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A fracture (sometimes abbreviated FRX or Fx, Fx, or #) is a discontinuity or break in a bone.

There are more

than 150 fracture classifications (see this Wikipedia entry). Five major ones are as follow:

1. Incomplete: Fracture involves only a portion of the cross-section of the bone. One side breaks; the other
usually just bends (greenstick).
2. Complete: Fracture line involves entire cross-section of the bone, and bone fragments are usually displaced.
3. Closed: The fracture does not extend through the skin.
4. Open: Bone fragments extend through the muscle and skin, which is potentially infected.
5. Pathological: Fracture occurs in diseased bone (such as cancer, osteoporosis), with no or only minimal

Nursing Priorities

1. Prevent further bone/tissue injury.

2. Alleviate pain.
3. Prevent complications.
4. Provide information about condition/prognosis and treatment needs.

8 Fracture Nursing Care Plan (NCP)

1. Risk for Trauma — Fracture Nursing Care Plan (NCP)

2. Acute Pain — Fracture Nursing Care Plan (NCP)
3. Risk for Peripheral Neurovascular Dysfunction — Fracture Nursing Care Plan (NCP)
4. Risk for Impaired Gas Exchange — Fracture Nursing Care Plan (NCP)
5. Impaired Physical Mobility — Fracture Nursing Care Plan (NCP)
6. Impaired Skin Integrity — Fracture Nursing Care Plan (NCP)
7. Risk for Infection — Fractures Nursing Care Plan (NCP)
8. Knowledge Deficit — Fractures Nursing Care Plan (NCP)

Discharge Goals

1. Fracture stabilized.
2. Pain controlled.
3. Complications prevented/minimized.
4. Condition, prognosis, and therapeutic regimen understood.
5. Plan in place to meet needs after discharge.

Diagnostic Studies for Fracture

1. X-ray examinations: Determines location and extent of fractures/trauma, may reveal preexisting and yet
undiagnosed fracture(s).
2. Bone scans, tomograms, computed tomography (CT)/magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
scans: Visualizes fractures, bleeding, and soft-tissue damage; differentiates between stress/trauma fractures
and bone neoplasms.
3. Arteriograms: May be done when occult vascular damage is suspected.
4. Complete blood count (CBC): Hematocrit (Hct) may be increased (hemoconcentration) or decreased
(signifying hemorrhage at the fracture site or at distant organs in multiple trauma). Increased white blood
cell (WBC) count is a normal stress response after trauma.
5. Urine creatinine (Cr) clearance: Muscle trauma increases load of Cr for renal clearance.
6. Coagulation profile: Alterations may occur because of blood loss, multiple transfusions, or liver injury.

Additional Diagnoses

1. Trauma, risk for—loss of skeletal integrity, weakness, balancing difficulties, reduced muscle coordination,
lack of safety precautions, history of previous trauma.
2. Mobility, impaired physical—neuromuscular skeletal impairment; pain/discomfort, restrictive therapies
(limb immobilization); psychological immobility.
3. Self-Care deficit—musculoskeletal impairment, decreased strength/endurance, pain.
4. Infection, risk for—inadequate primary defenses: broken skin, traumatized tissues; environmental exposure;
invasive procedures, skeletal traction.

A bone fracture (sometimes abbreviated FRX or Fx, Fx, or #) is a medical condition in which there is a break
in the continuity of the bone. A bone fracture can be the result of high force impact or stress, or trivial injury as
a result of certain medical conditions that weaken the bones, such as osteoporosis, bone cancer, or osteogenesis
imperfecta, where the fracture is then properly termed a pathological fracture. Nursing goal for a patient with
fracture is to relieve pain, education about upcoming surgery, promote comfort and promote healing.

Types of Fractures:

 Complete fracture: A fracture in which bone fragments separate completely.

 Incomplete fracture: A fracture in which the bone fragments are still partially joined.
 Linear fracture: A fracture that is parallel to the bone’s long axis.
 Transverse fracture: A fracture that is at a right angle to the bone’s long axis.
 Oblique fracture: A fracture that is diagonal to a bone’s long axis.
 Spiral fracture: A fracture where at least one part of the bone has been twisted.
 Comminuted fracture: A fracture in which the bone has broken into a number of pieces.
 Compacted fracture: A fracture caused when bone fragments are driven into each other.

Check out the updated version of this post: 8 Fracture Nursing Care Plans
The natural process of healing a fracture starts when the injured bone and surrounding tissues
bleed, forming a fracture Hematoma. The blood coagulates to form a blood clot situated between
the broken fragments. Within a few days blood vessels grow into the jelly-like matrix of the
blood clot. The new blood vessels bring phagocytes to the area, which gradually remove the non-
viable material. The blood vessels also bring fibroblasts in the walls of the vessels and these
multiply and produce collagen fibers. In this way the blood clot is replaced by a matrix of
collagen. Collagen’s rubbery consistency allows bone fragments to move only a small amount
unless severe or persistent force is applied.

At this stage, some of the fibroblasts begin to lay down bone matrix (calcium hydroxyapatite) in the form of
insoluble crystals. This mineralization of the collagen matrix stiffens it and transforms it into bone. In fact,
bone is a mineralized collagen matrix; if the mineral is dissolved out of bone, it becomes rubbery. Healing
bone callus is on average sufficiently mineralized to show up on X-ray within 6 weeks in adults and less in
children. This initial “woven” bone does not have the strong mechanical properties of mature bone. By a
process of remodeling, the woven bone is replaced by mature “lamellar” bone. The whole process can take up
to 18 months, but in adults the strength of the healing bone is usually 80% of normal by 3 months after the

Several factors can help or hinder the bone healing process. For example, any form of nicotine hinders the
process of bone healing, and adequate nutrition (including calcium intake) will help the bone healing process.
Weight-bearing stress on bone, after the bone has healed sufficiently to bear the weight, also builds bone
strength. The bone shards can also embed in the muscle causing great pain. Although there are theoretical
concerns about NSAIDs slowing the rate of healing, there is not enough evidence to warrant withholding the
use of this type analgesic in simple fractures


1. Pathophysiology
2. Acute Pain
3. Deficient Knowledge
4. Self-Care Deficit
5. Conspitation
6. Activity Intolerance
7. Impaired Physical Mobility
8. Situational Low Self-Esteem
9. Readiness for Enhanced Therapeutic Regimen
10. Risk for Infection

Impaired Physical Mobility — Fracture

Nursing Diagnosis: Impaired Physical Mobility

May be related to
 Neuromuscular skeletal impairment; pain/discomfort; restrictive therapies
(limb immobilization)
 Psychological immobility
Possibly evidenced by

 Inability to move purposefully within the physical environment, imposed

 Reluctance to attempt movement; limited ROM
 Decreased muscle strength/control
Desired Outcomes

 Regain/maintain mobility at the highest possible level.

 Maintain position of function.
 Increase strength/function of affected and compensatory body parts.
 Demonstrate techniques that enable resumption of activities.
Nursing Interventions Rationale
Assess degree of immobility Patient may be restricted by self-
produced by injury/treatment and view/self-perception out of
note patient’s perception of proportion with actual physical
immobility. limitations, requiring
information/interventions to
promote progress toward
Encourage participation in Provides opportunity for release
diversional/recreational activities. of energy, refocuses attention,
Maintain stimulating environment, enhances patient’s sense of self-
e.g., radio, TV, newspapers, control/self-worth, and aids in
personal possessions/pictures, reducing social isolation.
clock, calendar, visits from
Instruct patient in/assist with Increases blood flow to muscles
active/passive ROM exercises of and bone to improve muscle tone,
affected and unaffected maintain joint mobility; prevent
extremities. contractures/atrophy and calcium
resorption from disuse
Encourage use of isometric Isometrics contract muscles
exercises starting with the without bending joints or moving
unaffected limb. limbs and help maintain muscle
strength and mass. Note: These
exercises are contraindicated
while acute bleeding/edema is
Provide footboard, wrist splints, Useful in maintaining functional
trochanter/hand rolls as position of extremities,
appropriate. hands/feet, and preventing
complications (e.g.,
Place in supine position Reduces risk of flexion
periodically if possible, when contracture of hip.
traction is used to stabilize lower
limb fractures.
Instruct in/encourage use of Facilitates movement during
trapeze and “post position” for hygiene/skin care and linen
lower limb fractures. changes; reduces discomfort of
remaining flat in bed. “Post
position” involves placing the
uninjured foot flat on the bed with
the knee bent while grasping the
trapeze and lifting the body off
the bed.
Assist with/encourage self-care Improves muscle strength and
activities (e.g., bathing, shaving). circulation, enhances patient
control in situation, and promotes
self-directed wellness.
Provide/assist with mobility by Early mobility reduces
means of wheelchair, walker, complications of bed rest (e.g.,
crutches, canes as soon as phlebitis) and promotes healing
possible. Instruct in safe use of and normalization of organ
mobility aids. function. Learning the correct way
to use aids is important to
maintain optimal mobility and
patient safety.
Monitor blood pressure (BP) with Postural hypotension is a
resumption of activity. Note common problem following
reports of dizziness. prolonged bed rest and may
require specific interventions
(e.g., tilt table with gradual
elevation to upright position).
Reposition periodically and Prevents/reduces incidence of
encourage coughing/deep- skin and respiratory complications
breathing exercises. (e.g., decubitus,
atelectasis, pneumonia).
Auscultate bowel sounds. Monitor Bed rest, use of analgesics, and
elimination habits and provide for changes in dietary habits can slow
regular bowel routine. Place on peristalsis and produce
bedside commode, if feasible, or constipation. Nursing measures
use fracture pan. Provide privacy. that facilitate elimination may
prevent/limit complications.
Fracture pan limits flexion of hips
and lessens pressure on lumbar
region/lower extremity cast.
Encourage increased fluid intake Keeps the body well hydrated,
to 2000–3000 mL/day (within decreasing risk of urinary
cardiac tolerance), including infection, stone formation, and
acid/ash juices. constipation
Provide diet high in proteins, In the presence of
carbohydrates, vitamins, and musculoskeletal injuries, nutrients
minerals, limiting protein content required for healing are rapidly
until after first bowel movement. depleted, often resulting in a
weight loss of as much as 20/30
lb during skeletal traction. This
can have a profound effect on
muscle mass, tone, and strength.
Note: Protein foods increase
contents in small bowel, resulting
in gas formation and constipation.
Therefore, gastrointestinal (GI)
function should be fully restored
before protein foods are
Increase the amount of Adding bulk to stool helps prevent
roughage/fiber in the diet. Limit constipation. Gas-forming foods
gas-forming foods. may cause abdominal distension,
especially in presence of
decreased intestinal motility.
Consult with physical/occupational Useful in creating individualized
therapist and/or rehabilitation activity/exercise program. Patient
specialist. may require long-term assistance
with movement, strengthening,
and weight-bearing activities, as
well as use of adjuncts, e.g.,
walkers, crutches, canes;
elevated toilet seats; pickup
sticks/reachers; special eating
Initiate bowel program (stool Done to promote regular bowel
softeners, enemas, laxatives) as evacuation.
Refer to psychiatric clinical nurse Patient/SO may require more
specialist/therapist as indicated. intensive treatment to deal with
reality of current
condition/prognosis, prolonged
immobility, perceived loss of

Acute Pain — Fracture

Nursing Diagnosis: Acute Pain

May be related to

 Muscle spasms
 Movement of bone fragments, edema, and injury to the soft tissue
 Traction/immobility device
 Stress, anxiety
Possibly evidenced by

 Reports of pain
 Distraction; self-focusing/narrowed focus; facial mask of pain
 Guarding, protective behavior; alteration in muscle tone; autonomic
Desired Outcomes

 Verbalize relief of pain.

 Display relaxed manner; able to participate in activities, sleep/rest
 Demonstrate use of relaxation skills and diversional activities as indicated
for individual situation.
Nursing Interventions Rationale
Maintain immobilization of Relieves pain and prevents bone
affected part by means of bed displacement/extension of tissue
rest, cast, splint, traction. injury.
Elevate and support injured Promotes venous return,
extremity. decreases edema, and may
reduce pain.
Avoid use of plastic Can increase discomfort by
sheets/pillows under limbs in cast. enhancing heat production in the
drying cast.
Elevate bed covers; keep linens Maintains body warmth without
off toes. discomfort due to pressure of
bedclothes on affected parts.
Evaluate/document reports of Influences choice of/monitors
pain/discomfort, noting location effectiveness of interventions.
and characteristics, including Many factors, including level of
intensity (0–10 scale), relieving anxiety, may affect perception
and aggravating factors. Note of/reaction to pain. Note: Absence
nonverbal pain cues (changes in of pain expression does not
vital signs and necessarily mean lack of pain.
emotions/behavior). Listen to
reports of family member/SO
regarding patient’s pain.
Encourage patient to discuss Helps alleviate anxiety. Patient
problems related to injury. may feel need to relive the
accident experience.
Explain procedures before Allows patient to prepare
beginning them. mentally for activity and to
participate in controlling level of
Medicate before care activities. Promotes muscle relaxation and
Let patient know it is important to enhances participation.
request medication before pain
becomes severe.
Perform and supervise Maintains strength/mobility of
active/passive ROM exercises. unaffected muscles and facilitates
resolution of inflammation in
injured tissues.
Provide alternative comfort Improves general circulation;
measures, e.g., massage, back reduces areas of local pressure
rub, position changes. and muscle fatigue.
Provide emotional support and Refocuses attention, promotes
encourage use of stress sense of control, and may
management techniques, e.g., enhance coping abilities in the
progressive relaxation, deep- management of the stress of
breathing exercises, traumatic injury and pain, which
visualization/guided imagery; is likely to persist for an extended
provide Therapeutic Touch. period.
Identify diversional activities Prevents boredom, reduces
appropriate for patient age, muscle tension, and can increase
physical abilities, and personal muscle strength; may enhance
preferences. coping abilities.
Investigate any reports of May signal developing
unusual/sudden pain or deep, complications; e.g., infection,
progressive, and poorly localized tissue ischemia, compartmental
pain unrelieved by analgesics. syndrome.
Apply cold/ice pack first 24–72 hr Reduces edema/hematoma
and as necessary. formation, decreases pain
sensation. Note: Length of
application depends on degree of
patient comfort and as long as the
skin is carefully protected.
Administer medications as Given to reduce pain and/or
indicated: narcotic and muscle spasms. Studies of
nonnarcotic analgesics, ketorolac (Toradol) have proved it
e.g., morphine, meperidine to be effective in alleviating bone
(Demerol), hydrocodone pain, with longer action and fewer
(Vicodin); injectable and oral side effects than narcotic agents.
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs (NSAIDs), e.g., ketorolac
(Toradol), ibuprofen (Motrin);
and/or muscle relaxants, e.g.,
cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril),
(Soma), diazepam (Valium).
Administer analgesics around the
clock for 3–5 days.
Maintain/monitor IV patient- Routinely administered or PCA
controlled analgesia (PCA) using maintains adequate blood level of
peripheral, epidural, or intrathecal analgesia, preventing fluctuations
routes of administration. Maintain in pain relief with associated
safe and effective muscle tension/spasms.

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