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A Durability Classification of Clay-Bearing Rocks Based

on Particle Size Distribution of Slaked Material

Department of Petroleum Engineering and Geology, Marietta College, Marietta,
OH 45750

Department of Geology, Kent State University, Kent, OH 44242

Key Terms: Durability Classification, Clay-Bearing et al., 1980; Franklin, 1981; Blatt, 1982; and Dick and
Rocks, Disintegration Behavior, Slake Durability Index, Shakoor, 1992). These rocks disintegrate and crumble
Disintegration Ratio at varying rates when exposed to moisture; this process
is known as “slaking.” Most of the previous research
ABSTRACT on assessment and classification of slaking behavior
of clay-bearing rocks is based on the slake durability
Clay-bearing rocks disintegrate at varying rates, due index test or some simplified/modified version of it
to slaking, when exposed to moisture. This research (Franklin and Chandra, 1972; Wood and Deo, 1975;
aims to develop a durability classification of clay-bearing Chapman et al., 1976; Olivier, 1979; Franklin, 1981;
rocks based on particle size distribution of slaked mate- Dick and Shakoor, 1992; Dearman, 1995; Moon and
rial, quantified in terms of disintegration ratio (DR ). DR Beattie, 1995; Santi, 1998; Koncagul and Santi, 1999;
is the ratio of the area under the particle size distribution and Molina et al., 2011). The slake durability test was
curve of slaked material for a sample, upon completion of proposed initially by Franklin and Chandra (1972)
the standardized slake durability index test, to the total and was later standardized by both the American
area encompassing all particle size distribution curves of Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and the In-
the samples tested. Although second-cycle slake durabil- ternational Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM). The
ity index (Id2 ) is the most frequently used parameter for test procedure (ASTM D 4644, ASTM 2013; ISRM
classifying the slaking behavior of clay-bearing rocks, it 2007) uses 10 oven-dried pieces of rock, each weighing
does not consider the range of particle sizes in the slaked 40–60 g, with a total weight of 450–550 g. The
material after the test. Compared to Id2 , DR accounts for oven-dried sample is placed in a test drum of 2-mm
all particle sizes present in the slaked material and pro- mesh (#10 sieve) and the drum is rotated in a tank
vides a better measure of the degree of slaking. The slake of water for 10 minutes at a rate of 20 rotations per
durability index test was used to investigate the slaking minute. At the end of the test, the sample is removed
behavior of samples from 20 different clay-bearing rocks, from the drum, oven-dried, and weighed to determine
and Id2 and DR values were determined for all samples. the slake durability index (Id), defined as follows: Id
Id2 showed a nonlinear relationship with DR . The rela- = [(oven-dried weight after the test/initial oven-dried
tionship was used to develop a durability classification, weight) (100)]. Usually two cycles are run, and the
based on disintegration ratio, as follows: low durability: second-cycle slake durability index (Id2 ) is used for
DR = 0 to 0.20; medium durability: DR = 0.20 to 0.65; evaluating and classifying the durability of a rock.
medium-high durability: DR = 0.65 to 0.85; and high A photograph of the slaked material, retained in the
durability: DR = 0.85 to 1.00. In order to use this classi- drum, is taken (Figure 1), and the slaking behavior
fication, one needs to perform a sieve analysis on material is described qualitatively as belonging to one of three
left after the slake durability test and determine DR . types: Type I—retained specimen remains virtually
unchanged; Type II—retained specimen consists of
large and small fragments; or Type III—retained
Clay-bearing rocks, including claystones, mudstones, specimen consists exclusively of small fragments.
siltstones, and shales, are frequently encountered in
engineering and environmental projects because of Previously Developed Durability Classifications
their widespread occurrence on the land surface (Potter
A series of durability classifications for clay-bearing
rocks has been developed over the past few decades.
1 Corresponding author. The more notable among these are as follows.

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Gautam and Shakoor

60 percent; medium durability—Id2 = 60–85 per-

cent; medium-high durability—Id2 = 85–95 percent;
high durability—Id2 = 95–98 percent; and very high
durability—Id2 = 98–100 percent. The PI is divided
into three categories: low PI (0–10), medium PI (10–
25), and high PI (>25).
Olivier (1979) suggested a geodurability classifica-
tion based on the ratio of unconfined compressive
strength and swelling coefficient. The swelling coef-
ficient is measured by saturating an oven-dried core
sample (dried at 105◦ C for at least 12 hours) for a
minimum period of 12 hours and then noting the in-
crease in axial dimension. The free swelling coefficient
is defined as follows: change in sample length/initial
sample length. Both unconfined compressive strength
and swelling coefficient reflect the lithological com-
position of the rock. Based on the ratio of uncon-
fined compressive strength and swelling index, Olivier
(1979) categorized durability into six classes, A through
F, as follows: A—excellent, ratio >50; B—good, ra-
tio 25–50; C—fair, ratio 12–25; D—moderately poor,
ratio 6–12; E—poor, ratio 3 to 6; and F—very poor,
ratio <3.
Grainger (1984) classified clay-bearing rocks into
durable and nondurable on the basis of compressive
strength and slake durability index, with durable rocks
having compressive strengths of >3.6 MN/m2 and Id2
values of >90 percent and nondurable rocks having
compressive strength from 0.6 to 3.6 MN/m2 and Id2
values of <90 percent. He also emphasized the roles
of particle size, mineralogical composition, microfab-
ric, anisotropy, and tectonic deformation in influencing
the durability of clay-bearing rocks.
Dick et al. (1994) proposed three classes of durability
for clay-bearing rocks, based on Id2 values, and related
each class to the relevant engineering properties, such
as slickensides, microfracture frequency index (Imf ),
and absorption (Table 1). Imf was determined as the
number of microfractures per unit length of a traverse
across the cut surface of a rock sample, the minimum
traverse length being 5 cm. According to this classifica-
tion, the Id2 boundaries between the three classes are
as follows: high durability—Id2 > 85 percent; medium-
durability—Id2 = 50–85 percent; and low durability—
Id2 < 50 percent (Table 1).
Santi (1998) modified the jar slake test, proposed
by Wood and Deo (1975), to classify the durability
Figure 1. Types of material retained in drum after slaking. Type I—
retained specimen remains virtually unchanged; Type II—retained behavior of clay-bearing rocks. The modified version
specimen consists of large and small fragments; and Type III— of the test consists of oven-drying a 30–50-g sample
retained specimen consists exclusively of small fragments. at 110◦ C for 16 hours, cooling it for 20 minutes, im-
mersing it in water, and observing the disintegration
Gamble (1971) proposed a durability-plasticity clas- behavior. Careful observations are made during the
sification based on Id2 and plasticity index (PI) first 30 minutes and periodically thereafter until the
values. The classes include very low durability— completion of 24 hours to monitor the nature and rate
Id2 = 0–30 percent; low durability—Id2 = 30– of disintegration. After 24 hours, a final observation

126 Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, Vol. XXIII, No. 2, May 2017, pp. 125–135
Classifying Clay-Bearing Rocks

Table 1. Durability classification of clay-bearing rocks proposed by Dick et al. (1994).

Claystone Mudstone Shale Combined Siltstone-Siltshale

Durability Class Slickensided Imf (Microfractures/cm) Absorption (%) Absorption (%)
High: Id2 > 85% NA <0.4 <5.5 <5
Medium: 50 < Id2 < 85% NA 0.8–0.4 10–5.5 9.5–5
Low: Id2 < 50% All >0.8 >10 >9.5

NA = not applicable

is made. Based on the nature of slaked material after Tonon, 2010; Miščević and Vlastelica, 2011; Molina
24 hours, Santi (1998) categorized the disintegration et al., 2011; Admassu et al., 2012; and Corominas et al.,
behavior into six classes: mud, flakes, chips, fractured 2015). These researchers emphasize the need for devel-
(chunky), slabs, and no reaction. The classification pro- oping new indices for classifying the degree of slak-
vides only a qualitative description of the disintegrated ing (disintegration). Some recommend using different
material. number of cycles, ranging from 1 to 5, to better cate-
Sadisun et al. (2005) used a modified slake durabil- gorize the slaking behavior.
ity index test and proposed a durability classification According to Bell et al. (1997), the slake durabil-
based on visual changes observed during the slaking ity index test lacks a sensitivity for the upper range
process and on quantitative measurements made on of durability values and overestimates the durability
the samples. The modification consisted of using cu- of clay-bearing rocks in this range. Bell et al. (1997)
bical samples, with 4- to 6-cm side dimensions, and suggested using the slake durability test in combina-
monitoring the transition of incipient discontinuities tion with uniaxial compressive strength to characterize
into open cracks. Sadisun et al. (2005) calculated a the durability of clay-bearing rocks, and they recom-
modified slaking index as the ratio of the weight of mended using the third-cycle test results.
loosened sample to initial weight of the oven-dried sam- Crosta (1998) developed an ultrasonic bath method
ple, expressed as a percentage. Based on their modified for predicting the durability index. The method is useful
slaking index, they categorized clay-bearing rocks into for fragile rocks with low to medium durability but has
six durability classes: very low durability—slaking in- shortcomings for rocks with high durability.
dex = 0 to 2 percent; low durability—slaking index Santi (1998) investigated the weaknesses of the slake
= 2–10 percent; medium durability—slaking index = durability index and jar slake tests and proposed mod-
10–25 percent; high durability—slaking index = 25–50 ifications. He recommended using the first-cycle slake
percent; very high durability—slaking index = 50–85 durability index to characterize the slaking behavior of
percent; and extremely high durability—slaking index a rock sample.
= 85–100 percent. Czerewko and Cripps (2001) stated that as a result of
Bryson et al. (2012) proposed using swelling poten- the dynamic nature of the slake durability test, it is very
tial and weathering susceptibility for durability classifi- aggressive in breaking down the low-durability mate-
cation. They suggested that the slake durability index is rials. An additional problem with respect to sensitivity
not an adequate parameter with which to characterize arises in distinguishing between slaked and non-slaked
the durability of clay-bearing rocks. material using the arbitrarily selected 2-mm mesh size.
Czerewko and Cripps (2001) found the results from the
Limitations of Previous Classifications third cycle of slake durability test to be more reliable
than the second-cycle results specified by ASTM. Fur-
The durability classifications described above, based ther, for greater reliability, they recommended using a
on the slake durability index test or its modifications, combination of the jar slake and slake durability index
have some serious limitations. The procedure for the tests to evaluate the slaking behavior of a wide variety
slake durability index test has remained essentially un- of clay-bearing rocks.
changed since its introduction. Many researchers have Martinez-Bofill et al. (2004) suggested using fourth-
demonstrated the shortcomings of the test, and some or fifth-cycle slake durability index values for argilla-
have attempted to improve the slake durability index ceous rocks and stated that the disintegration rate of
and jar slake tests (Hopkins and Deen, 1983; Richard- rocks experiencing freezing-thawing is faster than that
son, 1985; Taylor and Smith, 1986; Bell et al., 1997; of those exposed to warmer climatic conditions. Simi-
Santi, 1998; Gokceoglu et al., 2000; Czerewko and larly, Yagiz et al. (2012) recommended using the fourth-
Cripps, 2001; Marques et al., 2005; Sadisun et al., cycle slake durability index to predict rock properties
2005; Singh et al., 2005; Nickmann et al., 2006; Erguler like uniaxial compressive strength and modulus of elas-
and Ulusay, 2009; Moradian et al., 2010; Youn and ticity.

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Table 2. Formation names, geologic ages, and site locations for the sampled rocks.


No. Sample Formation Age State Road Site

1 CST-1 Conemaugh Formation Penn West Virginia I-77 S Ripley/Fairplan Exit
2 CST-2 Dakota Group Cret Kansas SR-159 S 700 miles S of I-70
3 CST-3 Mowery Shale Cret South Dakota I-90 1 mile N of Oacoma
4 CST-4 Conemaugh Penn Pennsylvania Dam site Point Marion
5 CST-5 Fruitland Formation Cret Colorado SR-139 N 27 miles N of Loma Carfield
6 MST-1 Conemaugh Penn Ohio SR-50 S Mile marker 23
7 MST-2 Monogahela Penn Ohio I-77 N 1 mile to Dexter City Exit
8 MST-3 Red Pine Shale Prot Utah SR-191 S 1 mile E of Flaming Gorge Dam
9 MST-4 Dunkard Perm Ohio SR-7 S 1 mile off Loganport Exit
10 MST-5 Dunkard Perm Ohio SR-260 3 miles from SR-7 S
11 SLT-1 Conemaugh Penn Ohio I-77 N 2 miles N of Dexter City Exit
12 SLT-2 Monongahela Penn Ohio SR-22 E 13 miles W of SR-7
13 SLT-3 Conemaugh Penn West Virginia I-77 S Ramp of Eden Fork Exit
14 SLT-4 Wasatch Eoce Colorado I-70 E Mile marker 156
15 SLT-5 Green River Eoce Wyoming I-80 W Mile marker 216
16 SHL-1 Milboro Shale Devo Virginia SR-11 N 2 miles from Radford
17 SHL-2 Conemaugh Penn Ohio SR-75 15 miles S of Loganport
18 SHL-3 Tradewater Penn Kentucky SR William H. Mile marker 52
Natcher Parkway
19 SHL-4 Straight Cliffs Cret Utah SR-10 8 miles S of Price Town
20 SHL-5 Rome Camb Tennessee SR-381 N Bristol Motor Speedway

Another important consideration in evaluating the terms of disintegration ratio (DR ). We believe the pro-
disintegration behavior of clay-bearing rocks is that posed classification, based on the standard slake dura-
disintegration behavior can be different between labo- bility test (ASTM D 4644; ASTM, 2013) and particle
ratory and natural climatic conditions. Under natural size distribution of slaked material, alleviates the short-
conditions, rocks are exposed to not only wetting and comings of the previously proposed classifications.
drying cycles, as in the laboratory tests, but also to
heating and cooling and freezing and thawing cycles.
Additionally, anthropogenic activities, surface erosion, RESEARCH METHODS
and gravity action can remove the weathered material
from the slope, further complicating the assessment of Sampling and Laboratory Testing
disintegration behavior. To address this issue, some re- Twenty clay-bearing rocks, including five claystones,
searchers have attempted to assess rock durability un- five mudstones, five siltstones, and five shales, from 11
der field conditions or by simulating natural climatic different states were sampled for the study. Table 2 pro-
conditions (Bell et al., 1997; Exadaktylos, 2006; Binal, vides information about site locations, rock formation
2009; Erguler and Ulusay, 2009; Erguler and Shakoor, names, and rock formation ages. The classification sys-
2009a, 2009b; Gautam and Shakoor, 2013, 2016; and tem proposed by Potter et al. (1980) and modified by
Rincon et al., 2016). Some authors have suggested us- Dick and Shakoor (1992) was used to classify the clay-
ing P-wave velocities to predict slake durability index bearing rocks into claystones, mudstones, siltstones,
(Sharma and Singh, 2008; Moradian, 2010; and Khan- and shales.
delwal, 2013). In the laboratory, the slake durability index test, in-
volving five cycles, was performed on samples from
STUDY OBJECTIVE all 20 rock types. At the end of each cycle, oven-dried
weight of the sample retained in the test drum was
Despite the extensive research conducted previously, recorded and particle size distribution of the slaked
characterizing the slaking behavior of clay-bearing material was determined using the following sieve sizes:
rocks and developing a widely applicable durability 50.8 mm (2 in.), 25.4 mm (1 in.), 19.0 mm (3/4 in.),
classification system remains a challenge. The objective 12.5 mm (1/2 in.), 4.75 mm (#4), and 2.0 mm (#10).
of this study was to develop a durability classification The weight of the slaked material was used to determine
for clay-bearing rocks that takes into account the parti- slake durability index after each cycle, and particle size
cle size distribution of the slaked material, expressed in distribution was used to determine disintegration ratio.

128 Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, Vol. XXIII, No. 2, May 2017, pp. 125–135
Classifying Clay-Bearing Rocks

Figure 2. Procedure for determining the disintegration ratios for various rock types from the particle size distribution curves of slaked material
(after Erguler and Shakoor [2009b]).

Additionally, we determined clay content, absorption, the area under the particle size distribution curve for
and adsorption values for all 20 rocks. Details of these claystone (bceg) by the total area (abcd), giving a DR
tests are available in Gautam and Shakoor (2013). value of 0.191. Similarly, the area under the particle
size distribution curve for siltstone (3) (bcdj) divided
Quantifying the Amount of Slaking by the total area (abcd) gives a DR value of 0.990 for
the siltstone. Note that the total area in Figure 2 (abcd)
We used the slake durability index, as determined by is taken as the area of the rectangle formed between
ASTM method D 4644 (ASTM, 2013), and disintegra- 0 percent to 100 percent retained by weight along the
tion ratio (DR ), as proposed by Erguler and Shakoor vertical axis and the smallest to the largest sieve sizes
(2009b), to quantify the amount of slaking. DR is de- (i.e., mesh sizes) along the horizontal axis.
fined as the ratio of the area under the particle size We used sieves ranging in mesh size from 2 mm (same
distribution curve of the slaked material for a given as the mesh size of the drum in the slake durability test)
sample to the total area encompassing particle size dis- to 50.8 mm (2-in. sieve) to determine particle size dis-
tribution curves of all samples tested. Figure 2 illus- tribution of slaked material from all samples. However,
trates the procedure for determining DR. For example, none of the samples had any slaked material retained on
DR for claystone (5) in Figure 2 is obtained by dividing 50.8-mm sieve, and all particle size distribution curves

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Table 3. Slake durability index, disintegration ratio, clay content, absorption, and adsorption values for the 20 rocks tested.

Slake Durability Index Disintegration Ratio of Lab Clay Content

(Id) (%) After 1 to 5 Cycles Samples After 1 to 5 Cycles in Bulk (%)

Sample No. Id1 Id2 Id3 Id4 Id5 1 2 3 4 5 <0.002 mm <0.004 mm Absorption (%) Adsorption (%)
CST-1 93.8 80.1 72.7 65.2 59.8 0.625 0.337 0.229 0.153 0.031 41 53 44 3.9
CST-2 59.7 43.3 0.6 0.0 — 0.417 0.009 0.004 — — 77 82 62.2 10.0
CST-3 89.3 76.3 58.8 45.2 36.6 0.895 0.747 0.546 0.393 0.326 38 52 45.8 5.2
CST-4 91.8 64.0 49.6 42.5 35.6 0.752 0.525 0.405 0.347 0.301 38 51 14.1 2.5
CST-5 33.2 1.5 0.1 — — 0.191 0.003 0.000 — — 45 57 66.3 5.6
MST-1 95.8 93.3 90.9 88.1 86.3 0.920 0.795 0.777 0.748 0.727 22.2 34.3 5.1 —
MST-2 18.4 3.4 2.0 1.5 1.4 0.022 0.003 0.002 0.001 0.001 20.3 47.2 31.6 —
MST-3 88.7 73.2 67.0 61.8 58.5 0.652 0.315 0.269 0.214 0.190 29 33 10.8 1.7
MST-4 97.5 95.2 93.4 91.2 90.0 0.956 0.868 0.826 0.809 0.796 27 35 7.5 3.0
MST-5 95.7 75.7 63.5 53.0 46.6 0.600 0.328 0.199 0.122 0.092 28 36 36.7 3.5
SLT-1 98.1 96.7 95.7 94.5 93.7 0.963 0.946 0.933 0.922 0.913 17 22 7.7 1.9
SLT-2 98.2 99.2 98.3 97.2 96.7 0.974 0.973 0.966 0.956 0.937 21 27 3.8 1.4
Gautam and Shakoor

SLT-3 98.6 95.0 93.9 92.9 92.3 0.990 0.926 0.918 0.908 0.840 17 22 3.1 1.7
SLT-4 99.6 99.4 99.2 98.9 99.0 0.996 0.990 0.989 0.987 0.986 12 22 1.9 1.2
SLT-5 95.7 86.9 82.2 76.9 72.5 0.829 0.397 0.255 0.185 0.031 18 22 8.8 2.6
SHL-1 99.3 99.0 98.7 98.5 98.5 0.987 0.974 0.968 0.964 0.960 19 24 4.2 1.7
SHL-2 98.1 95.8 94.2 92.5 91.8 0.849 0.685 0.614 0.573 0.538 16 19 5.3 2.1
SHL-3 64.7 28.0 19.0 13.8 9.8 0.536 0.096 0.029 0.015 0.010 28 36 24.5 3.5
SHL-4 98.6 95.8 93.0 90.2 88.1 0.954 0.838 0.817 0.790 0.729 25 33 14.6 3.3
SHL-5 98.6 97.7 97.0 96.1 95.7 0.979 0.932 0.899 0.852 0.773 18 24 3.2 1.3

Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, Vol. XXIII, No. 2, May 2017, pp. 125–135
Classifying Clay-Bearing Rocks

fell within an area bounded by 2.0-mm and 25.4-mm Table 4. R2 values for the relationship between slake durability index
sieves. Thus, the total area, abcd, in Figure 2 depends and disintegration ratio (DR ) determined after each of the five cycles
of slake durability test.
on the range of sieves used (2.0 mm to 25.4 mm) for
particle size distribution and remains unchanged from Slake Durability Index (Id)
sample to sample. Figure 2 shows that a DR value of 1 Values for 1 to 5 Cycles
indicates a completely durable rock (no slaking; Id2 =
Id1 Id2 Id3 Id4 Id5
100 percent), and a DR value of 0 indicates a completely
non-durable rock (no particles of >2 mm left after the DR after first cycle 0.85 0.7 0.57 0.47 0.46
slaking process; Id2 = 0 percent). Therefore, DR val- DR after second cycle 0.93 0.88 0.85 0.76 0.62
DR after third cycle 0.88 0.88 0.83 0.83 0.72
ues of 0.191 and 0.990 for claystone (5) and siltstone
DR after fourth cycle 0.87 0.93 0.86 0.81 0.76
(3), respectively, indicate that claystone has a very low DR after fifth cycle 0.7 0.79 0.76 0.73 0.7
durability and siltstone has a very high durability.

DATA ANALYSIS Table 4 shows the coefficient of determination (R2 )

values for the relationship between slake durability in-
Table 3 presents the slake durability index, disinte- dex and DR data for all five cycles of the slake durability
gration ratio, clay content, absorption, and adsorption test. It is clear from the table that the relationship be-
data for the laboratory samples. The results in Table 3 tween the two parameters is stronger for the first- and
show that clay-bearing rocks are highly variable even second-cycle data and becomes weaker with an increas-
within the same group (claystones, mudstones, etc.). ing number of cycles. Therefore, the second-cycle data,
This variability of slaking behavior is due to variation as recommended by ASTM (ASTM, 2013), are consid-
in the clay content, absorption, and adsorption val- ered to be most appropriate for developing a durability
ues of different samples (Shakoor and Gautam, 2015). classification.
Figure 3 shows that the relationship between slake
durability index (Id2 ) and disintegration ratio (DR )
data, after the second-cycle test, is exponential in na- DR -BASED DURABILITY CLASSIFICATION
ture. The exponential nature of the relationship sug-
gests that DR is very sensitive to particle size distribu- Based on the relationship between Id2 and DR (de-
tion of the slaked material at Id2 values exceeding 50 termined after the second-cycle test), presented in Fig-
percent. In other words, DR is a better parameter for ure 3, we propose the durability classification shown in
characterizing the degree of disintegration than is Id2 Figure 4. Note that the R2 for the relationship in Fig-
because even a highly disintegrated material can have ure 4 is improved to 0.92, compared to 0.88 in Figure
a high Id2 value as long as the disintegrated particles 3, as a result of omission of the two outliers. The two
are slightly larger than 2 mm in size (mesh size of the outliers were omitted because they do not represent the
test drum). well-defined trend noted in the other 18 samples. It is
not clear why these two samples deviate from the trend
exhibited by the other samples. The proposed classifi-
cation has four classes: low durability—DR = 0 to 0.20;
medium durability—DR = 0.20 to 0.65; medium-high
durability—DR = 0.65 to 0.85; and high durability—
DR = 0.85 to 1.00. A t-test was used to verify that
the boundaries between different durability classes be-
longed to different populations (Gautam, 2012). Fur-
thermore, clay content, absorption, and adsorption
properties were considered for different classes to as-
certain that the boundaries represented not only the
durability characteristics of the proposed classes but
also the differences in other geologic characteristics, as
shown in Table 3. Table 5 relates the proposed durabil-
ity classes to clay content, absorption, and adsorption
values of the rocks tested as well as the samples be-
longing to each class. Clay content, absorption, and
adsorption exhibit stronger correlations with DR than
Figure 3. Relationship between slake durability index and disinte- with Id2 , as indicated by multiple regression and princi-
gration ratio after the second-cycle test. pal component analyses (Shakoor and Gautam, 2015).

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Gautam and Shakoor

Figure 4. Proposed durability classification for clay-bearing rocks based on disintegration ratio.

A comparison of the samples with the proposed dura- and because the second-cycle slake durability index test
bility classes shows that mudstones are the most vari- is the most commonly performed durability test for
able in durability. Mudstones exhibiting lower durabil- clay-bearing rocks in engineering practice.
ity are the ones that contain microfractures (Dick and Although the DR -based classification proposed in
Shakoor, 1992). Table 5 also provides tentative ranges this study uses the relationship between DR and Id2 ,
of Id2 values corresponding to the proposed durability we believe it is an improvement over previous classi-
classes. Table 6 compares the classification proposed in fications because DR is a more meaningful parameter
this study with the classifications proposed by Gamble than Id2 for differentiating between different classes of
(1971) and Dick et al. (1994). durability (Erguler and Shakoor, 2009a, 2009b; Gau-
The classification shown in Figure 4 encompasses tam and Shakoor, 2015). For example, in Figure 5,
a range of DR values, representing a wide variety of Id2 values for claystone 1 and claystone 3 samples
clay-bearing rocks. Laboratory values of DR are used are nearly the same (80 percent and 76 percent, re-
to classify durability of clay-bearing rocks because DR spectively), but their degrees of disintegration, as indi-
can be determined easily from laboratory test results cated by the range of particle sizes, are very different.

Table 5. Durability classification of clay-bearing rocks based on disintegration ratio in relation to clay content, absorption, and adsorption.

Durability Disintegration Second-Cycle Slake Clay Content Absorption Adsorption Corresponding

Class Ratio Durability Index (%) (<0.002 mm, %) (%) (%) Samples from This Study
Low 0–0.20 0–71 >40 >25 >5 CST-2, CST-5
Medium 0.20–0.65 71–91 25–40 10–25 3–5 CST-1
MST- 3, MST-5
Medium-high 0.65–0.85 91–96 15–25 5–10 MST-1
SHL- 2, SHL-4
High 0.85–1.00 96–100 <15 <5 <3 MST-4
SLT-1 to SLT-4
SHL- 1, SHL-5

132 Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, Vol. XXIII, No. 2, May 2017, pp. 125–135
Classifying Clay-Bearing Rocks

Table 6. Comparison of the proposed classification with the durability However, DR values for claystone 1 and claystone 3
classifications of Gamble and Dick et al. are 0.337 and 0.747, respectively, indicating that DR is
Proposed Gamble Dick et al. better able to differentiate between different degrees
DR -Based Classification Classification of disintegration (i.e., different levels of durability).
Classification (1971) (1994) According to Gamble’s (1971) classification, recom-
Low Low to medium Low to medium
mended by ISRM, both samples belong to the medium
Medium Medium to medium-high Medium to high durability class. According to the DR -based classifica-
Medium-high Medium high High tion proposed herein (Table 5), claystone 1 has medium
High High to very high High durability, and claystone 3 (an outlier) has medium-
high durability. DR also correlates better with other
DR = disintegration ratio.
engineering properties of clay-bearing rocks (Shakoor
and Gautam, 2015) than does Id2 (Dick and Shakoor,
1972; Russell, 1981; Bell et al., 1997; Czerewko and
Cripps, 2001; Sadisun et al., 2005; Santi, 2006; Hajdar-
wish et al., 2013; Corominas et al., 2015; and Heidari
et al., 2015). Additionally, DR is a better indicator of
the disintegration behavior of clay-bearing rocks under
natural climatic conditions that include heating and
cooling and freezing and thawing cycles in addition
to wetting and drying cycles (Gautam and Shakoor,

The following conclusions can be drawn from this

1. DR is a more meaningful parameter for durability

classification of clay-bearing rocks than is Id2 .
2. Based on DR , clay-bearing rocks can be classified
into four durability classes: low durability (DR =
0 to 0.20), medium durability (DR = 0.20 to 0.65),
medium-high durability (DR = 0.65 to 0.85), and
high durability (DR = 0.85 to 1.00).

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