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Holistic Perspective Partial Perspective

 Literally, it means the entire or totality of   A partial perspective is a view

an object. centered on a single portion of an entire

 It aims to determine and explain the  It looks at only a limited number of

whole or totality of a given system by aspects of the given problem or situation.
examining the behaviors and activities
of certain component parts.
 All aspects are given importance when  Conclusions are made based on
making conclusions considering some, but not all, sides of the
problem or situation.
 All aspects are tied in together to form a  Partial perspective only promote limited
general overview of the problem or knowledge on the situation.
 It refers to a perspective that considers  Only a certain number of factors are
large-scale patterns in system. taken into consideration and not
everything, which are considered non-
essential, are taken into account.

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