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Meutia Aurelia Syahrani


Why by celebrating beauty pageants would break the idea of feminist.

Firstly, feminist idea is on how they to achieve equal social, political, and economic
rights for women. Feminist believe that women is more empowering than society thoughts.
Feminist idea also believe that women is beautiful just the way they are. Whether they are black,
fat, short or even doesn’t have ideal body. Feminist also believe that most important thing is
attitude and intelligent and feminist believe that all women deserve to be called the queen.
Wheras on the side of beauty pageants they believe that there is one women that just can be the
queen. I mean in here just same like the winner. That could be justify because in fact all of
society will just talking about who is number one. They even never concern who is the second
and the third. Well ladies and gentlemen, beauty is not about number. Not about on how the
women have a good looking. Not just about beauty. When all people talking about how to be
beauty just like the winner that is make the situation where women are no more confidence with
the way they are. When this situation continiusly happen around us, exactly feminst already
break down their own idea. Moreover if feminist is have to celebrating the beauty pageants that
surely not compatible with the idea of feminist.

Indirectly feminist will support the commodity of the women.

Believe it, the one who making this events is a profit company or media television right?
When beauty pageants being gossip on the public it is exactly make this event famou and fame
by society. I mean we talk about media right. Indirectly, by chosing who is the best from the best
is prove that who is on the television is must beautiful women. It is mean that media is make a
commodity the face if the contestant. Where the women should be beauty first before smile on
the television. If we analyse it, the winner on that event have to being submissive for the media.
When this media already discriminate women that the women who have black skin or not beauty
enough can not being a queen that can appear on television. And when this women on televison
and show their beauty, smile to the society, show off their own body it is already prove that this
kind of thing make women being commodity by the media it self. So it is no justify enough for
media just too chosing women like a toy. Because women are not objectfication for society to
scoring contestant who is good or not. That is why that feminist should not supporting beauty
pageants because feminist is againts the commodity of women.

Because again, is it really urgent for women to competing each other?

As a fellow woman they sould respect each other. Women should believe that the other
women is a queen from another palace. And, it is important thing if we salute to each other
women. Beauty pageants believe that who is more beautiful, smarter are the better women. In
fact, women is beautiful by their own face, their own intelligent. Those kind of thing is a relative
and should not being numbering at the very first time. Actually, for what we tell them that you
are better than contestant A or you are worse than contestant B and another thing that making
them comparing each other women. Let’s not being hypocrite by this beauty pageants make
women will not stop to comparing them self to another women. Well in the beginning feminist
believe that as a modern and empowering women we should respect each other and helping them
instead. By beauty pageant surely show us that women will shoud have a mindset that she is
better or she is worse and it is not good at all. So that, feminist should not celebrating this kind of
thing because is not urgent at all for women to competing to each other women.

Women should show the truly they are exactly

When they being contestant of beauty pageants they even could willing to not being
them self just because they want the public know the good side of this women. They always
pretend to be good just in front of camera and it is impure behavior. This women could faking
them self in front of public so the public will love this women. Actually, when you want to
influencing for another women you should be truthful person before. Not just because the camera
or because the contest. I believe there is already a lot of women faking them self just to be good
front of public. Bacause being influencer is not just about beauty, it is about on how you
intruduce your own self in the public and it is pure. Feminist should not support women who
faking their own self. And exactly on how this women being example to another women if they
self can not be truthful person.

Feminist should more focus on another thing

Celebrating beauty pageants and supporting them will not make big impact to another
women or even society. It is better for feminist should more focus on women who are not
confident at the very first time. Well, when we talking about contestant on beauty pageants, they
may aleady having confidence right? They already ready for facing society. Well, rather that we
support people who can walk alone it is better for feminist to help women who is can not walk at
the very first time. Example like women who are being harassed by society, or women who can
not talk to the public because the culture or narrative. It will give big impact for them to walk
alone, because not all women is believe on them self. Actually we as feminist should help them,
should let them not scared to walk alone, to not scared talking in front of society. And in the end
of the day this will give big effect to women and even the society.

Beauty pageants impact for young girls

A lot of people have a nice dream. Have a nice they own future goals. There is an
example that a girl who want to be a doctor. And she lives in the surround of people that talking
about beauty contest. By that kind of little impact, make this young girl thinking that she is better
to be a role model and another things like that. And in the end she shoud bury her dream at the
very first time. Well, actualy at the beginning there is no guarantee that this girl being a role
model or anything else. Also it can make people who are not skinny enough will indirectly doing
diet and could be harm thing just for being perfect. And perfect it self indirectly make a pressure
for this girl. And she has to follow the beauty standard that not important at all. So i believe in
here that in the end of the day women will harming them self by this kind of pressure to being
perfect. And exactly feminist shoul not supporting thing kind of thing at the very first time.

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