measurement?

Distances and heights that cannot be measured directly can be determined

using ____________________.

Activity 17: Determining what
seems to be Impossible


1. How did you solve the problem?

2. What is the trigonometric ratio that you used to solve the problem? Why did
you use such?

3. Is there only one way to solve to the problem? Explain.

4. What facilitated the solution to the problem?

5. How can we determine the height of towering objects and long distances
without direct measurement?

Distances and heights that cannot be measured directly can be determined

using ____________________.

Activity 18: Putting it all Together

You will now revisit the different situations that you have used to apply the concepts
needed to solve right triangles. What are the common things that you notice among the
various situations presented?

From the various real-life connections presented in the different

activities, I noticed that the situations have the following things in common:
1. __________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________

What generalization can you make?

Activity 19: Processing

Look at the answers to the statements found after each problem.

1. How did you come up with the solution to each problem?


2. Was there only one way to solve it? If yes, explain. If not, why are there
many ways to solve the problem? Discuss and cite examples.


3. Name the concepts that you learned that were useful in solving the problem.


4. How did you know which ratio to use? Explain.


5. Complete the statements below and support your answer with examples from
the above problems.

Distances and heights that cannot be measured directly can be determined

using ____________________.

Activity 20: The Other Side

In the previous activities, you have learned the six trigonometric ratios. In this
activity, you will derive some basic trigonometric identities and simplify trigonometric
expressions using these identities.

In Activity # 6in Firm Up, we have learned that the reciprocal of sin θ is cscθ. That
opposite side hypotenuse
is, in a right triangle, sin θ = and csc θ = . We may rewrite sin
hypotenuse opposite side
1 1
θ as hypotenuse or . Why? _____________________________
csc θ
opposite side

Thus, sin θ = .
€ csc θ

Similarly, since the reciprocals of cosine θ and tangent θ are secant θ and cotangent θ
1 1
respectively, then cos θ = and tan θ = .
sec θ cot θ

Consequently, we have the reciprocal identities:

€ €
1 1 1
sin θ = cos θ = tan θ =
csc θ sec θ cot θ

opposite side
Furthermore, recall that tan θ = .
€ adjacent side
€ €
opposite side
hypotenuse sin θ
Thus, tan θ = = . Why? ______________________________
adjacent side cos θ

sin θ
Hence, we have tan θ = .
cos θ
1 1
Also, since tan θ = , it follows that cot θ = . Thus,
cot θ tan θ
1 1 cos θ cos θ
cot θ = = = or cot θ = .
tan θ sin θ sin θ sin θ
€ cos θ

Consequently, we have another trigonometric identities called the quotient identities:

sin θ cos θ
tan θ = cot θ =
cos θ sin θ

We may now use these trigonometric identities to simplify or rewrite trigonometric

2 sin θ
For example, we may write as 2sin 2 θ because
2 sin θ 2 sin θ 2 sin θ sin θ
= = ⋅ = 2(sin θ )2 or 2sin 2 θ .
cscθ 1 1 1
sin θ

Answer the following:

1. How do you show that cscθ tan θ is the same as secθ .

Click the link below to see if your answer is correct.

2. How do you show that cosθ tan θ is the same as sin θ and that
cosθ (cscθ + tan θ ) is the same as cot θ + sin θ ?

Click the link below to see if your answer is correct.

Questions for Reflection:

a. How many of these problems above are you able to answer correctly?

b. Is there a problem that you fail to solve correctly? Why or why not?

c. What do you have to do to make sure that you get the correct answer to similar
problems that you may encounter in the future?



End of DEEPEN:

In this section, the discussion was about applying the concepts and
skills in solving right triangles able to solve real-life problems. Now that you
have a deeper understanding of the topic, you are ready to do the tasks in
the next section.


Your goal in this section is to apply your learning to real life situations by
doing scaffold activities which will help you in the making of final project.
You will be given a practical task which will allow you to demonstrate your
understanding of the basic concepts you have learned in this lesson.

Activity 21: Shadow Guide

Your city mayor has agreed to give funds to your school for the repainting of its
school buildings, and the heights of these buildings are needed to determine the cost for
this work. As the president of your Math Club, you volunteer to help in finding these

You and the Math Club members are tasked to do the following:

1. Identify all the buildings in your school that need to be repainted.

2. On a sunny day, when these buildings cast shadows, determine the lengths
of these shadows.

3. Determine the angle of elevation from the tip of the shadow on the ground
to the tip of the top of the building casting the shadow.

4. Make a sketch of the picture of the situation showing the unknown height of
each of the buildings, the length of its shadow, and the angle of elevation.

5. Use the angle of elevation, the length of the shadow, and your knowledge
of trigonometric ratios to determine the height of each building.
Questions for Reflection:

a. How did you perform in these activities?

b. What have you realized about trigonometry?

c. How do you use trigonometry to solve your real-life problems?




You have just completed lesson 1. As you proceed to the next lesson,
you will be given the chance to learn more concepts and skills that will
enable you to answer the focus question.

Start of Lesson 2



As mentioned earlier in the previous lesson, we use the

trigonometric ratios to solve right triangles. In this manner, we can easily
solve the distance or angle using the right triangle approach utilizing the
six trigonometric ratios: sine, cosine, tangent, secant, cosecant, and
What will happen if the situation will not involve any right angle?
How can we determine the height of towering objects and long
distances without actual measurement?
This lesson will guide you to understand how angles or distances
can be solved even if there is no right angle.

Activity 1: Bermuda Triangle

In recent decades, many people

have come to believe that an imaginary
area called the “Bermuda Triangle,”
located off the southeastern Atlantic
cost of the United States, has been the
site of a high incidence of losses of
ships, small boats, and aircraft over the
centuries. The US Board of Geographic
Names does not recognize the
“Bermuda Triangle” as an official name
and does not maintain an official file on
the area.
Assume for the moment, without
judging the merits of the hypothesis, that the “Bermuda Triangle” either has vertices in
Miami (Florida), San Juan (Puerto Rico), and Bermuda, or it has vertices in Norfolk
(Virginia), Bermuda, and Santiago (Cuba).
How will you determine possible distance or angle in its location? Will you be
able to use the previous concepts that you have learned? Why or Why not?




The next activity will let you organize the initial knowledge on the topic about
solving oblique triangle.

Activity 2: KWHL Chart

Below is a KWLH Chart. It will help you check your understanding of the topics in
this lesson. You will be asked to fill in the information in different sections of this lesson.
For now you are supposed to complete the first column with What I Know and the second
column with What I Want to Find Out then list down some categories of information that
you expect to use. Click on “Save” to save your response.

Solving Oblique Triangles

What I Want to How Can I Learn
What I Know What I Learned
Find Out More
Categories of Information I expect to use:
A. _____________________
B. _____________________
C. _____________________
D. _____________________


1. What are the major concepts that you learned from the previous lessons
and activities?
2. What are other important information would you like to find in this module?



End of Explore

You have just tried giving your own idea about the topic, including
your expectations. Now it’s time to look at some important concepts and
skills that you need to acquire to understand better the big ideas. These
concepts and skills are essential so that you will be able to perform the
final project that is required from you. As you go to the next section, keep
in mind your initial ideas that you have about the topic and how they
compare with those presented in this section.


Your goal in this section is to learn and understand the key concept
trigonometric functions involving oblique triangles using the
corresponding angle or side. Reflect on this question: How can we
determine the height of towering objects and long distances without
actual measurement?

Activity 3: Four Cases

This activity will prompt you to consider ambiguous cases in solving oblique triangle.
What will you consider to solve oblique triangle? Complete the table and use the
information in the succeeding activities.
Case What’s Given Illustration Name
Case 1 One side and two angles
AAS: Angle-Angle-

ASA: Angle-Side-
Case 2 Two sides and the angle SSA: Side-Side-Angle
opposite one of them

Case 3 SAS: Side-Angle-Side

Case 4 Three sides


1. Among the four cases, which do you think will satisfy the law of sine? Law of
cosine? Why?

2. Explain why the list above does not include the situation when only the three angles
are given. (Hint: if only the measures of the three angles are given, how many
different triangles can satisfy this?)


You just performed the process of organizing information about the

ambiguous cases in solving oblique triangles. Let’s do the next activity to
speed-up your initial ideas.

Activity 4: Sine Form ME

This activity will guide you to formulate equation involving law of sine. Perform the
following procedures:

Consider oblique ΔABC shown to the right.

1. Sketch an altitude from vertex B.
2. Label the altitude k.
3. The altitude creates two right triangles inside
ΔABC. Notice that ∠A is contained in one of the
right triangles, and ∠C is contained in the other.
Using right triangle trigonometry, write two
equations, one involving sin A, and one
involving sin C.

sinA = sinC=
4. Notice that each of the equations in Question 3 involves k. (Why does this
happen?) Solve each equation for k.
5. Since both equations in Question 4 are equal to k, they can be set equal
to each other. (Why is this possible?) Set the equations equal to each
other to form a new equation.

6. Notice that the equation in Question 5 no longer involves k. (Why not?)

Write an equation equivalent to the equation in Question 5, regrouping a
with sin A and c with sin C.

Again, consider oblique ΔABC.

7. This time, sketch an altitude from vertex C.
8. Label the altitude k.
9. The altitude creates two right triangles inside
ΔABC. Notice that ∠A is contained in one of
the right triangles and ∠B is contained in the
other. Using right triangle trigonometry, write
two equations, one involving sin Aand one
involving sin B.

sinA = sin B =
10. Notice that each of the equations in Question 9 involves k. (Why does this
happen?) Solve each equation for k.

11. Since both equations in Question 10 are equal to k, they can be set equal
to each other. (Why is this possible?) Set the equations equal to each
other to form a new equation.

12. Notice that the equation in Question 11 no longer involves k. (Why not?)
Write an equation equivalent to the equation in Question 11, regrouping a
with sin A and b with sin B.
13. Use the equations in Question 6 and Question 12 to write a third equation
involving b, c, sin B, and sin C.

Together, the equations in Questions 6, 12, and 13 form the Law of Sine.


Let us watch the video about proving the Law of Sines. Follow the link

The Law of Sines

For any triangle ABC,

!"# $ !"# & !"# (
= =
% ' )

The law of sines can be used in solving a triangle when we know any of the
a. One side and two angles (ASA or AAS) or
b. Two sides and an angle opposite one of these sides (SSA)
Note: When the two angles of a triangle are given along with one side, we first find
the third angle and then use the law of sines to find the other two sides.

Now that you formulated equations involving the law of sines, you are ready
to explore them. The next activity will guide you to use the different equations
involving the law of sines.
Activity 5: ASA or SAA Case

This activity will guide you to solve problems involving law of sines. Go over the different
examples and take note on the important processes to solve the problem.

v Solve a Triangle Given Two Angles and a Side

(ASA or SAA Case)

1. Solve ΔABC.

You are given the measures of two angles and a side. First, find the measure of
the third angle.

45o + 55o + B = 180o(the sum of the angle measure of a triangle is 180o)

B = 80o(180 – (45 + 55) = 80)

Now use the law of sines to find a andb. Write two equations, each with one
+78 @ +78 B +78 D +78 B
= C Law of Sines
= C
+78 ?,! +78 ,,! +78 -'! +78 ,,!
= "$
Replace A with 45o, B with 80o,
= "$
C with 55o, and c with 12
"$ +78 ?,! "$ +78 -'!
𝑎 = +78 ,,! Solve for the variable 𝑏 = +78 ,,!
𝑎 ≈ 10.4 Use a calculator 𝑏 ≈ 14.4

Therefore, B = 80o, a ≈ 10.4, and b ≈ 14.4

2. A satellite orbiting the earth passes directly overhead at observation stations in
Phoenix and Los Angeles, 340 mi apart. At an instant when the satellite is between
these two stations, its angle of elevation is simultaneously observed to be 60o at
Phoenix and 75o at Los Angeles. How far is the satellite from the Los Angles?

We need to find the distance b. Since the sum of the angles in any triangle is 180O,
we see that ∠C = 180o – (75o + 60o) = 45o, so we have,

+78 D +78 B
= C
Law of Sines
+78 1'! +78 ?,!
= &?'
&?' +78 1'!
𝑏 = +78 ?,! Solve for b
𝑏 ≈ 416

Therefore, the distance of the satellite from Los Angeles is approximately 416

Process Questions:

3. What do you need to consider from the problem before using the law of sines?

4. If two angles are given, how do you solve the third angle?

5. After solving the given problem, how do you check your answers?

6. How can we determine the height of towering objects and long distances without
actual measurement?

You just read some examples in solving problems involving the law of sines.
Let us organize your thoughts by doing the next activity.

Activity 6: Sine Me In!

Solve the following triangles using the law of sines.



3. A surveying crew needs to find the distance between two points, A and B. They
cannot measure the distance directly because there is a hill between the two
points. The surveyors obtain the information shown in the diagram at right. Find c
to the nearest foot.


In the previous activities a unique triangle was determined by the information

given. This is always true of Case 1 (ASA or SAA). But in Case 2 (SSA) there
may be two triangles, one triangle, or no triangle with the given properties.
For this reason, Case 2 is sometimes called the ambiguous case. Let us do
the next activity to further explore the concepts.

Activity 7: SSA Case

This activity will further explore the possibilities of ambiguous case in Side-Side-Angle.

Exploring SSA Information

1. The figure below illustrates SSA triangle information. Side a is free to pivot about
C. How many triangles can be formed when a<h, where h is the altitude of the
triangle? Use the illustration to explain you answer.

2. How many triangles can be formed when a = h? Use the illustration to explain
your answer.
3. How many triangles can be formed when a>h and a<b? Use the illustration to
explain your answer.

4. How many triangles may be formed when a>h and a>b? Use the illustration to
explain your answer.

5. Explain how you may find 0, 1, or 2 triangles, given SSA information.


In part (a) no solution is possible, since side a is too short to complete the triangle. In part
(b) the solution is a right triangle. In part (c) two solutions are possible, and in part (d)
there is a unique triangle with the given properties. We illustrate the possibilities of Case
2 in the following examples.

v No Solution. In ΔQRS, q = 15, r = 28, and Q = 43.6o

Solution: We make a drawing and list the known measures.

Q = 43.6o q = 15
R=? r = 28
S=? s=?
We observe the SSA situation and use the law of sines to find R:
F >
+78 G
= +78 H Law of Sines

", $-
+78 ?&.1!
= +78 H Substituting

$- +78 ?&.1!
sin 𝑅 = ",
Solving for sin R

sin 𝑅 ≈ 1.2873
Since there is no angle with a sine greater than 1, there is no solution.

v One Solution.In ΔXYZ, x = 23.5, y = 9.8, and X = 39.7o. Solve the triangle.
Solution: We make a drawing and organize the given information.

X = 39.7o x = 23.5
Y=? y = 9.8
Z=? z=?

We see the SSA situation and begin by finding Y with the law of sines:
: J
+78 I
= +78 K Law of Sines

$&., 3.-
+78 &3.=!
= +78 K Substituting

3.- +78 &3.=!

sin 𝑌 = $&.,
Solving for sin Y

sin 𝑌 ≈ 0.2664

There are two angles less than 180o with sine of 0.2664.
They are 15.4o and 164.6o, to the nearest tenth of a
degree. An angle of 164.6o cannot be an angle of this
triangle because it already has an angle of 39.7o and
these two angles would total more than 180o. Thus,
15.4o is the only possibility for Y. Therefore,
Z ≈ 180o – (39.7o + 15.4o) ≈ 124.9o.

We now find z:
L :
+78 M
= +78 I Law of Sines

L $&.,
+78 "$?.3!
= +78 &3.=! Substituting

$&., +78 "$?.3!

𝑧 = +78 &3.=!
Solving for z
𝑧 ≈ 30.2
We now have solved the triangle;
X = 39.7o x = 23.5,
Y ≈ 15.4o y = 9.8
Z ≈ 124.9 o
z ≈ 30.2

v Two Solutions. In ΔABC, b = 15, c = 20, and B = 29o. Solve the triangle.

We have a drawing, list the known measures, and see that we again have the SSA

A=? a=?
B = 29o b = 15
C=? c = 20

We first find C:
+78 D
= +78 B Law of Sines

", $'
+78 $3!
= +78 B Substituting

$' +78 $3!

sin 𝐶 = ",
Solving for sin C

sin 𝑍 ≈ 0.6464
There are two angles less than 180o with a sine of 0.6464. They are 40o and 140o,
to the nearest degree. This gives us two possible solutions.

Possible Solution I Possible Solution II

If C = 40o, then If C = 140o, then
A = 180o – (29o + 40o) = 111o A = 180o – (29o + 140o) = 11o
Then we find a: Then we find a:
+78 @
= +78 D +78 @
= +78 D

A ", A ",
+78 """!
= +78 $3! +78 ""!
= +78 $3!

", +78 """! ", +78 ""!

𝑎 = +78 $3!
𝑎 = +78 $3!

𝑎 ≈ 29 𝑎≈6
These measures make a triangle as These measures make a triangle as shown
shown below; thus we have a solution. below; thus we have a second solution.
The examples illustrate the SSA situation. Note that we need not memorize the cases or
the procedures in finding no solution, one solution, or two solutions. When we are using
the law of sines, the sine value leads us directly to the correct solution or solutions.

Process Questions:
How do these ambiguous cases of SSA can help you understand solutions of the
law of sines?

What are the challenges you have encountered in dealing with the ambiguous
cases of SSA?


How do you find the previous activity? Let us perform the next activity to
strengthen the process in solving problems involving the law of sines.

Activity 8: Sine Me Up!

Let us further apply the law of sines. Follow the links and go over the different interactive

Process Questions:
1. State the conditions in solving problems involving the law of sines.

2. Are there any limitations in dealing with the law of sines? Explain
3. How can we determine the height of towering objects and long distances
without actual measurement?


You just evaluated the processes in dealing with the law of sines. Let us now
examine your knowledge, skills and understanding involving the law of sines.

Activity 9: Quiz on the Law of


Answer the following problems.

Concepts Understanding
In triangle ABC with a, b, and c the Law A pilot is flying over a straight highway. He
of Sines states that determines the angles of depression to
two mileposts, 5 mi apart, to be 32O and
48 O, as shown in the figure.
= = (a) Find the distance of the plane from
point A.
In which of the following cases can we (b) Find the elevation of the plane.
use the Law of Sines to solve a triangle?


Skills To find the distance across a river, a
Use the Law of Sines to find the indicated surveyor chooses points A and B, which
side x or angle B. are 200 ft apart on one side of the river
(see the figure). She then chooses a
reference point C on the opposite side of
the river and finds that ∠BAC ≈ 82o and
∠ABC ≈52o. Approximate the distance
from A to C.

A boat in distress at sea is sighted from

Solve the triangle using the Law of Sines two coast guard observation posts, A and
B, on the shore. The angle at post A
formed by the lines of sight to post B and
to the boat is 41.67o. The angle at post B
formed by the lines of sight to post A and
to the boat is 36.17o. Find the distance, to
the nearest tenth of a kilometer, from
observation post A to the boat.


You have just evaluated the processes in dealing with the law of sines. How
will you solve the triangle if it has three sides (SSS) or two sides and the
included angle (SAS)? Let do the next activity to explore the conditions.
Activity 10: Cosine Form Me!

To develop the law of cosines, begin with ΔABC. Fromvertex C, altitude k is drawn and
separates side c intosegments x and c – x. (Why can the segments berepresented in this

1. The altitude separates ΔABC into two right triangles.

Use the Pythagorean theorem to write two
equations, one relating k, b, and c – x, and another
relating a, k, and x.

2. Notice that both equations contain k2. (Why?) Solve each equation for k2.

3. Since both of the equations in Question 2 are equal to k2, they can be set equal
to each other. (Why is this true?) Set the equations equal to each other to form a
new equation.

4. Notice that the equation in Question 3 involves x. However, x is not a side of

ΔABC. As a result, we will attempt to rewrite the equation in Question 3 so that it
does not include x. Begin by expanding the quantity (c – x)2.

5. Solve the equation in Question 4 for b2.

6. The equation in Question 5 still involves x. To eliminate x from the equation, we

will attempt to substitute an equivalent expression for x. Write an equation
involving both cos B and x. (Why use cosB?)

7. Solve the equation from Question 6 for x. (Why solve for x?)
8. Substitute the equivalent expression for x into the equation from Question 5. The
resulting equation contains only sides and angles of ΔABC. This equation is
called the Law of Cosines.

9. Using a similar method, two other forms of this law could be developed for a2 and
c2. Based on your work for Questions 1–8, write the two other forms of the law of
cosines for ΔABC.

Let us watch the video about proving the law of cosines. Follow the link

The Law of Cosines

For any triangle ABC,

𝑎$ = 𝑏 $ + 𝑐 $ − 2𝑏𝑐 cos 𝐴
𝑏 $ = 𝑎$ + 𝑐 $ − 2𝑎𝑐 cos 𝐵
𝑐 $ = 𝑎$ + 𝑏 $ − 2𝑎𝑏 cos 𝐶

The law of sines can be used in solving a triangle when we know any of the following:
c. Two sides and the included angle (SAS) or
d. Three sides (SSS)
Strategies for Solving the SAS Case
1. Find the side opposite the given angle. Use the law of cosines.
2. Find the measure of the second angle (the angle opposite the shorter of the two given
sides – this angle will always be acute. Use the law of sines or law of cosines).
3. Find the measure of the third angle. Subtract the sum of the measures of the given
angle and the angle formed in Step 2 from 180o.


Now that you formulated equations involving the law of cosines, you are ready
to explore them. The next activity will guide you to use the different equations
involving the law of cosines.
Activity 11: SAS Case

This activity will guide you to solve problems involving law of cosines. Go over the different
examples and take note on the important processes to solve the problem.

v Solve a Triangle Given Two Sides and an included Angle (SAS)

Find the indicated measure to the nearest tenth for ∆ABC.

A. Given: a = 123, c = 97, and B = 22o, B. Given: b = 7.2, c = 14.8 and A =

find b. 48ofind a.

Soution: Solution:
Draw a diagram. Draw a diagram.


You are given SAS information. Use the You are given SAS information. Use the
law of cosines to find b. law of cosines to find a.
𝑏 $ = 𝑎$ + 𝑐 $ − 2𝑎𝑐 cos 𝐵 𝑎$ = 𝑏 $ + 𝑐 $ − 2𝑏𝑐 cos 𝐴
𝑏 $ = 123$ + 97$ − 2(123)(97) cos 22' 𝑎$ = 7.2$ + 14.8$ − 2(7.2)(14.8) cos 48'
𝑏 = L123$ + 97$ − 2(123)(97) cos 22' 𝑎 = L7.2$ + 14.8$ − 2(7.2)(14.8) cos 48'
𝑏 ≈ 49.1 𝑎 ≈ 11.3
Check Check
Note that the side opposite the smallest Note that the side opposite the smallest
angle has the shortest length. angle has the shortest length.

Fishing Boats. The boats leave the dock at the same

time, and after 3 hours Tina Anna sends a distress signal
to Melissa Jane. How far apart are the two boats when the
distress signal is sent? Give your answer to the nearest tenth of a
nautical mile.

a. Draw a diagram. Use the formula

distance = rate x time to find TD and MD.
TD = 15 (3) = 45
MD = 17(3) = 51

b. Use the law of cosines to find MT.

(MT)2 = (TD)2 + (MD)2 – 2(TD)(MD) cos D
(MT)2 = 452 + 512 – 2(45)(51) cos 115o
MT = L45$ + 51$ – 2(45)(51) cos 115N
MT ≈ 81.0
Therefore, the boats are about 81.0 nautical miles apart.

Process Questions:

1. What do you need to consider from the problem before using the law of cosines?

2. If two sides and an included angle are given, how do you solve the unknown

3. After solving the given problem, how do you check your answers?

4. How can we determine the height of towering objects and long distances without
actual measurement?


How will you solve the problems is three sides of the triangle is given? Let us
do the next activity to explore the process.

Activity 12: SSS Case

This activity will guide you to solve problems involving law of cosines. Go over the different
examples and take note on the important processes to solve the problem.
v Solve a Triangle Given Three Sides (SSS)
Solve ∆ABC.

Use the law of cosines to find the You can use the law of sines to find
measure of the largest angle first, angle the measure of angle B.
A. sin 𝐵 sin 𝐴
𝑎$ = 𝑏 $ + 𝑐 $ − 2𝑏𝑐 cos 𝐴 𝑏 𝑎
15$ = 9$ + 7$ − 2(9)(7) cos 𝐴
15$ − 9$ − 7$ = −2(9)(7) cos 𝐴 sin 𝐵 sin 139%
15$ − 9$ − 7$ 9 15
= cos 𝐴
9 sin 139%
−0.7540 ≈ cos 𝐴(use a calculator to get sin 𝐵 =
the cos-1 function 15
139% ≈ cos 𝐴 sin 𝐵 ≈ 0.3936
𝐵 ≈ 23%

The measure of angle C is

approximately 180o – (139o + 23o) or
18o. Therefore, 𝐴 ≈ 139% , 𝐵 ≈
23% , 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐶 ≈ 18%

Aviation. A pilot typically flies a route from Bloomington to

Rockford, covering a distance of 117 miles. In order to avoid a
storm, the pilot first flies from Bloomington to Peoria, a distance
of 42 miles, then turns the plane and flies 108 miles on to
Rockford. Through what angle did the pilot turn the plane over

Three sides are given, use the law of cosines to find the
measure of the angle.
𝐵𝑃$ = 𝑃𝑅$ + 𝑅𝐵$ − 2(𝑃𝑅)(𝑅𝐵) cos 𝐵
42$ = 108$ + 117$ − 2(108)(117) cos 𝐵
42$ − 108$ − 117$ = −2(10)(117) cos 𝐵
42$ − 108$ − 117$
= cos 𝐵
0.9334 ≈ cos 𝐵(use a calculator to get the cos-1 function)
21% ≈ 𝐵
Therefore, 21 is the angle where the pilot turns the plane over Peoria.
Process Questions:

1. What do you need to consider from the problem before using the law of cosines?

2. If three sides are given, how do you solve the angle?

3. After solving the given problem, how do you check your answers?

4. How can we determine the height of towering objects and long distances without
actual measurement?


You just read some examples in solving problems involving the law of cosines.
Let us organize your thoughts by doing the next activity.

Activity 13: Cosine Me In!

Solve the following problems using the law of cosines.


3. An anthropologist examining the footprints made
by a bipedal (two-footed) dinosaur finds that the
dinosaur’s average pace was about 1.60 meters
and average stride was about 3.15 meters. Find
the step angle 𝜃 for this dinosaur.


How do you find the previous activity? Let us perform the next activity to
strengthen the process in solving problems involving the law of cosines.

Activity 14: Cosine Me Up!

Let us further apply the law of cosines. Follow the links and go over the different
interactive activities.


Process Questions:

1. State the conditions in solving problems involving the law of cosines.

2. Are there any limitations in dealing with the law of cosines? Explain

3. How can we determine the height of towering objects and long distances
without actual measurement?

You just evaluated the processes in dealing with the law of cosines. Let us
now examine your knowledge, skills and understanding involving the law of

Activity 15: Quiz (Law of


Answer the following problems.

Concepts Understanding
For triangle ABC with sides a, b, and c the Surveying To find the distance across
law of cosines states a small lake, a surveyor has taken the
measurements shown. Find the distance
c = ____________________ across the lake using this information.

In which of the following cases must the

law of cosines be used to solve a


Skills Flying Kites A boy is flying two kites

Use the law of cosines to determine the at the same time. He has 380 ft of line
indicated side x or angle 𝜃. out to one kite and 420 ft to the other. He
estimates the angle between the two
lines to be 30o. Approximate the distance
between the kites.
Solve triangle ABC Towing a Barge Two tugboats that
are 120 ft apart pull a barge, as shown. If
the length of one cable is 212 ft and the
length of the other is 230 ft, find the
angle formed by the two cables.

Activity 16: Skills Readiness


Reflect on the level of your performance for this lesson.

Check the first column if you need more practice or you are now ready to move on to
the next activity.
I Need more practice I am ready to move on to the next activity
(if most of your answers in the (if you have answered all the items correctly
interactive quiz were wrong) or have committed only one or two wrong

If you need more practice, click this link for more practice:

If you are already doing good, proceed to the next activity.

Process Questions:
1. How did you find the activity?
2. Did you encounter any difficulty? If yes, what did you do in order to surpass it?
Post your answers to these questions in the Discussion Forum.

End of Firm Up
In this section, the discussion was about the key concepts of the law of sines
and law of cosines. You also reflected on how the knowledge of law of sines
and law of cosines can be used to determine the height of towering objects
and long distances without actual measurement.

Go back to the previous section and compare your initial ideas

with the discussion. How much of your initial ideas are found in
the discussion? Which ideas are different and need revision?

Let’s go back to the KWHL chart. (Click on the link) Now fill-out
the third column (What I Learned) and click “Save.”

Activity 17: Revisiting the KWHL


Solutions to Oblique Triangles

What I Want to How Can I Learn
What I Know What I Learned
Find Out More

Categories of Information I expect to use:

A. _____________________
B. _____________________
C. _____________________
D. _____________________

Now that you know the important ideas about this topic, let’s go deeper by moving on to
the next section.



Your goal in this section is to solve problems involving the law of sines or
the law of cosines. Study the following problems carefully. Then decide
what form will be most appropriate to use to determine the unknown
measurement. How will you determine the height of towering objects
and long distances without actual measurement?

Activity 18: SINE-CO-SINE

Analyze the following problem and use the appropriate law (law of sines or law of cosines)
to solve the problem.

Navigation A fisherman leaves his home port and heads

in the direction N 70o w. He travels 30 mi and reaches Egg
Island. The next day he Sails N 10o E for 50 mi, reaching
Forrest Island. Find the distance between the fisherman’s
home port and Forrest Island.
Fire Fighting Two rangers, one at station A and one
at station B, observe a fire in the forest. The angle at station
A formed by the lines of sight to station B and to the fire is
65.23o. The angle at station B formed by the lines of sight to
station A and to the fire is 56.47o. The stations are 10
kilometers apart. (a) How far from station A is the fire? and
(b) How far from station B is the fire?

Process Questions:

1. What did you consider before using the law of sines or the law of cosines?

2. How did you check your answer?

3. What are the challenges that you encountered in solving the problem?

4. How can we determine the height of towering objects and long distances
without actual measurement?

Activity 19: Test of

In the next three situations, you will now be asked to solve real life problems that
make use of the concepts and skills needed in solving oblique triangles. Show the
solution to each problem and complete the statement below.

PROBLEM 1: Cable Car

A steep mountain is inclined 74o to the horizontal and rises 3400 ft above the surrounding
plain. A cable car is to be installed from a point 800 ft from the base to the top of the
mountain, as shown. Find the shortest length of cable needed.



1. How did you solve the problem?

2. Which law did you apply in solving the problem? Why did you use such?
3. Is there only one way to solve to the problem? Explain.

4. What facilitated the solution to the problem?

5. How can we determine the height of towering objects and long distances
without direct measurement?

Distances and heights that cannot be measured directly can be determined

using ____________________.


Problem 2: Boat Ride

A boat is cruising the ocean off a straight shoreline. Points A and B are 120 mi apart on
the shore, as shown. Find the shortest distance from the boat to the shore.

1. How did you solve the problem?

2. Which law did you apply in solving the problem? Why did you use such?

3. Is there only one way to solve to the problem? Explain.

4. What facilitated the solution to the problem?

5. How can we determine the height of towering objects and long distances
without direct measurement?

Distances and heights that cannot be measured directly can be determined

using ____________________.

Problem 3: Hot Air Balloon
As a hot-air balloon crosses over a straight portion of interstate highway, its pilot eyes two
consecutive mileposts on the same side of the balloon. When viewing the mile posts the
angles of depression are 64O and 7 O. How high is the balloon to the nearest foot?



1. How did you solve the problem?

2. Which law did you apply in solving the problem? Why did you use such?

3. Is there only one way to solve to the problem? Explain.

4. What facilitated the solution to the problem?

5. How can we determine the height of towering objects and long distances
without direct measurement?

Distances and heights that cannot be measured directly can be determined

using ____________________.


Activity 20: Putting it all Together

You will now revisit the different situations that you have used to apply the concepts
needed to solve right triangles. What are the common things that you notice among the
various situations presented?

From the various real-life connections presented in the different

activities, I noticed that the situations have the following things in common:
1. __________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________

What generalization can you make?

Activity 21: Processing

Look at the answers to the statements found after each problem.

1. How did you come up with the solution to each problem?


2. Was there only one way to solve it? If yes, explain. If not, why are there
many ways to solve the problem? Discuss and cite examples.


3. Name the concepts that you learned that were useful in solving the problem.


4. How did you know which law to use? Explain.


5. Complete the statements below and support your answer with examples from
the above problems.

Distances and heights that cannot be measured directly can be determined

using ____________________.

Activity 22: One More Time

After summing up everything, try solving the problem below. Try to see if the
generalizations that you have made can also be used in the new situation.

Problem 4: Surveying Says

A surveying crew needs to find the distance between two points, A and B, but a boulder
blocks the path. The surveyors obtain the information in the diagram at right. Find AB.
Give your answer to the nearest foot.


1. How did you solve the problem?

2. Which law did you apply in solving the problem? Why did you use such?

3. Is there only one way to solve to the problem? Explain.

4. What facilitated the solution to the problem?

5. How can we determine the height of towering objects and long distances
without direct measurement?

Distances and heights that cannot be measured directly can be determined

using ____________________.

Let us solve problems involving the law of sines and law of cosines. Reflect on
how we vary the application in each situation.

Activity 23: SINE-CO-SINE


Solve the different problems involving the law of sines and law of cosines. Follow the link

Process Questions:

1. What did you consider before using the law of sines or the law of cosines?

2. How did you check your answer?

3. What are the challenges that you encountered in solving the problem?

4. How can we determine the height of towering objects and long distances
without actual measurement?


After all the processes of solving problems involving law of sines and law of
cosines, let us wrap our learning by filling-in the Synthesis Journal below.

Activity 24: Synthesis Journal

Complete the table below.

Synthesis Journal
What I Did What I Learned How I Can Use It


In the last column of Synthesis Journal, you are being prompted by the
statement “How I Can Use It.” The next activity is just one of the activities that
you can accomplish using the key concepts of the law of sines and law of
Activity 25: River Width (Scaffold
for Transfer 3)


A surveyor has been hired to find the width of

the Cagayan River. Survey points are located
as follows: A is on one side of the river; B and
C are on the other side; D is in line with 𝐴𝐵
SSSS as shown in the figure.
and E is in line with 𝐴𝐶

𝐵𝐶 measures 506.23 feet; SSSS
𝐵𝐷 measures 453.13
SSSS measures
SSSS measures 809.92 feet; 𝐶𝐷
ft; 𝐵𝐸
753.61 feet, and 𝐶𝐸 measures 392.77 feet.

SSSS ) to the
Find the width of the river (from A to 𝐵𝐶
nearest hundredth of a foot.

Explain in writing what you did and why you did

each step.


How can we determine the height of towering objects and long distances without
actual measurement?

End of Deepen
In this section, the discussion was about determining the height of towering
objects and long distances without actual measurement using the key concepts
of the law of sines and law of cosines.

What new realizations do you have about the topic? What new
connections have you made for yourself? Go back to your
KWLH Chart, then accomplish the column of How can I learn

Activity 26: Revisiting the KWHL


Solutions to Oblique Triangles

What I Want to How Can I Learn
What I Know What I Learned
Find Out More

Categories of Information I expect to use:

A. _____________________
B. _____________________
C. _____________________
D. _____________________

Now that you have a deeper understanding of the topic, you are ready to do the tasks in
the next section.



Before you begin this section, recall the question asked at the start of the lesson:
How can we determine the height of towering objects and long distances
without actual measurement? The Transfer section of this lesson will guide
you in determining the best answer to the question.

Your goal in this section is to apply your learning to real life situations. You will be given
a practical task which will demonstrate your understanding.

Activity 27: The Final Task

Performance Task

A complaint is being filed in your precinct, dated January 2, 2014 around 2:30
pm, about incidents of stray bullets. As the lead investigator, you are tasked to
project/illustrate the possible location of the shooter. The report will be presented
to the team and family members of the victim and will be assessed base on the
use of mathematical concepts, accuracy, organization and delivery.

You may use the Web 2.0 tool, Geometer’s Sketchpad in doing the task. Visit to get started.
Now that you are done with your work, use the rubric below to check
you work. Your work should show the traits listed under Proficient or
3. If your work has these traits, you are ready to submit your work.

If you want to do more, your work should show the traits listed under Excellent or 4. If
your work does not have the traits under 3 or 4, revise your work before submitting it.


4 3 2 1
USE OF The report shows The report shows The report shows The report does
MATHEMATICAL an in-depth correct limited not reveal
CONCEPTS understanding of understanding of the understanding of understanding of
30% the various various concepts in the various the various
concepts in Trigonometry. It concepts in concepts in
Trigonometry. It uses an appropriate Trigonometry. Trigonometry.
uses an appropriate strategy to solve the The strategy is The strategy used
and effective problem. difficult to follow. is difficult to
strategy to solve understand.
the problem.
ACCURACY Computations are Computations are Computations are Most of the
30% accurate and accurate and correct but computations and
supported with supported with interpretation is interpretations
correct and detailed correct incorrect. are erroneous.
interpretation. interpretation.
ORGANIZATION The report uses a The report uses a Parts of the report The report lacks
20% logical and logical sequence. It may still be logical sequence
interesting uses clear diagrams resequenced to and shows little
sequence. It is easy and/or tables. make the ideas evidence of
to follow. It uses clearer and easier preparation. It
appropriate and to follow. There is does not use
effective diagrams limited use of diagrams and/or
and/or tables. diagrams and/or tables.
DELIVERY Explanation is Explanation is Explanation is The solution
20% clear, detailed and correct and clear. unclear and presented does
convincing. Mathematical erroneous. The not address the
Mathematical concepts are solutions problem. No
representation is correctly used. presented does explanation of the
effectively used as a not fully solve the solution.
means of problem but
communicating contains some
ideas. critical
End of Transfer
You have just finished the performance task of this unit, how did you find the
performance task? How did the task help you see the real world use of the topic?
You have completed this lesson. Before you go to the next lesson, you have to
answer the Reflective Journal.

Activity 28: Reflective Journal

After doing the performance task, reflect on the hardship of planning and execution of
the task and happiness in accomplishing a job well done.

Reflective Journal
How did you find How can you use the How can we determine the height
the task? skills you learned in your of towering objects and long
daily life distances without actual


You have completed this lesson. Before you go to the next lesson, you have to answer
the following post-assessment.


It’s now time to evaluate your learning. Click on the letter of the answer that
you think best answers the question. Your score will only appear after you
answer all items. If you do well, you may move on to the next module. If
your score is not at the expected level, you have to go back and take the
module again.

Read and analyze the following questions and click on the letter of your answer.

1. A kite got stuck up in a tree. The kite has a string length of 20m, the boy who is
flying it is 12m from the foot of the tree, and the angle of elevation to the kite is 𝜃.
Which of the following best illustrates the situation?

20 cm sin 𝜃 = $'

12 cm

20 cm $'
tan 𝜃 = "$
12 cm

C *
20 cm cos 𝜃 = $'

12 cm


20 cm sec 𝜃 = $'

12 cm
The hypotenuse describes the string length of the kite which is 20 cm and the
boy holding the end of the string is 12 m away from the foot of the tree.
Therefore, the angle of elevation is being projected from the boy to the kite. In
solving this problem, we need to use cosine.

2. Jessan’s model boat has a base 60 cm long. The horizontal length of the sail
is half the length of the base of the boat. ∠𝐴𝐶𝐵 is 30°. What is the length of the
diagonal side of the sail?

A. 30 cm
B. 30 2 cm
C. 10 3 cm
D. 20 3 cm*

cos 30o = (
d = )*+ &'!

d = 20 3 cm

3. A ladder leans against a wall, making an angle of 45o with the horizon. The end
of the ladder rests 2 meters up the wall. How long is the ladder?

A. 2.5 meters
B. 3 meters
C. 2 2 meters*
D. 2 3 meters


sin 45o = (
d = O9P?,!
h = 2 2m

4. In triangle ABC , mÐA = 40°, mÐC = 60° and AC = 20m . What is BC?

A. 11.24 m
B. 12.72 m
C. 13.49 m
D. 14.84 m*


20 m

A 40 o 60 o B

€ Law of Sine
+78 ∠@
= +78∠ D

DB $'
+78 ?'!
= +78 1'!

$' +78 ?'!

𝐵𝐶 = +78 1'!

𝐵𝐶 ≈ 14.84 𝑚
5. From a point 10 m from the base of a flagpole, the angle of elevation to the top
of the pole is 50°. What is the height of the flagpole?

A. 11.92 m*
B. 10.82 m
C. 9.28 m
D. 8.55 m


10 m

tan 50o = "'
h = 10 tan 50o
h ≈ 11.92 m

6. A person standing near the top of the Eiffel Tower, 300 m high, notices a car
wreck some distance from the tower. If the angle of depression from the
person’s eyes to the wreck is 35o, how far is the accident from the person?

A. 523 m*
B. 487 m
C. 380 m
D. 266 m


Note that the angle of depression is 35o therefore its complement is 55o.
cos 55o = (
d = )*+ ,,!
d ≈ 523 m

7. The Great Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt has a square base 230m on each side.
The faces of the pyramid make an angle of 52o with the horizontal. What is the
shortest distance you would have to climb up a face to reach the top?

A. 198 m
B. 187 m*
C. 158 m
D. 137 m


cos 52 = (
d = )*+ ,$!
d = 186.79 m or d≈187 m

8. A ship sailed 50 kilometers to the north and then sailed to the west until its
bearing from the starting point was N56oW. How far is the ship from the starting

A. 85.5 km
B. 89.4 km*
C. 97.3 km
D. 101.8 km

d 50

,' 2.
cos 56o = (
,' 2.
d = )*+ ,1!
d ≈ 89.4 km

9. A medical rescue helicopter needs to fly from its home base at point C to pick
up an accident victim at point A and then from point A to the hospital at point B.
How far is the place of the accident from the hospital based on the given data
in the figure?

A. 33.5 mi
B. 36.1 mi
C. 48.7 mi *
D. 56.8 mi

𝑎$ = 𝑏 $ + 𝑐 $ − 2𝑏𝑐 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝐴
𝑎$ = 50$ + 86$ − 2(50)(86) 𝑐𝑜𝑠 29%
𝑎$ ≈ 2374.3
86 mi
𝑎 ≈ 48.7

10. A telephone pole snapped into two pieces, one vertical and the other inclined
at an angle of 50o to the vertical, so that the top of the pole rested 10m on the
ground from the base of the pole. Find the length of the pole before it snapped.

A. 27 m
B. 28 m*
C. 49 m
D. 50 m

b b a

10 m

Solve for a
𝑐𝑜𝑠50% = A
𝑎 = C%O,'!
𝑎 ≈ 15.56 𝑚
Solve for b
tan 50% = "'
𝑏 = 10 tan 50%
𝑏 ≈ 11.92 𝑚

Solve the height of the pole (h)

h = 15.56 m + 11.92 m
h = 27.92 m

Answer: h ≈ 28 m
11. A truck parked on the street is 56 m from the base of the apartment building
on the right. The angle of elevation from the truck to the top of the building is
40°. The parked truck is 49 m from the base of the apartment building on the
left. The angle of elevation from the truck to the top of that building is 50°.
Which building is taller?

A. Left apartment
B. Right apartment*
C. Both apartments have the same height.
D. Insufficient information to solve the height of both apartments


40 m 60 m

Solve for the height of the left apartment
tan 50% = ?'
𝐿 = 40 tan 50%
𝐿 ≈ 47.67 𝑚

Solve for the height of the right apartment

tan 40% = 1'
𝑅 = 60 tan 40%
𝑅 ≈ 50.35 𝑚

The right apartment is taller than the left apartment.

12. The Aerial run in Snowbird, Utah, has a length of 8399 feet and an angle of
elevation of 20.2°. What is the estimate length of h, its vertical drop?

A. 2285 feet
B. 2399 feet
C. 2900 feet*
D. 2941feet

8399 ft =

sin 20.2o = -&33 45
h = (sin 20.2o)(8399)
l ≈2900 ft

13. When landing, a jet will average a 3º angle of descent at an altitude of 0.4 mile
on its final descent as it passes over an airport beacon. How far is the beacon
from the start of the runway?

A. 5.5 mi
B. 6.7 mi
C. 7.6 mi*
D. 8.5 mi


0.4 mi

tan 87o = '.? .9
x = (tan 87o)(0.4)
x ≈ 7.6 mi
14. The tailgate of a truck is 2 feet above the ground. The incline of the ramp
used for loading the truck is 10° from the ground. What is the length of the
ramp to the nearest tenth of a foot?

A. 8.5 ft
B. 9.7 ft
C. 10.2 ft
D. 11.5 ft*


$ 45
sin 10o = >
$ 45
r = +78 "'!
r ≈ 11.5 ft

15. The angle of elevation of the sun is 46o and the length of the shadow cast by
a particular tree is 10 m on level ground. Assuming that the tree is vertical and
that the ground is flat, find the height of the tree in meters.

A. 9.26 m
B. 10.36 m*
C. 12.31 m
D. 13.32 m

tan 46o = "' .
h = tan 46o (10 m)
h ≈ 10.36 m

16. A tourist slides 24m down a new straight waterslide. The slide begins 15m
above the ground. Assuming that the ladder is vertical and straight and that
the ground is even and horizontal, what is the angle the slide makes with the

A. 55.20o
B. 58.70o
C. 62.04o*
D. 65.05o


", .
cos x = &$ .
cos x = 0.46875
x = cos-1 0.46875
x ≈ 62.04o

17. During a rescue mission, a Marine fighter pilot receives data on an unidentified
aircraft from an AWACS plane and is instructed to intercept the aircraft. The
diagram shown below appears on the screen, but before the distance to the
point of interception appears on the screen, communications are jammed.
Fortunately, the pilot remembers the process. How far must the pilot fly?

A. 636 km
B. 689 km*
C. 738 km
D. 739 km

Z = 180o – (110o + 27o)
Z = 43o
: L
+78 I
= +78 M
: ,''
+78 ""'!
= +78 ?&!
,'' +78 ""'!
𝑥 = +78 ?&!
𝑥 ≈ 689 km

18. In preparation for an outdoor rock concert, a stage crew must determine how far
apart to place the two large speaker columns on stage. What generally works
best is to place them at 50o angles to the center of the front row. The distance
from the center of the front row to each of the speakers is 15 ft. How far apart
does the crew need to place the speakers on stage?

A. 13.7 ft
B. 14.5 ft
C. 15.4 ft*
D. 16.9 ft

mÐA = 180o – (50o + 50o)
= 80o
𝑎$ = 𝑏 $ + 𝑐 $ − 2𝑏𝑐 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝐴
𝑎$ = 12$ + 12$ − 2(12)(12) 𝑐𝑜𝑠 80%
𝑎$ ≈ 238
𝑎 ≈ 15.4 ft

19. The Tower of Pisa was originally built 56 meters tall. Because of poor soil in the
foundation, it started to lean. At a distance 44 meters from the base of the tower,
the angle of elevation is 55o. How much is the Tower of Pisa leaning away from
the vertical position?

A. 5o*
B. 6o
C. 7o
D. 8o

20. The local government unit plans to widen the road in preparation for its farm to
market project. After surveying the place, you need to present the proposal of
widening the road to the city engineering office for approval. Which should be
the possible characteristics of your proposal?

A. Practical, authentic and accurate*

B. Presentable, realistic and organized
C. Presentable, accurate and organized
D. Authentic, grammatically correct and organized

Given the nature of the task, date should be authentic, computations should
be accurate and the recommendations should be practical in coming up with a
GLOSSARY OF TERMS USED IN THIS LESSON: (List in alphabetical order the key
terms and give their definitions)

Cosecant ratio – the reciprocal of the sine ratio.

Cotangent ratio – the reciprocal of the tangent ratio.

Cosine ratio – the ratio between the length of the side adjacent to an acute angle in a
right triangle, and the length of the hypotenuse.

Law of Cosines - For any triangle ABC,

𝑎$ = 𝑏 $ + 𝑐 $ − 2𝑏𝑐 cos 𝐴
𝑏 $ = 𝑎$ + 𝑐 $ − 2𝑎𝑐 cos 𝐵
𝑐 $ = 𝑎$ + 𝑏 $ − 2𝑎𝑏 cos 𝐶

+78 @ +78 D +78 B

Law of Sines – For any triangle ABC, A
= E
= C

Oblique triangle – any triangle which is not a right triangle. An oblique triangle may either
have two acute angles and an obtuse angle or it may have three acute angles.

Secant ratio – the reciprocal of the cosine ratio.

Sine ratio – the ratio between the length of the side opposite an acute angle in a right
triangle, and the length of the hypotenuse.

Special right triangle – an isosceles right triangle the acute angles of which both have
measures of 45 degrees, or a scalene triangle the acute angles of which have measures
of 30 and 60 degrees.

Tangent ratio – the ratio between the length of the side opposite an acute angle in a right
triangle, and the length of the side adjacent to the same acute angle.

Trigonometric ratio – the ratio between the sides of a right triangle.



1. Beecher, J.A., Penna, J.A., and Bittinger, M.L. (2007). Algebra and
Trigonometry, Third Edition, Addison Wesley, USA, pages 594 - 615.

2. Holliday, B., Cuevas, G.J., Luchin, B., Carter, J.A., Marks D., Day, Roger
(2008). Algebra 2, McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc, USA, pages 785 – 798.

3. Stewart, J., Redlin, L., and Watson, S. (2012). Algebra and Trigonometry,
Third Edition, Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning, USA, pages 443 – 466.

4. Young, C.Y. (2012). Trigonometry, Third Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
USA, pages


This is an article on the importance of trigonometry in daily life.

This is a website showing the definition of trigonometry.

This is a video on the basic concepts of trigonometry.

This is part 1 of the video on right triangle trigonometry.

This is part 2 of the video on right triangle trigonometry.

This website allows you to use a virtual calculator to compute for
trigonometric values.
This is a video on the trigonometric values of special angles.

This is a website that presents problems which can be solved using
trigonometric ratios.

This links provides the answer to the exercises on trigonometry.

This website provides an article on the definitions of angles of elevation and

This website presents problems on angles of depression and elevation. It
also provides step-by-step solutions on how to solve these problems.

This website shows a competency test with problems which can be solve
using one’s knowledge on angles of elevation and depression.

This website presents equations which can be solved using trigonometric

This video presentation gives examples on how to solve trigonometry
problems using the trigonometric identities.

This video presents the exploratory part in deriving the law of sines.

This website shows specific examples in dealing with law of sines using
different cases.

17. Http://
This website shows specific examples in dealing with law of sines using
different cases.
This website shows specific examples in dealing with law of sines using
different cases.

This video presents the exploratory part in deriving the law of cosines.

This website shows specific examples in dealing with law of cosines using
different cases.

This website shows specific examples in dealing with law of cosines using
different cases.

This website shows specific examples in dealing with law of cosines using
different cases.

This website shows the different activities dealing with the law of sines `
and law of cosines.

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