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¿Cómo funcionan los paneles solares?

Los paneles solares recogen energía limpia y renovable en forma de luz solar y
convierten esa luz en electricidad que puede utilizarse para suministrar energía
a las cargas eléctricas. Los paneles solares se componen de varias células
solares individuales que a su vez están compuestas por capas de silicio,
fósforo (que proporciona la carga negativa) y boro (que proporciona la carga
positiva). Los paneles solares absorben los fotones y al hacerlo inician una
corriente eléctrica.

The resulting energy generated from photons striking the surface of the solar
panel allows electrons to be knocked out of their atomic orbits and released into
the electric field generated by the solar cells which then pull these free electrons
into a directional current. This entire process is known as the Photovoltaic
Effect. An average home has more than enough roof area for the necessary
number of solar panels to produce enough solar electricrity to supply all of its
power needs excess electricity generated goes onto the main power grid,
paying off in electricity use at night.
In a well-balanced grid-connected configuration, a solar array generates power
during the day that is then used in the home at night. Net metering programs
allow solar generator owners to get paid if their system produces more power
than what is needed in the home. In off-grid solar applications, a battery
bank, charge controller, and in most cases, an inverter are necessary
components. The solar array sends direct current (DC) electricity through the
charge controller to the battery bank. The power is then drawn from the battery
bank to the inverter, which converts the DC current into alternating current (AC)
that can be used for non-DC appliances. Assisted by an inverter, solar panel
arrays can be sized to meet the most demanding electrical load requirements.
The AC current can be used to power loads in homes or commercial buildings,
recreational vehicles and boats, remote cabins, cottages, or homes, remote
traffic controls, telecommunications equipment, oil and gas flow monitoring,
RTU, SCADA, and much more.

The Benefits of Solar Panels

Using solar panels is a very practical way to produce electricity for many
applications. The obvious would have to be off-grid living. Living off-grid means
living in a location that is not serviced by the main electric utility grid. Remote
homes and cabins benefit nicely from solar power systems. No longer is it
necessary to pay huge fees for the installation of electric utility poles and
cabling from the nearest main grid access point. A solar electric system is
potentially less expensive and can provide power for upwards of three decades
if properly maintained.

Besides the fact that solar panels make it possible to live off-grid, perhaps the
greatest benefit that you would enjoy from the use of solar power is that it is
both a clean and a renewable source of energy. With the advent of global
climate change, it has become more important that we do whatever we can to
reduce the pressure on our atmosphere from the emission of greenhouse
gases. Solar panels have no moving parts and require little maintenance. They
are ruggedly built and last for decades when porperly maintained.

Last, but not least, of the benefits of solar panels and solar power is that, once a
system has paid for its initial installation costs, the electricity it produces for the
remainder of the system's lifespan, which could be as much as 15-20 years
depending on the quality of the system, is absolutely free! For grid-tie solar
power system owners, the benefits begin from the moment the system comes
online, potentially eliminating monthy electric bills or, and this is the best part,
actually earning the system's owner additional income from the electric
company. How? If you use less power than your solar electric system produces,
that excess power can be sold, sometimes at a premium, to your electric utility

There are many other applications and benefits of using solar panels to
generate your electricity needs - too many to list here. But as you browse our
website, you'll gain a good general knowledge of just how versatile and
convenient solar power can be.
How Much Do Solar Panels Cost?
Prices for solar panels has decreased substantially in the last couple of years.
This is great because, combined with the 30$ federal solar Investment Tax
Credit and other applicable incentives, NOW is the best time ever to invest in a
solar power system. And, consider this: a solar power system costs about the
same as a mid-sized car!

Where can I buy solar panels?

Well, right here on this website, of course!

Our solar panel brands include the most respected manufacturers in the solar
panel business. These brands include such names as BP Solar, General
Electric, and Sharp, among others. We feature only the highest quality solar
panels from manufacturers with a proven track record in solar panel technology.
With over 30 years in the solar panel business, you can be sure that at, we know solar panels!


Renewable energy systems battery technology

has vastly improved over the years but it's important that you don't get
complacent, thinking any old battery will do.   Different systems will require
different battery capacities, capabilities, types, and quantities.  You may be
tempted to go with the most economical flooded lead acid batteries, but make
sure you know that they require maintenance on a regular basis to keep proper
water levels.  Don't want to or can't regularly maintain a battery bank?  Perhaps
you'll want to go with sealed batteries, which are maintenance free and never
have to be watered, eliminating the potential for accidents involving corrosive
fumes, as with the flooded batteries.  

If you're not sure what size, type, and quantity of batteries you need, please
don't hesitate to call us at 888.680.2427 and we'll be glad to help you out.  If
you already know what you need, please check out our selection of batteries
and 12v, 24v, and 48v renewable energy system battery banks, including all the
necessary cables.

Charge Controllers

A charge controller is an important

system component that regulates the voltage generated from your renewable
energy system and properly maintains your batteries. It protects your batteries
from being over- or undercharged, and ensures maximum battery life,
performance, and efficiency.

Basic charge controllers stop charging the battery bank when the high-voltage
level setting is exceeded. Once the charge in the battery bank is drawn back
down below that setting, the controller will resume charging.  This is a
continuous process and is otherwise known as "floating" the batteries, or
"keeping the batteries topped-off". We carry two sophisticated solar controller
technologies: PWM, or pulse width modulation, and MPPT, or maximum power
point tracking, each capable of adjusting charging rates depending on the
battery's level, allowing the batteries to be charged closer to their maximum
votage capacity.

In solar energy systems, charge controllers (also called solar regulators) may

include added features like LDV, or low voltage disconnect, a circuit that cuts
the power to the load when the batteries have become discharged in order to
protect the batteries from becoming damaged or perhaps ruined
altogether.  Other charge controllers display data, transmit data to remote
displays, and track the flow of electricity over time.  Some charge controllers
may include a feature that monitors battery temperature to prevent batteries
from overheating.
We carry only the highest quality solar charge controllers from Morningstar,
Outback Power, Midnite Solar, and more. 

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages?

Advantages of Solar Energy Disadvantages of Solar Energy

Renewable Energy Source Cost

Reduces Electricity Bills Weather Dependent

Diverse Applications Solar Energy Storage is Expensive

Low Maintenance Costs Uses a Lot of Space


1. Solar power is pollution free and causes no greenhouse gases to be emitted

after installation
2. Reduced dependence on foreign oil and fossil fuels
3. Renewable clean power that is available every day of the year, even cloudy
days produce some power
4. Return on investment unlike paying for utility bills
5. Virtually no maintenance as solar panels last over 30 years
6. Creates jobs by employing solar panel manufacturers, solar installers, etc. and
in turn helps the economy
7. Excess power can be sold back to the power company if grid intertied
8. Ability to live grid free if all power generated provides enough for the home /
9. Can be installed virtually anywhere; in a field to on a building
10. Use batteries to store extra power for use at night
11. Solar can be used to heat water, power homes and building, even power cars
12. Safer than traditional electric current
13. Efficiency is always improving so the same size solar that is available today will
become more efficient tomorrow
14. Aesthetics are improving making the solar more versatile compared to older
models; i.e. printing, flexible, solar shingles, etc.
15. Federal grants, tax incentives, and rebate programs are available to help with
initial costs
16. No trenching is needed since the solar can be close to or at the place of

1. High initial costs for material and installation and long ROI (however, with the
reduction in cost of solar over the last 10 years, solar is becoming more cost
feasible every day)
2. Needs lots of space as efficiency is not 100% yet
3. No solar power at night so there is a need for a large battery bank
4. Some people think they are ugly (I am definitely not one of those!)
5. Devices that run on DC power directly are more expensive
6. Depending on geographical location the size of the solar panels vary for the
same power generation
7. Cloudy days do not produce as much energy
8. Solar panels are not being massed produced due to lack of material and
technology to lower the cost enough to be more affordable (this is starting to
9. Solar powered cars do not have the same speeds and power as typical gas
powered cars (this too is starting to change)
10. Lower solar production in the winter months

There is more solar power that hits the earth every day then the current

population can use in a year. Let’s keep working to harness this great power

and put it to good use. With efficiencies evolving, pricing being reduced every

day, and new technologies being experimented with, it will be interesting to see

where we are in the solar industry in the next couple years. What do you think

the future will look like? 

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