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Wie FANTASY GAMES UNLIMITED 2020) i “a Bae ee ta. ro ee") : Bm oe Pa daa: ay CHRISTENSEN Bi ‘TROY CHRISTENSEN: WRITER JILL THOMPSON: COVER AND ILLUSTRATIONS, PATRICK ZIRCHER: COUNTERS, MAPS, and COVER COLORS CONTENTS 1. UPTO THIS POINT Gamemaster's Inroctction 11.1 The Story of the Last Few Week eae 12 The Adventure : eg ‘The Messe ‘Spaceship TXH 3611 Plans : ee 1.3 Exploration of the Alien Spacsship | 2.1.1 Key to the Deck Plans 7 “Gorgorian Batuecristr Dvck Plans. Gorsbot Slaughter Droid 2, RETURN TO EARTH - 21 Onto Part Two... 2.2 MASTER’s Space Armad, 213 The Corcon Around Earth ‘Combet in Space v= 2.4 The Earth is Destroy : ‘Tha MASTER Space Picsies Roser. | 2S5CHESS. Headquarters. 26 The Prisoners at CHESS. 27 The Bawement at CHESS... III 3, OFFTOPRIMION, 0... sss sso lit 23.1 Arrival Upon Primion : ‘Primion World Map ‘The Dork One 22 The Endions Caitle || 33 The Primordial = = | ‘The Primordial 212222 : ‘The Eye of Gun. nae 4, THE BATTLE WITH THE DEVIL | i 4,1 Tha Location of the Desi tite ia ‘The Dav. e : 4.2 The End of the Devil, 43 Epilogue ede es 144 Experience Points & Charisma Fils LITT 2a AUTHOR'S INTRODUCTION ‘Tnis book contains en adventure for the Villains anc Viplanter superhero role-playing game. in thi adventure, more than any adven- {ure 40 fer published, will the actions of the players and the story of the adventure affect the Gamemaster’s game continuity. In this ‘sdventure tha players will face an army more powerful than anything imapinable, see the Earth destroyed, and be confronted with the fact ‘hat if they do not succeed in thelr quest, they can write off the human, “This edverture hes been cesigned for five players of atleast tenth level experience (and at least one year of real game experianced. If ‘mote than six players are involved, or if their combined leva excoed Eixty, a0d one slughter-droid to ‘the ship's encounter for each six levels of experience beyond sixty. If Test than six players are playing (oF their total experience levels are undsr fifty, subtract one Derk One from the. Dyson plenat in Section Five for each five less experiance, levels, We suggest these changes only if the gamemastr believes that layers would not be able to handle vies encounters. The game- tor should feel free to change whatever he likes, however, end Not I restricted tothe aforemntioned are Thank You, ‘Troy Chriatenae U.S, COPYRIGHT NOTICE ‘Copyright 1988 Troy Christen, Al rignte to thir book are resarved. No part of this Book may be ‘ed or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission, ex ‘expt in the case of brief quotation embodied in eritial articles or in (Cover art and interior i son, Al rights reserved ‘Gover colors, counters and maps by Patrick Zirch For information, contact Fantery Games Unlimited Ine, P.O. 80x 182, Fosiyn, New York 11576 USA. stations are copyright 1986 Jill Thorp. — Ny Pout now Reaony § coulD You KiLe YOUR OWN. A ¢ DESTROY Tygon [OR ' ASTER s 1. UP TO THIS POINT GAMEMASTER’S INTRODUCTION ‘The players will be aware of the significonce of the last ceveral ‘months either by pertonal experience or by the deluge of media cover: fge_ I the players have played The Davis Domain they wil definialy be aware of what har tranepiced. If the players have not played the scventure, the gimemaster has a choice of either running his up ‘through that adventure before starting this one, of he can brie the players with the sory below, 1.1 STORY OF THE LAST FEW WEEKS 1 all ated a & violent storm in the Caribbean Ses, At fist the world thought it was nothing more than the normal hurricanes #0 Drevalont in that area, but ar the deys rolled par, the storm did not ‘move and seemed t0 grow even stronger. The United States Meteora logical Society become Intererted, ‘The Society rent out a westher survey plane that never returned. Soon piane after plane dlpneared Ingo the sor, ‘After it Became clear that this was no normal hurricane, a team of superheroes entered the erea to see exactly what was happening, They 100. disappeared, but rot before viey gave 8 horrific story of bizarre ‘creatures building strange device that pulled in the surrounding ‘cean ike # super—vacuum. The news spread like wildfire and the ‘eis was plagued by hundreds of stories ranging {rom “The Second CGoming’ to\"An Invasion of Stat Creaturer’. All of the nations of the ‘world sent forces to rtop the cremurer, but all fll, Finally, « Soviet Superhero caled Gravitron destroyed the machine at the cost of his own life ‘All Earth sighed in relief. But, as the clouds dispersed over the Caribbesn, a new tower was discovered in Englond. C.H.E.8.. immedi: staly dispatched Winged Scorpion, lous, Santina, and Golden Gloves, four great American superheroes, t0 destroy the new tower and dl patch the beings working on it. After « terrific baile, the heroes fuccteded in ther attermat tO crush the alien forces. They were then sent by CHESS. on « sectet mission to identify the orisine of the ‘tomers and the parton or persons behind thees evil endeavors. "This led them 10 Easter land where they met en old super— villin who turned out to be demented by the same forces that built the towers. Agdin, after the Amarican forces pitted their mu against the aliens, they won. From there the superherovs vovaged 10 ‘a wtird align dimension (The Devi’s Domain) and discovered an evil being thera who called himself the Devi, The Devil was draining matter ‘rom our galaxy, using the matter vacuum, to create energy for i demons. Thee demons ware then going to be ved as «living bridge ‘rom his pocket dimension to Earth, where he mould rule all of known ‘The superheroes alto met two other alien race and found the Devi was perpetrating the some atrocities in their universe. For some un- Tenowa reaton, te alone didnot jain forcer witn the Earth heroes and were naver heard from agin, Meanwhile, the Devi almost having comp: ‘who dared try Strength and bravery of these heroes did otinst the. Devi, and, finally, he was defeated. The io told of a ghort, a pas ruler of Earth, who greatly helped ‘hem in the battle. “The Der swore to seek revenge on the heroes! The superheroes than Quickly left the allen dimension withthe help ‘of the ghost, and since then they have been held in the eves of the However, the peace is about to shattered! 1.2 THE ADVENTURE ‘The world has been in relative peace for several months, Major Is of terrestal origin and not perpetrated crime exits, but at feat bby some hideous fiend who calls Nenelf the ‘De ‘The neroor ara at home and performing their normal civic duties. [AN seome quiet, Unknown to the world and the suparmeroes, strange imantages had Deen received {TOM spect, and the mesager were Being ‘Wandiated by some ofthe great minds ofthe world “The transmissions were at "ert believed to Rave coma from deep space and wera a sign of welcome, but, 25 the pleces came together and better triangulations were made, the mescage was discovered {0 have come from 1 place rather nearby {nearby In astronomical terme). The message alsa stern to be a distrage call rather Ean greet: ing. The selentiste of the World andthe landers of the superheroes {CH.ESS. if no other organization i Known) were becoming more ‘than ‘concerned, ‘They wanted to know Immediately what was goi0g fon, and if there was any danger to the people in the allen spaceship ‘or tor the people of Earth, ‘After seventy-two outs of rapid deciphering, Earths sclentists believed that the message wes originating from @ rather large ship, ‘rom a point somewhere between the orbits of Neptune and Pluto, and ‘hat the ship belonged to the race of Gorgs (see Devi's Domain for ‘more information), CH.ES.S. (oF any other similar lastittion) will Inswntly 9p nto ‘ction and search for a team of superheroes 10 90 ena mission in ‘march of the ship, Of course, the team they will choose will be the plaver—Horoes, At fet they will ak nicely it the tea would Be iter: ‘sted in going. They will even throw in sore money or Items to swaet- fen the pot (Gamemasters decision on how much money should be ‘offered and what item. 1 the players refuse the first offer, CHESS, {or the Tike) will confront the players with « document signed by FD, Rouevet. The document is an old declaration which states that in times of groat need, the President of the United Staves con call to service any superhero living inthe USA (if the game i bing played In nother country, then similar documents will slo be present], Those Who deny the order will be prosecuted for treason and went to Super- prison for ao les the fifty yours! (Of course the players will se the light rather quickly, one way or the other. They will be given orders {0 search for the spscathip and 1 seek out the reeson forthe call to help. They will also be instructed 10 help out at bert they can, but not for any resson should they bring ‘the aliens to Earth Ifthe alone aak tobe brought to Earth, the pis herons are instructed to bring ther within the Moon's orbit and await ‘urther orders ‘To help in their mission, the players are given the message thet was received (though it I not yet totally understood), » spaceship ‘that has the capability of Warp Factor 10, and specesuite that will permit. them 10 use thelr powers "in space without risking certain ‘Secompression. ‘The Messope Gorgorian Research Ship F456~345 To: Inhabitants of Third Planet: We are in desperate need of medical and technical help. We have ‘been invaded by # savghter—droid and most of the crew is dead. Our ‘Stardrive ls destroyed. We are locking for the planet Earth and must liver «message of great importance. If we do not survive, we otk You t0 deliver It Racord and transmit the fllowing at 450 megocyles towards coordinate K65, W34, ROT. ‘Gur wo great races met once before, only 2 few cycles ao. Al though we didnot join your forces, we gretly appreciate what you did. {In retuin, wm send the Grogorian Research vessel 0 warn You that ‘he Dev! has returned and nas sled himself with 2 pirate armada calling iesell MASTER. They have already destroyed the Xerion world ‘and eradicated the entire race. We wore next and aiready we have been ‘eliered mighty blows which have erippled our cites and mutlxted bitions of our peopts. You are next! You mutt resist and you must estoy bi, ‘Search ‘out Primion and the Primordials, they are the only ones who can give us a fighting chance now! Search for the Black Eye of wun. Be quick? ‘Help usin the name oF. ‘The message wails off and the vansmission ends, The gamemaster ‘ay blank out any part of the messge he likes, or he can ead the eo tire metsge, 1 will ultimately depend upon how fully Informed the famemester wishes hit players to be, The players should now be ready to goin starch of the spaceship, Gorgorian Fa56-348, Faser—Than—Light Ship THX 3811 Mase (0: 6000 Grew: 2 +10 Top Speed: 1350" WE 10 Farge! 100 iy Wexpons: Patice Beam, Particle Accelerator Hits 60,000/240,000 ‘Tura: 10 deorees Structure Rating: 10 (Cargo Capacity: 500 cubic ft ‘Acmer: 150 (Coit $2 bilion ‘To determine weight, multioly mass by 2000 pounce. Top speed ae in inches per turn and the Warp Factor. To determine Warp Factor In light years per day, cube the WF. Crew states the number of plots ppasengers the ship can hold. Range is the distance the ship can 90 before it fequites maintenance and refueling. Sse Weapon Deverip- tions” below. His indeates the number of points to dhable the shi fand the number of points 29 desty st. Cargo capacity Hats the sive ‘Of the cargo hold ~ in space with 2aro gravity matt mane ltl, bul. of the hip, and the minimum damage that must be accrued eguinst the ship before damage is done. Armor acts like the power desorioed in the V8 V ‘booklet, Cost lists the basic price of the ship, Iki, However, not For sale ‘Note: Thit ship it 9 highly experimental prototype end not indi ‘ative of the type of teernology that CHESS, oF anyone would have Just lying around. It ane of 3 kind) ‘A. Control Cabin: Within his sma room are the steering, ravigsion, ‘ad life support controls for the ship. A smal auxiliary control setion| {an also be found at the rear of the vessel, The contro eebin is maine tained by @ computer which nar some basic intelligence, Therefore, leven if the crew is disabled or dead, If can control ané make minor ‘decisions about the ship. The control boarde have 2 Structural Rating ‘of 5, and it will take @ minimum of 30 points to destroy all the con ‘vols. Even if the coniols are destroyed, the computer or the auxiliary control can be used to maintain the ship's course and fe suapert, The ‘abin i very cramped and players who enter this room must move carefully and cautiously £0 as not 10 accidently push of hit contro! panels. The hallways, within te sip, are nothing more than openings . Craw Quarters: This area rest below the cargo hold anc containg tn small cubicle, each with a xerog hammack, an intercom unit {2 teal computer tormingl, @ locker for personol belonging, and © ‘small laposal unit which also acts ap a toilet. There eae: are very I, and any hero would have # difficuit ime changing clothes intnisroom. CC. Ree Room: This room acts as the kitchen, enercve are, and overall sctivity room, It is shaped like a large sphere, and has the ability to rotate on its axis and theraby create its evn aril gravity. Chara ters will be unaware of the spin since there is no port fom vthich to aw the surrounding ares in deep space thors would be points (Of ceqistration anyway). Along the walls are weight machines and ‘veadmill In the center of the room sre tables and microwave ovens, (Overhead are cabinets with food lockers and water dispensers 1. Cargo Area: Cargo i stored in this eres and clamped down by SPACESHIP TXH 3811 ‘mognetc strips. The payload can support slost any weight {within fearon), and. since the ship is not designed for atmosphere flight, I should never have to worry about the mass of the cargo, The top ‘of this chamber folds back and rane unfolds for lifting and moving ‘argo. The crane’s conuols are comacted 10 the main computer and lenyone with computer terminal can work i . Aitlock/Decompression Chamber: This it the only entry into the ousel, Within tis room the heroes will fn thair personal land a camber of laser rifles and pistols, Against the fr wall is leading out of the shi wil the cecomoression begin, The chamber has # tigger which will ‘io rapidly comoress the chamber in case anything goee wrong with @ fut, Throughout the ship there are warning lights which will go off { signal the opening and closing of the ship's aio . Ausilary Control Room: This small room Is the beck—up to the ‘main contol room of the ship. This area has a Structural Rating of 5 ‘and would require 15 points of damege to destroy the control panels ‘Oniy one parton can ft in the roam at a time (one normal size pe: ‘5n}, Ths area is also the only area within the ship which has 2 360) ‘are view of srace, The las dome can be covered with an enveloping Steel shell within one turn, and the shell has a Structural lating of & G. Engine Room: Like all the other control eaters on the ship, this ares 18 cramped and packed with huge computers and machines. The area isthe furthest position afta character ean go without leaving the ‘hip. Behind the angine room is more than twenty feet of said le ‘and tianium shielding. The consrois found in the room control and ‘aintain the ship's engines ard power plants (two twin turbine hysre- ‘en generators which ean produce 25,000 kilowatts of Dower. HH. Shining: The area is told wall of titanium and lead. This i the ‘only protection the craw has against the massive ragiation wat Is gene ‘rated by the ship's engines. If characters ever core in contact with the exhaust of the enaine, they wlll have # 25% chance of losing a Hue erpower, 2 25% chance of gaining 2 new superpower, @ 25% cherce ‘of permanently losing 1 ~ 10% of thelr it points, and s 25% chance ‘of death (save as Death Touch) If the character has Adaptation oF Life Support (beyond the loaned C.M.ES'S. sacesuits, the power egotes ll effects ofthe radiation Jon Engines and Power Plants: If trouble occurs here, the heroes ‘must lave the ship and raul back to fei, Within this are, however til be deadly radiation {see Shielding) which could Kil » character. “The spacetuits provided by C.H.ES.S. to the heroes will only protect ‘hem for twenty minutes within the zone, After that, the sults NOUS be considered 0 be Ueles For protection agtinet radiation. 4. Particle Bearer: This weapon is hooked directly 10 the wo turbine ‘engines and will cause the rest of the ship to flutter when Iti fired {ie the lahts il dim, th radar wl Flas, snetrumente will misread For 4 tecond, wt). The particle Beamer fires a5 a Power Blast and dows 53020 + character's modifier. It hasan infinite ange, KK. Particle Accelerator: This weapon fires anyshing that Is las than ‘oe foot In diameter and is made of iron. The witapon basically acc! trates the object dovmn a long coled tube of electesmagnets. As the ‘object speeds along the coll It gains massive speed and is ejected into Space hurling toward is target at erate of 12,000 inches per tun {ping 7010 cemage, It ttacks ag HTH attack, but receives no minus {ve to speed oF range. The weapon haba range of up to 1000 miles, ‘Anything ean be used at ammnition, 1.3 EXPLORATION OF THE ALIEN SPACESHIP ‘The first part ofthis adventure concerns the exploration of the star ‘hip and the developments that will ulumately force the players *9 90 in arch ofthe planet Prion ard the Primordials, ‘The players will tavel out into the solar system in search of the starship, ard they will find it sdowiy Host {2 orbit. The journey and the search forthe starship will take from one Say to 2 week; however, the gamemaster should not commence with ‘other events until the player—heraee Hart to explore the sip, ‘As the heroes close on the ship, they will notice that the vessel Ik severely damaged and that the normal guidance and marker lights 4are nor working. AS they come evan closer, they wil alto notice small pisces of wreckage floating near the ship, and a number of the port: holeiwindows shattered ~ meaning that parts of the ship are prob. ably decompressed, 11 the player—neroes search out for an airlock or hatch, they will find» number scattered around the ship, The hatches and airlocks, however, will be locked clomed and will not budge © any amount of mutcle. Player—charecters who have massive strangth will simply rip Off the handles, Heroes who uy to stash « hole In the ship wil find hat it has a Structural Rating of 15 and en Armor Rating of 160, {treat 9s Armor in V&V). Players who try to squeeze through the shattered windons will succeed to long as they are no larger than 3 formal person, Giant charactors will find a tough time entering the ‘hip, and will probably have to smoth a hole, if they can. ayers who do wigla through the broken portals will find therm salves inthe sickbay. ‘Deck plans forthe alan ship are included. Gorgorian Stash ‘Macs (t 90,000 Grow: 30+ 120 ‘Speeds: 3350" WF 30, range: 100,0001y Waspons: Thunder Guns x2; Particle Beam Cannons x 2 Hits: 800,000/360,000, “Ture: a0 degrees Cargo: 1000 eubie meters ‘Structural Rating: 18 ‘ersoe: 200 GORGORIAN BATTLECRUISER | EXTERIOR VIEW Gof an UNDAMAGED Sw) ea Fefer 10 the player's spaceship key for information on terminology. ‘See specie sections for ua explanatians end rooms’ contents, KEY TO DECK PLANS DECK ONE Overview “This area will have no gravity or atmosphere, and emergency power fonly exits in high security areas. Condition of the invrastucture ‘appears to be sound, but numerour walls and celling panels will be Visbly dented, crushed, or mangled Encounters “There will be ne encounters with friendly of unfriendly types on ‘his el, [A Brida: The bridge of this starship is much different from the control eabin of the players’ spaceship. It appears that aii gravity is generated when the shia Is funetioning normally. The bride is 50 far roomier than that aboard the spaceship TXH 3611. Cheractes wil find the brioge deserted, but small lights on various contro! panels wall sil be Blinking. The heroes will Btieliy understand the layout ff the controls (8. computers Took Tike computers, sultches are Switches, and telescreens are lke ours). I a player wishes to spend an Inventing Point, his character will actually be able %0 manipulate the controls and operate them. At present, Nowever, most of the ‘machines appear short czcuited or have no power. Payers who sce {ally roll a Detect Hidden wil fing small sratehes along certain contro} panels and small drops of yellow blood. 3. Communiaations Rem: This foom appears similar tothe bridge with walls of electronics and viensereens, As the bvidg, the Compu ‘ation Room has no power and thus many of the machines are In ‘operative. Players who search the room will Find @ section ofthe cam ‘munications gear torn apart. If players spend an Invention Point they Will be able to understand the workings of the machines (after this, 2 character wil fully understand the workings of Gorgorin machinery) Prayers who have already spent an Invention Point somewhere else will nor need to spend anther. Thote who do understand the workingt ot Gorgorion computersielectronics will be able to dicarn that the torn out machine was part of a distress transmitter, Players rolling 3 ‘Detect Hidden wil citcover emall drops of yellow blaod and will se the walls are slightly warped: possibly fromm a particle beam hit C. Life Support: This room it 8 total srambies. All the machines axe ried apart and the wale show numerous dents ana large seatches, Floating lifeless in the foom ate three Gorge, their heads Imploded, ‘and their chests ripped open. Characters with an understanding of Gorgorian mechanics nave chance equal 0 their intelligence seare (ona percentile roll 10 jury—tig the machines back iate working order 1 succesful, the life support system will return to normal, ging the spacesn gravity and an atmosphers (Gorgt come from the planet ‘Tago wnicn has 9.75 gravity and an atmosphere similar to Earth's but contains @ higher concentration of oxygen), It will take an hour ‘day to reestablish total life support. Certain areas, until tensed, Will never Become stablized (Le. the Sick Gay), These areas will auto. ‘matical be sealed off when the life supports apain operating Lift: The elevators within the ship stil work on battery power, ‘They are very slow moving. When power is restored, they ean teaneport people trom one deck to another almost instantaneously (when work: Ing propery, they are propelled by electromagnetic waves ins ses/ed vacuum). The elevators nave a Suuctutsl Rating of 8, and can take UP 10:30 points of damage before becoming disabled, D.'Sciance Canter: Withia this room characters will fnd the im seme knowledge that the Gorgs have accumulated in all their travel, ‘Along the walls the heroes wil find computer terminals and large st: rage crystals from which they can draw great knowledge, The machines, however, ere inoperative due to a lack of power. If the characters manage 1b reesablih power to the terminals, they should be able 10 revrieve knowledge about the universe and its contents. Ifthe Meroes ‘tk about Primon, the Primordials, othe Eye of Qwun, they wll (ransate into English) Primion: A world at the heart of galaxy 612385 —740 (the Milky Woy). The planet i the legendery homo of « race of beings celled the Primardals an although our eclanes hold litle Deke! in their exist ence, recent seans of the area ater that at leat Primion dass exit Primion isa world that ha @radive of over 2,000,000 ketres (kets = 3.2 ails), yet s€ has a gravity of of only 1.2 G. The planet has s surface aes of over 12012 19 the 13th power square ketren, ard is {60% covered with hydrological features i. oovant, fakes, sas civers). It alto supports massive life forms with at least five trlion different species. Sentient life forms de exist, but technological levels are very fon. “The planet is sage In that the stars of the system orbit it instead Stars which orbit the planet. Each star burns a¢ Cass G sun (yellow), yet readings indicate that: thay are less thon 5.000 ketres in diameter with litle gravitational pull Primordils: Ever since our race has ventured forth into soace and met with other santient creatures, the legends of the Primordals have exited. In legend they are massive being abe to create or destroy wine solar systams withthe Blink af an eye fr equivalent), Not much |S known about the creatures except that it seams that no matter where ‘we Gorge gp, find mort of these strange beings ‘The Primordials have no definite sae or saps. In all our waves swe have come across a number of descriptions of these creatures Eye of Qwun: Another legendary itam isthe Eye of Cusun, 2 sal ‘sphere the size of a tango fruit (an orange). ts properties are unknown ‘tecapt that it has 2 density higher than Adamantum and that it com tins great amounts of energy, Ths Eye is sid to rest in a tower that it f thousand miler high on tha planet Primion, Ite ato said to be guard fd by the Primordiale End of deta [At the end of the room Is # combination optica/radi teletcone. In its optieal configuration, the viewscraen has a magnification of 1,000,000. The scope can detect an object twenty feet long at a dit tance of over thirty milion miles. Inthe radio telezcope configuration, ‘he scope acts as a scanner which can be used to detect radio tources, ‘dectrieal patterns (all electrical criven machines radiate theta waves), ‘F biolosical ite ripples (al life wil reverberate life ripples). Inthe con: {er of the room are severel large alas spheres which Rold hotoaraphie images of planets, goloxies, ond creatures. Nowhere in the memory barks will the heroes find reference to Primion, the Primordial, or the Eye of Guin. In the canter of the room is spiral climbing web which leeds up to the Observatory Deck and Conference Floor. IE. Contorence Rloom/Observatory Deck: This room rests on 109. ‘of Dock One and is protected with a deflector screen, Treat this eereen ‘a @ Force Fold os Gereribed in the rules, The screen, when in oper tion, hes « battery of 100 Power Points andthe ship can re-enorgize ‘his battery at 2 points per turn. The Force Screen controls eve found Inthe Science Center, Bridge, and Auxiliary Control. ‘The herows will find that the Force Steen is down and, upon closer inspection, find several small meteorite hit, The decompression ofthe room appears to have been almost immediate since the charactors will tind thraa Gorge Hosting in the room. Alzo floating in the room ‘* notes and specimens on 2 creature called 2 ‘Slaughter roc’ IF the player have yet to meet withthe beset, describe its etic eppeer- ance. The noses detail ways of stopping the creature. It characters understand the Gorg language (ettaiable by spending an Inventing Font), they will gain a bonut To Hit aqual to one tenth of the char fcter's Intelligence (Weaknott Detection and all other powers will Work in addition to this bon Deck Two. ‘Overview: This setion of the spaceship will have limited life sup port, including 3 gravity, alight but brasthable atmosphere, and temp fratures above freezing. The sickbay will, however, be sealed from the fst of the ship and if the seal is broken, the rest of the ship wll lve ite lite support until the area is revealed of repaired, All the corridors ‘ll hve am light. Reams will have very Tita power, and only major ‘machinery wll be operational. The interior of this are ls very poor, Tooke ikea heavy battle was fought Inthe coridors, and most rooms il have major holes in them, (Overall, everything will be tocn apart from eneroy weapoat and brute force. Encounters: While on this deck, We players will havea 10% chance. of running across one of the Slaughter~