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Zhanchen Wang

-4 thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements

for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in

Graduate Department of Mechanka1 and indusmal Engineering

University of Toronto

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Chatter Analysis of Machine Tool Systems in Turning Processes

Ph.D. Thesis, 2001

Zhanchen Wang

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

University of Toronto


Chatter of a machine tool system consisting of a flexible workpiece and a cutting twI flexibly

mounted on a guided bed in turning process is investigated in this thesis. Chatter onset conditions

are accurately determined using combinations of the finite element method, the modal analysis

method, and the Laplace transform technique. Stability charts separating stable and unstable

cutting operations are determined using the Nyquist criteria and provided for conventional lathes

and workpieces of various shapes subjected to different boundary constraints simulating the

effects of chuck and center. These charts can be conveniently used in industry to select an

appropriate set of cutting parameters for a chatter-ftee turning operation.

Four dpamical models are proposed in this thesis to handie chatter of machine tool systems. The

frrst mode1 is applicable to machine tool systerns having workpieces of very large stifhess

compared to the cutting tooI mounting stiffiiess. The second mode1 is developed for workpiece

of reiativeiy srna11 stiflhess. The third model handles general machine tool systems in which

motions of the workpiece and cutting tool structure are truIy coupled. The fourth mode1 is

applicabie to tuming processes involving the novel use of two cutting tools.
in chatter andysis, the tool structure is considered as a mass-spring-darnper system having two

degrees of fieedom; the workpiece is considered a spinning beam structure whose displacement-

smin relationships obey the Timoshenko theory. The finite element method and Lagrange

equations are employed to formulate the system equations of motion for the workpiece. In al1

cases studied, the cutting force may be applied at any locations along the workpiece.

The procedure for determining the chatter onset conditions of machine too1 systems represented

by the four dynamical models is programrned into a computer code written in the Matlab

Ianguage. Chatter-free cutting conditions may now be easily established for any machine tooI

system in tuniing process by simply providing a few input parameters and running the computer

The author would like to express his sincere gratitude and appreciation to his supervisors, Dr. W.

L. Cleghom of the University of Toronto and Dr. S. D. Yu of Ryerson University, for their
invaluable inspiration and guidance thmughout this thesis work. Without their advice,

encouragement and support, this work could not have been a reality.

Particular thanks are due to Prof. M.A, Elbestawi, Dr. R T e k and Mr. G. Quintero, Deparunent

of Mechanical Engineering at McMaster University, for their helpful suggestions

He would Iike to thank Ms,B. Fung, Mr. L.Roosman and Mr. D. Esdaile, in the Department of

Mechanical and industrial Engineering at the University of Toronto for their help. He gratefully

acknowiedges the financia1support fiom the N a m l Sciences and Engineering Research Council

of Canada.

Most imponantly, the author wouId like to thank his parents, his brother and sistets for their

-meat suppon throughout his academic years,

Finally, fie would like to express tiis specid thanks to his wife, HuiIing, and his daughter, Annie,

for their support, understanding and patience.

1 Introduction ...............................................................................................................................

1.1 Background ........................................................................................................................ 1

1.2 Lirerature Review................................................................................................................


1.2.1 Causesofchatter ...........


12.2 Models of cutting force............................................................................................. 12

1 - 2 21GeneraI cutting force models ................................................................................. 12 Ploughing force model .......................................................................................... If

1.2.3 Chatter mode1............................................................................................................ 18 Charter of cutting tool structure ............................................................................ 1S Chatter of workpiece ............................................................................................. 20

1.3 Overview of Thesis ........................................................................................................... --

3 3

2 Cbatter of Tool Structure Incorporating the Effect of

Plougbing Force .........................................................................................................2 5

2.1 Introduction....................................................................................................................... 35

Chatter Mode1 of TooI Structure....................

............................................................. 26

Stability Analysis .............................................................................................................. 31

Numerical Examples ......................................................................................................... 33

Summary ........................................................................................................................... 41

3 Free Vibration of Spinning Stepped-Shaft Workpiece. .......................................................


introduction ................................................................................................................... 43

Governing Equations of Motion for Rotating .............................................................. 35

Stepped Shaft .................................................................................................................... 45

Modal Analysis ................................................................................................................ 55

Convergence Tests and Numerical Results....................................................................... 58

Summary ........................................................................................................................... 69

4 Stability Analysis of Spinning Stepped-Shaft Workpiece ...................................................


4.1 htroductioa ....................................................................................................................... 71

4.2 Chatter Mode1 ............................................................................................................... 72

4.2.1 Stepped workpiece mode1........................................................................................... 77

4.3 Cutting Force Mode1.......................................................................................................... 74

4.4 StabiIity Analysis ............................................................................................................... 77

4.41 Modal analysis method ................................................................................................ 77

4.4.2 Direct Lapiace rransfonn method ............................................................................... 80

4.4.3 Cumng force at an arbitrary location on workpiece ................................................... 82

4.5 Numericd Examples .......................................................................................................... 88


4.5.1 Effects of mode order on stability ....................................................................... 89

4.5.2 Cornparisons of the modal analysis method and direct Laplace

transfom method ...................................................................................................... 94

4.5.3 Effects of damping factor on stability........................................................................ 95

4.5.4 Cornparison of present work and literature............................................................ 97

4.5.5 Simulation results of the dyaarnic system with typical boundary conditions........... 100

4.6 Summary .......................................................................................................................... 115

5 Chatter Model and Stability Analysis of Coupled System Consisting of Spinnimg

Stepped-Sbaft Workpiece and Tool Structure ..............................................................116

5.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................... 116

5.2 Chatter Mode1 of the Coupled System............................................................................. 117

5.3 Cutting Force ............................................................................................................. 119

5 -4 Equations o f Motion for the Coupled Systern and Stability Analysis ............................. 120

5.5 Numerical Simulations..................................................................................................... 124

5.6 Conclusions.................................................................................................................... 146

6 Chaiter of Spinning Stepped-Shaft Workpiece with Two Cutting Tools ........................148

6.1 Introduction......................................................................................... 148

6.2 Equations o f Motion and Cutting Forces ....................................................................... 149

6.3 Stability Analysis ........................................................................................................ 151

6.3.1 Cutting force applied at nodes of elements...............................................................152

6.3.2 Stability analysis with arbitrary cutting force locations ........................................... 162

6.6 Numerical Examples.......................................................................................................176


6.7 Summaxy ......................................................................................................................... 190

7 Conclusions and Recomrnendations ..................................................................................191

7.1 Conclusions..........
....................................................................................................... 191
7.3 Recommendations for Future Work ................................................................................. 194

Bibliography ..............................................................................................................................195
Roman Characters
cross-section area of beam

~ ~ N t= (Y}:
~ t [D,](x),

pararneter in cutting force component in the y direction

parameter in cutting force component in the 3 direction

constant, = (Y}:[D,](X},

cutting process pararneter related to velocity in the y direction

cutting process parameter related to velocity in the t direction

ratio of cutting stifiess, = k, 1k,

viscous damping factor

cutting process pararneter related to cutting speed in the y direction

cutting process parameter related to cuning speed in the z direction

element gyroscopic matrix

element damping matrix

depth of cut

normal cutting depth

geometric mat& for a two-node Timoshenko beam element

modulus of elasticity

ploughing force

proportionaIity constant in cutting force mode1

cutting force in the x direction

cutting force in the y direction

Laplace transfonn of F'

Laplace transfonn of F,.

cutting force component of cutting tool 1 in the x direction

cutting force component of cutting tool 1 in the y direction

cutting force component of cutting tool2 in the x direction

cutting force component of cutting tool2 in the y direction

i-th generaiized coordinate

shear modulus

global gyroscopic matrix

second moment of area

identity mamx of dimensions n x n

cutting force coefficient in the x direction

cutting force coefficient in the y direction

static cutting stiffiiess of m u l g tool 1 in the x direction

static cutting stifhess of cutting tool 1 in the y direction

static cutting stiüness of cutting tool2 in the x direction

static cutting stifbess of cutting tm13 in they direction

global stiffriess matrix

gIobaI stifiess matrix used in iiee vibration anaiysis

element stifhess matrix used in fiee vibration anaiysis

length of a finite beam element

total length of workpiece

global mass matrix

eiement mass matrix in fiee vibration analysis

global mass matrix before modification in free vibration analysis

number of degrees of freedom

node number at cutting point

order of mode truncation

global displacement vector of dimensions n x 1

element nodal displacement vector

global force vector of dimensions nxl

global force vector before modification

element force vector

Laplace transform of ~ ( t )

random cutting force disturbance in the y direction

random cutting force disturbance in the y direction

shape fùnction of Timoshenko beam element

time deIay

kinetic energy of an element

transformation matrix

tool structure dispIacement at cutting point

workpiece displacernent at cutting point


instantaneous depth of cut

instantaneous depth of cut for cutting tooI 1

instantaneous depth of cut for cutting tool2

nominal depth of cut

lateral displacement of workpiece in the x direction

lateral displacements of workpiece in y direction

instantaneous depth of cut in the x direction

displacement of cutting 1001in the x direction

displacement of workpiece in the x direction

Rayleigh dissipation function

Laplace transform of u,

Laplace aansform of u,

total volume of the ploughed workpiece material

strain energy due to deformation of an element

cutting speed

strain energy in the xo: plane

strain energy in theyoz plane

superscnpt representing workpiece

i-th eigenvector in state space

element [n + 8(n, - 1) + i] of the eigenvalue vector @} conesponding to

cutting point
state vector of adjoint system

j eigenvector of adjoint system

dement In c 8(n, - 1) t 11 of cigmveaor {Y},

Y., eiement E + 8(n, - i)c 51 of eigenvector [F},
coordinate of cutting point

Laplace transform of nodal displacement vector q

Greek Characters

a shear angle in the xoz plane

4. shear angIe in the yot plane

fi effective clearance angle

KI clearance angle

6 Dirac d e i function
: damping ratio

Il0 constant used in ploughing force modei

'II constant used in ploughing force mode1

K shear correction factor

4 itheigenvalue of original system

4 Jh eigenvalue of adjoint system

P overlap factor of successive cuts

PC proportionality constant

local coordinate of a beam element

mass density of beam material

ultimate shear stress of workpiece material

shear angle

bending angle in the xoz plane

bending angle in the yoz plane

spin rate of workpiece

Table 3.1 Cornparison of At-Rest Nahuai Frequencies (radk) for a Uniform Beam with

Clamped-Free Boundary Conditions ........................................................................ 6 1

Table 3.2 Comparison of At-Rest Natural Frequencies (rad/s) for a Stepped Beam with

Free-Free Boundary Conditions ............................................................................... 62

Table 3.3 Cornparisons of Natural Frequencies (radk) of Spinning Uniform Bearn with ....... 63

Table 3.4 Natural Fequencies of Stepped Shaft with Clamped-Free Bundary Cnditions ........ 64

Table 3.5 Natural Frequencies of Stepped Shaft with Hinged-Hinged Boundary

Conditions .......................
,.................................................................................. 65
Table 3.6 Natural Frequencies of Stepped Shafl with Clamped-Hinged Boundary

Conditions ................................................................................................................. 66

Table 3.7 Natural Fequencies of Stepped Shaft with Free-Free Boundary Conditions.........,.. 67

Table 3.8 Natural Frequencies of Spinning Stepped Shaft with

Two Rotational Springs at One ..................................................................................


Table 4.1 Comparison of Predicted Chatter Onset Locations with the Experirnental

Results (Lu, 1990) for Uniform Workpiece............................................................ 99

Table 4.2 Natural Frequencies of the Uniform and Stepped Workpieces with One End

Supported by a Chuck and the Other Hinged (radls)............................................ t O3

Table 1.3 Nature Frequencies of the Uniform and Stepped Workpieces with One End

Supponed by a Chuck and the Other Free (radk) ................................................... 107

Table 4.4 Nature Frequencies of the Unifom Workpieces Supported by Chuck, Tailstock and

Steady Rest (rad/s) ................................................................................................. 110


Table 4.5 Nature Frequencies of the Uniform and Stepped Workpieces Supported by Two

Centers (radls)................................................................................................ 1 13

Table 5.1 Natural Frequencies of the First Four Modes for Uniform and Stepped

Workpieces for Case 1 (radis)......................-.................. . . . ................. 128


Fig. 1.1 Workpiece deflections before and after onset of chatter (Lu. 1990)............................. 7

Fig . 1.2 Wavy surface of a shafi afier chatter (Chinacescu, 1990) ........................................... 3

Fig. 1.3 Wavy surface of a holiow cyiinder workpiece after chatter (Stephen, 1999) ...............3

Fig. 1.4 A lathe (Boothroyd and Knight. 1989)...................................................................... 4

Fig.1.5 Cylindrical turning on a lathe (Boothroyd and Knight, 1989) ...................................... 5

Fig. 1.6 Contact region and cutting force ................................................................................... 7

Fig. 1.7 Regenetative effect ..................,............................................................................... . 10

Fig. 1.8 Cutting with overlap region ..............................,.................................................... . II

Fig. 1.9 Cutting without overlap region .................................................................................. 11

Fig. 1.1 O Tenns used for cutting process (Boothroyd and Knight. 1989) .................................. 13

Fig. 1.1 1 Orthogonal cutting process (Trent, 1991)..............,

, .,. 11
Fig . 1.12 Illustration of curting force components (Trent, 1991) ........................................... 15

Fig. 1-13 Feedback loop of a typical machining system......................................................... 19

Fie . 1.14 Mass-spring-darnperworkpiece mode1 ................................................................... 70

Fig.2.1 . ................
Chatter mode1 of tool smicture . . . ,
.. .........
. ,, ..
.. 10

Fig.7.2 Schematic diagram of tooI penetration ........................................................................ ZS

Fig. 2.3 Effect of tool vibration on tool penetration ..................................... .

....... 28

Fig.1.3 Nyquist plot of function [G(jo)H(i@].......................................................................... 7;

Fig.2.5 Cornparison of the stabiIity charts between the present work

and Liu (1990) ..........................,................................................*............................ ....36


Fig.2.6 Cornparison of the chatter fiequency between the present work and Liu (1990)........ 36

Fig- 2.7 Stability curve for tool structure with ploughmg force (case 1)..................................37

Fig.2.8 Chatter frequency on the stability threshold with ploughing force (case 1)................ 37

Fig .2.9
Effect of ploughing force on stability........................................................................ 38

Fig.2-10 Effects of poughig force on chatter fiequency ...................................................... 38

Fig . 2.11 Effect of cutting force term BZon stability .................................................................. 39

Fig . 2.13 Effect of cutting force term C,on stability................................................................. 40

Fig.2.14 Effect of cutting force term C=on chatter fiequency ................................................ 40

Fig . 3.1 A spinning stepped shaft ..................................................................... 46

Fig. 3.2 A Cinite beam element..................................................................................................46

Fig.3.3 Unifom shafl and its boundary conditions used in Table 3.1 ..................................... 60

Fig. 3.4 Stepped shaA and its boundary conditions used in Table 3.2 ...................................... 61

Fig . 3.5 Unifonn shaft and its boundary conditions used in Table 3.3 ..................................... 62

Fig. 3.6 Stepped shaft and its boundary conditions used in Table 3.4 ................. .
Fig. 3.7 Stepped shaft and its boundary conditions used in Table 3.5 ...................................... 64

Fig. 3.8 Stepped shaft and its boundary conditions used in Table 3.6 ...................................... 65

Fig. 3-9 Stepped shaft and its boundary conditions used in Table 3.7 ...................................... 66

Fig.3.10 Stepped shafi and its boundary conditions used in Table 3.8 ...................................... 67

Fig.3.1 1 Stepped shaft used to investigate effects of spring constant on natural fiequency .....68

Fig .3 -12 Effects of rotational spring stiffhess on natural fiequencies ......................

.............. 69

Fig .4.1 Stepped workpiece mounted on a lathe ....................................................................... 72

Fig.4.2 Chatter mode1 of stepped-shaft workpiece.................................................................. 73

Fig.4.3 Feedback loop of cutting process ................................................................................ 75

. .
Fig .4.4 Schematic view of a cutting process............................................................................ 76

Fig .4.5 Cutting force at an arbitrary point and its equivalent nodal force components........... 83

Fig.4.6 Dimensions (unit: mm) and boundary conditions of the uniform shaft ...................... 90

Fig.4.7 Nyguist plots ofk, ~ ( s , r,)he-" -1) using the first three modes ............................. 90
Fig- 4.8 Comparisons of Nyquist plots of the h c t i o n [k,H(jw, zc)(eyw~l)J

three different modal tmcation schemes .....................................................................91

Fig . 4.9 Comparisons of Nyquist plots function [kxH(jo7zc)(ejor-l)] near the first natural

.................................................................................................. 91

Fig.4-10 Stability charts of stepped workpiece near the first and second

natural fiequencies ...................................................................................................... 92

Fig.4.1 1 Chatter fiequencies near the first and second natural frequencies

of stepped workpiece ................................................................................................... 93

Fig .4.12 Cornparison of the Nyquist plots for the modal analysis method and

the direct Laplace tranfonn method ............................................................................. 95

Fig. 4.13 Stabiiity chart of uniform workpiece 1........................................................................ 96

Fig .4.14 Chatter frequencies of spinning unifonn workpiece 1 ................................................ 97

Fig.4-15 Cntical relative tool position along the workpiece fiom the chuck ............................ 96

Fig.4.16 Dimensions (unit: mm) and boundary conditions of the unifonn and

stepped workpieces for Case A .................................................................................. 103

Fig. 4.17 Stability region of the stepped workpiece for Case A .......................
............ 104
Fig. 4.1 8 Stability threshold of workpieces for Case A ........................................................ 104

Fig. 4.19 Chatter fieyencies of uniforrn and stepped workpieces for Case A ........................ 105

Fig.4.20 Stability region of workpieces for Case A ................................................................. 105

Fig.4.21 Dimensions (unit: mm)and boundary conditions of the uniform and

stepped workpieces for Case B .................................................................... IO6

Fig .4.22 Stability chart of the uniform and stepped workpieces for Case B ........................... 107

Fig.4.23 Chatter frequencies of workpieces for Case B ..................................................... 108

Fig .4.24 Workpiece supported by a steady rest ....................................................................... 109

Fig.4.25 Dimensions (unit: mm) and boundary conditions of the workpieces for Case C ...... 109

Fig.4.26 Effects of steady rest on the stability of workpiece .........................

........ 110

Fig.4.27 Effects of steady rest on the chatter fiequencies of workpiece .................................111

Fig. 4.28 Workpiece supported by a dog and two centers ........................................................ I I 2

Fig . 4.29 Dimensions (unit: mm) and boundary conditions of the workpieces
supported by a dog ..................................................................................... LI3

Fig. 4.30 Stability charts of workpiece supported by a dog.................................................... Il3

Fig. 4.3 1 Chatter fiequencies of workpiece supported by a dog ......................................... 114

Fig.5.1 Coupied system consisting of workpiece and tool structure ..................................... 117

Fig. 5.2 Dimensions (unit:rnm) and geometry of workpieces for Case 1 ............................... 129

Fig. 5.3 Stability charts of the coupled systern with a unifotm workpiece for Case I ........... 130

Fig.5.5 Chatter fiequencies of the uniform and stepped workpieces for Case 1 ................... 131

Fig- 5.6 Cornparison of the stability charts for a uniform and stepped workpieces

for Case 1 ................................................................................................................... l3l

Fig.5.7 Stability charts of the uniform and stepped workpieces for Case 1 .......................... 132
Fig.5.8 Cornparison between the stability charts of the workpiece and the

coupled systems for Case 1....................................................................................... 133

Fig.5.9 Dimensions (unit: mm) and geometry of workpieces for Case 2 .............................133

Fig. 5.10 Stability chart of uniform workpiece 1 for Case 2 .................................................. 134

Fig. 5.1 1 Stability charts of workpieces for Case 2 ................................................................ 134

Fig. 5.12 Chatter fiequencies of workpieces for Case 2 ........................................................ 135

Fig. 5.13 Effects of tool structure on the stability threshold of the stepped workpiece

for Case 2 ................................................................................................................. 135

Fig. 5-14 Effects of tool structure on the chatter fiequencies of the stepped workpiece for

Case 2 ....................................................................................................................... 136

Fig . 5.15 Dimensions (unit: mm) and geometry of workpieces for Case 3 ............................ 137

Fig.5-16 Stability chart of uniform workpiece 1 for Case 3 .................................................. 138

Fig.5.17 Chatter fiequencies of workpieces for Case 3 ....................................................... 138

Fig. 5.18 Stability charts of workpieces for Case 3 ................................................................ 139

Fig 5-19 Effects of tool structure on stability of stepped workpiece for Case 3 .................... 139

Fig.5.20 Effects of tool structure on chatter fiequencies of stepped workpiece for Case 3 .. 140

Fig.5.21 Dimensions (unit: mm) and geometry of workpieces with steady rest for Case 4. .141

Fig. 5.22 Effects of steady rest on the stability thresholds for Case 4 .................................... 142

Fig. 5.23 Effects of steady rest on the chatter fiequencies for Case 4 .................................... 142

Fig. 5.24 Effects of tooI structure on the stability thresholds for Case 4 ................................ 143

Fig.5 3 5 Effects of tool structure on the chatter fiequencies for Case 4 ................................ 143

Fig. 5.26 The stepped workpiece and boundary conditions used for Case 5 .......................... 144

Fig- 5.27 Effects of rotational SDME constant on the stability thresholds for Case 5 ............ 144
Fig. 5.28 Effects of rotational spring constant on the chatter fiequacies for Case 5 ............ 145

Fig . 5.29 Effects of rotational spring constant on the stability thresholds for Case 5 ............ 145
Fig. 5.30 Effects of rotational spring constant an the cbatta fiequencies for Case 5 ............146

Fig.6.1 Workpiecc systern with cutting forces at two locations ........................................... 149

Fig.6.2 Cutting forces at nodes of eiements........................................................................152

Fig .6.3 Cutting forces at arbitrary cutting locations ............................................................. 163

Fig.6.4 Nyquist plot of [kXH@, I,)(e9"tl)]for the uniform workpiece

with only one cutting tool ......................................................................................... 180

Fig.6.5 Nyquist plot of k , , ~ , (s)for cutting 1001 1 of the uniform woikpise

with two cutting tools ................................................................................................ 180

Fig. 6.6 Effects of cutting tool2 on the Nyquist plot of k , , ~ , (s) for the

uniform workpiece with two cutting tools (2,=200 mm) ....................

.................. 181
Fig-6.7 Cornparison of Nyquist plot of k , , ~ , (s) for cutting tool 1

and Nyquist plot of k,, H , (s) for cunuig tool 2 ....................

................... t SZ
Fig . 6.8 Stability charts of cutting two tool 1 and cuning toor 2 for the unifonn workpiece 183

Fig. 6.9 Two tools Chatter fiequencies of cuîting tool 1 and cutting tool ............................. 183

Fig.6.10 Stability charts of cutting tool 1 and cutting tool2 for stepped workpiece 1.......... 184

Fig.6.1 i Stability charts of cutting tu01 I and cutting tool2 for stepped workpiece 2 ........... 164

Fig.6.12 Chatter fkequencies of cutting tool 1 for uniforrn and stepped workpieces.............. 1SS

Fig.6.13 StabiIity charts of cutting tool s for uniforni and stepped workpieces .....................182

Fig.6.14 Chatter fiequencies of cutMg tool 1 for al1 workpieces ....................

................... 186
Fig.6-15 Workpiece system with two cuffing tooIs appiied on opposite sides ....................... 186

Fig. 6.16 Nyquist plot of k,,~,(s)for cuning tool 1 of the uniforni workpiece .................. 187

Fig. 6.17 Nyquist plots of k , ~ , ( . s ) and kGqH~(s)for cuîting tao1 1 and cutting tool2 .... 187

Fig. 6.18 Stability charts of the uniform workpiece for cutting tool 1

(&, =ZOO mm, Q = 400 mm)....................................

Fig. 6.19 Chatter frequencies of the uniform workpiece for cutting tool 1

(z,~=ZOO mm, ,72 =
......... 188

Fig. 6.20 Cornparison of the stability charts of the unifom workpiece for cutting tool 1

(with or without cutting tool 21.. ..-.

Fig. 6.21 Cornparison of chatter fiequemies of the unifonn workpiece for cutting tool 1

(with or without cutting tool2).. ........................................................

+. ....189
Chapter 1


1.1 Background

Metal cutting procas is ofien accompanied by a violent vibration between workpiece and cutting

tool. This type of vibration is called chatter. Chatter may generate high pitch noise, cause poor

surface finish, tool Wear, tooI fiacture and darnage to the machine tool system. To avoid chatter,

metal removal rate has CO be reduced CO maintain chatter-fiee operation. The detrimental effects

of chatter on product qualit., machine tool, and production rate make the analysis of chatter an

essential activity in machinhg process.

One important aspect of chatter is that it o c c m suddenly. Mer the onset, it almost irnmediatel-

develops into fuIl scde, disastrous vibration as shown in Fig. 1.1. As a result, significant

damage may occur before any action may be taken, Figures 1.2 and 1.3 illustrate the effect of

chatter on workpiece surface finish.

Fig. 1.1: Workpiece deflections before and after onset of chatter (Lu, 1990)

The main objective of a chatter analysis is to predict its onset conditions. The onset of chatter is

the rnovement at which amplitude of vibration of workpiece with respect to the tool starts to rise

rapidly during normal cutting. This increase in amplitude occurs because the energy supplied to

the cutting system surpasses the energy dissipated by the system. If the dissipated energy is

greater than the suppiied energy, the system is said to be stabIe. Otherwise, when the dissipated

energy is less than the supplied energy, the system is unstable. From the point of view of energ!

transfer in the cutting systern, the onset of chatter can be regarded as the stability threshold of tht

system in which the energy supplied to the system is equal to the energy dissipated by the‘

system in this thesis. only the stability threshold in turning process is of interest.
Fig. 1.2: Wavy surface of a workpiece after chatter (Chiriacescu, 1990)

Fig. 1.3: Wavy surface of a holIow cylinder workpiece after chatter (Stephen, 1999)
Headstock (containing main spindle)

Fig. 1.4: A lathe (Boothroyd and Knight, 1989)

Tuming is one of the most cornmon machining operations in industry. In a tumïng process, it

workpiece rotates about its longitudinal axis on a machine tool cailed a lathe, as shown in Fi-.

1.4. The workpiece is supported by a chuck at one end and by a tailstock at the other. A cutting

tool mounted on the lathe is fed dong the workpiece axis to remove material and produce thc
required shape. The principal surface machined is concentric with the axis of the workpiece. A

schematic diagram of a turning process is shown in Fig. 1.5.

In a tuming process, there are several parameters that d e h e the cutting conditions. They are

cutting speed, feed rate, and cutting depth. Cutting speed is the rate at which the uncut surface of

the workpiece passes the cutting edge of the tool. Feed rate is the distance moved by the cutting

tool in the longitudinal direction in each revolution. Cutting depth is the thickness of the metal

removed in the radial direction.

Work surface

< /
Transient surface
-. . *.-

Feed motion

Fig. 1.5: CyIindrical turning on a lathe (Boothroyd and Knight, 1989)

Cutting force is an important quantity in machining. It determines machine power requirements

and bearing loads. It also causes deflections of workpiece, cutting tool, and machine-tool

structure. Its magnitude is influenced by the cutting conditions, geometry and material of the

cutting tool, continuous or intermittent cutting, usage of cutting fluià, and workpiece material. A

reliable mathematical model of cutting force is needed for stability analysis.

Most of the cutting force models assume that the cutting tool edge is sharp. in reality, tool edge

is not perfectly sharp. As shown in Fig, 1.6, the tool edge has a mal1 radius. There is a contact

rirea between the workpiece and tool. Neither the force acting on the tooi edge nor the force that

may act on the tool flank contributes to removal of the chip. The resuitant of these disnibuted

forces is referred to as the p l o u g h g force&. incorporation the ploughing force in the cutting

force model will improve the accuracy of stability analysis.

In addition to cutting force models, a mathematical model of the machine tool system is needed.

Depending on the stifhess of the workpiece and suppott of the tool structure, there are three

types of dynarnic modek If the stifmess of the workpiece is much Iarger than that of the support

of the tool structure, the defotmation of the workpiece may be ignored, and only the vibration of

the tooI structure is considered. If the stiffness of the tool structure is much larger than that of the

workpiece, only the vibration of îhe workpiece is considered. The third type is a coupled system

consisting of both tool structure and workpiece. In this case, the values of the stiffhess of the tool

structure and workpiece are comparable.


Fig. 1.6: Contact region and cutting force

Chatter is affected by the cutting conditions, type of cutting tooI, and material of workpiece. It is

also affected by the variation of the tool position along a workpiece when the flexibility of the

workpiece is considered. Under the same cutting conditions, when the cutting tool moves from

the chuck to the tailstock along the workpiece, chatter may occur when the cool passes a critical


Chatter is a challenging research subject in metal cutting field. Aithough significant progress

has been made, most of the existing cutting force models are either too complicated to be

applicable to the stability analysis, or too simpiified to incorporate the ploughing force acting on

the tool edge and the workpiece-tool intetface region. At low cutting speed or small chip
thickness, the pIoughing force is very large and cannot be neglected. Work on the application of

cutting force models including ploughing force is limiteci.

In the Iiterature, chatter analysis was conducted only for workpiece of uniform cross-section. in

practice, the cross-section of a workpiece is ofien non-uniform. Stepped-shah, for example, are

commonly encountered in a tuniing process. With today's increasing requirernents for hi&

quality and high productivity in manufachring operations, the stability analysis for non-uni form

workpiece becomes especially hpoaant.

To increase chip load, muitiple cutnng tools may aiso be used in industry. When cutting long

and slender workpieces, two cutting tools may be used to increase production rate or to reduce

deformation of the workpiece. in this case, a more complicated model may be required. Chatter

mode1 about this type of m i n g process has not been found in literame.

The objectives of this thesis are to (a) develop a cbatter model for the tool structure including the

pIoughing force, (b) develop a finite eternent chatter model for stepped-sh& workpiece, (c)

develop a chatter mode1 for a coupled system consisting of a stepped-sh& workpiece and a tool

structure, (d) develop a chatter model for a workpiece system with two cutting tools, (e) perform

stability anaIysis of tuming process, and (f) provide guidehes for selections of cutting

Literature Review

1.2.1 Causes of chatter

The machine, cutting tool, and workpiece foxm a complicated dynamic. Under certain conditions,

severe vibration of the system may occur. The vibration may be divided into the three types, fiee

vibration, forced vibration, and self-excited vibration (Boothroyd and Knight, 1989; Astkhov,

1999; Welboum and Smith, 1970; Olgac and Hosek, 1997). The self-excited vibration is also

called chatter in study of machine tool dynamics.

Free vibration results fiom impulses transferred to structure through its foundation. The structure

wiIl vibrate in its natural modes until the damping causes the motion to die out. Forced vibration

results fiom periodic forces within the system such as unbalanced rotating masses, or transmitted

through the foundations fiom nearby machinery. The causes and control of fiee and forced

vibrations are well understood and the sources of vibration can be removed or avoided during

operation of the machine.

Chatter or self-excited vibration occurs oniy during material removing process. It is complex in

mechanism and difficult to control (Tobias, 1965; and Welbourn and Smith, 1965; Bao et aI.,

1994). Many researchers investigated the causes of chatter (Cook, 1959; Andrew and Tobias,

1961). The main cause is the regenerative effect in the cutting process (Tobias, 1965). Some

extemal perturbations or a hard spot in the workpiece material causes initial variation in cutting

force and results in vibration of the dynamic system. The vibration leaves a wavy tool path on

the workpiece surface as shown in Fig. 1.7, The wavy surface will affect subsequent chip
removal load. As the cutting toat removes material 5om this surface, the unevenness in the chip

will result in vibration. If the magnitude of subsequent vibration decreases, the cutting process is

stable. However, under certain conditions, the magnitude will increase and chatter will occur.

ïhis phenornenon is called regmerative chatter. Kato and Mami (1974) investigated the cause of
charter due to workpiece deflection. They performed cutting tests on mild steel and cast ion.


wovy surface cut on

previous tool pass
wavy surface cut on
current tool pass


Fig. 1.7: Regenerative effect

,Feed ,

Feed direction

Fig. 1.8:Cutting with overiap region


-No overlap region

Feed direction

Fig. 1.9: Cutting without overlap region

h a tuniing process, the tool moves dong the workpiece in the axial direction during successive

revolutions. The current revolution of cut may overlap part of the surface left on the previous cut

in the feed direction as s h o w in Fig. 1.8. The portion of overlapping between successive cuts

depends on the feed rate. An overlap factor is used to account for effect. The overlap factor is

zero if the previously machined surface does not affect the present cut for a very large feed as

shown in Fig. 1.9. The overlap factor is bounded between zero and unity in a tuniing process.

1.2.2 Models of cutting force General cutting force models

Cutting force acting on the tool has been the subject of metal cutting research for decades (Kegg,

1965; Lauderbaugh and Larson, 1990; Zhang, 1991; Stakhov and Viktor, L999). It is affected by

many parameters such as the feed rate, depth of cut, cutting speed, angie of approach, rake angle,

and hardness of workpiece material (Bayoumi et al., 1994; Hine, 1971). The terminology

comrnonly used in this thesis is illustrated in Fig. 1.10.

Researchers have been trying to establish a relationship among these factors to model the cutting

force. The early work by Merchant (1944, 1945) has been a foundation used by many other

researchers in the modelling of cutting force (Stephenson and Agapiou, 1996; DeMies, 1992).

Merchant's model is based on the concept of a steady process in which a chip of metai is

produced by shearing a strip of uncut metal continuousIy and unifonniy, and the defoxmation of
chip thickness

Chip Clearance

Cutt ing Tool flank C New


Positive rake angle

\ 4 - Negative rake angle

1 Clearance Angle

Fig. 1.10: Terms used for cutring process (Boothroyd and Knight, 1989)
the chip takes place dong a shear plane. As shown in Fig. 1.1 1, the uncut metal comes up to the

tooI to be sheared, and it leaves parailel to the face of the tool with a new thickness. The width of

the chip is assumed to be constant throughout the process, and neither face of the metal being cut

is supported. The face of the tool is perpendicular to the plane of cutting. This kind of cutting is

called orthogonal cutting as shown in Fig. 1.1 1.

Fig. 1.1 1:Oahogunai cutting process (Trent, 1991)

Cutthg forces are measured in three directions as shown in Fig. 1.12. The component of the

force acting on the rake face of the tool, normal to the cutîhg edge, is the main cutting force. The

force component, acting in the radial direction, tending to push the tool away fiom the

workpiece, is called the radiai force. The third component is acting on the tool in the horizontai

direction, paralle! to the direction of feed, is referred to as the feed force (Trent, 1991; Oxley,


Main cutting force

Radial forcé

Fig. 1.12: Iilustration of cutting force components (Trent, 1991)

Many researchers (Oxley et ai., 1974) attempted to improve the models developed by Mechant,

Lee and Shaf5er. They included sophisticated mathematical formulation of the fictionai behavior

on the tool rake face, high strain-rate and work hardening of the workpiece material, and high

temperature. Endres et ai. (1995% 1995b) developed a cutting force model incorporating

parameters of tool geometry. Lee and Shfler (1952) developed a more sophisticated model by

introducing plasticity of the workpiece materid into the solution.

Wu and Liu (1985a) proposed an improved model to determine the dynarnic cutting force

components from cutting tests. ïhey assurned that the mean hictional coefficient fluctuates as a

result of the variation in the relative velocity on the tool-chip interface. Based on the model of

Wu and Liu (1985a), Minis and Tembo (1993) provided a cutting force model accounting for

changes in the inner and outer chip surface shape.

In chatter analysis, the cutting force is usually assurned to be proportional to the cross-section

area of chip for steady state cutting. The simplest expression is that the cutting force is

proportional to the instantaneous depth and cutting width. Many other cutting force models can

be found in the review literature (Mohamed, 1994; Shawky, 1996). They are valid for a specific

cutting tool and workpiece material. In recent years, some tesearchers have developed cutting

force models for fuIly developed chatter (Stephen, l999,l998a, 1998b; Stephen and Kalmar-

Nagy, 1997; Johnson, 1996). They reported ihat after chatter occurs, the nonlinear factors of

cutting prevent the amplitude of vibration h m going to infïnity (Hwang et al., 1997). Ploughing force model

The ploughing force generated as the cutting tool penetrates into the workpiece material is a part

of the total cutting force. The plougbg force exists in metal cutting process because (1) the

actual cutting edge of the tool is not perfectly sharp and has a srna11 radius; and (2) the built-up-

edge developed in fiont of the tool faces f o m a larger effective edge radius. As a result, the

built-up edge cannot move upward to become part of the chip, instead is extmded and pressed

under the tool. The ploughing force is known to contribute to the cutting process damping and

hence to the stability of machine tools (Wu 1988, 1989; Elanayer and Shin, 1996; Shawky and

Elbestawi, 1997).

Wu (1988, 1989) developed a comprehensive ploughng force mode1 based on the principles of

cutting mechanics. It takes into account the fluctuations of the mean fiictional coefficient on the

tool-chip interface, as well as the variation of the normal hydrostatic pressure distribution and the

shear flow stress along the primary plastic deformation zone. Results predicted using this model

show a good agreement with the experimentally deterrnined cntical width of cut.

Elansysr and Shin (1996) developed a general experimental procedure for the separation of

ploughing force fiom shearing force on the shear plane. Shawky and Elbestawi (1997)

decomposed the ploughing forces into static and dynamic components. in their model, damping

is predicted by tracking the dynamic ploughed volume resulting fiom the interactions with

rnachhed surface undulations. Waldor et al. (1998) developed a slip-line field to model the

ploughing force. The resulting force measurernents match predictions using the slip-line field

Although there is some research on cutting force modelling incorporating the pIoughing force,

the work on the application of these cutting force models in the stability analysis is very limited.

In this thesis, the effects of the plùughing force on chatter are considered.

1.2.3 Chatter rnodel Chatter of cutting tool structure

The cutting tool is mounted on a turret or caniage as shown in Fig. 1.4. When chatter occurs,

both the cutting tool and the workpiece may viirate. If the ngidity of the workpiece is much

Iarger than that of the support of the tool structure, then only the vibration of the tool structure is

considered. In this case, the dimensional accuracy and surface finish of a machined component

depend on the dynamic properties of the cutting tool structure.

Many analytical and expenmental studies were conducted to understand the chatter of tool

structure (Subramaniane et ai., 1976; Thompson, 1988; Tlusty et al., 1974). in the works of Doi

and Kato (1956), Tlusty (1963) and Tobias (1965), the tool structure was modelled as a

concentrated mus; the support of the tool structure was modelled as translationai springs and

dampers. Memtt (1965) later expressed the chatter rnodel in the fonn of a feedback loop shown

in Fig. 1.13. Analysis of this loop using feedback control theory yields a straightforward method

of determinhg the stability lirnit for a machine tool system.

Displacement Force

4 Displicement 1
Cutting prtwiess L
1 I
- I
I '
Machine-tool I
' structural dynamics I
Cutting force I
1 I

Fig. 1.13: Feedback loop of a typical machining system

The mass-spring-damper system mode1 was used by many investigators such as Wu and Liu

(1985b), Minis et al. (1990), Hwang et al. (1997), Saravanja-Fabris and D'souza (1974). The

main difference among them is the cutting force models. Some researchers are interested in the

stability Iimit (Mani et al., 1983%f983b, 1988a, 1988b, 1988~;Masory and Koren, 1985; Minis

et ai., 1Ç90a, 1990b, 1990c), the others are interested in the tully developed chatter (Hwang et

al., 1997; Stephen, 1989). Their work helps to understand the mechanism of chatter.
Endres et al. (1990), Sahay and Dubay (1991) and Marui et al. (1995) modelled the tool as a

cantilever beam. In the work of Marui et al., the regenerative chaiter is investigated

experimentally- These models are valid for cutting tool with long tool shank. In industry, the

rigidity of the tool is normally very high and the length of tool shank is very short. Therefore,

these modeis are rarely used in industry, Therefore, in this thesis, only the mas-spring-damper

system is used for tool structure. Cbatter of workpiece

The workpiece is held by a chuck at one end, and is ffee or supported by a tailstock at the other

end. In the 1980s, the workpiece was usually modelled (Kaneko et al., 1984; Klamecki, 1989) as

a lumped m a s with springs and darnpers attached to it as shown in Fig. 1.14.

Fig. 1.14: Mass-spring-damper workpiece mode1

Because a workpiece is constrained by the chuck and tailstock, a realistic description of

boundary conditions is critical for an accurate prediction of the onset of chatter. Lu and

KIamecki (1990)modelled a slender workpiece as a uniform Euler beam with hvo types of

boundary conditions. In their work, the chuck is considered as a rotational spring attached to a

hinge at one end of the workpiece; the tailstock is considered as a translationai spring attached to

the other end. The cutting force is considered to be proportionai to the instantaneous depth of cut.

The Euler beam theory was afso used by Jeu and Magrab (1996)in their stability analysis of

uniforrn workpiece. Shawky and EIbestawi (1998) modelled the uniform workpiece as an Euler

bearn in their control systern for workpiece accuracy in unifonri shaft turning.

Critical cuaing conditions are usualiy illustrated in a stability chart. Various methodoiogies have

been used to obtain the stability chart, Lin (1990) investigated the stability of a lurnped mass

system using an analytical method. Lin separates the characteristic equation of this dynarnic

system into a reai part and an irnaginary part in the frequency domain, The chatter fiequemies

and critical cuning conditions may be obtained anaiyticaliy or numerically.

Many researchers have used the gain-phase plot to obtain the stability chart. Intersection of the

dynaniic cornpliance with the points on the critical ioci gives harmonic solutions of the

characteristic equaiion, which define the b o u n d d of stability. Another method to obtain the

stabirity chart is the gain-factor method. Chen et al. (1994% 1994b) and Wang et ai. (1999a,

1999b)used the gain-factor mehod to obtain the criticd cutting conditions h m the intersection

of the non-zero term of the characteristic equation with the real axis- The advantage of this

method is that the criticd cuthng conditions and the chatter firequencies can be obtained dwctly.
Up to now, the workpiece is modelled in the literature either as a iumped mass, which is difficult

to descnbe the true behavior of îhe workpiece and to incorporate the realistic boundary

conditions; or as a unifonn beam, which is valid only for uniforni cross-section workpiece. In the

chatter model of a workpiece, incorporation of the effects of rotary inertia and transverse shear

deformations is necessary for wider application. Unfortunattiy, important factors such as

spinning, shear deformation and non-unifonn cross-section are not considered in the literature-

Overview of Thesis

Prediction of the onset of chatter for tool structure and workpiece in the tuming process is the

focus of the remaining chapters, In Chapter 2, the effect of ploughing force on the stability of a

system consisting of a tool structure and a rigid workpiece is investigated. Numerical results are

given to illustrate the effects of different cutting force models on the stability limit. Comparison

of the present work with that of other researcher is given for a well-accepted cutting force model.

Chapter 3 presents a chatter mode1 for spinning stepped-shaft workpiece. A Thoshenko beam

elemenr is used for fiee vibration analysis of a spinning shaft. Effects of spring constants on

natural fiequencies of the dynamic system are investigated. Convergence tests of naturai

Eiequencies are carried out, and cornparisons of the present work with that of others are made.
Chapter 4 presents a stability analysis of spinning stepped-shaft workpiece. Based on the work of

Chapter 3, the modal analysis technique and the direct Laplace tranform methcd are employed to

obtain the characteristic equation of the dynamic system. Four types of boundary conditions of

the workpiece are investigated. Exarnples are given to illustrate how the criticaI curves

separating stable and unstable motion of the dynamic system are obtained. The effects of the

boundary conditions on stability of the dynamic system are also examined. Comparison of the

modaI analysis technique and direct Laplace transform method is given. The predicted chatter

onset conditions using the present method are compared with the theoretical results and

experimental data obtained by other researchers for uniform workpiece.

Chapter 5 focuses on the chatter analysis of coupled system consisting of cool structure and

stepped-shafi workpiece. The goveming equations of motion for the spinning workpiece are

derived using the Lagrange equations. Modal analysis technique is used to obtain the

characteristic equation of the dynamic system. Numencal results are given to iIIustrate the

procedure of stability analysis. Effects of the vibration of the tool structure on the overall

stabiiity limit are also presented.

In Chapter 6, a chatter mode1 and stability analysis of a workpiece system with two cutting too1s

are presented. This modei may be used in a fast cutting process to increase the productivity. The

two cutting tools are applied independently at arbitrary locations dong the workpiece. The case

that the two cutting tools are ananged on the opposite sides of a workpiece is investigated.
In Chapter 7, a summary of the thesis work is given. Some conclusions fiom this thesis work are
drawn. Recomrnendations for future work are presented.
Chapter 2

Chatter of Tool Structure Incorporating the

Effect of Ploughing Force

2.1 Introduction

In this Chapter, the stability analysis of tuming process is performed based on a cutting force

mode1 that inciudes the effect of ploughing force. The Laplace transform is employed to obtain

the characteristic equation of the dynamic system. Nyquist stability criterion is employed to

determine the stability limit of the tool structure. The stability curves that separate stable and

unstable cutting conditions are piotted. The effect of different cutting force parameters on the

stability is ïnvestigated. The gain-factor method used to obtain the criticai cutting conditions is

compared with other method in the literature.

2.2 Chatter Mode1 of Tool Structure

A two-dimensional dynamic cutting mode1 is shown in Fig. 2.1 (Wang et al., 1999b), where the

tool is removing an uncut chip with a wavy top surface.


Fig. 2.1 :Chatter mode1 of tool structure

The equations of motion can be written as (Wu, 1985b, 1989; Shawky and Elbestawi, 1997)
where m is the equivalent mass of tool structure; c, and c, are the damping factors in the z and y

directions, respectively; and kyare the equivalent stiffness constants; Fzand Fyare the r and y

components of the cutting force on the tool rake; f, and f , are the z and y components of

ploughing force on the tool nose region resisting the peneûation of tool.

According to Wu (1985a, 1985b), F=and Fyare

where to is the time delay, ro = 2xlR; R is the spin rate of workpiece; Vo is the cutting speed; ris

the ultimate shear stress of workpiece material; d is depth of cut; A, A,. C, Cy,B: and B,. are

dynamic coefficients related to the fictional behavior during cutting process. The mechanism of

ploughing force is illustrated in Figs. 2.2 and 2.3.

The two pbughing force components are

whereLp and & are proportionality constants; V is the total volume of the ploughed worh~iece

Fig. 2.2: Schematic diagram of tool penetration

Fig. 2.3: Effect of tool vibration on tooI penetration

From Wu (1989), the effective volume of ploughed material, as shown in Fig. 2.3, is

V= d (shaded area)
where d is the depth of cut. The effective volume is

V = d h ( & g =d(cotYe --cot'y.
2 1
tany, 7-


where yo is the clearance angle; 4 is the shear angle; B, qr are constants; do is the normal cutting

depth and y, is recognized as the effective ctearance angle. Utilizing the following Taylor senes

tany, =--
3 2
2tanyo btantan?yO

Equation (2.7) may be written as

For small vibration, u(t), u(t - t , ) and ~ ( r )are mail values. Higher order t m s are neglected.

The constant term is also neglected, since it does not play a role in the vibration. Therefore,


Substituting the above reiations into Eqs. (2.1) and (2.2), we obtain

where -(t) and r v ( t ) are random cutting force disturbances in the z and y directions.

2.3 Stability Analysis

The goveming equations can be reduced to an equivalent single degree-of-iieedorn system.

Taking Laplace ûansform on both sides of Eq. (2.1 1) with

Equation (2.1 1) becomes

~ 2 ~ ( s ) + 2 ~ ~ m s ~ ( s ) + ~ n ' ~ ( s ) = ~ ( ~ ) ( e - " - 1 ) ( ~ , + ~ , ~ ) + ~ ( ~ ) D(2.16)



The tramfer function between r, (t) anddt) is defined as the ratio of ~ ( s and
) .(S), thus

From Eq. (2.161, we obtain

The characteristic equation of the systern is


2.4 Numerical Examples

Numencd simulations are carried out to hvestigate the effect of ploughing force on stability of

tool structure. The effects of different cutting force models on stability are also investigated. The

present work is compared with the work of Liu (1990) for a cumng force model.

Substituting s = jo into Eq. (2.20), where w is chatter fiequency, we will examine the

encirclement of the point (l+jO) by the ~ ( j o ) ~ ( jloci.

u ) The presence of the time-delay term

in the characteristic equation leads to mdtiple intersections of the plot with the real axis as

shown in Figure 2.4. Let P be the coordinate of the right-most intersection point between the

Nyquist contour of the t e r m ~ ( j o ) H b )and the real a i s . The closed-loop system is stable if P

> 1, unstable if P c 1, and criticai if P = 1, With a specific cutting width of d,, the right-most
intersection point of the open-loop locus is at P. A gain factor h = 1 / P can thus be obtained. It

is concluded that the criticai cutting depth is d =d,h , where the open-loop locus will pass

through point (l+jO). With this approach, the limit of critical cutting width can be determined.

The above mentioned method is the gain-factor method used in this thesis. This method is

compared with the work of Liu (1990) for a given tool structure system. The given equation of

motion of the dynamic system is

where damping ratio < = 0.05; natural fkequency a, = 600 rad/s; and cutting force constant
k, = 60000. The stability curve of this system is s h o w in Fig. 2.5, and the cnticd chatter

frequency cume is shawn in Fig. 2.6. It cm be found that the results of ihe present work and the

results of Liu (1990)are identicat

The vaiues of the physical and dimensional properties have been based, largely, on the machine

tooi structure used by Wu (1985) and his experimental results. The effective mas m = 74 kg,

damping ratio 6 = 0.05, natural fiequency o, = 600 radis, and .È = 200 Mpa, A, = 3.0, BS= 0.82

sech, C, = 0.3 seclm. The data related to the ploughing forces are f, = 4.1 x 1 6 ~/mm', &I =

20', = 3', = 0.0046 mm, q, = 0.005, do = 0. 15 rndrev. For srnail vibration, steady shear

angle &, is used as the dynamic shear angle #.

The effect of different cutting force parameters on the chatter stability is also studied here, as

illustrated in Figs, 2.7-2.14. In case 1, the ploughing force is considered; in case 2, the ploughing

force is neglected; in case 3, the ploughing force is neglected and the force term B, = 0; and in

case 4, the ploughing force is neglected, the force term Bz = O and C, = 0.

As s h o w in Fig. 2.7, case 1, the stability of the system is hfluenced by the tirne delay. The
critical cutting depth decreases as the time deIay increases; and the w-idth decreases as the time

delay increases. The cutting width behaves like a periodic function of time delay, The shapes of

the stability lobes look similar to each other. Figure 2.8 shows that the corresponding chatter

fiequency occurs at the stabifity threshold increases as spin rate ïncreases within each stabibty

In the very low rotational speed region, the ploughing force plays a dominant d e . The curve

rises sharply at low cutting speed and increases gradudly to approach an asymptotic borderline

at high cutting, as shown in case 2, Fig. 2.9. In the high rotationai speed region, the effect of

ploughing force is very srnail and can be neglected. Figure 2.10 shows the chatter Erequencies of

case 1and case 2. As the spin rate increases, their difference becomes smdler and smaller.

When the velocity term parameter Bz=O, the stability curve becomes Iower as shown in case 3,

Fig. 2.1 1. Figure 2.12 shows the effect of ploughing force on chatter (case 1 and case 3). If the

cutting speed influence is aiso neglected, i.e., C,=O, the borderline of the stability curve becorne a

horizontal line as s h o w in Fig, 2.13. These results are in good agreement with the resuIts

obtained by other researchers (Wu, 1985;Lin, 1990). Figure 2.14 illustrates the effect of C, on

chatter fiequencies (case 1 and case 4).

Red part of [@)H(@)]

Fig. 2.4: Nyquist plot of function [G(jo~)H(jw)]

-Presmt work
* Liu ( I W O )

Spin rate (rad/s)

Fig. 2.5: Comparison of the stability charts between the present work and Liu (1990)

1000 i

950~ - Present work

9001 * Liu (1990)

Spin rate (radis)

Fig. 2.6: Comparisonof the chatter frequency between the present work and Liu (1990)
O 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Spin rate (rad/s)

Fig. 2.7: Stability curve for tool structure with ploughing force (case 1)

Spin rate (radis)

Fig. 2.8:Chatter fiequency on the stability threshold with ploughing force (case 1)
- With ploughing force
------ No ploughing force

25' 1
O 1O 20 JO 40 50 60 70

Spin rate (radh)

Fig. 2.9: Efféct of ploughing force on stability

- With poughmg force

Spin rate ( d s )

Fig. 2.10: Eff~ectsof poughig force on chatter fiequency

Spin rate (cad/s)

Fig. 2.1 1 :Effect ofcutting force term Bz on stability

670 i
- Case I
Case 3

" .-
40 45 50 55 60 65 70

Spin rate (radls)

Fig. 2.12: Effect ofploughing force on chatter fiequency

- Case i
Case 4

Spin rate (radfs)

Fig. 2.13: Effect of cutting force t m C, on stability

- Case 1
Case 4

Spin rate (rad/s)

Fig. 2.14: Effet of cutting force tm Cz on chatter frequency

2.5 Summary

A cutting force madel of machine too! structure is incorporating the effect of ploughing force

was used for stability analysis of tuming process. The Laplace transform was imptoyed to

identib the characteristic roots of the dynamical system. The stability of the system was

determined by Nyquist criterion.

The effects of different cutting force parameters on stability were also investigated. The results

obtained h m the simuiations indicate that the ploughing force play as a role of damper in

chatter of tool structure. At very low cutting speed, the ploughing force has a significant effect

on the stability; at hi& cutting speed, the effect of ploughing force on the stability is negligible-
Chapter 3

Free Vibration of Spinning Stepped Workpiece

Free vibration analysis of a rotating stepped shafi or workpiece is the foundation of stability

analysis of workpiece system. In this Chapter, Eree lateral vibration of stepped shafts iç

investigated using the Tirnoshenko beam theory and the h i t e element method. Beam finite

elements having two nodes and 16 degrees of fieedom are employed to mode1 flexural vibration

of a stepped shaft for four field variables - two lateral displacements and two bending angles.

Witfiin each uniform segment, the stepped shaft is modeled as a substructure for which a system

of equations of motion may be easily fomiated using the Galerkin method. The global

equations of motion for the entire stepped shaft are subsequently formulated by enforcing the

displacement continuity and force equilibriurn conditions across the interface between two

adjacent substructures. The second order governing differential equations for a non self-adjoint

dynamic system are then reduced to the quivalent f h t order differential equations for which

eigenvalue problern is fonnulated and sotved using the Matlab program. Values of naturaI

tiequencies are in excellent agreement with those available in the Iiterature. Effects of rotational

springs attached to the end of a stepped shafl, used to simulate non-classical boundas.

constraints of chuck on a work piece in a typical tuniing process, are also investigated. The bi-
orthogonal conditions for modal vectors, which are very usefiil in chatter analysis during tumir~g

processes, are given in this Chapter.

The dynamic behavior of a spinning beam type structure is of great interest to researchers during

the past few decades. Rotating structures such as the workpiece machined using a lathe, the shaft

in a turbine unit, and the spindle in a milling machine can be modeled as such a system. For

slender structures, the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory may be used. However, if length of a rotating

beam is not significantly larger than its cross sectionai dimensions, effects of shear deformation

and rotary inertia must be considered, The Tioshenko beam theory may be used to handle

flexural vibration problern of spinning structures. In engineering practice, stepped workpieces

are commonly encountered. Because the chatter frequency of a workpiece is closely related to

its fundamentai natural fiequencies and vibration modes, it is necessary to perform fiee vibration

analysis of spinning stepped workpieces.

Extensive work has been done for uniform or linearly taperd shafts using theoretical or numerical

methods. Early investigations of non-spinning shafts can be found in the work of Anderson

(1953), Dolph (1954) and Carr (1970). For spinning system, Lee et al. (1988) proposed a closed-

form theoretical solution for natural fiequencies and mode shapes of a spinning Rayleigh beam.

They also appiied the Galerkin method to analyze the forced response of an undamped

gyroscopic systern. Chen et al. (19944 1994b) presented a study of spindle system in metal

manufacturing machinery using Rayleigh beam theory. In their work, Gaierkin's method is used

to calculate the natural kquencies. Katz et al. (1988) used the Euler-Bernoulli, Rayleigh and
Timoshenko beam theories to mode1 the rotating shaft. Using integral transform technique, they

developed the frequency equation for simply supported beams.

Zu and Han (1992) carried out fiee vibration analysis of a spinning Timoshenko beam with

hinged-hinged, clamped-clamped, hinged-fke, clamped-fiee, free-free and clarnped-hinged

boundary conditions. Using an analyticai method, they caiculated the natural fiequencies and

normal modes, Furthemore, they extended their work to forced vibration of spinning

Timoshenko beams with the six combinations of classical boundary conditions. A solution of the

problem is achieved by fomulating the spinning Timoshenko beam as a non-self-adjoint system

(Zu and Han, 1994). Melanson (1996) perfomed free viiration and stability analysis of spinning

uniform Timoshenko s h a h with extemd and internai damping under general boundary


Numerical methods such as the finite element method have been applied to analyze the vibration

of spinning and non-spiming beams. A number of non-spinning Timoshenko beam elements are

proposed in the literature @avis et al., 1972; Thomas et ai., 1973; Dawe, 1978). The main

difference among them is the nurnber of degrees of fieedom to describe the Timoshenko beam

element. The use of finite element method for simulation of rotor systems has received

considerable attention within the past three decades. Nelson (1980) used a two-node, eighr-

degree-of-freedom Timoshenko beam element to incorporate the gyroscopic effect. Rouch and

Kao (1979) deveIoped a linearly tapered Timoshenko beam elernent with 12 degrees of fieedom-

Wu et aI. (1997) formulated a linearly tapered Timoshenko beam with eight degrees of fieedom.
Yu and Cleghorn (2000) calculated the naturai frequencies of stepped shah using a three-node,

24-degree-of-fieedom Timoshenko beam element.

In this cbapter, a 16-degree-of-fieedom Timoshenko beam element is used to determine the

natural fiequencies and mode shapes of spinning stepped workpieces. Displacement continuity

and force equilibrium conditions are applied at the interface of two elements in assembling

global equations of motion. Natural fiequencies of stepped workpieces are obtained and

convergence tests are perfonned, The results are compared with îhose obtained using ANSYS

and those of other reseatchers.

3.2 Governing Equations of Motion for a Spinning

Stepped Workpiece

The stepped shaft is modelled as a stepped Timostienko beam. Various boundary conditions

may be appIied to the beam. Fig. 3.1 shows a stepped shaft with two rotationai springs attached

to one end and two translational springs attached to the 0 t h Using the finite dement method

(Zienkiewicz, 1989), the stepped shafi may be divided into a number of unifonn beam elements

as shown in Fig. 3.2.

Fig. 3.1: A spinning stepped shaft

Fig, 3.2: A f i t e beam eIement

For a differential Timoshenko beam element, the relationships among the bending angles,

tramverse displacements and shear angles are

au au
x-=#, + 4 ,'-=4,+P,
a.? a.?

where u, and u, are lateral displacements of the beam in the x and y directions, respectively; 4x

and @, are bending angles in the xoz and yoz planes, respectively; and are shearangles in the

xoz and yoz pianes, respectively, Assurning the lateral displacements and bending angles Vary

cubicdly dong the z-axis, the field displacements within an element may be written as


where 5 is the local coordinate; q is the nodal displacement vector, the shape functionS(t) and
the geometric rnatrix D, for the two-node element are
and the element nodai displacement sub-vectors are


According to Timoshenko beam theory and rotor dynamics, the kinetic energy and strain energy

of an element are

The Rayleigh dissipation function associated with viscous damping force is

where p is the mass density of the beam material; G is the shear moduius; E is the modulus of

ehsticity; A is the cross-section area; I is the second moment of area; K is the shear correction

factor; cd is the equivalent viscous damping coefficient; Q is the spin rate of the workpiece. From

Eq. (3.2), 1',V and UL can be expressed in terms of nodal displacements. Substituting Eqs. (3.1)

and (3.2) into Eq. (3.8) ,we obtain the total strain energy


The kinetic energy cm be expressed as


4 L
A, = I[N]~[N)~Z,Ao, = ~(N]'[N')~z

A,, = S[N']~[N~~Z,
A,,= l~N1]TIN'&

For Iineariy viscous damping, the Rayleigh dissipation function becomes

Finaily, we arrive at

The Lagrange equation for an element rnay be written as

where Le = T- P;Q,is the element force vector. Substituting Eqs. (3.13)-(3.15) into Eq. (3.16),

the equations of motion for an unconstained element can be obtained. The governing equations

of motion of a beam element may be written as


Equation (3.17) may be rewritten as


For convenience, a transformation maûix [T.] is introduced, and Eq. (3.18) may be rewritten as
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C
O O O O O O O l O O O O O O O C
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 C
-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Equation (3.19)may be written as


The global equations of motion for the system are denved by assembling the equations ofmotion

for ail elements, and the final form is


Equation (3.21) can be rewritten as

where Mgis the gIobal mass matrix; G, is the global gyroscopic matrix; Kgis the global stifhess

rnamx; q, is the global nodal displacement vector.

To satisfy the continuity conditions of displacement and force equilibriurn across the interface

where the two elements of different cross-sectional areas are joined, the Lagrange rnultipIier

method (Tabarrok and Etirnrott. 1990) is used to assemble the global equations of motion for a

stepped shah. The displacement continuity and force equilibrium conditions may be written in

tems of the nodal displacements of the two beam elements as

where a =-,4 =-IL , and subscripts L and R indicate the lefi and the right rides of the joint
4 IR

of the two elements. The final equations of motion of the workpiece may be written in terms of

the modified dispiacement vector as

[MI ij+[ G I +~ [ K ]=~O (3-24)

where q is the modified global displacement vector of dimensions nx 1, and n is the total nurnber

of degrees of fieedom.

3.3 Modal Analysis

Modal anaiysis is carried out to determine naturai frequencies and mode shapes of the second-

order dynamic system govemed by Eq. (3.24).The second-order dynamic system can be reduccd

to an equivalent first-order system through the following transformation (Merovitz, 1997)

Equation (3.24) can be written as


where 1 is the identity matrix. Because G' = -G ,the spinning woricpiece system is non-self-

adjoint (Katz et al., 1988; Zu and Hm,1994). To solve the eigenvalue problem of the non-self

adjoint system, we can define the adjoint system as

where subscnpt n represent the adjoint system; Y is the state vector of the adjoint systern, and

If Ai and 2; are the "i a n d r eigenvalua of the original and adjoint systems, the eigenvalue

problems associated with these two dynamic systems are

where positive values of i irnplicitly indicate the forward precession; negative values of i

correspond to backward precession. Eigenvalues Ai and A; satisfy

Applying mode superposition, the response may be written as


where (xb is the i'h eigenvector of the rystem; and g.(t) is the i-th generalized coordinate. The

biorthogonal relationships are derived to be

where ai and bi are constants; (Y}is the,& eignivector of the adjoint system. Multiplying Eq.

(3.35) on the left by (Fr,we obtain

Equation (3.35) is a set of decoupled first-order ordinary differential equations.

3.4 Convergence Tests and Numerical Results

Two cases are investigated for non-spinning and spinning shafts. For non-spinning shafts, a

convergence test waç performed. Cornparisons with the results obtained using ANSYS" were

made. For a spinning shaft, numerical results of a uniform beam are presented, and are compared

with the results in the Iiterature. The effects of boundary conditions on the natural frequencies

are examined.

To test the convergence of at-rest naturai fiequencies cdculated using the present method. a

uniform beam and a stepped beam with three uniforni segments are selected. Values of material

properties of the bearns are

In order to compare with the results of others, the damping coefficient cd is selected to be zero in

al1 cases. The geomem of the shaft and its boundary conditions used for each example are al1

shown in Figs. 3.3 - 3.11, Tables 3.1 and 3.2 are the convergence test results and comparisons

with ANSYS. Table 3.1 presents the results of the uniform beam. It can be seen that the present

work requires oniy f 5 elements to achieve convergence to the hrst digit d e r the decima1 point

for the first four vibration modes. Table 3.2 presents the nanird fiequencies of the stepped shaft

with ftee-free boundary conditions obtained using ANSYS with 150 elements and the present

work with 15 elements. The differences in namral fkquencies for the first five modes are less

than 0-Olpercent.

Table 3.3 presents the comparisons of the natural fiequencies of the unifom beam obtained

using the present method and the exact analfical method of Zu and Han (1992). When a shafi

spins, its at-rest natural fiequency splits into two components: one associated with fonvard

precession and the other associated with backward precession. Under hinged-hged boundary

conditions, the differences in naiural fiequencies for the first four modes between the present

work and those of Zu (1993) are less than 0.72 %.

Effects of spin rate on the natuml frequencies of the stepped sh& with different boundary

conditions are presented in Tables 3.4-3.7. In each case, five different spin rates of the shaft are

used. The resuhs show that the distinction between the forward and the backward precessions

becomes larger for higher vibration modes, and for larger spin rate. The boundary conditioris

have significant effects on the nahirai frequencies.

Table 3.8 presents the natural fiequencies of the first four modes with the boundary conditions

s h o w in Fig. 3.10. The effects of rotational spting constants are investigated for the uniform

shaft with the diarneter of 0.191 m and the length of 1 m as shown in Fig. 3.3. in this case, the

spin rate is 5000 radis. It can be seen that the value of spring constant significantly increases the

natural fiequencies.

Clamped end Free end

Fig. 3.3: Uniform shaft and its boundary conditions used in Table 3.1
Table 3.1: Cornparison of At-Rest Naturai Frequencies (radis) for a Unifom Beam with

Clamped-Free Boundary Conditions


Present Work

I I I 1 l l I I

* The difference is caiculated using data fiom ANSYS (FE=150) and present work (FE=16)
(FE-~umberof elements; DOF- degrees of fieedom)

Free end Free end

Fig. 3.4: Stepped sh& and its boundary conditions used in Table 3 2
Table 3.2:Cornparison of At-Rest Naturai Frequencies (radis) for a Stepped Beam with

Free-Free Boundary Conditions

ANSYS (Yu and Present Work Difference

Mode Cie*om* 2*0) (FE=*5, DOF= 128) CW

Hinged end Hinged end


Fig. 3.5: Uniforni shaft and its boundary conditions used in Table 3.3
Table 3.3: Cornparisons of Natural Frequencies (radls) of Spinning Uniform Beam with

Hinged-Hinged Boundary Conditions

Difference (%)

* ooi is the at-rest natural fiequency of the fmt mode

(F - forward precession, B - backward precession)

Clamped end Free end

Fig. 3.6: Stepped shaft and its boundary conditions used in Table 3.4
Table 3.4:Natural Fequencies of Stepped Saft with Camped-Fee Bundary Cnditions

Spin Rate (radis)

O 2,500 5,000 7,500 10,000
F 262.8 248.1 234.0 220.6 208.0
I B 262.8 278.2 294.2 310.5 327.2
F 2776.1 2648.9 2528.3 2414.7 2308.4
B 2776.1 2909.3 3047.7 3 190.5 3336.6
F 9233.2 9009.0 8789.5 8575.5 8367.5
B 9233.2 9461 1.7 9691.9 9924.3 10157.2

1 1B
F 16417.7
16417.7 1 ::: 1 16055.7
16793.6 1W I:1
: 86

Hinged end Hinged end

Fig. 3.7: Stepped shaft and its boundary conditions used in Table 3.5
Table 3.5:Natural Frequencies of Stepped Shaft with Hinged-Hinged Boundary Conditions
Spin Rate (radfs)
Mode O 2,500 5,000 7,500 10,000

Clamped end Hinged end

1 4 t
b 1' r'91--2

- 8 -
100 150
1 i
Fig. 3.8: Stepped shafl and its boundary conditions used in Table 3.6

Table 3.6: Natural Frequencies of Stepped ShaR with Clamped-Hinged Boundary Conditions

Spin Rate (radis)

O 2,500 5,000 7,500 10,000
F 1 2118.1 2074.2 1988.6 1946.8 2007.9
I B 2118.1 2162.6 2253.4 2299.7 2232.4
F 7736.7 7623.1 7397.3 7285.4 7448.8
B 7736.7 7850.7 8079.4 8193.8 8027.0
F 15003.9 14902.2 14696.2 14591.9 14743-7
B 15003-9 15104.8 15303.9 15402.2 15258.6
F 22726.9 22484.1 21993.3 2 1745.8 22106.3
B 22726.9 22967.6 23441.7 23674.7 23340.2

Free end Free end

Fig. 3.9:Stepped shaft and its boundary conditions used in Table 3.7

Table 3.7: Natural Fequencies of Stepped Sh& with Free-Free Boundary Conditions

Spin Rate (radis)

O 2,500 5,000 7,500 10,000
F 3357.4 3230.1 3 109.6 2995.9 2888.8
I B 3357.4 3491.2 363 1.2 3777.1 3928.1
F 9304.7 9029.9 8762.2 8502.3 8250.6
B 9304.7 9585.8 9872.3 10163.1 10457.1
F 16801.9 16534.0 16269.0 16007.2 15749.0
B 16801.9 17072.1 17344.1 17617.4 17891.4
F 25773.2 25367.7 24958.9 24547.7 24135.1

41B 25773.2 26 174.3 26570.3 26960.4 27343.8




Fig. 3-10:Stepped shaft and its boundary conditions used in Table 3.8
Table 3.8: Natural Frequencies of Spinning Stepped Shaft with Two Rotational Springs at One

End and Two Translational Springs at the M e r End

(km= k,. = 5 MNIrad, k,, = k,,, = 5 MNim,)

Spin Rate (radis)

O 2,500 5,000 7,500 10,000
F 270.2 270.3 270.1 269.8 269.3
B 270.2 270.7 270.8 270.9 271.0
F 657.5 592.9 534.8 483.2 438.0
B 657.5 728.3 804.5 885.2 969.2
F 4073.2 3952.5 3837.4 3727.8 3623.8
B 4073.2 4199.1 4330.0 4465.3 4604.5
F 9994.5 9729.8 9472.2 9222.0 8979.9
B 9994.5 10265.2 10541.2 10821.5 11 104.9

Fig. 3.1 1: Stepped shaft used to investigate effects o f spring constant on natural fiequency
Mode 3 i

3 1

Backward precession

Forward precession

Mode 1 --- -
, /

-0 1
102 10' 106 1on 1ol0 1oL2

Rotationai spring stiffiiess (N.m/rad)

Fig. 3.12: Effects of rotationai Wng stifhess on naturd frequencies

3.5 Summary
Free vibration of spinning and non-spinnllig stepped s h a h is investigated using the finitc

element method and the Matlab program. Shear deformation, gyroscopic effects, rotary ineniri.

classicai and non-classical boundary conditions are considered in this work. The substnicturc

method is employed to efficiently hande the joùiing of two adjacent unifonn segments in the

finite elernent analysis. ResuIts fkom various tests and cornparisons indicate the method

presented in this Chapter for free vibration of a spinning shafi is highiy efficient and accurate.
Values of natural fiequencies are in excellent agreement with those available in the literature-

Comparisons of at-rest natural ikquencies obtained using ANSYS and the present work are

given for a uniform beam and a three-segment stepped beam, and the differences are less than

0.01 percent, Comparisons of natural frequencies between the literature and the present work are

given for a spinning uniform beam, and the differences are less than 0.72 %. The effects of spin

rate on the natural frequencies are investigated under different boundary conditions for a stepped

shaft. It was found that the differences in natural fiequencies between the forward and the

backward precessions become larger for higher vibration modes and for larger spin rate. The

rotational and translational spring constants also have significant effects on natural fiequencies.
Chapter 4

Stability Analysis of Spinning Stepped Workpiece

4.1 Introduction

in this chapter, the stability analysis of turning process is perfonned when a stepped workpiece is

machined using a lathe. The finite element is employed to obtain the equations of motion of the

spinning workpiece. The characteristic equation of the dynamic system is established using the

Laplace transfom. Nyquist stability criterion is subsequently used to identiQ the characteristic

roots of the dynamic system. Examples are given to illustrate how the critical c w e s separating

stable and unstabIe motion of the dynamic system are obtained. Cornparisons of nurnencal

results of the present method with other theoretical results and experhental data show good

4.2 Chatter Mode1

4.2.1 Stepped workpiece mode1


. t
Feed direction

Fig. 4.1: Stepped workpiece mounted on a lathe

As s h o w in Fig. 4.1, a stepped workpiece is supported by a chuck and a tailstock at the two

ends. The boundary conditions at the chuck end are simple support pius two rotational Springs.

The workpiece is supponed by two translationai springs at the other end. Figure 4.3 shows thc

workpiece mode1 with the boundary conditions. Using the f i t e element method, the workpiecc

is divided into a number of uniform Timoshenko beam elements. Assuming that the Latenl

displacements and bending angles vary cubicaiiy dong the z-axis, a two-node, 16-degree-of-

k e d o m Timoshenko beam element can be used (details see Chapter 3). Within each element.

the equations of motion for a spinning beam may be wrïtten as

where Meis the mass ma&; G, is the gyroscopic matrix; K, is the stiffiiess rnatrix; q, is the

nodal dispIacement vector; and Qe is the force vector.

Using this type of element, the giobal equations of motion for a spinning stepped workpiece may

be written as

where M, G, and K are global mas, gyroscopic and stiffhess matrices, respectively; q is the

global nodal displacement vector; andQ is the force vector.

Fig. 4.2: Chatter mode1 of stepped workpiece.

The secondader dynarnic system can be reduced to an equivalent kt-order dynamic system

with the help of the following transfomation

Equation (4.2) may be written as


Equation (4.4) is the governing equations of motion for the spinning stepped workpiece in the

state space.

4.3 Cutting Force Mode1

in a steady-state cutting process, the cutting force is propodonai to the cross section area. The

cutting process can be expressed using a regenerative feedback loop s h o w in Fig. 4.3. A simple

cutting force mode1 according to Lu and Klamecki (1990) is


where k, and k, are the static cuniag stifhess in the x and y directions, respectively; and the

instantaneous depth ofcut u, (t) as s h o w in Fig. 4.4 is

where u, is the nominal depth ofcut; p is the overlap factor; u, is the lateral displacement at the

cutting point in the x direction.

Regcnerativc fecdback path -


Fig. 4.3: Feedback loop of cutting process

Fig 4.4: Schematic view of a cutting process

Incorporating Eqs. (43-14.7) into the global load vector in Eq. (4.21, the giobal force vector due

to the dynamic cutting force may be written as

where n, is the node number of the cutting point, The right-band side of Eq. (4.2) is modified

accordingly. Equation (4.4) can be rew-rittenas

where D =[O Q']', matrix D2 and matrix Di are subjected to the modifications for boundary

conditions. The stability anaiysis is conducted in the Laplace domain. The transfer function of

the regenerative feedback system is defined as

where W,(s) and u0(s)are the Laplace transforms of u, andu, ,respectively.

4.4 Stability Analysis

4.4.1 Modal analysis method

According to the mode superposition theory, we assume a solution to Eq. (4.9) in the following


where positive values of i indicate the forward precession; negative values of i correspond to

backward precession; N is the order of mode muication; ( x ]ir~the P eigenvector of the

dynamic system; and gi(t) is the i-th modal coordinate. The dynamic system is not self-adjoint
because of the gyroscopic effect. The non-self adjoint system c m be solved by using the adjoint

system defined in Chapter 3. From Eq. (3.27), we have

Multiplying Eg. (4.4) on the lefi by (Y]:,and applying the biorthogonal relationships between
the original and the adjoint systems, we obtain

where ai and bi are constants; is the i~ eigenvector of the adjoint systern. Substituting Eqr.

(4.5) and f4.6) into the above equation and taking Laplace transforrn, assuming zero initial

conditions, we obtain

where Y , is element [n + 8(n, - 1 ) + 11 of eigenvector (Y},; Fj is element [n + 8(n, - 1 ) + 51 of

eigenvector (Y] .Equation (4.14) can be expressed as
where Gi( s ) is the Laplace transfomi of gi (t) ; and e is constant, defined as e = k, /A,. From

Eq, (4.15),we obtain

QI ~ G I ( s )61= +q.~
CM+(Y,, )~,(s) (4.1 6)

From Eqs. (4.15)and (4.16),we have

1('' -bl )(C,i + c5.i )

Gi( s ) =
(ais bi)(CsI+ C F),G,(s), i = I l , t 2 , - - , + 2 N

From Eqs. (4.5)-(4.7),(4.1 1 ) and (4.15),we obtain

The characteristic equation is

Examination of the above equation indicates that regenerative chatter occurs when the following

conditions are satisfied


Roots of this algebraic equation detmine the chatter onset conditions of the cutting process.

4.4.2 Direct Laplace transform method

Applying Laplace transform and assuming zero initial conditions, Eq. (4.2) becomes

[M's + G s + K]z(s)= ~ ( s )

where ~ ( s )is the Laplace transfomi of the nodai displacement vector q; ~ ( r is) the modified

f o m in Eq. (4.8); a n d ~ ( s )is the Laplace m f o m of the force vector~(t). From Eq. (4.23).

we obtain
ZN= H(~)Q(s)

~(s)=[Ms' + G ~ + K ] - '


QG)= W Q G )

the dynarnic response of the system at the cutting point cm be expressed as

Q,G) = a, G)

Equation (4.26) can be rewritten in the fonn

Q.G) = K G ) F,G)

w here
The transfer function is defined as

The characteristic equation is

I - k , ~ , ( s , x (pe'jta
) -I)= 0

where H,(s,z,)= Yu,.,(s).

Sohtion of this equation determines the chatter onset conditions of

the cutting process.

4.4.3 Cutting force at an arbitrary location on workpiece

Because the cutting force is applied at an arbitrary location on the workpiece, we can use the

virtua1 work principle to replace the two cutting force components F, and F, with eight force

components at nodal points as shown in Fig. 4.5.

Fig. 4.5: Cutting force at an arbitrary point and its equivalent nodal force components

The vimial work done by the cutting force for a vimal displacement (u ,} is
8~ = { I I ; ) ~ ( F )


The virtual work done by the eight nodal force components is

6v =(6 :} '(R,}
where subscript e indicates the particular element on which the force is applied; Sv is the virtual

work done by the nodal force vector IR,}; (6 :] is the v h a l nodal displacement vector, and

can be written as

(a:}=[':~.j @:,i ':,,i+, 'A.j+l 'i1,i 'i1.i ';I.;+I ' i ~ i + l I ~

( R,I = [ L , M., j x Mr,.i*l ~v1.i ~ y k i y . ~yLi.1 I

Utilizing shape fùnctions, the displacement of the workpiece at the cutting point may be written


%J - ~ ~ ( 5 . ) ma)(
LI (4.33)

where S.( 5 ; ) is the shape function; D, (6.) is the geornetry matrix; and (Ü~..~}
is the nodal

displacement vector of the element containing the cutting force, and is defined as

{u 1 x i 8xi.i ux2.w~ OIz,i+, Ir .

The vimial work done by { ~ } m u r tbe qua1 to the work done by (R,}.Therefore. fiom Eqs.

(4.31)-(4.33),we obtain

For simplicity, the eight nodal force components can be expressed as

where el,et ,e, ,e, are fùnctions of Ça and le,and are f m d to be

The force vector Q becomes
The equations of motion are

D,=[o Q:]'

Multiplying Eq. (4.37) on the left by (Y] r, and applying the biorthogonal reiationships between
the original and the adjoint systems, we obtain

where (Yi is the i-th eigenvector of ihe adjoint system. So we obtain

w here

<.' = (yt,,ie,+ &,,.,el+ L , i e , 'Y0,z,ie4 +'YY,.ie, +'G",,i- +cyvz.ieI +' Y~,j'* J

Taking the Laplace Transform on Eq. (4.391, we obtain

~ , s G(s), = b i ~(3) F,(s)

a , s ~ , 6=)Wh)+ <.,FM
So we can obtain

C i (ais-bl)
G~(s)= -
Yc.1 (ais -bi )
G, G)

From Eq. (4.33), we obtain

From Eq. (4.13), Eq. (4.44) can be rewritten as

where X,,, , Xe,,.,

, XI,,, X,,:,, are conesponding elements of eigenvector ( x ). Substituting
Eq. (4.42) into the above equation, we obtain

Tl(s) T,(s) '" T,(s) T,(4

el z
2 1

xx1.j -+ 5
(s) j

,*, -+
e3 z
XX2.j -+ e.
~ ( s )
x,,.; -
uo(4 - V, (4

where Tl is defined as

q. = 1

Therefore, the charactenstic equation cm be derived to be

This equation can be solved using Matlab software, The onset conditions of chatter are

determined by the critical root of the above equation.

4.5 Numerical Examples

To satisQ accuracy of the numericd results, the required order of mode truncation is first

investigated. The natural fiequencies of the uniform and stepped workpieces are provided for al1

boundary conditions and are used to determine the chatter ûequencies, Then, the modal analysis

method and direct Laplace transfomi method, are compared to see whether these two methods


in the stability anaipis, the present work is 6rst compared with that of Lu and Klarnecki (1990).

Four combinations of boundary conditions for uniform and stepped workpieces are investigated.

In case A, the workpiece is supported by a chuck and a tailstock. in Case B. the workpiece is

supported by a chuck at one end and the other fiee. In Case C, the workpiece is supported by

centers at both ends and by a dog near the headstock. In Case D, the workpiece is supported by a

chuck and a tailstock at the ends and a steady rest between the ends.
4.5.1 Effects of mode order on stability

For the purpose of comparisons, a uniform workpiece is first investigated. The boundary

conditions are shown in Fig. 4.6 and the naturai fiequencies for the first four modes are 634.8,

5 193.5, 15358.1, and 30061.5 radis. The values of parameters pertinent to the workpiece and

cutting process are

p = 7700 k&, E = 207 GPa, G = 77.6 GPa

K= 0.9, P = 1, L= 0.38 1 rn

d = 0.035 m, k,= k,, =124 KN/m, k, = k, =82 KNmIrad

Nyquist stability criterion requires that the roots of Eq. (4.30) be confined to the left half of the s-

plane. Substituting s = jo into Eq. (4.30), where o is chatter fiequency, we will examine the

ençirclement of the point (l+jO) by the -1) loci. The presence of the time-
~ , H ~ U , Z , ) e-jar

delay cerm in the characteristic equation leads to multiple intersections of the plot with the reaI

axis as shown in Fig. 4.7. Let P be the coordinate of the right-rnost intersection point between the

- 1) and the real axis. The closed-loop system

Nyquist contour of the trm k,~(Jctl,z,)(pe-@'

is stable if P > 1, unstable if P < 1, and critical if P = 1. Under a specific cutting condition, the

right-most intersection point of the open-ioop locus is at P. By changing the cutting force

stiffhess k, or the location of the cutting point z,, we c m obtain the criticai cutting condition at

which the open-Ioop loci will pass through point (19). Using this approach, the b i t of critical

stability conditions can be determineci-

Fig. 4.6: Dimensions (unit: mm) and boundary conditions of the uniform workpiece

Real part

Fig. 4.7: Nyquist plots o f k , ~ ( s r,)(p-'

, -1) using the f h t three modes
(chatter fiequency changes fiom 100 to 5500 radis)

*0.03 -0.02 -0.01 O 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 1

Real part

Fig.4.8: Cornpansons ofNyquist plots [k,How, zC)(eqar-t)]using

three different modal tmcation schemes

(workpiece vibrates near its second natural fiequency)

- Fintnvo modes
Fint three modes

42 -1.5 -1 4.5 O 0.5 1

Real part

Fig.4.9: Cornparisons of Nyquist plots of the h c t i o n [kXH(jw,~,)(e~"~-l)l


the k t natural fiequency

(chatter fiequency o changes fiom 640 to 880 rad Is)

The effects of higher modes on stability are very srnaIl and can be neglected. Figures 4.8 and 4.9

show the difference of the Nyquist plots among the first mode, the first two modes and the first

three modes. When chatter fiequency is less than the first natural fiequency, the real part of the

hnction [k,H(jo, zc)(ejmr-I)] is negative, and the critical cutting force constant k, is also

negative. In this case, chatter cannot occur. When chatter fiequency is larger than the first natural

fiequency, there are numerous roots of the characteristic equation, Le., there are

nurnerouspossible chatter fiequencies. However, only one of them is the real critical chatter


Chaner near the fmt mode
Chatter near the second mode

spin rate (rads)

Fig. 4.10: Stability charts of stepped workpiece near the first and second naturai fiequencies
rcnn C

i Chatter near the second mode


,Ooo t 31
2000 1 Chatter near the first mode i

spin rate (radis)

Fig. 4.1 1:Chatter frequencies near the firçt and second natural fiequencies of stepped workpiece

Figure 4.8 shows the difference mong the Nyquist contours using the fist mode, the first two

modes and the first three modes, when the workpiece vibrates near its second natural frequency.

We c m find that the third mode bas mal1 effects on the results. Figure 4.9 shows that the effects

of the second mode and third mode on the Nyquist contour are very small when the workpiece

vibrates near its first natural fiequency. in suaunary, using the first three modes satisfies the

requirement of accuracy. Therefore, in this thesis, only the first three vibration modes are


Figurr 4.10 is the stability charts for a stepped workpiece with two segments. The end of the first

segment is supported by a chuck. Its diameter and length are 35 mm and 127 mm, respectively-

The second segment is 25 mm in diarneter and 254 mm in length. The stepped workpiece is
supported by a chuck only. The cutting force stiffness is 124 KNIm;the rotational stifiess is 82

KNm/rad. The fundamental natural fiequency is 835.9 rad%;and the second natural frequency is

4510 rad 1s. In Fig. 4.1 1, the chatter frequencies are higher than their corresponding natural

fiequencies. It can be seen from Fig. 4.10 that the threshold of chatter for the second vibration

mode is much higher than that of the first mode, Le., chatter is difficult to happen at higher

mode. In stability analysis, only the vibration near the first natural fiequency is considered.

4.5.2 Comparisons of the modal analysis method and direct Laplace

transform rnethod

Comparisons of the modal analysis method and the direct Laplace transforrn rnethod are shown

in Fig. 4.12. We can see that the two Nyquist plots of k , ~ ( j a > , r , ) ~ e - ' " ~-1) and

k,H,(ia>,~,)(pe-j"~~ -L) are a h o s t identical when al1 vibration modes are included. The

dilference between the real values of k, H(ja>, r,)b e-'"" -1) and k, H, (ia,zc)(p e-jUtn- 1) is
less than 0.1 percent at any corresponding points. The main difference between the two methods

is that the direct Laplace transform method has to include the effects of al1 vibration modes, but

the modal analysis method is flexible. If the direct Laplace transform method is used, the

solution aIways contains incorrect information, which sometimes is diffrcult to deIete. Therefore,

in the remaining part of this thesis, o d y the modal analysis technique is used.
O Modal analysis e

* Laplace transform 1

Real part

Fig. 4.12: Cornparison of the Nyquist plots for the modal analysis method and

the direct Laplace tranform method

4.5.3 Effects of damping factor on stability

The effects of the equivalent damping coefficient, cd, on stabiiity is investigated in this

subsection. Parameter cd is cdculated fiom the equivalent damping ratio ç. Values of damping

ratio are selected to be 0.01, 0.02, and 0.04. A stability chart is plotted in Fig.4.13. In this case,
the cutthg tool is at the middle of the workpiece. Similar to a one-degree-of-fieedom dynamic
system, the stabiliw of the workpiece system is influenced by the spin rate. The critical cutting

force parameter k, behaves like a periodic function of spin rate. Figure 4.14 illustrates the

chatter frequencies for the three damping factors. It can be seen that the higher damping ratio

results in higher stability threshold and chatter fiequency. In the literature, the damping ratio for

workpiece is normally chosen to be 0.05. Therefore, the damping ratio 0.05 is used in this thesis.

Spin rate (radfs)

Fig. 4.13: Stability chart of uniform workpiece 1 (case A).

Spin rate (racüs)

Fig. 4.14: Chatter frequencies of the spinning uniforrn workpiece L (case A)

4.5.4 Comparison of present work and literature

Using the same workpiece, boundary conditions and cutting conditions of Lu [I 11, the two

stability analysis methods are compared and the results are s h o w in Fig. 4.15. In this

comparison, a uniform workpiece of diameter 30 mm and Iength 381 mm, is supported a: one

end by a chuck and fiee at the other end, Fig. 4.15 shows that the difference in the critical

chatter onset locations between the two methods is very smali.

Using the cutting conditions and uniform workpieces given in Lu's experiments, the predicted

onset conditions of chatter are compared with the experimentd data. In the experiments, the

lengths of the workpieces were ail 382 mm, and the spin rate was 52.12 radis. The results are

given in Table 4.1. The rotational spring stiffness and the cutting stifiess are taken from Lu

(1990). The difference between the predicted tool distance and the experimental results is within

7 %.


- Lu (1 990)
0.55~ - Present method

Spin rate (radk)

Fig. 4.15: Criticai reiative tool position dong the workpiece fiom the chuck
Table 4.1 :Cornpaison of Predicted Chatter Onset Locations with the Experimental

ResuIts (Lu, 1990) for Uniform Workpiece

Experimental Predicted Predicted

Spnng Cuaing hor Error of
Diameter value value of Lu value of
stiffiness stiffnesr Lu (lggO) Present work
1990) (1990) pruent work
(Nmlrad) (Ntm) (%) (%)
(m, (zJL), (&'L),

0.0350 82351 124367 0.434 0.401 -7.6 0.43 1 -6.4

l 0.0381 56842 124367 0.466 0.416 -10.73 0.438 -5.9

0.0445 88610 124367 0.500 0.440 -12 0.519 +3.8

0.0381 86150 156773 0.428 0.390 -8.87 0.398 -7.0

4.5.5 Simulation results of the dpamic system with typical

boundary conditions

There are four types of boundary conditions discussed in this subsection. The first type is the

workpiece supported by a chuck and the other end is free. The second type is the workpiece

supported by a chuck and a taiistock. The third type is the workpiece supported by a chuck, a

tailstock and a steady rest. The fourth type is that the workpiece supported by a dog and centers

at hvo ends. The overlap factor, p, is chosen to be unity. VaIue of darnping ratios for the

workpiece is 0.05 in al1 the numerical simulations,

Case A: Clamped-hinged boundary conditions

[n order to illustrate the procedure of stability analysis, two uniform workpieces and one two-

segment stepped workpiece are investigated, as shown in Fig. 4.16. In a l the examples, the

workpiece is simpiy supported and is constrained by two rotational springs at the chuck end; and

the other end of the workpiece is supported by two translational springs as shown in Fig. 4.17.

The cutting conditions are

For a given cutting tool position along the workpiece, chatter may occur if the cutting conditions

change or the cutting tool moves along the workpiece. The rigidity of the workpiece at the

cutting point changes as the cutting tool moves fiom the chuck to the tailstock. As a result,

chatter occurs only in some region dong the workpiece. From the above given cutting

conditions, the criticai stable regimes can be obtained by calculating the criticai stable tool

location. Figure 4.18 shows the stable and unstable regimes related to the cutting tool locations

and the spin rates of the stepped workpiece. If the tool locations are in the unstable regimes, the

system is unstable; otherwise the system is stable, The stability threshold of the dynamic system

varies with the spin rate. Chatter can still be avoided if the tool location is away from the

unstable regimes.

Two unifom workpieces are used in the simulation as shown in Fig. 4.16. When the geometry

changes, the workpiece stability threshold also changes. In Fig. 3.19, the cutting tool is 400 mm

away fiom the end of the chuck, and the three curves indicate the stability thresholds of the

uniform workpiece, stepped workpiece 1 and uniform workpiece 2 at this tool location. It can be

seen that the overall stability threshold of uniform workpiece 1 is higher than that of stepped

workpiece; and the stability threshoid of stepped workpiece is higher than uniform work~iece2.

The fundamental natural fiequencies of the uniform workpiece 1, stepped workpiece and

uniform workpiece 2 are listed in Table 4.2, The critical chatter fiequencies at the stability

threshold are illustrated in Fig. 4.20. The chatter fiequency changes with the spin rate, and is

higher than the fiutdamentalnatural fiequency for aii workpieces.

Under the same cutting conditions, when the tool moves dong the workpiece fiom the chuck end

toward the tailstock end, we cari predict tool location for stepped workpieces conesponding to

the onset of chatter. Figure 4.20 shows the unstable areas for the stepped workpieces and the

uniform workpiece. Because the flexibility of stepped workpiece 1 is higher than that of the

uniforrn workpiece, its unstable regimes are larger as shown in Fig. 4.20. If a workpiece is

machined in the region defined by the upper and lower curves of the critical stability locations of

the cutting tool, chatter will definitely occur at any spin rate.

Numerical simulations perforrned on a uniform and stepped workpieces indicate that the stability

threshold of the systern is affected by the spin rate, the geometry of the workpiece, and the

locations of the cutting tool relative to the workpiece. When chatter occurs, the system vibrates

at a chatter frequency that is just above the fundamental natural fiequency of the workpiece. For

a given spin rate, cutting tool, workpiece and supports of the chuck and tailstock, there are stable

and unstable locations of the cutting tools on the workpiece. The stability chart can be used as a

guide to select the proper cutting conditions in order to maintain chatter-fiee cutting process.
Uniform workpiece 1

Y L.

) & Uniform workoiece? ,=

Fig. 4.16: Dimensions (unit: mm) and boundary conditions of the uniform and stepped

workpieces for Case A

Table 4.2:Natural Frequencies of Unifom and Stepped workpieces with One End Supported

by a Chuck and the Other EIinged (radk)

1 Workpieces
1 Modes
I 2 3 4

Uniforni workpiece 1 1007.3 2501.7 5743.1 11221.8

Stepped workpiece 991.6 2664.5 5433.8 10147.3

Uniform workpiece 2 998.2 2591.5 5157-1 9682.9

Spin rate (rads)

Fig. 4.17: Stability region of the stepped workpiece for Case A

- Unifom workpiece 1
1.4 Stepped workpiece
1 -
I Unifonn workpiece 2

Spin rate ( d s )

Fig. 4-18: Stability thresholds of workpieces for Case A (L= 600,ZJLFZ~)

1120L -
- Uniforni workpiece 1

- il~O - -
Stepped woikpiece
Uniforni workpiece 2


Spin rate (radis)

Fig. 4.19: Chatter fiequencies of uniform and stepped workpieces for Case A


- Uniform workpiece 1
Stepped workpiece
Uniform workpiece 2
06, 61 62 63 & 65 66 67 60 59 O:

Spin rate (radk)

Fig. 4.20: Stabiliîy region of wotkpieces for Case A

Case B: Workpiece supported by a chuck

Three workpieces are analyzed in this case. Their dimensions are illustrated in Fig. 4.21 and their

naturai fiequencies are presented in Table 4.3. In this case, the cutting force is applied at a

particuIar iocation (z&L = 213). It can be seen that the cutting processes are al1 unstable at that

location, To avoid chatter, the cutting conditions have to be adjusted according to the stability

charts shown in Fig. 4.22. Figure 4.23 shows the chatter fiequencies of the workpieces. Similar

to Case A, the stability thresholds and chatter fiequencies varies with the spin rate and geometry

of the workpieces.

Stepped workpiece I - 381-4
Uniform workpiçce 2

Fig. 4.21: Dimensions (unit: mm) and boundary conditions of the unifonn and stepped

workpieces for Case B

Table 4.3: Nature Frequencies of the Uniform and Stepped workpieces with One End

Supported by Chuck and the Other Free (rads)

1 Workpieces
1 Modes 1
1 2 3 4

1 Uniform workpiece / 1 634.8 1 5193.5 1 15358.1 1 30061.5 1

1 Stepped workpiece 832.4 4190.6 13010.6 25209.8

Uniform workpiece 2 637.3 4182.68 11871.4 23 157.4

0.7 1
Uniform workpiece 1

0.6 r
- Stepped workpiece
! Uniform workpiece 2

Spin rate (radis)

Fig. 4.22: Stability chart of the uniform and stepped workpieces for Case B
- Uniform workpiece 1
h - Stepped workpiece
Uniform workpiece2

Spin rate (rad/s)

Fig. 4.23: Chatter fiequencies of workpieces for Case B

Case C: Workpiece supported by chuck, tailstock and steady rest

When the workpiece is long and flexible, even light linish cuts wiil ofien produce chatter. Many

lathe operations would not be possible without the use of the steady rest as shown in Fig. 4.24.

These attachments rnake the machinhg on long workpieces possible on a lathe. In this thesis, the

steady rest is sirnulated as two translational springs attached to the workpiece as shown in Fig,

4.25. For simplicity, we only choose two uniform workpieces to discuss the effects of the steady

rest on the stabiiity of the workpieces. The spring constants of the steady rest are
Steady rest


Workpiece Center

Fig. 4.24: Workpiece supported by a steady rest

Unifonnworkpicce 2 &

Fig. 4.25: Dimensions (unit: mm) and boundary conditions of the workpieces for Case C
Table 4.4: Nature Frequencies of the Uniform Workpieces Supported by Chuck, Tailstock and

Steady Rest (racüs)

1 2 3 4

Uniform workpiece 1 671.2 1658.7 4182.5 8228.4

Uniform workpiece 2 669.0 i654.5 4176.0 8221.2

1 -
With steady rest
Without steady rest

Spin rate (radis)

Fie. 4.26: Effects of steadv rest on the stabiiïty of workpiece

1 -
With steady rest
without iteady mt

Spin rate (radis)

Fig. 4.27: Effects of steady rest on the chatter fiequencies of workpiece

It can be seen that the steady rest increases the stability threshold as shown in Fig. 4.26. Because

the steady rest increases the rigidity of the workpiece, the fundamental natural fiequency of the

workpiece with a steady rest is higher than that of the workpiece without a steady rest as

presented in Table 4.4. The chatter fiequencies for the workpieces with and without a steady rest

are s h o w in Fig. 4.27.

Case D: workpiece supported by a dog and two centers

In this case, the workpiece is supported by two centers a dog at the chuck end as shown in Fig. 4.

28. Dimensions and boundary conditions of the workpieces are shown in Fig- 4.29. The support
of centers is modelled as simple-simple support, Le., the spring constants are al1 chosen to be

infinite. Table 4.5 lists the natural fiequencies of the workpiece. Figures 4.30 and 4.31 are the

stability charts and chatter frequencies of the workpieces.

Workpiece i

Fig. 4.28: Workpiece supported by a dog and two centers

Uniform workpicce 2

Fig. 4.29: Dimensions (unit: mm) and boundary conditions of the workpieces supported by a dog

Table 4.5: Nature Frequencies of Uniform and Stepped workpieces Supported by Two Centers

1 Modes
1 2 3 4

Unif o m 3053.3 11865.2 25554.42 43047.3

workpiece 1

Stepped 2246.0 9930.1 21576.7 35831.4


Uniform 2191.7 8634.5 18965.6 32678.2

workpiece 2
'y - Unifonn workpiece 1
iped workpiece
80 i 1 - Uniform workpiece 2

Spin rate (rads)

Fig. 4.30: Stability charts of workpiece supported by a dog

- Uniform workpiece 1
Stepped workpiece
Uniform workpiece 2

Spin rate (radis)

Fig. 4.31 :Chatter fkequencies of workpiece supported by a dog

4.6 Summary

A chatter model of spinning stepped workpiece is developed using the Timoshenko bearn theory,

finite element method, and the Lagrange equations. Stability analysis is performed using the

modal superposition method and the Laplace transfom. The onset conditions of chaner are

obtained using a program written in Matlab. Numerical simulations performed on uniform and

stepped workpieces indicate that this chatter model is very flexible and can be used for various

types of boundary conditions. Results obtained in this thesis are in excellent agreement with

other theoretical and experimental results availabIe in the literature for a machine tool system

having a uniform workpiece.

Chapter 5

Chatter Mode1 and Stability Analysis of Coupled

System Consisting of Spinning Stepped

Workpiece and Tool Structure

5.1 Introduction

When chatter occurs, both the workpiece and tool structure may vibrate (Wang et al., 2001). The

objective of this chapter is to investigate chatter of a machine-tool system involving a flexible

stepped workpiece and a flexibly mounted tool structure, The tool structure is considered to be a

lumped m a s constrained by two linear springs. The workpiece is considered to be a non-uniform

spinning beam interacting with the tool structure at the cutting point, The finite element method

and Lagrauge equations are empioyed to derive the equations of motion for the machine-too1

system. A solution is obtained using modal superposition principle. Stability analysis is

perfonned in the fcequency domain using the Nyquist stability criterion. Simulation results of
workpieces under various boundary conditions are also provided. Effects of the incorporation of

tool structure on stability are investigated.

5.2 Chatter Mode1 of the Coupled System

The stepped workpiece is modelled as a spinning stepped Timoshenko bearn supported at two

ends as shown in Fig. 5.1. The chuck constraint is modelled as two rotational springs attached to

one end of the beam; and the tailstock constraint is modelled as two translational springs

attached to the other end. The tool structure is modelled as a Iumped mas-spring-darnper system

with two degrees of freedom.

Fig. 5.1: Coupled system consisting of workpiece and tool structure

Using the f h t e element method, the workpiece is divided into a number of uniforni beam

elements as shown in Fig. 4.2. From Chapters 3 and 4, the equations of motion of the workpiece

may be written in terms of the displacement vector as

where M is the global mass matrix; C is the global darnping matrix; QG is the global gyroscopic

matrix; and K is the global stiffhess matrix; F,and F,are the two dynamic cutting force

components varying with the relative displacements between the workpiece and tool structure at

the cutting point; and q is the nodal displacement vector.

The second-order differential equations are reduced to a set of equivalent tirst-order equations

with the help of the following transformation

Equation (5.1) may be written as

D,X = D,X t Do

5.3 Cutting Force

The cutting force is dependent on the instantaneous uncut chip thickness in the x direction. The

instantaneous uncut chip thickness is determined by the relative displacement of the workpiece

and tool structure in the feed direction, and may be written as

where u,@) is the instantaneous uncut chip thickness; u o @ )is the nominal undefomed chip

thickness; ii: c) and IL, @)

are displacements of the workpiece and tool structure. wpectively.

Since the cutting force is proportional to ri, @),

the two components of the dynamic cutting force

can be represented as

m= k,u,i) (5.5)

' y (I)=k2"d (Il (5.6)

where k, and k, are the cutting force coefficients dependhg on cutting conditions, material

properties, etc., When the cutting force is applied on the workpiece at an arbittary location, the

principle of virtual work may be employed to obtain equivalent nodal forces and moments in a

finite eIement analysis, as s h o w in Fig. 4.5. in this case, the cutting force components F,and

F, c m be replaced by the following eight nodal force elements

where q ,el, e,, and e, are functions of c, and 1, (see Chapter 4).

5.4 Equations of Motion and Stability Analysis

Incorporating motions of the cutting tool structure and workpiece, the equations of motion of the

coupled machine tool system may be written as

where subscript a indicates that the cutting position is arbitrary; m,, c,, k,, m,, c,, and k, are the

effective masses, damping coefficients, and spring constants of the tool structure in the x and y

directions, respectively.
To perforrn stability analysis of the whole system, the displacements of tool structure and

workpiece are de-coupied in the goveming differential equations. From Eq. (5.8), we c m readily

obtain the following equation for the tool structure in x direction

Taking the Laplace transformation of the above equation yieIds

From Eq. (5.10), the workpiece and tool displacements are related in the Laplace domain by

u:J( s ) = r , K (3 (5.1 1)

According to the mode superposition theory, a solution to Eq. (5.3) may be assurned in the

following forrn

where positive values of i indicate forward precession; negative values of i correspond to

backward precession; N is the order of mode tmcation; @},is the ?' eigenvector of the

dynamic system; and gi is the modal coordinate.
Substituthg Eq. (5.12) into Eq. (5.3). multiplying the so-obtained equatioo on the left by @}i,
and utilizing the biorthogonal relationships, we obtain

aigi6)=bigi(,)+ F ~ Di=kl,k2,.-.,*2N
,, (5.13)

where ai and biare constants; @}is the ? eigenvector of the adjoint systern. Taking the Laplace
transform, and assuming zero initia1 conditions, the above equation becomes

aisGi(s)= biGi(s)+ YCiF,(s), i = f1, 5 2 , ..., k7N


Yei = ('r,i4 f Yet,.i% ''rie, 'Yex2,i4

+cYylie\ 'cYB,,,iel "YyLi'l 'cYB,1.ie4 ;
where Y,, , Y,,,,, , Y,,, , are the corresponding elements of eigenvector pi. Fmm Eq.
(5. I4), we may obtain

The transfer fùnction is defined as

~ (s) is the Laplace Transform of u, (l).Frorn Eq. ( 5 4 , we have

w h e U,

With the heip of shape tiuiction, the displacement of the workpiece at the cutting point rnay be

)= [xs,.j Xfi 1.j Xs2.j Xe 2.j F
whde Xxi.j, Xe,,.jP Xx~.jy are the corresponding elements of eigenvector &Y},. From

Eqs. (5.1 1) and (5.18), we obtain

From Eqs. (5.7), (5.15) and (5.18), we obtain


From Eqs. (5.14), (S. 15) and (S.20), the characteristic equation is found to be

{l-k,Gie"q -I@-T,~)]X,(<.,~.,~)~O


Solution to Eq. (5.21) determines the conditions for the onset of chatter in the cutting process.
5.5 Numerical Simulations

in a series of case studies conducted in this section, only the first three modes of vibration are

retained in Eq. (5.21). Tnese cases are used to investigate the stability of the coupled system

under four typicaI boundary conditions. The overlap factor p is chosen to be unity. VaIues of

damping ratios for the workpiece and tool structure are both 0.05 for ali the numerical

simulations. The Nyquist stability criterion is employed in this paper.

T h e are five cases studied in this Section- in Case 1, the workpieces are 600 mm long and

supported by a chuck and tailstock. In Case 2, the workpieces are 381 mm long and supported by

a chuck and tailstock. In Case 3, the workpieces are 381 mm Iong and supported by a chuck

only. In Case 4, the workpieces are 38 1 mm long and are supported by two centers and a dog. In

Case 5, the workpieces are 762 mm long and supported by a chuck, taiIstock and steady rest.

Case 1: Workpiece of length 600 mm supported by a chuck and tailstock

In order to illustrate the procedure of stability analysis, a unifom workpiece and hvo two-

segment stepped workpieces are investigated as show in Fig. 5.2. For a given cutting tool

position dong the workpiece, cbatter may occur if the cutting conditions change or the cutting

tooI moves dong the workpiece. A uniform workpiece of diameter 35 mm is first investigated.

The values of parameters pertinent to the workpiece material, cutting tooI, and cutting process


p = 7700 kg/m3, E = 207 GPa, G = 77.6 GPa

K = 0.9, m, = 3 kg, k, = 100 KN/m

kI = 242.52 EWm, k2=242.52 KN/m, k, = 30 Khi m/rad

k,, =3 0 KN &rad, h,,= 2.0 M N h , ky,,= 2.0 MN/m

If the cutting tool moves fiom the chuck to the tailstock, the flexibility of the workpiece at the

cutting point will also change. Chatter may occur in some region along the workpiece. From the

above given cutting conditions, the critical stable regirnes can be obtained by caiculating the

critical stable tao1 location using the method described in Chapter 4. Figure 5.3 shows the stable

and unstable regimes reiated to the cutting tool Iocations and the spin rates of the workpiece. If

the tool Iocations are in the unstable regimes, the coupled system is unstable; othenvise the

system is stable. We cm find that the stability threshold of the dynamic system varies with the

spin rate. For example, if the workpiece is machined at spin rate 65 rad/s, chaiter will detinitely

occur when the cutting tool moves into the middte area of the workpiece. However, if the spin

rate is 67 radfs, we will not run into chatter. From Fig. 5.3, we can maintain chatter-fiee cutting

process by using the spin rates from 62.3 to 63.9 radis, or fiom 66.3 to 68.2 r a d k When the

workpiece is rnachined at one of the unstable spin rates, if the tool location is away fiom the

unstable areas, chatter cm still be avoided,

Two stepped workpieces used in the simulation are shown in Fig. 5.2. When the geometry

changes, the workpiece stability threshold aIso changes. Figure 5.4 shows and the stability

thresholds of the d o c m workpiece, stepped workpiece 1, and stepped workpiece 2 when the

cutting tool is 400 mm away h m the chuck end. It can be seen that the overall stabiIity

threshold for the uniform workpiece is higher than that for stepped workpiece 1; and the stability
threshold for stepped workpiece 1 is higher than that for stepped workpiece 2. The natural

fiequencies of the first four modes are presented in Table 1, and the critical chatter fiequencies at

the stability threshold are illustrated in Fig. 5.5. It can be found that the chatter fiequency

changes with the spin rate and is higher than the fundamental natural frequency for ail


Under the same cutting conditions, when the tool moves dong the workpiece fiom the chuck end

toward the tailstock end, we can predict the chatter-onset tool location for stepped workpiece 1.

Figure 5.6 shows the unstable regimes for stepped workpiece 1 and they are compared with the

uniform workpiece. Because the flexibility of stepped workpiece 1 is higher than that of the

uniform workpiece, its unstable regimes are larger as shown in Fig. 5.6. Stepped workpiece 1

stiil has some unconditionally stable spin rate regions, but stepped workpiece 2 has no stable spin

rate as s h o w in Fig. 5.7. If stepped workpiece 2 is machined in the region defined by the upper

and Iower cuves of the critical stability locations of the cutting tool, chatter occurs at any spin


Incorporation of the vibration of tool structure affects the stability threshold of the cutting

process. As shown in Fig. 5.8, the stability threshold of the workpiece system is higher than that

of the coupled system consisting of both the workpiece and tool structure.

Case 2: Workpiece supported by a chuck at one end and free at the other end

In this case, the rotational sprïng constants are 82.435 KNmirad. The lengths of the workpieces

are 381 mm. The cutting force is applied at the middle of the workpiece. Figure 5.9 shows the
dimensions of two uniform workpieces and one stepped workpiece used in this case. Figure 5.10

illustrates the stability chart of uniform workpiece 1. It c m be seen that under the cutting

conditions, chatter occurs. As the diameter changes, the stability threshold and chatter

frequencies change accordingly as shown in Figs. 5.1 1 and 5.12. incorporation of the vibration

of tool structure reduces the stability and chatter fiequency threshold as s h o w in Figs. 5.13 and


Case 3: Workpiece supported by two centers and a dog

In this case, the two ends of the workpieces are simply supported. The lengths of the workpieces

are 381 mm. The cutting force is appIied at the middle of the workpieces in al1 examples. Fig.

5.15 shows the dimensions of two uniform workpieces and one stepped workpiece used in this

case. Fig. 5.16 illustrates the stability chart of uniform workpiece 1. It can be seen that under the

cutting conditions, chatter witl not occur. If the diameter changes, the stability thresholds and

chatter frequencies change accordingly as s h o w in Figs. 5-17 and 5.18. Incorporation of the

vibration of tool structure reduces the stability and chatter fiequency thresholds as shown in Fig.

5.19 and Fig. 5.20.

Case 4: Workpiece supported by a chuck, tailstock and steady rest

In tbis case, the workpieces are long and flexible as s h o w in Fig. 5.21. A steady rest is used to
support the workpiece at 254 mm h m the chuck. The lengths of the workpieces are 762 mm

long and the cutting force is appiied at the middle of aii workpieces. The steady rest increases the

stability and chatter lkquency threshotds as s h o w in Figs. 5.22 and 5.23. If the vibration of the
tool structure is neglected, the stabiIity and chatter fiequency thresholds are affected as shown in

Figs. 5.24 and 5.25.

Case 5: Effects of boundary conditions on stability

[n this case, the effects of the boundary conditions on the stability thresholds and chatter

frequencies are investigated for a stepped workpiece. Two example boundary conditions are

studied here as shown in Fig. 5.26. In exampIe 1, the stepped workpiece is supported by a chuck

onIy. In example 2, the sarne stepped workpiece is supported by a chuck and tailstock at two

ends, The cutting force is applied at the middle ofthe workpiece in al1 examples.

In example 1, the rotational spring constants are changed h m 82 KNrnIrad to infinite. As shown

in Fig. 5.27, the stability threshold increases significantiy. Accordingly, in Fig. 5.28, the chatter

fiequency increases as the value of rotationai spring increases tiom 82 K W r a d to infinite. In

exampte 2, the rotational spring stifkess remains the same as 82 KNmIrad, but the translational

spring stifhess changes tiom 2.0 x 106 Nlm to infinite. The stability threshold and chatter

frequency increase as the rigidity increases as s h o w in Fig. 5.29 and 5.30. Therefore, the

workpiece needs to be constrained properly to increase the stability threshold.

Table 5.1: NaturaI Frequencies of the First Four Modes for Uniform and Stepped

Workpieces for Case 1 (radis)

Mode Uniform workpiece Stepped workpiece 1 Stepped workpiece 2

Chuck end Uniform workpiece Tailstockend

-E=3 Stepped workpiccc I

6 2 0 0 ,

, Stepped workpiece 2 ,

Fig. 5.2: Dimensions ( u t : mm) and geometry of workpieces for Case 1


Unstable regimes
0.q 1
1 I
0.4 1
060 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 ;O

Spin rate (radis)

Fig. 5.3: Stability charts of the coupled system with a uniform workpiece for Case 1

- Stepped workpiece 2 1
1.8 b - Stepped workpiece 1

1.6 1 - Uniform workpiece I


e- -

0.4 -
d 0.2 -

O 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

Spin rate (rads)

Fig. 5.4: Stability charts of the uniform and stepped workpieces for Case 1 (z, = 0.400 m)
Stepped workpiece 1
Stepped workpiece 2
Uniform workpiece

96060 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

Spin rate (rad/s)

Fig. 5.5: Chatter fiequencies of the uniform and stepped workpieces for Case 1

0.11 - Stepped workpiece 1

Spin rate (rads)

Fig. 5.6: Cornparison of the stability charts for a uniform and stepped workpieces for Case 1
33 0.3-
& j -
Stepped workpiece 2
- Stepped workpiece L

d O'
Uni form workpiece

O 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

Spin rate (rads)

Fig. 5. 7: Stability charts of the uniform and stepped workpieces for Case 1

r" - , = 0.400 m
Workpiece s y ~ e m =c
Coupled system. t = 0.400 m
m 1.3



61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

Spin rate (Ms)

Fig. 5.8: Cornparison between the stability charts of the workpiece and the coupied systems for

Case 1
-- uniforh workpiece 1
38i- ,

Stepped workpiece 1

Uniform workpiece 2

Fig. 5.9: Dimensions (unit: mm) and geometry of workpieces for Case 2
0.55 '
60 61 62 63 64 65 86 67 68 69 70

Spin rate (rad/s)

Fig. 5.10: Stability chart of uniform workpiece 1 for Case 2

i - Unifonn workpiece 1
- Stepped workpiece
UnSom workpiece 2
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

Spin rate (rails)

Fig. 5.1 1 :Stability charts of workpieces for case 2

Unifom workpiece 1
Stepped workpiece
Uniform workpiece 2

Spin rate (rads)

Fig. S. 12: Chatter fkequencies of workpieces for Case 2

- With tool structure

- Without tool smicture

Spin rate (radls)

Fig. 5.13: Effects of tool structure on the stability threshold of the stepped workpiece for Case 2
1 - Wiih tool structure

l - Without tool structure

Spin rate (rads)

Fig. 5.14: Effects of tool structure on the chatter fiequencies of the stepped workpiece for Case 2
Fig, S. 15: Dimensions and geometry of workpieces for Case 3
Spin rate (radis)

Fig. 5.16: Stability chart of Uniform workpiece 1 for Case 3

1 - Uniform workpiece 1
1 - Stepped workpiece

Spin rate (rad/$

Fig. 5.17: Chatter fiequencies of workpieces for Case 3

i _
- Unifonn workpiece 1
100 - Stepped workpiece

I Uniform workpiece 2

Spin rate (rad/s)

Fig. 5.18: StabiIity charts of workpieces for Case 3

120 r

lm! -
- With tool smtcnire
i Without tool structure

Spin rate (rads)

Fig. 5.19: Effects of tool structure on stability of stepped workpiece for Case 3
- With tool structure
,8601 - Without tool structure

Spin rate (rads)

Fig. 5.20: Effects of tool structure on chatter fiequencies of stepped workpiece for Case 3
L\\\\\\\; Uniform workpiece 1

Fig. 5.21: Dimensions (unit: mm) and geometry of workpieces with a steady rest for Case 4
With steady rest I
- Without steady rest

Spin rate (rad/s)

Fig. 5-23:Effects of steady rest on the stabiiity thresholds for Case 4


- With steady rest
Without steady rest

Spin rate (rad/s)

Fig- 5.23: Effects of steady rest on the chatter frequencies for Case 4
2.8 1 - With tool structure
26 1 -Without tool strucuture

Spin rate (rads)

Fig. 5.24: Effects of tool structure on the stabilitv thresholds Cor Case 4

aao t: -
- With tool stnicutre
Wiihout tool structure
8401 l
2 !




80 1/

.-O 720 -

u 700
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

Spin rate (mas)

Fig. 5.25: EEects of tool structure on the chatter wuencies for Case 4
Fig. 5.26: The stepped workpiece and boundary conditions used for Case 5

5 1

." - i
! 1 3

A? 4.5 Clarnped support

1 - k&=l=susi
e 2.5





%O 6 62 6 a 65 66 67
68 69


Spin rate (radh)

Fig. 527: Effects of rotational spring constant on the stability thresholds for Case 5
- CIarnpcd support
L = k.* = e2 KNmlrad

Spin rate (radis)

Fig. 5.28: Effects of rotational spring constant on the chatter fiequencies for Case 5

W 6 1 6 2 6 3 & L l ô ï W 6 9 i û

Spin rate (radk)

Fig. 5.29: Effects of rotational spnng constant on the stabiiity threshotds for Case 5
Spin rate (rad/s)

Fig. 5.30: Effects of rotational spring constant on the chatter fiequencies for Case 5

5.6 Conclusions

A chatter mode1 of coupled system consisting of a cutting tool and a stepped workpiece was

developed using the Timoshenko beaxn theory, finite eiernent method, and Lagrange equahons.

The stability analysis was performed using the mode superposition method and the Laplace

transfom. Roots of the nonlinear characteristic equation of the dynamic system were obtained

using the Matlab program.

Numerical simulations performed on unifonn and stepped workpieces under four typical types of

boundary conditions indicate that incorporation the vibration of tool structure reduces the

stability thresholds. It is also found that increasing the rigidity of the support of the workpiece

will increase the stability thresholds of the dynarnical system.

Chapter 6

Chatter of Spinning Stepped Workpiece with Two

Cutting Tools

6.1 Introduction

To increase productivity, nvo cutting tools may be used to cut long workpiece. This chapter

presents the chatter analysis of a dynamic system of spinning stepped workpiece with two cutting

rooIs. The finite element method is emptoyed and the Lagrange equations are used to establish

the govenu'ng equations of motion for the spinning workpiece. Modal anaIysis technique is used

to obtain the characteristic equation of the dynarnic system in the itequency domain. Examples

are given to illustrate the procedure for stability analysis.

6.2 Equations of Motion and Cutting Forces

The stepped workpiece is modelled as a stepped Timoshenko beam with two different boundary

conditions. As shovm in Fig. 6.1, the chuck is modelled as two rotational spnngs attached to one

end of the beam; and the tailstock is modelled as two translational springs attached to the other

end. The tool structure is modelled as a lumped mass-spring-damper system with two degrees of

freedom. Following the same procedure of Chapter 4, using the finite elernent method, the

workpiece is divided into a number of uniform Timoshenko beam elements. The equations of

motion for the dynamic system can be written as

Mq+Gq+Kq=Q (6-11

Fig. 6.1: Workpiece system with cutting forces at two locations

The second-order system can be reduced to an equivalent first-order system. Equation (6.1) may

be written as

Cutting force of cutting tool 1

The components ofcutting force applied by cutting tool 1 are

F,, = k,,$ d, (4

where k,, and k, are the static cutting stiffhess of cutting tool 1 in the x and y directions,

respectively; and the instantaneous depth of cut u, ( t ) is

Taking Laplace transform on Eqs. (6.3) and (6.41, the cutting force components becorne
Cutting force of cutting tool2

The components of cutting force applied by cutting tool2 are

F m = k,,.,,', (4 (6.8)

FEi.y = kG.y"Gid (') (o.g)

where k,,., and k,,., are the static cutting stiffbess in the x and y directions, respectively; and the

instantaneous depth of cut i d , , (t) is

Taking Laplace transform on Eqs. (6.8)and (6.9),the cutting force components become

6.3 Stabiüty Analysis

Based on the chatter mode1 cutting force models deveIoped in the previous section, we will

predict the stability of the dynamical system with two cutting tools. In the first case, we will

perfom stability anaiysis for a spinning stepped workpiece with the cutting forces appiied at

nodes of eIements. In the second case, we will cary out stabiiity analysis for workpiece with the

cutting forces appiied at arbitrary locations.

6.3.1 Cutting force applied at nodes of elemeats

in this case, cutting tooi 1 is applied at node i of element Ei, and cutting tool2 is applied at node

j of element @ as shown in Fig. 6.2.

Fig, 6.2: Cutting forces at nodes of elements

From Chapter 4, using the same procedure, we obtain the force vector Q as
Multiplying Eq. (6.2)on the lefi by (Y):, and utilizing the bi-orthogonal relationships of mode

vectors between the original and the adjoint systems, we obtain

where [FIi is the i-th eigenvector of the adjoint system. Substituting Eg. (6.13) inta Eq. (6.14).
we obtain

is element [n + 8(i - 1)+ 11 in (Y):

YEieYiis element [n + 8(i - 1)+ 51 in (YK
,,,Y is element [n + 8 0 - 1)+ l] in (Y[
Y,, is element [n + 8(j - 1)+ 51 in (Y):

where n is the total degrees of fieedom of the entire system in Eq. (6.1). Taking the LapIace

transfocm on Eq. (6.15), we have


we obtain

From Eq. (6.20), we obtain

Substituthg Eq. (6.21) into Eq. (6,19),we have


Substituting Eq. (6.22) into Eq. (6.21), we obtain


Substituting Eqs. (6.23) and (6.22) into Eq. (6.21): we have

Using the modal superposition method, the following relationships are obtained

Substituting Eq. (6.24)into Eqs. (6.25)and (6.26),we have

For cutting tooi 1, substituting Eqs. (6.5),(6.6),(6.25)and (6.27)into Eq. (6.24),we obtain

For cutting tooI2, the constant cutting force t e m k , , ~ , ( s ) is not shown in the dynamic cuttïng

force expression, because it has been canceiied out through iinearization of Eq. (6.1). Therefore,

fiom Eqs. (6.8),(6.10), (6.26)and (6.28),we obtain


From Eqs. (6.29) and (6.30), we have

For cutting tool 1, the transfer h c t i o n of the dynamic system is defined as

Substituthg Eqs. (6.5) and (6.6) into Eq. (6.33), we have

- ~ M ( e-sto
P -I)+~
uo ($1
Therefore, fiom Eqs. (6.27) and (6.34), we obtain

Substituting Eqs. (6.3 1) and (6.32) into Eq. (6.35), we obtain

They can also be expressed as

The characteristic equation is

Equation (6.38) may be rewritten as


'Ei.i = 'Eis.i + 'Ei 'Ei.y.i

CEj.i = Yci,r,i+ c ~ Y ~ . ~ . ~

The characteristic equation for cutting tool 1 is rew-ritten as

(6. JO)

Using the similar procedure, the characteristic equation for cutting tool2 is derived to be

w here
6.3.2 Stability analysis with arbitrary cutting force locations

The cutting forces of cutting tools can be applied at any arbitrary locations on the workpieçe.

Using the virtual work principle, the cutting force at location A and location B can be modekd as

equivalent forces applied at the nodes of the correspondhg elements as shown in Fig. 6.3. From

Chapter 4, using the sarne procedure, we obtain the equivalent nodai force cumponents for the

two cutting tools.

For cutting tool 1, the cutting force applied on element i and located between nodes i and i+I.

The eight nodal force components are calculated to be

1 i+ 1 i j+ 1

Fig. 6.3: Cutting forces at arbitrary cutting locations


where ciis local coordinate and Iiis the Iength of element i.

For cutting tool2, the cutting force is applied on elementj, located between nodes j and j+I.

The eight nodal force components are calculated to be


where 5, is 1ocaI coordinate and li is length of element j. The force vector Q, c m be

expressed as
The equations of motion are

D,X = D,X+ D,


Da-[O Q

Multiplying Eq. (6.45) on the leA by {c, and applying the biorthogonal ielationships between

the original and the adjoint systems, we obtain

where {Y),is the i-th eigenvector of the adjoint rystem. Equation (6.46) may be expressed in the
following form

Taking LapIace Transform on Eq. (6.47),we have



Substituting Eqs- (6.52) and (5.53) into Eq. (5.49), we have


From Eqs. (6.25),(6.26)and (6.53),we obtain

For cutting tool I, from Eqs. (6.3), (6.51, (6.52) and (6.581, we obtain

Similady, For cutting tool 2, the constant curthg force term k,,(l,(s) is not shown in the

dynamic cutting Force expression, because it has been cancelled out through linearization of Eq.

(6.1). Therefore, fiom Eqs- (6.10), (6-1 l), (6.53)and (6.591, we obtain

Frorn Eqs. (6.59)and [6.60),we have

Therefore, fiom Eq. (6.58), we obtain

Substituting Eqs. (6.61)and (6.62) into Eq. (6.63),we obtain

They can aiso be expressed as

The characteristic equation of the dynamic system for cutting tool 1 is

That is
Equation (6.66)may be rewritten as

w here


The characteristic equation for cumng tool one c m be rewnttea as


Using the similar procedure, the characteristic equation for cutting tooi two can be derived to be

6.6 Numerical Examples

In this section, a uniform workpiece and two stepped workpieces are investigated. In al1 the

exarnples, the workpiece is simply supported and is attached two rotational spnngs at the chuck

end; and the other end of the worh~ieceis also constrained two translational springs. We retain

the first three modes of vibration in a11 the simu1ations. The geometry and dimensions of the

three workpieces are shown in Fig, 5.2. We will perform stability analysis in two different cases.

tn case 1, the hvo cutting toob are on the same side of the workpiece; in case 2, the two cutting

tools are on opposite sides. We will predict the critical cutting conditions for cutting tool 1 and

cutting tool 2 in each case. The values of parameters pertinent to the workpiece, and cutting

process are

p = 7700 kg/m3, E = 207 GPa, G = 77.6 GPa

K= 0.9, P = 1, I = 0.600 m

km=k,,.=30000Nm/rad, k,,=ky.,=2.0MN/m

k,,=kE.,=124367Nh, -

Case 1: Two cutting tools at the same side of workpiece

A uniform workpiece of diarneter 35 mm and length 600 mm is first studied. It is compared with

another workpiece that has o d y one cutting tao1 to illustrate the effects of the second cutting tool
on the stability thresholds. The cutting and boundary conditions remain the same in the

calculation. For the workpiece that has two cutting tools, the first cutting tool is applied at 200

mm from the chuck end; the second cutting tool is applied at 400 mm Eorn the chuck end. For

the second workpiece, it has the sarne size, but only one cutting tool is applied at 200 mm h m

the chuck end.

The effects of the second cutting tool on stability threshold is shown in the Nyquist plot of

[kJf(jo, ~,)(e~~:l)]for the uniform workpiece with only one cutting tooI and Nyquist plot of

for cutting tool 1 of the uniform workpiece with two cutting toolç. As s h o w

in Fig. 6.4, the coordinate of the right most intersection of the curve with the reat mis, point PI,

is smaIler than that of the workpiece with the second cutting tool shown in Fig. 6.5. The hvo

Nyquist pIots are put together to present the difference in Fig. 6.6. It shows that the second

cutting tool reduces the stability threshold of the system significantly.

The two cutting tools have different critical cutting conditions under which chatter occurs. The

stability threshoid oFthe first cutting tool is higher than that of the second one as shown in Fig.

6.7. Chatter occurs more easily at the location of cutting tool 2. The chatter frequencies of

cutting tool 1 and cutting tool2 are identicai as shown in Fig. 6.8.

Two hvo-segment stepped workpieces are used in this case. For stepped workpiece 1, its stability

threshold is shown in Fig 6.9. It can be seen that cutting tool 1 has higher stability threshold than

cutting tool 2. For stepped workpiece 2, the stability threshoId of cutting tool 1 is also bigher

than that of cutting tool 2 as shown in Fig. 6.10. The uniform and stepped workpieces are
compared in Figs. 6.11 and 6.12 to demonstrate that as the workpiece becomes weaker in

strength, chatter is easier to occur. Figure 6.13 shows the chatter fiequencies of the three

workpieces. It shows that change in dimensions of workpieces causes change in their chatter


Case 2: Cutting tools applied on opposite sides of workpiece

Figure 6.14 shows the two cutting tools are applied on the opposite sides of the workpiece. For

long and slender workpieces, this type of setup increases the rigidity of workpieces and causes

less deformation than the setup in which the two tools applied on the same side. M e n the two

cutting tools are cutting at the same location of the workpiece, the results are compared with the

results of the same workpiece with only one tool.

Figure 6.i5 is the Nyquist plot of ~,,H&W,Z~,,Z,,) for cutting tool 1 (zc, =200 mm) of the

uniform workpiece with cutting tool 2 applied at the opposite side of the workpiece (zc2=400

mm). Compared with the coordinate of point Pzin Fig. 6.7, the coordinate of point PJin Fig. 6.15

is smaller, i.e., the stabiIity threshoId of the opposite cutting is higher than the cutting with two

cutting tools on the sarne side.

Figure 6.16 is the Nyquist plots of k,,l,(jlu, z,,, 2,) and k s J ~ , (~w,z,,,
z,,) for cutting tao1

1 (zC1=200 mm) and cutting too12 (zd 4 0 0 mm) for the uniform workpiece. Compared with the

coordinate of point P4, the coordinate of point Psin Fig, 6.16 is larger, Le., the stability threshold

of cuttiag tool2 is lower than cutting tool 1. Cornparing Fig. 6.16 with Fig. 6.6, it c m be found

that the opposite-side cutting significantlyaffects the stability thresholds of the workpiece.
Figure 6.17 is the stability charts of the uniform workpiece for cutting tool (zcl = 200, zC2= 400

mm). The lower curve is the stability lobe for the uniform workpiece with cutting tool 1 and

cutting tool 2 on the same side of the workpiece; the higher curve is the stabiIity lobe for the

same workpiece with cutting tools 1 and 2 on opposite sides. Obviously, the opposite cutting

setup increases the stability of the dynamic system. Figure 6.18 illustrates the chatter frequencies

of the unifonn workpiece for cutting tool I (zCl =200 mm, r,z = 400 mm). It shows the two types

of setup cause the workpiece to vibrate at the same chatter frequency.

in Fig. 6.19, the lower curve is for the uniform workpiece with cutting tool 1 and cutting tool2

applied at the same side (zcl= zcz= 400 mm);the higher curve is for the same workpiece with

cutting tool 1 only. It can be seen that the stabiIity lobe (higher curve) of the worhpiece with

only one cutting tool can be obtained by simply adding 1 to the critical relative cutting stif'ess

(Iower curve) of the workpiece with two cutting tools. Their chatter fiequencies are identicaI as

shown in Fig. 6.20.



0.1 1
O F -

Real part

Fig. 6.4: Nyquist plot of [k,K(ju, zJ(eiar-l)] for the uniform workpiece with only
one cutting tool

Real part

Fig. 6.5:Nyquist plot of ,k H,(s) for cutting tool 1of the unifonn workpiece with

two cutting tools

- ûnly one tool
/' - Two tools

Red part

Fig. 6.6: Effects of cutting tool2 on the Nyquist plot of k , , s ~ , ( s )for the
uniform workpiece with two cutting tools [zci =200 mm)
- '
al=200 mm,cutting tool 1

- zc~=40omm, cutting tool2

Real part

Fig. 6.7: Cornparison of Nyquist plot of k , , ~ , ( s ) for cutting tool 1 and Nyquist plot of
k,+rH, (s) for cutting tool2 (uniform workpiece)

- Tool 1, ZCI = 200 mm

Spin rate (rads)

Fig. 6.8: Stability charts of cutting two tool 1 and cutting tool2 for the uniform workpiece

(uniform workpiece with two cutting tools applied on the sarne side of workpiece)

'osa/1 - - Cuning toool 1, .yi = 200 mm

Cuning f0012,&I = 400 mm
1060 t

Spin rate (rads)

Fig. 6.9: Two tools Chatter fiequencies of cutting tooI1 and cutting tool

(uniforni workpiece with two cutting tooIs applied on the saine side of workpiece)
Spin rate (rad/s)

Fig. 6.10: Stability charts of cutting tooI i and cutting tool2 for stepped workpiece 1

(nvo cutting tools applied on the same side of workpiece)

L'L 1
1 - Cutting tool 1, zci = 200 mm i

Spin rate (radk)

Fig. 6.11: Stability charts of cutting tool 1 and cu&g tool2 for stepped shat 2

(two cutting tools applied on the same side of workpiece)

1 Cuning 1001 1 for al1 shaft, zc = 200 mm

Spin rate (radk)

Fig. 6.12: Chatter fiequencies of cutting toùl I for uniform and stepped workpieces

(two cutting tools applied on the sarne side of workpiece)

Curting m12 for sll workpieces, s = 400 mm
- Uniform workpiecc
Stcpped workpiecc t

60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

Spin rate (rad/s)

Fig, 6.13: Stability charts of cutting tool s for uniform and stepped wotkpieces

(two cutting tools appiied on ihe same side of workpiece)

1 1 ~ 1 - &fo* wckpieie, cuiirg i o o ~1'
11201 - Stepped workpiece 2, cutting tool 1

- Stepped workpiece 1, cutting tool L

Spin rate (rad/s)

Fig. 6.14: Chatter fiequencies of cutting tool 1 for al1 workpieces

(two cutting tools appIied on the same side of workpiece)

Fig. 6.15: Workpiece system with two cutting tools applied on opposite sides
Real part

Fig. 6 .L 6: Nyquist plot of k,,fl,(s)for cutting tool I of the uni fonn workpiece
(cutting tooi 2 applied at the opposite side of the workpiece, 5=400 mm)

Real part

Fig. 6.17: Nyquist plots of k , ~ , ( s ) and k G , ~ , ( s )for cuning tool I and cutting tool 2

(uniform workpiece, cutting 1001 2 applied at the opposite side of the workpiece)
Tool 1, t i = 200 mm, knr kjs
Tool 1, =CI= 200 mm. k p - k ~ i ,

Spin rate (rads)

Fig. 6.18: Stability charts of the uniform workpiece for cutting tool l(zcl = 200, z,~= 400 mm)

Spin rate (radls)

Fig. 6.19: Chatter fiequencies of the uniform workpiece for cutting tool 1

(z,~ = 200, zc2= 400 mm)

1 -
- With cumng ml 2. LI= u=400 mm
No cumng ml2. L = 4ûû mm
l 1

Spin rate (rads)

Fig. 6.20: Cornparison of the stability charts of the uniform workpiece for cutting tool 1

(with or without cutting tool2)

Spin rate (radk)

Fig. 6.21: Cornparison of Chatter fiequencies of the uniform workpiece for cutting tool 1

(with or without cutting tool2)

In this chapter, a systematic methodology is estabiished for the stability analysis of a spinning

stepped-workpiece system with two cutting tools. Using the fuite element methud, mode

superposition method, Laptace tmsformation and Nyquist criterion, the chatter onset conditions

of the dynamic system are obtained using Matlab software. Numencal simulations performed on

a uniform and two stepped workpieces indicate that chatter onset conditions are affected

significantly by the locations of the two cutting tools. The workpiece vibrates at the same chatter

Frequency when chatter occurs caused by either the first cutting tool or the second cutting tool.

The stability threshold increases if the two cutting tools are applied at opposite sides of the

workpiece. When the two tools applied at the sme location, the present methodology matches

the one devehped in Chapter 4 in which onIy one cutting tooI is applied.
Chapter 7

Conclusions and Recommendations

7.1 Conclusions

In this thesis, chatter of machine tool systerns is investigated using four difTerent mechanistic

models. The first mode1 is applicable to turning processes involving workpiece of significantjy

large stiffncss. The second model is developed for workpiece of relatively small stifhess. The

thid model handles generai turning processes in which motions of the workpiece and cutting

tool structure are coupled. The fourth model is applicable to turning processes involving the use

of two cutting tools.

Chatter andysis is conducted for workpieces having non-uniform cross sections and various

classicd and non-cIassicai boundary conditions using the combinations of the fmite ekment

method, modal anaiysislsynthesis method, Laplace transform technique, and Nyquist criteria
Because of the employment of the f ~ t element
e method in modelling the workpiece, application

of the chatter anaiysis is versatile. Use of the modal summation method in stability anaiysis

ensures that ali criticai parameters revealed in the Nyquist plots are accurate. Use of the gain-

factor method permits determination of criticai parameters accurately and efficiently in a single

step. This appears to be more advantageous over other numerical methods. The contributions of

the research work may be sumrnarized as foiiows:

incorporation of the ploughing force into chatter analysis

0 empioyment of the fmite element method for fiee vibration of a spinning stepped workpiece

including gyroscopic effects, rotary inertia and shear deformation

0 development of a chatter model for coupled machine tool systems consisting of stepped

workpiece and tool structure

0 deveIopment of a chatter model for coupled machine tool systems involving two cutting tools

applied at arbitrary Iocations

0 accurate dynamic stability analysis of machine tool systems consisting of stepped workpiece

and tool structure.

The effects of ptoughing force on stability of machine tool systems may be significant.

Numerical simulations show that ploughing force has Iarger effects on cnticai cutting width at

Iow spin rates and negiigible effects at high spin rates.

Free vibration analysis of spinning stepped workpieces condiicted in Chapter 3 using the h i t e

eIement method is found to be extremely important and useful for subsequent chatter andysis

involving flexibIe workpieces. Extensive cornparisons reveaIed that results of fiee viiration are
in exceiient agreement with those obtained independently. Because of the use of the h i t e

element method, arbitrary boundary conditions may be easily handled.

in deaiing with chatter caused by flexibility of a workpiece, the equations of motion of the

machine tool system are readily established using the fmite eIement method. A chatter model

concemhg spinning stepped workpieces is subsequently developed to predict the stable

conditions for workpieces subjected to four typical boundary conditions, namely, workpiece

supported by a chuck only; workpiece supported by a chuck and tailstock; workpiece supported

by a chuck, tailstock a steady rest; and workpiece supported by two centers and a dog. Computer

results indicace that chatter frequencies are a little bit higher than the natural frequency of the

workpiece. Its value changes slightly with the spin rate. Results obtained for chatter onset

conditions in this thesis are in excellent agreement with other theoreticai and experimental


A chatter model is presented in Chapter 5 for a coupled system consisting of an elasticdly

supported tool structure and flexible workpiece. Comprehensive numerical simulations show

that chatter-free cutting processes may be realized by properly selecting cutting conditions such

as the spin rate from the stability cnarts. Numerical simulations demonstrate that as the rigidity

of support of the workpiece increases, the stabiiity threshold also increases.

A novei chatter model of a spinning stepped workpiece system with two cutting tooIs is

developed in Chapter 6. The onset conditions of chatter caused by either cutting tool can be

predicted. Because the two cutting tools are independently and arbitrarily applied on the
workpiece, they cm be mounted on the sarne turret or separate ones. Numerical caiculations

show that when the two tools applied on the opposite sides of the workpiece, the stability

threshold is higher than that when the two tools on the same side. Especially, if the two tools are

at the same location but on opposite sides of the workpiece, chatter will not occur. This finding

may be very important for the design of a fine and chatter-free cutting process.

7.2 Recornmendations for Future Work

Because of the employment of the finite element method, the present work can be easily

extended to workpieces of compiicated geometry such as tapered workpiece.

More comprehensive cutting force models may be used in chatter analysis. For example, the

effects of cutting speed and velocity of workpiece in laterai directions cm be considered in the

cutting force model.

The chatter model of spinning stepped workpiece with two cutting tools may be extended to the

coupled systern consisting of a flexibie spinning stepped workpiece and elasticaiiy mounted

cutting tool structures.


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