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Batangas City


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“He who has a why to live for, can bear almost any how.”
Friedrich Nietzsche

Write your answers CLEARLY and LEGIBLY.
Focus on your own test papers and DO NOT CHEAT.
Good luck.


Select the letter that corresponds to your answer. Write your answer on the blank provided. Use UPPER
CASE LETTER for your answer.

___________1. In dealing with family expectations, this skill plays an important role in expressing our
thoughts and feelings. What is it?
A. Communication skills C. Reading skills
B. Decision-making skills D. Thinking skills
___________2. Which of the following is not included on the tips on how to deal and to control with
A. Reflect where your anger is coming from.
B. Calm yourself. For others, counting 1 to 10 gives them relief.
C. Do not be afraid to talk to people, like parents, teachers, or others in authority.
D. Avoid saying or doing anything in the heat of the moment. Cool off and find time to
___________3. It is the twin of independence.
A. communication C. peer pressure
B. decision-making D. responsibility
___________4. Which of the following statements is not true about the challenges in family?
A. Choosing a college course or career can become an issue.
B. Conflict arises at times when they find out that their child is in relationship.
C. There can be misunderstandings with regards the independence of an adolescent.

D. Children spend the greater part of the day in school, and still carry many
requirements when they go home and even on weekends.

___________5. Peer pressure is one prominent issue in adolescence stage. To handle this, an adolescent
must ___________________________.
A. Always say yes to them.
B. Conform to what his/her friends are doing.
C. Stay away from people that ask you to do things that are against your will.
D. Avoid talking to people like parents, teachers, or others in authority whenever he or
she deals with it.
___________6. It serves as the key information-processing unit in the body that interprets the world of
our experience and vital response until that allows us to react to the world.
A. brain C. hands
B. eyes D. heart
___________7. The left hemishepre controls the right side of the body. Which of the following is not
included in its function?
A. analytic thought C. language
B. imagination D. reasoning
___________8. It is an expensive way of driving your thoughts to venture into the realm of possibilities.
It is thinking outside the box. Instead of simply finding ideas, it pushes you to invent and make something
new. It is an amazing feat of the mind.
A. Analytical thinking C. Creative thinking
B. Associative thinking D. Mind-mapping
___________9. It is a mental technique that lets you explore an idea by considering all possible areas
related to the topic at hand to get fresh insights. It exhausts all ideas you can connect with your topic or
A. Analytical thinking C. Creative thinking
B. Associative thinking D. Mind-mapping
__________10. This part is the conduction and switching center of the brain that enables responses, like
muscle movements to happen, and for auditory and visual system processing to transpire.
A. Forebrain C. Mid-brain
B. Hindbrain D. Thalamus
__________11. There are for types of thinking according to William Edward Herrmann and Analytical
Thinking is one of them. Which of the following is not included in this type of thinking?
A. Factual
B. Focuses in the here-and-now
C. Takes logical approach in problem-solving
D. Values relationships with others.
__________12. He developed the whole brain theory, another perspective of looking at the brain. He
studied results of EEG or electroencephaloghraph (a brain wave machine) scans and discovered four
types of thinking: analytical, practical, relational, and experimental.
A. Joseph Bogen C. Thomas Edison
B. Roger Wolcott Sperry D. William Edward Herrmann
__________13. The following statements are true about Thomas Edison except for:
A. He did not complete formal education because of his hearing problem.
B. He is behind the popular saying: “genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration.”

C. He developed a standardized test called Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument to

find out one’s preferred thinking style.
D. He is an acclaimed inventor who perfected the light bulb for consumer use, is the
epitome of optimism, persistence, and imagination.
__________14. It is a multidimensional aspect of life that covers different aspects. It also refers to a
number of positive psychological functioning like self-acceptance, positive relations, autonomy,
environmental mastery, purpose in life, and personal growth.
A. Empathy C. Respect
B. Language D. Well-being
__________15. These are types of mental disorders characterized by emotional disturbances that affect
physical, social, perceptual, and thought processes of an individual. One example is bipolar disorder
A. Anorexia Nervosa C. Mood disorders
B. Bulimia D. Peer pressure
__________16. The use of drugs and alcohol has serious consequences to your physical health, well-
being, as well as academic and professional life. All of these are effects of drugs, except:
A. bulimia C. mood swings
B. hormone imbalance D. organ damage
__________17. You have warm, trusting, and satisfying relationships with others. You are concerned
about others and able to empathize with what they are going through. There is give and take in you
A. autonomy C. personal growth
B. environmental mastery D. positive relations
__________18. World Health Organization defines it as “harmful or hazardous use of psychoactive
substances, including alcohol and illicit drugs.”
A. anxiety C. mood swings
B. depression D. substance abuse
__________19. Mental health and well-being are very important as they allow you to live fully and to
function at your best, thus, nurturing it is crucial for everyone. Which of the following does not include in
the list?
A. Deal with peer pressure. C. Lift yourself up.
B. Do what is right. D. Think bright.
__________20. It controls the left side of the body. It takes care of the creative, intuitive, and emotional
A. medulla C. thalamus
B. pons D. right hemisphere
__________21. It tampers your energy to do things.
A. anxiety C. mood swings
B. depression D. substance abuse
__________22. You commit yourself to develop your potential, to grow and become the best person you
can be. You are open to experience as you go through different stages of your life.
A. Environmental mastery C. Purpose in life
B. Personal growth D. Self-acceptance
__________23. You accept yourself and have a positive attitude with who you are. You accept your good
qualities, and acknowledge that you have bad qualities as well. Moreover, you accept what happened to
you in the past.
A. Environmental mastery C. Purpose in life
B. Personal growth D. Self-acceptance
__________24. It is a common problem among adolescents which is less intense and less specific but last
longer compared to emotions.
A. Depression C. Low self-esteem
B. Eating problems D. Mood swings
__________25. It is part of the hindbrain that regulates attention, movement, sleep, waking, and reflexes.
A. cerebellum C. pons
B. medulla D. reticular activating system
__________26. The part of the forebrain that acts as executive center of the brain responsible for
remembering, learning, and thinking, as well as taking charge of language and emotion.
A. cerebellum C. hypothalamus
B. cerebrum D. thalamus
__________27. He is an acclaimed inventor who perfected the light bulb for consumer use, is the epitome
of optimism, persistence, and imagination.
A. Joseph Bogen C. Thomas Edison
B. Roger Wolcott Sperry D. William Edward Herrmann
__________28. He developed the whole brain theory, another perspective of looking at the brain. He
studied results of EEG or electroencephaloghraph (a brain wave machine) scans and discovered four
types of thinking: analytical, practical, relational, and experimental.
A. Joseph Bogen C. Thomas Edison
B. Roger Wolcott Sperry D. William Edward Herrmann
__________29. You are independent and can resist social pressures. You can manage or control your
behaviour. You evaluate yourself based on your own personal standards, instead of relying on the
evaluation of others.
A. Autonomy C. Purpose in life
B. Personal growth D. Self-acceptance
__________30. High educational expectations tend to result in high educational attainments except for;
A. when they find out that their child is in relationship
B. when the parents’ expectations are clear with the child
C. the child diligently spend time working on school tasks
D. the child also sets certain expectations or academic goals to achieve ,
____________31. Being an adolescent, an individual experiences many changes as well as challenges and
issues. Which of the following is not included in the challenges in the family?
A. High expectations C. Relationship issues
B. Making career choices D. Understanding your parents

___________32. It is part of the hindbrain that regulates attention, movement, sleep, waking, and
A. Cerebellum C. Pons
B. Medulla D. Reticular activating system
___________33. Which of the following is not true about how to handle peer pressure?
A. Learn to say no.
B. Keep good company.
C. Avoid groups that ask you to do things that are against your will.
D. Be afraid to talk to people like parents, teachers, or others in authority, when dealing
with peer pressure
___________34. It acts as executive center of the brain responsible for remembering. Learning, and
thinking, as well as taking charge of language and emotion.
A. Cerebellum C. Hypothalamus
B. Cerebrum D. Thalamus
__________35. It controls the right side of the body. It is responsible for the logical, intellectual functions
necessary for understanding, writing, and speaking.
A. Corpus callosum C. Left hemisphere
B. Hypothalamus D. Right Hemisphere
__________36. He is behind the popular saying: “Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration.”
A. Erik Erikson C. Richard Lazarus
B. Hans Seyle D. Thomas Edison
__________37. Which of the following is not included on the tips on how to nurture our mental health?
A. Be strong. Manage your stress. C. Engage in a negative self-talk.
B. Do what is right. Take good action. D. Establish a support network.
__________38. It is one of the dimensions of well being wherein you strive to have meaning in your life
by setting goals and having direction and intention for what you do.
A. Personal growth C. Purpose in life
B. Positive relations D. Self-acceptance
__________39. It enhances your ability to relate with others well, resulting in satisfying, healthy
relationships. It puts you in good disposition as you interact with others. It also enables you to focus and
make better choices because you are clear with what you want and enables you to handle the ups and
downs in life.
A. Good mental health
B. Making right decisions
C. Obedience to authority
D. Open communication
__________40. It is another eating disorder. It is characterized by a cycle of bingeing or overeating then
purging then purging what has been eaten by vomiting to avoid gaining weight. It is a serious eating
disorder wherein the person feels that he/she has lost control of eating, and there is also distorted image of
A. Anorexia nervosa C. Obesity
B. Bulimia D. Weight loss


Write TRUE if the statement is correct then write FALSE if the statement is incorrect. Analyze all the
statements and write your answers at the blank provided.

____________________1. Communication skills will play an important role in expressing your thoughts
and feelings. T
____________________2. Many parents believe that getting into an exclusive relationship should be the
priority of their child. F

____________________3. Low self-esteem and high level of anxiety may also make it easy for you to
accomplish tasks. F

____________________4. The good parental intent is always ensuring that you grow responsible and be
on the right track. There may be instances that you find it hard to follow them. T

____________________5. One prominent adolescent issue is the influence of a peer group. Peer group
involvement and need for recognition are both part of the transition process toward adulthood. It is good
to find people who influence you in doing negative things. F

____________________6. The medulla acts as bridge between the medulla and other parts of the brain;
regulates movement, sleep, and arousal. F

___________________7. Mind-mapping is an expensive way of driving your thoughts to venture into the
realm of possibilities. It is thinking outside the box. Instead of simply finding ideas, it pushes you to
invent and make something new. It is an amazing feat of the mind. F

____________________8. William Edward Herrmann studied results of EEG or electroencephaloghraph

(a brain wave machine) scans and discovered four types of thinking: analytical, practical, relational, and
experimental. T

____________________9. The cerebellum acts as “executive center” of the brain responsible for
remembering, learning, and thinking, as well as taking charge of language and emotion. F

____________________10. Joseph Bogen and Sigmund Freud discovered that the cerebrum has a key
fissure (looking like valleys) that seemingly divides the cerebrum in half. The halves are thought of as
two hemispheres, each with distinct intellectual and emotional functions. F

____________________11. Autonomy means you are independent and can resist social pressures. You
can manage or control your behaviour. You evaluate yourself based on your own personal standards,
instead of relying on the evaluation of others. T

____________________12. Good mental health enhances your ability to relate with others well, resulting
in satisfying, healthy relationships. T

____________________13. Moods are more intense and more specific, but last longer compared to
emotions. Mood swings would mean that fast shifting of moods. F

____________________14. Personal growth happens when you commit yourself to develop your
potential, to grow and become the best person you can be. You are open to experience as you go through
different stages of your life. T

____________________15. Self-esteem refers to how well you regard yourself. Teenagers with low self
esteem are able to maximize their talents and skills and believing that they do not have what it takes to do
or perform tasks. F

____________________16. Well-being is multidimensional that covers different aspects. It also refers to

a number of positive psychological functioning like self-acceptance, positive relations, autonomy,
environmental mastery, purpose in life, and personal growth. T

____________________17. Anorexia nervosa is a psychological disorder wherein the person keeps

his/her weight as low as possible because of faulty thinking that he/she is fat and would want to be thin as
possible. The person cuts down food intake, vomit food out or exercise excessively. T

____________________18 Psychoactive substances affect the central nervous system by altering brain
function resulting in changes in perception, behaviour and mood. T
____________________19. Poor mental health positively affects your physical health. F

____________________20. Positive relationship means you can manage your environmental and
maximize the opportunities available to you that match your values and suit your personal needs. F

Good job.

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