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16 /In the Shadow of the Shaman

Among the most delightful totems to find are the totem animals.
Strictly speaking, the deep totem animals come most often from the
abstract level of form. You connect with these animals through
shamanic journeys, which we will explore in the West section.
In the Wheel of the South, totem animals appear in the environ­
ment most often. Later, they may also come in dreams and shamanic
journeys. But animals of the South wheel are protectors and often
share the concrete level of form that you do.
Sometimes totem animals who will appear later in the journeys
of the West give hints of their appearance in the South. This was the
case with my jaguar rattle. It was one of many hints that came before
the earth journey that connected us deeply. My wolf came clearly into
the environment long before appearing in dreams and journeys. In
this way, she signalled to me her willingness to be a protecting
When you are riding the W heel of the South, you may begin to
connect with your totem animal in several ways.You may watch your
environment for hints and clues, or you may also study the various
qualities of totem animals that you like.You can tune into them that's a good way to strengthen your shamanic consciousness with
the Animal World. If you don't know the traditional qualities of a
totem animal, use your own feelings about them. It is your best
guideline to a totemic relationship.
Here are a few totem animal qualities:

Wolf-Earth wisdom, protection

Bear-Healing, inner knowing
Fox-Elusiveness, agility, cleverness
Hawk-Perception, focus, protection
Mouse-Innocence, faith, trust
Eagle-High ideals, spiritual philosophy
Dolphin-Psychic abilities, initiators
Heron-Intuition, organization
Horse-Stability, courage
Rabbit-Faith, nurturance
Jaguar-Shamanic wisdom, focused power
Deer-Physical pacing, body awareness
Raven-Inner journeys, dreams
Owl-Symbolic wisdom, shadow work
Mountain Lion-Strength, elusiveness

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