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Consolidated Module in


Professor II, Teacher Education

Student’s Name

Course / Block



This course will introduce you to the contemporary world by examining the multifaced
phenomenon of globalization. Using the various disciplines of the social sciences, social,
political, technological, and other transformation that have created an increasing awareness of
the interconnectedness of peoples and places around the globe. To this end, the course will also
provide you an overview of the various debates in global governance, development, and
sustainability. Beyond exposing the student to the world outside the Philippines, it seeks to
inculcate a sense of global citizenship and global ethical responsibility.


1. share a personal definition of globalization

2. describe the nature of globalization
3. differentiate competing conception of globalizations; and
4. synthesize and agree on a working definition of globalization for the

course Keywords: Globalization, economic activity, trade, cultural exchange


In this lesson, you will be exposed to the concept of globalization and how it affects the
economic status of a particular nation or state. You are going to critic news reports discussing
about the emergence and role of globalization in the process of global development. Look for an
updated news reports or article as your sample. Hence, you will be aware of the recent changes
of the world. The textbooks that you have received will be helpful to you during our online
interaction and when you answer the tasks in the module.


The first concept that you are going to encounter is the definition of the word
Globalization. But how do you understand the word itself. Try the activity below using your own
interpretation of the word at the center.

Later, let us see if the words you have written in the boxes are closely associated on the main

Below, is the nature of globalization which are all significant as we go through with the
discussion on globalization.


1. Liberalization. It stands for freedom of the entrepreneurs to establish any industry or

trade or business venture, within their own countries or abroad.

2. Free trade. It stands for free flow of trade relations among all the nations. Each state
grants (most favored nations) status to other states and keeps its business and trade away
from excessive and hard regularly and protective regimes.

3. Globalization of Economic Activity. Economic activities are to be governed both by

the domestic market and also the world market. It stands for the process of integrating the
domestic economy with world economies.

4. Liberalization of Import-Export System. It stands for liberating the import-export

activity and securing a free flow of goods and services across borders.
5. Privatization. Keeping the state away from ownership of means of reproduction and
distribution and letting the free flow of industrial, trade and economic activity across
6. Increased Collaborations. Encouraging the process of collaborations among the
entrepreneurs with a view to secure rapid modernization, development and technological

7. Economic Reforms. Encouraging fiscal and financial reforms with a view to give
strength to free world trade, free enterprise, and market forces.

Give your viewpoints on the two conditions about the meaning of globalization to you.
Write your answer by giving a brief explanation out of the given statements.

The formation of a global village

Economic globalization

You will notice that the world continues its developments towards human interactions and
movements. From there, list down some signs of globalizations observable to you in our
contemporary time.







On the other side of defining globalization, here are two terms that you need to distinguish. Both
are helpful as you continue to learn the lesson.

Does economic globalization lift all boats, or is it a modern form of empire?

Many anti globalism activists see globalization as the promotion of a Corporatist agenda,
which is intent om constructing the freedoms of individuals in the name or profit. They
also claim that increasing autonomy and strength of corporate entities increasingly shape
the political policy of nation-states. Globalization imposes credit-based economics,
resulting in unsuitable growth of debt and debt crises.
Supporters of free trade point out that economic theories such as comparative advantage
suggests that free trade leads to a more efficient allocation of resources, with all those
involved in the trade benefiting. In general, they claim that this leads to lower prices,
more employment and better allocation of resources.

The Philippines itself is part of globalization so with any countries around the world. Though we
are just a small nation we take all the challenges and contribute to global progress. If you are
listening or reading news reports, the gradual progress of our country now could be categorized
as part of globalization.

Do this activity below to support the idea that globalization has been contributing the
country’s economic status. Write in sentences or paragraph form.

Examples of Globalization

Cultural globalization- refers to the interpretation of cultures which, as a consequence,

means nations adopt principles, beliefs, and costumes of other nations, losing their unique
culture to a unique, globalized supra-culture.

Economic globalization- is the development of trade systems within transnational actors

such as corporations or NGO’s
Industrial Globalization- Every country in the world is moving towards specialization
may be referred to as the phenomenon of producing only that product in which the
country has competitive advantage in terms of cost. For example, Singapore specializes
in pharmaceutical while the US specializes in military equipment.

Therefore, the counties exchange their industrial products, which is known as trade, and
fulfill the requirements of their people. Every country of the world today is involved in
trade and is depended on some other country one way or the other. The US is the biggest
economy in the world and even that is depended on other countries for many of its needs.
Hence the industries of the whole world today are considered to be working not for their
native countries but for the world as a whole.

Financial Globalization- can be linked with the rise of a global financial system with
international financial exchanges and monetary exchanges. Stock markets, for instance,
are a great example of the financially connected global world since when one stock
market has a decline, it affects other markets negatively as a whole.

Social Globalization- Refers to the sharing of ideas and information between and
through different countries. In today’s world, the internet and social media is at the heart
of this. Good examples of social globalization could have included internationally
popular films, books, and TV series. The Harry Potter/ Twilight films and books have
been successful all over the world, making the characters featured globally recognizable.
However, this cultural flow tends to flow from the center (i.e. from developed countries
such as the USA to less developed countries). Social globalization is often criticized for
eroding cultural differences.

Ecological Globalization- accounts for the idea of considering planet Earth as a single
global entity – a common good all societies should protect since the weather affects
everyone and we are all protected by the same atmosphere. To this regard, it is often said
that the poorest countries who have been polluting the least will suffer the most from
climate change.

Political Globalization- the development and growing influence of international

organizations such as the UN or WHO means governmental action takes place at an
international level.
Technological Globalization- the phenomenon by which millions of people are
interconnected thanks to the power of the digital world via flatforms such as facebook,
Instagram, skype or Youtube

Geographic Globalization – is the new organization and hierarchy of different regions

of the world that s constantly changing. Moreover, with transportation and flying made so
easy and affordable, apart from a few countries with demanding visas, it is possible to
travel the world without barely any restrictions


Complete the table on the advantages and disadvantages of globalization in general. Consider the
global changes happening now.

Advantages Disadvantages

After a thorough discussion and understanding of the lessons, write a comprehensive response
about the concept and impact of globalization

1. Has globalization gone too far, not far enough, or has it been heading in the wrong

2. Is "globalization" another word for Americanization?


Dacles, Darwin Don M. & Maslang, Kenneth L. (2018), The Contemporary World. Bayombong,
Nueva Vizcaya: SMU Publishing House

Haywood, A. Politics. London: Palgrave Mcmillan.2012

Claudio, L. & Abinales, P.(2018). The Contemporary World. C&E Publishing, Inc



1.explain the role of international financial institutions in the creation of a

global economy
2. narrate a short history of global market integration in the 20th century; and
3.infer the attributes of global corporations


As you go through with your readings, it is important for you to understand the concepts
of this module. Learning those ideas will improve your views on the many factors the current
world market is evolving from past to current economic developments.


According to the Cambridge Business English Dictionary, market integration is a situation in

which separate markets for the same product become one single market. For example, when an
import tax in one of the markets is removed.

Integration is taken to denote a state of affairs or a process involving attempts to combine

separate national economies into larger economic regions (Robson, 1998, p.1)

In your own definition, what is market integration?

Just like all other things, everything starts from a gradual development before it became popular.
The birth of market integration has played a vital role in various economies. Make a short
narration on global market history. Use the illustration below.
Market Integration History
Market integration is significant particularly in a growing economy. Along with this significance
are market integration types that will widen your understanding. Find out the nature, advantages
or even the negative effects of these types.

Horizontal Integration

Vertical Integration




International Financial Institutions

- International non-profit agencies are one of the major sources of financing like
regional development banks or banks globally.

- To finance productive development projects or to promote economic development

World Bank

- multinational financial institution established at the end of world war II (1944) to help
provide long-term capital for the reconstruction and development of member countries.

- it provides much of the planning and financing for economic development projects
involving billions of dollars

International Monetary Fund

-IMF is a cooperative institution that 182 countries have voluntarily joined because they
see the advantage of consulting with one another on this forum to maintain a stable
system of buying and selling their currencies

-Its policies and activities are guided by its Charter known as the Articles f Agreement.

-IMF lends money to members having trouble meeting financial obligations to other
members, but only on the condition that they undertake economic reforms to eliminate
these difficulties for their own good and that of the entire membership.

-Contrary to widespread perception, the IMF has no effective authority over the domestic
economic policies of its members


General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)

The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), signed on Oct. 30, 1947, by 23
countries, was a legal agreement minimizing barriers to international trade by eliminating or
reducing quotas, tariffs, and subsidies while preserving significant regulations. The GATT was
intended to boost economic recovery after World War II through reconstructing and liberalizing
global trade.

The GATT went into effect on Jan. 1, 1948. Since that beginning it has been refined, eventually
leading to the creation of the World Trade Organization (WTO) on January 1, 1995, which
absorbed and extended it. By this time 125 nations were signatories to its agreements, which
covered about 90% of global trade.

The Council for Trade in Goods (Goods Council) is responsible for the GATT and consists of
representatives from all WTO member countries. As of September 2019, the council chair is
Uruguayan Ambassador José Luís Cancela Gómez. The council has 10 committees that address
subjects including market access, agriculture, subsidies, and anti-dumping measures.
World Trade Organization (WTO)

The World Trade Organization is a global membership group that promotes and manages free
trade. It does this in three ways. First, it administers existing multilateral trade agreements. Every
member receives Most Favored Nation Trading Status. That means they automatically receive
lowered tariffs for their exports.

Second, it settles trade disputes. Most conflicts occur when one member accuses another of
dumping. That's when it exports goods at a lower price than it costs to produce it. The WTO staff
investigates, and if a violation has occurred, the WTO will levy sanctions.
Third, it manages ongoing negotiations for new trade agreements. The biggest would have been
the Doha round in 2006. That would have eased trade among all members. It emphasized
expanding growth for developing countries.

Global Corporation

A corporation is an artificial being created by operation of law, having the right of succession
and the powers, attributes and properties expressly authorized by law or incident to its existence
(Batas Pambansa Blg. 68 The Corporation Code of The Philippines, Section 2 – Corporation

A global corporation is generally referred to as a multinational corporation (MNC),

transnational corporation (TNC), international company. An enterprise that engages in activities
which add value (manufacturing, extraction, services, marketing, etc) in more than one country
(United Nations Centre On Transnational Corporations, 1991).

ated to establishing global corporations. Decide on whether they are good in leading to the employees they served including th


Write the purposes of the following institutions that has played an important role in economic
World Bank

International Monetary Fund

World Trade Organization


Write your views on the following questions. Your answers will encapsulate the ideas you have
learned from this lesson.

1. What is the essence of market integration?

2. What is meant by market integration, and how can it be implemented effectively?

3. How does integration help in business?

4. Can multinational companies have a positive influence on developing countries?

Support your claim.


Chapter 17of textbook: “The Rise of the Global Corporation by D. Neubauer

Bello, Walden F.2006. “The Multiple Crises of Global Capitalism.” In Deglobalization: Ideas for
a new World Economy.pp.1-31

Film : “The Corporation” directed by Mark Achbar and Jennifer Abbott




1. define the term “Global South”

2. differentiate the Global South from the Third World
3. analyze how new conception of global relations emerged from Latin
American countries
4 differentiate between regionalization and globalization
5. identify the factors leading to a greater integration of the Asian region

Keywords: global north, global south, regionalization, dependency theory


This lesson will broaden your insights about the relationships of various nations showing
economic progress over time. The survival of some nations towards their current status in the
world of global competitions are also highlighted. Today, as you begin studying this lesson, I’m
sure you will make yourself acquainted of how certain regions affect global economic stability.


The global digital divide describes global disparities, primarily between developed and
developing countries, in regards to access to computing and information resources such as the
internet and the opportunities derived from such access.

How do you understand these two terms? Write a short description inside the illustration.



The terms Global North and Global South, and First world and Third World are used
interchangeably in common conversation. Though these two sets are related, they are actually
different. The labels First World and Third World came into popular use during the Cold War
between the capitalist camp led by the US, UK, and their allies (mostly Western European
countries); and the socialist camp led by the Soviet Union (otherwise known as the Union Soviet
Socialist Republic or USSR) and its allies (mostly Eastern European countries).

The capitalist camp was dubbed as the First World, while the socialist side was labeled as the
Second World. The other countries of the world comprising much of Asia, Africa, and Latin
America were called as the Third World. These countries were mostly former colonies of
western powers but were nevertheless reluctant to be overtly included in either camp. Currently,
many countries labeled as part of the First World and Second Worlds during the Cold War are
now part of the Global North, while most of the Third World countries still belong to the Global

The nations around the world depend on each other’s support. This is also the same among
nations in same regions. The more that they are connected for regional development.

Process of closer economic integration of countries within a region (oftentimes, culturally and
geographically linked countries)

What are the goals of ASEAN as a way to regionalization?

Regional cooperation, effectively structured and implemented, is a powerful new tool in Asia’s
policy arsenal. It can help Asia address regional challenges as well as provide stronger
foundations for its global role.
How does regionalism benefit Asia?

Over the past years, the Philippines as well as other countries in Latin America are still
struggling in economic prosperity. The common factors were focused on the colonization that
happened in the past. Since then, we try to improve and meet the demands of the global

n about this statement.

implicit in the victory of others; our wealth has always generated our poverty by nourishing the prosperity of others – the emp

Integrate the concept of dependency theory in the status of the Philippines under globalization.
Explain through a comprehensive discussion. Use the diagram below for your analysis.

Capital Investments
Machinery /
Technology High-value
Industrialized or Capital-rich Countries

Skilled Workers / Professional
Raw materials
Semi-manufactured Goods

Answer the following questions as a proof of your understanding of the lessons.

1. Why are the terms First World and Third World, and the Global North and Global South used
interchangeably? Is it justifiable to use them as such?

2. How can Global South catch up with the Global North?

3. DO globalization and regionalization converge? How and when do they converge?


Claudio, L. & Abinales, P.(2018). The Contemporary World. C&E Publishing, Inc.

San Juan, David Michael M.(2018). Journeys through Our Contemporary World. Vibal Group,



1. identify the attributes of a global city

2. analyze how cities serve as engines of globalization
3. analyze the political, economic, cultural, and social factors underlying the global
movements of people


This lesson will bring you to a unique understanding of global city and its effect to economy.
The emergence of huge cities is bringing the change we never expect in just a short span of time.
Hence, may you devotedly study this module as we foresee the possibilities around us. Further,
you will be writing a reflective essay on the role of some Global Cities in relation to


All of us had visited various places where we feel the comfort and excitement. Regardless of the
location, the reason of our visit depends on an individual’s perception of a certain place. For
example, going to Japan or South Korea is your priority because it attracts you so much.

How will you define global city? Include the attributes that makes it different from the usual term ‘city’.

Functions of Global Cities (Longworth, 2015)

1. As highly concentrated command points in the organization of the world economy.
2.As key locations of finance and specialized service firms, which have replaced
manufacturing as the leading economic sectors.
3.As sites of production, including innovation, in these leading
sectors. 4.As markets for the products and innovations produced.
Identify some features of a global city and what does it tell you as part of a developing

The increase in global cities is linked to the globalization of economics and the centralization of
mass production within urban centers.

Identify and categorize some global cities around the world. Be careful on your classifications.
Complete the table based on the given structure. (for category refer to the following: global
giants, Asian anchors, emerging gateways, factory china, knowledge capitals, American
middleweights, international middleweights)

Name of City Category










Cities have demonstrated productivity, efficiency and the multitude of development

opportunities and advantages. However, when cities grow to certain levels, they start to produce
negative impacts.

Identify situations that will show the challenges faced by global cities.


The movement of people from one place to another with the intentions of settling permanently or
temporarily at a new location. There are many reasons of migration that dictates the movements
of people. But how do you visualize the meaning of migration? Do the activity below to widen
up your understanding about the concept.


Identify and explain the basis of ranking the global cities given the aspects below.

1. Business Activity

2. Human Capital

3. Information Exchange

4. Cultural Experience

5. Political Engagement


Reflect on the following questions by writing your viewpoints.

1. What attributes of a global city does Metro Manila reflect?

2. Why do some academics link global cities with colonialism?

3. How does outsourcing promote the growth of prospective global cities?


Chapter 26 of textbook: “Mobility, Diversity and Community in the Global City” by V. Colic-

Claudio, L. & Abinales, P. (2018). The Contemporary World. C&E Publishing, Inc.
Sassen, S. 2005. “The Global City: Introducing a Concept.” Brown Journal of World Affairs XI
(2): 27-43



1. identify the institutions that govern International Relations

2. differentiate Internationalism from Globalism; and
3. explain the effects of globalization on governments

Keywords: interstate system, nation, state, globalism, informationalism


This module will discuss what will take for states to uphold a more comprehensive set of rights:
Civil and Political and Economic rights which ae essential for citizens to flourish in the Political
Climate and work more assiduously to close the “Citizenship Gap” in order to create more
equitable and sustainable conditions for the next generation. Give time to study every detail of
this module to further understand the relationships of certain nations towards economic
development. The concluding part is for you to make a reflective analysis on current trends of


As we continue with our discussion, you are now about to complete in one of the requirements of
this course. Now, let us try to distinguish the terms below. Explain the connection of each
concept in the Venn diagram.

State Nation
How did the interstate start?

1. Westphalia vs. Napoleon

- Westphalia system provided stability for the nations of Europe
- First major challenge by Napoleon Bonaparte
- Bonaparte believed in spreading the principles of the French revolution
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
- Napoleonic wars

Treaty of Westphalia is a set of agreements signed in 1648 to end the thirty years’ war between
the major continental powers of Europe. It was designed to avert wars in the future by
recognizing that the treaty signers exercise complete control over their domestic affairs and
swear not to meddle in each other’s affairs and provide stability for the nations of Europe.

2. Napoleonic Code
- forbade birth privileges, encouraged freedom or religion, and promoted meritocracy in
government service.
Meritocracy – a government holding of power by people selected on the basis of their
- A ruling or influential class of educated or skilled people
- This system shocked the monarchies and the hereditary elites of Europe and they mustered their
armies to push back against the French emperor.

3. Anglo and Prussian Armies

- Anglo and Prussian armies finally defeated Napoleon in the Battle of waterloo in 1815.
- They created a new system that in effect, restored the Westphalian system.

4. Concert of Europe
- Concert of Europe was an alliance of “great powers” sought to restore the world monarchial
hereditary, and religious privilege of the tie before the French Revolution and Napoleonic

5. Metternich System
- It was an alliance that sought to restore the sovereignty of states
- The Metternich system as named after the Austrian Diplomat Klemens von Metternich who
was the system’s main architect
- The concert power and authority lasted from 1815-1914
- The dawn of World War I

Attributes of Global System

1. Countries or states are independent and govern themselves

2. These countries interact with each other through diplomacy

3. International organizations facilitate these interaction

4. International organizations also take on lives of their own

Political Globalization

Refers to the growth of the worldwide political system, both in size and complexity. One of the
key aspects of political globalization is the declining importance of the nation-state and the rise
of other actors on the political scene. The creation and existence of the United Nations is called
one of the classic examples of political globalization.

Classify / write your ideas regarding the advantages and disadvantages of political



Globalism means “networks of connections spanning multi-continental distances, drawing them

close together economically, socially, culturally and informationally” (Das 2011:18).
Globalization in turn is generally conceived as the process promoting and intensifying multi-
continental interconnectedness, and thereby increasing the degree of globalism.

Internationalism is a movement which advocates a greater economic and political cooperation

among nations for the theoretical benefit of all. Sometimes, it is contrasted with nationalism or
devotion to the interests of a particular nation.


Select one among the options and write a reflective analysis about a current trend of
globalization in a form of a simple essay. Include the effects of globalization on governments.

1. population trends
2. science and technology
3. increasing integration and interdependence
4. governance


Analyze the given question and explain briefly.

Is there any importance of every nation’s relationship towards economic progress and peace?


Aldama, P.K. 2018. The Contemporary World. Rex Book Stor, Inc.

San Juan, D.M. 2018. Journeys through Our Contemporary World. Vibal Group, Inc.

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