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Sacred Objects I 13

first rush of discovery, you may decide that a totem really isn't yours.
At that point, either return it to Nature or share it with someone.
The shaman is a channel of energies and vibrations. Some of the
energies and the totems you find are on their way to someone else.
It's a special privilege of the shamanic path to carry a totem to
another person. Some of your own special totems may come as a gift
from (or through) someone else. Try to give and receive totems
without expectations about their use or their relationship to the other
person. This is not always easy, but it does free the energy to flow
through unhampered. There may be a message to deliver with the
totem, or a message that comes when you receive a totem. Follow
your inner wisdom and relay the message, or not, as you see fit.
One of the most rewarding ways to develop your shamanic con­
sciousness is to collect a variety of totems to work with. You may do
this with a set system, let it evolve naturally, or both. There are many
systems that chart the attributes of various items from the worlds
of Nature.
I have included a number of charts in the appendix at the back,
as well as an annotated bibliography, to suggest some ways you can
explore various Nature wisdoms. Since the shamanic path involves
developing your ability to balance all the wheels of the elements, I
suggest that as a guideline to making collections of totems. Here Is a
sample of an elements system to get you started.

Elements System

Attribute-Faith, Protection
Animal World-Coyote, Fox
Mineral World-Ruby, Carnelian
Plant World-Cinnamon, Juniper incense
Human World-Physical exercise, Body awareness, Work

Attribute-Inner knowing
Animal World-Dolphin, Bear
Mineral World Pearl, Coral

Plant Wo rld Cha momile tea

Human World D rea m work, Vision quests

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