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Shallow Deep
Foundations Foundations
Df ≤ 3 B Df > 3B
Advantages of shallow foundations Advantages of deep foundations
 Cost (affordable).  Settlement (minimum).
 Construction procedure (simple).  Bearing capacity (high).
 Material (mostly concrete).
 Labour (doesn’t need expertise).
1.1 Classification of piles according to load transmission:

(a) End-bearing piles

These piles transmit most of their loads by end bearing.

(b) Friction piles

These piles transmit most of their loads by friction.
1.2 Types of piles ???
2.1 Static equation:
It is used for both driven and bored piles with diameter ≤ 60 cm.
For piles in compression:
Qultimate = Qbearing + Qskin friction – Pile weight
Qu = (Qb + Qs) – Powt
Qultimate Qu
Qallowable = factor of safety >>> Qall = F.S = from 2 to 3.00

For piles in tension:

Qultimate = Qskin friction + Pile weight
Qu = Qs + Powt
Qultimate Qu
Qallowable = factor of safety >>> Qall = F.S = from 2 to 3.00
2.1 Static equation:

For cohesive soils

Qu = (Qb + Qs) – Powt (in compression)
Qu = Qs + Powt (in tension)

Qb = qu . A = (c2 . Nc + Pob . Nq + 0.50 γ2 . B . Nγ) . A

we may use Nc = 9.00 and neglect terms of (Pob . Nq) & (0.50 γ2 . B . Nγ)
Qb = 9 c2 . A

Qs = Ca . As
Ca (adhesion) = α c1
α = 0.30 to 0.40 for bored piles & Table 1.1 for driven piles
As = perimeter x length = O . L
Table 1.1: Cohesion and adhesion values for driven pile types
Pile type Cohesion (kn/m2) Adhesion (kn/m2)
Zero to 12.5 Zero to 12.5
12.5 to 25.0 12.5 to 24.0
Wood Or Concrete
25.0 to 50.0 24.0 to 37.5
50.0 to 100 37.5 to 47.5
100 to 200 47.5 to 65.0
Zero to 12.5 Zero to 12.5
12.5 to 25.0 12.5 to 23.0
Steel piles 25.0 to 50.0 23.0 to 35.0
50.0 to 100 35.0 to 36.0
100 to 200 36.0 to 37.5
2.1 Static equation:

For cohesionless soils

Qu = (Qb + Qs) – Powt (in compression)
Qu = Qs + Powt (in tension)

Qb = qu . A = (c2 . Nc + Pob . Nq + 0.50 γ2 . B . Nγ) . A

we may neglect terms of (c2 . Nc) & (0.50 γ2 . B . Nγ)
Qb = Pob . Nq . A
Pob (overburden pressure at pile toe) = ∑γ1 . Hc
Hc: Critical depth (smaller of pile length and 20 pile diameter).
From Φ, get Nq from Table 1.2.
Φ + 40
For driven piles: Φ = For bored piles: Φ = Φ -3o
2.1 Static equation:

For cohesionless soils

Qu = (Qb + Qs) – Powt (in compression)
Qu = Qs + Powt (in tension)

Qs = (Po . kHC) . As . tan δ (for piles in compression)

Qs = (Po . kHT) . As . tan δ (for piles in tension)
Po (overburden pressure at center line of cohesionless layer) = ∑γ1 . Hc
Hc: Critical depth (smaller of length to center line and 20 pile diameter).
kHC & kHT: Values for coefficient of lateral pressure, Table 1.3.
δ (external friction) = α Φ ,Or Table 1.4
Table 1.2: Values for coefficient Nq
Φ 25 30 35 40
Nq 15 30 75 150

Table 1.3: Values for for coefficient of lateral pressure

Pile type kHC kHT
Steel pile (H-section) 0.5 to 1.0 0.3 to 0.5
Driven pile 1.0 to 1.5 0.6 to 1.0
Driven pile (variable section) 1.5 to 2.0 1.0 to 1.3
Bored pile < 60cm 0.7 to 1.5 0.4 to 1.0

Table 1.4: Values for angle of external friction (δ)

Pile type δ (external friction)
Steel 20o
Concrete 0.75 Φ
Wood 0.75 Φ
Solved Example
1. Calculate the pile capacity in compression and
tension for the shown bored pile with diameter 40
cm and length = 20 m.
For pile capacity in compression:
Qu = (Qb + Qs) – Powt

Qb = Pob . Nq . A = 8.40 x 30 x 0.13 = 31.67 ton.

• Pob = ∑γ1 . Hc
• 20 dia = 20 x 0.40 = 8.00 m & L = 20.00 m >>>> Hc = 8.00 m.
• Pob = ∑γ1 . Hc = 1.80 x 2.00 + 0.80 x 6.00 = 8.40 t/m2
• bored piles; Φ = Φ -3o = 33 – 3.00 = 30o >>Table>> Nq = 30.
D2 0.402
• A=π =π = 0.13 m2.
4 4
Qs = Qs1 (clay) + Qs2 (sand)

Qs1 = Ca . As = 0.70 x 18.85 = 13.20 ton

• Ca = α c1 = 0.35 (bored) x 2 = 0.70 t/m2
• As = O . L = (π d) . L = (π x 0.40) x 15 = 18.85 m2

Qs2 = (Po . kHC) . As . tan δ = 8.40 x 1.00 x 6.28 x tan 24.75 = 24.31 ton
• Pob = ∑γ1 . Hc
• 20 dia = 20 x 0.40 = 16.00 m & L = 17.50 m >>>> Hc = 8.00 m.
• Po = ∑γ1 . Hc = 1.80 x 2.00 + 0.80 x 6.00 = 8.40 t/m2
• kHC = 0.70 to 1.50 for bored pile ≈ 1.00
• As = O . L = (π d) . L = (π x 0.40) x 5 = 6.28 m2
• δ = 0.75 Φ for bored pile = 0.75 x 33 = 24.75o
Powt = γpile . A . L = 2.50 x π x 20.00 = 6.28 ton.

Qu = (Qb + Qs) – Powt = 31.67 +(13.20 + 24.31) – 6.28 = 62.90 ton

Qu 62.90
Qall = = = 31.45 ton..
F.S 2.00
For pile capacity in tension:
Qu = Qs + Powt

Qs = Qs1 (clay) + Qs2 (sand)

• Qs1 = 13.20 ton
• Qs2 = (Po . kHT) . As . tan δ = 8.40 x 0.70 x 6.28 x tan 24.75 = 17.02 ton.
• kHT = 0.40 to 1.00 for bored pile ≈ 0.70

Powt = 6.28 ton.

Qu = Qs + Powt = (13.20 + 17.02) + 6.28 = 36.50 ton.

Qu 36.50
Qall = = = 18.25 ton.
F.S 2.00
2.2 Pile loading test:
It is used for both driven and bored piles
The test performed as follows;
 Test loads: it is applied by taking the reaction against a kentledge placed
directly on a platform on the top of pile, or by jacking against a beam or
truss connected to two or four firmly driven anchor piles.
 Load increment: the load is applied in equal increments of about one-
quarter of the allowable load and the settlements of the pile is measured.
Each increment is kept constant until the rate of settlement becomes less
than 0.10 mm per 20 minutes.
 Test end: the test should be stopped, after reaching the failure load or 2.0
times the allowable load, the load should be removed in decrements of
one-quarter of the total load and the recovery is measured.
 Test result: a load-settlement curve is plotted.
Determination of the allowable load on a pile
The allowable Load can be determined by
1. Modified Chin method
2. Empirical rules:
 Half the load causing a total settlement of 0.25 mm per ton of test load.
 One half to one third the load causing total settlement equal 10% of pile
Solved Example
2. Estimate the allowable load for a pile of 40 cm diameter, the results of pile
loading test was as follows;

Load (ton) zero 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 185 195 zero
zero 1.25 2.50 3.75 6.50 10.5 17.5 32.5 40.0 50.0 35.0
1. Using empirical rules, and plotting the Load-Settlement curve

The allowable Load is Half the load

causing a total settlement of 0.25 mm per
ton of test load.
>>> Qall = 0.50 x 193.40 = 96.70 ton.

The allowable Load is One half to one

third the load causing total settlement
equal 10% of pile diameter.
>>> Qall = (0.33 to 0.50) x 185 = 61.05 to
92.50 ton.
2. Using Modified Chin method, and plotting the Settlement-(Sett./Load) curve

Sett. (mm) 1.25 2.50 3.75 6.50 10.5 17.5 32.5 40.0 50.0

(Sett./Load) x10-3 50 50 50 65 84 116.67 185.71 216.22 256.41

Calculating the slope of the line

Δy (213−169) x 10−3
b= = = 4.40 x 10-3
Δx 10

1 1
Qu = = = 189.40 ton
1.20 b 1.20 x (4.40 x 10−3)

Qu 189.40
Qall = = = 94.70 ton
FS 2.00
2.3 Using results of Standard penetration test (SPT)
It is used for both driven and bored piles in cohesionless soil
For driven piles
Qall = 90 N (πR2) + N' (2πRL)

Qall: Allowable capacity of the pile in (kN).

Qall: Includes factor of safety 2.50 for end bearing & 2.00 for friction.
N: Average SPT for distance (2R below tip + 6R above tip) ≤ 50
N': Average SPT in sand layer along pile.
R: Pile raduis (m). L: Pile length within the sand layer (m).

For bored piles

Qall = (50 to 100%) Qall (driven piles)
Solved Example
3. Estimate the allowable pile capacity, for a precast pile 50 cm in diameter
and 9.00 m in length. It will be driven in a soil formation, it consists of 3.00
m of cohesive soil followed by infinite cohessionless soil. The results of
standard penetration test is given as follows;

Depth 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Spt 8 11 14 23 28 31 33 36 41 50 55
Soil Clay Sand Sand
6R+2R 6R 2R

Qall = 90 N (πR2) + N' (2πRL)

N= = 42.33 ≤ 50

N': = 32.

Qall = 9 N (πR2) + N' (2πRL)

= 9 x 42.33 x π (0.252) + 32 x (2π x 0.25 x 6.00)
= 1049.63 kN = 104.96 ton.
S0 = Ss + Spp + Sps ≤ Sall.
For small pile diameter ≤ 60 cm

S0: Total settlement of single pile.
Sall.: Allowable settlement of single pile.
Ss: Elastic compression of pile.
Spp: Settlement of single pile due to end bearing.
Sps: Settlement of single pile due to friction.
Ss = (Qb+ αf . Qs)
A . Ep
Qb ult Qs ult
Qb = & Qs =
F.s F.s
L: Pile length & A: Area of pile cross section
Ep: Modulus of elasticiy of pile material ≈ 2.10 x 106 t/m2 (for concrete).
α: Coefficient depends on distribution of skin friction along pile length.

Coeff. (α) Distribution of skin friction

0.33 For distribution Starts from max. value at top to zero at bottom of pile
0.50 For uniform distribution
0.67 For distribution Starts from zero at top to max. value at bottom of pile
Cb ∗Qb
Spp =
d ∗ qp
Qb ult
Qb = & d: Pile diameter
qp: Ultimate end bearing capacity
qp = 9 c2 (cohesive soil) & qp = Pob . Nq (cohesionless soil)
cb: Coefficient depends on soil type and execution method of pile.

Soil type Driven piles Bored piles

Dense to loose Sand 0.02 – 0.04 0.09 – 0.18
Stiff to very soft Clay 0.02 – 0.03 0.03 – 0.06
Stiff to loose Silt 0.03 – 0.05 0.09 – 0.12
Cs ∗ Qs
Sps =
Lo ∗ q p
Qs ult
Qs = & Lo: Friction length of the Pile.
Cs = (0.93 + 0.16 . ) . Cb

0.5 1.5 Qall . L

Sall. = 0.02 d +
Ep . A
Solved Example
4. For the shown, calculate pile capacity
and its settlement as a single pile.
Pile capacity using static equation
Qu = (Qb + Qs) – Powt
Qb = Pob . Nq . A = 5.70 x 30 x 0.07 = 12.09 ton.
Pob = ∑γ1 . Hc
20 dia = 20 x 0.30 = 6.00 m & L = 18.00 m >>>> Hc = 6.00 m.
Pob = ∑γ1 . Hc = 0.95 x 6.00 = 5.70 t/m2
bored piles; Φ = Φ -3o = 33 – 3.00 = 30o >>Table>> Nq = 30.
D2 0.302
A=π =π = 0.07 m2.
4 4
Qs = (Po . kHC) . As . tan δ = 5.70 x 1.00 x 16.97 x tan 24.75 = 44.59 ton.
Po = ∑γ1 . Hc
20 dia = 20 x 0.30 = 6.00 m & L = 9.00 m >>>> Hc = 6.00 m.
Po = ∑γ1 . Hc = 0.95 x 6.00 = 5.70 t/m2
kHC = 0.70 to 1.50 for bored pile ≈ 1.00
As = O . L = (π d) . L = (π x 0.30) x 18 = 16.97 m2
δ = 0.75 Φ for bored pile = 0.75 x 33 = 24.75o

Powt = γpile . A . L = 2.50 x 0.07 x 18.00 = 3.18 ton.

Qu = (Qb + Qs) – Powt = 12.09 + 44.59 – 3.18 = 53.50 ton.

Qu 53.50
Qall = = = 17.83 ton.
F.S 3.00
L 18
Ss = (Qb+ αf . Qs) = (4.03 + 0.50 x 14.86) = 0.0014 m.
A . Ep 0.07 x 2.106
Qb = = 4.03 ton.
Qs = = 14.86 ton.
αf = 0.50

Cb . Qb 0.12 x 4.03
Spp = = = 0.0094 m
d . qp 0.30 x 171
For bored piles in sand, Cb = 0.12
qp = Pob . Nq = 5.70 x 30 = 171 t/m2.
Cs ∗ Qs 0.26 x 14.86
Sps = = = 0.0013 m.
Lo ∗ q p 18 x 171

Lo 18
Cs = (0.93 + 0.16 . ) . Cb = (0.93 + 0.16 x ) x 0.12 = 0.26
d 0.30

S0 = Ss + Spp + Sps = 0.0014 + 0.0094 + 0.0013 = 0.0121 m = 12.10 mm.

0.5 . 1.5 Qall . L 0.5 𝑥 1.5 x 17.83 x 18.00

Sall. = 0.02 d + = (0.02 x 0.3) +
Ep . A 2.106 x 0.07
= 0.0076 m = 7.60 mm < So (Settlement is not accepted).
In practice we are interested in groups of piles. It is known that a pile in a
group has not the same bearing capacity as an isolated single pile.
Spacing between piles plays an important role in calculating group capacity.

Driving of end bearing piles through poor soil:

 Qu (group) = n. Qu (pile) . Ge >>>> Ge = 1.00
Where: Ge is The efficiency ratio of the group
 Spacing between piles does not affect on the capacity of pile group.
Driving of piles in sand and gravels:
 Qu (group) = n. Qu (pile) . Ge >>>> Ge > 1.00
 The soil around the pile will be compacted to a diameter of at least 6.00d
 Ge > 1 for Spacing < 6d & Ge = 1 for Spacing ≥ 6d
 For design considerations, we may take Ge = 1.00
Driving of piles in clay:
 Qu (group) = n. Qu (pile) . Ge >>>> Ge < 1.00
 Due to decreasing the spacing between piles, the bulbs of equal intensity
of resistances surrounding the piles will be overlapped. The pressure may
be so great as to cause movement of the soil >>> Ge < 1.00
Calculation of pile group capacity in cohesive soil
Qu (group) = n . Qu (pile) . Ge >>> Ge <1.00
Ge: Calculated by Converse-Labarce method or Field method

(a) Converse-Labarce method

𝜃 𝑚 𝑛−1 +𝑛 𝑚−1 d
Ge = 1 − & θ= tan -1
90 𝑚.𝑛 S

m: Number of rows in group. n: Number of columns in group.
D: diameter of pile. S: spacing between piles.
Calculation of pile group capacity in cohesive soil

(b) Field method

The bearing capacity of each pile in a group is reduced by One-sixteen (1/16)
of its isolated ultimate bearing capacity for each adjacent pile.
.‫( نتيجة وجود خازوق واحد مجاور له‬16/1) ‫قدرة تحمل الخازوق تقل بمقدار‬
Solved Example
5. A group of 16 friction pile is driven in cohesive
soil. The piles are arranged in 4 rows, one meter on
centers both ways. The piles are precast concrete
with diameter 40 cm and 18 m depth. The average
shear strength of the soil surrounding the piles is
0.40 kg/cm2, the adhesion is 0.8 times the
cohesion. The shear strength at pile toe is 0.5
kg/cm2. If density of the soil is 1.8 t/m3, calculate
the ultimate bearing capacity of the individual pile.
If the factor of safety is 2, determine the allowable
load on the pile group.
For pile capacity in compression:
Qu (pile) = (Qb + Qs) – Powt

Qb = 9 c2 . A = 9 x 5 x 0.13 = 5.66 ton.

D2 0.402
• A=π =π = 0.13 m2.
4 4
Qs = Ca . As = 3.20 x 22.62 = 72.38 ton.
• Ca = α c1 = 0.80 x 4 = 3.2 t/m2
• As = O . L = π D . L = (π x 0.4) x 18.00 = 22.62 m2

Powt = γpile . A . L = 2.50 x 0.13 x 18.00 = 5.66 ton.

Qu = (Qb + Qs) – Powt = (5.66 + 72.38) – 5.66 = 72.38 ton.

Qu 72.38
Qall = = = 36.19 ton.
F.S 2.00
Group efficiency
Using Converse-Labarce method
𝜃 𝑚 𝑛−1 +𝑛 𝑚−1 21.80 4 4−1 +4 4−1
Ge = 1 − =1− = 0.64
90 𝑚.𝑛 90 4x 4
d 0.40
θ = tan -1 = tan -1 = 21.80
S 1.00

Using Field method

13 11 8
4 x 16 + 8 x 16 +4 x 16
Ge = = 0.67
Considering the smaller one >> Ge = 0.64

Qall (group) = n . Qall (pile) . Ge = 16 x 36.19 x 0.64 = 370.59 ton.

(a) In Cohesionless soil
Sgroup = So .

So: Settlement of single pile.
B: Width of pile group (B<A).
d: Pile diameter
(b) In Cohesive soil
(b) In Cohesive soil
Cc . H σo+ Δσ
Sgroup (ΔH) = . log OR Sgroup (ΔH) = mv . Δσ . H
1+eo σo

Cc: Compression index.
mv: Coefficient of volume compressibility.
H: Thickness of clay layer.
eo: Initial void ratio.
σo: Initial overburden pressure at center line of clay layer = Σγ.H
Δσ: Change in stress at center line of clay layer.
Qall (group) Qall (group)
For, σ = >>> Δσ =
A.B A+Z . (B+Z)
Two methods are illustrated here:
1. Rigid method.
2. Elastic center method.
Solved Example
6. A pile group of 16 piles spaced at 80
cm both ways is subjected to vertical
load of 480 ton acting at eccentricity
ex = 0.30 m and ey = 0.20 m to the
centre of gravity of the pile cap. Using
rigid method, find the axial force in
each of the piles beneath the cap.

ΣP = 480 ton.
Mx = ΣP . ey = 480 x 0.20 = 96 m.t.
My = ΣP . ex = 480 x 0.30 = 144 m.t.
ΣP y x
Qact/pile = ± Mx. ± My.
n Σy2 Σx2
𝚺𝐏 𝐱 Qact/
Pile x y X2 Y2 Mx. My.
𝐧 𝚺𝐲𝟐 pile
1 1.2 1.2 1.44 1.44 30 9 -13.5 25.5
2 0.4 1.2 0.16 1.44 30 9 -4.5 34.5
3 0.4 1.2 0.16 1.44 30 9 4.5 43.5
4 1.2 1.2 1.44 1.44 30 9 13.5
5 1.2 0.4 1.44 0.16 30 3 -13.5 19.5
6 0.4 0.4 0.16 0.16 30 3 -4.5 28.5
7 0.4 0.4 0.16 0.16 30 3 4.5 37.5
8 1.2 0.4 1.44 0.16 30 3 13.5 46.5
9 1.2 0.4 1.44 0.16 30 -3 -13.5 13.5
10 0.4 0.4 0.16 0.16 30 -3 -4.5 22.5
11 0.4 0.4 0.16 0.16 30 -3 4.5 31.5
12 1.2 0.4 1.44 0.16 30 -3 13.5 40.5
13 1.2 1.2 1.44 1.44 30 -9 -13.5
14 0.4 1.2 0.16 1.44 30 -9 -4.5 16.5
15 0.4 1.2 0.16 1.44 30 -9 4.5 25.5
16 1.2 1.2 1.44 1.44 30 -9 13.5 34.5
Σ 12.8 12.8 480 = ΣP
The column loads are transferred to groups of piles through pile caps.

Note that:
 Pile caps are designed as reinforced concrete footings.
 It should have considerable thickness, to be stiff enough to distribute the
column load equally on the piles. (dmin = 2 pile diameter).
 The heads of reinforced concrete piles should be stripped down and the
reinforcement bonded into the cap to give the required bond length.
 The piles should be embedded for a depth not less than 8 cm in the caps.
 Caps should project 5 - 10 cm or half pile diameter beyond face of piles.
 The soil under the pile caps is not considered to offer any support.
 Determine the approximate number of piles
Pcol(working) x 1.10
Qall/pile x Ge
(Assume Ge = 0.70, in case of piles rested on clay).
 Arrange piles, using S = (3:8) d & e = d
 Determine the ultimate load/pile
1.50 x Pcol(working) x 1.10
Qult/pile =
Number of piles
 Determine the cap depth from moment, punch and shear
(dmin = 2 pile diameter).
 Determine the reinforcement
Solved Example
7. Design an isolated pile cap to support a column 40 x 80 cm2, with axial
load of 250 ton, the pile of 50 cm diameter and capacity of 80 ton.

The number of piles:

Pcol(working) x 1.10 250 x 1.10
n= = = 3.44 = 4 Piles.
Qall/pile x Ge 80 x 1.00

Arrange piles:
S = 3.00 d = 1.50 m & e = d = 0.50 m.

Ultimate load to pile:

1.50 x Pcol(working) x 1.10 1.50 x 250 x 1.10
Qult/pile = = = 103.125 ton.
Number of piles 4
Depth of pile cap:
(a) Moment:

Mu ( I - I ) = 2 x Qu/pile x z1
1.50 0.80
= 2 x 103.125 x ( - ) = 72.19 m.t/B
2 2
d = c1 x
Fcu x B
72.19 x 105
= 5.00 x = 53.74 cm.
250 x 250
1.50 0.40
Mu ( II - II ) = 2 x Qu/pile x z2 = 2 x 103.125 x ( - ) = 113.44 m.t/L
2 2
Mu 113.44 x 105
d = c1 x = 5.00 x = 67.36 cm.
Fcu x L 250 x 250

Take dmin = 2 pile diameter = 1.00 m.

Depth of pile cap:
(b) Shear

qsh/allowable = 0.49 x = 6.33 kg/cm2

Qu ( I - I ) = 2 x Qu/pile x
= 2 x 103.125 x = 41.25 t/B
Qu 41.25 x 1000
Qsh/actual = = = 1.65 kg/cm2
B.d 250 x 100
z1 30
Qu ( II - II ) = 2 x Qu/pile x = 2 x 103.125 x = 123.75 t/B
dia 50

Qu 123.75 x 1000
qsh/actual = = = 4.95 kg/cm2 >>> Shear is safe
L.d 250 x 100
Depth of pile cap:
(c) Punching

a Fcu 40 250
qp/allowable = ( + 0.50) x ==( + 0.50) x = 12.91 kg/cm2
b γ𝑐 80 1.50
Qu/Punch = 1.50 x Pcol(working) – ΣQu/piles = 1.50 x 250 = 375 ton.
Area of Punch = perimeter x d = (2(b+d) + 2(a+d)) x d
= (2x (0.80+1.00) + 2x (0.40+1.00)) x 1.00 = 6.40 m2

Qu/punch 375
qp/actual = = = 58.59 t/m2 = 5.60 kg/cm2 >>> Punch is safe
Ap 6.40
Reinforcement of pile cap

Minimum Reinforcement
0.15 0.15
As min = xbxd= x 100 x 100 = 15 cm2/m.
100 100

Long Reinforcement
Mu (I−I) 72.19 x 105
As (I – I) = = = 24.27 cm2/B = 9.71 cm2/m.
Fy x d x j 3600 x 100 x 0.826

Short Reinforcement
Mu (II−II) 113.44 x 105
As (II – II) = = = 38.15 cm2/L = 15.26 cm2/m.
Fy x d x j 3600 x 100 x 0.826

Use 8 ɸ 16 / m in both directions.

 The stress from the raft > Bearing capacity of the soil.
 The settlement of the raft > allowable settlement (10 cm for sand – 15 cm for clay).
 Isolated pile caps can’t be used if there is a ground water table above founding level.

 Assume pile diameter and length. In case of piles rested on sand, it should penetrate sand
layer with length at least 3 dia.
 Calculate allowable pile capacity using 2 methods at least.
 Check that settlement of single pile < allowable settlement. Or, re-dimension piles.
 Assume spacing between piles from ( 3 : 8 ) dia., and arrange piles such that “Center of
loads matching the center of piles – as much as possible”.
 Check that group capacity > 1.10 actual working loads. Or, re-space piles.
 Check that settlement of group < allowable settlement.
 Model raft on piles.
 Calculate actual load to each pile and check for both maximum compression and tension.
 Input column loads, it is preferred to be distributed not concentrated.
 Assume thickness of raft, at least 2 dia and define it as a thick shell.
 Constrain the raft in x-y directions only.
 Ignore the presence of soil.
 Consider pile as a spring, with stiffness k = allowable load/allowable settlement (single).

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